[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on April 29, We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding his payment planWe appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.After a reviewing Mr***’s policy, we found that he has had two
payment reversals within the past four monthsBecause there has been more than one credit card decline within the past months, we require the balance of $1,to be paid in fullWe have a limit to the number of payment reversals that we allow a policy to have within a month periodWe do allow the option to go back to a monthly payment plan once the next renewal term is processed.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext7350.Sincerely,
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on October 2,We understand that she feels there was a delay processing the claimWe appreciate the opportunityto address her concerns.Ms*** needed roadside assistance because her vehicle was stuck and
damaged from driving it oversome large rocksUnfortunately, additional damage was caused by the responding tow companyThe towcompany's insurance, *** *** ***, accepted liability, and a claim was filed through them.After two months, a settlement offer was made to Ms***; however, she rejected that offer.On October 2, 2015, Ms*** filed a claim with usWe are actively working to resolve this 'issue.She has selected a repair shop of choice, and she will be bringing the vehicle in next week to get itrepairedWe will cover all the damage caused by the towing company, as well as a rental vehicle duringthe repair periodWe will seek reimbursement for these expenses from Stratford InsuranceThe initialdamage caused by driving over the rocks is, nnfortunately, not covered by Ms***'s policy.If you have any questions about this infonnation, you may contact me at I ###-###-####.Sincerely,*** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on July 23,We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claimWe appreciate theopportunity to address his concerns.At the onset of the claim, we explained Mr***'s options in regards to
choosing his own repair shop.Mr*** chose to use one of our preferred shops, and obtained an estimate from Auto Square inArcadiaWe received the estimate on June 29, 2015, and reviewed and paid it on July 2, We issueda check in the amount of $payable to Mr*** and Auto Square.On July 21,2015, we received an email from a different body shop, *** ***, which Mr.*** chose to repair his vehicleOn July 22, 15, the shop submitted their estimate and photos forreview, and we set up a Hertz rental reservation for Mr***Upon review of the shop estimate, wedetennined that a physical inspection was needed.Our staff appraiser attempted to inspect the vehicle on July 24, 2015, but the vehicle was not at the shop.The vehicle inspection was completed on July 27,2015, and we approved the estimate for $1,Weissued payment to Mr*** and *** *** for $1,which represents the estimate amountless Mr***'s $deductible.Mr*** has Uninsured Motorist Property Damage (UMPD) coverage; however, Foremost Insuranceinsures the GMC Sonoma driven by Mr*** ***, the other party to the claim, and theyhave not denied coverage to dateTherefore, we are unable to pay under Mr***'s UMPD coverageat this timeWe will continue to follow up with Foremost Insurance and should they deny coverage, wewill review the claim for payment consideration under UMPD coverage.Regarding the request to pay his medical bills, the coverage afforded under Mr***'s policy isExcess Medical Expense coverageAll medical expenses must first be submitted to the injured party'sprimary health insuranceFollowing receipt of a complete medical bill, medical records, and theexplanation of benefits from the primary health insurance, we review the documentation for paymentconsiderationA complete bill includes diagnosis codes and procedure codes and is usually submitted ona CM S-or DB form.On June 19, 2015, we received a receipt showing $payment to *** *** The medicaladjuster, Ms*** ***, left a message for Mr*** and also sent him an email on June 22,2015, requesting complete medical bills, records and explanation of benefits from the primalY healthinsuranceWe will respond accordingly once we receive the requested information.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact Ms*** *** at I ###-###-####,Ext***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I am not happy with the outcome but not sure what else can be done Pretty sure they can just do whatever they want They have made their decision and they are not budging due to the fact we had two claims after years I would not want them to reinstate me , as this is a horrible company and they discriminateThey can " choose " to reinstate us after two days late if they wanted I just hope their CEO know how they treat people
*** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on August 4,2015. We understand that she would like additional details surrounding a change in premium. Weappreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.The change to Ms. [redacted]'s premium is due to a rate...
