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Endurance Warranty Services

400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937

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Endurance Warranty Services Reviews (%countItem)

This company has some does everything in it's power to deny big ticket warranty items. I purchased the best warranty they offer for my *** and now every time there is a claim they deny it as pre existing. I would make sure you choose wisely.

Thank you Vernetta for all your help. She was very helpful n was able to help me to stay with company even after I was thinking of cancelling. Thank you again Vernetta!

My car has recently been denied for a claim due to “wear and tear” on the timing chain. I contacted the warranty company to understand why this was denied and was advised I must trust their word that this was inspected by a 3rd party “stating the timing chain was stretched” resulting from wear and tear because they WOULD NOT provide me documentation stating this reason. The claims manager even asked was there someone (not to insult my intellect) who could understand what he was saying on my behalf. I asked to speak to his superiors and was advised to call back later. Something was not adding up so I contacted the repair shop who had my car and the manager stated the inspector did not properly inspect the “timing chain” as he did not have the right equipment. The repair manager advised us that he sees this all the time with this company..inspector will tell them “this looks like it should be covered” and within the hour the warranty company denies the claim. The repair manager also stated we should get an attorney and fight this. A few minutes later the claims manager called my husband and stated “I spoke with my director and he is willing to reopen the claim, it appears the inspector did not have the right socket to inspect.”

Now the repair shop Had already rebuilt the breakdown after the warranty company denied the claim..this leaves me to cover that cost and now the additional breakdown cost for the second..over $2,000!!!!!!!

I called today after work to speak with someone in headquarters. I got another manager on the phone only to be advised I need to work with the other claims manager because she could not help me and he is on his way out the door as it is past their business hours. I told her why would I want to speak with someone who lied and insulted me..she stated it was my best bet. I asked her to how compassion as a person this is difficult. Later in the call she stated “you are not worth me losing my job over.” I can not believe this company!

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 03, 2019

Please be advised, the consumer purchased the Select Premier vehicle service contract from National Vehicle Protection Services, a selling agent. Endurance is the claims administrator for this contract.

On 6/5/19, a representative from *** contacted Endurance's claims department and reported a failure to the consumer's vehicle. The repair facility determined that the timing chain was stretched, and that this was the cause of the failure. As the Select Premier only provides coverage for mechanical and electrical breakdown and does not provide coverage for wear and tear failures. The timing chain, as reported by ***, was stretched, but was not mechanically failed. As such, Endurance declined the claim.

Subsequently, Endurance was notified that there was additional information in regards to the claim and that ***' diagnosis of stretched timing chains may not be accurate. The consumer authorized additional diagnosis and Endurance dispatched an independent, third-party inspector. The inspection report confirmed that ***' original diagnosis of stretched timing chains was in fact correct, and the claim remained declined.

As administrator, Endurance merely adjudicates the contract as written and is not involved in any financing of the contract. At this time, the consumer's contract is active and Endurance has not received any notification from National Vehicle Protection Services to indicate that it should be otherwise.

The consumer can reach her selling agent at .

Customer Response • Jul 03, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:

Information above is not valid, the third party “inspector” stated the timing chain was stretched not ***. *** stated the third party inspector did not have the proper tools to truly inspect the timing chain. when I contacted the warranty company they then agreed to “re-open” the case for another inspector to review.



This company is a fraud and full of . Received notification on a vehicle I no longer own. Got rid of vehicle over 14 years ago. Will report and send a copy of letter to *** as well as to the

I am currently in the process of a claim. My vehicle has the supreme policy, and I was told this would be the perfect choice for my type of vehicle (2014 ***) because of the features and costly options. 2 weeks ago the suspension on my car began to lower. I immediately had the vehicle sent to the dealership. The verdict was simple. My hydraulic pump was defective sending too much air pressure to the airbags causing them to leak, which then caused the interior rods to snap. The service manager contacted Endurance and verified that the parts were covered by my policy. I then called Endurance where a representative verified the exact same thing to me just to be sure. At this point he said they would send out an adjuster to finalize the repairs needed. Because the airbags were damaged from the faulty pump the adjuster listed only the airbags as a faulty item because they had physical damage to them. The pump was then disregarded for a reason they could not explain to me other than it "looking fine". The problem is Endurance does not want to send another adjuster out to see that the pump will blow a new set of airbags. They need the dealership to prove the pump is at fault and this is ALL OF THE PROOF they need if only they would get an adjuster out to see this occur. Of course that is too convenient, and I'm stuck in the loophole fighting for them to handle this appropriately.
As a business owner, I know better. I immediately contacted Endurance and the dealership 12 times over the course of 2 days to dispute this and explain that the airbags were caused by the faulty pump and now having the new airbags this can be proven. They are saying that they have finalized the issues reported and do not plan to send another adjuster out. So this means the airbags will blow again the moment the car attempts to self level. So another claim to Endurance only to experience the exact same situation!?!?
This has been a horrible experience for me. I will do every single thing in my power from both my side and business side to have fair treatment and proper care. I have reached out to contact corporate. I have my attorney for this matter to stay engaged with this every step of the way.
Endurance should represent their company and clients better, and this will be the test to see if they do. If they resolve this then my reviews will change and I will keep my policy. Simple as that. The repairs are still less than my premium. This comes down to principles.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 28, 2019

