United Advisors Group Reviews (575)
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Description: Credit - Debt Consolidation Services, Credit & Debt Counseling, Financial Consultants - No License Required, Financial Planning Consultants
Address: 1621 Alton Pkwy #170, Irvine, California, United States, 92606
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UAG submitted the consolidation and program placement for the federal student loan with the department of education which was approved for a $Income based forgiveness program as promisedThe program is an annual program and ended in JulyThe new annual program placement was submitted on
time and a confirmation was received a well by the lenderNothing was done wrong for this client as the Service Agreement signed by the client was delivered.
Kind Regards,
*** ***
United Advisors Group LLC
This file has been closed and a refund has been issuedThe refund will take days as it is sent back via ACHGTX has been closed as well (trust company)If you have any further questions please reach out.
United Advisors Group LLC
This client was made aware UAG needed updated income verification from her to apply for her program placement the last phase of the process on 11/6/Her income submitted before that was more than days old and denied by the servicerShe has had several stop payments on her monthly payments throughout when everything on UAG part was done according to the signed agreementThe account has been closed at this time and the client is responsible for finishing her program placement on her own. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.stuck in the contract till October and once that is done - we will be done - they know how to manipulate their words I got it writing that once October's payment is done - They will be out of our lives
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This client is continuing to work with UAG and satisfied with UAG servicesShe spoke with *** an employee at UAG and all confusion is cleared upIf you need any further information please let UAG know. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC
Thank you for forwarding this complaint to usUnited Advisors Group takes each complaint very seriously The consolidation is on trackAn employee by the name of *** applied for the program placement through *** *** on 2/13/It can take up to
days to be completeA message was left for the client on 2/16/15, 2/26/and 2/27/with no call back as of yetUnited Advisors Group LLC cant speed the process up as we wait on the lender and the Department of EducationEverything is being done as processed in the signed disclosuresIf you need any further information please let us knowIf you speak with the client please let her know we have been trying to reach her.
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved
*** ***
This client has been cancelled out and received a refund of monthly payments. Client signed up and we requested his pay-stubs when he signed up and in his welcome callClient did not send them to us so we submitted his consolidation without them as a standardClients loans were consolidated
but we couldn't do program placement since he did not send his proof of incomeClient had a few bounce payments and this month they call because they were days past dueUAG applied for a forbearance to bring them current and requested incomeExplained that we consolidated and they were the ones that did not send us their income.This client did not qualify for a refund but was awarded one any way.If you need any further information please let us know. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC
United Advisors Group has no control of the consolidation once submitted that is all the Department of Education and current servicerPayments cant be made on the consolidated loan until a consolidation has gone throughIn this case the consolidation did not go through so no payment could be made yetthe client is responsible to pay the current student loans until the consolidation goes through.
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC
This client has been cancelled out as a non renewalShe is also receiving a refund of $which takes 10+/- business days to go through. Please let us know if you need any other information. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC
Thank you for your assistance with my complaint. At this time, the company hasresponded to my concerns and we have reached an agreement.*** ***
Thank you for informing United Advisors Group (UAG) about our client concernsUAG spoke this client and let the client know the consolidation has been complete and the client is at the program placement stageEverything is on track and according to the signed disclosuresThe client
is ready to move forward after getting clarification as to what has been done and what will happenIf you need any further information for this client complaint please don't hesitate to call.
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved
*** ***
This client claims no payments have every been made to her account and because of that she will be contacting an attorneyUAG explained to the client that because she qualified for a $payment through the Department of Education due to her income back last AprilEven thought the
client qualifies for a $payment that payment still counts towards repayment and discharge of the loanClient was extremely rude, telling UAG employees shut up as well calling them a *** *** UAG told the client that not only did we do the work but also completed a whole yearthis client does not understand how the program works.As to the client stating they are past due days, this client is up for renewal as of April This program is income based and must be re applied for every months through the department of EducaitonThey take the most current income and determine if the payment should stay the same, increase or decreaseUAG has been trying to renew this client with no successIf a client fails to renew each year they automatically fall into a standard program that is the largest payment you can have with the servicer. If the client would take the time to review the contract signed it is very clear as to the process and service provided by UAGThis client has been cancelledThere is no reason for an adult to speak to another adult in this manner especially when the job was done correctly. Below is a link that explains the program from the Department of Education website to ensure the job was done correctly. https://studentaid.ed.gov/repay-loans/understand/plans/income-driven To make such treats as this person has one to UAG without understanding the process is very un professional and should be removed. Thank you for your time please let UAG know if you need any further information at this time.Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I feel this response does not resolve my complaint as United Advisor Group had two responsibilitiesOne was to assist in consolidating the loans and two was to act as a fiduciary and pay my student loansAfter months of paying for their services they did not fulfill either responsibilityAfter the consolidation was not completed I was never contacted and after months they made no payments towards my loansThey simply held my money in an account while my student loans accrued interestThey feel they deserve to keep $worth of fees for what? They did absolutely nothing for meThis place is not a company they are a bunch of crooks that steal money from people with student loansThe reason I cancelled my services with them was because they stole $and left me with no other choice.
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This account has been closedSaying "common who reads agreements" is not an excuse to get your money back and is very irresponsibleThe client is provided a service agreement and read the compliance script for protection of both the client and the companyAttached is he Service Agreement and Compliance ScriptUAG has done nothing wrong. Kind Regards,United Advisors Group LLC Management
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID***, and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved
*** ***
I do not believe that they are consolidating my loans
and I don't believe that it should take them more than months to
get my loans consolidated with my lender. I also have
called them several times and left them messages and they never return any of
my phone callsWhat kind of business are they when someone calls them and
leaves them messages and they never return any phone
calls. So therefore I just want my money back in the full
amount that I am asking for that I have paid into them to do a job that has never
got done
*** ***
An employee by the name of *** spoke with the client today*** let the client know she has been calling them on the home phone number provided but you cant leave a voice mailThe client sad this has been fixed*** explained the service and the program the client is entering to make sure everyone is on the same pageAt this time all UAG needs is proof of income to complete the program placement phaseThe client will email the proof to even order to finish the processThe client is ready to move forward and satisfied with the serviceAs well the client will get a call when the program placement is completeIt takes days give or takeThank you for your time.
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC
UAG has spoken to the client about he complain and let her know we need her proof of income to proceed pay stubs or tax returns to complete the program placementThe client wanted to think if she wants to move forward or notShe is going to let *** an employee from UAG know by
* will follow up with her tomorrow
the end of the weekUAG has been doing their job the whole time and not just taking moneyUAG aloud the client to split her payment for service up over months so she could better afford itThe service agreement clearly sates that the service fee does not go towards the loan paymentsService fees are on hold and we will get the client taken care of
Kind Regards,
United Advisors Group LLC