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Express Flooring

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Express Flooring Reviews (275)

Wow, I guess that is the response I expected. Blame the customer. We notified our sales rep, Richard H***, immediately after both installations regarding the damage to our propertyHe was our only contact at the time and when we contacted Express, they refused to give out any email contact information (our preferred method of communication). Does the contract limit their liability? Yes, of course it does. We relied on their sales reps express promises that we need NOT remove any of our furniture and they would "take care of everything"Our mistakeTheir own "inspector" came over and attempted to fix the bed damage which he could not (he also took pictures and agreed that the bed was damaged)The other damage was corrected by ME because of their lack of timely responseThe repairman from *** *** did come over on 3/(over a month after we reported the damage) and he was successful repairing the bedThe damage to the bedroom closet glide is the only remaining issue but we will resolve that issue ourselvesWhat a poor way to treat your customers. We would never recommend their service to anyone of our friends or neighbors

Called and asked for a free estimate for kitchen and laundry room flooringA lady arrived and measured the two rooms, showed two tile samples and or five linoleum samplesShe quoted $5,This included $discount if we would sign that nightIf I later signed I would lose the $discountNot exactly what they advertise on TV
The estimate was just a dollar amount written on the back of her business cardShe would not state a square footage price or installation costSeemed very unprofessionalNot exactly what they advertise on TV
Second National store contractor quoted $2,with a $square foot tile and left a formal written estimate, breaking out tear out, new tile and tile cost

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  We are very sorry to learn of this customers frustrations and we always want to do everything we can, within reason, to resolve any complaint one of our customers has.  Our system...

shows that both our sales department and [redacted]'s sales representative have tried to call her on a number of occasions.  Additionally, I have tried to contact this customer since receiving this complaint.  As of the writing of this correspondence, [redacted] has regretfully not returned our calls.  The reason we have been trying to reach her is due to the fact that we simply do not understand why [redacted] feels she is entitled to a refund of $1,875.00.  She placed this order with our office on 5/6/14.  The installation took place roughly a week later.  And at no point throughout that process was there every any confusion regarding the pricing.  We have attached a copy of [redacted]'s order. The total contract price for this work is clearly listed as $7,500.00.  [redacted] applied and was approved for a [redacted] account.    She choose to pay 100% of the contract price via that account, which we accepted and when the project was completed, we did process this payment via that account.  We have received no other payments from this customer of any sort.  Naturally, if we owe a customer money, we have no problem processing any refunds that are due.  However in this scenario we simply do not understand why this customer feels the way they do and for us to process any refunds, we naturally need to have documentation or an understanding of why this price would have changed since the goods were delivered to this customer.  We encourage her to call our office and ask to speak to [redacted].  This customers concerns are important to us and we look forward to hearing back from her so that we may give the matter some closure.  We can be reached during normal business hours at [redacted].
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

Back in January of 2014, I set up an appointment to have tile installed by Express Flooring. I must stress that while I'm complaining about the contractors that came out, I am in no way complaining about the tile itself. I am very pleased with the product, but my complaint is with the two contractors that came out. When they were ripping up the tile the first day, they did not bother laying down plastic liner before applying the mortar. Because of this there are some spots of mortar on our carpet now, and it's dirtier from all the dust and debris. My boyfriend at least caught the biggest spot of mortar on the carpet in time, though it did not come out completely. There was also an issue of them using the same outlet for their tools as we use for our mini fridge on our patio. They failed to plug it back in and as a result, we lost a significant amount of food. Overall, I feel while they were in my home they showed very little professionalism and did not respect my property. When they were done they did not even pick up well after themselves. I found shards of tile all over the inside of my house, and the outside where they were cutting.
I have called customer service (a lady by [redacted], specifically) in Tucson several times to complain about this. I also requested a small compensation for the damage to our carpet. They claimed it was forwarded to management but I still have yet to hear anything. I even left a message for management myself about a month and a half ago and never received a call. Because of the poor service I've received I never plan on getting tile with them again. I am hoping to hear from them now that I'm filing a complaint with

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  As with any construction trade, services and/or warranty repairs are a reality of the business we are in.  We pride ourselves on our warranties and the value we can offer a...

