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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in...

reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. They have made some clear promises of better communication and I am willing to go ahead with our contract with them and long as they keep me updated and finish the implementation of our solar system within an appropriate time frame.  Thank you for your help in getting their cooperation.
Although we have come to a verbal agreement, until the action plan for resolving our issue has been completed in full, we can not be fully satisfied.  As soon as our agreement has been completed, we will send a positive response to the company and the  Thank you for assisting us in getting our issues addressed. We really appreciate it.

Vivint Solar is currently investigating the allegations mentioned in the complaint. We are in communication with the complainant [redacted] and will continue to follow up with her regarding our findings.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:after speaking with vivint management about a possible reinstall, the company just took it upon themselves to  just show up at my house this Monday assuming they were going to reinstall my panels. My 13 year old son was the only one home when these gentleman started to take their ladders down off the truck. My son quickly called me and informed me what was happening. I spoke to the installer on my sons cell phone and told them that they did not have permission to reinstall the panels. So vivint left. But when I got home that night , there was not one but two calls from vivint telling me they were showing up Wednesday for the install I quickly called them and spoke to Kyle and once again told them that they do not have permission to install. The last I spoke to Jeanette she told me that someone would call me from install and would accommodate what worked best for me.  At this point I would want nothing more to do with this company. They are not trust worthy , they do not return calls, charge you for services that you don't even receive and feel that I have been haraaed in many of ways by them. The best way to rectify this situation at this point is to null and void the contract.  This is not a company I would recommend to anybody.  I have had enough of their lies and excuses. I can not see doing business with them in the future.

Vivint Solar is continuing diligent efforts to find the best possible solution to this customer's concerns. Although the issues are not yet full resolved, we are continuing to work towards a resolution.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I was informed by the representative of Vivint Solar that the system could not be canceled because there was no breach in the contract, and that the system was already installed and they have expensed the man hours and time to install the system.The reason for my request to just cancel; was because it will be going on one full year that the system was installed and I have had nothing but ongoing issues with the customer service provided to me in regards to the updates of what were the road blocks and barriers are with obtaining the go ahead to go live.It wasn't until now that I reported this issue to the that I am getting a fast response, but not a definite solution or remedies to resolving this issue. I was informed that the systems final inspection and review has gone to the corporate department for a final review. This is going to take up to 30 additional days to receive, and then it will go to the local utilities company for a go live date. Vivint Solar stated it could take an additional 60 days before the system is up and running.This caused me to request that the system be removed , it's frustrating that I as a customer have to go through this frustrating and time consuming process to obtain updates from this company. I am a customer and no one from this company has sought my best interest as a customer. How many other customers are experiencing the same issues?

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: It still doesn't solve...

the issue and my system is still not operationalThe call I received today stated they needed to come back out and replace an incorrect inverter they had installed, then it could be submitted to PG&E for activationThis has not happened yet. If they follow through and do it, it will resolve the issue, but its the follow through on their part that has been the problem
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

We are still working with the customer and our billing department regarding the billing concerns.  We hope to have this resolved soon, as the customer has been very responsive in our communications.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Vivint offered to meet with me to explain the contract, however why did they not reach out to me prior my elderly father signed the contract(s). Vivint has not provided explanation. A meeting was not required. Sales person easily could have explained to me via email.  But all communications with the sales person and Vivint has stopped especially when I asked specific questions and voiced my concerns.Vivint still has not provided reason why the sales person used my father's birth year on the email address that the sales person set up.Vivint still has not provide to me an answer to why the sales person ONLY directed my father to sign a PPA contract.  All other purchase options was not disclosed to my father.Vivint still has not provided an answer to why the sales person would show up to my parents' primary home "unannounced" in the evening to pressure my father to sign a contract.Vivint still has not provided to me the total costs of the now three (3) installed solar systems.Vivint still has not provided an answer to why they would set up an email for my father, knowing my parents DO NOT have a computer and access to a computer.  My parents are computer illiterate.Vivint still has not provided the email password so that I can gain access to the email.  The sales representative stated he provided email information to my father however, I have all paperwork and I have not seen such email password.Vivint stated that they only provide electronic contracts when signing and only provide hard copies after signing.  That explains why my father had no hard copies of contracts to review.  My father was only directed to sign on a cell phone. Vivint still has not provided an explanation why only the PPA option was ONLY provided to my father.  Vivint's INTENT was only to sign my parents to the PPA option (20-year contract that will outlive my parents).Vivint sales tactic is very predatory to obtain my elderly father's signature.Based on my parents' energy consumption, they do not need solar panels.I want these contracts to be cancelled and all (3 total) to be uninstalled. 
[redacted]. son)

Vivint Solar has scheduled the the requested appointment for a date mutually agreed upon with the customer.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I am rejecting this complaint because they never addressed why I have the size solar system I have when clearly I only needed a 15000 kilowatt system and not a 17000 kilowatts system and Vivid solar is overlooking the agreement they have with PG&E

The Solar Panels were installed on 12/06/2013, at the time the Solar Panels were installed, the roof was deemed to be in good condition for installation. Vivint Solar has investigated the leak and determined there is a need for repairs to the roof. Vivint Solar has offered to perform the needed...

repairs to ensure that the roof is in a water tight condition where the panels are located. Additionally, Vivint Solar has offered to repair the damage to the interior of the property.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer as of 5/1 and presented a resolution that was mutually agreed upon. Vivint Solar will continue forward with constant communication with the customer throughout the proposed resolution.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me, although there is nothing to do about my payments.  We've already signed the contracts and installed.  It will be up to Vivint to relay correct information to their consumers when they are trying to sell a product, unlike the false information we were provided. 

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I do not know if they do indeed have the parts or if the parts  are the right ones for my system. I am waiting for a phone cl from the install dept. So I can possibly have the panels reinstalled.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 12/8 to address their concerns. Vivint Solar will be cancelling the account created in this homeowner's name and will be removing the balance on the account created in this homeowner's name. Vivint Solar has notified the customer that we have not reported a...

late payment to any credit agency and will not be contacting the customer again regarding any payments owed. Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their concerns are resolved fully.

Vivint Solar is currently looking into the issue and will resolve the problem the customer is having.

Vivint Solar is currently in communication with the customer regarding the complaint. We have compared her Vivint Solar invoices with her lifetime production, and we were able to address the reason for her high Invoice in May 2017. A billing adjustment has been submitted. It may take 7-15 business days for the adjustment to be applied.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and resolved all outstanding complaints to the customers satisfaction.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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