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Endurance Warranty Services

400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937

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Endurance Warranty Services Reviews (%countItem)

I signed up for their service on 5/8/19. I was told the policy would not go into effect until 90 days and 3000 miles. After 4 months and 7000 miles I needed to take my car to the dealership because my door locks stopped working. I made an appointment and the dealership started my class on 8/27/19. That morning they looked over my car and contacted Endurance to start a claim. Endurance said they needed an adjuster to come inspect my car and that they would be there within 24 hours. I called Endurance on 8/28/19 over 24 hours from when the claim was started. I asked why the adjuster didn’t show. They stated he called the dealership several times to make arrangements to come but they never answer the phone. Funny since I’ve called the dealership 8 times at this point and someone ALWAYS answers the phone. Dealership tells me they finally spoke to the adjuster and he would be there today, 9/3/19. As of 6pm the adjuster has still not been there. The service department is now closed and it’s been a week that I’ve been without my car. This was supposed to be resolved within 24 hours! I drove for *** and rely on my car to make a living. Endurance is aware of this. I had to select a higher priced plan because of my being an *** driver. Yet they don’t see that anything is wrong. UNACCEPTABLE

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Sep 17, 2019

Please be advised, Endurance is simply the selling agent of this contract. The administrator/obligor is United Car Care (UCC). This means that UCC is responsible for the administration of claims and Endurance plays no role in this process.

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance reached out to UCC to determine the best course of action.

On 8/28, the consumer's repair facility contacted UCC to file a claim for repairs. As part of the normal claims process, UCC attempted to dispatch an independent, third-party inspector to confirm the failures reported by the repair facility.

The inspector attempted to contact the repair facility to confirm a time for the inspection, as well as ensure that the vehicle was ready for inspection. The inspector attempted to contact the repair facility on 8/29, 8/30, 9/2, and 9/3 without success. The inspector left multiple voicemails for the repair facility but did not receive any callback and was not able to make contact.

On 9/4, the repair facility contacted UCC in regards to the inspection. UCC advised that the inspector had been trying to make contact for nearly a week, and needed to make contact to set up a time and ensure that the vehicle was ready for inspection. The repair facility indicated their understanding.

Upon the inspector's arrival at the repair facility, the vehicle was not present for inspection. At this time, Endurance recommends that the consumer take the vehicle back to the repair facility and have the repair facility contact UCC for inspection.

United Car Care, the claims administrator, can be contacted at .

Customer Response • Sep 17, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:I spoke with Endurance and saw where the inspector noted how many times he called. Funny that I called the dealership 2 times a day and always got a live person on the phone. I was forced to pick up my car without getting the work done because I drive for *** and depend on my vehicle for my livelihood. After a week without a car I had already lost out on over $1000 in earnings. The inspector needs to actually go to the location. My car was there and ready for inspection for a week. If they can’t provide service in a timely manner then they should just do what I asked and refund my policy with them since they are unable to provide the service that was promised when I agreed to purchase. Or amend their policy to allow for a rental car until their inspector can get to the location in question. It’s not my problem that they contract a 3rd party to do inspections. I did not pay a third party. I paid them.



Endurance Warranty Services Response • Sep 17, 2019

Per the previous response, the claim is still open and can be continued as soon as the repair facility notifies United Car Care that the vehicle is present at the facility.

If the consumer wishes instead to cancel both the claim and his contract and receive his pro-rata refund, he may do so by contacting . In the interest of customer service, Endurance will agree to expedite any eligible pro-rata refund.

Best customer service ever & I would definitely recommend it to anyone!!!

For all the hard work the guys did the last few days trying to get my claim straightened out I appreciate it a lot

I pay for top package warranty for 6 years and after 2 years of service they are denied my claim for repairs to my vehicle because the repairs exceed the value of my car so why did they sell me that policy knowing that my car is old and they knew that after they run your vin number and still sold me the contract and after talking to them about it for over 45 minutes I asks to speak to a supervisor they denied me and kept giving me the runaround

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 28, 2019

Each Endurance vehicle service contract has a limit of liability, specifying the maximum amount that the contract can pay out. On the consumer's contract (attached), pg. 3, in bold font, "Limit of Liability":

"The aggregate limit of liability shall be the lesser of, the average trade-in value of the Vehicle as provided by the NADA Guides or the purchase price of the Vehicle as provided by a Bill of Sale."

