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Endurance Warranty Services

400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937

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Endurance Warranty Services Reviews (%countItem)

Endurance uses language in its extended auto warranty contracts allowing them to deny claims for transmission failure while promising, in all its advertising language and telephone sales pitches, that all major systems are covered. The language that allows them to elude transmission failure coverage relies upon the mechanical ignorance of consumers who do not realize that failure of a critical part connected to the transmission (torque converter - not covered) will result in full failure of the transmission without any notice to the consumer until it is too late.

Beyond this egregious deception, Endurance then charges the consumer for the inspections related to the failed claim, thus reducing the amount of refund when coverage is cancelled by the consumer. I had to repair the transmission at my own cost ($3,600) in order to make the car trade-worthy; cancelled the Endurance coverage upon new vehicle purchase; was informed that the amount of refund due me would deduct a 'claim paid in the amount of $190.'

When I asked for detail on the $190 'claim,' I was informed that Endurance was charging me $190 for the inspections *they requiredto assess the claim.

The car was held hostage in the shop for 10 days because Endurance insisted on inspection before AND after tear down. It took up to 48 hours between inspection requests and completions and then three more days (over a weekend) for Endurance to render their denial. Rental car fees exceeded $500, also not covered.

Endurance coverage is high risk for anyone who has a legitimate need to repair a major system on an older vehicle. Their sales team has full knowledge of the policy applicant's vehicle type, mileage, age and viability at the point of issuing the policy. Their claims team then uses the carefully crafted policy language (including 'wear and tear' clauses) to avoid claims that will exceed $500 - $800. Check their records to see the average value of repairs they approve.

Buyer beware.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 22, 2018

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance performed an audit on the refund calculated for the consumer's contract. It appears that the amount of two inspection fees were deducted from the consumer's refund. These fees are the responsibility of Endurance as a function of the claims process and should never be charged to the consumer or deducted from the refund. Endurance regrets this error and will be sending a check in the amount of $190 to the consumer's address on file. The check will be mailed today, 8/22, and sent 2-day *** to arrive 8/24. Endurance is committed to the highest level of transparency and customer service.

Customer Response • Aug 22, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



On July 19 I contacted Endurance to verify the status of my policy and was informed that I was covered by the Xtra Supreme plan. After almost a month and several calls from myself and the Auto Repair Service Department requesting approval for repairs, approval/disapproval has not been granted. Initially, an adjustor was sent to look at the car and requested the engine to be completely torn apart. Once that was accomplished, the Service Manager contacted Endurance and was told an Adjuster would return within 24-48 hours. As of yet, an Adjuster has not returned (it's been over a week) and each time a follow up call is made by myself or the Service Manager, statements are made in reference to resolving the issues, Endurance manager returning the calls, or rescheduling an Adjuster, but Endurance has not done any of them. Subsequently, now when calls are made by either myself/Service Manager the calls are placed on hold for extended periods of time and eventually disconnected.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 21, 2018

Please be advised, Endurance is strictly the seller of the vehicle service contract. The administrator/obligor of the contract is *** (***). This means *** administers (approves or denies) the claims and is obligated to pay the approved claims. Endurance plays no role whatsoever in the approval or denial of claims.

Upon receipt of this complaint, a representative of Endurance contacted *** regarding the status of the consumer’s claim. *** informed the Endurance representative that an inspection request had been issued and the claim would continue. The consumer was informed of the updated status.

Endurance is sorry for the delay in the claims process experienced by the consumer, and in the interest of customer service Endurance will be sending a $25 fuel gift card to the consumer. Endurance is committed to the highest level of customer service and a continuing relationship with each consumer.

Customer Response • Aug 22, 2018

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because: Endurance clearly states on their voicemail message that they are the administrator/obligor of the contract. Furthermore, as of today I still have not been informed of a approval/disapproval. On Monday the Automotive Service facility was once again told that an inspector/adjuster would be out within 24-48 hours. I was informed today by the Service Manager that inspector/adjuster did not come.


Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 27, 2018

Endurance is the selling agent of this policy. The administrator/obligor is ***.

As such, we believe this complaint is lodged against the wrong company. As mentioned in our initial response to the complaint, Endurance is the selling agent of the vehicle, but is not the administrator/obligor and is not involved in the claims process whatsoever. Attached to this response is a copy of the consumer’s contract. Listed on page one, “Vehicle Service Contract Application Page” is the administrator, ***. Despite our best efforts to inform the consumer of this, the consumer still lodged a complaint against Endurance. We request that the complaint be removed as it concerns business between the consumer and ***, not Endurance. The consumer can contact *** at , as listed on page one of the contract, in regards to the claim or any delays thereof.

