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Express Flooring

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Express Flooring Reviews (275)

I paid extra money to upgrade to a better carpet . The carpet installed was sub par. The warranty states 25 years. It is only 8 months old & already showing excessive wear. I have no children . I have no pets. They refused to replace the defective carpet. They sent me a letter stating there is nothing wrong with it. Their 25 year warranty is not even 25 months. It is 25 weeks.

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  Please understand that we are currently working with this customer to resolve her issues. We ask that anyone reading please realize that the issues at hand have nothing to do with the...

labor we have provided this customer, they lie in the products she selected.  We are are not a carpet manufacturer and we did not create these issues.  As our customer is aware, we are just as frustrated as she is.  As we do with any customer whom is anything less than 100% satisfied, we will continue to work with her to find a resolution.  She has been in touch with our management team and we hope to have a game plan on how we are going to move forward here very soon.Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact us if you require any further assistance on this matter.

We are very sorry that this customer is still unhappy.  As we have stated, we enter into every relationship with every customer with nothing but the best intentions and it is always unfortunate when these types of situations arise.  Please know that we again, and VERY sorry that this customer is anything less than 100% satisfied.  With this being said, we would like to respond to a few of the statements they have made in this most recent correspondence.  

Mr. [redacted] states we never showed up to check his floor.  The reality of the matter is we did.  If we hadn't, we wouldn't have said that we did.  We have attached a copy of the work order issued in regards to this visit.  As you can see it is date and time stamped and it never would have been printed if this appointment was not entered into our schedule.  Moving along, in relation to the product this customer purchased, we sincerely wish we could go back in time and change the product that this customer picked out.  As with any situation like this, had we known this customer was going to be so unhappy, we never would have sold them the product in the first place!  But when a customer holds, touches, and feels a sample of a product in their hands and then tells us they want to buy it, are we really to be expected not to sell it to them?  Is that a reasonable expectation of any company?  This was not a "bait and switch" as this customer has claimed.  It is a simple case buyer's remorse, and nothing more. Mr. [redacted] states that he wanted wood floors or ceramic.  Not to come off as unsympathetic, but if that is what he wanted, why didn't he just purchase a wood or ceramic floor?  Why did he go ahead and purchase something completely different?

We understand that replacing flooring in your home is not a cheap endeavor.  This customer paid $5,000.00 which is a lot of money to anyone.  But the cost of a product doesn't change a buyer's responsibilities.  Everyone has been in the situation in which they purchased something that they are less than satisfied with.  It's easier to swallow when that item only costs a couple of dollars as opposed to $5,000.00.  We completely understand this customer's frustrations.  But at the same time, it is not fair or reasonable for this customer to expect us to simply give him back $5,000.00 when we have supplied and installed $5,000 worth of flooring and customized it to his home.  We don't sell items such as TV's that we can put back into a box and sell to someone else.  Flooring just does not work that way.  

We are a good company with nothing but the best intentions.  As Mr. [redacted] states in his letter, he personally knows "dozens of people" with our flooring, all of whom are very happy.  As we stated in our last correspondence regarding this matter, if Mr. [redacted] would like, we will happily repair the damages he has caused to his new flooring and we will do this free of charge on a one time basis.  If Mr. [redacted] wishes to replace his new flooring with a different product, we can arrange for a partial credit on the materials he has purchased and put that towards a new order.  Mr. [redacted] would need to be responsible for the labor costs and any additional material costs involved, which will naturally depend on the product(s) he chooses.   

We feel we are being more than fair and reasonable with this customer.  We want nothing more than to resolve this complaint in a quick and timely manner and we sincerely hope this customer will cooperate with us to accomplish just that.  If Mr. [redacted] wishes to move forward with either offer we have made, we ask that he please contact [redacted] in our office at ###-###-#### [redacted] during normal business hours.  

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter and please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further assistance.