To date, Endurance has paid all 4 of the consumer's claims, totaling $3615.70. The NADA average trade-in value of the consumer's vehicle is $3875.00, verified at https://www.***.com/Cars/2008/***/G6-V6/Sedan-4D-GXP/Values, and the attached screenshot. This means that $259.30 of usable liability remains on this contract, and Endurance can authorize up to this amount.

Endurance has offered to provide a new contract to the consumer with a new limit of liability so that the consumer can continue to have claims paid. At this time, the consumer has declined.

Customer Response • Aug 31, 2019

Complaint: 13800194

I am rejecting this response because:They are selling a contract over the phone how am I to trun too page 3 to see that it say limited of liability why can they say that to you over phone because you won't buy their coverage so they are full of st


Endurance Warranty Services Response • Sep 03, 2019

Upon purchase of the contract, Endurance sent the consumer's contract to his address on file via USPS Critical Mail. The delivery report is attached to this response. The consumer was provided a thirty (30) day period to review the contract, during which he could receive a full refund if the contract terms were not acceptable. In addition, the consumer's contract was available for review at any time on Endurance's website.

In total, Endurance has authorized and paid $3615.70 in claims prior to the current claim. The current claim is authorized for the remaining $259.30 value of the consumer's Limit of Liability per the NADA Value, listed on Endurance's previous response.

An amount of $129.12 for the last 17 months (since April 2018) has been withdrawn from my account under a name of ***-VEH COV . This is what I believed to be my car warranty, but this is not the name of the agency I received one email from. This name was Endurance Warranty. I contacted the company about a month after signing up and my down payment had been withdrawn because I had not received any paperwork regarding the policy I had signed up for. At this time they sent me an email with what looked to be a policy card and a link to the policy. However, when I try to view my policy I receive a message, "PDF can not be found".
Now 16 months later, I attempted to contact their clams number to see what the balance was on my account but I just get placed on hold.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 29, 2019

Please be advised, Endurance is the claims administrator for this contract. Endurance is not involved in the marketing, sale, or payment terms of this contract. The contract was sold by Vehicle Repair Services of America (VRSA). VRSA is responsible for the fulfillment of the contract, as well as the payment terms. is the payment processor for this contract and is not involved in the sale or administration.

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance reached out to the consumer by phone and provided the contact information for *** and VRSA. *** will be able to suspend the payments for the consumer, at VRSA is responsible for any cancellation and/or refund. Endurance also provided its customer service number in case the consumer needs to gain further contact with Endurance. For convenience, VRSA's contact number is listed again below:

Vehicle Repair Services of America

I purchased an extended warranty for my *** F-250 approximately 7 months ago from Endurance. At the time of the purchase the telephone representative asked me about the mileage of the truck and the VIN number. I was asked if the truck has a lift kit, which it does not.
I took my truck in for repairs and was told that the warranty I purchased would not cover any repairs due to the size of the tires on the truck being one size different than what Is recommended on the manufactures sticker in the door. The tires on the truck are the same as when I purchased the vehicle and when I purchased the extended warranty from Endurance.
This company needs to pay for the repairs to my vehicle.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Sep 12, 2019

On 2/21/19, the consumer contacted Endurance and purchased a Select Premier vehicle service contract. As part of Endurance’s 2-stage verification process, the consumer is transferred to an Endurance verification representative after agreeing to contract terms with an activation specialist. The verification representative again confirms vital information with the consumer prior to any transaction being made, including the coverage type and scope, coverage terms, and payment terms. Endurance performs this redundant check in an effort to ensure that the consumer is properly informed and that the vehicle meets qualification guidelines.

