Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns. We stand by our previous response. GoDaddy proactively sent multiple notices to our customer to inform their domain would be renewed in accordance with their account settings unless action was taken. While GoDaddy sent these notices to our customer via email before the service's expiration date and subsequent renewal, GoDaddy simply has no control over what happens to the email notice after it leaves our system or how our customer's ISP or email client chooses to handle the email once they receive it. If our customer changes their email address we simply have no way of knowing what their new one is unless they inform us by updating their account. Account management is a customer responsibility. Our office has connected with our customer to discuss the options available to reacquire the domain name. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I contacted my credit card company they said that a the card is active and b you charged the card 3 times at once triggering fraud. The same charge was processed 3 times. I'm not sure what kind of busines model you practice. Also one month prior I set up alternative billing using [redacted]. I've been charged for other products such as outright with no problem. This company is cold and calluce. No remorse. I support my mother who has terminal cancer with this website and the lack of remorse on your end is SCary.
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.The Website Builder service our customer originally utilized is no longer offered as a product on our website. This service has been replaced with GoCentral. Renewal rates are not equal to those of front of site pricing; front of site pricing often includes discounts for new customers, hence the difference in cost. In instances were customer's need to utilize a GoDaddy backup for the recovery of their website content, a fee is charged. In this instance that would have been $60 USD. As a courtesy for the confusion, that fee was waived. The cost previously paid by our customer, $229.48, included the renewal of two domain names. The cost for the unwanted GoCentral plan was refunded to our customer and those funds were utilized for the purchase of the Website Builder plan; $143.88 per year plus tax. As stated, the remaining funds are available for future use as In-Store Credit.If our customer would like to add a second year to their Website Builder plan, they are welcome to do so at any time from within their account. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Terri H[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.During an interaction with one of our agents on February 20, 2017, our customer was consulted on a Professional Web Design Makeover and was properly informed the cost of the makeover would be $349.99. During a follow up interaction on February 27, 2017, our customer was again properly informed the one-time fee for the makeover service was $349.99. Our customer was also informed the annual hosting fee would be $179.88.Following our customers initial complaint to the, a member of our Professional Web Design Team made contact with our customer and assisted them with their account. This agent has also offered to assist our customer with any concerns from this complaint moving forward.At present, our customers web design makeover has been published and is set to renew in the amount of $179.88 on April 26, 2018.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Johnee D[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted]. I don't appreciate their implication that it was my fault, but will accept their refund in good faith. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at December 17, 2017, our customer initiated a 1-month trial of GoDaddy’s GoCentral...
Website Builder services at no cost, period ending January 17, 2018. GoCentral is a proprietary, do-it-yourself, template based product to construct a website.On January 17, 2018, per our customer’s account preferences, GoDaddy did not automatically renew the service in question in good faith to honor agreements with our customer.On January 26, 2018, our customer manually renewed the service for another 1-month term, extending the service period to February 17, 2018.On February 17, 2018 and February 24, 2018, per our customer's account preferences, GoDaddy attempted to automatically renew the GoCentral service in question in good faith; however, our customer's financial institution declined payment. Following each failed renewal attempt, GoDaddy notified our customer the service was at risk of cancellation unless action was taken. Account management is a customer responsibility. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Our customer has been correctly informed their GoCentral Website Builder plan expired February 17, 2018, is currently in a suspended status due to non-payment, and requires payment if they desire to continue using the service. Prompt action is required by our customer to avoid cancellation of the service. Our customer may renew the service from within their GoDaddy account. Our Customer Care team is also available to assist and can be reached at 480-505-8877.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.We stand by our previous response. GoDaddy’s design teams have assisted our customer with multiple requests over the course of building their sites. Many of these requests were outside of the scope of support for the build. Additionally, our design teams provided multiple courtesies to the customer, such as providing extra pages and designs that were not part of the design our customer paid for. These many out-of-scope requests are what continued to add to the delay of the customer’s website builds.Our customer has multiple accounts. Their SSLs in question were provided in the account our customer informed GoDaddy’s design team they wanted them placed in. If our customer would prefer the SSLs be placed in a different account, they can follow up with our design teams to move forward with this request. Lastly, per GoDaddy’s Refund Policy (linked below), our customer’s build has been completed and as such, is non-refundable. Refund Policy - you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Ken C[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
I reject GoDaddy's response. I was contacted just now that they did return my $80 fee - which was a good step but not enough. They need to change their practices not blame their loyal customers who have paid for years on time. Customers with a positive history should certainly be treated better. See attached screenshots/jpgs for the following section: 1) Renewal Notices: The notices are not clear. They do not indicate which websites the products are associated with. They contain conflicting information & buttons that do not function properly. They say to renew but also say renewal is not possible. The Go To My Renewals button goes to a screen that does not show that specific product that is being cancelled. 2) Renewal Page: The actual renewal page does not show cancelled items. There is no place to see a list of cancelled items or even account history to help problem solve. 3) Renewal receipts: Notice that I did in fact renew multiple domains & products in the weeks prior to the cancellation. This should have at least triggered a different response from GoDaddy rather than deletion. I have had to update my credit information many times in the past & never had sites deleted. See attached Word Document for actions needed – including: 1) GoDaddy should send physical mail when deletion is possible. 2) GoDaddy should have account freezes first before deletion. 3) Notice should be 30 days past due for accnt freeze. 60 days min written by mail (USP) notice before deletion. 4) Fees for restoration should be disclosed in Renewal Notices. 5) GoDaddy should not oversell to their customers unneeded products. 6) Holiday periods should be dealt with differently. 7) Great personal distress.See the attached word document for more detail.
