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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

In order for Vivint Solar to address the PGE NEM...

billing issue, we have asked the customer to send us the PGE NEM summary. Vivint Solar has temporarily removed the customer from auto-debit billing until issues have been resolved. We have a technician scheduled for August 31st to service the system and once we have verified that the system is operational and reporting we will be able to address the bills.

Vivint Solar is working to regain communication with the system. There was a Service appointment completed on 06/09/17. At this time we are waiting for the system to update, so we can determine if we have regained communication. The customer currently has a credit balance on their account. The...

credit was applied in April 2017, and has remained on the account as the customer has not been billed since then. Vivint Solar will continue to work to resolve the customers complaint.

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer on 2/3 via phone and left a voice message. Vivint Solar also reached out to the customer via email on 2/3 in an attempt to get in contact with the customer to address their concerns. Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer in an attempt to...

resolve their concerns.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Vivint solar has contacted me over the past 16 MONTHS and when they...

do it is a person that has no clue what is going and doesn't know anything about my situation and then tells me they will get back to me and never does. Then when I call back they tell me they handed it off to another department and they will get back to me and again they never do. It has been way to long of this back and fourth of getting no answers. I have no resolution to my problem and that is why im rejecting it. Just because some one calls me or e-mails me and says " im looking into it" and then I never hear from them again is not good enough. I just want the work that was promised by contract completed. Thank you 

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: I have spoken to Derek fron vivint solar who advised me that he could not help or address my concerns as I would have to speak with someone else from Vivint security due it being two different companies which was never disclosed. This company is very dishonest and no one from Vivint security has reached our to me since November 11. Vivint solar is given me the run around and not adressing my complaint and I'm not pleased by far. I expressed to Derek that I have been taken advantage of and I need to address this concern but however no response. Please assist me into getting this issue resolved asap

Vivint Solar has contacted this customer and is working diligently toward resolving the issue.

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer to discuss their complaint via telephone on 6/1/17, we spoke to the  husband and he advised to call his wife. Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to  Alice the the customer regarding the complaint and  come to a resolution within the terms...

of the agreement.

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer by phone on 11/09/16. A voicemail was left for the customer, requesting a call back to follow up on the complaint. Vivint Solar fixed the issue the customer reported on 11/03/2016. The Solar system is currently functioning properly.

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer by phone and email on 10/11/2016 but was unable to get in touch with the customer. Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer to resolve their concerns

Vivint Solar is working with the customer to schedule an appointment on a Saturday that works for the customer to have the panels reinstalled.

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 12/04/17. We informed the customer we are working on a resolution. The customer was emailed direct contact information for the Specialist assigned to his account.

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer to discuss their complaint via telephone on 9/1/17, we were able to leave a voicemail.  Additionally, we emailed the customer on 9/1/17. Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer regarding the complaint.

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer to address their concerns, we left a voicemail on 9/9 and sent the customer an email with the contact information of a member of our Resolution Management department. Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer to help resolve their concerns.

Spoke to customer and she stated that her concern has been resolved
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Although all of my complaints against this company have not been resolved, I will agree that the animal guards were installed however it is unknown if it was installed correctly.  I wish that there was something you could do about the way the company is run and the deception that is allowed by most employees.I would like to thank the for the assistance in resolving this matter as I have no doubt that nothing would have been done without your help.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer regarding the complaint. Vivint Solar is working with the customer towards a satisfactory resolution. The customer has been provided a direct contact at Vivint Solar that will work with them until a resolution is reached.

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer and resolved the concerns.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 9/21 to address their concerns. Vivint Solar will be reviewing the customer's production and usage information to verify accuracy. We will also determine whether additional solar panels can be added to the customer's roof to help increase the customer's usage...

offset. Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer to address their concerns and to come to a satisfactory resolution.

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer on 11/29 to address their concerns. The customer is requesting cancellation of the Power Purchase Agreement. Vivint Solar has explained to the customer that they are not within the right to cancel. The customer is aware that she signed an agreement with...

a term of (20) years. Vivint Solar has explained to the customer they have a PPA V3.2 that doesn’t allow to purchase the system until year 6. The customer has the option to do a Prepayment, where they prepay for all the energy the system is estimated to produce for the length of the contract, in advance. Vivint Solar has also asked the customer to provide utility bills and we will be able to explain to them the benefits of having solar. Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer within the terms of the contract.

Vivint Solar has been able to obtain an estimate from a third party contractor for repairs to the customer's home.  Vivint Solar has approved the repairs to take place.  The customer and the contractor are in communication to schedule a time to make the repairs to the home.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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