Upon receipt of this complaint, endurance performed an internal investigation, including a review of the sales and verification call recordings. During the verification, the consumer was asked the same series of questions by the verification representative that had been asked by the activation specialist. A review of the call recording included the following question: “are there any modifications to the vehicle, including oversized or undersized wheels or tires?” The consumer answered “no” to this question and the contract was activated

On 8/14, a representative from *** Crestview contacted the Endurance claims department to file a claim for repairs. As part of the normal claims process, an independent, third-party inspector was sent to confirm the vehicle's condition as well as the failures reported by the repair facility. On the inspection report and confirmed by photographs, the following modification was observed:

Stock tire size per vehicle placard: 275/65/20

Mounted tire size: 285/60/20

Speed variance: 1.82%

As the consumer’s contract does not allow for any modification from stock whatsoever, the claim was declined. Per the consumers contract (attached), pg. 7, “Exclusions”, coverage is not provided:

“If any alterations have been made to Your Vehicle or You are using or have used Your Vehicle in a manner not recommended by the manufacturer, including but not limited to: the failure of any custom or add-on part, all frame or suspension modifications, oversized/undersized tires or wheels, trailer hitches. Also not covered are any emissions and/or exhaust systems modifications, engine modifications, transmission modifications, and/or drive axle modifications, which includes any performance modifications.”

On 8/20, the consumer contacted endurance and requested cancellation of his contract. Endurance cancel the contract at the consumer’s request. The consumer's refund is scheduled to be sent out on 9/16 to the address on file.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Sep 19, 2019

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance reviewed the call recordings from the sale and verification. The call recordings confirm that the consumer was asked if the vehicle was modified, and in fact was explicitly asked if the vehicle had oversized or undersized wheels or tires. In addition, a copy of the consumer's contract was sent via USPS Critical Mail for his review. A copy of the delivery report is attached. The consumer was provided a 30-day period during which he could review the contract in full, including the exclusions, and receive a full refund if he did not wish to continue.

Please be advised, per the consumer’s contract, any modification to the vehicle from factory stock is not permitted, regardless of who performed such modification. Endurance makes every effort to prevent situations whereby a vehicle with modifications unknown to Endurance is provided a contract that does not allow for modifications. Unfortunately, Endurance is limited to self-reported data from the consumer. Endurance apologizes for the frustration experienced by the consumer due to the modifications on his vehicle.

Per Endurance’s previous response, the consumer’s contract has been cancelled per his request. As a courtesy, Endurance expedited his pro-rata refund. The refund check was sent out on 9/16/19.

Customer Response • Sep 20, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that the resolution in this matter is unsatisfactory to me, however it is the only resolution I am going to get.



Endurance Dealer Services which promotes extended vehicle protection plans through the postal system and phone solicitation is a menace to sanity. I have never had a vehicle protection plan so I'm not sure how they have my contact information. I have over the last number of years, called and written numerous times, asking them to remove me from their call and mailing lists. Yet, they persist! What does one do with companies that do not respond with appropriate business practices? If there is any way to get their attention with a legal complaint, or a law suit, I am ready to do so. Carol in Texas

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 26, 2019

Please note, Endurance does not make "cold calls" or any outbound sales call unless specifically requested by a consumer via our online portal. There are many companies in the industry that do not abide by the VPA's Standards of Conduct and may be making unsolicited calls. Endurance understands the frustration that this can cause to the consumer and the confusion that may result when the consumer receives a mail piece from Endurance at the same time as these solicitation calls. Endurance can confirm that the solicitation calls did not originate from Endurance. Endurance recommends that the consumer determine from what company the calls originate and contact that company to ask that they cease.We are sorry for the frustration that Endurance's mail piece caused the consumer, and as a result of the consumer's complaint, our company placed the consumer on our internal "Do Not Mail" database to ensure that they do not receive any future direct mail advertisements from our company. Please allow up to 10 business days to process this request. The consumer may still receive additional mail pieces sent during the processing time.

I received an unwanted advertisement in US mail, and could almost not understand what it was.
I feel that my privacy was breached, and did not provide my name or address to this company.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 26, 2019

We are sorry for the frustration that Endurance's mail piece caused the consumer, and as a result of the consumer's complaint, our company placed the consumer on our internal "Do Not Mail" database to ensure that they do not receive any future direct mail advertisements from our company. Please allow up to 10 business days to process this request. The consumer may still receive additional mail pieces sent during the processing time.

