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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. I spoke to Jessica from Vivint Solar and we have come to an agreement as far as the billing issue we had with their company. I just want to say that Jessica was very helpful with our concerns and she is the only one at that company who really cared about our problem we had.

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer regarding their complaint on 5/10/2018. Vivint Solar has explained to the customer there was a clerical error. The error has now been corrected. The customer is aware they can call into our billing department to request their credit amount. The customer confirmed...

she called into our billing department on 5/10/18 to request their credit.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 4/12 via email in regards to the complaint.  Vivint Solar will remain in communication with the customer regarding the complaint to come to an agreed upon resolution.

Vivint Solar is currently in communication with the customer regarding the complaint. We are currently pending copies of the utility bills to perform a system analysis and explain to the customer the benefits of having solar.  Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer regarding...

the complaint.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: the salesman guaranteed that I would receive a $600.00 tax credit.  (that is the trick of the company).  I ask him what if I don't received a $6,000.00 tax credit he said there was no way I would not receive it.  So I got the solar.  (False advertisement by their salesman).  I am sure they have gotten others this way

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer. We are currently working to resolve the customer's concerns.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because, the company misrepresented their company and did not abide by the contract to design a energy efficient plan for my home and has not abided by the contract in providing an adequate service.

The customer is responsible for any fees associated with their panel removal request. As stated, a Customer requested shutdown during the first five (5) years of the Agreement will be done at Our sole discretion and at a cost mutually agreed on before We remove the system. After five years, a Customer requested shutdown will be done for $499. The customer is responsible for any fees associated with their removal as this is a Customer request. Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their panels have been removed, however the customer will be responsible to pay for the invoice prior to our removal of the system.

Complaint: [redacted]


Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 3/12 leaving a voicemail for the customer. Vivint Solar will work with the customer toward a resolution that is mutually beneficially for both parties involved.

Systems are designed based off of usage and available roof space, and not the square footage of a home. For example, we can only install on certain roof types and do not install on North facing roof sections due to low sun hours due to the earth's tilt. The customer's system was designed based on the customer's provided usage at the time, taking into account additional restraints present for example the customer's system is installed on the available south facing roof space. Vivint Solar is with in the terms and conditions of the Power Purchase Agreement which also states in section 10.b "We do not warrant or guarantee the amount of energy produced by the system for any period...You understand that You may require more electricity than the system may generate. If you need any such additional energy, then You shall be solely responsible to obtain such energy from the Utility at Your cost"  Vivint Solar provided the agreed upon system size as was presented in the Customer Welcome Packet and Installation Work Order. The customer is currently in default of that agreement as they have shut off of their system and refused to work with Vivint Solar to rectify the situation.

Although Vivint Solar anticipates savings with every customer that has solar panels, there is no guarantee in the Power Purchase Agreement that the customer will save a specific amount, let alone any amount. There is no cost for the panels themselves, as Vivint Solar provides them for the customer. Vivint Solar does see that the system is benefitting the customer, and we would like to perform an analysis on the customer's bills to show them those benefits. Vivint Solar wishes to obtain a year's worth of the customer's utility statements to be able to perform this analysis.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and is in the process of sending contract details to them. As stated, the customer does have a legally binding contract, so we are unable to cancel their agreement. The customer does have a buyout option available to them, which they can do so to purchase...

the system outright. Vivint Solar is unable to provide the customer with the recorded call since the conversation is used for internal purposes only. We will remain in communication with the customer until all concerns have been addressed.

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer via phone on 05/16/2018, we left a voicemail in addition to sending a follow up email. Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer and help resolve their concerns.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 4/26 via phone. Vivint Solar will work with the customer toward an agreed upon resolution.

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer 3/15 via email their preferred method of contact and 3/19 via phone. We have scheduled a service appointment with the customer for 3/23 to address the communication error. Vivint Solar will work closely with the customer to ensure the communication is restored with their system and all billing is accurate.

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer on 3/30 and left a voicemail. Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer and work with them toward a resolution that is within the terms and conditions of the Power Purchase Agreement.

Per the Power Purchase Agreement between Vivint Solar and the Customer, A Customer-Requested Temporary Shutdown during the first five (5) years of the Agreement will be done at Our sole discretion and at a cost mutually agreed before We remove the System. Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the...

customer to address the concerns listed in her complaint. We will continue to reach out to the customer until their concerns have been addressed.

A representative from the Executive Resolutions team has spoken with the customer and is working to provide more details for them in regards to the system. An estimated time frame will be provided for the customer as requested, and we will continue to work with the customer until their system...

reaches permission to operate from the utility provider.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Please do not close this case. This company has worst customer services I never see. About one week I summit my complaint to your organization. I got the following email  from Vivint Solar. I called this person five time, there is nobody picking up phone and can not leaving voice message. I also sent three emails to the person without any response. Then I called the customer service again last Tuesday. The representative said that my case has send to leadership team. There will be some one from the team call me by Friday, if not he will call me by himself. he only give me his badge number #[redacted]. Friday has passed, there is nobody contact me at all.Please help me resolve the problem. Sincerely,[redacted]

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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