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Xymox Percussion

9340 Santa Anita Ave Ste 106, Rch Cucamonga, California, United States, 91730-6149

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Xymox Percussion Reviews (%countItem)

Ordered a tenor kick in June 2019 and as of today, 1/29/20, still have nothing. Was supposed to ship 8/5/19. Never received shipping info so I reached out beginning of September and was told they were running behind - "heavy volume" - and it should go out within the next 5 weeks. Thus starts an email chain that is now 30+ deep, mostly consisting of me asking, demanding, pleading to get my item, and them making vague excuses, giving possible time frames that come and go, asking me to be patient. The item didn't even get marked as "in production" until I reached out in September! Same as others - it'll arrive in October, November, December, latest email said end of February because of problems with the wood! Never mind that this item should have been made already. It's apparently just going into production next month! I've told them I complaining to, Federal Trade Commission, Cal. Attorney General, etc... but that doesn't seem to work on them anymore. It didn't spur them to send me anything. They restricted me on Instagram because I became very vocal about my problems with them. They do not respond to DMs, no phone number to call, they are inactive on FB and Twitter, for obvious reasons, and they have now turned off commenting on Instagram. They claim to be sending all product out now, but I've seen no evidence that is a true statement. They advertise a new website, which never materializes. They continue to offer new product and incentives, despite owing so many people items from months ago, and in some cases over a year! They have now pledged to speed up their production time, but I would not count on that as being a reality. When I ordered, my Terms & Agreement stated 8 weeks production time, and that due to the custom nature of the product, delays can be expected. They pointed this out to me last week (with marked up pictures) when I informed them I am disputing the charge with my bank. But, as I pointed out to them, 8 weeks is a far cry from 7 months. I did file a claim with my bank and they are investigating. I recommend everyone keep all correspondence from Xymox and screenshot everything! I believe they took my money knowing they could not or would not fulfill the order in 8 weeks. I believe Xymox intentionally misleads customers. I believe that they use the Terms & Agreement as a weapon against customers, holding their money hostage while they decide if they will bother to produce an item, using the custom nature of the product as leverage to continue to ignore very real complaints. What Xymox fails to comprehend, is that their terrible, bad faith business practices have real world consequences. Real people, many of them kids, are waiting for these items because they need them. When they don't get them it causes problems. Xymox has shown the utmost disregard for their customers. They are a disgraceful company and everyone who works for them should be ashamed. I hope my bank agrees.

Order #1XXXXX857 for a custom snare pad on October 1st, 2019. Got an email that the order would ship (estimate) October 30, 2019. Little to no communication and very general explanations which at this point are null and void. Called the phone number listed in the email and it seems to be disconnected. Inquiry emails sent with no response. $181.50 is ENTIRELY too much money to lose. Judging by the rest of the complaints I see here on the website, I am preaching to the choir. WHERE IS THE SNARE PAD AND PLEASE SAVE THE GENERAL EXPLANATION THAT I SEE EVERYONE ELSE HAS GOTTEN! I wish I could give a NEGATIVE star rating...

I am hoping someone at your company can get this message or the emails I’ve been sending! Please see below message on the last email I sent with no response.
I am emailing in regards to my sons order placed on Sept 23 2019. He has not been updated on the status of this order, so we are inquiring where it is as it’s been almost 4 months since he paid for this. He has been waiting on the hybrid snare drum that he paid $185.16 for.
I wish we would have researched all the negative reviews before he spent his money with nothing to show for.
Not a reputable company

I ordered from May 2019 a hybrid snare that supposedly in July 2019 would begin to send and until now I have not received anything, I have written several emails asking for the return of my money but they refuse to return it for alleged company policies, they already failed me and I see on Instagram all the time that they say that it is already available when it is not true, it seems to me that these people are cheating people to get money faster and that is dishonest.
No company takes more than 6 months to send a product to someone, I'm already getting a lawyer to sue them, this is unacceptable.

Hello, I had ordered a tenor pad on July 21st of 2019. I knew it was going to take a while to receive it and had purchased it during a special and could not be mad about receiving it late. Now it is 1/8/2020 and I have only had the shipment date pushed back multiple times, "Beginning of September"," No, sorry, end of October", and the latest one is "End of the (2019) year". I have sent multiple e-mails regarding the order status and have gotten no information back . I know you have nothing "in-stock" but if they know that their products take a while to produce and ship out they should be upfront with all customers before even they even purchase it.

Hi, Xymox House! I ordered a custom tenor pad from your website on November 16, 2019. The estimated shipping date was December 12, 2018. However, I failed to receive any notice about my order being shipped. I then sent an email to your customer service 3 days after I was expecting my order to ship, without any response. I am writing this review as it has now been almost a month since my order was meant to ship and I have still yet gotten any sort of information about it. Thank you!

Hello, Xymox House,
I ordered a custom tenor pad from your website on November 16, 2019, at 6:16 PM PST. The estimated shipping date for my Tenor Pad was December 12, 2019. However, when the date came, I failed to receive an e-mail stating that my Tenor Pad has been shipped. I then sent an email to your customer service asking for an update, and received nothing in return. I am writing this review to ask for an update on my order, considering it has been nearly a month since it was meant to ship. Thank you!

Ordered a “new release” product (hybrid snare) on 5/5/19. Was expected to ship first week of July. Paid in full on 5/5 not only for product, But also for shipping. Have emailed monthly since July. Each time expected dates get pushed back. They never promise anything. However they assured their social media community that this product would FINALLY start shipping the second week of December. Was told I would have it before Christmas. Now I have no product, they have blocked me on social media for asking questions, and they have not responded to my last three emails. If their products take a year to acquire, they need to be up front about that.

