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Dell Inc

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Dell Inc Reviews (1785)

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  I have not had the solution to the problem.  The televesion is in transit back to Dell

Thank you for providing a copy of the customer’s correspondence. A Dell representative contacted [redacted]o achieve a resolution for his concerns. Our representative may be contacted via e-mail at [redacted].

This matter has been previously addressed, and regarding...

the current rebuttal, no alterations have been/will be made to the final resolution. At this time Dell considers this issue closed.  Please have the customer contact the representative directly by email at [redacted].    
Executive Support Team
Incident ID#[redacted]
Dell Inc.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Dear,I am writing on behalf of Dell Inc. in response to the complaint filed with your office by the customer.  We regret any dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding this experience.Dell representative, [redacted] is...

attempting to reach the customer by phone and email; however to date we have been unable to discuss the contents of their complaint. Please have the customer contact the representative by email at [redacted]@Dell.comSincerelyAdvanced Resolution GroupIncident[redacted]Dell Inc.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
Dell's sold me a defective product, I wasted numerous hours on the computer looking for lost files and retyping and redoing work because of the computer malfunction (I even had to retype this response 3 times), and Dell's customer service intentionally wasted my time and misled me.  On Feb 16th, I spent 17 minutes dealing with Dell's customer service rep, [redacted] (sp), who told me he could do nothing about my complaint. [redacted] stated I needed to resolve the issue with Sam's Club who I bought the computer from. Sam's Club stated they could not do anything and it was Dell's responsibility. I believe [redacted] was fully aware that Sam's Club would not do anything and INTENTIONALLY sent me to Sam's Club to get me off the phone and waste my time. I called Dell back after my conversation with SamsClub and another Dell customer service rep, [redacted] (sp), immediately tried to steer me to SamsClub.  I refused and [redacted] ended up putting my call on hold. After 42 minutes of waiting I realized that Dell was not going to pick up my call so I hung up. I proceeded to file the complaint.The Dell representative, [redacted], addressed the issue as ineffectively as the other customer service reps I dealt with.  At first he wanted to send me to Sam's Club as did the other two reps.  Is this a standard response to "Get rid of the customer?"  a) He stated he could not find a record of me contacting Dell on February 16th and there was no record of an issue being filed with my computer. b) When I mentioned there were similar complaints about the touchpad on my model of computer, [redacted] stated, “why did you buy it then”.  Wow, I was really impressed by this response and did feel a little stupid for buying a Dell.  I wondered if [redacted] was indicating Dell sold me a computer they knew was defective. c) Even [redacted]'s response to this complaint, contained error. I DID NOT buy the computer at Costco, I purchased it at Sam's Club.  Sam's Club was mentioned in our discussion too because [redacted] told me to deal with Sam's Club too.   and I have let him and two other customer service reps know that.Dell's response to this issue is full of incompetence and I have wasted enough time dealing with this computer and with their customer service. I should not be subjected to wasting more of my time trying to “troubleshoot” a computer with a company that can't provide a good product, steers their customers to dead ends, can't even find a record of in a file for dealing witha customer, can't even provide a response to a complaint with accuracy. I will not waste any more of my valuable time and the only acceptable resolution is a full refund and apology.

Dear,  I am writing on behalf of Dell Inc. in response to the complaint filed with your office by the customer.  Thank you for providing a copy of the customer’s submission.  A Dell representative, [redacted] has recently contacted the customer regarding their...

concerns.  We regret any dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the’s feedback.  The customer wanted to return the tablet to get a refund, but her son has decided he wants to keep it.  Should the customer have any other issues they may contact Dell’s representative via email at:  [redacted]  Dell now moves to close this matter regarding Incident ID: [redacted].   Sincerely,   Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID# [redacted]Dell Inc.

Today’s Date: 03/23/2015Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, [redacted], to address the contents of their correspondence. The customer states in...

September of 2014 he paid Dell to service his out of warranty system. The unit is not functioning again and has requested that the system be repaired at no cost. At this time the agent has advised the customer the parts are covered under warranty for 90 days and unfortunately the unit cannot be serviced at no charge. Dell regrets any inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may also contact the representative at [redacted] should they have any other questions or concerns in the matter.Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc

Dear,As Dell’s stance in this matter remains unchanged, no further attempt has been made to contact the customer.   The customer already has the packing material and once the system has been shipped she may contact the representative listed below or our frontline technical support at ###-###-####.The representative can be reached directly by email at [redacted] Support TeamIncident[redacted]Dell Inc.

