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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response...

because: I understand that are reviewing my electric bills, the response from Miranda K[redacted] is NO RESOLUTION.
1. I am not saving money, in fact I am spending more money as now I am paying PNM and Vivint. 538.00 in one month.2. We were told by Vivint that we would have a system that would provide 110% of what we would need. Now I am being told that I only have 47% which anyone would know is not enough to provide the savings we need and that we were promised.3. Several people have told us there is nothing we can do, Tyler with Customer Care is one of those people. Poor Poor business if the Vivint Reps are simply telling the customers " there is nothing we can do"4. We have asked to have the system removed and any necessary repairs to be made as the system is not doing what the contract said it would. But they said we would need to buy the system, which makes no sense at all. Why would I buy a system that at this point is useless.5. Vivint has said that PNM will not approve any additional panels. I think this is outrageous,  sounds like a monopoly (the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service) People are going solar to get away from paying huge electric bills and now they are saying that they wont approve more if the current system does not do what it needs to.We are simply asking for the system to do what it was intended to do.      
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me, if they indeed follow through with the steps they have outlined to me in the time frame that is provided.  To date, they state that they will complete the resolution by the end of next week. 
*** ***

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: VIVINT SOLAR IS AT FAULT.  This company they sent to my house put in a circuit box that has CONSTANT DRAFTS and is DANGEROUS with RAIN and SNOW could EXPLODE at any time.  I found this yesterday when I went to go investigate the exact draft.  They NEVER put any sealant or foam to make it seal proof. IT IS ALL IN THE OPEN and the inside of the box was NEVER INSPECTED.....NEVER still is not.  Also other violations I have I was trying to fix but because the box was NEVER INSPECTED from the inside this is PROOF as well they are trying to BAIL OUT of their responsibilities.  The panels were supposed to be installed by august and NEVER WERE and I was NEVER ABLE to get the remodeling done.  Now that box is there and its NOT RIGHT!  They put that COPPER LINE and CAUSED ELECTROLYSIS.  The person they sent to take pictures is NOT at all a CERTIFIED INSPECTOR of any kind.  VIVINT SOLAR IS 200% at fault.  100% for leading me on BEFORE the damages were done which totally Barred me from working on my house.  The other 100% is for the DAMAGES.  The house is RUINED because of that wire they installed.  Plus leaving us in CONSTANT DANGER I AM NOT GOING TO STOP WITH THIS.  I WILL GO BACK AND FOURTH EACH AND EVERY DAY WITH THIS.  I am waiting on CID to come here and they have already Served Vivint and sent me copies of the VIOLATION Papers and that is also NOT even counting the Various amounts of Violations once they do get here to red tag my house.  EVERYBODY KNOWS!  They are leaving us in CONSTANT DANGER and LIED about wanting to fix the plumbing they LEAD ME ON ABOUT THAT TOO DURING THE HOLIDAYS LAST YEAR. My mother's bedroom has a SEVERE draft and the roof squeaks badly due to the work that ALPHA & OMEGA DID.  Yeah let them  keep denying it.  I will contact them on Monday to see when they plan to come here and will send them the pictures of the open and unsealed meter.  They couldn't wait to install that box which I didn't even Need I had a much better THICKER box with NO Drafts because I had the old meter which was LARGER so that Circle needs both foam and a plate of some sort or ring which out of COMPLETE DESPEATION for Business from VIVINT they did it their way and left it DANGEROUS ON TOP of the Copper Ground Rod which is NOT supposed to be on my house.  My house is an OLDER house and I can PROVE that IN COURT if I had to go this minute I can prove all of that and I PLAN TO.  VIVINT and Alpha & Omega BOTH are RESPONSIBLE.  100% each.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer, and we have agreed on a resolution.

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
I have been working with Derrek E[redacted] and they have finally come out to...

repair my system. The technician did not show up for the first appointment which my Husband left work early to be home for. Nevertheless, they did make it out on a different day to make the repairs. However, while negotiating a refund for the shortage owed to PG&E I was informed that my system is only designed to cover 71% of my annual usage. This was a shock to me as the agreement we made with Vivint was for a system that would cover 100% of our usage from the year before. According to Derrek they are supposed to provide a system that covers 100% of usage however due to some "electrical constraint" with our home that was not possible. He was unable to explain what this electrical contstraint was or why this was never disclosed to us. Why would we agree to a system that only covers 71% of our usage? He is working on figuring out what the issue is and why it was never disclosed to us. Derrek has been very helpful and in constant communication with me which I appreciate very much but I am not willing to state that the issues have been resolved until we actually have a resolution.

Vivint Solar has followed up with this and verified that the promised amount has been mailed today, 10/22/2015. A voicemail was left with the customer to confirm that this has been done.