I don't think that it's fair that they give you a 30 day money back guarantee while at the same time you can't use the policy before 30 days?? Money back intels being satisfied with their services! How is this possible when you've already lost your down payment before you're able to gage their services? I lost my $178.05 down payment after I eligible for services. I cancelled my policy shortly after those 30 days! It don't seen right for them to keep all of my down payment for no services rendered??

I was seeking an extended warranty for my 2012 *** and found great reviews in comparison to other companies on the net. I got an immediate call and a quick 'deal' to begin my coverage. I gave my debit card number for the initial payment for the 18 month term of the contract for a 5 year coverage all inclusive. All sounded great, the salesmen and the final clincher guy were quite good at the sale job. I was told I would get an immediate email detailing all the benefits, the contract etc. after 24 hours, I had no email, so I called, but noone could figure out why I had no email, I called several times and still no email - I sent an email to customer service to have them reply to insure I got the information. When I did not, I became even more suspicious especially after the rep on the line told me they could NOT FAX me anything but it would come in the mail. After waiting another day with no email this morning (This all started on Wednesday evening and it is now Saturday morning), I sent an email to the address she gave me, asking for a refund of my initial payment, then called my bank and cancelled my debit card to insure they cannot bill further payments. I want my refund and I will look elsewhere for my warranty.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 27, 2018

Upon receipt of this complaint, an Endurance representative reached out to the consumer. The Endurance representative offered to expedite a copy of the consumer's contract. The consumer elected instead to discontinue coverage. The consumer's refund was processed back to the original form of payment on 8/21. Please be advised that it may take up to 7 business days for the refund to be visible on the consumer's statement. The refund should be visible no later than 8/30.

Endurance regrets the frustration caused to the consumer and is committed to the highest level of customer service.

Customer Response • Aug 27, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



I have been getting these so-called advertising letters for months. They look like a bill on one side, trying to scare the consumer in to buying their extended warranties. I called the number, finally, to figure out which vehicle of mine they were contacting me about. The person who answered did not believe me when I said I wanted to know which of my 11 vehicles they were referring to. He repeatedly told me that I DON'T HAVE 11 VEHICLES. I do not appreciate his calling me a liar. They have no knowledge of what vehicles I actually own, YET THEY HAVE THE ABSOLUTE NERVE TO CALL ME A LIAR? That is total hogwash.

When I mentioned some of the makes and models of my vehicles, he pursued getting details on some *** vehicle that I never mentioned. I guess he didn't pay attention when I mentioned a *** and heard it as ***. Obviously, they were going to try further to solicit my business.

There are several company names listed in the fine print on the solicitation letter, so I have no way of knowing if my complaint will reach the correct entity. But if YOU solicit ME, you have absolutely NO right to call ME a liar when I ask for details about YOUR SOLICITATION. PERIOD!

Very rude "agent," who had absolutely no right to call me a liar.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 20, 2018

Endurance apologizes for the unacceptable conduct experienced by the consumer. Endurance is committed to the highest level of customer service and does not tolerate unprofessional conduct. The consumer has been removed from Endurance's mailing lists as requested. The mailed notice requested by the customer has been sent and a copy is attached to this response.

Customer Response • Aug 22, 2018

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:

I see no indication that the employee who called me a liar has been even TOLD that he should NOT have called me a liar. I want a letter WRITTEN BY and SIGNED BY this "person." I also want some proof that he has been trained NOT to call people who call liars. A form letter from the person who deals with complaints all day is not what I requested.

It is also too early to say if I will receive any of the mailed responses that I requested.



I received a mailing from this company that was extremely misleading. One side of the mailing was made to look like an invoice, the other was labeled “Vehicle Document/Alert Notice.” The copy on the page included phrases like: “Immediate response to this notice requested.” “Our records indicate you have received multiple notices and have not contacted us to update your auto file.” And “Your file on this vehicle will be deleted.” There was no clear marking anywhere on either page to indicate that this was an advertisement. The company is using scare tactics to make people, who are not even their customers, think they have missed payments or done something wrong just to drum up business. It is dishonest and should be stopped.

