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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer by phone on 8/9 and 8/10 and once by email, but have been unable to reach the customer to address their complaint. The customer tried to contact our representative who is assigned to this case, but he was out of the office at the time. There is...

currently an appointment scheduled for 8/16 to resolve the system issue and it has been labelled as 'high priority' to ensure that it is taken care of with no mistakes. We will continue to reach out to the customer and work with them to make sure the system becomes completely operational and working at its full potential.

I am rejecting this response because: If the sale of this house goes through, Vivint is off...

of the hook, however if it does NOT go through, we still have a big problem. I have never had such a horrible experience with a company as Vivint. Once you are referred to the "Work Out Team", you will never be able to get through, you will not be given a last name, or the name of a supervisor, and when they say a supervisor will call, they don't. Finally “Wes” called me and said, “Well now you have my email address so you can get ahold of me easier. I never heard from him again, despite my emails to him. I had also requested another copy of the Terms and Agreement page, which was so light you could not read it. I had it emailed to me by two different departments and both were really light. They said they would mail me one because they didn’t have access to a blank contract that they could send me. That makes no sense at all. I just got it in the mail and the two page document was now one and the font is like TWO. You cannot read it. This is the document they keep referring me to that has the section 12 that is supposed to be so important. I last emailed [email protected] asking what we do if this sale does not go through and we are back to square one. I never got a reply.

Vivint Solar sent the customer a follow up email regarding the credit. We plan to follow up with the customer to go over the calculations on 12/26/17.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Vivint Solar attempted communications with the customer and have left a voicemail advising the customer to call in to discuss their claim. Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their concerns are addressed and resolved.

Vivint Solar attempted to contact on 06/23/17. A voicemail was left, asking the customer to return our call. Vivint Solar will continue to try and contact the customer to resolve their complaint.

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 12/29/2017 and confirmed all necessary fixes have been completed, gave the next steps for progress, and confirmed the date for Final Inspection.

Vivint Solar has processed the customers request for his refund. The customer was notified today 07/25/17, of the details regarding his requested refund.

Vivint Solar has been in communication with the customer and relayed our plan of action. The customer's concerns were brought to a committee, and it was determined that, due to the unique circumstances, we will reduce the system size to meet the specific kWh consumption for this customer. We will...

remain in constant communication with this customer until this process is finalized, and the customer's usage needs are met.

We are currently working with the customer in resolving and addressing the concerns as it relates to the damage to the roof.

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer on 12/16 via phone and left a voice message. Vivint Solar also reached out to the customer via email on 12/16 in an attempt to get in contact with the customer to address their concerns. Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer in an attempt to...

resolve their concerns.

The customer is requesting something that does not fall within the term of the Power Purchase Agreement. Vivint Solar has credited the customer the $2.06 he was charged incorrectly, we have removed the customer from automatic payments, therefore allowing him to make his payments manually and the damage to his deck has been repaired.

Vivint Solar is investigating the complaint brought forth and is in contact to address and resolve their concerns. An appointment has been scheduled for 6/22 to install a new Envoy for the customer. The Damage Resolutions department is working to ensure that the mismatch paint on the side of the...

home is addressed. Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their concerns are resolved.

Our billing department reached out to the customer and spoke with them concerning their issues. He walked them through the inquiry and how to set up billing statements. Billing will await a call back to confirm information to finalize billing information so that the issue can be resolved....

Additionally have reached out to the customer to confirm that this has been resolved and awaiting their response.

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer and has explained the billing process and how the customer is saving money.

Vivint Solar has made contact with our customer, we will be addressing said issues and making resolution a priority.  Currently we are working to schedule a visit to the home, We will continue to keep our customer updated as we resolve the issues at hand.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer 7/14/17 to address their concerns. After speaking with the customer, a plan was made to work out a resolution within the terms and conditions of the agreement. Vivint Solar and the customer will remain in constant communication regarding the complaint.

Vivint Solar issued a credit in the amount of $97.17 to the Customers billing account. The credit has been deducted from the Customers current balance due on 09/20/17.


Business Bureau:
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me, as I had to call Vivint Solar again on 11/10/2017 and they indicated that they had emailed me the price quote on 11/02/2017, which I never received. So I asked for them to email the price quote while I was on the phone with them. I may have to file another complaint, as now I need to have them come out and remove the panels as soon as I get the money to them to get this process going.  

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer via phone and email 2/22. We have verified that the customers system is actively producing, and reporting. Vivint Solar will continue to contact the customer in regard to their complaint.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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