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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar contacted the customer via phone and email on 4/12 in regard to their complaint. Per the signed Power Purchase Agreement dated (6/18/2016) "Section 3. Price and Payment  (iv) Limits on Obligation to Deliver. We are not a utility or public service company and do not assume any...

obligations of a utility or public service company to supply Your energy requirements. We are not subject to rate review or other utility or public service company regulation by governmental authorities. During the Term, You understand that You may require more electricity than the System may generate. If You need any such additional energy, then You shall be solely responsible to obtain such energy from the Utility at Your cost. OTHER THAN AS EXPLICITLY SET FORTH ON EXHIBIT B, WE DO NOT WARRANT OR GUARANTEE (i) THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY PRODUCED BY THE SYSTEM FOR ANY PERIOD, (ii) ANY COST SAVINGS, OR (iii) THE EXISTENCE OF OR PRICING ASSOCIATED WITH ANY NET METERING PROGRAM, OR UTILITY OR GOVERNMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM. UTILITY RATES AND UTILITY RATE STRUCTURES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. THESE CHANGES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY PREDICTED. PROJECTED SAVINGS FROM YOUR SYSTEM ARE THEREFORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE." Vivint Solar has offered to do a benefit analysis for the customer, and requested the necessary copies of their utility bills in order to complete the analysis.

Vivint Solar has addressed this concern with the customer. The customer was made aware that Vivint Solar can only send the necessary documentation required by the credit bureau. Vivint Solar can not personally remove the inquiry. The credit bureau is the one who will decide if the inquiry will be removed from the customer's credit report. The customer will need to follow up with the credit bureau for further resolution.

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer 5/23 and spoke with the customer 5/24. Vivint Solar explained to the customer how estimated billing works, and offered to credit the customer for August and September of 2017 billing statement, when the system was not communicating. The customer has...

since declined this offer and will only accept the NEM charges to be paid in full. Vivint Solar explained to the customer the terms of their Power Purchase Agreement. Section 3(a)(i) of the Power Purchase Agreement states: " If You need any such additional energy, then You shall be solely responsible to obtain such energy from the Utility at Your cost. OTHER THAN AS EXPLICITLY SET FORTH ON EXHIBIT B, WE DO NOT WARRANT OR GUARANTEE (i) THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY PRODUCED BY THE SYSTEM FOR ANY PERIOD, (ii) ANY COST SAVINGS, OR (iii) THE EXISTENCE OF OR PRICING ASSOCIATED WITH ANY NET METERING PROGRAM, OR UTILITY OR GOVERNMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM. UTILITY RATES AND UTILITY RATE STRUCTURES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. THESE CHANGES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY PREDICTED. PROJECTED SAVINGS FROM YOUR SYSTEM ARE THEREFORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. "Vivint Solar communicated to the customer that we would like to review the utility bills where the high NEM charges are. Once Vivint Solar receives the utility bills, Vivint Solar will help the customer better understand the NEM Charges and the benefits of having solar.

Vivint Solar attempted communication with the customer on 9/8, but were only able to leave a voicemail. Additionally, we sent an email to the customer. Per the customer's request, Vivint Solar will contact them on 9/11 to discuss their account further.

The complainants spouse, who is also on the deed to the home is the one that signed the contract. We only require that one of the homeowners sign the contract. The customer was provided a copy of the signed contract. The customer has a right to cancel anytime prior to the panels being installed. The...

contract was signed 08/2015. The Solar Panels were not installed until 11/2015. What the customer is requesting does not fall within the terms of the agreement.

Vivint Solar spoke with the complainant on 03/29/18, and came to an agreement to resolve the complaint.

Vivint Solar has assigned a specialist to work with the customer and they have reached out to them by phone to address their concerns. The customer requested a copy of the Power Purchase Agreement and we have provided it. The assigned specialist will be addressing their request for a rate reduction...

and a reduced buyout price, has provided their contact information, and they will remain in constant contact with the customer until a resolution is met that is within the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer on 06/23/17, to inform him that we have agreed to install the requested Animal Guards, and to get the installation scheduled. The customer was not available, so a voicemail was left requesting he return our call to schedule the installation. Vivint Solar will continue to try and contact the customer to get the installation of the Animal Guards scheduled.

Vivint Solar has addressed the customer's latest concerns. We have promptly involved our local office in her area so that the repairs to her roof can be completed as soon as possible.

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer, we have looked into compensating them for the time the system was down. Customer is not willing to accept money from Vivint Solar  regarding compensation. Once the compensation is accepted billing will be able to credit the amount on the billing...

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to...

complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me, however; if this scheduled appointment is cancelled by the company again...further action will be taken.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am...

rejecting this response because: While the company is in contact with me regarding this matter, I won't be satisfied until I receive the $250 Visa gist card they promised and the solar panels are operational. Once these two items are completed, then I will consider this matter closed and resolved.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Vivint has not...

been in contact with me since I submitted my complaint almost 2 weeks ago. I have contacted them twice since then and have gotten the run around both times. One rep stated that she would send someone to my house to make sure the system was working properly and see if I needed additional panels. No one has come.  I will not be satisfied until they provide satisfactory service, and come up with a reasonable and timely solution to my problem. Sincerely,

Vivint Solar previously addressed this matter with the customer and they have been made aware of their Contractual agreement. The customer is requesting something that is not within the Term of the Power Purchase Agreement.

Vivint Solar has provided options for the customer that are within the terms and conditions of the Power Purchase Agreement. These options are as follows; An add-on which includes installing more solar panels under a Solar Purchase agreement OR a reduced buyout option to purchase the current system and close her account with Vivint Solar. Vivint Solar is unable to offer any other options that can meet the customer's request. Vivint Solar has not broken any terms within the agreement signed by the customer. Vivint Solar will stand by their offer, should the customer decide to move forward with one of the options provided.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: This case needs to stay open until panels are re- installed and we are producing energy as the contract says. Other than someone calling to set up the removal of the panels no one has reached out to us verbally. It shows that we really do not matter and they just want money! Which they have. So I am sure they are happy or should be.  We look forward to having the panels up and running and this resolved. For now  we wait.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 11/25/2017 to work towards a resolution.

Vivint Solar is in communication with the customer, and is in the process of completing a saving's analysis for them. Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their concerns have been resolved.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: While the company is working with me to reinstall the panels, they are still not on and so I cannot accept until they are properly installed and I have no issues. 

Vivint Solar Supervisor has reached out to the Customer to resolve internet issues.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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