Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. Lydia [redacted], which we received on January 29, 2016.We understand that she feels there was a delay processing the claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.We are pleased to advise you that we sent a payment for $415.20 to Ms. [redacted]...
for her diminished valueclaim on February 3, 2016.We adhere to industry standards for each state when determining the amount owed for diminished value.The amount owed is based on the actual case value of the vehicle at the time of loss, which wedetermined to be $9,670.That amount was reduced by a standard 10% loss of value, which resulted in a base figure of $967. Inaddition, we assigned a factor based on the severity of the damage the vehicle sustained (with 1.00 beingthe highest possible); Ms. [redacted]’s vehicle was assessed .80 due to the damage to the rear panel andvehicle frame. We also consider the mileage on the vehicle at the time of the loss and compare it to100,000 miles, which is the maximum mileage for retail sale. Her vehicle had 46,329 miles; therefore, themodifier used was .537. More specifically, the calculations were as follows: KBB Actual Cash Value: $9,670.00Previous Diminished Value Adjustment: $0.00Previous Loss Adjustment: $0.00Adjusted Actual Cash Value: $9,670.00ACV Modifier 10%: x .10Base Diminished Value: $967.00Damage Severity Modifier: x 0.80Mileage Modifier: x 0.537Calculated Diminished Value: $415.20If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on October 17, 2016. Weunderstand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress his concerns.As to the bankruptcy, whether it was filed or not, it is a document that shows what he was going to file.We have no way of knowing what his intentions were when he submitted the doc, or after. What it doesshow is what he was going to claim as assets.With regard to the manner in which he purchases his items. Mr. [redacted] could not support any otherpurchases as he stated he paid cash. He stated that he pays cash for everything. The cash payments arenot supported by bank statements that show he uses credit/debit cards on a regular basis. Something hestated he does not do.Mr. [redacted] has misrepresented material information in the investigation of his claim, and we havetherefore denied his claim.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on September 22, 2016. Weunderstand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress his concerns.[redacted] was involved in an accident with our insured on June 6, 2016. His 2014...
Nissan Armada sustaineddamage in the amount of $1,275.56 that included repairs to refinish to the left rear door molding, repair tothe wheel opening flare, repair and refinish of the running board and blend to adjoining areas. There wasno damage to the vehicle that was structural or that could not be returned to pre-accident condition.Therefore, using the guidelines in place for determining if diminished value owed, we do not see that anydiminishment occurred and therefore, no payment is owed.[redacted] also wants to be paid $600 for four days of car rental. We are in agreement that four days of rentalwere needed for the repair of his vehicle. [redacted] told our representative on July 18, 2016 that he wanted aquote as to rental allowance and then wants a cash-out regarding his rental. We explained in Georgia weowe reasonable rental and if he is seeking a cash-out, we will allow him $17.50 per day for basic rentalvehicle or a total of $70. If he wants to rent a vehicle, we offered to set up a direct bill with Hertz Rentalwhile his vehicle was being repaired and then we would be able to consider a larger rental vehicle forhim. In an attempt to resolve the rental, we offered [redacted] $25.50 per day, the rate of a standard sizevehicle, as a cash out amount. He also discussed these settlement offers with our claims supervisor and[redacted] advised he would contact us once he scheduled his repair appointment with the repair shop. Weheard nothing further from [redacted] until his letter to you. We are prepared to pay him $25.50 for astandard vehicle for four days or $102. If he is seeking payment on a cash-out basis.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. Hector [redacted], which we received on October 24,2016. We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why coverage was not offered.We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.On September 30, 2016, Mr. [redacted] received a...