customer.  However, what this customer must realize is that all warranties have terms and conditions.  Had this customer contracted with 99% of the flooring companies out there, they would be 100% responsible for the needed repairs.  Most all contractors offer a 1 year warranty, or maybe a 2 year warranty at best.  We on the other hand offer a lifetime installation warranty and we stand behind that.  But again, there are terms and conditions attached to that warranty that were in place well before this customer ever placed their order with us.  Below is verbiage on the warranty, word for word.  
"All warranties whether they be subject to product defect and / or installation are predicated on a pro rated basis. The basis will be determined by the amount of years the manufacturer warranties' the product in relationship(ratio) to how many years the product has been installed in your home. If replacement or additional product is needed, consumer will have to pay their pro-rated share for the amount of years they have used the product. Further, all product defects or replacements (of any type) after a 2 year period the consumer will be solely responsible to pay for all labor costs. All warranties for all flooring are predicated on proper care and are void if customer abuse takes place. In order to keep all carpet warranties in effect the consumer must have carpet professionally cleaned at least once a year and have receipts to validate such. Please remember that flooring will be as good to you, as you are to it. Regular maintenance and cleaning is essential to preserve the quality and durability of your flooring. Thank you for shopping at Express Flooring. 
Stain resistant warranties, soil resistant warranties, texture retention warranties, scratch resistance warranties, tear resistant warranties,  fade resistant warranties all vary depending upon the product and manufacture and are also not to be confused with quality assurance or wear warranties. These warranties are the sole responsibility and liability of the manufacture. 
All warranties are based upon a pro-rated guarantee. All warranties are predicated on a prorated basis by taking the amount of years it is warranted and divided by the amount of years of usage."
Please realize that, and as Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] stated in their complaint, they contacted us with some issues about a year ago.  They were still within two years from the original installation date, and our office responded promptly to their concerns and we repairs them in a quick and timely manner.  Not a penny was charged to this customer for any corrective work, nor was the exchange of any monies even discussed.  This new service that they have requested is surrounded by a different set of circumstances which is why we have quoted them the monies we have.  
We can understand that any customer does not want to pay monies if they feel they can't get around it.  Many customers feel that if they file a complaint of this nature that the will somehow force us to give them something for free.  We fully understand the mindset of this customer and quite frankly, we don't even blame them for asking.  Its the way of the world today and the reality is you never know unless you ask.  But with this being said, we are not asking for anything that is unreasonable.  Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] paid just under $10,000.00 initially for their flooring and the prorated amount on the service work they are requesting will cost them a mere  $1,465.41 to have their flooring completely replaced.  The reality is we are saving them over $8,000.00 as had they used most any other contractor, they would be 100% responsible for the costs involved here.  
With this being said, we want both this customer and the to know that our customer's are important to us.  We hate receiving complaints of this nature and in the rare case that a situation like this pops up, we always try to be reasonable.  At this time, in the spirit of resolving this complaint, we are prepared to discount the quoted [redacted] on the prorated amount for these repairs by $250.00.  We are very sorry this customer is unhappy and we sincerely hope this gesture of good will will suffice in resolving their issues.  They can contact us directly to schedule the work by calling [redacted] during normal business hours and asking to speak to [redacted] in our service/warranty department.  
Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.

Please be advised that this customer has been refunded in full.  We fully understand that consumers are very sensitive to the timeliness of refunds of this nature, but we do ask that you understand that any and every company has policies and procedures in regards to outgoing monies....

 This customer has been refunded in full and well within the guidelines regarding their order with us.  We are very sorry that they felt the need to file this complaint, however we can assure them and any other customer we have that we are in no way interested in any monies that are not due to us.  As we have stated, this customer has been refunded in full and we trust that this fact will suffice in resolving this complaint.  Please feel free to contact us if we can be of any additional assistance.

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  Please understand that we are currently working with this customer to resolve her issues. We ask that anyone reading please realize that the issues at hand have nothing to do with the...

labor we have provided this customer, they lie in the products she selected.  We are are not a carpet manufacturer and we did not create these issues.  As our customer is aware, we are just as frustrated as she is.  As we do with any customer whom is anything less than 100% satisfied, we will continue to work with her to find a resolution.  She has been in touch with our management team and we hope to have a game plan on how we are going to move forward here very soon.Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact us if you require any further assistance on this matter.

Please be advised that we meet with Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] over the weekend and are in the process of working out a resolution to their issues.  As we explained to the, we are very sorry that they are having the issues they are.  We have no doubt that if everyone is reasonable, this matter...

should have some closure here very soon.
Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further assistance.

