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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: We are rejecting this based on a number of issues and I'd like to clarify further from our original complaint. Our solar panels have been installed for nearly a YEAR, without any production. In fact, while our panels were installed and lay "dormant" all of last year's summer, we were advised NUMEROUS times by Vivint that they were waiting on our Town to come by and complete the necessary work on their end, including inspection. Turns out, this was a blatant lie that, again, was repeatedly provided to us by Vivint. Of course, being the consumer, we have absolutely no way to counter that at the time, and initially were told that it could take extended periods of time for this phase of the installation. Turns out, we were having this "production issue" all along. The Town had come by promptly, but our system was not working based on issues on Vivint's end, which they attempted to cover up and not properly convey to us. I don't need to explain the savings we not only were promised but missed out on during the summer months. Moreover, during that time period and beyond, we made numerous attempts to reach our Sales Representative, who was no longer returning our calls and his voicemail was full. We then were told by Vivint representatives that the entire office that we were working with, including our Sales Representative, "was let go," to use their exact words. Turns out, this too, not surprising at this point, was a blatant lie. Finally, we have been complaining not only about the "production issue" but the fact that we have an extremely loud, vibrating noise now coming from the corner of our roof. We have been complaining about this for approximately three months' time, and to date, NO ONE has gone on our roof. We have examined and thoroughly inspected the interior and exterior of our house, with the exception of going on the roof, and found no structural reason for this noise. Moreover, it only started happening after our panels were installed.To address the "visit" we received yesterday, which forces myself or my spouse to entirely re-arrange our work schedules in order to be home, was simply, in my opinion, an attempt to satisfy this complaint via It was the same as our last two visits. They look at our panel, they come inside and look at our box, offer multiple theories but no concrete solutions. We are told the same thing every time, which is "we will know more in 48 hours" and that is never the case. Moreover, as polite and friendly as the Service Technician, Josh, was, he clearly stated to me that he was not even able to repair the box or look at the "board" because of the inclement weather. Based on this, I am VERY unclear as to why a technician was even sent to our house, again, disrupting our schedule. I'll reiterate that I suspect this visit was clearly to satisfy the complaint. Moreover, he was entirely unaware of our REPEATED complaints about the noise on our roof. We talked in detail about this, and I made sure to ask that it be documented, as we keep repeating this over and over. He advised that some customers do have issues with loose "S brackets" and that may be causing the loud noise and vibrations. Josh called me yesterday following our appointment, to confirm that he will be back at our house on Thursday at approximately 1:30 pm, depending on how long his previous jobs would take. He said he would make sure there was sufficient time in his schedule to also go up on the roof, inspect and fix, as necessary, the issue causing the noise. An hour later, my husband advises me that he received a text message saying some other technician would be coming at 11:30 on Thursday.Finally, we were referred to Vivint by a family member. We were advised that as soon as our panels were installed (NOT TURNED ON) that she would received a credit in her account. I corresponded with her yesterday, and she STILL has not received such credit. We have asked a number of times that Vivint release those funds. Moreover, in my conversation with her yesterday, she revealed that she is aware of four other individuals that have yet to receive their referrals fees, and it has been over a year for them, too. This is a shocking and extremely unethical business practice, and if I can find 5 individuals in a course of minutes, this leads me to believe Vivint has not paid thousands of referral fees, promised to its customers. Through this complaint, we are asking for swift resolution on the following matters:Fix our "production issue"Inspect and repair, as needed, equipment on our roof causing extremely loud noises and vibrations.Confirm date, time and technician's name that will be at our property next.Promptly release the referral funds as promised.Grant us a $3,000 credit for the year-long and continuing production issues, customer service issues, lack of resolution, etc. Thank you.[redacted])  

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Regarding [redacted]: 1) The City of San Diego's inspection report needs to forwarded to SDG&E; and 2) The SDG&E inspection is scheduled for June 17, 2016.  Regarding [redacted]:  1) The City of San Diego inspection needs to be completed and forwarded to SDG&E; 2) The NEM application needs to be completed and sent to Sempra Utilities; 3) A signed NEM's Terms and Condition Agreement needs to be sent to Sempra Utilities; and 4) The SDG&E inspection needs to be completed.There are still to many loose ends to call this matter resolved.