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  It is always unfortunate wen a customer makes a purchase for new flooring an event such as a flood takes place that damages a customer's recent investment.  This is why people...

carry insurance policies and protect large investments such as their home and the contents of it.  Once thing we do not have control over is what type of value an insurance carrier may put on the goods that are installed.  It is an unfortunate reality in today's world that many insurance companies force your average home owner to fight to receive the proper coverage.  With this being said, sometimes insurance companies make mistakes as well.  Once thing we can say for sure is that anyone who perceives Mr. & Mrs. [redacted]'s new carpeting to have merely a $500 value is completely off base and inaccurate.  Had Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] contacted us before filing this complaint, we would have explained to them that this is not the first time we have been exposed to an insurance company misquoting coverage on one of our customer's flooring.  The good news is that there are means a consumer can take to verify the value of what was installed in their home. 

We reached out to Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] earlier today and left them a message to call us.  We did so in hopes of working with them to help them through their problem.  Please understand that ultimately we are not responsible for what insurance carrier any of our customer's choose, nor can we speak to what type of coverage they purchases.   We also do not have the means to force any insurance company to extend any type or amount of coverage and/or compensation to one of our customers.  But our customer's happiness is important to us and if we can help in any way, we most certainly want to.  We can assure this customer and the that we will do whatever we can to help them through this situation.  But for this to take place, all we need is a little dialogue & cooperation with Mr. & Mrs. [redacted], who again, didn't even contact us on the matter before filing this complaint. 

We hope to hear back from them soon and when they call we ask that they request to speak to our operations manager, [redacted].  He can be reached during normal business hours at ###-###-####.

Mrs. [redacted]'s account was refunded, in full, almost two weeks ago.  Check #[redacted] was issued in her name for $1700.00 and forwarded to her.  We ask that she please verify this for the so as to give this complaint some closure. 

Thank you for your time and please have a wonderful holiday season.

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  Please know we are very sorry that Mrs. [redacted] felt the need to file this complaint.  We tried very hard to address this customer issues previously, but it seems she was not 100%...

satisfied.  As the knows there are two sides to every story.  Mrs. [redacted]'s comments in this complaint do not fairly represent the events leading up to this complaint and are extremely one sided.  That said, the goal here is to resolve the matter and not to argue it.  We did contact Mrs. [redacted] upon receiving this complaint and worked out an arrangement with her. She will be receiving a small refund as a token of our desire to give this matter closure.  We trust that our actions will suffice in resolving this complaint.  Thank you for your time.

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  We are very sorry that Mrs. [redacted] order did not work out and that she has decided to cancel it.  As she explains in her message, we are aware of her cancellation and it...

has been recorded.  We would like to point out to Mrs. [redacted] that timelines for refunds are posted on her contract regarding this order.  As with any company, there are waiting periods to ensure that any deposits paid via a personal check clear the customer's financial institution.  We can assure both our customer and the that Mrs. [redacted] will receive a 100% refund of her deposit.  That remittance is scheduled to be processed at the end of this week, per the posted policy on this customer's order.  We trust that this customer receiving a 100% refund of her deposit suffices in resolving this matter.  Please feel free to contact us if we can be of any additional assistance. 
Thank you for your time,

Please be advised that we meet with Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] over the weekend and are in the process of working out a resolution to their issues.  As we explained to the, we are very sorry that they are having the issues they are.  We have no doubt that if everyone is reasonable, this matter...

should have some closure here very soon.

Thank you for your time and please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further assistance.

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.


[redacted] like to say that the have set appointment with me twice and they didn't show up for neither one and the second was for this morning at early as possible  I'm up at 6 if he wanted to be their then but I had to leave at 11am to a gathering for Thanksgiving but no one showed up and he told me he would tell [redacted] that I would be his first stop of the day!