The reviews that are good are for nothing more than customer service. When it comes to actually filing a claim, this is how it went for me. 5 days to wait for endurance to come "inspect" the car, required my dealership to dismantle the engine after they said it was the timing CHAIN. A 6 hour job but they did it. Waited another 5 days for endurance to come back out and "inspect" it again. Waited 2 more days for a decision to be made. This whole time endurance never made one phone call to keep me or my mechanic in the loop. It required me to call them, each time it was a 20+ minute wait. Finally after about 19 days I get a call from my mechanic and was told that they denied the claim because of "wear and tear"... Wear and tear on a timing chain??? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, what's the maintenance plan for a timing chain? There isn't one!!! I was stuck with a 2000 dollar repair bill and a warranty company who never paid a claim and never issued me a refund for ANYTHING. Oh and the refund process I was told I needed to send in the milage of the car and the date I canceled the policy. 2 months later I called back 30 minute hold times now) and was informed that I needed to state "I would like a refund" no joke. I had to specifically say "I want a refund" 4 months now and nothing. I don't have it in me to call this terrible company back. Lesson learned.

Endurance has made my extended warranty experience a good one so far. The only issue I have ever had was a minor one and that was being I had to call in a few different times just to change my payment option. I had my window regulator replaced under the extended warranty and Endurance told me I could use any liscensed mechanic. I took it to my dealer and they fixed it up endurance took care of the full cost minus my deductible right with the dealer. I am very satisfied with the speed and ease that my claim was handled. I was contacted by a representative following my claim to inquire at my satisfaction of the way the claim was handled. This is in my opinion a very professional extended warranty company, that values it’s customers.

I highly recommend Endurance I have a 2008 Ford Expedition El we had problems with it starting went to the mechanics shop handed him my cr he took care of everything with the endurance representatives he repaired my truck and had no problems receiving payment from Endurance I highly recommend Endurance if your looking for a warranty company they stand by there word!!! Roman

I was given wrong information, from a representative On 7-27-18, instructed me that I could get re-generated receipts from my mechanic as Proof for my maintenance records, once those were submitted to endurance, I was then informed that no that was not the case, and also my receipts were not acceptable due to them not being verifiable, on 8-16-18 Manager ( Derirdrd *** ) stated that a Verifiable receipt must have a printed letterhead, however no where in my purchased policy dose it state anything about maintenance records being typed printed whatever, just simply says verifiable, I have Attempted to discuss this issue with endurance numerous times, They keep saying, that due to my proof of maintenance records which do not meet there off the top of the head standerd definition of a verifiable receipt that they are denying my claim for vehicle repairs, I have had other issues with endurance in the past back in 2017 ranging from them denying to an auto repair shop that I even had a warranty policy with them even though they were accepting my Monthly payment every month, that was about a three day issue that was eventually resolved . At this point my vehicle has been sitting in need of repairs since 7-16-18 and due to, lack of training, miscommunication and poor wording in Policy, endurance warranty refuses to repair my vehicle, there representatives state to me they can understand the confusion and dissatisfaction on my end, however claim it’s nothing they can do.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 27, 2018

Please be advised, Endurance is strictly the seller of the vehicle service contract. Endurance sold the consumer an Interstate National Dealer Services vehicle service contract. INDS is the administrator/ obligor of the vehicle service which means INDS administers (approves or denies) the claims and is obligated to pay the approved claims. Endurance plays no role whatsoever in the approval or denial of claims.

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance has been working diligently with both INDS and the consumer to reach a resolution. At this time, the consumer has an active authorized claim for a water pump on his vehicle. Once this claim has been completed and paid by INDS, Endurance will be working with the consumer to provide continuing coverage with a different administrator. Endurance is making every effort to extend a self-administered contract to the customer.

Per Endurance’s conversation with the consumer on 8/27, Endurance has responded in a satisfactory way. Endurance is committed to the highest level of customer service and a continuing relationship with each consumer.

SHAME ON YOU!!!!!I requested a quote and received an email that someone would be calling me. I never received a call back. I decided to call. The representative(forgot name) looked my request up by phone number asked a few brief questions and then gave me a quote but explained that it was my first call so he had an "INCREDIBLE" offer for me. My down payment would be $175 instead of 350 and my monthly payment would be 115 instead of 150. But I had to give him my down payment right then during my"FIRST" call. I asked if he could give me like 10 mins to call him back and I explained I was driving at the time and I didn't feel comfortable or safe rummaging through my purse for my wallet for a credit card. He said the offers only good for this call. I explained I was driving and speaking to him on a hands-free headset and I just needed to get in a safe area to pull over. He said " you would rather hang up and loss this offer" and went into explaining the offer "I was passing up." I said really? YES!!!! I would rather not get involved in an accident. He said well it wasn't his fault I called him while I was driving. So disgusted!!!!! Must be selling on commission.