Mr. R,
We're sorry to hear about your experience, but we're glad you gave us the opportunity to make it right! We've put your updated response below:
My issues have been resolved with Endurance Auto Warranty. Initially the process was stressful, but ultimately they resolved my vehicle's damages and fully covered the repairs for both parts and labor. A very kind representative even contacted me to see how my vehicle was operating post repair work. Of course I was skeptical about a third party warranty policy based on some dreadful reviews of others, but I will say I am happy with Endurance. They kept to their word. They fixed my car and that is what matters most. There were complications as expected, but just keep up with it and document everything correctly. If your vehicle falls under the protection policy as listed then you should be fine.

Mike was very professional in handling my case and he is asset to your company. I would hope that all your employees are as good as he is! I would give him 10 stars but will settle for 5!

I've repeatedly asked to be removed from their mailing list. On 6/11 I called customer service again. I asked Jocelyn could she explain how I could have received a letter last month worded exactly the as their letter. She asked me the name of that company which is *** Protection Services. She said she had never heard of them. The only difference in these letters is the effective date of a price increase. I have no idea how they have my name and address and so far their customer service has no answer. I believe this is a scam. Neither one of these companies have good reputations. I also find it highly unlikely that these two companies would send the same worded letter.They are connected somehow. I want these letters to cease and desist. This certainly not the way I would do business.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 12, 2019

Please be advised, Endurance vehicle service contracts are offered in over 2,000 automobile dealerships as well as direct-to-consumers via the internet, television commercials, and direct mail promotions. Endurance is a certified member of the Vehicle Protection Association (VPA). As a certified member, Endurance follows the VPA's Standards of Conduct. The Standards state that any vehicle service contract selling company must identify itself in the mail piece and Endurance abides by this standard.

Endurance can confirm that a mailed advertisement was sent to this consumer from Endurance. As Endurance is the same company as, nor a subsidiary of, *** Protection Services, nor is *** Protection Services a subsidiary of Endurance, Endurance cannot confirm any information in regards to that company. Endurance does not know what, if any, mail pieces have been sent from that company and Endurance does not know the content of any mail piece sent from that company.

We are sorry for the frustration that Endurance's mail piece caused the consumer, and as a result of the consumer's complaint, our company placed the consumer on our internal "Do Not Mail" database to ensure that he does not receive any future direct mail advertisements from our company. Please allow up to 10 business days to process this request. The consumer may still receive additional mail pieces sent during the processing time.

I have an Endurance Warranty that was purchased in March 2019. The contract number is ***. I took my car to *** of Houston Greenway on 06/10/2019 because my check engine light came on the previous day. I instructed them to give Endurance a call to see if my repair was covered. They contact Endurance and was told that an Endurance inspector had to come inspect my car. By Tuesday 06/11/19 MB told me that the inspector had come but needed to file a report. I called Endurance's claim line on Wednesday, 06/12/19 at 10:24 AM CST. I was on hold for 27 minutes then as someone picked up the phone, they told me that the manifold repair had been approved and that I needed to contact MB to have someone call them. MB called me back at 3:19 PM CST on the same day and told me that they were told that the claim was denied because the inspector could not find anything wrong. I called Endurance warranty at 3:29 PM and spoke to Shannon and was told that they could not find any codes or broken bolts and no freeze frame data to report failures to part. My car is still in the shop.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 26, 2019

On 6/10/19, a representative from ***-*** of Houston contacted Endurance's Claims department and reported failures to the consumer's vehicle, including a failure of the intake manifold. As part of the normal claims process, an inspector was sent out to confirm the failures reported by the repair facility. Upon inspection, no error codes returned upon operation of the vehicle. No freeze frame (vehicle computer) information was available in regards to the failure, and the technician could not demonstrate any actual failure of the intake manifold or any related components. As the consumer's contract does not cover repairs where no failure can be confirmed, the claim was declined at that time.