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.Our customer acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting business with...
[redacted]:• Universal Terms of Service Agreement • Website Builder Service Agreement The latest version of these agreements can be found at: [redacted]On February 25, 2013, our customer purchased a Website Builder plan for a five-year term. Website Builder is a template based product used to construct a website. Our customer contacted [redacted] technical support multiple times via phone in August, 2015 stating they were unable to view their website on mobile devices. While our most recent version of our Website Builder product is version 7 (v7), our customer is currently using an older version (v6) of the product. [redacted]'s technical support staff worked diligently and vigorously to resolve all technical issues the customer experienced.RESOLUTION:[redacted] has upheld its agreements in good faith with our customer and honored its terms of service. At this time, we have confirmed the mobile version of their website is live. Should our customer wish to upgrade to our newest version ofWebsite Builder (v7), as a gesture of goodwill we would be happy to offer a new plan of their choice at no cost for a one-year term. Our customer would be responsible for any subsequent product renewals and would need to re-create their website within the new software. Alternatively, if our customer would like [redacted] to migrate their website to the newest version, the typical fee is $150.00. However, we would be happy to reduce the fee to $75.00. [redacted] cannot completely waive the cost of this service due to the labor involved in migrating any data. If our customer wishes to accept this offer, they may contact our office directly. Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer.Regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - [redacted]
Thank you for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer We would like to present the following:Our customer acknowledged and agreed to GoDaddy's agreements upon conducting business with GoDaddy. The latest version of these agreements can be found at:... February 6, 2007, our customer purchased the domain name in question for a one-year term, during a call to Godaddy’s Customer Care Center. Our customer subsequently renewed the domain name on an annual basis until its expiration on February 18, 2016. After expiration, GoDaddy provides a 42 day grace period for customers to renew or redeem their domain.On April 5, 2016, our customer contacted GoDaddy’s Customer Care Center and redeemed their domain name.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with our customer and honored its terms of service.This office has spoken with our customer and confirmed the redemption of their domain name and no additional charges were applied. Our customer expressed their satisfaction with this outcome. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,John M[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at [redacted]On April 4, 2011, March 11, and March 17, 2014, our customer purchased a domain name,...
Website Builder and Get Found for three-year and one-year terms respectively. The services have since both manually and automatically renewed.On October 24, 2016, GoDaddy contacted our customer regarding product renewals. Our customer indicated they would address renewals as they occurred, declining our agent’s offer to disable automatic renewal.On March 11, March 17, and April 5, 2017, our customer’s Website Builder, Get Found, and domain automatically renewed for two-year, one-year, and three-year terms respectively per our customer’s account preferences. GoDaddy sent renewal notices prior to expiration informing our customer the expiring items would renew in accordance with account settings unless additional action was taken. On April 17, 2017, our customer contacted our Customer Care regarding these renewals, requesting a refund for Get Found. Our customer was correctly informed the service was no longer refund eligible.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.On May 6, 2017, a chargeback was initiated against our customer’s products, withdrawing funds paid to GoDaddy, and our customer’s services were suspended from their account.On July 15, 2017, the chargeback inquiry for the Website Builder was resolved in our customer’s favor and on September 6, 2017, the chargeback inquiries for Get Found Essentials and the domain name were resolved in GoDaddy’s favor. These services were restored to their account, however are no longer refund eligible.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Regards,Johnee D[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I did not set my preferences for a 2 year auto renewal. I also don't believe I ever agreed to the refund policy they are now trying to enforce. If they were to automatically renew me, why would they make an assumption it was for a term that was 2 years. Does this seem reasonable? Then, when contacting them to resolve it why wouldn't they at a minimum refund in cash the unused portion. I have no use for a store credit. This is being offer so they can keep my money for services they will never provide. They know this. It was clearly explained.