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional companywhose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.   We are very sorry to learn that Mr. [redacted] isfrustrated with the flooring he purchased from us, however please know that theflooring he purchased is more than suitable for areas it...

is installed in.  The problem here is not the flooring weinstalled, but rather the area it is installed in.  This area is an enclosed porch and areas ofthis nature in any single family home that not meant to allow in rain ormoisture from the elements.  No residentialflooring product is made to withstand standing water and rain, let along allthe other elements that it could be exposed to if it is not constructedproperly.  We naturally cannot take responsibilityfor damages caused by rain due to the fact that the porch is not properlysealed.  We did not build the home nordid we construct the porch.  We feel thisis a clear ideology that any reasonable person can understand.What we suggest is that Mr. [redacted] first repair screened inporch so that no outside elements can get inside this area.  If this does not happen first, than no matterwhat he or we do to the current condition of this flooring, he will continue tohave problems.  Once this is done, we arehappy to work with this customer to get his flooring repaired or replaced.  We cannot agree to pick up 100% of thesecosts, but we can certainly help him through the process and we are happy tomake some concessions to help him on the pricing.  We thank you for your time regarding this matter and pleasedo not hesitate to contact us if you require any further assistance.

Express Flooring is a reputable and professional companywhose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  Please know it deeply saddens us to receivethis complaint.  We are well aware of[redacted] frustrations, and we want nothing more than to hear her say thatshe is...

happy with her experience with us in general and with the products shepurchased.  Please understand that [redacted] frustrations lie in the carpeting she selected to purchase from ourcompany.  We naturally always do our bestto manage a customer’s expectations as that is the key to creating and keeping happycustomers.  In this particular case, hadwe known that [redacted] was going to be unhappy, we naturally would have triedto steer her in a different direction. With this being said, the reality of the situation is that there isnothing wrong with her carpeting, with the exception of the fact that she isunhappy with it.  Attached to this correspondence are some photos of [redacted] carpeting, along with a letter from the manufacturer of the carpeting,and a report that was issued by a certified inspection company.  [redacted] main issue is the fact that hercarpet mats down in the areas she commonly walks on.  This is completely normal with the type ofcarpeting she purchased, and as you can see based on the attached report andthe attached photos, the nap of the carpet can be restored to its original lookwith simple, basic, common & every day maintenance procedures such asvacuuming or even running your hand over the nap of the carpet.  We understand that [redacted] saysdifferently in her complaint, but there is a photo of this being done that wastaken during the inspection we arranged when [redacted] concerns were firstaddressed.  The reality here is that we cannot fix something that is notbroken.  This matter would be muchsimpler and easier to address if it was a black and white repair that had to bedone.  The problem is that there is nothingto be fixed.  Please know that we arehere for our customer and we want nothing more than to resolve thismatter.  We are happy to show [redacted]new samples of different carpets.  If shefinds something she likes, we are happy to replace her carpeting for her and wewill perform the labor on this replacement for our customer at no charge.  She would simply be responsible for the costsof the materials she chooses.  If [redacted] would like to take us up on this offer, we can be reached during normalbusiness hours at [redacted] and she may ask to speak to our OperationsManager, [redacted].  Thank you very much for your time and please do not hesitateto contact us if we can be of any further assistance on this matter.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.

I prefer to keep this complaint open until the resolution has been performed.


Poor service. Did not show for initial appointment two days in a row. No calls or explanation. Business went elsewhere.

BUYER BEWARE - Read the contract! - We placed an order of what we wanted for our home, the installers came out and stated that the type of product could not be installed on our floor. This we were told is our fault as home owners because we should have known that gypsum flooring cannot take some tiles and carpets. The sales rep came back out to show us more options, non of which we liked. We went on We canceled - NO REFUND OF DEPOSIT! -- I was told on a Recorded line that the date of the contract you have 3 days to cancel and since too much time passed they are not willing to refund the deposit. I informed them that this was a mistake by the sales rep as he was the one selling us the product and knew that we had gypsum flooring.

Make sure your sales rep know everything about your floor, this was a costly mistake for my family.?