revision that was filed with the ArizonaDepartment of Insurance and became effective for policy terms beginning on or after February I , 2015.The overall change for our homeowners program was 2.8%; however, the realignment of our rates affectseach policyholder differently based on the individual characteristics of their policy.Ms. [redacted] indicated in her letter that her premium increased 99%. The premium was $840.21 for herprior policy term. The new policy term (effective September 9, 2015), which reflected the rate change,resulted in a premium of$1,647.34. The overall increase from the previous policy term is $807.31, or96.1%.Upon review of her policy renewal, another issue surfaced that contributed to her increased premium. Ourcredit burean (Equifax) was not able to locate her in their credit records. We reviewed the report and itstated "Date of Death 01110," which is why the bureau retillned a "no-hit" result when we attempt torequest her credit infonnation. We offered to re-rate her policy after receiving a notarized statement thatthe reported information was incorrect, which would lessen the impact of the rate change; however, asizable increase (approximately 50%) would still occur due to the other aspects of our filed rate change.We spoke with Ms. [redacted] today to explain this situation.We understand that in today's tough economic envirorunent that an increase of any amount is a difficultmessage to receive, but we must occasionally make rate adjustments to align the premiums we chargewith the risks we insure.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on June 25, 2015.We understand that he feels there was a delay processing the claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress his concerns.When our insured, Mr. [redacted], filed this claim on May 22, 2015, he did...
not provide us with Mr.[redacted]'s contact information. According to our file notes, we lacked this information until June 15,2015, when we spoke with Mr. [redacted].On June 24, 2015, we obtained a statement regarding the accident details from Mr. [redacted]. At that time,we requested Mr. [redacted] forward us photographs of the damage to his bicycle and receipts to assist usin detennining the repair or replacement cost for his bicycle.We are currently attempting to reach our insured for his statement as to how the accident happened. Oncewe have our insured's statement as well as receipts and photos ofMr. [redacted]'s bicycle, we will be in aposition to determine liability for this accident. Once our determination is reached, we will promptlyadvise Mr. [redacted] of our decision on this claim.As of June 26, 2015, we have not received any information relating to the damages to Mr. [redacted]'sbicycle. Additionally, we assigned an injury adjuster to resolve Mr. [redacted]'s injury claim oncetreatment is complete. The adjuster will contact Mr. [redacted] in the coming days to discuss the process.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at I ###-###-####, Ext. ####.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. Jessica [redacted], which we received on January 27, 2016.We understand that she disagrees with our determination of liability. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.We agree that our driver carries the majority of negligence for the...
accident of December 1, 2015. Ourdriver failed to yield the right of way to oncoming traffic as she entered SR 161. However, Mr. Kyle[redacted] also had responsibility as he travelled on SR 161. We assigned 10% of the fault to Mr. [redacted] forimproper lookout and speed. Mr. [redacted] was aware that traffic in the right lane had stopped, yet heproceeded at a speed of 30-35mph in rainy conditions. He stated he had no obstructions to his view, yetdid not see our insured vehicle until it was one half of a car length in front of him.Ms. [redacted]’s vehicle is a total loss, and we offered to pay 90% of her damages. We suggested that if shedid not want to accept our offer, she could file a claim with her own insurance company, [redacted].On January 27, 2016, Ms. [redacted] notified us she was accepting our total loss offer with the 10%negligence assessed. Therefore, on January 28, 2016, we paid Ms. [redacted] as follows: Actual Cash Value of [redacted] $6,499.00 9.10% sales tax + $591.41 Additional fees (registration, license, title) + $75.62 10% liability assessment - $716.60 Total settlement amount $6,449.43If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr.[redacted], which we received on November 23, 2015. We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.We would like to assure Mr. [redacted] that he has coverage on his auto...
policy for comprehensive losses which include water damage. However, the auto insurance policy does not cover losses that occur over a period of time.Our appraiser inspected Mr. [redacted]’s 2008 BMW with the shop’s service technician present and the technician pointed out the cause of the problem, which is a plugged drain. With each water event, the drain retains water as it is partially plugged. The overflow water runs into the container housing the electrical modules. The technician reported that when he opened this container, the modules were completely submerged. Our appraiser inspected them individually, and identified corrosion within the electrical connection of the modules. The presence of corrosion identifies this as a problem occurring over a period of time as a result of wear on the modules from exposure to the water.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s frustration with the situation, however, we must respectfully maintain our denial of Mr. [redacted]’s claim.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].Sincerely,[redacted]
Thank you for sending the follow-up complaint filed by Dr. [redacted], which we received on February 1,2016. We appreciate the opportunity to address her additional concerns.Regarding the misspelling of Dr. [redacted]’s name, this was a typographical error in our response letter –for which we apologize. Her name was not misspelled on any of the policy correspondence we sent.We mailed all of that correspondence to [redacted]. Dr. [redacted] herselfconfirmed in her complaint that she received the billing notices that were sent to that same address.On January 11, 2016, we spoke to Dr. [redacted] and offered to backdate the cancellation and provide arefund if she could provide proof that she had obtained other insurance for the property. Dr. [redacted]said she did not have insurance in place until December 2015. Because we provided coverage until thecancellation date of November 27, 2015, we correctly collected the premium for that coverage.After reviewing this matter again, we respectfully maintain our position – and, unfortunately, we areunable to provide Dr. [redacted] the refund she is requesting.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on May 24, 2016. We understand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.We wrote an estimate to repair the damage to Ms. [redacted]’ vehicle to...