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at December 28, 2016, the domain name in question was moved from one GoDaddy account...
to another via an Account Change. During this process, our customer changed the registrant contact information associated with the domain, initiating a 60-day transfer lock (“Transfer Prohibition Period”). GoDaddy takes the security of our customers’ accounts and domain names very seriously. As most domain hijackings occur shortly after a change of registrant is performed on a domain name, GoDaddy’s Change of Registrant Agreement was implemented to help protect our customers from such thefts.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Our customer has been in contact with our Domain Services team. On January 5, 2016, the transfer lock was removed from the associated domains as a goodwill gesture. Our customer may transfer the domains provided they remain in accordance with the agreements they had acknowledged.Our customer may find the following information useful:Transferring Domain Names to Another Registrar: Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at March 6, 2017, our customer contacted GoDaddy's Customer Care Team regarding email...
being bounced back labeled as Spam. These were a direct result of our customer's website and its reputation with Cloudmark. Cloudmark is a service that GoDaddy and many other email providers subscribe to that provides protection against spam, viruses, phishing, and similar threats that affect email.Once our customer cleared the questionable content from their website, GoDaddy was able to resolve these issues on our customer's behalf with Cloudmark.GoDaddy is not responsible for the content found on our customer's website and the consequences of that content.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Upon removing the malware from our customer’s website, their email block was removed.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Johnee D[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity
to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and
would like to present the following.GoDaddy takes customer security and our commitment to
preventing fraud very seriously....
If there are uncertainties with
transactions made, these transactions may be flagged for review by our
Verification Office. A request for
proper, legible credentials from the account holder would be requested to verify
the transaction as legitimate. Our goal is to reasonably ensure that the owner
of the payment method has authorized the transaction(s). According to a public WHOIS lookup, the domain name in
question has been registered through GoDaddy, and is utilizing private
registration services. The complainant
may use any available information from the WHOIS search
to contact the registrant of the domain should they wish to attempt to acquire
it.Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring
clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Kindest
regards,[redacted]Office of
the CEO - [email protected][redacted]
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.Our customer acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting business with...
GoDaddy:• Universal Terms of Service Agreement• Domain Name Registration AgreementThe latest version of these agreements can be found at: https://www.[redacted]On September 6, 2007 our customer purchased a domain name registration for a three year term. This payment was for the service period ending September 2010.On September 7, 2010 our customer manually renewed the domain for a one year term. This payment was for the service period ending September 2011.On September 7, 2011 our customer’s account preferences instructed GoDaddy to automatically renew their services for another three year term and we did so in a good-faith effort to honor our agreements with the customer. This renewal was for the service period ending September 2014.GoDaddy sent renewal notices to our customer prior to the expiration date on:* June 8, 2011* July 8, 2011* August 7, 2011* August 22, 2011* September 1, 2011These notices informed our customer their expiring items would be renewed in accordance with their account settings.On September 7, 2014 our customer’s account preferences instructed GoDaddy to renew their services again for another three year term and we did so in a good-faith effort to honor our agreements with the customer.GoDaddy sent renewal notices prior to the expiration date on:* June 8, 2014* July 8, 2014* August 7, 2014* August 22, 2014* September 1, 2014These notices informed our customer their expiring items would be renewed in accordance with their account settings.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with our customer and honored its terms of service.Our customer did not contact our support staff regarding the charge until they were no longer eligible for a refund. Our customer has since disabled the automatic renewal preference for the associated domain. As a one-time exception, GoDaddy has refunded our customer’s September 7, 2014 domain renewal as a gesture of good will. The funds have been returned as In-Store Credit, available for future purchases with GoDaddy.Education:For future reference, our Customer Care teams are available 24/7 at ###-###-#### or by visiting to assist with any aspect of a GoDaddy account, including product renewals. Account management is a customer responsibility. Our customer may have also managed their products by following the instructions listed in the articles below:Canceling Products - https://[redacted]Managing Renewals for Products and Services - https://[redacted]Refund Policy – https://[redacted]Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer.Best Regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by the complainant. As previously stated; our Protected Registration service, which the complainant had opted to add to their domain registration, protects against the cancellation, expiration, or transfer of a domain name. Domain names which have this service cannot be cancelled or have automatic renewal disabled until the Protected Registration is canceled. Our office has connected with the complainant to clarify the service they had purchased and what information is required to cancel the Protected Registration Service. As the complainant has stated they do not wish to provide a copy of their government-issued photo ID, GoDaddy will accept a notarized affidavit in lieu of their government-issued photo ID. This affidavit, which was sent to the complainant by our Domain Services team on July 20, 2015, will need to state the complainant’s name and that they are requesting that the protected registration service be cancelled on the domain name in question. It is the complainant’s responsibility to submit the requested documentation. Once all of the requested documentation has been received and verified by our Domain Services team, the service may then be canceled.Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by the complainant.[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy[redacted][redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260###-###-#### Phone###-###-#### Fax