I purchased an extended warranty for my 2011 ***. I did all of the maintenance and upkeep on the vehicle and paid my premium's on time every month. When I finally needed to have service done on my vehicle, they state that the because a non-covered part caused a covered part to breakdown, they weren't even going to meet me halfway and pay for the covered part. I even offered to pay out-of-pocket for the part that broke down, to begin with, if they paid for the covered part and they still refused. I did my part. First they tried to say that I had another warranty at the same time I had purchased one with them and I didn't. I had to get proof of when my original warranty expired. I had to get proof of all the maintenance and upkeep I did on the vehicle to make sure that my oil wasn't the cause. This company tried EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER to deny my claim, and when they didn't have a leg to stand on, they went with this and still denied it. This company is a fraud and a joke!

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Sep 06, 2019

After discussion with the consumer, Endurance has agreed to reinstate the consumer's contract for future claims, and will be providing goodwill financial assistance for the consumer's out-of-pocket expenses. Endurance appreciates the consumer's cooperation in allowing Endurance to reach a mutually beneficial resolution.

Endurance warranty is a joke . They will not fix certain parts for your car even tho it’s included in the warranty . Just think about it , if you paying $125-$180 a month for full coverage. Why would they pay the money for something that’s going cost them more .

The claim was denied by Endurance and I paid more than $1,000.00 in car rental fees while my car is in the shop. I am borrowing car a family member's car while I wait for approval to get my car fixed. I am very angry about the poor customer service and uncaring treatment shown to me. Endurance has recently taken money out from my checking account for its warranty that they refuse to provide covered services. I have been inconvenienced from the very beginning of this process. I want my car repaired and my rental fees paid by Endurance. I was told that I have to pay the mechanic for the dissemblance and replacement of the transmission. I want the to help me resolve this problem quickly.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Sep 03, 2019

The consumer's repair facility reported the cause of failure to be a worn belt. This cause of failure was confirmed by an independent third-party inspector. Per the consumer's contract (attached), pg. 2,

"Breakdown refers to the Breakdown of a defective part or faulty workmanship as supplied by the Manufacturer or Dealer, but does not include gradual reduction in operating performance due to wear or tear"

As the cause was a wear and tear failure, the claim was subsequently declined. After Endurance declined the repair, the repair facility changed their diagnosis to the valve body. As the valve body is not listed for coverage in the consumer's contract, the repair remained declined. After this, the repair facility changed their diagnosis for a 2nd time to the torque converter. As the torque converter is not listed for coverage, the repair remained declined. Subsequent to this, the repair facility changed the cause of failure for a 3rd time to the pump regulator valve, but could not produce any diagnosis to support this. The claim remained declined.

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance reached out to the consumer and, in the interest of customer service, offered a full refund of the consumer's payments. The consumer advised Endurance that she would consider this offer. Endurance is awaiting the consumer's contact.

I received an unsolicited letter in regard to an increase of auto warranty prices unless I contact them to lower them. I have had no prior contact with this business, who has obtained my contact information illegally.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 20, 2019

We are sorry for the frustration that Endurance's mail piece caused the consumer, and as a result of the consumer's complaint, our company placed the consumer on our internal "Do Not Mail" database to ensure that they do not receive any future direct mail advertisements from our company. Please allow up to 10 business days to process this request. The consumer may still receive additional mail pieces sent during the processing time.

Customer Response • Aug 20, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.




I called in 2 months ago to purchase an auto warranty with this company. I wanted to do the Secure Plus policy they offer but was instead transferred to a manager last minute and suckered into a sub standard policy. He said it covers the same things, just cheaper. Waiting period to make any claims was 30 days. That was not true, so I called back and switched it to the Secure Plus (the one I wanted to begin with). Guess what? Another 30 day waiting period.

Fast forward to day 34. I am driving down the highway and my car starts making a screeching noise. Since it was about 10pm, I could not take it in at that time. I took it to the dealer the first thing the next morning. They determined I needed a $2,500 repair. The dealer called Endurance to have the repair covered since it was stated as a covered component in the policy. Endurance denied the claim, surprise surprise! Their reason was I was only 4 days past the 30 day waiting period! How pathetic.

I cannot stress how many people have told me that this company is the worst in the business. Two of which are service managers at Audi and BMW for 20+ years. They told me from their experience that Endurance always finds loopholes out of paying for repairs. I learned my lesson the hard way. Do not make the same mistake I did.

On to the refund.