return it to the condition it was in prior to the loss of March 8, 2016 including a remanufactured bumper. We sent her payment of $552.48 on April 13, 2016. We authorized one day of rental for Ms. [redacted] as her repairs include 4.7 labor hours and we estimate repair shops schedule five hours per day to conduct repairs. If Ms. [redacted]’ shop of choice requires more time for repairs, we have explained to her that the shop will contact us to discuss and if justified, we will certainly considered more rental.We assured Ms. [redacted] if her repair shop of choice has questions, or finds a need for additional time or parts, we will work with them to resolve such issues.Ms. [redacted] feels she is owed diminished value because of this loss. We explained to her that without structural damage, no diminishment in value exists, however, we agreed to review this once her repairs are complete.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. 5613
Dear Mr. [redacted]:Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on December 15,2015. We understand that he would like additional details surrounding a change in premium. Weappreciate the opportunity to address his concerns, and believe the following timeline will...
help provideclarity.• On November 30, 2015, Mr. [redacted] contacted us requesting a quote to add his daughter, [redacted], to hispolicy. We confirmed that [redacted] lived in the same household as Mr. [redacted]. We advised that [redacted] metthe definition of an insured person according to the policy book, and if Mr. [redacted] did not want [redacted]added to the policy then we needed proof that she had her own insurance policy with Bodily Injurylimits equal to or greater than those on Mr. [redacted]’s policy. We allowed Mr. [redacted] seven business daysto send the requested information.For your reference, the definition of an insured person per Mr. [redacted]’s policy book is: a) You or arelative; b) a person using your insured car.• On December 9, 2015, we added [redacted] to the policy because we had not received proof of insurancefor her.• On December 14, 2015, Mr. [redacted] spoke to a supervisor requesting [redacted]’s removal from the policy.We were unable to do so because we had not received proof of insurance for her. We advised Mr.[redacted] what we needed in order to remove [redacted], and we emailed him a copy of his policy book whichincluded the definition of an insured person.• On December 15, 2015, Mr. [redacted] emailed us a document from [redacted]’s insurance company.Unfortunately, it was not acceptable proof because it did not state the Bodily Injury limits. Weresponded to Mr. [redacted] by email advising that his documentation was unacceptable, and we explainedwhat we did need.• On December 15, 2015, Mr. [redacted] responded to our email requesting a phone call. We called and lefta voicemail.• As a goodwill gesture, I contacted [redacted]’s insurance company on December 18, 2015, to verballyobtain the information we needed and resolve this matter for Mr. [redacted]. Unfortunately, they wereunwilling to provide any information without [redacted] first providing permission.Without being able to confirm if [redacted] has Bodily Injury limits equal to or greater than those on Mr.[redacted]’s policy, we are unable to process the request to remove her from the policy.We regret that Mr. [redacted] is frustrated by the addition of his daughter to his policy. This requirement isdesigned to help ensure that he has adequate protection in the event of a claim, and that we are providingrates that correctly correspond to the level of risk we are insuring. We appreciate that he has been a longtermcustomer and we value his business. We look forward to receiving the necessary documentation sowe can resolve this matter for him.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].Sincerely,Mathew [redacted]Mathew [redacted]IDS Property Casualty Insurance CompanyAmeriprise Auto & Home Insurance
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on June 30, 2016. We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.Our appraiser inspected the insured home and determined that the damage...
