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Xymox Percussion

9340 Santa Anita Ave Ste 106, Rch Cucamonga, California, United States, 91730-6149

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Xymox Percussion Reviews (%countItem)

One star because I cannot leave zero. Orders for my son’s birthday early enough to encounter delays. It has been almost seven months. The shipping cost more than the product. No response to emails, no valid phone service, poor business conduct. However when you think about it , it’s working for Xymox. They’re making money hand over fist from people like me that just want a good product and are willing to pay. This company is the WISH of percussion.

I placed an order for a drum pad on March 4th 2019. It is now Feb14th 2020 and I have not received my order. I have several emails from *** and *** in reply to my request for an update as to when I would receive my order. They said 8-12 week is their order processing time. Then 5-8 weeks, then a little longer. They were running behind. Then it became by the Holidays (Christmas ). By that time I asked for a refund since they couldn’t fill the order in a timely manner. I was told no refund. It’s against their policy and I was provided a copy of their policy. I then replied that I expected my order by Feb1st since it’s approaching a year and said I’d be filing a complaint here and a police report for theft. Since the refuse to return my money and will not provide my order in a timely manner. That email was never acknowledged. I feel that 90 days is more than reasonable to have a custom made order “ that’s their business”. If they can’t fulfill their obligation they need to refund my purchase. We even paid for expedited shipping. Which I expect my money back for as well

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 20, 2020

The customer will be receiving his order. We never gave the customer a date to expect his order by so I do apologize for the confusion. This order has been added to the top of production and should be out within the next three weeks.

Customer Response • Feb 21, 2020

I am rejecting this response because: This is the typical response I've been receiving for a year now and I don't believe them. As proof, I've attached one of the email strings that I have, starting with my son inquiring about the order, because he needed it for school and then moving on to myself inquiring, since he was getting nowhere. As far today's response stating that they did not promise a delivery date. My receipt say that I should expect my order on May 1 2019. I believe it is attached to my original complaint. I understand custom made things take time, but a year? I'm sorry their drum pad isn't that special to take a year to assemble and if that is their normal business practice, they need to warn their customers so that they can choose to continue with the order or look elsewhere for the item their student needs for school. I prefer to have my money back even though they have an apparent no refund policy. Which you do not see unless you click on "help". Your average person can navigate their ordering system and never see the refund/cancellation policy. If we somehow agreed to it, that would normally be okay, because we wouldn't want to cancel the order, HOWEVER, we did not agree to wait an eternity for the item. You can custom build a house in a shorter amount of time than we've waited for this drum pad. I feel that it would be fair to say that ordering something and NOT BEING TOLD it would take a year or longer to arrive is unfair and deceitful. Especially since they led me to believe in each of their responses to me that " it would be August, then October then the Holidays" now its 3 weeks. Sincerely

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 24, 2020

The customer did agree to the terms and conditions, that are shown to the customers at the time of checkout. Here is a copy. The terms and conditions state that the dates are strictly meant as estimates and are subject to change.

Customer Response • Feb 26, 2020

I am rejecting this response because:
As I stated in my previous reply. There was a possibility that the cancelation terms were accepted in good faith that the order would deliver in a timely manner. One is is NOT timely nor is it a reasonable time frame. In each of their correspondents s to my they mislead me to believe the order would be filled “within 5 week”. Then at one point “August”. Then it was the “Holidays”. I believe I submitted at least one of the email strings with my complaint. Now it’s 3 weeks which would make it delivering March 16th-17th including shipping time of 3 business day. Which I might add that Zymox’s business address is less than 5 miles from my house so it shouldn’t even take that long. In any case I don’t believe that it will deliver on time giving their track record. I Want a guarantee that it will be delivered in 3 week for their previous email and I want the tracking number. I believe that this a more than fair request. Sincerely

Ordered a custom tenor pad on July 21, 2019. Was told several ship dates that have all passed and haven't had an email response since December 16, 2019. Was told several times that it would be "a few more weeks" but nothing. We've waited 7 months and nothing. This company basically stole money from my son who saved for a long time to afford this pad. Beyond frustrated.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 21, 2020

This order has been added to the top of production and we would also like to offer a few freebies!

I placed an order for a custom drum practice pad on 9-19-2019. I emailed the company in November after the delivery date that was printed on my order form to check on the status of my order. They said they were running 12 weeks behind and it would ship in the new year. I have continually checked on my order and it stills says in process. I emailed them again on 2-10-2020 to check on the status and have yet to receive a response. This was to be my son’s Christmas present and then we decided it would be his birthday present. Now both days have passed and we still haven’t heard when we will get it.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 20, 2020

The customers white pearl take pad and tenor have been added to the top of production and will be out within the next three weeks.