Needless to say, I canceled my policy right away after such a poor experience. Even this is such a hassle! They don’t tell you about how this process works when you are signing up. Well, now I have to write a letter that states the mileage and go pay out of my pocket to have the letter notarized stating the mileage is actual!! And this is the ONLY way to process the refund. Oh, and it’s going to take 30 days for a check to be mailed once they receive the notarized mileage letter in the mail!!! It’s hard to believe this is the only way to process a refund when we are living in a time of technology all around us.

To top it off? The customer service is absolutely horrific. Each account manager I spoke to was more rude than the previous. Kept talking over me and arguing with me.

Please stay away!!!!!

Took my truck to *** dealership Tuesday(8/6/2019) for misfire diagnosis on my 2010 *** 1500 Hemi. After dealership diagnosing problem I was informed the reason for the misfire is because of bad lifters & cam shaft. Was told in order to correct issue lifter and cam shaft will need to be replaced. Given that information I thought I was in luck considering my extended warranty with Endurance warranty. After dealership calling them to process claim I was told I had to present a maintenance history report to guarantee truck was properly taken care of. After presenting reports to dealership I was informed my claim was denied due to inadequate maintenance, which was not the case. I contacted Endurance to resolve issue. Before I could say anything the rep noticed they made a mistake on their math and that my maintenance history was in compliance with manufacturer recommended oil change. A day later I received another phone call from the dealership informing me my claim was approved to replace lifters but got denied to replace cam shaft. I called Endurance warranty and was informed they denied the cam shaft because of suspected continuous use due to wear down on cam shaft lobe. I tried to explain to him the that when a needle bearing in a lifter goes bad it start wearing away at the cam shaft lobe and the damage in not avoidable. The rep who name is John started arguing with me. He was completely rude and obviously don't know what customer service is. I asked to speak to manager who name is Ali, ID:***. He also told me it was denied because them suspecting it was damaged from continuous use. The 5.7 hemi are notorious for cam shaft & lifter going bad. There are many forums and Youtube videos of people discussing about how they have had the same problem with their vehicle. I just filed a claim with *** Insurance company Wednesday (8/14/2019). Hopefully they will overturn the denied claim. My warranty policy states that the cam shaft & lifters are covered.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 30, 2019

On 8/8, a representative from the consumer’s repair facility contacted Endurance to file a claim for repairs. The repair facility reported failures to the door lock actuator, lifters, and camshaft. As part of the normal claims process, an independent third-party inspector was sent to confirm the failures reported by the repair facility.

On 8/12, Endurance reviewed the inspection report. As the door lock actuator was eligible for coverage, the repair to this component was authorized. It was determined that the lifters were the primary cause of failure to the engine and this repair was authorized as well. The inspector, with the repair facility, noted severe gouging to the camshaft lobe, caused by the vehicle being operated with the lifter failure. As failures due to continued operation in a failed state are not eligible, the camshaft repair was declined. A total amount of $2253.01 was authorized to the consumer’s repair facility for repair of the lifters and door lock actuator.

On 8/14, the consumer contacted Endurance in regards to the camshaft. On a recorded line, the consumer stated that the check engine light was coming on intermittently and that he had attempted to fix the issue himself by performing multiple ineffective repairs. After this did not fix the issue, the consumer then brought the vehicle to the repair facility for diagnosis. This confirmed the continued operation failure, as the consumer was aware of a failure and did not take immediate steps to prevent further damage and have the failure diagnosed by a licensed repair facility. Per the consumer’s contract (attached), page 2, “Filing a Breakdown Claim”,

“1. If Your Vehicle incurs a Breakdown, You must take the following steps to file a claim: 1. Prevent Further Damage – Take immediate action to prevent further damage to Your Vehicle. This Contract will not cover the damage caused by continued operation or by not securing a timely repair of the failed component. The operator of the Vehicle is responsible for observing Vehicle warning lights and gauges, and taking appropriate action immediately. Failure to do so may result in the denial of Coverage

2. Take Your Vehicle to a Licensed Repair Facility – If Your Vehicle breaks down, take Your Vehicle to any licensed repair facility. A “licensed repair facility” is defined as a for-profit entity, recognized by the state, in the business of repairing motor vehicles.”