Express Home Services, LLC is a reputable and professional company whose utmost goal is always customer satisfaction.  It is always an unfortunate situation when a customer has issue with their flooring, for any reason.  We understand that your average customer would never intentionally...

damage their own flooring, and we also realize that a customer typically will not place a service request if they don't believe the issue is under warranty.  With this being said, there are cases in which a customer can unknowingly and unintentionally damage their own flooring.  In cases such as this one, when a customer disagrees with our assessment of situation such as this one, we will typically turn to a unbiased and neutral third party.  There are companies out there who are in the business of inspecting homes, who special in flooring, that will evaluate a customer's concerns and issue a report on their findings.  We will arrange for this to take place in relation to Mr. [redacted]'s concerns.  Naturally, should any installation and/or material defects be found, we will repair those at no cost to our customer.  With this being said, if the damages are due to a lack of maintenance and/or customer abuse, we would expect to be compensated for any needed labor and/or materials needed to perform the repairs.  Someoen from our office will be in contact with Mr. [redacted] very soon to make arrangments.

Called and asked for a free estimate for kitchen and laundry room flooring. A lady arrived and measured the two rooms, showed two tile samples and 4 or five linoleum samples. She quoted $5,600. This included $440 discount if we would sign that night. If I later signed I would lose the $440 discount. Not exactly what they advertise on TV.

The estimate was just a dollar amount written on the back of her business card. She would not state a square footage price or installation cost. Seemed very unprofessional. Not exactly what they advertise on TV.

Second National store contractor quoted $2,400 with a $2.39 square foot tile and left a formal written estimate, breaking out tear out, new tile and tile cost.

I have looked over the contract several times and do NOT see the cancellation timeline. It refers to a "cancellation period" but I had to call in to find out how long that period was.  Also.. the check CLEARED my bank on April 19th. So it has been 16 days since it cleared my bank and I have not even received one single email or call regarding when it will be refunded. That is not great customer service. Funny how you will reply to a communication but not from me personally.