Today’s Date: 01/16/2015Dear,Thank you for providing a copy of the customer submission. Dell representative, [redacted], has been assigned to this case and has reached out to the customer, [redacted], to address the contents of their correspondence. Dell regrets any...

inconvenience caused and we thank the customer for their time and patience during this process. The customer may also contact the representative at [redacted] .Sincerely,Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in her correspondence. Per the terms and conditions of the Dell limited warranty, our representative...

respectfully denied the customer’s request for a new system replacement; however, a refurbished system replacement was offered or service to the customer's system. The customer declined and requested no further contact. We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experience. Our representative remains available and may be contacted directly via email at [redacted]. Sincerely, Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear,Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in her correspondence. Per the terms and conditions of the Dell limited warranty, our representative...

respectfully denied the customer’s request for a return for credit; however, depot service was offered to the customer and was accepted. The customer reports the system is functioning as designed.  Our representative advised the customer to activate MS Office using the Microsoft Product Identifier card which originally shipped with the system.  The customer cannot locate the card and requests a return for refund or compensation for her time. Our representative respectfully denied the request and directed the customer to Microsoft. We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via email at [redacted] Sincerely, Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:I don't know how to respond, because now they are simply accusing me of lying.  I have my email correspondence and online chat record with Dell customer service representatives confirming their admission that the "new" computer they distributed was sold with a defective motherboard.  I also have the correspondence in writing promising an exchange computer and then the email correspondence reneging on that promise and offering me only a lower quality product in exchange.As a result, I had to incur the cost of returning the product via the retailer and could not recover shipping and handling fees.  I repeat, this was a direct result of Dell refusing to honor their WRITTEN promise to replace the unit.  The minute I informed the customer service representative that I had to return the product via the retailer - he lost all interest in discussing the matter further.The fact that they are now claiming they don't have a "record" that matches this account is false.  It simply reinforces the fact that they have incompetent or purposefully deceitful customer service agents and have no regard for customers.They have yet to offer to cover my lost costs for having to return the unit via the retailer because THEY refused to honor their WRITTEN representation that they would replace the unit.If they want, their customer service agent can contact me further, but again... he lost all interest in resolving any issues once he heard the product had been "returned".

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Ms. [redacted]. A Dell representative contacted the customer regarding the issues described in her correspondence. Our representative dispatched a return for credit and our records indicate...

the tablet has been returned and credit has been applied to the original form of payment. We regret the dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding her Dell experience. Our representative remains available and may be contacted directly via email at [redacted] Sincerely, Executive Support TeamIncident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I only request that they notify me by email of the shipping date and give me a tracking number so that I can be personaly present to receive the new equipment and ship back the  other one.

Dear,  I am writing on behalf of Dell Inc. in response to the complaint filed with your office by the customer.  Thank you for providing a copy of the customer’s submission.  A Dell representative, [redacted] has recently contacted the customer regarding their...

concerns.  We regret any dissatisfaction the customer may have experienced and appreciate the’s feedback.  [redacted] has processed a refund for the customer’s software.  Should any future concerns arise regarding this matter, the customer may contact Dell’s representative via email at:  [redacted]  Dell now moves to close this matter regarding Incident ID: [redacted].   Sincerely,   Advanced Resolution GroupIncident ID# [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dear, Thank you for the opportunity to address the correspondence submitted by Mr. [redacted]. A Dell representative recently contacted Mr. [redacted] regarding the issue described in his correspondence. Our representative informed him that the item did not qualify for the...

promotional price. His request for promotional price was respectfully denied. We regret any dissatisfaction he may have experienced and appreciate the feedback provided regarding his Dell Experience. Our representative may be contacted directly via e-mail at [redacted], in case Mr. [redacted] has any further concerns regarding this case.   Sincerely,Executive Support Team Incident ID: [redacted]Dell Inc.

Dell representative, [redacted], has been in contact with the customer to address their concerns; however a final resolution has yet to be reached.  We ask that the customer contact the representative at their earliest convenience at [redacted] for any further assistance they may need...

regarding this matter.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: 1) Dell Corporate has presented information to the that is contrary to my presentation to them; I am attaching my latest correspondence of February 2, 2015;   2) Dell Corporate has continued to present commentary that is contrary to that presented to me by Dell Technicians and Dell Supervising Technicians; Specifically, a Dell Technician assured me with substantial certainty, that there would be NO loss of data with his instructions; When the data loss occurred, his Supervising Dell Technician confirmed the loss and then recommended that I seek data restoration services independently. I followed those recommendations and I incurred charges for the service;   3) Dell Corporate only reiterated their 'Terms and Conditions" that release their employees/technical staff from errors and omissions of performance,  after the sale of their product, Dell Concierge Service, a technical support;   4) Dell, Corporate has offered to me,  a 10% discount on future Dell product sales, rather than a resolution to the errors and subsequent recommendations of their technical staff.   Of note, it was a Dell Resolution staff member who suggested that I contact the with this complaint.  I followed his recommendation.In summary, Dell, Inc., has presented a myriad of conflicting information to me, a consumer of their products.  It appears that there is no continuity between their technical staff and their corporate offices, which for this matter, were outsourced to an international location, rather than [redacted], as I had requested in my correspondence.   Any assistance is greatly appreciated.  Thank you for your time and consideration to this matter.  

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Address: 1 Dell Way Stop 8210, Round Rock, Texas, United States, 78682-7000


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