Additionally, per the consumer’s contract, page 7, “Exclusions”, coverage is not provided for

“failure to protect Your Vehicle from further damage when a Breakdown has occurred or failure to have Your Vehicle towed to the service facility when continued operation may result in further damage. Continued operation includes Your failure to observe warning lights, gauges, or any other signs of overheating or component failure, such as fluid leakage, slipping, knocking, or smoking, and not protecting Your Vehicle by continuing to drive creating damage beyond the initial failure. Lack of mechanical knowledge is not an excuse for continued operation.”

As the consumer was aware of the failure and continued to operate the vehicle until the camshaft lobe was gouged, Endurance can only authorize the initial cause of failure, the lifter repair.

At this time, the consumer’s repair remains authorized in the amount of $2253.01, and Endurance is awaiting the repair facility’s complete invoice to provide payment for this repair.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Sep 06, 2019

Endurance does not dispute the cause of failure of the lifter and in fact, this portion of the repair remains authorized. As stated in the consumer's own response,

"The needle bearing in the lifter are known for going bad which prevents it from rolling properly and starts digging into the cam shaft lobe. The digging into the cam shaft lobe takes away surface area on the cam shaft"

This supports that the failure of the camshaft was due to continued operation with a failure to the lifters. As the lifters are the initial cause of failure, this portion of the repair has been authorized. The subsequent failure of the camshaft due to the operation with a lifter failure cannot be covered under the consumer's contract.

In addition, per the consumer's contract, pg. 2, "Filing a Breakdown Claim",

“2. Take Your Vehicle to a Licensed Repair Facility – If Your Vehicle breaks down, take Your Vehicle to any licensed repair facility. A “licensed repair facility” is defined as a for-profit entity, recognized by the state, in the business of repairing motor vehicles.”

The contract has no stipulation for diagnosis and repair attempts made outside of a Licensed Repair Facility, regardless of who performed such work.

As the lifters were the initial cause of failure, the lifter repair remains authorized. As the camshaft failure was due to continued operation with the known lifter failure as confirmed by the repair facility, independent inspector, and the consumer’s own response, this portion of the claim cannot be authorized. The total authorized amount of the claim is $2253.01, and Endurance is awaiting the completed invoice from the consumer’s repair facility to submit payment.

Customer Response • Sep 06, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:

As the lifters were the initial cause of failure, the lifter repair remains authorized. As the camshaft failure was due to continued operation with the known lifter failure as confirmed by the repair facility, independent inspector, and the consumer’s own response, this portion of the claim cannot be authorized.

How is the operator suppose to know there's a problem with the lifter, if a bad lifter does not throw a check engine light? Its only once that lifter effects the cam shaft, the check engine light comes on. You mind as well take camshaft off of the warranty as a covered part. That is the main piece. A bad lifter wont send a check engine light. Once the check engine light informs you its because of the bad camshaft.



I purchased a warranty from endurance a few months back and after putting 5000 plus miles on my vehicle the check engine light came on I immediately pulled over and had my truck towed to a shop. the shop called Endurance and reported that the truck was there and wanted permission to proceed. the contract stated to not drive the vehicle once you notice an issue or any warning lights come on. I did exactly as the contract says. first of all after calling there was a mileage discrepancy and that took several day to clear up. once that was taken care of they wanted the shop to tear into the vehicle and see what was wrong. they sent an independent company out to take pictures. first off the owner of the shop called me and told me how rude the man was that came out. they sent them out two different times to take pics under the vehicle and again to take pics of the motor. keep in mind they never spoke with the mechanic about the issue. I waited and never heard from the warranty company. the mechanic called me and said they called and all they told him was that they were not paying for it. I now have a truck that is torn apart and needs a new motor that could cost around 6000.00. when I contacted them the adjuster said that they spoke to the mechanic and he said that it was due to wear and tear. isn't that why most issues happen on a vehicle or am I missing something? when I first started talking to these people they assured me that if they did not cover it then I would get a full refund. I told the guy that I was not going to make another payment until they let me know if they were going to cover the repair. my truck has been in the shop since June 23rd and it is now mid August. When I called and asked for the refund they assured me I would get they say they won't refund because of non payment even though they promised me I would get my money back if they did not cover it. I asked them to pull the recording of my conversation and they refused. this company is a scam.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 29, 2019

Please be advised, Endurance is simply the selling agent of this contract. The administrator and obligor is United Car Care (UCC). This means that UCC is responsible for all claims decisions, and Endurance plays no role in these decisions. Endurance has reached out on the consumer's behalf in regards to this claim, and UCC has upheld the denial.