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.We have only recently become aware that the complaint had multiple GoDaddy accounts and must rely upon our customer’s to provide us with data that we might otherwise be unaware of such as multiple accounts. We also sincerely appreciate the feedback about our service levels and will ensure any improvement opportunities that exist are addressed. We are currently in the process of issuing the appropriate payments, please allow 21 days for these to process.Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the[redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260###-###-#### Phone
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.The complainant acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting...
business with GoDaddy:• Universal Terms of Service Agreement• Auctions Membership Agreement• Domain Name Registration AgreementThe latest version of these agreements can be found at: April 18, 2015 the complainant purchased a registration for the specified [redacted] (Domain Name “A”) via an online transaction through the GoDaddy Auctions website, GoDaddy Auctions is a marketplace for the sale of Domain Names from one party to another.Despite GoDaddy’s requests, the Registrant/owner of the Domain Name was unable to transfer ownership to the complainant and the transaction was cancelled. On May 5, 2015 GoDaddy provided a full refund for the failed auction transaction.On April 28, 2015 the complainant contacted out Customer Care teams via phone and attempted to purchase the registration of [redacted] (Domain Name “B”) through the GoDaddy Auctions website. The Domain Name, already registered to another party, was listed by the seller in an 'Offer/Counter Offer' Auction. The seller of this domain name did not respond to the complainants bid and the transaction was not completed.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with the complainant and honored its terms of service.GoDaddy is not and has never been the Registrar of Domain Name “A”. Furthermore the Domain Name was listed for sale on the GoDaddy Auctions website by a third party. GoDaddy has already provided a full refund for the failed auction transaction.The complainant never completed a transaction to register Domain Name “B” and as such GoDaddy is not responsible for any losses they may have incurred.EDUCATION:The following link may be helpful to the customer regarding the domain name Auction process: GoDaddy Auctions FAQ - you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer. Kind regards, [redacted]Office of the CEO[redacted] [redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260###-###-#### Phone###-###-#### Fax
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at January 5, 2017, our customer purchased GoDaddy’s Website Builder for a one-year...
term via an online transaction. On October 6, 2017, our customer upgraded this plan to the Business tier for the remainder of their term.On November 24, 2017, our customer contacted GoDaddy’s Customer Care via live chat to discuss renewal options for their Website Builder plan. During this interaction, our customer opted to purchase a new GoCentral plan for a two-year term, discussing steps to rebuild their site from Website Builder to GoCentral. Unless otherwise specified, such as a free 30-day trial, the service period for products purchased begins at the time of the transaction completion.On January 1, 2018, our customer contacted GoDaddy’s Care teams to request a refund of their GoCentral purchase, and were correctly advised it was no longer refund-eligible. Products purchased annually must be canceled within 30 days of purchase to be eligible for refund.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.As the product has already been canceled, we have provided our customer with a refund of their GoCentral purchase, totaling C$263.76, as a one-time exception to our Refund Policy.Future refunds will be provided in accordance with our Refund Policy, found here:⇄ you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Mike L[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns. We stand by our previous response. GoDaddy proactively sent multiple notices to our customer to inform their domain would be renewed in accordance with their account settings unless action was taken. While GoDaddy sent these notices to our customer via email before the service's expiration date and subsequent renewal, GoDaddy simply has no control over what happens to the email notice after it leaves our system or how our customer's ISP or email client chooses to handle the email once they receive it. If our customer changes their email address we simply have no way of knowing what their new one is unless they inform us by updating their account. Account management is a customer responsibility. Our office has connected with our customer to discuss the options available to reacquire the domain name. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
I contacted my credit card company they said that a the card is active and b you charged the card 3 times at once triggering fraud. The same charge was processed 3 times. I'm not sure what kind of busines model you practice. Also one month prior I set up alternative billing using [redacted]. I've been charged for other products such as outright with no problem. This company is cold and calluce. No remorse. I support my mother who has terminal cancer with this website and the lack of remorse on your end is SCary.