Vivint Solar strives to provide the best service and product to our customers.  Before installing a solar panel system, Vivint Solar has at minimum of three qualified technicians inspect the roof before the installation occurs. Photos are taken from every corner and direction on the roof and...

are reviewed prior to installation by solar system designers.  All of these reviewers determined that a solar panel system could be successfully installed on this customer's home without causing damage or leaks.  A solar panel system will outlast many roofs, and because of this, Vivint Solar offers one of the best and most affordable removal and reinstallation costs of a solar panel system to facilitate the reroofing of a home.  Vivint Solar abides by the California Public Utility Commision codes by filing  Notice of Independent Solar Provider Contract that identifies the solar panel system as being owned and maintained by a third party, not the homeowner.  This filing is clearly identified by the state of California as not being a lien and there is no interest in the real property of the home.  This filing is removed by Vivint Solar in the event of a sale of the home and the new buyer has agreed to take over the remainder of the Power Purchase Agreement.  In this instance, the customer is voluntarily selling the home to a buyer who does not want to take over the system.  Vivint Solar has made itself available to speak with potential buyers of the home both in person, via email, and over the phone to help with the sale of the home.  Vivint Solar has also offered the customer the ability to purchase the system at a very reduced rate and allow the customer to continue to proceed with the sale of the home.  Vivint Solar will continue to offer our help and services to work with potential buyers or come to a compromise to facilitate the sale of their home.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because this is not a fully true statement  Vivint suggested that, that was the issue and we confirmed that we had already replaced the ground interrupter and the power was still tripping  Customer service is still unacceptable. The first person who called to schedule a visit on Oct  14th began to give us complaints and reasons why the issue was not the solar panels before even coming out to the house. My husband told him stop wasting our time and if he doesn't want to come then don't come.  The second person came and was very attentive, and said he would take the information that he reviewed back to his office for review.We have not heard from anyone. This is the first time hearing any feedback from Vivint through They are making money off my home and could care less about customer service. I will discuss with my husband on how to move forward. We are not saving that much money to be treated like this.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: They sent the paperwork but I needed to take time off of work to file the paperwork with the county.  I lost wages, $25.00 filing fee and $7.00 parking.  They have an office in NJ and one of their representatives should have done this.  They filed it to begin with so they should have filed the release.  Without the county filing the paperwork is useless. I was told that once the system was up and running that it would back log and I would receive a credit for the months that the system was not working.  Again on 10/11/2016 I was charged an estimate.  Where is my credit?? This company continues to fail in all areas.

we are up and running finally. You can close the complaint

Vivint Solar has assigned a specialist to work directly with the customer, and they have made contact with them. We are in the process of scheduling an appointment and things are being expedited as much as possible. As soon as an appointment is set, the assigned specialist will reach out to the...

customer to confirm everything, and ensure it goes through smoothly. We will remain in constant contact with the customer, providing weekly follow ups, and come to a resolution that is within the terms and and conditions of the agreement.

Vivint Solar is currently in communication with the customer regarding the complaint. Vivint Solar and the customer have come to an agreement in regards to a resolution to the roof repairs.

Vivint Solar has followed up with the customer to notify them that the account center has been updated and that they will be able to view their invoices. The customer has confirmed with us that it is now working.

Vivint Solar has assigned a representative to personally work with the customer, and they have made contact with them. Steps are being taken to expedite the process to get their system fully operational as soon as possible. We will be communicating with the customer's original sales representative,...

as well, to conduct an investigation to determine what took place. We will be staying in constant communication with the customer until a resolution is met that is within the terms and conditions of the agreement.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Vivint Solar attempted contact with the customer on 2/9/2018 and left a voicemail. Vivint Solar will work with the customer toward a mutually agreed upon resolution.

At this time, we have been reaching out to the customer via phone and working with the town inspector to get the inspection closed out with the customer's utility company.  We will continue to reach out to keep the customer informed.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: They sent the same response to us a week ago and this is the same response that we've been getting for the lastseveral months.  We are so very tired of their inability to handle our account.  We do not want to cancel our complaint and we do not want a mediatoryet.  This situation is ridiculous.  A complaint has also been filed with our Attorney General's Office.
Michael M[redacted]

Vivint Solar called and left a message for the customer on 1/24/18. Snow on panels can inhibit production. When this happens, systems will read that there is a production error. The customer's system is currently fully operational and no panels need to be replaced. Vivint Solar will perform an...

analysis to determine if compensation is owed for billing during previous system errors.

Our Fleet Performance department has conducted, and completed the analysis needed to determine a resolution. We have spoken with the customer and presented our resolution, which the customer has accepted. Vivint Solar has resolved this complaint to the customers satisfaction.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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