In the interest of customer service, Endurance is willing to provide a full refund to the consumer pending signature of a letter allowing Endurance to do so. The consumer may contact Endurance to receive the letter and refund at .

If the consumer wishes to pursue discussion with their administrator, UCC, they may do so at:

United Car Care

P.O. Box ***

Greenwood Village, CO 80155

Continual/repetative solicitations, as if we will be worn-down and finally give in to their 'game' of fear and threats. They have all the legal things in place to protect themselves and deny any and all claims. "Wear and Tear" to not being able to change your own oil, or complete documentation regarding maintenance (oil change receipts require a VIN number?). Purchase a used vehicle from a private individual and want "Endurance" coverage? You best get COMPLETE service records with it.

Their claims of membership in "Vehicle Protection Association" yet continues to use the term WARRANTY in violation of their (VPA's) own guidelines to NOT use the term 'warranty.'

This organization is only in the business of taking your money. No shop in my area accepts their 'coverage' because of their reputation of taking a week or more to send an "inspector." Example- timing belt failrure, Endurance requires shop to tear-down then notify them. How many shops have the space to tear down an engine, and leave it until it is convenient for the "inspector" to inspect it. They will find something to deny your claim, be it wear and tear, or something not covered (seals, bearings, bushings you name it). Thus, you are fully liable for everything, and they are off the hook.

Buy a reliable vehicle, maintain it per manufacturers recommendations, save your money for repairs. But be ready to be constantly harrassed if they get your data.

to a shop that has torn-down an engine at their request

This company has proven itself once again to be a fraud/scam. The warranty that is advertised is not the warranty provided. If every claim, including the claim I submitted is going to be denied and labeled as "pre-existing," then what's the purpose of selling a warranty? I took my Audi to the Audi dealership and needed to submit a claim for a repair. Of course the new song and dance about an inspector needs to inspect the car first is the first step that was never mentioned when selling the warranty. This information is located in the policy, however the policy also states about issues that are under the "not covered" section that are covered. Clearly sending an inspector, in whom we have no knowledge of or credibility of knowing who was sent out and immediately denied the claim due to a pre-existing condition of wear and tear evaluation was ridiculous. When calling to resolve or get an explanation with the claims department, the representatives were beyond rude. I could drop names of the so-called supervisor that answered the call and said the only person above him was his manager that will back him up and not reverse the denial even though they could not prove their decision. This company is a pure scam and needs to refund/resolve all money invested. I will not write a letter and send by mail in 2019 when the mail can run the risk of getting lost or the address given possibly is not the correct department or mailing address to send it to.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 14, 2019

Please be advised, Endurance is simply the selling agent for this contract. The administrator/obligor, as confirmed on page 1 of the contract (attached) is United Car Care (UCC). This means that UCC is responsible for the administration (approval or denial) of claims and Endurance plays no role in this process.

Per UCC's claims notes, the consumer's repair facility contacted UCC on 7/29/19 and reported the failure of two engine mounts. The repair facility reported the vehicle's mileage as 93,475. This places the vehicle 1,457 miles and 82 days outside the contract's claims waiting period. UCC determined that this failure first occurred prior to the end of the waiting period and denied the claim as pre-existing.

Upon notification from the consumer that the claim was denied, Endurance reached out to UCC to make the best case for the claim to move forward. UCC repeated their determination of pre-existing conditions and would not re-evaluate the claim. Please note, the decision to determine this failure as pre-existing was solely the decision of UCC and not of Endurance.

In the interest of customer service, Endurance will waive the requirement to send notification by mail and will expedite the processing of the consumer's prorated refund today. Endurance will waive all administrative fees and the refund will be sent out on Friday, 8/16.