Love the exceptional customer service I received form James ***. Very helpful guy, well knowledgeable and friendly. Thank you James, always a pleasure!

Receiving mailings that are bogus as far as I'm concerned and a company that is probably trying to take advantage of older people thinking that they need to do this to protect the warranty on their cars, but it doesn't even say what car it is that you own etc..... Annoying mailings that are out to take advantage of people. There is no email or website address just a phone number to call.

Thank you,

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 20, 2018

Please be advised Endurance vehicle service contracts are offered in over 2,000 automobile dealerships as well as direct-to-consumers via the internet, television commercials and direct mail promotions.
Endurance is a certified member of the Vehicle Protection Association (VPA). As a certified member, Endurance follows the VPA’s Standards of Conduct. The Standards state that any vehicle service contract selling company must identify itself in the mail piece and Endurance abides by this standard.
In addition, Endurance does not collect information regarding the consumer's age and as such does not make any business or marketing decision based on the age of the consumer.
We are sorry about any confusion Endurance’s mail piece caused the consumer and as a result of the consumer's complaint, our company placed the consumer on our internal “Do Not Mail” database to ensure she does not receive any future direct mail advertisements from our company.

Customer Response • Aug 20, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



I received a notice in the mail that my car warranty was about to expire so I called and paid to continue coverage. Shortly after I contacted my dealership and explained what happened. The dealership called you and confirmed this was not a policy I was renewing. I canceled within 3 business days for a refund. However, I did not provide the VIN number for my car and called August 9, 2018 asking how did you get it but no one is willing to tell me.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 17, 2018

Endurance collects information from more than 13 different marketing sources including but not limited to insurance, self-reported data, dealers and manufacturers. The data provided to Endurance is entered into our system automatically and unfortunately it is not possible to determine where any single piece of information originated.

Please be advised that Endurance’s collection of information is in compliance with the Shelby Act and all other relevant statues. As a certified member of the Vehicle Protection Association (VPA), Endurance abides by the VPA’s Standards of Conduct. Endurance identifies itself on all documentation, mail pieces, and phone calls, and does not claim to be associated with any manufacturer. Endurance does not share, sell, or otherwise provide information to any company not directly involved in the administration of its contracts.

Upon receipt of this complaint, the Customer Service Manager for Endurance attempted to reach out to the consumer by phone and received a message that the phone number listed was not in service. Endurance is sorry for frustration and confusion that this has caused the consumer and is committed to the highest level of customer service.



Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 20, 2018

The consumer has a stated component contract. This means that all eligible components are specifically listed on the consumer's contract and any part not listed is not eligible for coverage.

On July 17, the consumer's repair facility reported failures to the electronic steering rack, valtronic actuator, and the o-rings seals in the turbocharger. The steering rack and valtronic actuator are not listed for coverage and the repairs were subsequently denied. While the internal parts of the turbocharger are eligible under the consumer's contract, it does not carry standalone coverage for seals and gaskets. As the repair facility confirmed that the failures were specifically to the seals and not the mechanical parts of the turbocharger, the repair was subsequently denied.

On July 23rd, the consumer contacted Endurance with the intent of removing her coverage. A release form was sent to the customer per normal cancellation procedures and was received by Endurance. Upon receipt of this complaint, return of the consumer's pro-rata refund was suspended pending resolution of the complaint. Per the consumer's contract, she is eligible for a pro-rata partial refund upon cancellation.

In the interest of customer service, Endurance has instead authorized a full refund of the consumer's contract payments. At the time of this response, Endurance has not been able to reach the consumer by phone or email to confirm this. Endurance requests that the consumer contact Endurance as soon as possible to discuss the terms of the full refund.

