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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and we have agreed upon a resolutionVivint Solar has issued a credit to the customers billing account.?

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID
[redacted], and find that this resolution is in part satisfactory that? Vivint is attempting to build a resolution to the damages that have occurred on our
homeHowever,? unsatisfactory that it is taking so long to begin repairs
Parts of my roof? is? TARPED
off where we are missing tiles and protective barrier paper (i.efor water)
that is missing from underneath the tilesCurrently in Bakersfield it is
raining and due to the rains on and off since February 17th , e now have a water spot in our home (photos attached )and even with tarp covering what areas we can, their is still moisture collecting under tarp
I am aware that they are waiting on my response and/or estimate for stucco
repair work onlyWhat? we would like to see is a quicker response to
having items begin repair (roof, fence) as I? have already provided estimates for each damaged
item and not wait for all estimates in its entiretyWe are now days in without any
repairsWe are heavily concerned about the roofWithout proper protective
barrier and tiles that Vivint removed to install/remove and install again, will
only cause more damages? to the roof unless fixed immediatelyI have sent two emails to Chantelle V[redacted] (Case Owner) with detailed pictures of water spot and what the current state of the roof looks like with the heavy rainsI have requested we get a response regarding the roof issue by end of day as it is now an emergency!

Although we have come to a verbal agreement, until the action plan for resolving our issue has been completed in full, we can not be fully satisfied.? As soon as our agreement has been completed, we will send a positive response to the company and the Thank you for assisting us in getting our issues addressedWe really appreciate it

Vivint Solar received interconnection approval on 10/12/by letter which stated that a bidrectional meter had been installed? National Grid admitted to the customer through email, which Vivint Solar was CCed on by the customer on 6/13/2017, that the customer never had a bidirectional meter installed and they were looking into that stating "I am sorry [redacted]? They still have not changed your meter? I will check into this right now and find out why this has not been done" Later that day still on 6/13/National Grid came to the customer's home and changed the meter? Vivint Solar had a technician to come to the home on 6/16/and showed the meter was now running backwardsVivint Solar is not responsible for issues with National Grid not receiving accurate data which occurred due to the fact there was not a bidrectional meter installedThe current issue that is being addressed in a timely manner as the customer has a return appointment on 6/19/

Vivint Solar does currently have an open case in regards to the home damage? There is a current ongoing investigation into the situation, a second damage assessment will need to be performed at the home by a Vivint Solar technician before further resolution can be determined?
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this is satisfactory to meNothing has been resolved yet as I have not received the credit due to me, but I am satisfied that they will not be automatically taking out the balance shown due as that would cause a significant financial hardship for me and my familyAs soon as the credit is issued and the compensation for money owed to [redacted] has been issued I will consider the complaint resolved, but not until then.?

? H[redacted] contacted me and will contact me back by 11/8/to reach a resolution.? A resolution has not been agreed on at this time

Vivint Solar contract terms are explicit and exist to ensure customers are aware of all terms listed thereinThe customer previously acknowledged that he was aware of the % escalator, prior to signing the Power Purchase AgreementThe customer claims that there was not a misunderstanding however, this contradicts his previous statements as the customer knowingly signed the Power Purchase Agreement with the 2.9% escalatorVivint Solar does not intend on amending the contract terms, and cancellation is not approvedBased on the information herein Vivint Solar requests that the close this complaint, as the customer is requesting something that is not within the terms of the agreement.?

As outlined in Section 6(b) in the Power Purchase Agreement (iii) Seller DefaultA "Seller Default' shall mean Our failure to perform any of Our material obligations under this Agreement and the effect of such failure is not cured within thirty (30) days after You give Us written notice of such failure." And as per Section 3.A.(iv).(1) ? "We do not warrant or guarantee the amount of energy produced by the system for any period, any cost savings" The non functional panels do not put Vivint Solar with in the terms of seller default as we do not guarantee the amount of energy produced by the system for any periodThe days which Seller Default then is applicable begins after Vivint Solar has received written notice via certified mailOnce Vivint Solar has received official written notice from a customer, if Vivint Solar fails to initiate addressing the concern with in days, Vivint Solar is with in Seller DefaultIf Vivint Solar begins addressing the concern in that time frame, whatever action that calls for, Vivint Solar is not with in Seller DefaultAt this time, Vivint Solar has not received written notice from the customer and has continuously made efforts to address the system issue even through the need to reschedule the appointments.? Vivint Solar has emailed the customer on 8/again offering personal assistance to ensure system issues are addressedTo reiterate, Section 5.D states "You hereby grant to Us and Our employees, agents, and contractors the right to access and use Your Property so that We may install, operate, and maintain the System through out the Term, enforce Our rights as to this Agreement and the System and the System interests, and take any other action reasonably necessary in connection with the construction, installation, operation, maintenance, repair, or removal of the System."? Vivint Solar is with in the terms of the contract and cancellation is not an option at this timeVivint Solar will continue to attempt to work with the customer to address concerns

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer by phone on 9/26/and will move forward with an agreed upon plan of action.?

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: While they have contacted me, nothing has been done.? They are to get back to me this week.? We will see

Vivint Solar has recently come to a resolution with the customerThe customer has agreed to work with Vivint Solar to move the account forward in order to obtain Permission to Operate (PTO)Vivint Solar has also agreed to work with the customers Agent in regard to the Transfer of the system to a new buyerWe have also agreed to not bill the account for a day period upon notification of Permission to Operate (PTO) from the Utility company?

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer to discuss their complaint via telephone on 5/25/18, with no response. Additionally, Vivint Solar emailed the customer on 5/25/18 requesting  a callback.  Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer regarding their complaint.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 12/to address their concernsVivint Solar will be cancelling the account created in this homeowner's name and will be removing the balance on the account created in this homeowner's nameVivint Solar has notified the customer that we have not reported a
late payment to any credit agency and will not be contacting the customer again regarding any payments owedVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their concerns are resolved fully

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 07/10/We are currently working with the customer to resolve her complaint, within the terms of our agreement.?

Vivint Solar is working with the customer on a resolution for each point of the complaint

Vivint Solar has made contact with the customerAfter discussing the complaint with the customer, a course of action has been decided to arrive at a suitable resolution for both partiesCustomer has been given a direct point of contact to work toward this resolution

Vivint Solar is in communication with our loan partner, Mosaic, and A credit suppression filing has been requested and will be sent to the Credit Bureau per the customer's requestVivint Solar has attempted communication with the customer and will continue to reach out to them to address their

The customer is requesting something that does not fall within the term of the Power Purchase AgreementVivint Solar has credited the customer the $he was charged incorrectly, we have removed the customer from automatic payments, therefore allowing him to make his payments manually and the damage to his deck has been repaired.?

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I have submitted all copies of the utilities bills on
09/22/No where on my contract does it have anything indicating that the contract was in place to yearsThe representative (Tom T[redacted]) that sold me the solar panels assured me that I could have the panels removed at anytime, if I was not 100% satisfiedI just want these panels removed?

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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