If the consumer wishes to contact their administrator to dispute the claim, they may do with the following information:United Car CareP.O. Box ***

Greenwood Village, CO 80155

BUYERS DO NOT PURCHASE, I HAD TO PURCHASE ANOTHER CAR BECAUSE THE COMPPANY DID NOT STAND BEHIND THEIR WARRANTY WHICH WAS PAID 2,400.00 .I had a AC converter break they paid for it but the stress to get it paid was horrible, customer service is hard to reach AND THE WEEKENDS ARE THE WORST! THEY ARE HORRIABLE COMPANY !!!! I

I received a mailer that stated that my auto warranty was about to expire and that I should contact a number to extend the warranty. Nowhere on this mailer did it mention the name of the company or give any sort of indication where the company was actually located, that information could only be obtained by calling the phone number on the mailer.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 12, 2019

Please be advised Endurance vehicle service contracts are offered in over 3,000 automobile dealerships as well as direct-to-consumers via the internet, television commercials and direct mail promotions.
Endurance is a certified member of the Vehicle Protection Association (VPA). As a certified member, Endurance follows the VPA’s Standards of Conduct. The Standards state that any vehicle service contract selling company must identify itself in the mail piece and Endurance abides by this standard.
We are sorry for the frustration that Endurance's mail piece caused the consumer, and as a result of the consumer's complaint, our company placed the consumer on our internal "Do Not Mail" database to ensure that he does not receive any future direct mail advertisements from our company. Please allow up to 10 business days to process this request. The consumer may still receive additional mail pieces sent during the processing time.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 13, 2019

Please be advised, Endurance takes measure to ensure that any template sent to the printing company contains at least the following paragraph:

"The administrator/Obligor of the vehicle service contract is Endurance Dealer Services, *** Skokie Blvd, Suite 105, Northbrook, IL 60062 or ***, Inc., *** S. Quebec St. Suite 110, Greenwood Village, CO 80111. All claims must be pre-authorized before repairs are made. Parts of the like kind and quality may be used. Endurance Warranty Services, LLC is an independent nationwide company marketing on behalf of leading third-party administrators and is not affiliated with any auto dealer or manufacturer. This is an advertisement to obtain coverage. Endurance Warranty Services is located at *** Skokie Blvd, Suite 105, Northbrook, IL 60062."

This paragraph is normally listed at the bottom of the mail piece, below the toll free phone number. Endurance can confirm that the template sent to the printing company contained that information, however it is clear based on the consumer's photograph that this information has been left off of the mail piece in error. Endurance is in contact with the printing company to determine how and why this occurred and is taking measures to correct it and Ensure that the information above is printed as requested on each and every mail piece. Endurance appreciates the consumer informing Endurance of this accidental misprint and can confirm that the consumer will not receive any further mail piece from Endurance.

Customer Response • Aug 14, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



I purchased insurance in 2018 - I tried to submit a claim today and was told that my odometer readings were inconsistent. I explained that at the time of purchase I advised Endurance I would have service work done in Canada. They said not a problem. Now it appears my Canadian mechanic entered my odometer in the system as kilometers (not miles). I have had service done in the USA and you can clearly see that there is a normal progression of mileage (although the Canadians entered it as kilometers). Johnny M. Customer Service said that it appears that I have rolled my odometer back. I explained that it was a Canadian mechanic error and I would be happy for the mechanic to connect the car to a computer which will show all things done to the car. He said the problem was from 2014 and they could not provide insurance. I ask why I was sold insurance in 2018 when they had no intention of providing coverage and I have asked for a full refund - only to be told that they don't do that and that I should not have "rolled the odometer" - Rip OFF and FRAUD by selling insurance in 2018 with no intention to ever provide coverage. He also said that it was a *** report which showed the 2014 issue - I asked for a copy as I have no idea what he is talking about. He refused to provide a copy. I printed the *** and there is NO SUCH discrepancy.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Aug 12, 2019

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance's Claims manager reviewed all documentation and remedied the discrepancy regarding a conversion from miles to kilometers. Endurance agreed to continue with the claim and contract as written. When Endurance notified the consumer, the consumer advised Endurance that the work had already been completed. The consumer will be providing the repair invoice to Endurance for reimbursement processing, and will continue her contract as written.

Endurance is sorry for the confusion and delay caused by the odometer unit conversion, and appreciates the consumer's cooperation in reached a beneficial resolution.

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Address: 400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937


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