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Dell Inc

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Dell Inc Reviews (1785)

Dear,  I am writing on behalf of Dell Inc. in response to the complaint filed with your office by the customer.  Thank you for providing a copy of the customer’s submission.  A Dell representative, [redacted] has recently contacted the customer regarding their...

concerns.  We regret any dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the’s feedback.  [redacted] has confirmed a credit was applied to the customer’s account due to the length of shipping his system.  Should any future concerns arise regarding this matter, the customer may contact Dell’s representative via email at: [redacted]  Dell now moves to close this matter regarding Incident ID: [redacted].   Sincerely,   Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID# [redacted]Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Poor Customer Service.  I will not be purchasing another Dell Product, nor will I encourage any family, friends, or business associates to engage in business practice with Dell.  It is unfortunate that Dell does not train staff on how to speak and conduct themselves via telephone conversations or in writing.  I will be following up with The Attorney General in the New Year.

Today’s Date: 04/24/2015Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, [redacted], to address the contents of their correspondence. At this time the agent continues...

to work with the customer. However, as per policy, a final response is being submitted today. The agent will continue to work with the customer until the matter is resolved. Dell regrets any inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may also contact the representative at [redacted] with any questions or concerns.Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc

Today’s Date: 01/02/2014Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, [redacted], to address the contents of their correspondence. The customer states continued technical concerns. At this time the agent has issued a system exchange and the customer confirmed receipt of the unit. The customer has informed the agent there are no other concerns. Dell regrets any inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may also contact the representative at [redacted][email protected] with any other questions.Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr. [redacted]. A Dell representative recently made multiple attempts to reach Mr. [redacted]; however, has not been able to discuss the contents of his correspondence. Our records show that his Dell...

order# [redacted] was delivered on January 26th, 2015. His request for compensation is respectfully being denied. We regret any dissatisfaction he may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell Experience. Our representative may be contacted directly by email at [redacted], in case Mr. [redacted] has any further concerns regarding this case. Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted] Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:My ongoing computer problem has resulted from service authorized and performed by Dell to repair a faulty key board.  When Dell returned the computer the operating software included at the time of purchase (from Best Buy) was incomplete.  This is like sending your car in for warranty engine repair, and having it returned without wheels.  Sure, the engine is repaired, but the car cannot be driven.  Thus, I contacted the  As a result, I was contacted by a Dell warranty repair person.  I asked the warranty person to reinstall the same application provided at the point of purchase that enabled the laptop to play a DVD.  The repair person said he could do this but would need to take control of my computer, which he did.  He then proceeded to an online site and began downloading “free” applications.  The first application he downloaded didn’t work, the second application didn’t work, the third application wouldn’t play Netflix movies but it was able to play an educational DVD that I had on hand.  The repair person claimed the repair was completed and ended the call.  When the Dell representative ended the call, I attempted to operate my computer but was unable to do so because one of the applications that Dell downloaded was bundled with an unwanted search engine application that took over my computer.  A special effort was required to remedy yet another problem caused by Dell service. In order to remove the unwanted search application, it was necessary to remove the “free” video applications downloaded by the Dell repair person.  Consequently, the computer remains unusable for videos.  It has been 45 days since I initially contacted Dell.  I have made more than a dozen calls, several of the phone sessions required more the 3 hours of diagnosis time per call and totaling well over 20 hours of phone time just to initiate the key board repair.    In 2009, Dell reached a settlement with 34 states which, in part, included restitution for problems with technical support and repair policies.  [redacted], my state, was included in that settlement.  Under the settlement agreement Dell is required to fulfill its warranty obligations within 30 days from the date of notification or receipt of a defective product.  I regret that Dell hasn’t resolved this problem.  I will forward my phone and email records to the [redacted] State Attorney General office and request their review for compliance with the 2009 settlement, and proceed from there.   No further assistance is requested of the [redacted] 

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity...

to address the correspondence submitted by [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in his correspondence.  A credit has been processed and our records indicate it has been applied to the original form of payment and the customer reports no other issues. We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via email at [redacted].Sincerely, Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Today’s Date: 01/26/2015Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, [redacted], to address the contents of their correspondence. The customer states a monitor...