In response to Mr. & Mrs. [redacted]’s most recent correspondence, we understand that they are upset that their flooring has gotten damaged.  We also understand that they want for us to pay for the needed repairs.  Please know that we pride ourselves on our warranties and work with customers each and every day regarding these warranties.  There are certain things that we are responsible for and there are other things that we are not.  To simply the matter, we warranty what we have control over.  We simply cannot be liable for damages to the products we install that are caused by sources that we have no control over, and frankly any reasonable person would have a very tough time arguing with that logic.  The key term in regards to this matter is “TOPICAL MOISTURE”.  What this means is that moisture was introduced to this product on the top of the flooring.   We have again attached the report in regards to the inspection that was done to as the damages to Mr. & Mrs. [redacted]’s flooring.  Please refer to the “Conclusion/Opinion” of the licenses and certified inspector that supplied this report.  This report clearly states:“…there appears to be  a cause and effect relationship between the swollen plank edges that has extended across the joint(s) to the surface of randomly located adjoining planks at the side and end joints that is consistent with TOPICAL MOISTURE intrusion causing the core material to swell.”Mr. & Mrs. [redacted], in this most recent correspondence, claim that they found a company that inspects these types of situations.  She mentions a plastic sheeting that should have been laid down.  There most certainly was a plastic sheeting that was laid down.  They are referring to an underlayment which is always laid underneath a floating laminate floor of this nature.  A moisture barrier that has a built in sound deadening component is installed underneath this floor.  We are happy to visit this jobsite with anyone involved here to confirm this.  In regards to the product sitting in the house for 2-3 days, this is known as “acclimation”, or allowing the product to adjust to environmental properties in the home it is going to be installed in.  While we understand that Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] placed this order over three years ago, we would expect them to recall these events considering their accusations.  This order was placed on 7/6/13 and the installation was to begin on 7/7/13.  This order was for not only laminate flooring, but for tile flooring as well.  On 7/7/13 we delivered both the tile flooring and the laminate flooring to this home.  The tile installation began and the laminate flooring was able to acclimate in the home on 7/7/13, 7/8/13, & 7/9/13.  The installation of the laminate flooring did not occur until 7/10/13.  Further, the damages to this flooring have nothing to do with acclimation.  Even if the product hadn’t acclimated to the home (which it most certainly did), the laminate flooring would not just suddenly developed swollen edge joints in randomly located areas.  The only thing that could have caused the damages to this flooring was TOPICAL MOISTURE as described by the independent and unbiased inspection company whom made this assessment.  The attached report is very clear and in no way is misleading.  It clearly says that the damages were caused by TOPICAL MOISTURE.  Further, Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] state that this company has made certain statements, but we do not see any documentation from this company or even see the name of the company listed.  It is obvious that whomever they are talking about didn’t’ actually visit their home to inspect their flooring.  We do agree that if no underlayment was put down, that it would cause issues with the floor.  However, the issues it would have caused are totally different than the damages that are present on Mr. & Mrs. [redacted]’sflooring at this time.  We also agree that if the product had not acclimated, that it could have caused issues with this flooring.  However, and again, theissues it would have caused would also have been totally different than the damages that are currently present at Mr. & Mrs. [redacted]’s home.  In the very last paragraph of Mr. & Mrs. [redacted]’s most recent correspondence, she states that this “inspector” whom it seems never actually inspected this flooring, states that it is highly unlikely that the damage was caused by any type of water under the house.   We 100% agree with that statement.  We never insinuated that the damages were caused by water coming from under the home.  The damages were caused by TOPICAL MOISTURE, or some sort of moisture that was introduced to the TOP of the flooring. In the end, please realize that we do make decisions of this nature on the fly. We do our homework and we ensure we fully understand a situation of this nature before we ever tell a customer that damages of this nature are not covered under their warranty.  In this case, we hired an unbiased and expert third party to assess the situation.  Their findings clearly state that these damages were locally caused by this customer, and we simply cannot be held liable for the needed repairs.  With this being said, we do recognize that we have an unhappy customer on our hands.  We also recognize that sometimes in business, things are not always fair and you will have to make concessions from time to time.  We have always resolved each and every complaint we have ever received, regardless of our feelings on the validity of that complaint.  This one is no different and we are willing to help this customer to get the needed repairs taken care of.  In an effort to resolve this matter, we will supply the needed materials to make the repairs to the damaged flooring.  We would expect Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] to pay for the needed labor to complete these repairs.  We feel that this is a more than reasonable offer, considering the circumstances at hand. If Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] would like to take us up on this offer, they may contact [redacted] in our office to work out the details.  He can be reached during normal business hours at ###-###-####.  We thank you for your time regarding this matter and we trust that this goodwill offer will suffice in resolving this complaint.

Express Flooring is a professional and reputable company whose utmost goal and desire is to make all of our customers happy.  Please understand that we realize that any time a fee of this nature comes into play on a customer’s order, it is an uncomfortable situation for both our customer and...