resulting from the leaking refrigerator water line was not sudden but rather it was long term. This was determined based on the inspection, the residue present and the condition of the wood floor and its decay.We understand the situation may be frustrating for Mr. [redacted] as he explained he did not think to check behind his refrigerator often, but insurance policies do not protect against water damage that occurs over a period of time. Mr. [redacted]’s policy reads:Section I - Perils We Insure AgainstDwelling and Other Structures CoverageWe insure against risk of direct physical loss to property described in Dwelling Coverage and Other Structures Coverage.We do not insure, however, for loss:13. Accidental Discharge or Overflow of Water or Steama. This peril means accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam from within a plumbing, heating, air conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system or household appliance.b. This peril does not include loss:1) To the system or appliance from which the water or steam escaped;2) Caused by or resulting from freezing except as provided in Perils We Insure Against - Freezing;3) On the residence premises caused by accidental discharge or overflow which occurs off the residence premises; or4) Caused by constant or repeated seepage or leakage of water or the presence or condensation of humidity, moisture or vapor, over a period of 14 days or more.c. In this peril, a plumbing system or household appliance does not include a sump, sump pump or related equipment or a roof drain, gutter, downspout or similar fixtures or equipment.d. Section I Exclusions 3. Water Damage, Paragraphs a. and c. that apply to surface water and water below the surface of the ground do not apply to loss by water covered under this peril.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. 3024.Sincerely,IDS Property Casualty Insurance CompanyAmeriprise Auto & Home Insurance
Thank you for sending the follow up to the complaint filed by [redacted], which we received on November 18, 2015. We understand that she would like additional clarification regarding the cancellation of her policy.As we stated in our previous response, we did not hear back from [redacted] regarding the change in her primary residence until October 14, 2015, which was after the policy had cancelled. Due to the lapse in coverage we are unable to reinstate the policy for the property located on [redacted].If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Hello-Per the client's request, we will not provide the Revdex.com with a formal response as we have responded via the Department of insurance.Desired Settlement:No further contact by the businessThank you
Their claims on how the quote was handled are bogus.After I confirmed that I wanted to buy their insurance, they started asking for different paper work. They asked for my daughters' insurance even though they would not be on the policy, they asked for me to get the same coverage that they have on their insurance, what bearing does one thing have with the other?At the end when I asked foe a quote with the same terms as my daughters coverage (lower coverage than originally quoted) I asked the agent that to charge my credit card. Her reply was "not so fast, I wish it was that easy, I need to know who drives which car. I replied with " my mother drives the Versa I drive the Infiniti as it was stated in the application that I filled out"That application with the info was filled out a month prior to this happening.Furthermore, on their response they say they quoted me a different price, they never did. after the last e-mail I never heard an answer. When I reviewed the letter the premium had gone up from their original quote at 1/3 the coverage. A typical bait and switch strategy.I did receive a phone call from a Steve at Ameriprise on 10/29, a Saturday morning inquiring about their quote. I told Steve that they provide a lousy service and I would not buy their insurance.No I am not satisfied with their answer, I got the runaround from them for a month.Nobody should go through this trying to procure a service. should
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this...
matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.] This response is not true ALE have assisted me with one apartment and the 6 month lease [redacted] of ALE had me turn the light on only to tell me we do not give six month lease when he was given permisson to do so. As of today's date I have been threaten to find an apartment with month to month lease because I only have two months maybe of rent. The apartment ALE first had for me to review was West Charlotte, not a area I would live. The second apartment I found and it only did 6-12 lease, the third was 3 month and I accepted it but ALex said I did not have enough money left to complete the three month lease. Please I have been with progressive, Ameriprise for ten + years and this a horrible, horrible way to treat someone. This insurance company did not get started on my case until a few weeks ago. Adam [redacted] the adjuster went on vacation from the fire date 11/29/17 until mid December. When I did speak to (12/28/17 ) him I was told he was sending a check only to never receive any money as of date. This insurance has placed me into a hotel for the past four month and I can't complain but if I knew it was at the expense of me living on the street until my house is completed I would have called ALE often for an apartment. As of today ALE is calling me to find an apartment, this is their job and they have not done a good job. Moreover, The construction people just got the ok to repair my home and it's been few weeks waiting period.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on July 11, 2016. We understand that he would like a detailed explanation on why his credit card was charged by our company. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.The credit card charge of $118.00 was due to a...