order was canceled without permission. The customer is requested the discounted rate on a monitor as compensation for time lost. At this time the agent has advised the customer because the monitor was no longer in stock all remaining orders were refunded to their respective customers. The agent also offered the customer a 5% discount on a new order which was declined. Dell regrets any inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may also contact the representative at [redacted] should they have any questions or concerns regarding the matter.Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Dell contacted me to again restate what they had already told me on the phone, that they cannot honor the warranty claim because they believe that the damage occurred after I had purchased the warranty upgrade. This is fraudulent and untrue. I again explained my grievances and they replied that they could not reach resolution.  Dell is systematically taking advantage of customers, lying to them, telling them they have not purchased coverage they have purchased, and taking advantage of the ignorance of some and failure of many to follow through or keep detailed records. The say sell upgrades for warranties that last years, then years later claim that the warranty was only partially upgraded, but, not to worry, you can buy the rest of it now and we'll honor it! And then they don't. This is wrong and they have cheated me. I have already submitted a detailed account of my experience and I am seeking further help resolving this claim. 

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:1. There was no offer by [redacted]. Rather he again wanted to stumble thru a diagnosis for something he appeared to have no knowledge of as well as little ability to communicate.This included an initial conversation of over 30 min to hound me on that I did something To a system that I knew for a fact that I didn't. Should any customer, let alone a humanBeing, be subjected to that? I say an outstanding 'no'.2. The party again I do not want to speak to. Rather if the have a much more viable To discuss the matter with, great. If not we seem to be at an impasse.3. It's again was just in the depot for a 2nd time with absolutely 'nothing' done to itExcept installing a profile I have no access to... so what 'repairs' they claiming they will do now? Also I think it's enough on repair attempts and it's clearly a lemon...and should be exchanged. period. As well as an apology issued well above [redacted] on what I've been put thru.

Our records indicate that Dell representative [redacted] contacted the customer after reviewing the situation with the customer that a refund is not an option since she did not purchase from Dell directly.  The representative offered some suggestions to try to confirm it is a compatibility issue with the Dell printer and the 3rd party computer.   We remain available to assist the customer under the terms and conditions of the warranty.
 Please have the customer contact the representative by email at [redacted]
Executive Support Team
Dell Inc.

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in her correspondence. Our representative, per the terms and conditions of the Dell limited warranty,...

respectfully denied the customer’s request for a refund or new replacement system. Our representative offered the customer onsite service or depot service; however, the customer has not allowed our representative to provide technical analysis to her system. Our representative remains available and may be contacted directly via email at [redacted] We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experience.  Sincerely, Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear,   This matter has been previously addressed, and regarding the current rebuttal, no alterations have been/will be made to the final resolution. At this time Dell considers this issue closed.  Any software that was installed by Dell which we show is only the Operating system a cd was provided at time of purchase.  Sincerely,  Executive Support Team Incident ID#[redacted]Dell Inc.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Dear,Our records indicate that [redacted] has confirmed that the system has been received and confirmed system is working fine.  We ask that the contact the representative at [redacted] for any further assistance she may need regarding this matter.SincerelyAdvanced Resolution GroupIncident[redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear,   This matter has been previously addressed, and regarding the current rebuttal, no alterations have been/will be made to the final resolution. At this time Dell considers this issue closed.  Sincerely,  Executive Support Team Incident ID#[redacted]Dell Inc

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in her correspondence.  Our representative dispatched onsite service and our records...

