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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: ...

 At this time I am rejecting the response.  Since my complaint Vivint has not showed for another appointment.  I have spoken to someone (not as a result of this complaint, Vivint has never contacted me about this complaint) as a result of the missed appointment.  I now have another appointment on Dec 27th and someone who is supposedly working on a settlement for what I have been paying to National Grid.  I would be willing to accept a response once the issue has been resolved.  I have had many times when Vivint has setup appointments and nothing has been resolved.  

Vivint Solar has got the system back online for the customer. We are working together on a resolution regarding compensation.

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer on 03/12/18, a voicemail was left requesting a return call. Vivint Solar is currently working to get the requested service scheduled.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and addressed their concerns. Upon review of the customers Utility bill we have been able to determine that his Solar System is producing power and that the power being produced is being read by the utility company. Vivint Solar has recommended that the...

customer contact his Utility company to address with them the high charges for Supply and Delivery, as it is not something we are able to assist with.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I do not agree with accepting a response until my unit has been repaired satisfactory and I have been compensated for my time lost on this issue.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response They did contact me about a month ago to tell me I am on default and will pursue further action, but when I asked about the system they said they have removed from the home and didn't know where it was located on Maui? So I told them that it was unfair cause the agreement stated do me to have a chance to buy it out be for removal so in actuality they are in default. Also mentioned about vivint taking money out of my bank account for over 5months totalling 600 dollars? Not legal by did it anyway, so just want to let people know of them being dishonest and unfair! Thanks

We have opened a case for this account and are working to get in contact with the customer in regards to their concerns. We have tried calling the number provided and we left a voicemail. An email was also sent to the email address that was provided.

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer via telephone and via email on 2/23/2018 with no response.  Vivint Solar will continue to contact the customer regarding their complaint to discuss a resolution within the terms of the agreement. The customer was notified on 2/19/2018 we would need copies of the utility bills to perform a solar benefit analysis; Vivint Solar is currently pending utility bills from the customer.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Vivint Solar spoke to the customer on 10/19 via telephone. Vivint Solar provided the customer with information regarding a refund for over-billing which had occurred previously. Vivint Solar has provided the customer with information about how the customer can view his online billing account. Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer to resolve all of the customer's concerns.

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer and confirmed with her that her mortgage company was able to release the funds with out needing to obtain a W-9/Waiver of lien. A panel removal appointment was scheduled for Wednesday 12/20/17. We will continue to work with the customer until their concerns have...

been resolved.

Vivint Solar will be working with our customer to address the situation right away.  Any refunds due to the customer will be processed as we continue to work at getting the system reinstalled.  We will continue to keep in contact with our customer as we move forward with progress.

Reached out to the customer to discuss their concerns. Have taken steps to resolve their concerns and have provided additional information about the system for them to review. Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer to resolve their concerns.

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer and is currently working to resolve their concerns. The system is currently in the process of becoming operational. Vivint Solar has made it a priority to expedite this. We will continue to remain in constant contact with the customer until all of their...

concerns have been addressed fully.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. It is satisfactory only if the outcomes stated before are delivered. The system works and performs as promised and I am reimbursed for missed savings or the system is removed. If neither is delivered, I will complain again to the And to the PA public utility commission.

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer to address the complaint but has been unable to speak with them. A panel removal was scheduled for 5/15, and the appointment was completed. Vivint Solar will continue to reach the customer until the concerns are addressed and resolved.

The customer provided executed transfer documents 7/12/2017 in connection with his purchase of the property. Vivint Solar denies there was any wrongdoing or improper practices in connection with the transfer.  However, we are continuing to work with the customer in an effort to address...

his concerns and hope to reach an amicable resolution.

Vivint Solar has attempted communication with the customer to schedule an appointment for a technician to ensure that the solar panel system is operating normally. Vivint Solar has been unable to speak with the customer and have left voicemails to them advising they call in to discuss the claim....

Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer until their concerns are addressed.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 2/23/2018 to come to a resolution within the terms of the agreement. The customer has refused to work with Vivint solar and a resolution within the terms of the agreement. The customer informed Vivint Solar on 2/23/18 that they  will pursue other avenues to resolve the complaint.

Vivint Solar has assigned a Specialist to work with the customer to resolve the issue. The Specialist has attempted contact by phone and email, and will reach out to them again weekly to come to a resolution. There isn't any record of this customer at this address in our database, and all the...

credit checks under this name are soft pulls. There is some information that we will need from the customer, in order to proceed.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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