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United Advisors Group

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Reviews United Advisors Group

United Advisors Group Reviews (575)

The consolidation is still in process with the Department of Education. UAG's refund policy states a full refund if the consolidation is cancelled or rejected. UAG has no control over the time it takes a consolidation to process with the Department of education and servicers. UAG wishes they could speed the processes up but is only a doc prep company that makes sure the application is correct and submits it on behalf of the client. On average a consolidation can take 30-120 days. As soon as the consolidation is approved or cancelled the client will get a call to move forward or refund.  This information is all outlined very clearly in the contract signed by the client if he would like to refer back. Thank you for your time. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC

Thank you for forwarding this complaint to UAG. This client was consolidated and UAG needed her current two pay stubs to apply for the correct program placement which was the next correct step. The client finally sent in the pay stubs in December. Program...

placement was applied for at this time. The program placement can take 3-8 weeks to approve through the lender. Before the program could be approved the client called the lender and placed her self in a forbearance so she did not have to make payments. This stopped the program placement phase. She is mad that she is not in the program but she stopped the process that was going as planned and did not give us a chance to finish. This client was canceled on 4/26/15 demanding a refund. She does not qualify for a refund as the refund policy is within 1 days of the signed contract and UAG did noting incorrectly in the process. If you need any further information please don't hesitate to reach out. 
Kind Regards, 
United Advisors Group LLC

This client says she never had the compliance script read to her. It is singed off read with her signing a service agreement with the same information as well. She said "who reads them and you have a lot of complaints." First of all you always read a service agreement before signing...

anything that is common sense. For the other complaints on the a lot of them or people like this client who did not read through the contract and throw out false accusations. This account has been closed as she just wants her service fee back when nothing was done incorrectly and she did not understand.  Kind Regards, United Advisors Group LLC

This client is made that she received a higher payment then she was quoted when she signed up for UAG services. Originally she said she made $30,000 annually which she signed a income documentation letter at the time. Once we received her income she actually makes $48,000 which changes he payment a bunch. UAG cant negotiate any payments with the servicer. The program is based off the income and household size. This is why we have the client sign a letter form the start to give the most accurate information possible. I have attached the income verification signed by [redacted] for your records. She was in a 25 year graduated program for $270.30 a month. She is now in a 10 year program for $315. She will pay her loans off 15 years earlier and save money long term. The Department of Education program are all based off the individuals income. This account has been closed and there is longer a working relationship with UAG and this client. If you need any further information please let UAG know. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC

Thank you for forwarding United Advisors Group this complaint. An employee by the name of [redacted] has been working with this client and on the same page. The client account is active and on track. At this time the client has decided to move forward with United Advisors Group LLC. If you need any further information please reach out. Kind Regards, United Advisors Group LLC

This client claims UAG lied and did not help her. UAG has done exactly what the service agreement says will be done. UAG tried to review the service agreement with her at which time she became very upset
and said we are rude for wanting to review the agreement with her to make sure...

we are on the same page. She claims she did not she could do this herself. This is stated 2 times in bold in the service
She suggest UAG made her payments higher. This is an income based program that is based off your income. UAG has no say over the payment which is also stated in the service agreement.  Nothing has been
done wrong on UAG end. The client is cancelled out and no longer a client of UAG.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.In regards as to why it "took a very long time" to send my income verification, UAG has horrible customer service. I would call day after day, only to get someone's "voicemail" and when I would leave a message no one would return my call. As you have read in other complaints regarding this company, you will see that as true. I refuse to accept this response from UAG because they failed to acknowledge that they didn't inform me that they had applied to [redacted] Department of Education Loan Servicing on my behalf. They also failed to provide [redacted] with MY home address of phone number. Instead, they listed my address as [redacted] AVE STE [redacted] I[redacted] CA
[redacted] with the phone number of 760-[redacted].The
address belongs to UAG and the phone number came up as the Federal Student Loan
Debt Relief Hotline. UAG filed
for forbearance with [redacted] on November 27, 2014. They created an account and
password with [redacted] which didn't contain my personal email account or phone
number so I couldn’t get any correspondence. [redacted] has been emailing the
email account [redacted] since November
2014 concerning account changes, payment plans, past due statements, and
delinquency notices; and UAG never forwarded that information to me. When I
tried to check my UAG email account, all emails had been deleted. "[redacted]" from UAG stated the emails were there and I needed to allow them to load which could take up to five minutes; however, I sat for over ten minutes for the browser to load which leads me to believe that the emails were either deleted or could only be seen on UAG's end. UAG eventually changed the address to my home address in May 2015, but quested all correspondence be done by email to the [redacted] account. I called
UAG on November 17, 2015 and n[redacted]r got an answer. I called the many numbers
they have listed with no answer. I [redacted]n called the number and the extension to
[redacted] who had assisted me in the past only to find that her extension
now belonged to “[redacted]”. I left a message only to have it go unanswered. I
also sent an email to Julia stating that I was filing a complaint with the
as well as my State Attorney General, only to receive a “Failure Notice” which
means the email was invalid or no longer active. As stated before, I paid this company to
consolidate my loans in place them in forbearance, only for them to apply to
switch my account to another Department of Education Loan Servicing company. I
could have done all of this myself. My personal Attorney along with my State Attorney General have been contacted regarding this matter.

