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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has reach out to the Customer and has scheduled the necessary appointments needed to receive Permission to Operate.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the complainant, and resolved all outstanding issues.

Vivint Solar received notification via email from G&T Construction that they would contact the customer to schedule an assessment. Vivint Solar contacted G&T on 10/2/17 and 10/6/17 to ensure they reach out to the customer. On 10/9/17 G&T responded stating they have an assessment with the...

customer scheduled for 10/17/17. Vivint Solar emailed the customer on 10/9 to make them aware and will continue to address the damage.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
They have had over a year to contact the customer and on numerous occasions have called or emailed me and asked me to contact the customer....

This is unacceptable and they need to remedy the situation immediately. This is their problem not mine and I refuse to be harassed further because of their incompetence. This is far from professional. They called me again the other day, if this is how they do business then they should not be allowed to continue to do business at all,

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 12/27/2017 will continue forward with a mutually agreed upon plan of action.

Vivint Solar has addressed the customer's concerns. We are currently taking any and all necessary steps to resolve them.

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer, but has only been able to leave a voicemail. An email has also been sent to the customer requesting contact with Vivint Solar. Per the terms and conditions of the Power Purchase Agreement, the customer is responsible to pay for the production that...

comes from the solar voltaic system. Vivint Solar has requested copies of the customer's monthly SCE utility bills, in order to perform an analysis of the customers current usage. Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer until their concerns are resolved.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and come a satisfactory resolution.

Vivint Solar called the customer on 10/20 to discuss their concerns and they were unable to speak. Vivint Solar and the customer agreed to speak again the following business day and direct contact information was provided to assist in resolving concerns.

I talked to the customer on the phone. We are working toward a resolution.

Vivint Solar is with in the rights of the Power Purchase Agreement the customer took ownership of by signing a Transfer Agreement on 8/4/2016. Vivint Solar is taking the concerns of the customer seriously and scheduled an appointment for 6/15 to inspect the electrical system and the meters. Vivint...

Solar shows the system has produced power as it was estimated to produce.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer, and we are in the process of working on a resolution.

Vivint Solar and the customer are currently in communication regarding the complaint.  Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 1/17/18 and notified the customer we would contact the Sales rep in regards to the sale referral. The customer is aware Vivint Solar will remain in communication regarding the sale referral.

Vivint Solar has attempted communication with the customer as of the 15th and we were only able to leave a voicemail. We have not heard back from the customer, but we will be attempting contact again by the 20th. In light of the decision that we will not be moving forward with installation, we are...

currently attempting to gather more information as to what improvements the customer has made to their home, in order to provide them with a potential reimbursement. Once we are able to gather that information, we look into what options we have, and what offers we will be able to extend. We will remain in weekly communication until a resolution, that is within the terms and conditions of the agreement, is met.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. It to bad that I had to go to this extent in order to get my questions answered. Vivint Solar is good company, just there employees give them a bad name.

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 10/11 and explained the billing situation and it's causes. Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer to address their concerns.

Vivint Solar has assigned a specialist to work directly with the customer, and they have attempted contact by phone and email. We are currently awaiting a response from the customer in order to proceed. Also, we will conduct an investigation with the sales representative that visited the customer's...

home, and we will remain in constant contact with the customer until we come to a resolution.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:We are not getting any were!!!!  I thought the is supposed to help scammed customers!!!! I was promised may3 as a date now theymove it up for their convenience and that's ok?!  I was promised a credit a months ago!Should I even bother wasting $75  on this whole scam or is it water off my time???? The radiation from these panels  is making my family sick!  And the stress of paying for panels that aren't working is causing me severe anxety!! I don't trust the promised being made by this company. They keep changing my appointments without informing me!!! I'm still getting billed for panels that aren't working and I'm not receiving any credits on my electric bill.IM BEING SCAMMED!!! I want the credit for the bills I paid for a non working service, I want these worthless panels of my home and for vivint solar to stop billing me for panels that aren't working!!!! How long are you going to let this company get away with this!!!???

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
I am still waiting to hear from the company .  I am not sure what VSLR means?  But I was told that my complaints was going for review this Thursday.  So it's not really a week as they stated.  its more like 2 or three weeks.  Can you keep this open until then??

Vivint Solar has credited $114.74 to the customer's billing account.  $94.10 was immediately applied to the outstanding balance, and the remaining $20.64 remains on the account and is ready to be applied as a partial payment for this months owed bill.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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