We are very sorry to hear that Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] are still frustrated.  If nothing else, we feel that our comments regarding this complaint, and Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] bringing up the fact that we offered to allow them to use the Restocking Fee we did retain towards a future order, shows that we have been trying very hard and have made numerous attempts to try to resolve this complaint with this customer.  Please realize that we are living within the agreements we made with Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] when our relationship started and they placed their order with us.  They filed this complaint in an attempt to avoid their financial responsibility to that contract and to the agreements they made.  We fully understand that this customer would prefer to not have to pay these monies, however we ask that anyone reading this please realize that there are two sides to this matter and that Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] were made fully aware of this policy before they ever placed this order.  This is clearly displayed on the documents we attached to our previous correspondence.  As we stated in our last correspondence on this matter, we do want to resolve this complaint.  We have offered this customer over $1800.00 in savings on this purchase and we have additionally offered to allow them to use the monies in question towards a new purchase.  Neither of these scenarios are ideal for us, but we are willing to make these agreements in the name of good customer relations and to give this matter some closure.  If Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] are unwilling to agree to either option, we are prepared to refund them an additional $200.00 on top of what we have already refunded them.  At this point, we have made four reasonable offers to resolve this complaint which all go well past what our agreement with this customer called for. We sincerely hope that Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] will accept one of these scenarios so that we can all move past this unfortunate situation.  Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact us if you require any further assistance on this matter.

In response to this complaint, please know that Express Home Services, LLC is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  We are very sorry to hear that this customer is frustrated and we would like to begin by assuring both the & our...

customer that we have every intention on handling Ms. [redacted]' concerns.  We would like to point out some facts surrounding this matter in relation to our response to this customer and her concerns.  This installation was completed in the middle of January of this year.  It was not until July 2, 2014 that they reported the issues to our office.  As a policy, we respond to any and all requests for service within 2 business days.  This has been our policy for over a decade.  Naturally, we always respond inside that 2 business day window whenever possible, but we do run a very busy and high volume operation.  Please also realize that different times of the year and even different days of the week result in varied levels of availability of our staff.  In short, some days are busier than others, and when it is not as busy, the response time is less.  When are overly busy, that response time may become slightly longer.  
In this case, as we stated, Ms. [redacted] contacted us on 7/2/14, at roughly about 2pm.  Her call was returned on 7/4/14 at roughly 9:30am.  So essentially, Ms. [redacted]' call was returned in roughly 1.5 days from when she contacted us.  We feel that this type of response to our customers is more than reasonable and is not something that should generate a complaint of this nature.  That being said, if our customer is unhappy, we are unhappy.  We again are very sorry that things did not transpire in a manner that this customer was expecting.  
In regards to the issues with Ms. [redacted]' carpeting, our service tech did report back to our office that there is a possible manufacturing related issue and he has recommended a claim be filed with the manufacturer of the product Ms. [redacted] purchased.  We have in turn filed this claim and are awaiting the results from the manufacturer.  Please understand that we are a retailer and we do not manufacturer any of the goods we sell.  We are in the process of working with the manufacturer to resolve this issue and will notify Ms. [redacted] of the results of this claim once we receive them.  
Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance.

I paid express flooring what I owed them in full. The original amount was 4,500 and when the scheduled appointment was canceled on 12/8/2016 I was give a credit of$250 which brought the total down to 4,250 and that is the amount I paid. My boyfriend, Chris Welch, contacted express flooring on 12/9/2015 for another complaint about express flooring not following what was discussed when the sales man came to the home and I was again credited another $250 that I have yet to receive. When the guys came to my house to fix the carpet they did not look at the washer so that is a false statement. The washer is still broken and needs to be repaired. The guys that came to my home are not certified to determine what is wrong with the washer. You are more then welcome to send someone who is certified to check the washer. I have not received a call from express flooring at anytime to resolve this matter. I tried to contact Henry on 12/19/2016 to resolve this matter but have not received a call back. They are free to call me anytime to come up with a resolution.

