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Endurance Warranty Services

400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937

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Endurance Warranty Services Reviews (%countItem)

Spoke with Alvin today. He took care of transferring my Endurance plan over to a different vehicle, including changing over the installment plan, all with just the one phone call. Excellent customer service!!

He was very friendly and able to help me solve my issue within a matter of minutes. He talked me out of cancelling my policy and really explaining why it was very important to have.

Phone calls/ harassment

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 08, 2018

Endurance vehicle service contracts are offered in over 2,000 automobile dealerships as well as direct-to-consumers via the internet, television commercials and direct mail promotions. As a result of the consumer’s complaint, the consumer has been added to Endurance’s internal “Do Not Mail” list.
In the consumer’s complaint, he mentioned harassing phone calls. Please be advised that Endurance’s sales department is mainly an inbound call center and will only make outbound calls to customers that have specifically requested them by submitting a quote online. If the consumer is receiving sales calls from a vehicle service contract company without having submitted a quote, the calls are not coming from Endurance. Please be advised that Endurance can only remove the consumer from our own database and the consumer will have those companies directly.

I was very pleased to have spoken with Al, after calling and speaking to 4 different people who kept transferring to the next. Al answered the last time was very pleasant and easy to talk to. He also resolved all my issues and really helped me understand everything I needed to know. Keep up the good work Al..Thank you very much

Alvin was the BEST csr I have EVER experienced on the phone in my 50 yrs of living! He was knowledgeable polite courteous and very professional as well as personable. It was my pleasure to encounter him today as I was a bit upset at the beginning of the call. I hope all of your reps have Alvin *** qualities. I will continue doing business with endurance due to Alvin’s exceptional assistance. Thank you soooo much!!!!

Received a letter to extend my expiring warranty. Addressed to my deceased father who died 2 years ago. Additional problem is he NEVER had a driver's license or owned a car. No idea what marketing list feeds such garbage mail.

I purchased an extended warranty on the vehicle. One year later I go to get the vehicle repaired, and they say it's covered BUT my vehicle was flooded so I had to pay the mechanic 150.00. The vehicle was not flooded, and after months of fighting to get the issue straight I brought the car back for repair. The second time I bring the car in the mechanic says it's covered BUT now the bearings are damaged which Endurance won't cover. The warranty they fraudulently sold me (because apparently the vehicle was ineligible for warranty because it was flooded YET they accepted my money) covered the original repair, but due to the delay of fixing the title the leak caused separate damage which wasn't covered. I called numerous times (they hang up regularly), and the customer service refused to compromise. I offered to pay half the difference, and they said NO. This was the biggest waste of money. It's better to save $100 a month in case a repair is needed then to pay this company $2,000. I am currently looking into what legal action I can take for being defrauded.

Good morning I spoke with Alvin today and he turned my frown into a smile I’ve been upset about my car and waiting for my car but he insured my vehicle was going to be taken care of with the #1 company of U.S.He has great customer service and is very enthusiastic!

I purchased your warranty on 1/3/2017 under the understanding that you guys would provide me with coverage for my vehicle but I soon learned your company is scamming customers and tricking them into paying for things they can NOT use. When I purchased my vehicle I got bamboozled and was not aware of the title being salvaged and even have a title showing it's clear and this was a new title from the state of Texas. However you guys know and do NOT mention when purchasing that if the title is salvaged that you wouldn't cover or pay for any repairs. You knowingly sell customers warranties that you WILL NOT cover if it's salvaged. You take 1 year of payments from a customer and then deny claims. Endurance Warranty company is worth millions of dollars and should 100% pull the vehicle report from *** or whoever they want before offering a customer their services. I would have NEVER signed up and spent one dime with your company and thrown it away. This is how ENDURANCE takes advantage of people. I don't want a pro-rated refund I want the entire amount refunded because I would have never been able to use it either way. This would be like me purchasing an auto policy from one of the big insurance companies and them telling me... OH I'M REALLY SORRY.. We can't honor your policy because you had 4 scratches you didn't report because you didn't know about them. You guys are ridiculous.. I got to thinking about it and know why you don't run a Vin Check and it's so you can steal from customers because after a certain day/time you don't have to refund anything you don't want. I'm not sure if your customers or future customers can read this but don't get the bait and switch from Endurance because that's EXACTLY what they're doing to customers that are un-aware or if they get tricked into purchasing something they aren't aware of... Upfront disclosures should be discussed on the original call and a complimentary VIN Check should be run at the time of sign up to confirm eligibility

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 01, 2018

In response to this complaint, Endurance reviewed the account activity and timeline for the consumer's contract. On March 8, 2018, the consumer's contract cancelled due to non-payment. In these cases, the consumer is normally ineligible for any refund. In the interest of customer service, Endurance issued a pro-rata refund to the consumer. On May 31, 2018, the refund check was mailed to the address provided by the consumer.

The experience I had with representative Ketrell was awesome. He was very patient and understanding of my concerns dealing with my claim. Can we please get more individuals like this representative. Thanks

Getting the initial service was rough, but once Valdemar *** from customer service got involved, he got everything addressed quickly.

I started my warranty coverage on 04/05/18. I provided the wrong mileage by providing more mileage than I originally had on the vehicle. I went to fix that issue with my last oil change documentation and they will not accept it. I paid my down payment and first month's fee and they are denying my claim due to Carfax mileage discrepancy which goes back prior to my ownership of the vehicle and we (owners) are unable to report into this database, we as the owners of vehicles do not control what is being ingested into the database. I have supporting documentation showing mileage from last oil change and documentation from tow truck using the "warranty" provided roadside assistance and they are taking the current breakdown mileage and advising me that I'm on my own having to pay for repairs. I'm a disabled veteran without a car who has full custody of his two kids and this company pawned me off, denied my claim for repairs and still taking money out of my account for their own policy they don't even honor. This company is fraudulent and takes people's money and fails to repair the vehicle that is they are covering under their own provide policies!