Please be advised, Endurance will still administer the claim process if a failure can be duplicated and demonstrated. A cancellation of the contract would prevent Endurance from being able to continue this claim. At this time, Endurance has suspended the contract to make contact with the consumer and attempt a resolution.

This corporation does not uphold what they sell. We purchased this with a used car we purchased a 2012 *** Town and Country. And all 4 times we have tried to use it they have said no that is not covered. We purchased the Premier coverage. We took it to *** that diagnosed the issue it came back as the ECU or ECM. They called the Endurance and endurance stated no that a integrated power unit which we consider a fuse box its not covered. I contracted them to clarify and Tyler from their group was dismissive and even though the codes and everything else is not a "Fuse Box" he could not help me. I am canceling my contract with these poeple and informing to dealer to stop pushing their coverage.
Below is what their contract says they cover just for clarification.
ELECTRICAL: All electrical manual switches, alternator, analog gauges, cam sensor, ignition module, engine control unit (ECU), engine control module (ECM), manifold absolute pressure sensor (MAP), mass air flow sensor (MAF), power door lock actuators, starter drive, starter motor, starter solenoid, and voltage regulator.

After 3 different phone calls to Endurance to get my contract figures corrected, VERNETTA was finely able to get the job done! Ricky start with your company, but think I'm good now.

Nothing but a bunch of sg scam artists, don't fall for this ***. If you get a letter from this company, my advice to you is to burn it.

I recieved a letter from this company when I haven't owned a car for over 10 years. I found this to be out of the blue. I do not trust this company at all. I have no idea how they got my address, how they had my a customer ID# for me either. I just DO NOT TRUST THEM! I have also reported them to the ***.

When asking about details and specific questions I was told that the turbo charger was covered. I was not informed about wear and tear and I was not informed I was getting a lesser policy because of the age of my car When trying to get repairs done claims were denied because of all print details that we’re not disclosed during the sales call. Please don’t waste your money with this company. Save it and fix the car when needed because you won’t get help from them. They will find back door ways to not cover anything.

Customer Response • Jun 10, 2019

They send you a packet after taking your money. Unless you are a mechanic you will miss things. I’m not knowledgeable about car so there were details not disclosed during the sales call and because of the vague wording in the packet the details are very unclear.

I am writing you directly as I have been dealing with multiple different personal for a claim with this company. I have never had so much lying and depiction since my divorce from my ex wife. I file a claim to which multiply issues were found, only to find out that since these parts weren’t specificities listed they were denied. These parts are over $1,500. The one part which was covered $2,500 had a third party source come out to verify. Only they to be denied again because 3 weeks earlier I put new tires on the truck. Which I provided paperwork to show I was not lying. I was very clear when I bought this plane to cover all of these questions. I have a list of people I have spoken to and not one has follow through on a single thing other the to deny and pass blame. They did offer for me to pay for everything and then up grade my plan to insure coverage in the future. Which is funny since I asked multiple times if this was the best coverage I could get and was told yes. By why would I spend more money only to expect more of the same. This is not appreciable nor is it consistent with what was “covered” at time of purchase. I have been 100% honest and tried to handle this correctly. Only to be let with the options of a lawsuit, contacting you and file claims with the as well as several other organizations. Some of people that I have spoken to David ***, Daniel ***, Ryan ***, Art *** just to name a few. I can provide emails and great details as well. I appreciate your time and look forward to communication back soon. Thank you.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 25, 2019

On 2/6/19, the consumer contacted Endurance and purchased a Select Premier vehicle service contract. A copy of the consumer's contract was sent via USPS Critical Mail for the consumer's review. A copy of the consumer's contract is attached, as well as the USPS Mail Delivery Report for the consumer's contract.

On 6/4/19, a representative from Brandon Ford contacted Endurance and reported multiple failures to the vehicle. One failed component, the evaporator, was eligible for coverage on the consumer's stated-component contract. As the other components were not listed for coverage, repairs to those components were declined.