Vivint Solar has been working diligently to achieve permission to operate with the local utility company.   First there must be some work to the home's existing electrical meter which must be performed by the providing utility company.   We are currently waiting to obtain more information...

from PNM Utility regarding the electrical upgrade.  There is no lien on the on the title of the home, Vivint Solar does appear on the current title so we can remain updated if the home exchanges ownership or is undergoing a refinance but again no lien is currently in place.    The damage tiles on the home can be handled immediately,  we will alert the local office and work to get this issue addressed.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: According to the business card that I have Mitch C[redacted] is a sales rep and not a sales manager. When I reported this to Vivint Solar they told me that they would talk to the sales manager to conduct training with him over the issue. Why would A sales manager need to talk to a sales manager? It doesn’t make sense for me to ask you to run my credit, then take all these steps to make a complaint with first, Vivint Solar, then Solar mosaic, then the Also the sales rep also did the same thing to my neighbor who is willing to come forward and tell a similar story like mine. I run every credit application with my wife as she has a better credit score then me. This is a predatory company that has a history of use of this tactic. I know this because Vivint Solar has a system in place in case someone notices. And now they want to lie about what happened in a attempt to not have to take responsibility for their actions. How come this wasn’t written in the first response. I will not be happy until this comes of my credit report and because the company is now trying to lie and make me look bad it is my goal to let everybody I can know about how Vivint Solar does business.

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer and an appointment has been scheduled for January 3rd, 2017. We will continue to work with the customer until the issue is resolved.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and is currently conducting an investigation into the customer's claims. Vivint Solar will remain in communication with the customer until their concerns have been addressed.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  As recently as 10/20, some of my neighbors were approached by the same Vivint sales representative who also told them he was NOT there to sell them anything having to do with solar energy.  On c;loser questioning, he acknowledged that Vivint would like to install solar panels on their houses.  If a company's sales representatives actively lie to potential customers, and the company then refuses to acknowledge that the sales representative is actively lying, then that company cannot be trusted.  My call to the Westminster City Clerk's office revealed that, while Vivint has a permit to solicit business within the city limits, they have received numerous complaints about the sales representatives lying about the true nature of their calls.Resolution requested:  Discipline existing sales staff for lying to prospective customers and publicly acknowledge that sales staff has actively lied to prospective customers in an effort to obtain contracts for installation of solar panels.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and advised her an appointment has been scheduled to resolve the system functionality and a representative will personally be in charge of her account.

A highly experienced account manager has taken over the account and is actively working to move the account forward. As of 6/8 the customer has been called and we are willing to compensate for lost savings. Customer didn't answer, left voicemail with this information on 6/8.

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer and notified him of the progress with his solar installation. His account has been made a priority and all parties involved with finalizing the process are working diligently toward completion.

The customer did sign a Power Purchase Agreement, so they are only responsible for the power that the Solar Panel system produces. This agreement is not a lease as stated by the customer. When the customer initially met with the Sales Manager, the agreement was signed and a copy was sent to the...

customer's email on April 29th, 2017. Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer to clarify their concerns, and will continue to work with them until all concerns have been resolved.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:At this time I have spoken to one representative regarding the matter at hand as nobody has given a resolution or returned phone calls.  My sales representative suggested I call headquarters, which I did because nobody was giving him an answer as well.  I finally was able to reach, after multiple calls, a supervisor.  She has forwarded my complaint to the resolution department but at this time I have yet to hear from someone.  Therefore, there is no progress towards a resolution at this time.  Furthermore, it was verbally guaranteed by our sales representative when we agreed that it was going to cover 101% of my utilities otherwise we never would have agreed to have installation begin.  I discussed it at length with my sales rep.  I would never agreed to only have 80% off set and pay someone else for the same energy I was already receiving from our utility company.  In addition there also has been no communication aside from the site visit as to the poor installation.  This matter regarding the installation has been a problem from the beginning and my sales rep got nowhere trying to have someone contact us regarding it.  At this time we find no benefit from the solar as we have already accrued a huge bill from our utility company that will not be offset by this system the slightest.  In addition we still have to watch every kwh that we use as we are not producing what was proposed because a portion of our panels were installed with shade hitting them a portion of the day vs if there were installed in the original location we would have full sun till sunset.  Only these last two months have we produced a good amount but that was due to the unusual weather we have had for this time of year.  This still will not offset our $700+ bill we have from our utility company and it's not even summer time yet.  From the date of installation this company has had poor communication with us.  We feel that if this company were committed to their customers the matter would have been resolved already.  