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 01, 2018

In response to the above referenced case number, Endurance reviewed the information attached with this specific consumer to ensure a resolution. After a thorough investigation, Endurance determined this to be a complaint against the administrator of claims. The obligor/administrator of the contract is United Car Care (UCC). A claim was filed with UCC by the consumer’s repair facility and denied. Endurance does not approve or deny any claims whatsoever therefore we accordingly contacted UCC in order to uncover a reason for denial on behalf of the consumer. UCC informed Endurance that the claim was denied due to a discrepancy in the mileage provided by the customer and the mileage of the vehicle as reported on a vehicle history report. The consumer was given the option of restarting the contract with the known accurate mileage and a new waiting period, or receiving a full refund. The consumer opted to cancel his contract and a full refund was issued by Endurance. Endurance will always strive to provide each and every individual with excellent customer service.

I have had Endurance for 3 years this month and have finished paying my (EVERY MONTH, ON TIME PAYMENTS) AND have two more years to go. The reason why my husband and I picked this company as our warranty protection was due to the great responses. I never thought I would have 2 negative experiences (only needed to have the car looked at twice .We take care of our car). The first one I didn't understand why they denied me, but after the dealer explained I let it go. Now that we have another issue and this was also denied, I am really upset right now. In our coverage it states lifters and that is what the dealer ship said was wrong with the engine. The inspector came out twice and agreed with the dealer. Now the claim department is calling it something else which is not what the inspector nor the dealer stated was wrong with the car. I spoke to two different people and because I was upset about taking 2 weeks to get through to them, was the one that denied my claim. I never cussed at Mr. Nassa but I was upset and he explained that he had just got off the phone with my dealer. Right after that I received a message from my husband that the claim was denied. Now the car first went in two weeks ago and the inspector came in and checked and agreed. Then they said another inspector had to come in. He came in and agreed again. Now after this call I was denied?? Now if this is why the claim was denied, that would be discrimination and I really and truly DO NOT want to get lawyers involved in a discrimination lawsuit.I wish I would have thought this company through before I signed up and reviewed every part/ piece of my car will/will not be covered with the engine, if it's not spelled out.Not just because it says LIFTS with an "s" doesn't mean any, but one. Friends of mine has asked our warranty company and has of now I would never recommend a company that doesn't pay for anything that need to be fixed on your car, unless every part of your car has to be spelled out and then maybe they will fix it. But remember you can't be upset if they are not responding to the dealer ship or agree with THEIR inspectors findings.

Mr. Trujillo with Endurance was very helpful and clear in answering my questions on the auto warranty I recently purchased. Endurance is lucky to have such a knowledgeable employee.

I Purchased a warrantee from endurance warranty about four years ago. Recently, my vehicle broke down. The motor mounts failed, producing vibration that made the vehicle undrivable. My mechanic Informed me that the warranty company we had denied the claim because the failure was “due to wear and tear” Rather than a manufacturing defect. However, the motor mounts are listed specifically on the contract as a covered part, unlike other parts that typically need replacing and are explicitly excluded from my plan (i.e. brake pads, shocks, gaskets, tires, etc...).

Endurance should honor the contract, and the claim should not have been denied. First, the definition of “failure” in the contract is misleading due to the grammatical structure of the sentence. The statement literally says that the contract will cover the failure of a a defective part or a part with poor workmanship. Since the part failed, it meets the dictionary definition of the word “defective”; it does not need to meet the second condition listed since the word in the contract linking the two conditions is “or” rather than “and.” Further, the vehicle did not suffer a gradual reduction in performance which, according to the contract, would indicate “wear and tear”rather than failure. The vehicle experienced sudden, massive shaking all over.

Endurance has claimed that my complaint is not with them since the plan administrator denied the claim; however, I paid thousand of dollars to Endurance, so they should be responsible for honoring the contract. Had I known that my contract would be given to a company with a 1 Star Yelp review rather than th A+ accredited company I paid, I never would have purchased this plan. I am VERY angry.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • May 25, 2018

Please note that Endurance is the selling agent of the consumer's policy. The administrator/obligor is Interstate National Dealer Services, and Endurance is not involved in claim decisions.
On April 24, 2018 a repair representative from *** Automotive contacted the consumer's claims administrator to file a claim on several components. The eligible failures of the power lock actuator and A/C condenser were approved by the claim administrator. The engine mounts had failed due to wear and tear per the repair facility representative.
According to the consumer's *** Supreme contract, page 2, "Failure [...] does not include gradual reduction in operating performance due to wear or tear..."
The *** Supreme vehicle service contract does not cover wear and tear failures, thus the claim was denied.
Endurance's customer service representative contacted the consumer, and in the interest of customer service, Endurance will be providing the customer a $100 fuel card.

I been a customer for a year or almost a year. Endurance is great, and the staff are amazing. Never had issues with the staff and customer service. The person who has helped me since the beginning is Alvin, and took the time to explain everything to me. He’s great. Thank you again Alvin and Endurance Staff

I would like to give Ketrell 10 stars on his performance with me he was very kind and answered all my questions and made me feel very comfortable about my decision and I would like to say thank you very much you did an excellent job!

Endurance Great company
I talked With Alvin *
I would recommend This company To everyone
Thanks Endurance

This company finds any way to not support a warranty claim. I brought my car to the dealer while my warranty was active and they found loopholes to not support my claim. I am now in the process of demanding my money back as I do not believe this is a legitimate business.

Mr *** was very explainable and courteous and knew everything that I had to ask and discuss with him

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Address: 400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937


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