UAG called this client to discuss her concerns.  This client remembers signing the contract but didn't remember the details. UAG Re explained the details. As well UAG let the client know the  program placement had been done and she was supposed to start making payments. She didn't so she...

feel past due. UAG was able to use some forbearance time to bring her current. The client understands and will continue with UAG. At this time all UAG needs is her online access which she says she will email to [redacted]. Thank you and kind regards,United Advisors Group LLC

It seems there is a misunderstanding about  UAG and service to be provided.  UAG will clarify before misleadingly calling the company fraudulent. This person's...

son signed up with UAG to have his federal student loans consolidated and placed into the PAYE (pay as you earn) repayment and forgiveness program. As stated in the contract attached, her son was informed both in writing and verbal during the compliance call that he is responsible for making lender payments to his current lender until the consolidation is completed or unless he can get into forbearance. UAG also told him that the consolidation and program placement will not be completed until he sends us proof of his income since the PAYE program is income based. This require two current pay stubs or tax returns. Furthermore, we gave him the payment break down, explained our cancellation and refund policy, and gave him the email address and fax number to send his proof of income. Her son had a welcome call scheduled for 3/13/2015 at 9:30am PST and he did not answer. During the welcome call we go over everything stated above again and we answer any questions. Unfortunately, your son missed the welcome call so we emailed him instead, reminding him that we still need his proof of income. All we need to complete the consolidation is the proof of income to process the program placement phase. That is the last step in the process. She can read page 1, section 5 of the service agreement attached for our cancellation and refund policy. Also, please read page 2, section 14, Letter G of the service agreement and read section 7 of the Disclosers document, both state clients are not to miss lender payments. If you need any further information please let UAG know. 
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC

To it may concern,
Thank you for letting us know about the open complaint. We take any complaints very serious as customer service is our priority.  This client signed up with United Advisors group in October.  The consolidation process takes 30-120 days . The application...

was submitted and in process with the Department of Education. A representative from United Advisors Group contacted the client on 12/9/14 today at 7:25 to cover the concerns. The client was calling the wrong phone number which has never been a United Advisors Group number. It was a misunderstanding on her part and all cleared up at this time. The client and United Advisors Group are on the same page and moving forward. Thank you for your time please let me know if you have any further questions. 
United Advisors Group LLC

Thank you for forwarding this 2nd response to UAG. This client is upset and says UAG did not do their work but this is not the case. The consolidation was done as it was suppose to with income of $20,000. When the approval came back the clients income was higher than originally stated. I have attached the income letter the client signed verifying his income is $20,000. If this income is incorrect he should never of signed the disclosure. His income caused his new student loan repayment plan monthly payment to increase still less then what he was paying before. These programs are income based through the Department of Education and UAG had not control over them. UAG simplify follows the guidelines of the DOE. He has paid an initial payment of $272 and 5 monthly payments of  $56.08. This client does not fall into the money back guarantee or did he request a refund to cancel within the first 14 days. At this time I will send the initial payment back fro $272 since UAG did the work off the information provided by the client. We wish the client the next moving forward as his account is cancelled with UAG. Please let UAG know if you need anything further at this time. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC

I revceived a call from the United Advisors Group. The said, I would get an email from you and to respond to the email. Although, I have not gotten an email from the since then. 
United Advisors said that I needed to repond to your email and then forward that response on to them. I was told they would refund my money after they got the response from the 
Could you help me out I'm not quite sure how to proceed, seeing as I have not recieved an email from the since United Advisors called me at the beginning of this week?
Thank you