Customer Response • Feb 20, 2020

I am rejecting this response because: I will only accept this once I have received the practice pad and other items purchased. It has been five months since I placed the order and it took a complaint to get it moved to production.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 24, 2020

We want the customer to know we are doing everything are can do to get this out to you as soon as possible. We would like to offer a few freebies added onto your order if he customer would like.

Customer Response • Feb 24, 2020

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I will accept free items added to my order, which in all honesty, they should offer something for the wait they created.

Placed an order on September 18 for tenor pads and sticks. Confirmation email says my order is scheduled to ship from the facility on October 30. I emailed on November 18 to inquire when the order would be shipped. Nothing. Emailed again on November 29. Several days later I got a reply from *** stating that they ask customers to allow up to 8 weeks for all orders (which it was past). She said they were running behind, and would get our order out after the new year. Again, well past 8 weeks and the original date mentioned in the email. I have now emailed on January 30, February 10, and today and have not gotten any response. I have never dealt with such an unprofessional company.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 20, 2020

I have only ever received one email from this customer on the 10th. I am always willing to help the customers out and I do apologize that email did somehow get missed. I have added the order to the top of production and will be out within the next three weeks. I have offered the customer a few freebies!

Customer Response • Feb 21, 2020

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me - as long as the order is actually shipped in the next 3 weeks. I'm sure if she looked through her old/deleted emails she would see the other emails from me. I have definitely sent all the ones that I stated in my inquiry. In fact, most of them I replied to the previously unanswered emails.Thanks

I placed an order on October 5, 2019 for a custom drum pad. I have inquired twice about the status of my order as it's been 5 months since the order was placed and during the first inquiry, I was informed that the package would be shipped around January 23rd. No one has been in contact with me and there is no customer service phone number.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 20, 2020

I have a screenshot showing I have kept in contact with the customer. She has recently been updated that her order should be out by the end of March.

Ordered a 12" Reserve Snare (non-hybrid) on 10/27/2019. Was told the normal 2-8 weeks via the receipt e-mail. I've emailed on 4 different occasions and received a response only the first time from ***, who was very nice and apologetic. She said they were running at the full 8 week deliver and sometimes a little more, which I was just at the 4 week mark. Emailed her direct again on 1/7 & 1/15 with no response. E-mailed the info e-mail on 1/18 & 2/10 with no response. I'm now 15 weeks out and don't know when or if the pad will be made and delivered. I'm not one to be able to tell someone how to run a company, but this is definitely an example of how not to. Things happen, but ghosting customers after they've paid is BS.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

Here is a screenshot showing that I have only ever received this email from the customer. The subject line states its the fourth email, but my inbox has no record of any other emails. The customer has not been ghosted, I do apologize for the delay. The customer should be receiving tracking information within the next three weeks.

Customer Response • Feb 19, 2020
Although I can attach all 4 emails including the one that was responded to originally, it’s not worth the effort. AND please note the one he shows a picture of is still 9 days old with no response ever being sent back. I’ll accept his response and looking forward to a tracking number by March 11th.

I ordered a product from this company in November and still have not received it. All messages have been unanswered and emails have been returned that the email address no longer exists.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

I have provided a screenshot showing that I have been in contact with the customer, she was updated that her order would be shipping by the end of February.

I ordered a custom practice pad from Xymox on May 17th, 2019. I have followed up 7 times since then asking about the status, and my last two emails have gone unanswered. This is absolutely unacceptable business practices. It is now Feb 12th, 2020 and still no practice pad.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

I have sent heather many updates regarding her Hybrid order. I am still not able to offer an exact date of shipment for the Hybrids, but please remember the terms and conditions that were agreed to. I would love to have some freebies thrown in on this if the customer would like.

On July 23,2019 my son ordered a tenor pad from this company and as of February 11,2020 he has not received it. Their web site states that all sales are final and not refundable, which is fine if they would deliver the product. He was told he would receive his order in eight weeks They did respond to emails sent in October he was told he would receive it November and then in a December email they said that he would receive it before Christmas.. They have not responded to his emails since. He wanted to use the tenor pad to practice for solo ensemble at home but now he can't and his performance is in two weeks. Very dissatisfied! . He used my debit card if proof needed.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

The customers order has been added to the top of production. You should expect shipping information within the next three weeks.