Customer Response • Aug 29, 2018

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: After several phone calls Mrs Vanessa told me the vehicle model was excluded. Today I received a release form which is not the form she sent on the mail and I signed I have copy of that form on my possesion with my attorney. She sent a form that was copied several times. Today I am receiving this form which I am not going to signed. Becuase this was not the form. I want my money back without this form because I requested her help and the help for endurance several times on the phone and those calls are supposed to be recorded. My vehicle suffered damages and they declined to pay and fix. I requested them to pay the $200 for the diagnostic and I requested them to increase my premium becase it was the premium I requested since the first day. She told me that if I change the premium I will needed to wait 60 days more and 1000 miles more for the new premium to cover me and that the damages on my vehicle will not be covered even if I increased the premium becuase they will counted as a pre-existing condition. The person who sold the policy is a liar because when I called I was told that the most suitable coversge was the one they sold me and not the one I wanted knowing my car was a ***. or they fix my car or I will take action. I am not going to sing this document alone. I am sorry but I am not going to sign this paper. I want my money back and I already signed a paper. Sincerely,Doris

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 31, 2018

The consumer had previously signed and sent in a cancellation request form that would allow her to receive a pro-rata partial refund. In the interest of customer service, Endurance has agreed to waive this pro-rata calculation and issue a full refund. The form sent most recently to the consumer, and attached to the consumer's response, is the form to allow the full refund instead of the partial, pro-rata refund. Endurance has still authorized the full refund upon completion of the second form. If the consumer instead wishes to receive the partial pro-rata refund, Endurance will send the partial refund instead.

Alvin *** help me a lot. He was very understanding. Very nice and caring person.

Today, my 92 yrs old mother received a letter from EWS located at 400 Skokie Blvd, ste 105 in Northbrook, IL. In bold letters it stated: "IMMEDIATE RESPOPNSE TO THIS NOTICE REQUESTED"
It said: "your factory warranty will expire or may have already expired" and was urged to "act immediately".
My mother has never owned any vehicle. Never bought or leased or rented one. She has never driven a vehicle, never had a drivers license.
In the letter it says:
Year: current
Make/model: call to verify
Program date deadline: 8/20/2018
Is this a scam to get an elderly to call and pay money?

I was sold a warranty that I did not request and I did not realize this warranty was not correct until my car was at *** receiving service and a claim was denied. After realizing why the claim was denied, I contacted endurance spoke to a supervisor by the name of Art who reassured me he would resolve the mix up but he never did. I mailed a certified letter requesting to cancel the insurance and requesting refund of all the payments made plus assistance on a repair bill of $6100.00 I had to pay. I received a call from Art to advise that a refund for all payments would processed only if I signed a release form and not to file a complaint against Endurance but no resolution on the the $6100.00 repair bill. So I mailed a second certified letter attention to the ceo, asssistsnt ceo, cancellation and resolution department and did not get any reply from Endurance. It has been a month ago since I contacted Endurance to resolve issue but I have been ignored.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 17, 2018

On April 9, 2018, the consumer requested a quote for a vehicle service contract via Endurance's website.

On April 10, an activation specialist contacted the consumer to provide the quote. The activation specialist advised the consumer on a recorded phone call of their level of coverage and the coverage details. After hearing the coverage details, the consumer opted to activate the contract at that time. As part of the 2-stage verification process for each sale, a second representative from the verification department confirmed with the consumer the level of coverage and coverage details. The consumer indicated that she understood. A physical copy of the consumer's contract was sent out via USPS Critical Mail for the consumer's review. The consumer had a 30-day period to review the contract and coverage level during which she could cancel for a full refund.

On June 27, a representative from ***-*** of Greenwich contacted Endurance to file a claim on the consumer's contract. The failures reported by the repair facility were unfortunately not listed for coverage on the consumer's contract and repairs were subsequently declined.

After the declined repair, the consumer contacted Endurance for an explanation. The consumer opted to discontinue her coverage. Per the consumer's contract, she is eligible for a partial refund of monies paid in, pro-rated based on the time the contract has been in force and the mileage that has elapsed.

In the interest of customer service, Endurance has instead offered a full refund to the consumer. The consumer has declined the offer of a full refund multiple times. At this time, the consumer's contract has been cancelled per her request. No pro-rata refund has been issued pending resolution of the offer of a full refund to the consumer. As the consumer has indicated that she does not wish to be contacted further by Endurance, Endurance will comply with this request. Endurance's offer for a full refund will remain in effect for 30 days pending the consumer's acceptance. If the consumer does not wish to accept the full refund, the contractually stated pro-rata refund will be sent out on September 17 to the consumer's address on file.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 21, 2018

The coverage provided to the consumer is the highest level of coverage that her vehicle qualified for. It is the same level of coverage that the vehicle qualified for in October 2017, when she applied and then removed the coverage after review. As Endurance did not change its eligibility guidelines, the vehicle’s qualified coverage selection was the same when she reapplied the coverage in April 2018.