As part of the normal claims process, an independent third-party inspector was sent out to confirm the failures and state of the vehicle. The inspector noted that the vehicle had mounted tires of the size 305/55/20, while the placard calls for a size of 275/55/20. Per the consumer's contract, pg. 7, "Exclusions", coverage is not provided under the consumer's contract

If any alterations have been made to Your Vehicle or You are using or have used Your Vehicle in a manner not recommended by the manufacturer, including but not limited to: the failure of any custom or add-on part, all frame or suspension modifications, oversized/undersized tires or wheels, trailer hitches. Also not covered are any emissions and/or exhaust systems modifications, engine modifications, transmission modifications, and/or drive axle modifications, which includes any performance modifications.

As the vehicle had oversized tires, the claim was subsequently declined.

The consumer sent in a document (attached) demonstrating that he had changed the tires to a non-stock size. This document confirms that the modification was done during the contract period with the consumer’s knowledge of the size of the tires.

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance performed an internal investigation, including a review of recorded phone calls with the consumer. During the initial sales call, the consumer was asked by the activation specialist if he had modifications, including “any modifications to increase power or force or any oversized or undersized tires”. The consumer answered that he did not, and was subsequently notified that there would not be a conflict “as long as everything is stock size”.

Subsequent to the quote and prior to any transaction, the consumer was transferred to a Verification specialist, who confirmed vital information with the consumer. A review of the verification call confirmed that the consumer was again asked if there were any modifications to the vehicle, to which he confirmed there were not.

As the consumer was notified prior to any transaction that the wheels and tires must be stock sized, the consumer’s contract states that coverage is excluded for any such modification, and the modification was made during the contract period with the consumer’s knowledge, the claim remained declined.

In the interest of customer service, an Endurance agent, Adam, reached out to the consumer on 6/12/19 and offered a full refund as a gesture of goodwill. The consumer, at his own request, was provided a time period until the close of business on 6/14/19 to make a decision to accept the full refund. Endurance has not yet heard back from the consumer, indicating the consumer’s refusal of this offer.

At this time, the consumer’s contract remains active per request, but as no claims may be authorized due to the modifications, no further payment will be accepted from the consumer.

Customer Response • Jun 25, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:



I feel as though this should be listed under SCAM. This company has my information and sends me letters using an issued Customer ID, for purpose of insurance coverage, quotes they cannot honor due to price increases, etc. They need to discontinue this deceptive practice. They are NOT in accordance with this fake VPA they are associated with. According to they are NOT an accredited business, which is listed in the information on their website, showing themselves with an A rating. They say they get their info on people from various marketing agencies, therefore CANNOT SAY where they retrieved your information? Stop with the excuses and refering to complaints and SCAM reports as "Fake News", in your twitter accounts and responses which can be found all over the web. They need to remove me from all phone calls and mailings, and stick to retrieving info that is inititated from an actual sale at a certified dealership - none of which is the case for myself.
The Standards of Conduct suggest that companies certified by the VPA should not use the name “Warranty” anywhere in the name of the company.
However, “Endurance Warranty Services”, and "Endurance Warranty Services, LLC" is clearly listed in the fine print.
Thank you

I received an "Important--Open Immediately" letter from them stating that there would be a price increase to their extended vehicle service plans effective June 14, 2019. Now, I have a 2000 ***--yes, a 19 year old car-- and have never had an extended service plan. My name and address are correct on the envelope and on the letter. I believe that this is a scam. If I had just bought a car, which I am looking to do currently, this would have thrown me. This is a dishonest act.

In July,2017 reached out to your company to obtain an extended warranty for my 2015 Chevy Impala which at that time had $123,304 miles on it. At no time during the conversation, did the representative ask me if I used my vehicle as a taxi or vehicle for hirer working for *** or ***. For 18 mos. I paid my monthly premium, which totaled to $3014.74. On 5/8/19, my vehicle broke down on a highway and I had to have my car towed to the car dealership that has been servicing my car since I brought it. As a result, I was informed by the dealership, that my transmission needed to be replaced. I gave them my extended warranty information, and they reached out to Endurance and was told that they needed to send out one of your representative to look at the vehicle to determine the if the transmission was really the problem. On 5/10, the adjuster from Endurance went to the dealership to look at the car.On 5/13, I reached out to the dealership to see if they got approval for the work and they stated that they haven't heard from the adjuster. I reached out endurance and he said that they were waiting for someone from the dealership to contact them. When they did he said that my claim was deny because I have TLC plates and drove for ***. I called back to customer service and someone told me that I should gotten the plan for ***/*** drivers I asked her if she could switch me over to the plan and that I would pay the difference so that I could get my vehicle fixed. After that I spoke to Mr. an adjuster that said "we always tell the customers that if they drive for *** or *** they would not be covered, I told him that I was never asked, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the policy.Ask to speak to supervisor and explained the problem to Art ***, he told me he would request the recording of the conversation I had when I got the policy. Called me back and said that no one asked if I drive for *** and that he would give me $1700 if I signed a waiver

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 19, 2019

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance performed an internal audit of the contract, purchase, and customer interaction. It was determined that the consumer was using the vehicle for commercial purposes that were excluded on the consumer's contract. Normally, this would result a pro-rata refund issued to the consumer.