quote for auto insurance with 50/100 bodily injury limitswith a premium of $1048.48. Due to the driver-to-vehicle ratio (2 drivers with 4 vehicles), we asked Mr.[redacted] to complete an application so our Underwriting department could review it. We received theapplication back on October 10, 2016.On October 11, 2016, our Underwriting department requested missing information and inquired abouttwo additional household members, April [redacted] and Crystal [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] stated that Apriland Crystal are his daughters, who live in the household but have their own vehicles and insurance. Ourunderwriting guidelines require proof of insurance with matching liabilities for both daughters. The proofof insurance we received from Mr. [redacted] shows both daughters have the minimum 15/30 bodily injuryliability coverage, which doesn’t match his requested 50/100 coverage.On October 20, 2016, we contacted Mr. [redacted] by email, giving him two options: to add his daughtersas active drivers to his policy or have his policy match their 15/30 liability. Mr. [redacted] requested bothquotes: one adding both daughters and their vehicles and another with matching coverage of 15/30.Adding both daughters with six vehicles on the policy would increase the premium from $1048 to$2356.22. If he lowered his coverage to 15/30, the premium would be $852.48. He said that he would gowith the option with the $852.48 premium. Then, we re-verified driver assignments on the currentvehicles with Mr. [redacted], after which Mr. [redacted] ended the email conversation. We weren’t able toexplain that his premium would increase to $1,047.48 because of the clarification of the driverassignments; and, therefore, we were unable to bind the policy. On October 28, 2016, we tried again tocontact him to advise him of the change in premium, but did not receive a response.On October 29, 2016, we contacted Mr. [redacted] again, and he declined the insurance.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on November 14, 2016.We understand that he has additional concerns regarding his claim.We have concluded our investigation of the loss that [redacted] reported to us on June 24, 2016. Ourcorrespondence to [redacted] informing him of our decision is being finalized and will be sent to him withinthe upcoming week.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on July 13, 2016. We understand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.Ms. ** was involved in an auto accident on May 14, 2015. She advised us she was injured in the loss, but did not receive any medical treatment following the accident and travelled internationally for a period of time post-accident. After a gap of 42 days, Ms. ** sought medical treatment. She is asking that we consider all medical costs she incurred as well as reimbursement for her lost time. We extended offers to Ms. **, but explained we cannot consider all the medical charges she incurred due to the gap between the accident date and her treatment dates. She is currently considering our most recent offer of July 11, 2016.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. 5183.Sincerely,
Thank you for sending the third follow-up to Mr. [redacted]’s complaint, which we received on January 5,2016.As we have said before, if Mr. [redacted] does not submit proof of insurance to show his daughter, [redacted], hasmatching Bodily Injury limits to his, we are unable to remove her from the policy.We understand that on January 6, 2016, Mr. [redacted] reduced his coverage with our company; however, weare still without proof of insurance in the form of a declarations page from [redacted]’s insurance company.If Mr. [redacted] does not submit the appropriate proof of insurance for [redacted], it may result in the non-renewalof his automobile policy.This response, in addition to our two previous responses, addresses Mr. [redacted]’s complaint in its entirety,and we have no additional information to provide. This matter has been reviewed thoroughly, and werespectfully maintain our decision.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].Sincerely,Mathew [redacted]Mathew [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on November 24, 2015. We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.We made a $4,477.60 settlement offer to Mr. [redacted] for the total loss...
damages to his 2002 Volvo on November 5, 2015; that same day we sent payment of $3,809.48 to his lienholder, [redacted]. The remaining $668.12 was withheld until we received some completed paperwork from Mr. [redacted]. We sent those documents on November 12, 2015, via overnight mail.We did not receive the completed paperwork, so we called Mr. [redacted] on November 20, 2015. He explained he has issues receiving his mail due to his location. During this conversation, he did not mention any other unpaid amounts.On December 1, 2015, the paperwork we had sent was returned marked undeliverable. The next day, we sent it to a post office box number that Mr. [redacted] had provided. We are still awaiting the signed documents.We are willing to discuss the $250 towing charge and $800 vehicle balance that Mr. [redacted] describes in his complaint. However, it is possible that Mr. [redacted] simply stated the incorrect amount regarding the vehicle balance, and the $800 to which he refers is actually the $668.12 payment. If so, as we previously explained, we will pay this amount once we receive the signed documents. Regardless, we will contact Mr. [redacted] to discuss both issues – but, in the meantime, Mr. [redacted] should send us receipts or documents to verify any additional charges.Regarding Mr. [redacted]’ refund, Mr. [redacted] requested the cancellation of his automobile policy on November 19, 2015, and the next day we issued a credit for $87.24 to his Visa card ending in 6096. We have documentation, including a transaction number, that this credit was applied to his card.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on November 4,2015. We understand that she would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was not renewed .We appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.Ms. [redacted]'s policy was not renewed on...
