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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because we have attempted to cancel numerous times and have always gotten the run around. Every time we call we are put on hold for extended period of times. We've asked to speak to a supervisor and have always given the run around. I have recently done research on Vivint and noticed A LOT of unsatisfied customers that are going through the same issues. Vivint relies on their sales people to lie to the customers. The customer is forced into signing after the salesperson just fed the customer bunch of lies. The panels are put up, the salesperson disappears/leaves the company, and no possible way to ever get in contact with someone on the phone. Once a contract is signed, there is no way to cancel because Vivint NEVER  responds or will give you the run around in order to keep you around. 

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I sent them the PGE bill of 05/2016 that has the NEM bill more than 1 month ago. I will go on and resend it. Hopefully, that will help them to resolve the problem and take care of the bills that accumulated over one year, because they didn't finish their job. 

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: They have not sent me an email of the contract they said I signed.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response...

because: Hi there just wanted to inform you about my complaint. According to Vivint solar the roofing contractor was scheduled at 12/11 8 am today but now is already 2pm and no one is here to work on my roof to repair the damage on my roof.  Thank you...

Vivint Solar completed a Service appointment on 12/27/17 as scheduled. We are waiting for the system to backlog data and will communicate with the customer if there is additional follow up needed. Vivint Solar is also reviewing the customers request for compensation for Utility charges.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I have not heard from a vivint representative since before Dec. 23. But they were sure to send me another bill for $320 this month and I don't have solar panels on my house! This is unacceptable.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer by phone on 8/14 with the customer returning contact on 8/15. Vivint Solar is calculating the credit owed to the customer for inaccurate billing due to the system's communication error, and will remain in constant communication going forward to ensure that this is...


Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and confirmed an appointment to address the concern for 5/22/2017. Vivint Solar offered compensation and customer has declined to discuss until after said appointment.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and have come to a satisfactory resolution.

At Vivint Solar it is our practice to provide the best-in-class experience to our customers. As a result of that, we have been in continual contact since Mr. [redacted] has posted his concern. We have on that same day called Mr. [redacted] with an appointment in hand so that he would be able to accomplish...

his home repairs. Additionally, we followed up on his concern that our techs may not show up at the designated time window, and insured that they would be there at the specified time. As a company, we want to ensure that we are providing excellent customer service. In Mr. [redacted]’s response to our follow up with the techs he had indicated that our techs were great, courteous and diligent as local Vivint has been all along.  We have been upfront with Mr. [redacted] throughout this process and have followed up with all his concerns. As part of Mr. [redacted]’s posted concern, he requested that we refund him a portion of the required fee for the time and effort that he has  worked on attaining an appointment. As a part of pursing customer excellence, we have offered him $100 as part of going above and beyond in customer service. Now, Mr. [redacted] has replied that our offer was not sufficient. Although it is not requisite that a refund be issued, Vivint solar will reach out to our billing department to inquire if an additional $27 can be refunded to Mr. [redacted]. Vivint Solar will continue to work with Mr. [redacted].

Complaint: [redacted]
I am...

rejecting this response because:Attachment is the email that I received from Vivint on May 3rd, 2017.It took me over 27 months for this case. I had to waste a lot of time to contact Vivint and to follow up their jobs.The amount $1000 compensation is nothing, as I got a lot of stresses during these time, especially when I received the Notice of Default form Corry B[redacted] to charge me 40000 ( forty thousand dollars) for taking the system off my proof. This notice is terrible for their customers. They put a lean on my property and now they could take forty thousand dollars for not working with them.Vivint was the top 5 companies doing solar system at the time I decided to do with them.I think they how to take care the customers and I think can help me to publish this case for Vivint's customers and everyone. Again this offer is nothing.  

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Vivint Solar did indeed call me on...

Dec 1. and only once have they called me.    Jeanette from vivint solar  left me her number and extension along with the hours and days she is available to speak with me. I returned Jeanettes call on Wed. Dec 2 at 1115 am and again at 300pm. Both times I left my name and number for her to call me.  No phone call was returned.  After receiving this message from I decided to try and call Jeanette again. At 430 pm I left yet another message for Jeanette to please call me back. While I sit here writing this, I get an email from Vivint solar which entails my bill for DECEMBER!! Really Vivint, I dont even have solar panels on my house and NO Supervisor will call me and explain why I dont have my panels yet. 

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:While the Conflict Resolution department did contact me, we have not...

actually connected via phone despite me calling back during the stated business hours.  We exchanged 5 voicemails between the two of us, my last one asking the representative to contact me via email, which she actually did.After writing a lengthy email on Friday, October 23, 2015, describing all the problems we have been having with Vivint Solar, I have not received any response whatsoever.  I have also not received the refund that I requested, due to Vivint's multiple improper billing errors.A copy of the email I sent to the Conflict Resolution department is attached.Please help me resolve this so that 1) I will begin receiving my monthly invoices for BOTH accounts, and 2) I may receive a refund for 5 months' worth of improper billing.

Vivint Solar has assigned a specialist to work with the customer and have begun and investigation with his account. The assigned specialist has initiated contact with the customer and has been in communication with the sales representative to get more information with what transpired, and promised...

to follow up with the customer as information is received. We will remain in constant contact with the customer until we come to a resolution that is within the terms and conditions of the agreement.

Vivint Solar has explained the incentive process promised to the customer. The customer feels that his design should include a larger system. Vivint Solar has offered to look into a redesign of the system to meet the customer's request. At this time the customer does not wish to proceed further with Vivint Solar.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer prior to their complaint on 10/30  to address the panel removal process, the customer was notified they would receive the invoice within a few days. Vivint Solar has emailed  the customer the panel removal invoice on 11/2,11/9 and 11/10.

We've attempted to reach out to the customer via phone, email, and letter in order to address the customer's concerns but have been unable to get in contact with the customer.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:My energy consumption has not gone up. My solar panels are not working properly. I'm not receiving any discount but I'm still being charged monthly by Vivint.   Not only am I a single mom being taken advantage of but what about all the elderly out there on the same low income. Why isn't anyone helping us!!!???

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:
[redacted]vivint solar keeps sending roofers to inspect roof then rejects their findings. By all means they can send me what they say they have from Simi Valley and I will take it to the city and see what they have to say. Their latest roofer they were supposed to send never showed up. I wasted the day waiting for nothing and they had the nerve to tell me oops u were never scheduled. I have documentation of every person I have spoken to since this nightmare started and when I told their damage resolutions person that I was going to file a complaint with the and contractors license she just said ok do what you have to do. They don't seem to care about customer service since they have u on the hook for the lease. Putting goop on a roof u damaged does not fix the problem!!!!

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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