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.The Website Builder service our customer originally utilized is no longer offered as a product on our website. This service has been replaced with GoCentral. Renewal rates are not equal to those of front of site pricing; front of site pricing often includes discounts for new customers, hence the difference in cost. In instances were customer's need to utilize a GoDaddy backup for the recovery of their website content, a fee is charged. In this instance that would have been $60 USD. As a courtesy for the confusion, that fee was waived. The cost previously paid by our customer, $229.48, included the renewal of two domain names. The cost for the unwanted GoCentral plan was refunded to our customer and those funds were utilized for the purchase of the Website Builder plan; $143.88 per year plus tax. As stated, the remaining funds are available for future use as In-Store Credit.If our customer would like to add a second year to their Website Builder plan, they are welcome to do so at any time from within their account. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Terri H[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.During an interaction with one of our agents on February 20, 2017, our customer was consulted on a Professional Web Design Makeover and was properly informed the cost of the makeover would be $349.99. During a follow up interaction on February 27, 2017, our customer was again properly informed the one-time fee for the makeover service was $349.99. Our customer was also informed the annual hosting fee would be $179.88.Following our customers initial complaint to the, a member of our Professional Web Design Team made contact with our customer and assisted them with their account. This agent has also offered to assist our customer with any concerns from this complaint moving forward.At present, our customers web design makeover has been published and is set to renew in the amount of $179.88 on April 26, 2018.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Johnee D[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted]. I don't appreciate their implication that it was my fault, but will accept their refund in good faith. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at December 17, 2017, our customer initiated a 1-month trial of GoDaddy’s GoCentral...
Website Builder services at no cost, period ending January 17, 2018. GoCentral is a proprietary, do-it-yourself, template based product to construct a website.On January 17, 2018, per our customer’s account preferences, GoDaddy did not automatically renew the service in question in good faith to honor agreements with our customer.On January 26, 2018, our customer manually renewed the service for another 1-month term, extending the service period to February 17, 2018.On February 17, 2018 and February 24, 2018, per our customer's account preferences, GoDaddy attempted to automatically renew the GoCentral service in question in good faith; however, our customer's financial institution declined payment. Following each failed renewal attempt, GoDaddy notified our customer the service was at risk of cancellation unless action was taken. Account management is a customer responsibility. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Our customer has been correctly informed their GoCentral Website Builder plan expired February 17, 2018, is currently in a suspended status due to non-payment, and requires payment if they desire to continue using the service. Prompt action is required by our customer to avoid cancellation of the service. Our customer may renew the service from within their GoDaddy account. Our Customer Care team is also available to assist and can be reached at 480-505-8877.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.We stand by our previous response. GoDaddy’s design teams have assisted our customer with multiple requests over the course of building their sites. Many of these requests were outside of the scope of support for the build. Additionally, our design teams provided multiple courtesies to the customer, such as providing extra pages and designs that were not part of the design our customer paid for. These many out-of-scope requests are what continued to add to the delay of the customer’s website builds.Our customer has multiple accounts. Their SSLs in question were provided in the account our customer informed GoDaddy’s design team they wanted them placed in. If our customer would prefer the SSLs be placed in a different account, they can follow up with our design teams to move forward with this request. Lastly, per GoDaddy’s Refund Policy (linked below), our customer’s build has been completed and as such, is non-refundable. Refund Policy - you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Ken C[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
I reject GoDaddy's response. I was contacted just now that they did return my $80 fee - which was a good step but not enough. They need to change their practices not blame their loyal customers who have paid for years on time. Customers with a positive history should certainly be treated better. See attached screenshots/jpgs for the following section: 1) Renewal Notices: The notices are not clear. They do not indicate which websites the products are associated with. They contain conflicting information & buttons that do not function properly. They say to renew but also say renewal is not possible. The Go To My Renewals button goes to a screen that does not show that specific product that is being cancelled. 2) Renewal Page: The actual renewal page does not show cancelled items. There is no place to see a list of cancelled items or even account history to help problem solve. 3) Renewal receipts: Notice that I did in fact renew multiple domains & products in the weeks prior to the cancellation. This should have at least triggered a different response from GoDaddy rather than deletion. I have had to update my credit information many times in the past & never had sites deleted. See attached Word Document for actions needed – including: 1) GoDaddy should send physical mail when deletion is possible. 2) GoDaddy should have account freezes first before deletion. 3) Notice should be 30 days past due for accnt freeze. 60 days min written by mail (USP) notice before deletion. 4) Fees for restoration should be disclosed in Renewal Notices. 5) GoDaddy should not oversell to their customers unneeded products. 6) Holiday periods should be dealt with differently. 7) Great personal distress.See the attached word document for more detail.