I ordered a snare pad for my son November 3, 2019, was told that it was 8 weeks turnaround. It is now February 12, 2020 and I have yet to receive our order. I have sent several emails, no answer, I have tried calling the number that was included in my confirmation email when they took my money, it’s not in service any longer. My son has been waiting so long for this, and I can’t get a response from the company at all!

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

I have provided a screenshot showing I have no recent emails from the address that was provided by the customer. This order should be out within three weeks. The customer will receive an email with the shipping information when it goes out!

Customer Response • Feb 21, 2020

I am rejecting this response because:
I did email them, I have the email, also called and left messages (at least 2) at the number given in the email. Now when you call that number it’s not working.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 24, 2020

We do not have an active phone number an we have not had one for a long time, I do apologize for that. Feel free to reach out over email anytime I would love to help out. This order has already been added to the top of production.

I placed my order for tenor kicks on May 28th, 2019 and have still not received my order. I have emailed the company several times and only get excuses. The last response I received from the company was on December 11th, 2019 stating that they are expecting to receive the color shifting bases on the 30th, however I did not order a pad with color shift. I ordered a simple copper and black pad that was on the site. I have sent 5 or 6 emails to the company since December 11th asking for an update on my order and have received no response. Additionally I paid full price for the tenor kicks, which I have no problem with, but it makes it especially frustrating to see the company advertise deals in which the pad is offered at a significantly reduced priced or even has another item such as the table pad included when they can’t seem to provide the product in a reasonable time frame. When placing the order, it becomes apparent that it can take up to two months to ship, but the company needs to be honest and let their customers know that it could take 9+ months to ship a single product.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

The customers order has been added to the top of production and should be shipped out within three weeks.

Customer Response • Feb 21, 2020

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me as long as the product actually ships and I am provided a tracking number within the three weeks as promised. If not, I will be filing another complaint.

I ordered two products from this business in July of 2019, the product is supposed to take 2-8 weeks to be delivered, in October I emailed them and got a response I suspect was false, I emailed again in January and in February and still haven’t gotten another response since October. It seems many other people are having the same problem, and as I understand they have a strict no cancellation/refund policy, I never received any products. I have ordered from Xymox in the past and have had some problems but at least got my products.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

I have added the customers order to the top of production. The should be receiving her single within the next three weeks. I have sent her an email regarding the Hybrid half of her order. The customer will be receiving the products she paid for.

I ordered a snare pad on 10/15/19 and I have been waiting for 4 months. I have sent multiple emails and have not gotten a response. I have also gotten an automatic mail message and so I’ve emailed again and that time I have not gotten that an automatic email.I can’t believe that it takes MONTHS to make a custom snare pad. Could you please check my emails and respond to any more I have.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

Screenshot showing that I have recently been in contact with the customer via email. This order will be out by the end of March.

I ordered Bass Kicks on 4/7/19 and still have not received them. Since June, I have been provided with FIVE inaccurate shipping updates, and it appears that I am just getting strung along with the last two being "by the end of the year" (sent nov 12), and then "by 1/3 give or take a few days" (sent dec 17). It is now Feb 9th and I have not received a response for either of my last two emails. The long wait is not even the main cause of frustration. Rather, it is the apparent lack of transparency and even dishonesty around the true status of my order. I hope to receive them soon, as they were ordered for my ensemble that only has a few months left in their competitive season.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

The customers bass kicks should be shipped out within the next three weeks. This was already making its way up on the production calendar !

I purchased a $150 Xymox Hybrid Snare Drum on May 5, 2019. They indicated it would ship as late as July 1. In late August I started requesting updates (see emails below). They continually promised that the unit would ship soon, citing difficulties with manufacturing. My latest request for an update on 1/31 has gone unanswered.

-----Original Message-----
From: *** <***@***.com>
Sent: Mon, Dec 16, 2019 1:56 pm

We apologize deeply for the delay in the Hybrid production. Unfortunately for custom mold makers were taking a lot longer than expected. I spoke to *** and he let me know that the Hybrids should begin shipping by the end of this week, beginning of the next week.

Customer Service
Xymox Percussion
On Dec 13, 2019, at 9:25 PM:

Hi ***,

Can I get another update on order *** please? My patience is now dwindling as this was projected to ship nearly a half year ago.