On a recorded phone call, the consumer was notified by the sales representative of the name and level of coverage, as well as what it covered. On a recorded phone call, the consumer was notified by a second representative in the verification department of the name and level of coverage, as well as what it covered. A copy of the consumer’s contract as sent via USPS Critical Mail for review. Endurance made every attempt to inform the consumer of her level of coverage.

The consumer is eligible per contract terms for a pro-rata refund. In the interest of customer service, Endurance has offered multiple times to waive the pro-rata calculation and offer a full refund to consumer upon receipt of a standard signed release allowing this payment to be made. To date, the consumer has rejected every goodwill offer by Endurance to resolve this situation. At this time, Endurance will still authorize a full refund in the interest of customer service upon receipt of a release from the consumer allowing this payment to be made.

Customer Response • Aug 23, 2018

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:
I need clarification on the RELEASE FORM you are forcing me to sign in order to get my refunds and I am also requesting a break down in details what I am being refunded for (will I be refunded for my downpayment, and all the months followed up to july 2018)? I have a hard time trusting a company who does not stand by their product.... Also to answer your latest discovery, stating that I applied for the same coverage back in october 2017: I was not aware it was the same company because the first time I signed up it was a sent as a bogus/fraudulent marketing scheme having consumers believe that they need to sign up for warranty which did not disclose the name of the company and when I signed up and realize the coverage was garbage, I cancelled within 30days. Also I did not have any recollection that I was signing up with the same company until it was told to me by the representive when I called to inquiry about my denied claim in July 2018. If I was aware that it was the same company, then I would not be here right now going back and forth with a company who refuse to do the right thing and put a consumer through the ordeal I am going though right now. Again I am not the first consumer who have launched the same complaint and I am the foolish consumer for not reading the reviews about this company before signing up! Also I notice your company refuse to provide a resolution or even a discussion on the repair cost ($6100.00) I was billed and left to pay! And in regards to your so call verification system which you believe gives your company justification to fraud consumers does not explain why I was given a coverage I DID NOT ASK FOR AND IF YOUR COMPANY SO CALL LISTENED TO THE RECORDING YOU KNOW FOR A FACT, THE SALE AGENT NEVER TOLD ME THAT I WAS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE COVERAGE I CALLED IN AND ASKED FOR......this is the reason I am upset about and also your company refuse to own up to the fact your sale agent misinform me.



First brought the warranty in Feb 2018 and my first experience filing a claim was for my wheel bearing they denied my claim stating that in FINE print on the contract wheel bearing is not covered because they considered that not to be suspension. so that was $400 out of my pocket but Endurance still got their monthly payment. The final straw was going out of town from NC to KY and the car breaks down on the highway. I am able to get the car to Nissan in KY and they tell me they believe it to be a blown head gasket but also could be other problems to the engine, so a new engine was suggested. Endurance was called and told of the issue and they said ok an inspector would be out to review the engine, after they inspected they too said a new engine would be needed. The information was sent over to Endurance and they all of a sudden denied the claim... First reason being oversized tires on the vehicle (Fine print on contract) after arguing that, that would have nothing to do with the head gasket blown, they then said well we would deny because head gasket is not covered (then why send an inspector to look at the car) Finally they said well we would also deny because overheating of engine.. I told them there was no indication at all that the car was overheating until it started stalling on the highway and I pulled over. They said I should have been checking the thermostat, I said going down the highway and no indication that something was wrong with the car, why would I be looking down? I asked for a full refund and they stated I had to send in paperwork and an odometer reading in order to cancel or even get partial refund. John at ext 7087 said they could shop around for a cheaper engine (something I can do) then said in the future something may be covered and I may need it... Help desk called and said the same thing, I advised that a new engine would be $11,000 and a used engine $7,000 and the car is only worth $6,000 so I can’t even trade it in and worst of all the car is stuck in KY………. This warranty company is the worst!!

I received the most outstanding customer experience from Endurance Extended Warranty Car Insurance. His name is Toney *** He was professional and courteous in providing me excellent assistance. I feel secure knowing I have this coverage on my 2010 car. I truly recommend Endurance to all. I already told my coworkers about Endurance.

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Address: 400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937


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