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.Our customer acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting business with...
[redacted]:• Universal Terms of Service Agreement • Website Builder Service Agreement The latest version of these agreements can be found at: [redacted]On February 25, 2013, our customer purchased a Website Builder plan for a five-year term. Website Builder is a template based product used to construct a website. Our customer contacted [redacted] technical support multiple times via phone in August, 2015 stating they were unable to view their website on mobile devices. While our most recent version of our Website Builder product is version 7 (v7), our customer is currently using an older version (v6) of the product. [redacted]'s technical support staff worked diligently and vigorously to resolve all technical issues the customer experienced.RESOLUTION:[redacted] has upheld its agreements in good faith with our customer and honored its terms of service. At this time, we have confirmed the mobile version of their website is live. Should our customer wish to upgrade to our newest version ofWebsite Builder (v7), as a gesture of goodwill we would be happy to offer a new plan of their choice at no cost for a one-year term. Our customer would be responsible for any subsequent product renewals and would need to re-create their website within the new software. Alternatively, if our customer would like [redacted] to migrate their website to the newest version, the typical fee is $150.00. However, we would be happy to reduce the fee to $75.00. [redacted] cannot completely waive the cost of this service due to the labor involved in migrating any data. If our customer wishes to accept this offer, they may contact our office directly. Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer.Regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - [redacted]
Thank you for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer We would like to present the following:Our customer acknowledged and agreed to GoDaddy's agreements upon conducting business with GoDaddy. The latest version of these agreements can be found at:... February 6, 2007, our customer purchased the domain name in question for a one-year term, during a call to Godaddy’s Customer Care Center. Our customer subsequently renewed the domain name on an annual basis until its expiration on February 18, 2016. After expiration, GoDaddy provides a 42 day grace period for customers to renew or redeem their domain.On April 5, 2016, our customer contacted GoDaddy’s Customer Care Center and redeemed their domain name.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with our customer and honored its terms of service.This office has spoken with our customer and confirmed the redemption of their domain name and no additional charges were applied. Our customer expressed their satisfaction with this outcome. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,John M[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at [redacted]On April 4, 2011, March 11, and March 17, 2014, our customer purchased a domain name,...
Website Builder and Get Found for three-year and one-year terms respectively. The services have since both manually and automatically renewed.On October 24, 2016, GoDaddy contacted our customer regarding product renewals. Our customer indicated they would address renewals as they occurred, declining our agent’s offer to disable automatic renewal.On March 11, March 17, and April 5, 2017, our customer’s Website Builder, Get Found, and domain automatically renewed for two-year, one-year, and three-year terms respectively per our customer’s account preferences. GoDaddy sent renewal notices prior to expiration informing our customer the expiring items would renew in accordance with account settings unless additional action was taken. On April 17, 2017, our customer contacted our Customer Care regarding these renewals, requesting a refund for Get Found. Our customer was correctly informed the service was no longer refund eligible.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.On May 6, 2017, a chargeback was initiated against our customer’s products, withdrawing funds paid to GoDaddy, and our customer’s services were suspended from their account.On July 15, 2017, the chargeback inquiry for the Website Builder was resolved in our customer’s favor and on September 6, 2017, the chargeback inquiries for Get Found Essentials and the domain name were resolved in GoDaddy’s favor. These services were restored to their account, however are no longer refund eligible.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Regards,Johnee D[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I did not set my preferences for a 2 year auto renewal. I also don't believe I ever agreed to the refund policy they are now trying to enforce. If they were to automatically renew me, why would they make an assumption it was for a term that was 2 years. Does this seem reasonable? Then, when contacting them to resolve it why wouldn't they at a minimum refund in cash the unused portion. I have no use for a store credit. This is being offer so they can keep my money for services they will never provide. They know this. It was clearly explained.