home policy that was started with our company on July 3, 2016. The property address is 301 Walnut Street, Ithaca, NY 14850-6299. The policyholders’ names are [redacted] and [redacted]. The mailing address listed on the policy is [redacted].If Mr. [redacted] feels that this policy was issued in error or should not have been charged to his credit card we encourage him to call our Client Service Department at ###-###-#### and reference policy number BH03969512. We would be happy to help him resolve this issue.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. 7350.Sincerely,
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on April 29, We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding his payment planWe appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.After a reviewing Mr***’s policy, we found that he has had two
payment reversals within the past four monthsBecause there has been more than one credit card decline within the past months, we require the balance of $1,to be paid in fullWe have a limit to the number of payment reversals that we allow a policy to have within a month periodWe do allow the option to go back to a monthly payment plan once the next renewal term is processed.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext7350.Sincerely,
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on October 2,We understand that she feels there was a delay processing the claimWe appreciate the opportunityto address her concerns.Ms*** needed roadside assistance because her vehicle was stuck and
damaged from driving it oversome large rocksUnfortunately, additional damage was caused by the responding tow companyThe towcompany's insurance, *** *** ***, accepted liability, and a claim was filed through them.After two months, a settlement offer was made to Ms***; however, she rejected that offer.On October 2, 2015, Ms*** filed a claim with usWe are actively working to resolve this 'issue.She has selected a repair shop of choice, and she will be bringing the vehicle in next week to get itrepairedWe will cover all the damage caused by the towing company, as well as a rental vehicle duringthe repair periodWe will seek reimbursement for these expenses from Stratford InsuranceThe initialdamage caused by driving over the rocks is, nnfortunately, not covered by Ms***'s policy.If you have any questions about this infonnation, you may contact me at I ###-###-####.Sincerely,*** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on July 23,We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claimWe appreciate theopportunity to address his concerns.At the onset of the claim, we explained Mr***'s options in regards to
choosing his own repair shop.Mr*** chose to use one of our preferred shops, and obtained an estimate from Auto Square inArcadiaWe received the estimate on June 29, 2015, and reviewed and paid it on July 2, We issueda check in the amount of $payable to Mr*** and Auto Square.On July 21,2015, we received an email from a different body shop, *** ***, which Mr.*** chose to repair his vehicleOn July 22, 15, the shop submitted their estimate and photos forreview, and we set up a Hertz rental reservation for Mr***Upon review of the shop estimate, wedetennined that a physical inspection was needed.Our staff appraiser attempted to inspect the vehicle on July 24, 2015, but the vehicle was not at the shop.The vehicle inspection was completed on July 27,2015, and we approved the estimate for $1,Weissued payment to Mr*** and *** *** for $1,which represents the estimate amountless Mr***'s $deductible.Mr*** has Uninsured Motorist Property Damage (UMPD) coverage; however, Foremost Insuranceinsures the GMC Sonoma driven by Mr*** ***, the other party to the claim, and theyhave not denied coverage to dateTherefore, we are unable to pay under Mr***'s UMPD coverageat this timeWe will continue to follow up with Foremost Insurance and should they deny coverage, wewill review the claim for payment consideration under UMPD coverage.Regarding the request to pay his medical bills, the coverage afforded under Mr***'s policy isExcess Medical Expense coverageAll medical expenses must first be submitted to the injured party'sprimary health insuranceFollowing receipt of a complete medical bill, medical records, and theexplanation of benefits from the primary health insurance, we review the documentation for paymentconsiderationA complete bill includes diagnosis codes and procedure codes and is usually submitted ona CM S-or DB form.On June 19, 2015, we received a receipt showing $payment to *** *** The medicaladjuster, Ms*** ***, left a message for Mr*** and also sent him an email on June 22,2015, requesting complete medical bills, records and explanation of benefits from the primalY healthinsuranceWe will respond accordingly once we receive the requested information.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact Ms*** *** at I ###-###-####,Ext***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
I am not happy with the outcome but not sure what else can be done Pretty sure they can just do whatever they want They have made their decision and they are not budging due to the fact we had two claims after years I would not want them to reinstate me , as this is a horrible company and they discriminateThey can " choose " to reinstate us after two days late if they wanted I just hope their CEO know how they treat people
*** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on August 4,2015. We understand that she would like additional details surrounding a change in premium. Weappreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.The change to Ms. [redacted]'s premium is due to a rate...