Vivint Solar is in communication with the customer and is working with them to get all of their concerns addressed and resolved. We have scheduled an appointment for our technicians to visit the home today 2/1/2017.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer via phone call on 9/1/2017 and is moving forward with a mutually agreed upon plan of action.

Vivint Solar has come to a mutually agreed upon plan of action with the customer and will continue to work with them going forward.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  After spending countless hours on the phone with Vivint solar and speaking with various departments the company finally sent out a technician.  He confirmed that the system seemed to be working properly.  I then called the electric company because I was sure that I was spending too much for solar and electricity especially in the Summer months.  I had the system hooked up in May of 2015.  In June the system was not turned on properly yet Vivint still charged me for solar power.  In July of 2015 the system tripped on a defective part that they were aware of and stopped working.  the only time that they were aware of the system not working properly was when I called to complain about my bills being too high for electricity and solar.  It was only then they realized that there was a problem.  Around mid July the system was suppposedly working.  Yet every month that I got my bills I would call and complain about how high the bills were.  They came up with all kinds of excuses.  First, my system was smaller than average or that I was using more electricity than I usually do.  Not once did they offer to send someone out to look at the system.  They also do not work with the electric companies.  My electric company does not show the amount of kwh that the solar system has generated and the savings Igot on my electric bill so you have to assume that what they are telling you is correct.  It was only until now that I had finally had it with my high electricity bills and paying for solar on top of it that I got anywhere.  So after the tech came out I went online and did some more research of why I would be using so much electricity.   I found out a few things and wanted to question my electric company about how I could be using more electricity when Ihave changed all my appliances are energy star rated, I installed all led lighting in my home and I put up solar panels.  It was then that I found out that the net meter through the electric company was not synced with the solar system and turned on until October 1, 2015.  After explaining everything to the rep at the electric company through general conversation he mentioned since my system wasn't turned on until October 1, 2015 I wouldn't have generated that much power because in the Winter months you just don't.  How is the consumer supposed to know that they two systems aren't working together.  so, this means that all my complaining that I felt I was paying for electricity and solar was true.  There is no way for the consumer to know how much they are saving.  They get a bill from the electric company and they get a bill from the solar company.  One says your system generated so much kwh's and the other says you used so many kwh's.  Vivint tells you in the beginning that the electric company doesn't want to cooperate with the consumer because now they are generating power for their home via solar panels and the electric company takes their time with syncing with the solar panels.  The consumer is left to assume that they system is working properly until they realize that something is wrong due to the high cost.  I have spent countless hours over these past months with Vivint solar insisting that I was paying too much.  All I got was assumptions of why I was paying more.  Never once did they admit that they didn't work with the electric company or explain that they would not know whether they were working together or not.  They just kept telling me that my system was working and billing me.  I have asked them to credit me over $246.00 for the amount that they charged me that I did not save through these past months and am awaiting their response.  If they do not credit me I would like the panels removed.  I have sent them every single bill I've had from the Summer of 2014 through present.  The call my husband's cell phone and leave messages that they need copies of bills even though I have carefully instructed them to call my home phone several times and they already have all the bills that I took the time to download from the electric company website and attach them to the emails that were sent to the workout department.  If I knew any of this was going to happen I would never have gotten solar panels put on my home.  Not all the representatives there are incompetant,  but there are several reps there that do not have the knowledge to help the customer who is esscence is renting out their roof to them so that they can claim the tax incentives on the panels that are causing the consumer unacceptable and unneccesary stress and aggravation.  I do not believe that I will know if I am saving much until the late Spring months since the system was not fully functioning to my benefit until the late Fall months which is why the consumer allows these companies to install the panels in the first place.  If you aren't saving money (30% off my bill is what I was promised) then there is no sense in damaging your roof to the tune of 5k which is the cost to replace and or fix the roof after the panels.  I am awaiting Vivint's response to the credit that I have requested that I believe is more than fair.  The way I see it, with all this aggravation and frustration and time that I have spent researching, making phone calls with hold times of more than 30 minutess at times and all the emails and personal bills that I have sent and taking the time to go to the to respond to them, they should be giving me a lot more than what I asked!  I am so grateful that there are agencies such as you out there to help the consumer battle a bully company when they feel backed into a corner and are left alone to figure things out on their own.  