Thank you,

On Aug 27, 2019, at 3:47 PM, *** <***@***.com> wrote:

I apologize this is taking a bit longer to ship. This item was originally scheduled to start shipping the early part of July. As with any brand new item there can sometimes be small hiccups along the way. We are trying to keep these minimal and within reason. We now estimate to start shipping the Hybrid Snare Drum perhaps the end of September. Please feel free to email me back mid September and I can let you know at that time if they are in fact shipping... or at minimum, I can provide an estimated date to which they should ship.

We know its difficult to be patient, but please believe me when I tell you that this product is definitely worth the wait. You’ll love it!

*** Haley
Customer Service
Xymox Percussion

On Aug 23, 2019, at 6:35 PM:

Can I get a status for order #***, please? We were expecting this to ship 7/1.

Thank you

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

I have sent the customer an email update regarding his Hybrid order. These items are shipping out, it is just not possible at this time to give an exact date, and I do apologize for that.

Customer Response • Feb 19, 2020

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory pending I "receive an amazing product very soon" per their email. Please note that they ignored two emails prior to this complaint, and their reply looks identical to their update 2 months ago: From: <***>Sent: Wed, Feb 19, 2020 1:44 pmSubject: XYMOX ORDER HYBRID Hi , I want to take the time to thank you as a customer for bearing with us during this long wait. We are doing everything we can to get back to our normal 4-8 week production schedule. Thank you, and we sincerely apologize. I apologize for the delay in email responses as well! I have been extremely backed up lately, and that’s all on me so I want to take a second to make sure you as the customer know that I am sincerely sorry for this and am getting back on schedule.We apologize deeply for the delay in the Hybrid production. Unfortunately for custom mold makers were taking a lot longer than expected. I spoke to *** and he let me know that the Hybrids have begun shipping out. Unfortunately at this time there is no way to tell where a particular order is in the line due to the hundreds of Hybrids made with all different parts and skins we have trickling out. You will be receiving an amazing product very soon. ***Customer Service Xymox PercussionFrom: Sent: Mon, Dec 16, 2019 1:56 pmSubject: Re: Order statusHi, We apologize deeply for the delay in the Hybrid production. Unfortunately for custom mold makers were taking a lot longer than expected. I spoke to *** and he let me know that the Hybrids should begin shipping by the end of this week, beginning of the next week.
***.Customer Service Xymox Percussion

I made 2 orders, one on 12/6/19 and one on 12/12/19. Scheduled to ship on 12/12/19 and 12/16/19 respectively. I have been patient, checking on the website, still says in process. I sent them an email on 1/31/19, I've received no response, I tried the phone number in the email order confirmation (***) says the number in not reachable. I've spent over two hundred dollars with them. They got their money, I do not have my two drum pads.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

I have provided a screenshot showing I have never received an email from the address provided by the customer. Both orders should be out within three weeks.

A custom practice pad was ordered from this company on 8/26/19. At that time it stated it would be an 8 week delivery. When they were contacted they said they were 8 weeks behind. I have contacted them many many times and still have yet to get a firm date for delivery. I was told it would be after the first of the year. But as of today- their sites shows "in production" . The same thing it has said for months. I have requested to cancel the order for a refund and was told they have a no refund policy. My son needs this item. And we believe it has been long enough!

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 19, 2020

The customer will not be able to get a refund. They should expect the tracking information via email within the next three weeks.

Customer Response • Feb 19, 2020

I am rejecting this response because:
My son's order has been "in production" for going on 6 months. Receiving shipping details within about 3 weeks will put it at nearly 7 months! For an order that was to take 6-8 weeks. The business practices here aren't what I expected at all from a company making custom items. We need this shipped asap and the fastest way possible as it's absolutely needed ! I would appreciate you at least doing that for him.

Xymox Percussion Response • Feb 24, 2020

I want the customer to know that we are doing absolutely everything we can to get this out as soon as possible. I would like to offer some freebies and a matching travel pad with the customers order if they would like to accept.

Still have gotten our order which was placed 6 months ago. They were quick to charge my card however

I placed order on Dec,25 2019. Charge made on my card on Dec,27 2019. I sent emails asking questions about my order but haven’t received any reply yet. Stated on their website email will be answer with 24-48 hrs. It’s been weeks And days since I sent Multiple emails. I just want to make sure my son will get this gift I purchased ( paid a month ago) for him. He is so excited about snare pad he orders and no answer from this company is very frustrating. But I know productS from this company should be very good if they make you wait with no communication for this long.

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Address: 9340 Santa Anita Ave Ste 106, Rch Cucamonga, California, United States, 91730-6149


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