revision that was filed with the ArizonaDepartment of Insurance and became effective for policy terms beginning on or after February I , 2015.The overall change for our homeowners program was 2.8%; however, the realignment of our rates affectseach policyholder differently based on the individual characteristics of their policy.Ms. [redacted] indicated in her letter that her premium increased 99%. The premium was $840.21 for herprior policy term. The new policy term (effective September 9, 2015), which reflected the rate change,resulted in a premium of$1,647.34. The overall increase from the previous policy term is $807.31, or96.1%.Upon review of her policy renewal, another issue surfaced that contributed to her increased premium. Ourcredit burean (Equifax) was not able to locate her in their credit records. We reviewed the report and itstated "Date of Death 01110," which is why the bureau retillned a "no-hit" result when we attempt torequest her credit infonnation. We offered to re-rate her policy after receiving a notarized statement thatthe reported information was incorrect, which would lessen the impact of the rate change; however, asizable increase (approximately 50%) would still occur due to the other aspects of our filed rate change.We spoke with Ms. [redacted] today to explain this situation.We understand that in today's tough economic envirorunent that an increase of any amount is a difficultmessage to receive, but we must occasionally make rate adjustments to align the premiums we chargewith the risks we insure.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on June 25, 2015.We understand that he feels there was a delay processing the claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress his concerns.When our insured, Mr. [redacted], filed this claim on May 22, 2015, he did...
not provide us with Mr.[redacted]'s contact information. According to our file notes, we lacked this information until June 15,2015, when we spoke with Mr. [redacted].On June 24, 2015, we obtained a statement regarding the accident details from Mr. [redacted]. At that time,we requested Mr. [redacted] forward us photographs of the damage to his bicycle and receipts to assist usin detennining the repair or replacement cost for his bicycle.We are currently attempting to reach our insured for his statement as to how the accident happened. Oncewe have our insured's statement as well as receipts and photos ofMr. [redacted]'s bicycle, we will be in aposition to determine liability for this accident. Once our determination is reached, we will promptlyadvise Mr. [redacted] of our decision on this claim.As of June 26, 2015, we have not received any information relating to the damages to Mr. [redacted]'sbicycle. Additionally, we assigned an injury adjuster to resolve Mr. [redacted]'s injury claim oncetreatment is complete. The adjuster will contact Mr. [redacted] in the coming days to discuss the process.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at I ###-###-####, Ext. ####.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. Jessica [redacted], which we received on January 27, 2016.We understand that she disagrees with our determination of liability. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.We agree that our driver carries the majority of negligence for the...
accident of December 1, 2015. Ourdriver failed to yield the right of way to oncoming traffic as she entered SR 161. However, Mr. Kyle[redacted] also had responsibility as he travelled on SR 161. We assigned 10% of the fault to Mr. [redacted] forimproper lookout and speed. Mr. [redacted] was aware that traffic in the right lane had stopped, yet heproceeded at a speed of 30-35mph in rainy conditions. He stated he had no obstructions to his view, yetdid not see our insured vehicle until it was one half of a car length in front of him.Ms. [redacted]’s vehicle is a total loss, and we offered to pay 90% of her damages. We suggested that if shedid not want to accept our offer, she could file a claim with her own insurance company, [redacted].On January 27, 2016, Ms. [redacted] notified us she was accepting our total loss offer with the 10%negligence assessed. Therefore, on January 28, 2016, we paid Ms. [redacted] as follows: Actual Cash Value of [redacted] $6,499.00 9.10% sales tax + $591.41 Additional fees (registration, license, title) + $75.62 10% liability assessment - $716.60 Total settlement amount $6,449.43If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr.[redacted], which we received on November 23, 2015. We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.We would like to assure Mr. [redacted] that he has coverage on his auto...
policy for comprehensive losses which include water damage. However, the auto insurance policy does not cover losses that occur over a period of time.Our appraiser inspected Mr. [redacted]’s 2008 BMW with the shop’s service technician present and the technician pointed out the cause of the problem, which is a plugged drain. With each water event, the drain retains water as it is partially plugged. The overflow water runs into the container housing the electrical modules. The technician reported that when he opened this container, the modules were completely submerged. Our appraiser inspected them individually, and identified corrosion within the electrical connection of the modules. The presence of corrosion identifies this as a problem occurring over a period of time as a result of wear on the modules from exposure to the water.We understand Mr. [redacted]’s frustration with the situation, however, we must respectfully maintain our denial of Mr. [redacted]’s claim.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].Sincerely,[redacted]
Thank you for sending the follow-up complaint filed by Dr. [redacted], which we received on February 1,2016. We appreciate the opportunity to address her additional concerns.Regarding the misspelling of Dr. [redacted]’s name, this was a typographical error in our response letter –for which we apologize. Her name was not misspelled on any of the policy correspondence we sent.We mailed all of that correspondence to [redacted]. Dr. [redacted] herselfconfirmed in her complaint that she received the billing notices that were sent to that same address.On January 11, 2016, we spoke to Dr. [redacted] and offered to backdate the cancellation and provide arefund if she could provide proof that she had obtained other insurance for the property. Dr. [redacted]said she did not have insurance in place until December 2015. Because we provided coverage until thecancellation date of November 27, 2015, we correctly collected the premium for that coverage.After reviewing this matter again, we respectfully maintain our position – and, unfortunately, we areunable to provide Dr. [redacted] the refund she is requesting.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on May 24, 2016. We understand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.We wrote an estimate to repair the damage to Ms. [redacted]’ vehicle to...