ourselves.  We certainly do not expect any customer to happy about having to pay a restocking fee, however we do ask that anyone reading this take a reasonable approach in forming any opinions.  In response to come of the comments made by this consumer; this customer and any customer is free to cancel their order with us at any time before the goods they purchase are installed.  When this customer contacted us to cancel,we accepted and processed their cancellation immediately.  Our cancellation policy is clearly listed on our contracts/order forms.  We have attached Mr. & Mrs. [redacted]' contract regarding this purchase. This is a two page document of which the first page is double sided. If you refer to the bottom right hand corner of the first page, you will this customer's signature roughly 2 inches from a statement that reads:"I hereby acknowledge that I have read the NOTICE TO BUYER on the back of this contract, that I accept the terms and conditions ofthis contract including those set forth above and those set forth on the backof this contract, and that I agree to be bound by them."The NOTICE TO BUYER is printed on the reverse side of thatdocument and is the second attachment on this order.  The third bullet pointon this NOTICE clearly states: "You may cancel this agreement any timeprior to midnight of the third business day after the date of this transaction. See attached notice of cancellation form for an explanation of theserights."The third attachment included in this response is that Noticeof Cancellation.  In this complaint, Mrs. [redacted] openly admits shereceived this notice of cancellation.  Mrs. [redacted] then goes on to explainthat she contacted our office the week after she placed this order and askedthat her installation be delayed to the following month.  We understandthat she states she did this to obtain other estimates, however she nevercommunicated that to our office.  She simply called in and postponed herinstallation, which is something customer do each and every day.  At nopoint did Mrs. [redacted] every state she wanted to cancel this order.  It was not until 7/30/15, over a month after this order wasplaced, that Mrs. [redacted] ever mentioned her desire to cancel this order. We in turn asked her the circumstances regarding her want to cancel theorder and we did discuss the applicable restocking fee that applied to her cancellation.  The reality of the matter is that all companies in our industry, and in any construction trade for that matter do have policies regarding cancellations.  Many other industries do as well such as hotelsand airlines.  When a customer places an order with any flooring company,that company invests time, resources, and money into preparing that order.  Wedo not sell items that can be put back into a box and sold to someone else. We deal is custom cut and custom ordered flooring materials.  Our policy is general and calls for a 25% of the total contract price fee for cancellations that are requested after the applicable cancellation period. In most cases, this amount does not even cover the costs we incur due tothat cancellation.  When two parties enter into an agreement of thisnature, both sides have responsibilities that must live up to.  We fully understand that this customer does not want to pay this restocking fee and on a basic level we understand why they filed this complaint.  However and in all fairness, we ask that this customer realize the reality that when they placed this order, there were real costs that we incurred in preparing that order to ship and for installation.As for the price of this order compared to a price this customer received from another retailer; this is a very general statement. There are thousands upon thousands of flooring products on the marketthat are available to consumers.  In comparing one company's price toanother, you must be comparing "apples to apples".  We arewilling to meet or beat any quote from one of our competitors and we explainedthis fact to Mr. [redacted] in a conversation we had with him.  We havenumerous options of flooring that we could have happily sold him for $1,000.00less than the price of the order he placed. The price on this order is specific to the product they selected, and we ever offered to discount that price in an effort to keep their business and avoid this entire situation. Regretfully, Mr. & Mrs. [redacted] declined all of our offers.  This restocking fee is clearly listed in the terms and conditions of the contract this customer signed (10th bullet point from top of terms and conditions page).  This was not a hidden fee and the fact that this customer decided to cancel their order after the fact does not make our customer service poor nor does it make our employees pushy.  We tried previously and we would like to try again to work with this customer to resolve this matter. Resolving this complaint and any other complaint we may receive is of the utmost importance to us.  We are willing to discount the price of Mr. & Mrs. [redacted]' order from the original contract price of $3,817.00 down to $2,000.00.  This is over $1,800 in savings to them.  The carpeting we prepared for this customer is still here sitting our warehouse and we can move forward on that right away if they would like to take us up on this offer.  If this is not an agreeable option, we are happy to meet or beat any competitive quote this customer has obtained from another retailer.  Naturally, we would need something in writing from them regarding any offers they would like us to match, but we would apply any monies held on the previous order and apply them to this new order if they decide to move forward.  Lastly, if this customer simply will not consider doing business with us, we are prepared to offer an additional $100.00 refund back to them in the name of good customer relations. We understand that none of these scenarios are exactly what Mr. & Mrs.[redacted] requested in this complaint, but considering the facts at hand here, we feel we are beingmore than reasonable in resolving this matter.  Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding this matter.

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

The statements made by Express Flooring in regards to my contact a month after the purchase is inaccurate. Unsuccessful attempts were made to speak to the manager days after the purchase was made.  Once I was able to speak to the manager, he mentioned that our remaining funds could be applied to a different flooring project. This concerned me and continues to continue me because this exemplifies the fact that my money was not used to restock anything if they are willing to tap into additional inventory using money that I have given them. I am very disappointed in this company and am disheartened by their desire to play the customer at the cost of losing business. I wish that I would have done more research on this company before doing business. This has been a very big lesson learned for me and my husband and we hope that by sharing our story that interested customers will select a different vendor for their needs.



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Description: Floor Laying, Refinishing & Resurfacing

Address: 901 West Airline Highway, Laplace, Louisiana, United States, 70068


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