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  We are very sorry to hear that Mr. [redacted] is frustrated in any way and we always want our customers to have nothing but the most enjoyable experience possible.  This being said,...

we feel that Mr. [redacted] is confused regarding his order.  To begin, no one at Express Flooring ever told Mr. [redacted] he needed to pay us before we completed our work.  Our work at Mr. [redacted]'s home has been completed for well over 10 days.  Further, Mr. [redacted] paid for this order in full with his deposit.  Therefore he has been paid in full since before the installation even started.  As for any metal strips that he mentions in this complaint, there are no metal strips on his order.  We have attached a copy of Mr. [redacted]'s order.  On the left side of this order, just below the halfway point, you will see the section on the order form that covers transitions and metals and you will clearly see that none are listed.  None are listed, as none are needed.  Carpet to tile transitions typically do not receive a metal strip.  The carpet is simply tacked down neatly to the tile edge.  Further, Mr. [redacted] has called in to our office one time since his installation was completed.  We have returned that call on at least two occasions now.  We also reached out to him again upon receipt of this complaint.  As of the writing of this response, Mr. [redacted] has failed to return our calls.  Once we are able to communicate with him, we are sure we can work out a reasonable solution to any issues he may have.  We urge Mr. [redacted] to get back to us at his convenience and we look forward to resolving this matter for him.

BUYER BEWARE - Read the contract! - We placed an order of what we wanted for our home, the installers came out and stated that the type of product could not be installed on our floor. This we were told is our fault as home owners because we should have known that gypsum flooring cannot take some tiles and carpets. The sales rep came back out to show us more options, non of which we liked. We went on We canceled - NO REFUND OF DEPOSIT! -- I was told on a Recorded line that the date of the contract you have 3 days to cancel and since too much time passed they are not willing to refund the deposit. I informed them that this was a mistake by the sales rep as he was the one selling us the product and knew that we had gypsum flooring.
Make sure your sales rep know everything about your floor, this was a costly mistake for my family.?

Great job friendly installers finished ahead of scheduled time

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  It is always concerning to receive a complaint of this nature.  We would like to begin by expressing our apologies to our customer for their frustrations.  This being said,...

we feel that Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] are making this matter more difficult than it needs to be and we additionally feel that they are not exactly relaying the entire truth regarding this matter.  We did in fact have a scheduled appointment with this customer back on 10/15/15.  Per our customer's request, this appointment was scheduled between 3pm - 5pm.  Naturally, we have a number of customers to service on a daily basis.  We are a large company with a large customer base and we are busy on a day to day basis.  We had a service tech scheduled for this appointment.  Regretfully, a complication with an earlier appointment caused that appointment to run long which in turn interfered with Mr. & Mrs. [redacted]'s appointment.  Naturally this is not an ideal scenario for us or for any company.  But the reality of the world is that things do pop up from time to time.  We attempted to contact Mrs. [redacted] starting at 3pm.  We made three phone calls to them between 3pm and 5pm.  Our service tech additionally attempted to call her two more time.  Mrs. [redacted] finally returned our calls after 5pm.  She spoke to a phone rep whom explained to her that the department did close at 5pm, but he was going to attempt to reach a manager via their cell phone.  A manager was reached and within 20 minutes that manager called Mrs. [redacted], but again she did not answer that call.  The following morning, that same manager called Mrs. [redacted] again and again left her a message.  Mrs. [redacted] did return this call a few hours later, however when she called with one intention in mind, and that was to vent her frustrations.  She expressed her dissatisfaction with the situation, which we can certainly understand, but she refused to set a follow up appointment to get her minor service issue addressed.  The very following day, another member of management called her again to try to discuss the matter.  Mrs. [redacted] has not returned that call as the writing of this letter.  We received this complaint a couple days later, and since then we have tried to reach her on three different occasions.  Not a single one of those calls has been returned.Naturally, we cannot solve this problem if Mrs. [redacted] does not communicate with us.  We fully understand that it was our worker whom got held up at an appointment.  Please realize that this certainly was not intentional nor was it planned.  Matters of this nature happen to any and every company from time to time and we are pleased to report and issues of this nature are essentially non-existent in our day to day business.  That being said, we are not perfect nor do we claim to be.  Had Mrs. [redacted] simply answered our calls or returned our calls, we are sure this could have been worked our with minimal inconvenience to this customer.  That said, we are at the point we are at now and we simply want to solve the problem.  As we explained, we have called Mrs. [redacted] on a number of occasions to reschedule this appointment.  All she needs to do is call us back and we have no doubt that this service will be easily resolved.  Thank you for your time regarding this matter and please feel free to contact us if you require any additional assistance.