October 28,2015, due to a material increase in liability risk aswe were unable to complete the interior electrical, heating and plumbing inspection of the home. Thisinspection was ordered to confirm that all major systems in the home were free of defects and in safeoperating condition since the home is 95 years old.Over the course of a year, a total of three different inspections were ordered. Each inspector made threeattempts to make an appointment with Ms. [redacted]. All nine of the attempts to reach her to schedule theinspection were unsuccessful.In compliance with the non-renewal notification timeframe, notice of the policy's non-renewal wasmailed to Ms. [redacted] on August 25, 2015 . This notice advised we would continue the policy if theinterior inspection of the home was completed prior to the policy expiration date.In effort to try and resolve the complaint directly with Ms. [redacted], we placed two additional calls. Wehave exchanged messages and are working with her to confirm ifthere have been any updates to theinterior electrical, heating or plumbing systems, and the year those updates were completed. Providedthat these systems meet our guidelines and there have been no losses, Ms. [redacted]'s policy will bereinstated without a lapse in coverage.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at I ###-###-#### , Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. Guruprasad [redacted], which we received onNovember 27, 2017. We understand that he would like additional details surrounding a change inpremium. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.On July 27, 2017, Mr. [redacted] questioned the rate...
increase on his policy, and we explained that theincrease was due to a surcharge for an at-fault accident. We transferred him to Claims to dispute the atfaultaccident.On August 4, 2017, we updated the at-fault accident to a not-at-fault accident, which decreased thepremium from $815 to $660. We credited $155 to the credit card on file.On September 9, 2017, Mr. [redacted] called to question the rate increase for his September 25, 2017,renewal. He asked if the increase was due to the accident being rated as an at-fault versus a not-at-faultaccident. We verified that the accident was still erroneously listed as at-fault and updated it to be rated asnot-at-fault; the premium decreased from $812 to $659.On September 26, 2017, Mr. [redacted] called to question why we took the payment of $812 from hiscredit card when the amount owed was $659. We explained that since the payment was already set up for$812 prior to the change, the system took the payment of $812 and a credit of $153 was being issued thatsame day. Mr. [redacted] stated that was fine. We also reviewed his policy and added a garaging and sideairbag discount, which decreased his premium to $650. A separate credit of $9 was issued to his creditcard.On October 10, 2017, we received a charge of $162 from Mr. [redacted]’s credit card company becauseMr. [redacted] had disputed this amount with his credit card. Since we had already refunded the amountof $162 ($153 for accident update and $9 for discounts added), and were now charged another $162, Mr.[redacted] now owed the $162 back to us. We mailed a legal notice proof of mail stating the amount of$162 was due by October 25, 2017 or his policy would cancel due to nonpayment.On October 31, 2017, Mr. [redacted]’s policy canceled due to nonpayment, effective October 25, 2017. Acancellation notice was mailed to Mr. [redacted].On November 21, 2017, Mr. [redacted] questioned why his policy canceled. We explained theoutstanding amount due of $162 was not received. He stated he did not receive a legal notice; he onlyreceived the cancel notice. We reviewed the policy and advised Mr. [redacted] that he did not qualify forreinstatement due to the lapse in coverage. We transferred Mr. [redacted] to our in-house agency for anew policy. Mr. [redacted] called back requesting to reinstate the policy since he was not notified of thepending cancellation. We explained that we did attempt to make a courtesy call and mailed the notice onOctober 10, 2017. Mr. [redacted] stated that if we are unable to reach him by phone, we should haveemailed him. We explained that we do not email pending cancel notices; they need to be mailed.On November 22, 2017, Mr. [redacted] called to request his policy be reinstated since he paid thepremium in full of $812. We explained that the charge for $162 was given back to him by his credit cardcompany (from us) after we had already credited his credit card for this amount, (meaning he was creditedthe $162 twice). He said that he was advised by us to call his credit card company to reverse the charges.We checked back on our records for September 26, 2017, and we did not advise him to contact his creditcard company to reverse the overpayment; we had explained that the credit was being applied to his creditcard that day.When reviewing the policy further, we realize the premium was actually being accurately rated for the$812. Mr. [redacted] is eligible for accident forgiveness, as he was not being surcharged for the at-faultaccident. However, the premium increase of $162 was due to the loss of the premier safety discountwhich is also applicable for not-at-fault accidents. As a goodwill gesture, we reached out to Mr.[redacted] to offer to reinstate the policy without a lapse in coverage. We will honor the premium of $650and explained that at his next renewal, his premium will most likely increase due to the loss of thepremier safety discount.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
On October 11, 2016, we received a copy of the complaint you filed with the Weunderstand that you feel there was a delay processing your claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress your concerns.An assignment for your repair estimate and photos was sent to [redacted]...