This client has decided to move forward on her own. Her account has been cancelled.
Thank you for your time.
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC
I will accept this as long as they are refunding the entire amount of the charges that were withdrawn from my account.  I do not see an amount in this email and according to the UAG I have to wait 5 days for my refund.  I will know then how much they refunded - I will proceed at that point.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I'm filing this rebuttal in regards to my complaint #[redacted] which was originally filed on 10/21/2014 against United Advisors Group.  I apologize for my delay in responding but for whatever reason I never received the response email???  I've made 5 payments + the $225 (which they did split up into two payments).  I have the bank statements to prove it! I will be glad to provide the necessary bank statements to the to verify that in actuality I've made a total of 7 payments not 5 as UAG has stated. I was informed by UAG to send them a copy of my disability and I didn't fax it over( at least that much is true).  However, that doesn't explain why my IBR paper work was only partially complete and why I wasn't made aware by UAG that it was time for me to Update my Income based repayment plan paperwork?!  This action had nothing to do with my disability discharge but it was necessary to keep my student loans from going into a default status!  When I contacted UAG in April I made them aware that I was a month or so behind on my payments and they reassured me that they'd take care of everything?!  Why didn't they inform me that my IBR paperwork needed to be updated and why did they deduct payments out of my bank account for $59.96/month if my disability discharge was not active /approved?!  Also, they requested that [redacted]t re-consolidated my loans and [redacted]t doesn't deal with disability discharge only [redacted] does?!  Now why would they do that??  They have not provided me with good service!  All they've done is create a huge mess with my student loans and not to mention the damage they've caused me on my credit report!  Also, they were dishonest in their response about the number of payments that I've made!  They owe me $524.80 for services not rendard as promised and I want my refund!  I would appreciate the's continued representation in this matter!  Sincerely, [redacted]

This account has been cancelled and refund ed $390. The refund takes 10 business days give or take. Please let us know if you need any further information. 
Kind regards,
size="4">United Advisors Group LLC

Thank you for informing us of this complaint. An employee from United Advisors Group [redacted] reached out to the client to make sure both parties are on the same page. The client wants to continue with our services and has [redacted]'s number and extension in the case she has any...

questions going forward. If you need any further information please reach out, thank you for your time. 
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me.  I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I joined in March of 2014.  I sent my pay stubs in twice to 2 different people.  I received a third email and faxed the pay stubs in to UAG.  I did not get a phone call or notice of any kind that they received them.  I received a phone call from the department of Educarion stating that my account was delinquent and was going to be sent to collections.  I informed them that I had signed everything over to UAG authorizing them to handle my account.  I was informed by the department of Ed that they had yet to receive a payment.  In 10 months they had not received a single payment to my account.  I called UAG 3 times and left a message each time- you can never get a hold of a real person and it takes up to a week before they return your call if they return it at all.  When UAG finally called me back, I was informed that I didn't qualify for the program I was promised 10 months ago- nobody called to tell me this, but they continued to take my money. They wanted me to pay my loan for 20 years- I will be retired by then.  Then I was told they made a mistake and I did qualify.  I had to put my account in Forbearance 3 times based on their recommendations and to this day, not a single payment has been made on my account.  $749.00 paid in and they refunded me 87.00.  They did not communicate with me or notify me of any changes regarding my account and I was given different information from numerous employees.  There seems to be a lack of communication and training among staff.  I never received the same answer from the staff.  I want a full refund since services were not rendered and they did not communicate pertinent information regarding my account status on numerous occasions.

This client is complaining that complaining that UAG lied to her and and told her the GTX payments go towards her loans. If you read the signed agreements it is clearly written out in 3 places explaining there is a student loan payment and a service fee. UAG Explained this...

to her in detail. The agreements clearly state that the GTX payment go to UAG not towards her loans balance. She has access to her secure portal with her signed agreements 24/7 to reference. UAG processed her student loan consolidation and requested for her income to complete the process. At this time she hasn't sent UAG her income verification. Her payments are not based off her income right now because she has not sent us her income verification and she knows that we need her income in order to lower the payments. She said she wants to keep the payments as is and if she wants us to lower the payments she'll send us her income later. Everything has been done as it should have been. If you have any further questions please let us know. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC

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Description: Credit - Debt Consolidation Services, Credit & Debt Counseling, Financial Consultants - No License Required, Financial Planning Consultants

Address: 1621 Alton Pkwy #170, Irvine, California, United States, 92606


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