indicate it is complete. The customer reports no further issues. We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via email at [redacted] Sincerely, Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Below is a description of a previous complaint. After the follow up I was prompted to accept the business response. At that time, it appeared that the business was going to resolve the issue. Once the response was accepted, they have provided us (the consumer) with an inappropriate resolution to the problem. Dell, Inc. is requiring us to send them the computer in question to service at their service center, which is unacceptable. This means my son, who is a student and uses the computer daily for academic work, would be without a computer to complete his course requirements. I also need to emphasize that from the beginning, Dell, Inc. was only recommending "solutions" that would only solve the problem in question halfway. Please look into this and advise me as to what would be my next step. " I am following up on a service request for my son’s personal computer, which was purchased from Best Buy, [redacted] store, on 6/28/14. It is a Dell Inspiron 14 laptop, tag # 1TBN312. Information obtained indicates that the warranty expires in September 2015. This computer was bought for school use, and although this product was seemingly working properly, towards the end of November the backlight one day just gave way. The computer was immediately taken to the school technical support department who in turn sent it to the Dell service department. My son consistently followed up on the status of this service request by contacting the school Technical Support Analyst who in turn contacted the Dell Technical Support Specialist. Unfortunately, he only received repeated, inaccurate responses regarding what was being done to correct the problem and return the computer. This situation dragged on for weeks. Since my son did not have his computer, he had to find alternate ways to complete his schoolwork. This obviously affected his work output and imposed additional, unnecessary stress. After the semester ended and upon his return to school in January, the issue had not yet been resolved, despite numerous contacts and emails, from both the school’s Technical Support specialist and my son. There were promises to follow through, but your company failed to provide a solution to this problem. In January 20, 2015 and after numerous inquiries Dell indicated that they had “submitted a ticket to ask our Repair Center for any update for your system”, requesting to “Please allow us to get back on you w/in 24-48 hours”. Upon follow up, your company eventually sent an email on January 26th indicating that we would receive a follow-up call. This never happened. On February 5th, my son received notification from the school’s Technical Support department indicating that his computer had been returned and that they had attempted to contact him. Furthermore, this letter stated that this repair was not under warranty and no repair was done. As you can see, the aggravation that we have had to endure as we evidenced the ineptitude of your company’s Technical Support department is completely unacceptable. The amount of negligence as well as the lack of accurate communication is unacceptable. Soon after this incident my son was told over a telephone contact that this letter was sent in error. It was also stated that he was to receive a refurbished laptop to replace his original one. He was asked to return his original laptop to Dell. After several days the laptop arrived and despite being a comparable model, this replacement laptop has a history of having significant issues connecting to and maintaining the wifi signal. It either cannot connect to wifi at all, or does not hold a wifi signal very long, and when it does somehow connect to wifi, the signal is strong but the download speed (Mbps) is incredibly slow. There are additional issues related to this model laptop’s functionality that have been repeatedly documented by other users. Therefore, not only is this laptop subpar, but the resolution Dell has presented has only brought up a new problem, making my son’s ability to complete his academic work ever more difficult. The question is, why after over 2 months of long deliberation and an extensive amount of effort put in just to get the original computer's screen fixed, Dell would send a machine that is not only defunct but is notorious for being so. We have been as cordial and polite possible, up until now. We would like this issue resolved immediately."We would like Dell to either supply us with a new (not refurbished, poorly working computer, which is what they supplied us with) computer or refund us the purchase price so that we can purchase a better working computer, NOT a Dell computer!

Complaint: [redacted]ON 12/31 I EMAILED TO THIS:  I would like to add some additional information. After 3 more conversations with [redacted], I was sent a refurbished computer which arrived on 12/29/14.  I turned on the computer and it did not have a hard drive installed. I call [redacted].  I told him that I needed to do my taxes, and I have not had a computer since before  the name of his manager, which he refused to give to me. I told him I needed a computer now, to do 1099’s for my business and asked if he would over night me one to use until the new one arrived.  He said no.  He told me to take the new computer in 2 weeks or keep the one without the hard drive in it. I agreed to keep the one arriving in 2 weeks, but I will probably have to go buy another computer in the next couple of days. I would like a refund, which [redacted] said is not possible.ADDITIONALLY:
I am rejecting this response because: spoke with the Dell Rep today, [redacted], he told me that the computer he promised me was still being built, he ordered it on Dec. 30, 2014 and at the time said it would take 2 weeks. Today he told me that it will be 3 or more days before it will be finished and then up to another 2 weeks for me to receive it.

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence...

submitted by [redacted]. A Dell representative recently contacted [redacted] regarding the issue described in her correspondence. Our records show that a replacement printer was processed under order# [redacted] and delivered to [redacted] on December 20th, 2014. Our representative also followed-up with [redacted] to confirm resolution. We regret any dissatisfaction he may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell Experience. Our representative may be contacted directly by e-mail at [redacted], in case [redacted] has any further concerns regarding this case.   Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

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Address: 1 Dell Way Stop 8210, Round Rock, Texas, United States, 78682-7000


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