[redacted] on August 23, 2016. Wecalled [redacted] on September 23rd, September 29th, and October 10th requesting they provide usthe estimate and photos for your vehicle. To date, we have not received the requested documents. Avoicemail was left for you today, October 11, 2016, inquiring if you would like us to continue to requestthe documents from [redacted] or have another shop process the estimate and photos. Please adviseus on how you would like to proceed.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Amy & Becca [redacted], which we received on August19, 2016. We understand that they have concerns about their claim handling. We appreciate theopportunity to address their concerns.We regret that the insureds feel their attempts to communicate with...
us were unsuccessful. We have sharedtheir concerns on this matter with the appropriate leaders and we thank them for bringing this to ourattention.We spoke with our insured, Ms. Amy [redacted], on August 22, 2016 and clarified that choosing acontractor is her decision as the homeowner and that we do not repair the damage or choose thecontractor. If their contractor has questions or concerns, they should contact us to discuss and resolve. Wealso explained that the mitigation company would have cleared all mold, however, if they have concernsthey should definitely contact them to revisit the home.We are confident we have addressed the insured’s concerns, however if you have any remaining questionsabout this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on July 6, 2015. Weunderstand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.Ms. [redacted] filed a home claim on June 9, 2015, with a loss description of...
"black dust all over goods,beds, walls and cabinets." We advised the insured that we would assign an independent appraiser toinspect the damage prior to our coverage determination. We also reviewed the policy langnage, includingthe 17 named perils and amendments, with Ms. [redacted] and emailed a copy of the policy booklet to her.The inspection report and photographs revealed mold growth throughout the home, likely due to a longterm toilet leak and long term siding leak at the deck above the living room. Unfortunately the damage isnot a named peril and, therefore, we were unable to extend coverage for Ms. [redacted] ' loss. We discussedthe results with Ms. [redacted] and followed up with a written explanation outlining the policy language.We are truly sorry that Ms. [redacted] experienced this unfortunate event, and we understand that this is notthe outcome she would like. Regrettably, after reviewing the facts of the loss and our investigation resultsa second time, we respectfully maintain our denial of the claim.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by our insured, Ms. [redacted], which we received on July 2,2015. We understand that she feels there was a delay processing the claim. We appreciate the opportunityto address her concerns.On January 8, 2015, Ms. [redacted] reported an accident in the parking lot at...