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at December 28, 2016, the domain name in question was moved from one GoDaddy account...
to another via an Account Change. During this process, our customer changed the registrant contact information associated with the domain, initiating a 60-day transfer lock (“Transfer Prohibition Period”). GoDaddy takes the security of our customers’ accounts and domain names very seriously. As most domain hijackings occur shortly after a change of registrant is performed on a domain name, GoDaddy’s Change of Registrant Agreement was implemented to help protect our customers from such thefts.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Our customer has been in contact with our Domain Services team. On January 5, 2016, the transfer lock was removed from the associated domains as a goodwill gesture. Our customer may transfer the domains provided they remain in accordance with the agreements they had acknowledged.Our customer may find the following information useful:Transferring Domain Names to Another Registrar: Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at March 6, 2017, our customer contacted GoDaddy's Customer Care Team regarding email...
being bounced back labeled as Spam. These were a direct result of our customer's website and its reputation with Cloudmark. Cloudmark is a service that GoDaddy and many other email providers subscribe to that provides protection against spam, viruses, phishing, and similar threats that affect email.Once our customer cleared the questionable content from their website, GoDaddy was able to resolve these issues on our customer's behalf with Cloudmark.GoDaddy is not responsible for the content found on our customer's website and the consequences of that content.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Upon removing the malware from our customer’s website, their email block was removed.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Johnee D[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity
to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and
would like to present the following.GoDaddy takes customer security and our commitment to
preventing fraud very seriously....
If there are uncertainties with
transactions made, these transactions may be flagged for review by our
Verification Office. A request for
proper, legible credentials from the account holder would be requested to verify
the transaction as legitimate. Our goal is to reasonably ensure that the owner
of the payment method has authorized the transaction(s). According to a public WHOIS lookup, the domain name in
question has been registered through GoDaddy, and is utilizing private
registration services. The complainant
may use any available information from the WHOIS search
to contact the registrant of the domain should they wish to attempt to acquire
it.Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring
clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Kindest
regards,[redacted]Office of
the CEO - [email protected][redacted]
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.Our customer acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting business with...
GoDaddy:• Universal Terms of Service Agreement• Domain Name Registration AgreementThe latest version of these agreements can be found at: https://www.[redacted]On September 6, 2007 our customer purchased a domain name registration for a three year term. This payment was for the service period ending September 2010.On September 7, 2010 our customer manually renewed the domain for a one year term. This payment was for the service period ending September 2011.On September 7, 2011 our customer’s account preferences instructed GoDaddy to automatically renew their services for another three year term and we did so in a good-faith effort to honor our agreements with the customer. This renewal was for the service period ending September 2014.GoDaddy sent renewal notices to our customer prior to the expiration date on:* June 8, 2011* July 8, 2011* August 7, 2011* August 22, 2011* September 1, 2011These notices informed our customer their expiring items would be renewed in accordance with their account settings.On September 7, 2014 our customer’s account preferences instructed GoDaddy to renew their services again for another three year term and we did so in a good-faith effort to honor our agreements with the customer.GoDaddy sent renewal notices prior to the expiration date on:* June 8, 2014* July 8, 2014* August 7, 2014* August 22, 2014* September 1, 2014These notices informed our customer their expiring items would be renewed in accordance with their account settings.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with our customer and honored its terms of service.Our customer did not contact our support staff regarding the charge until they were no longer eligible for a refund. Our customer has since disabled the automatic renewal preference for the associated domain. As a one-time exception, GoDaddy has refunded our customer’s September 7, 2014 domain renewal as a gesture of good will. The funds have been returned as In-Store Credit, available for future purchases with GoDaddy.Education:For future reference, our Customer Care teams are available 24/7 at ###-###-#### or by visiting to assist with any aspect of a GoDaddy account, including product renewals. Account management is a customer responsibility. Our customer may have also managed their products by following the instructions listed in the articles below:Canceling Products - https://[redacted]Managing Renewals for Products and Services - https://[redacted]Refund Policy – https://[redacted]Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer.Best Regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by the complainant. As previously stated; our Protected Registration service, which the complainant had opted to add to their domain registration, protects against the cancellation, expiration, or transfer of a domain name. Domain names which have this service cannot be cancelled or have automatic renewal disabled until the Protected Registration is canceled. Our office has connected with the complainant to clarify the service they had purchased and what information is required to cancel the Protected Registration Service. As the complainant has stated they do not wish to provide a copy of their government-issued photo ID, GoDaddy will accept a notarized affidavit in lieu of their government-issued photo ID. This affidavit, which was sent to the complainant by our Domain Services team on July 20, 2015, will need to state the complainant’s name and that they are requesting that the protected registration service be cancelled on the domain name in question. It is the complainant’s responsibility to submit the requested documentation. Once all of the requested documentation has been received and verified by our Domain Services team, the service may then be canceled.Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by the complainant.[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy[redacted][redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260###-###-#### Phone###-###-#### Fax
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.We have only recently become aware that the complaint had multiple GoDaddy accounts and must rely upon our customer’s to provide us with data that we might otherwise be unaware of such as multiple accounts. We also sincerely appreciate the feedback about our service levels and will ensure any improvement opportunities that exist are addressed. We are currently in the process of issuing the appropriate payments, please allow 21 days for these to process.Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the[redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260###-###-#### Phone
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.The complainant acknowledged and agreed to the following agreements upon conducting...
business with GoDaddy:• Universal Terms of Service Agreement• Auctions Membership Agreement• Domain Name Registration AgreementThe latest version of these agreements can be found at: April 18, 2015 the complainant purchased a registration for the specified [redacted] (Domain Name “A”) via an online transaction through the GoDaddy Auctions website, GoDaddy Auctions is a marketplace for the sale of Domain Names from one party to another.Despite GoDaddy’s requests, the Registrant/owner of the Domain Name was unable to transfer ownership to the complainant and the transaction was cancelled. On May 5, 2015 GoDaddy provided a full refund for the failed auction transaction.On April 28, 2015 the complainant contacted out Customer Care teams via phone and attempted to purchase the registration of [redacted] (Domain Name “B”) through the GoDaddy Auctions website. The Domain Name, already registered to another party, was listed by the seller in an 'Offer/Counter Offer' Auction. The seller of this domain name did not respond to the complainants bid and the transaction was not completed.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with the complainant and honored its terms of service.GoDaddy is not and has never been the Registrar of Domain Name “A”. Furthermore the Domain Name was listed for sale on the GoDaddy Auctions website by a third party. GoDaddy has already provided a full refund for the failed auction transaction.The complainant never completed a transaction to register Domain Name “B” and as such GoDaddy is not responsible for any losses they may have incurred.EDUCATION:The following link may be helpful to the customer regarding the domain name Auction process: GoDaddy Auctions FAQ - you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer. Kind regards, [redacted]Office of the CEO[redacted] [redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260###-###-#### Phone###-###-#### Fax
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at January 5, 2017, our customer purchased GoDaddy’s Website Builder for a one-year...
term via an online transaction. On October 6, 2017, our customer upgraded this plan to the Business tier for the remainder of their term.On November 24, 2017, our customer contacted GoDaddy’s Customer Care via live chat to discuss renewal options for their Website Builder plan. During this interaction, our customer opted to purchase a new GoCentral plan for a two-year term, discussing steps to rebuild their site from Website Builder to GoCentral. Unless otherwise specified, such as a free 30-day trial, the service period for products purchased begins at the time of the transaction completion.On January 1, 2018, our customer contacted GoDaddy’s Care teams to request a refund of their GoCentral purchase, and were correctly advised it was no longer refund-eligible. Products purchased annually must be canceled within 30 days of purchase to be eligible for refund.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.As the product has already been canceled, we have provided our customer with a refund of their GoCentral purchase, totaling C$263.76, as a one-time exception to our Refund Policy.Future refunds will be provided in accordance with our Refund Policy, found here:⇄ you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Mike L[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy