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Push Button Promos

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Reviews Push Button Promos

Push Button Promos Reviews (225)

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ** ***, which we received on June 22, 2015.We understand that she feels there was a delay processing the claimWe appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.On May 19,2014, Ms** *** was involved in an accident with our insured,
who struck the ** ***vehicle from behind in stopped trafficThe claim was reported to us on May 20, 2014, by our insured.That same day, we obtained the pertinent loss details from our insured and also advised them that theywould be considered at-fault for the accident.On May , 2014, we left Ms** *** a message asking if she wanted to have her vehicle repairedthrough us or through her insurance companyOn May 28,2014, we spoke with Ms** *** and herinsurance company, ***Ms** *** provided us with a statement in which she confirnled the factsof the loss as reported by our insuredDuring this conversation, we offered Ms** *** one of ourpreferred shops to have her vehicle repairs assessed and completedShe chose *** ***
***.Ms** *** infonned us that she was injured as a result of the accident, and we assigned a Casualtyadjuster to her claimOn May 29,2014, the Casualty adjuster contacted Ms** *** to discuss the extentof her injuriesWe informed her that we would send her a Medical Authorization so we could order heraccident-related medical bills and records, and that an injury settlement would be a one-time payment atthe end of the claimAt the end of the call, we explained we would follwith her in a few weeks.We contacted Ms** *** on June 4,2014, and requested a return call so we could address her vehicledamagesWe received the estimate for her vehicle on June 13,2014, and made payment the same day toMs** *** in the amount of $We infornled Ms** *** that if she chose to have her vehiclerepaired, we could arrange for a rental vehicle for her.On July 3, 2014, we contacted Ms** *** to discuss her treatment statusAt that time, she indicated shewas still having medical problems and was treating for injuries related to the accident.On August 18, 2014, we left a message for Ms** *** to return our call to discuss her treatment status.We also sent her a Medical Authorization fmm so we would be in a position to begin processing her billsand records when necessary.On September 22, 2014, we left a message for Ms** *** to return our call to discuss her treatmentstatusWe also sent her a letter that same day with the same request.On September 23, 2014, we received the executed Medical Authorization form from Ms** ***.On October 22,2014, we left a message for Ms** *** to return our call to discuss her treatment status.This was in response to a message Ms** *** had left us, indicating she would like to discusssettlement of her claim.On December 19, 2014, Ms** *** emailed us about setting her claimShe indicated she had justmoved and that she did not have access to a phoneShe suggested that using email would be easierShealso asked what was needed in order to settle the claimWe replied to her email the same day, advisingher that we would need medical bills and records from her providers, and we also asked if she saw anyproviders other than *** *** *** and Dr***We advised her that we wouldrequest her medical records and bills and would contact her once we received that infonnation.That same day, we sent a request to Ms** ***'s providers for her medical bills and recordsWe alsoreceived a reply email from Ms** *** wherein she indicated she had also seen Dr*** andthat she had received an MRI as wellShe explained that this information was on the MedicalAuthorization fonn she had previously sent to us, and we confinned the same.On January 7, 2015, we received medical records and bills from Dr***.On February 2,2015, we provided *** *** *** with our email address so they couldsend us the medical recordsWe also requested their $invoice for providing those bills and records sowe could issue paymentOn February 3, IS, we received a voice message from *** *** explaining they required pre-payment for the medical recordsWe reiterated our request for aninvoice, explaining we would issue pre-payment*** *** *** provided their invoice onFebruary 4, 2015, and we issued payment the same day.On February 10, 2015, we sent a second request to both Dr*** and *** *** ***Wealso inadvertently sent a second request to Dr*** which was in error, because we had alreadyreceived her records.Also on February 10, 2015, Ms** *** emailed us, asking if we made any progress toward claimsettlementShe noted that she had moved to *** and she provided us with her new addressWeinfonned Ms** *** of the status of the requests we sent to all of her providersMs** *** inquiredas to why *** *** *** had been paid $15, believing they were owed more than thatWeexplained it was pre-payment for copies of her bills and recordsMs** *** also indicated that she hadsome out-of-pocket expensesWe advised her to submit those bills or receipts to us for consideration.On February 11,2015, we received toll receipts from Ms** ***She indicated in her email that thedates and times should match up with her appointmentsIn that email, Ms** *** also provided us withinfonnation regarding her estimated fuel costs for travel to and from her appointmentsWe confinnedreceipt of the documentation and explained we would review it along with the rest of her file whencompleting her evaluation.On February 20, 2015, we traded phone correspondence with Dr*** regarding pre-payment fortheir bills and recordsWe left a message for them asking them to simply fax us their invoice as well as aWwith their tax identification number.On February 24, 15, we received a faxed pre-payment invoice from Dr*** in the amount of$for the bills and recordsWe followed up with a Wfonn, which Dr***'s office completedand returned the same dayWe issued payment on February 25,2015.On FebrualY 26, 2015, we received the medical records and bills from Dr***.On March 9,2015, we received the medical bills from Dr***We also contacted ***
*** *** about the status of our requestThey indicated that they thought the records had alreadybeen sentWe provided them with our email address and they confirmed they would send the records thatsame dayWe received the medical records from *** *** *** on March 11, 2015.Recently we received an email from Ms** *** expressing her concelll as to how long the process wastakingOn June 24, 2015, we completed an evaluation of Ms** ***'s claim and have provided herwith an offer based on the i.l1fonnation we cunently haveWe also let her know that because she hasMedicare and they made payment on her claim, their reimbursement interest would need to be taken intoaccountWe confirmed we would work with Medicare to calculate the interest amount.We understand that Ms** *** is fru strated with the length of time it is taking to settle this matterIt isalways our intention to resolve all claims in a timely manner, but claims involving injuries are, by nature,more complicated and require more time to obtain appropriate documentation from outside medicalprovidersWe regret that Ms** *** feels there is a delay, but we assure you that it is in no wayintentional

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on August 30, We understand that she would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceledWe appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.The claim history was not disclosed on the online quote that Ms*** completed on July, During our review we have confirmed that no claim history was disclosed by Mr*** to the sales representative on July 5, during which the policy was bound with an effective date of July 13, 2016.We took full payment for the policy on July 13, On July 19, 2016, after we processed the full payment for the policy, we received a signed and completed application which listed the ***’s prior claim activityThis was the first time we were made aware of the ***’s prior claim historyFollowing our review of the application, we scheduled the policy cancellation due to the ineligible claim history.On September 6, 2016, Mr*** contacted our company and requested the policy to be cancelled effective the same day indicating they had found replacement insurance coverageBecause we provided coverage from July 13, to September 6, we will be unable to offer a full refund as requestedA prorated premium amount has been returned to the ***s.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####.Sincerely,*** ***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** **, which we received on November 22,2016.We understand that he feels there was a delay processing the claimWe appreciate the opportunity toaddress his concerns.We received notice of our insured’s claim for this loss, inspected the vehicle and
prepared a repairestimate by October 11, On that date *** ** advised us he preferred to process his claim throughthe other party.We made multiple attempts to confirm coverage and liability with the other party in the loss and weroutinely advised the insured of these contactsThe insured continued to choose to wait to present theirclaim to the other party’s carrier.On November 7, the other carrier had not yet agreed to liability, therefore, we paid the insured andtheir repair shop $7,On November 15, we paid the repair shop for supplemental damage inthe amount of $2,We also waived the insured’s Collision deductible and sent the insured $1,000on November 15, On November 22, we placed a stop pay on the original check to the insured,as they reported never receiving this payment, and, following a direction to pay, paid their repair shopdirectly*** ** has been fully compensated for his Collision loss in the amount of $10,949.26.We understand *** ** feels there was a delay in our serviceThe explanation above shows we wereprepared to pay his claim, however, he chose to pursue the other partyWe were diligent in contacting theother party and in communicating those events with *** **.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on June 30, We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claimWe appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.We received a request from Mr*** on February 15, for
diminished value of his vehicle as a result of the loss he was involved in on December 30, We reviewed his request and issued payment of $2,on March 4, The basis for our offer was outlined on to Mr*** with the payment.Mr*** disagreed with our assessment and on April 22, we received a diminished value report from him requesting $10,We reviewed the supporting documentation he sent and on May 16, we advised him that we were not adjusting our previous assessment of his diminished valueMr*** asked for our decision in writing and we sent a denial letter to him on June 1, 2016.Mr*** wrote us on June 10, again requesting a reconsideration by usWe attempted to contact him and were successful on July 1, when we reached a compromise agreement with him in the amount of $6,for his diminished value claimTherefore, on July 5, we voided the original payment of $2,and issued payment to Mr*** in the amount of $6,000.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Again a non specific disclosureI was given a credit due to being a corporate *** member for the previous month premium and only for the next premium due this month All I've asked is why? Is that that hard?
*** ***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on July 29, 2015.We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding his payment planWe appreciate theopportunity to address his concerns.After a reviewing Mr***'s policy, we fonnd that he has had three
payment reversals within the pastyearBecause there has been more than one credit card decline within the past months, we require thebalance of $to be paid in full.Upon his next renewal, Mr*** will have the option of returning to automatic monthly installmentpayments

We understand that Ms*** is frustrated with the length of time it took to resolve this claimIt isalways our intention to resolve all claims as quickly as possible, but we need time to: investigate the loss;coordinate inspections; obtain and review reports; and reach agreed upon repair costs (which sometimesneed to be adjusted several times as new information is presented)However, we genuinely regret thatthis claims experience has not met her expectations

Dear Mr***:Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on November 25, We understand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claimWe appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.Our goal is to handle all customers with careTo
meet that goal for Ms***, we asked a supervisor to review the fileShe carefully analyzed the information provided by the police officer, and we agree there may be more than one reasonable outcome; therefore, we have changed the coding from an at-fault accident to a not at-fault accidentWe apologize for any frustration this may have caused Ms***.We have notified our Underwriting department about this change so they can rectify the premium issuesMs*** will receive notification of any changes madeIf she has questions in the meantime, she can contact our Client Service department at ###-###-####, Ext***.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on July 13,Weunderstand that he would like us to reconsider backdating his policy cancellation based upondocumentation he providedWe appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.We have reviewed the proof of insurance from *** *** *** ***submitted by Mr***.In cases where two insurance companies are providing coverage and a loss occurs, we would be requiredto pay percent of the damagesWe refund percent of the premium when backdating thecancellation of a policy days or sooner; anything prior to days is refunded at percent of thepremium paid.Provided we can confirm losses with Ms*** or Mr***, we will deduct $from the balanceowed, leaving a remainder of$calculated as follows:• $1, annual premium "' days (03/06/- 03/06/16) = $8• $x days (04/15/- 05/11/15) = $82.57• $1,annual premium"' days (03/06/- 03/06/16) = $3.18• $x days (03/06/- 04/15/15) = $"' 2= $63.52• $(percent of premium) + $(percent of premium) = $146.10• $current balance - $= $(balance owed)On July 14, 2015, we attempted to contact Mr*** to inform him we needed additional information priorto completing our reviewTo date, we have not heard from him

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on September 22, 2015.We appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.We agree to back-date the cancellation of Ms***'s home insurance policy, and we have provided afull refund to her account.We regret that the
change in premium was not adequately explained, and we apologize that Ms*** didnot have a more positive experience with our companyWe will provide additional training to the agentinvolved.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at I ###-###-####, Ext***.Sincerely,*** ***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on September We understand that he disagrees with our determination of liabilityWe appreciate the opportunityto address his concerns.As part of our investigation, we obtained statements from both drivers
involved in the loss, and wereviewed the scene of the accidentOn September 28,2015, we contacted Mr*** and made him aliability offer of 80% of his total damagesThe offer was based on the fact that Mr*** could not sayhow far away he was from the other vehicle when he first noticed it, and the point of impact on bothvehiclesThe GMC Sierra driven by Mr*** sustained front bumper damage, and our insuredNissan Sentra was impacted on the rear driver's side quarter panelMr*** disagreed with ourdecision.We contacted Mr*** again on September 30, 2015, and discussed our fmdings againIn an effort tocompromise, we advised Mr*** that we would be willing to pay 90% of his damages due to the factthat he did try to brake to avoid the lossHe disagreed with the 90% offerWe instructed Mr*** togo to his repair shop of choice and have an estimate and photographs taken so that we could review ourliability decision again.We received that information in on October 2,We contacted Mr*** and discussed our liabilityposition of 90%We explained that based on the scene photographs Mr*** should have been able tosee the other vehicle approaching the intersection and should have been able to take evasive action toavoid the lossWe feel that the lack of awareness contributed to the accident, and again we offered Mr.*** 90% of his damagesMr*** accepted that offer.The total damage to Mr*** GMC Sierra was $2,On October 2,2015, we issued acheck in the amount of $2,to Mr*** and mailed it to his home addressMr*** advisedthat he did not need a rental vehicle while his vehicle was in tbe body shopWe told Mr*** that ifadditional damage is found after the body shop begins repairs, we would be responsible for paying 90%of any related supplemental damage
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
*** *** "I can't do anything" is not a resolutionA resolution would be fixing the issue buy reinstating the policy and us paying the 6month rate or an accidental late feeThis is intentionally trying to drop us and cause us issues by having to pay exorbitant rates

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on March 28, We understand that she would like additional details surrounding a change in premiumWe appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.The change in Ms***’s premium for her September 28,
renewal was due to an auto rate revision which was filed with the Washington Department of Insurance and became effective for policy terms beginning on or after August 7, Our rate filing was submitted via SERFF on June 8, The SERFF number was MLCO-The filing was approved on June 25, The overall change for our auto program was 11.7%; however, the realignment of our rates affects each policyholder differently based on the individual characteristics of the policy.Statistical data is collected and analyzed periodically to determine if the rates being charged are adequate to cover future losses and operating expensesOur analysis showed that a rate increase was necessary to support our projected claims and operating expenses in WashingtonOur analysis involved an evaluation of many important insurance risk factors, such as: driving history, garaging location, number of vehicles insured, vehicle usage, and the coverage and coverage limits selectedThe rate increase was necessary for us to continue to provide the same high-quality, comprehensive coverage on which our clients have come to rely.The change in Ms***’s premium for the March 28, renewal is due to a change in the driving history associated with the policyA March 21, not-at-fault accident had been added to the driving history associated with the policyThis accident and a prior at-fault accident on March 2, are being surcharged on this renewalThe at-fault accident from was being forgiven on the prior renewal because this was the only activity on the driving historyWith the addition of the incident, this policy no longer qualifies under the provisions of our Accident Forgiveness rule.We understand that an increase of any amount is a difficult message to receive, however we must occasionally make rate adjustments to align the premiums we charge with the risks we insureMs*** currently qualifies for our Costco discount, our Auto & Home discount, as well as our tenure discountMs*** and *** *** also qualify for the education discountThe Honda Accord and Toyota Highlander are also being rated with garaging, ABS and airbag discounts.I do apologize for any miscommunications that took place with our client service departmentThe second increase was due to the change in driving history and not a statewide rate change.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact our client service department at ###-###-####.Sincerely,

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by MrLester ***, which we received on November 28,We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claimWe appreciate theopportunity to address his concerns.Mr*** reported a loss to us on November 27, that he said
occurred on November 22, asthe result of a windstormHe described the damage as a hole in his home caused by the ground thatshifted due to the windstormWe asked him to send us photos and upon receipt, we determined that theground had shifted over timeThis shifting caused Mr***’s deck foundation to move and, as the deckwas secured to the siding, it damaged the siding.Unfortunately, Mr***’s homeowner policy in TX does not provide coverage for such a loss as thepolicy reads:SECTION I - EXCLUSIONSThe following exclusions apply to loss to property described in Coverages A and BHowever,ensuing loss not excluded by any other provision in this policy is covered.We do not insure for loss caused directly or indirectly by any of the followingSuch loss is excludedregardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any sequence to the lossTheseexclusions apply whether or not the loss event results in widespread damage or affects a substantialareaSettling, Cracking, Bulging, Shrinkage or Expansion of Specific Property.Settling, Cracking, Bulging, Shrinkage or Expansion of Specific Property means any loss arising outof, caused by, consisting of or related to settling, cracking, bulging, shrinkage, or expansion offoundations, walls, floors, ceiling, roof structures, walks, drives, curbs, fences, retaining walls orswimming pools, regardless of whether such loss ensues from any loss, including a loss involvingwater or water damage which is covered under this policyHowever, settling, cracking, bulging,shrinkage, or expansion as a direct result of collapse of a building is covered.Mr*** contacted our claim supervisor on November 27, and expressed his concern that ourdenial was made without having conducted an inspection of his home and the damageWe agreed toassign an appraiser to inspect the damage and once we have that report, we will advise Mr*** if anychange in the cause of the damage was discovered.If Mr*** chooses to have his home damage inspected independently, he may certainly do soWeencourage him not to conduct any repairs until our investigation is complete.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***.Sincerely,Chad ***Chad *** *** *** ***IDS Property Casualty Insurance CompanyAmeriprise Auto & Home Insurance

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on December 7, We understand that she would like an explanation for the continued billing errorsWe appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.Ms*** indicated that she would like a supervisor
from our company to contact herI called to discuss this matter with her, but she was unavailableI left a voicemail on her answering machine asking for a return call so we can talk and I can offer my apologies directly to her.We regret the frustration Ms*** experienced during her recent interactions with our companyIt is always our intention to provide quality customer service and treat our valued clients with respect, compassion and professionalismI regret that we failed to meet Ms***’s expectations.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext.***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Breach of contract
Eric ***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***,
which we received on November 10, We understand that
feels there was a delay processing the claimWe appreciate the
opportunity to address
his concerns.In an effort to
resolve Mr
***’s concerns we spoke with his representative, his son ***,
on November 11, We explained our estimation process, including how we determine
when a vehicle is repairable and how we establish the value of a vehicleWe
also addressed Mr***’s concern about structural damage, including an
explanation of aftermarket parts and original equipment of the manufacturer (OEM). We assured him that the bumper replacement
was performed with an OEM part.If Mr***
brings the vehicle to the shop for inspection, we agreed to pay for a rental vehicle
while any necessary, related repairs are performedWe contacted the repair
facility and alerted them to Mr***’s concerns regarding some of the
repaired areasThey will inspect these areas when the vehicle returns to their
shop. If you have any questions about this
information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext.***

Helwill not be providing a formal response, as we believe that our response letter addressed the concernsThank you

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me However I was charged a $insufficient funds fee for this issueI would like for that to be adjusted as wellI can provide my bank statement for proof.
*** *** I see Ameriprise Insurance is still lieing because I submitted receipts where I paid cash for my items, I use my dept card to buy items for my rental propertiesI made it clear when I shop for me I pay cash for my items and my receipts were kept in my safe along with my money that was stolen. As far as my bankrupcy, I didnt know what I was doing and I filled nothing as assets for that reason and I only tried to file to stop the bank from taking my houseThis is a sorry insurance company and everybody need to Beware of them because they dont pay and the facrts are all over the internet!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
Tyrone ***

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