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I will accept the offer of Vivint to refund me the money and confirm an appointment (ASAP) to put the fence around the solar panel .

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Solar Manager -  Official Representative employed by Vivint Solar,I will, in all honesty,...

try to deal with the situation presently existing.I need your help in return.  Please understand about removal of the panels tofix the chimney, work needed, no cash right now for panel moving and certainly no mentionmade regarding said expense to move, flop, take down temporarily, if the need shouldarise.  Surely you agree that financial bit of information was indeed left entirelyout of the sales pitch.  Your fault, but it is what it is.  To me that 500.00 burdenis a mere donation and a great hardship on me. I am trying to stay in my home thatneeds repair and as my tax return will indicate allowing the installation was monetaryfeasible but repairing the structure now, you have made it almost beyond my reach.Next the hardware, bolted to the side of the home, must be pulled back to allow for removal of siding.If there is a charge for that I am, yet again, scared, everyday living expenses must be met,extremely disappointed.  Again, nothing was mentioned of its install nor cost of moving,clearly your responsibility, left out of the pitch for sale.Rather we can work together, or leave the consequences of mentioning same to Their posture is very clear to me, and ultimate decision based in fact and nothing more.I need that electrical equipment pulled away to get at the aluminum and perhaps even the cedar.To make repairs, stay in my home, make improvements, preferably to the end of my days.Along with the apparent computer issues these essential clarity points were skirted,by you.  At this time, I will not insult you and say deliberately but never mentionednone the less. It is however my intention to accomplish this task. completely shut downpower via the main breaker.  If there is a similar charge, these key points will and shouldbe shared with the Utah  Actually, as the homeowner, they should know you never askedabout work needing to be done on the roof.  More overlooked disclosure concerns simply obliterated.You only queried me as to it being a newer roof, no mention of repairs that may or may nothave been needed to fix a chimney.The wants to be given all and any information, withheld byyou, the seller, to me, the buyer, in order for them to accurately assess the outcome of this case.Would you be willing to waive these financial burdens in order to solve this dilemma or doesVivint Solar refuse, stand their position, and that I, as the homeowner was denied these keypoints and none of the above was ever mentioned?  I am trying to work with you.The of Utah wants and needs this information, accurately and in a timelymanner.  Nothing was ever said regarding temporary removal and financial consequences therein,regarding the entire installation of all your necessary equipment.As for future problems with your equipment, secured to my computer router, this unfortunately,remains an issue.I personally would greatly prefer, as would we all, we try work together and solve both parties satisfaction. Therein reaching an agreement, problem solved, cooperate andin the future should any further precarious problems or predicament arise deal with them ina mature and timely manner. Contrary to conventional reasoning, this is not a situation of solar installremorse, merely one of omission.Please advise. I have faith you will do the right thing.Respectfully,[redacted]ID [redacted]

Vivint Solar reached out and contacted the customer to discuss their billing concerns. Vivint Solar will continue to work the customer to resolve their billing concerns.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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