return it to the condition it was in prior to the loss of March 8, 2016 including a remanufactured bumper. We sent her payment of $552.48 on April 13, 2016. We authorized one day of rental for Ms. [redacted] as her repairs include 4.7 labor hours and we estimate repair shops schedule five hours per day to conduct repairs. If Ms. [redacted]’ shop of choice requires more time for repairs, we have explained to her that the shop will contact us to discuss and if justified, we will certainly considered more rental.We assured Ms. [redacted] if her repair shop of choice has questions, or finds a need for additional time or parts, we will work with them to resolve such issues.Ms. [redacted] feels she is owed diminished value because of this loss. We explained to her that without structural damage, no diminishment in value exists, however, we agreed to review this once her repairs are complete.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. 5613
Dear Mr. [redacted]:Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on December 15,2015. We understand that he would like additional details surrounding a change in premium. Weappreciate the opportunity to address his concerns, and believe the following timeline will...
help provideclarity.• On November 30, 2015, Mr. [redacted] contacted us requesting a quote to add his daughter, [redacted], to hispolicy. We confirmed that [redacted] lived in the same household as Mr. [redacted]. We advised that [redacted] metthe definition of an insured person according to the policy book, and if Mr. [redacted] did not want [redacted]added to the policy then we needed proof that she had her own insurance policy with Bodily Injurylimits equal to or greater than those on Mr. [redacted]’s policy. We allowed Mr. [redacted] seven business daysto send the requested information.For your reference, the definition of an insured person per Mr. [redacted]’s policy book is: a) You or arelative; b) a person using your insured car.• On December 9, 2015, we added [redacted] to the policy because we had not received proof of insurancefor her.• On December 14, 2015, Mr. [redacted] spoke to a supervisor requesting [redacted]’s removal from the policy.We were unable to do so because we had not received proof of insurance for her. We advised Mr.[redacted] what we needed in order to remove [redacted], and we emailed him a copy of his policy book whichincluded the definition of an insured person.• On December 15, 2015, Mr. [redacted] emailed us a document from [redacted]’s insurance company.Unfortunately, it was not acceptable proof because it did not state the Bodily Injury limits. Weresponded to Mr. [redacted] by email advising that his documentation was unacceptable, and we explainedwhat we did need.• On December 15, 2015, Mr. [redacted] responded to our email requesting a phone call. We called and lefta voicemail.• As a goodwill gesture, I contacted [redacted]’s insurance company on December 18, 2015, to verballyobtain the information we needed and resolve this matter for Mr. [redacted]. Unfortunately, they wereunwilling to provide any information without [redacted] first providing permission.Without being able to confirm if [redacted] has Bodily Injury limits equal to or greater than those on Mr.[redacted]’s policy, we are unable to process the request to remove her from the policy.We regret that Mr. [redacted] is frustrated by the addition of his daughter to his policy. This requirement isdesigned to help ensure that he has adequate protection in the event of a claim, and that we are providingrates that correctly correspond to the level of risk we are insuring. We appreciate that he has been a longtermcustomer and we value his business. We look forward to receiving the necessary documentation sowe can resolve this matter for him.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].Sincerely,Mathew [redacted]Mathew [redacted]IDS Property Casualty Insurance CompanyAmeriprise Auto & Home Insurance
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on June 30, 2016. We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.Our appraiser inspected the insured home and determined that the damage...