In the interest of customer service, Endurance will offer a full refund of all payments to the consumer, pending signature of an agreement allowing Endurance to do so. The consumer may receive this by contacting his account specialist at .

Customer Response • Jun 24, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



I was overwhelmed about paying my bills and thinking about canceling my warranty but until tony help me out and changed my mind in keeping my warranty! Now I can afford my bills and warranty with no problem. I appreciate it so much tony, I’m glad you helped me out.Thanks again you the man.

At first I was a bit apprehensive as to getting a refund for auto repairs done over the weekend. After talking with Ali in the Claims Department, he explained the extenuating circumstances to his supervisor and an amicable resolution was achieved. Thank you for your efforts.

I submitted the following complaint to Endurance 2 months ago as a courtesy since they ask that complaints go to them before being filed with the After a call saying they wouldn’t cover my claim and that they would put me in contact with a different mechanic to get another quote, I haven’t heard back from them. It has now been 4 months since my initial claim and my car is still not in working condition.

6 months ago, I purchased a 2006 *** from a dealership for $6,000 with what seemed to be a comprehensive warranty from Endurance for an additional $1,800. On February 15th I took my car to a mechanic who told me that the differential, transfer case, and drive shaft of the car would need to be replaced ($3,600) and the upper/lower control arms would need to be replaced ($2,482). The claim for the control arms was immediately denied because they are not a specifically listed parts. I was surprised to hear they would not be covered but assumed there would be no problem with the claim for the differential/transfer case/drive shaft since they are all specifically listed as covered parts in my warranty.

Endurance said they denied the claim since they thought the damage was caused by a leak caused by a faulty seal/gasket. Since they don’t consider seals/ gaskets to be covered parts, they wouldn’t cover any damage caused by a faulty seal/gasket even if that damage is to a part specifically covered by the warranty. The contract’s only reference to seals/gaskets is to say that it will only replace seals/gaskets when damage to them is caused by a covered part. It says nothing about the fact that they will not cover damage to a covered part when caused by a seal/gasket.

The repairs are more than the value of the car and in its current state, it can’t be driven or sold. This warranty is a scam. They will not even cover the cost of repairs of parts specifically listed in their warranty and try to shift the blame and make it seem like there is nothing they can do.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 19, 2019

The consumer purchased an Auto Secure Standard vehicle service contract from ***. This contract is administered by Endurance Dealer Services. A copy of the contract has been attached to this response.

On 2/15/19, a representative from Salt Lake Valley Chrysler *** contacted the Endurance Claims department to file a claim for repairs. The repair facility reported leaking failures to the front pinion seal and both axle seals, as well as the control arm bushings. Due to the severity of the seal failures, the repair facility reported that it would be necessary to replace the transfer case and front differential. As part of the normal claims process, an independent third-party inspector was sent to confirm the failures reported by the repair facility. The inspector confirmed and photographed severe long term leaks from the pinion and axle seals, and confirmed the cause of failure reported by the repair facility.

Please be advised, the consumer has a Stated Component level of coverage. This means that all eligible components are listed in the contract. Any part not listed in the schedule of coverage is not eligible. As the control arms bushings are not listed for coverage, the repair for this item was declined.

Per the consumer's contract, page 2, seals and gaskets are only eligible as a cause of failure: "in conjunction with the repair or replacement of a Covered Part, unless Optional Seals and Gaskets has been selected and the box marked Seals and Gaskets is checked on the Registration Page."

As the consumer's contract does not list seals and gaskets are eligible components, this repair was declined.

Although the components damaged by the seal failure are eligible, the failure was due to a non-covered component. Per the consumer's contract, page 5, letter K, this contract does not provide coverage for

"damage to a covered part due to the failure of a non-covered part".

As the transfer case and differential were damaged due to the failure of seals and the seals were not eligible for coverage, the repair was subsequently declined.

At this time, the consumer's contract is active and eligible for coverage.

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Address: 400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937


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