Update to a review I left on 11/29/19 - We just received our order, 2 days before Christmas, original order was in May of 2019. It was a long wait, but the end product, which was a custom designed practice pad is beautiful! I will agree it takes a long time for the company to fulfill an order, but the end product was worth the wait. They did an amazing job with the design my son picked out and sent in and overall final product is very well made. I would definitely order from them again, but keep in mind the very long wait time for end product. The three stars are because of the wait time, if they could figure out how to shorten that their reviews would be so much better!

I should have looked at the reviews on here before ordering. We ordered A tenor pad back in November hoping to get it by Christmas. I haven’t seen any communication from this company telling where they are in production. I have emailed this company (as that is the only way to contact them from their website) at least 3 times without any reply back.
I was hoping to get the set for my daughter. This is the only gift she was going to get. Now, with one day left, I have to scramble to find something to give her on Christmas morning. I just wish this company would communicate back.

This company is very unorganized and poor at communication to their customers. I ordered 2 products back in May and June of 2019. I was told I would received my products within 8-12 weeks due to high demand. It is now December and I still haven’t received my orders.
I contacted them 3 times and every time they state it will hopefully be shipped within the next month, and now I can’t get a response via email.
I urge anyone not to do business with this company. You can’t trust them.......PERIOD!

My story is similar to the others but I may have found a way to expedite my order... I ordered the product in June and had not received it in September. I contacted Customer Service and they were unhelpful. I tried cancelling the order and this also was unsuccessful. I decided to ask my credit card company to dispute the charge and that seemed to help. By the time the credit card company started disputing the charge, my order was upgraded to production and shipped within 2 weeks.
I feel kind of foolish not checking into Xymox before ordering but by the time I realized their service was so bad, it was too late.
Good luck.

Put in an order for a 14" Reserve Snare pad in June of 2019. It's now end of November 2019, and have not received the order. I didn't do my research prior to ordering from them, and when I did found a lot of unhappy customers. No way to contact them except by email and they reply with a bunch of excuses.

I had 3 different conversations with Xymox employees about my rim that was broken very soon after receiving my pad after 7 months they were happy to say they would send my pad early September. It is now mid December and they haven’t answered to any email since October when they said they were trying to get a shipment ready. I’m now DMing then on Instagram with 2 accounts and no answer. I have also commented on multiple posts just asking them to check their DM or Email and these comments are simply looked over while they respond almost instantly to other users who submitted comments after me. The customer service is terrible and always has been. In 2016 they threatened to sue me for slander over the phone because I said my previous pad took 11 months (it did by the way) and I was informing my drum page following at the time (account deleted now) that they were a bad company to go with. I guess my mistake was forgiving them and buying another pad. I recommend that you do not buy products from them unless you can deal with bad service and long waits. The only thing keeping them alive is the quality of products. And even that has issues. My first pad in 2016 the rims came loose... they said it was “impossible” and said I made it up. I took photos and after a phone call they apologized and got me the rim. Just don’t buy from them... they can be very rude over the phone and don’t answer emails or comments. But you will see them reply to others... shame

So reading down thru these reviews even this process seems pointless. But I comment anyway. There are over 200 complaints of the same nature and that's just the people who have seen fit to look you up on the It is extremely frustrating that you have my money and I have no product. It seems to make sense why you have a no cancellation policy because everyone would cancel. Who wants to spend money and wait months on the product??
We ordered a tenor snare on March 15th. We have had multiple communications with Xymox. July 10 and 12. Sept 10 and 13. Oct 7. Pretty much the same response every time. Sorry we are running behind, trying to catch up. You have had my money for 9 months! You continue to run promotions on IG. I would have to assume those people won't see their orders for possibly years.
I remain dumbfounded at this entire process and trying to be patient and understand. But I would suggest if you are looking for a drum pad to be used right away or even within the year purchase it elsewhere. People who create things should maybe have people who can run a business as partners.
What option do I have but to keep waiting and post frustrating reviews on websites. I just hope it gets here before he graduates HS in 2 years.

My son ordered a bunch of stuff as a bday gift and it was an order placed in july. Still nothing yet. Contacted them via email several times and was told it was gonna be shipped out by certain days. Those days came and went and still nothing. Do not buy from them! We want our money back!

Placed order on July 7, 2019. Still have not received order. Based on Yelp reviews, it appears no one ever receives the products they order. They should be put out of business.

I placed an order on August 27, 2019 for a practice tenor pad. It has been 90 days and I emailed the company to stop production and refund my money, since marching band season is over. They responded with basically, "too bad" since their terms and conditions say no refunds. No where in their terms and conditions does it say that the company will take their sweet old time and you will get it when you get it so shut up. Buyer beware, unless you have a year lead time before you need it.

Absolutely terrible. Ordered a drum pad back in June and was told it would ship in August. Didn’t get a hear anything until I emailed in October. Was told there was a delay and would be out by the end of the year. Waited a month and decided that I wanted my money back and would go somewhere else. When asked for money back to as referred to terms and conditions stating no refunds. I also pointed out those same terms and conditions stated a manufacturing and delivery time between 2-2.5 months! Not the 5 plus it’s already taken!
Please go somewhere else. You won’t get your purchase. They take your money right away but who knows when they will make or deliver. You could harvest the wood and mine the metals in this amount of time!

My son ordered a snare drum on May 7, 2019. The web sight list up to 12 weeks delivery as an estimate. I under that's an estimate, but is is the end of November and the product is till not here. We have reached out with multiple emails. The last email was sent today. We get the same response. We are having problems getting parts and it should be shipped out by the end of the next month. It has been 7 months since we orderd. The did not have any issues when they took the money out of my account to pay for the snare, but they will not provide refunds. I would not recommend ordering anything from this company.

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Address: 9340 Santa Anita Ave Ste 106, Rch Cucamonga, California, United States, 91730-6149


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