they did a great job
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.In regards to our first complaint I fill at this point I have to keep our complaint open until this matter has been resolved. As per [redacted] with Express flooring we will not be able to determine what the problem is until further investigating is done, Express Flooring sent a investigator out four weeks ago he agreed there was some problems throw out the house,  Then Express Flooring sent a repair man out to fix all carpet issues  and he did not have the tools to fix the carpet's, In regard to Express Flooring response to this Sirius  problem I am glad to hear in your response, That Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction..   Now Marie said there will be a inspector coming out on July 22nd after 3pm. So until then  I and my husband are one hundred percent satisfied this claim will remain open . I hope Express Flooring stands up to there word customer satisfaction!!!!Thank you,
[redacted] & [redacted]

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  We are very sorry to have received this complaint, however must say that we are very confused as to why it was filed.  To begin, Ms. [redacted] has already received her $250...

discount.  At the time it was offered, Mrs. [redacted] still owed our company $4,500.00.  She made out her payment less that $250.00.  Considering it was Ms. [redacted] who wrote the check for the lesser amount, we would think she would be in tune to this fact.  Regarding the washing machine, we had workers at her home last week to take a look at the appliance.  At that time, which was well after the install was completed, there was nothing wrong with it.  We even tried to follow up with Ms. [redacted] on the matter and she has failed to return our calls.  Instead it seems she just filed this complaint.  We are happy to discuss the matter with her further, but that naturally will require some dialogue with our customer.  She can contact us directly and we hope to hear from her here very soon.

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  We fully understand that whenever any fees regarding a cancellation are assessed to a customer's order, that customer is not going to be happy about.  The reality no one wants to...

pay a cancellation fee of this nature.  We are very sorry that this customer finds themselves in this situation and we can assure them we wish the circumstances were different.
With this being said, there is a flip side to this.  These types of cancellation fees are in place for  reason.  Just as there are rules and/or laws in place to protect a consumer, there are also items of this nature in place to protect a business like us.  There are very real costs that are involved in filling an order of this nature that we incur well before a customer of ours has their flooring installed.  The purchasing of the goods.  The shipping of the goods.  Man hours in processing an order and the tracking of that order as well.  A customer is allowed three business to cancel an order.  After three business days, we are entitled to as fees to cover our losses when a customer places an order they have no intention on getting filled.  
The specifics of this matter are not exactly as this customer has described.  If we accepted an order that we could not fill, we naturally would never charge a cancellation fee of this nature.  But in this case, we stood ready, willing, and able to fill this customer's order as it was placed. The only thing that happened was the shipment of the goods [redacted] ordered was slightly delayed.  We called him the morning of his installation and explained that we were waiting for the delivery truck to arrive and went on to explain that while we couldn't be there first thing in the morning, we could be out later that afternoon to get their installation done.  This was a special ordered carpet (as the customer explains in their complaint).  This was something that had to be freighted in.  These types of things happen from time to time, and typically when they do, you simply keep your customer posted as to what is going on and most people are very cooperative.  However, in this case, when we called our customer on this matter, [redacted] explained to our installation manager that she was happy there was a delay. She stated she was having second thoughts on the color and she stated she wanted to cancel the order.  
At this point in time, we had purchased goods on this customer's behalf.  We had paid to have those goods shipped to [redacted].  The $370.00 in fees that were charged here don't even come close to covering our losses on this customer's order.  That is neither here nor there, as our policy is listed clearly and we stick to that policy.  Just as we don't have the right to change our policies or the agreements we make with a customer, a customer does not have the option to change the agreements they made.  This cancellation policy is clearly listed on the order they placed with us.  They signed off on that order and on that policy agreeing to it.  We find it frustrating that customer would file a complaint of this nature when they clearly agreed to it at the onset of our relationship as we have done nothing but live by the agreements we made.
With this being said, we never want to receive a complaint of this nature and we never want to have an unhappy customer (regardless of whether or not that customer files or cancels their order).   As we are in possession of the good this customer purchased, in an effort to resolve this complaint, we are prepared to offer them a $500 discount on their purchase price if this customer is willing to have this order filled.  If this is not an arrangement this customer is willing to agree to, we are willing to allow them to use the monies we have retained as an in store credit that they can use on a future purchase with our organization.  
We feel that these two options are more than reasonable considering the circumstances at hand.  We want nothing more than to resolve this complaint and we sincerely hope this customer is willing to accept one of these two courses of action.  They may contact us directly to discuss the matter further if they would like, or naturally we are happy to respond via this complaint.  Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of any further assistance on this matter.

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Description: Floor Laying, Refinishing & Resurfacing

Address: 901 West Airline Highway, Laplace, Louisiana, United States, 70068


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