resulting from the leaking refrigerator water line was not sudden but rather it was long term. This was determined based on the inspection, the residue present and the condition of the wood floor and its decay.We understand the situation may be frustrating for Mr. [redacted] as he explained he did not think to check behind his refrigerator often, but insurance policies do not protect against water damage that occurs over a period of time. Mr. [redacted]’s policy reads:Section I - Perils We Insure AgainstDwelling and Other Structures CoverageWe insure against risk of direct physical loss to property described in Dwelling Coverage and Other Structures Coverage.We do not insure, however, for loss:13. Accidental Discharge or Overflow of Water or Steama. This peril means accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam from within a plumbing, heating, air conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system or household appliance.b. This peril does not include loss:1) To the system or appliance from which the water or steam escaped;2) Caused by or resulting from freezing except as provided in Perils We Insure Against - Freezing;3) On the residence premises caused by accidental discharge or overflow which occurs off the residence premises; or4) Caused by constant or repeated seepage or leakage of water or the presence or condensation of humidity, moisture or vapor, over a period of 14 days or more.c. In this peril, a plumbing system or household appliance does not include a sump, sump pump or related equipment or a roof drain, gutter, downspout or similar fixtures or equipment.d. Section I Exclusions 3. Water Damage, Paragraphs a. and c. that apply to surface water and water below the surface of the ground do not apply to loss by water covered under this peril.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. 3024.Sincerely,IDS Property Casualty Insurance CompanyAmeriprise Auto & Home Insurance
Thank you for sending the follow up to the complaint filed by [redacted], which we received on November 18, 2015. We understand that she would like additional clarification regarding the cancellation of her policy.As we stated in our previous response, we did not hear back from [redacted] regarding the change in her primary residence until October 14, 2015, which was after the policy had cancelled. Due to the lapse in coverage we are unable to reinstate the policy for the property located on [redacted].If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Hello-Per the client's request, we will not provide the Revdex.com with a formal response as we have responded via the Department of insurance.Desired Settlement:No further contact by the businessThank you
Their claims on how the quote was handled are bogus.After I confirmed that I wanted to buy their insurance, they started asking for different paper work. They asked for my daughters' insurance even though they would not be on the policy, they asked for me to get the same coverage that they have on their insurance, what bearing does one thing have with the other?At the end when I asked foe a quote with the same terms as my daughters coverage (lower coverage than originally quoted) I asked the agent that to charge my credit card. Her reply was "not so fast, I wish it was that easy, I need to know who drives which car. I replied with " my mother drives the Versa I drive the Infiniti as it was stated in the application that I filled out"That application with the info was filled out a month prior to this happening.Furthermore, on their response they say they quoted me a different price, they never did. after the last e-mail I never heard an answer. When I reviewed the letter the premium had gone up from their original quote at 1/3 the coverage. A typical bait and switch strategy.I did receive a phone call from a Steve at Ameriprise on 10/29, a Saturday morning inquiring about their quote. I told Steve that they provide a lousy service and I would not buy their insurance.No I am not satisfied with their answer, I got the runaround from them for a month.Nobody should go through this trying to procure a service. should
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this...
matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.] This response is not true ALE have assisted me with one apartment and the 6 month lease [redacted] of ALE had me turn the light on only to tell me we do not give six month lease when he was given permisson to do so. As of today's date I have been threaten to find an apartment with month to month lease because I only have two months maybe of rent. The apartment ALE first had for me to review was West Charlotte, not a area I would live. The second apartment I found and it only did 6-12 lease, the third was 3 month and I accepted it but ALex said I did not have enough money left to complete the three month lease. Please I have been with progressive, Ameriprise for ten + years and this a horrible, horrible way to treat someone. This insurance company did not get started on my case until a few weeks ago. Adam [redacted] the adjuster went on vacation from the fire date 11/29/17 until mid December. When I did speak to (12/28/17 ) him I was told he was sending a check only to never receive any money as of date. This insurance has placed me into a hotel for the past four month and I can't complain but if I knew it was at the expense of me living on the street until my house is completed I would have called ALE often for an apartment. As of today ALE is calling me to find an apartment, this is their job and they have not done a good job. Moreover, The construction people just got the ok to repair my home and it's been few weeks waiting period.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on July 11, 2016. We understand that he would like a detailed explanation on why his credit card was charged by our company. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.The credit card charge of $118.00 was due to a...
home policy that was started with our company on July 3, 2016. The property address is 301 Walnut Street, Ithaca, NY 14850-6299. The policyholders’ names are [redacted] and [redacted]. The mailing address listed on the policy is [redacted].If Mr. [redacted] feels that this policy was issued in error or should not have been charged to his credit card we encourage him to call our Client Service Department at ###-###-#### and reference policy number BH03969512. We would be happy to help him resolve this issue.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. 7350.Sincerely,