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Reviews Alder

Alder Reviews (1771)

Thank you for contacting usWe will be releasing Mr*** from the renewal on his account, as well as clearing the past due balance of $Since Mr*** fulfilled his original agreement there is no need to return any of the equipmentIf he has any questions, please have Mr*** contact us. Sincerely,Charlotte L.| Alder Compliance Specialist

April 12, 2017RE: *** *** To the, We have an appointment scheduled for 4/to retrieve the equipment from Ms*** homeOnce that has been completed Ms*** account with Alder will be canceledThank you for your assistance with
this matter.Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager

October 6, 2017RE: *** *** To the, Thank you for contacting us and we apologize if there has been any miscommunication on our partI have submitted a refund of $to your bank, totaling months of free service, to compensate you for the two months
mentioned in your complaintRegarding the contract, you participated in a video survey that explained the terms of your agreement and which required you to say and select yes to each of the termsAs these surveys are recorded I was able to watch the video file and everything seemed to be clearly explained and you agreed to all of the termsConsequently, I don’t see how the allegations that you were completely unaware of the month contract can be truePlease let me know if you have any questions.Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: the sales representative lied to me telling me there was no contract He must have switched the paper work that I signed I saw him cross out the term Very dishonest company The police department of ashburn sent a warning out on this company and also in americus Too bad they did not run them before I met these crooks
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To the, Thank you for contacting usWe are concerned that these allegations are being brought forth now when the events in question took place in We would like to know why these complaints were not brought to our attention until now, years later. Regarding
Mr***’s balance with his previous provider, a check was sent in the amount of $to him to satisfy that balance Lastly, Mr*** is still being billed by Alder because his account renewed in accordance with the terms of his contract which states that a notice of cancellation must be received within days of the end the termIf Mr*** would like to have his account cancelled with Alder we would advise that he have his new company resolve his previous contractual balance just as we did for Mr*** back in Sincerely,

January 25, 2018RE: *** *** To the, Thank you for contacting usWe apologize for the paperwork Mr*** has had to go through, it is a somewhat lengthy process when cancelling the contract earlyIt appears that the necessary documentation has been received
from Mr*** and we are only waiting for the final payment to clear.Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I am sending this email to let you know that Alder did make an attempt to rectify the complaint and it was with my satisfactionI have had some family emergency issues and just saw this textCan you please change the status that the customer was satisfied instead of remains unsatisfied please. Thank you*** ** ***

March 21, 2017RE: *** *** To the, We spoke with Ms*** and were able to come to an agreementThank you for your assistance with this matterSincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is acceptable to me, but I will NOT be completely satisfied and close this complaint until I have received all the money owed to me by AlderI do not yet see any credits in my bank account for free months.
*** ***

Please respond with your parent's name or address so we can identify the account

To the, Thank you for contacting usAfter reviewing Mrs*** account, I did see there was a call done with her husband *** going over the terms and conditions of the agreement as well as verifying that Mr*** is aware that we are NOT affiliated with Vivint
However, we would like to make them happy and as a gesture of goodwill offering to lower their rate from $to $Please have Mrs*** let us know if this is acceptable Sincerely,

November 16, 2017RE: *** *** To the, Thank you for contacting usWe have spoken with Mr*** and we were able to resolve the matter.Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager

RE: *** ***Customer account number:*** Tothe, Thank you for contacting usIn response to Ms. ***'s concern, at the time that Ms*** signed up with us our company was Alarm Protection
Technology, or APT, however in our company changed names to Alder, and a letter was sent out to our customers to inform them of the name changeHer original agreement with APT is still the same agreement as with Alder, nothing has been changedWe would like to do some simple trouble shooting with Ms*** to try to solve any issues she may be having with her system, and if needed we would be happy to send out a technician to her at no costAdditionally, as a gesture of goodwill and to thank Ms*** for being a loyal customer of Alarm Protection and Alder, we would like to offer to lower her monitoring rate with us to $Please Ms*** respond back to us if this is acceptable or if she has any questions
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID
***, and find that this resolution is partially satisfactory to meMrN*** agreed to cancel the contract but the subject of refunds was not discussed at this timeAlso, I have not received formal written notice of the cancellation of the contractI attempted on December to contact MrN*** to resolve the matter of refunds but without success
*** ***

May 30, 2017 RE: *** *** To the, Thank you for contacting usWe spoke with Ms*** and resolved the issueWe appreciate your assistance. Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager

Will be more than happy to return once paid shipping label is recieved
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

June 30, 2017 RE: *** *** To the, We agree with Mr***, it is probably better that we part ways at this pointWe are terminating his account and will contact him shortly to schedule a time to retrieve our equipment. Sincerely, Brandt N*** | Alder Compliance Manager
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meI still haven't received a call from alder but I am going to reach out to them tomorrow in this matter to see where this process is now.
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I am the person on the contractThe cancellation was sent and I did not get a notification on the name change until after I tried to cancel the contractThey have not honored their end of the agreement and because they did not honor their end of the contract the agreement is moot
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

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Address: 450 N 1500 W, Orem, Utah, United States, 84057


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