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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint...

ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
The system is finally working after 6 months, now it becomes a matter of reimbursement; 6 months of payments made for no service and an adjustment to my electric bill which has been accruing monthly as we have not been able to generate any energy to offset that usage. With the daily sun here in San Diego, SDGE indicated my bill should be some 10% of the current 1400. Hopefully they will do the right thing in a timely manner as my request was submitted via fax on 2/3.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:this is the same response from the last one. Your customer service is one existent never got a call from anyone to upgrade my system and fix the paper work that is incorrect and that is why I will not sign it. Also was told from sales and corporate I would be getting a 250$ visa gift card for mehaving to take a full day off of work to get the system installed back in september. This is very sad when you have a 50,000 dollar system waiting and you can't get any customer service and have the company keep there word. 

Our Billing department has reached out to the customer and a credit has been applied to her solar account as well as her debit account.

Vivint Solar has reviewed the customers complaint. The customer was provided a timeline of 4-14 weeks from the time the system was installed. Vivint Solar is still within the provided timeline. We have already submitted the request for Permission to Operate to the customer utility company. Once we...

receive approval from the utility company, Vivint Solar will contact the customer and assist them in turning the system on.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: We will not be able to work out a solution with Vivint Solar until the facts of this incident are addressed. We will not continue to respond when the truth is continually being stretched by a big business attempting to defer direct responsibility.

Our Fleet Performance team has been working with the customer previous to this complaint and has since escalated the customer's information and communication to their leadership team.  An assessment of their system is being conducted thanks to the assistance from the customer in providing the...

requested information.  The resolution has still yet to be reached, but we will continue to work with the customer, improving our communication as well.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: We did not request a Saturday appointment, this is now over 6 weeks (this time) to have our system repaired so it functions properly. Unacceptable business practices for a contractor entrusted with a home. I have requested a call from a supervisor 3 times and have yet to get a phone call. Currently being told that our request is in their "real-time" scheduling with no ETA on an appointment.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I reject this because the lady who called us was pleasantly rude and demanding that we have no other choice to move forward.  She made it clear that there's nothing we can do to get out of this. I feel like we are being lied to as far as this company.  How can this company say I signed An agreement and I am obligated to it when they are not obligated to do their part as far as communication through out this company.  I should not be made to feel like I have to do this.  I need someone new to contact us we no longer wanna deal with the last lady and her rude attitude.  No one should be made to feel they have to have it, especially if they've done heir part, and the company hasn't.  I am soooo sick and tired of vivint 
Sonia G[redacted]

Vivint Solar has contacted this customer. We have created a plan with a proposed solution so that we can help provide this customer with the best possible service.

We have contacted the customer in regards to her concerns about her solar panel system. At this time we are still working to accommodate her needs and are in daily contact with her. We will continue to work with her and make sure we are in constant communication.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  Sales representative told me he was was asked by Southern California Edison to contact me.  I checked with them; they did NOT request Vivint to contact me.    I repeatedly asked sales representative to explain what net metering was.  He continually evaded my question and kept attempting to get more information from me about my current power usage and billing.  I repeatedly asked sales representative over the phone if this call had ANYTHING do do with solar energy; he repeatedly assured me that it did NOT have anything to do with solar energy.  Clearly the sales representative lied to me on 2 counts and evaded my questions about the definition of net metering.  I spoke with several of my neighbors and they stated they had the same or similar experience.If Vivint is not willing to accept responsibility for a sales representative's lies to potential customers, then it just reinforces my impression that Vivint is not a company that can be trusted.  You only get one chance to make a first impression.  You failed miserably.

Vivint Solar is working to get both property's Solar Systems up and running. The property located at [redacted] is scheduled for a Final Inspection on 06/17/16. Your Customer Success Manager will be following up with you regarding the other property, and will update you on the current...

status, and what the next step is.

Vivint Solar has determined that we are not at fault for the damages the customer is claiming we caused. Additionally, Vivint Solar has not installed any Solar equipment on the property. Vivint Solar has offered to release the customer from any financial responsibility for the electrical upgrade, and has agreed to cancel the Customer Agreement in it's entirety.

Our Fleet Performance Department was able to reach out to the customer, regarding the complaint. Fleet Performance has looked into the compensation and has confirmed the amount with the customer. The customer's compensation will be credited to him. We have also requested to have him removed from the...

auto-pay until the compensation amount goes through.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this...

response because: Due to the way Vivint has conducted business with me for almost 2 years I have no confidence that they will do anything to rectify any thing. They have not been truthful or honest from the beginning. There is no evidence that they have tried to contact me in any manner.

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer 10/18/17 and scheduled the soonest available service appointment. Vivint Solar will service the system as per the terms of the Power Purchase Agreement.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: They have not responded to me and I have...

not heard from them in regards of the removal of the panels in which is a broken agreement on their part and puts them in default because they specifically said that we needed to have it removed or pay them to remove it. When I asked them for assistance that"s when they added more charges and said that they are not responsible of the removal of the mounts and I needed to get a third party contractor involve to have it removed? Vivint installed it so they should be the ones to remove it, that made it difficult for me to have that type of funds available for that service. So we went into a stand still and didn't hear from them until just before I sent out this complaint, and Vivint told me that they removed the panels and system and didn't know where it was??? But at the same time they still wanted for me to purchase a system that was already removed from the home and no idea where it is or what kind of condition it is??? Very Unfair and to be put in a predicament where the company is making up rules as the time goes by. Bottom line was that they stated the system should not be removed unless we are the ones to remove it and they went ahead and removed it, so now they broke our agreement and went into default! Thanks

To the customer's satisfaction, all of his concerns have been promptly addressed and responded to. We have concluded with a simple resolve, and he is now enjoying the benefit of solar energy.

Thank you for reaching out to Vivint Solar.  We are a sister company, having started under Vivint Smart Home, that provides solar energy solutions.  We recommend contacting them directly at [email protected] regarding your concerns.

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer and informed her an appointment has been scheduled to address the system functionality. Vivint Solar will continue to follow up to ensure the issue is resolved.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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