[redacted] Medical Center inChula Vista, California. We obtained statements from both drivers who confmned they were both backingout of parking spaces when their vehicles collided. Ms. [redacted] has maintained she had more control of theaisle when the claimant backed into her vehicle.Unfortunately, the claimant's insurance company, AAA Insurance, disagreed with our assessment ofliability and found Ms. [redacted] 100% responsible for backing into their insured's stopped vehicle. We couldnot reach an agreement with AAA as to who was at fault for this accident; therefore, we are sending thecase to Intercompany Arbitration where an independent arbitrator will determine if there is sufficientevidence to recover both Ms. [redacted]'s $500 deductible as well as our payment.On January 27,2015, we explained to Ms. [redacted] that she would be responsible for paying the $500Collision deductible while we paid the remaining $1,766.08 to repair the damage to her vehicle. We saidwe would attempt to recover her deductible from AAA, but we could not guarantee that we would besuccessful.Regardless of who is responsible for the accident, the deductible is owed once repairs are completed. Weimmediately attempt to recover the deductible when our insured is not responsible and the other insurancecompany agrees. However, in the event of a parking lot accident, it is often difficult to place one party atfault rather than the other, particularly when the parties disagree as to how the accident happened.Ms. [redacted] does have the option of pursuing her $500 deductible directly from AAA. Their contactinformation is:[redacted]
[redacted]We understand that Ms. [redacted] is frustrated with the length of lime is taking to recover her deductible. It isalways our intention to resolve all claims quickly, but when a case goes to arbitration, it does requiremore time. We regret that Ms. [redacted] feels there is a delay, but we assure you that it is not in any wayintentional.If you have any questions about this infoffi1ation, you may contact me at ###-###-####5, Ext. ####.Sincerely,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Problem: This is the latest concern relating to our Complaint ID #[redacted], which was closed due to inactivity. Our home had mold damage and we started a claim with Ameriprise on July 5 and have yet to resolve the claim. The latest steps in this process was on September 13, when we sent Ameriprise an estimate from our contractor. Ameriprise has not provided an updated estimate after our contactor sent in their estimate of the work required. Ameriprise left us a message on Monday, September 26, stating they had contacted the contractor with questions. This was our first contract after sending them the estimate, almost two weeks after we sent them the estimate. Our contractor responded to their questions the next morning, Tuesday, September 27. After that, we've had no contact from Ameriprise. We called our claim adjuster on Thursday, September 29, in the morning, left a message. Then, Thursday night, I called and left a message with our adjuster's manager. We haven't received a call back from either. For the last two weeks, our house has been unable to keep a cool temperature and is usually around 85 degrees during the day while we are home, ever though it's set to either 79 or 80. We didn't have this problem until the water damage to the house and the need to remove parts of the walls and ceiling, exposing a bedroom to the attic, causing heat to enter the house from the attic. This is the latest concern. Prior concerns can be referenced in Complaint ID #[redacted] Translate Desired Resolution / Outcome Desired Resolution: Finish the Job select Desired Outcome: Settle on a price with the contractor, so the contractor can start working. Pay hotel costs due to inhospitable conditions, which resulted from the claim.
Amy & Becca [redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business...
in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. Eric [redacted], which we received on January 15, 2016.We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceled. Weappreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.We are unable to continue to offer Mr. [redacted] a...
policy because his vehicle is not garaged at a permanentaddress. Because we are unable to adequately rate for and underwrite this exposure, we cannot continuecoverage.We acknowledge that this must be frustrating for Mr. [redacted], and we are truly sorry we are unable tooffer him coverage. Regrettably, we are unable to change our decision after reviewing this situation asecond time.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. Eric [redacted], which we received on December 29, 2015.We understand that he would like a detailed explanation regarding this billing. We appreciate theopportunity to address his concerns.It is our procedure that when a policy is placed in a pending...
cancel status due to a payment reversal, thepolicy must remain on full payment for the remainder of the policy term.Mr. [redacted] has paid the balance owed on his November 1, 2015 to May 1, 2016, policy term. If Mr. [redacted]would like to update his policy to one of our monthly payment plans, effective for his May 1, 2016renewal term, he just needs to contact our Client Service department prior to May 1, 2016 to update hispolicy.
Thank you for sending the follow
up response to Mr. [redacted]’s complaint which we received on December 3,
2015. We believe our four
previous responses have addressed Mr. [redacted]’s concerns, and we have nothing
further to add.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. Lydia [redacted], which we received on January 29, 2016.We understand that she feels there was a delay processing the claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.We are pleased to advise you that we sent a payment for $415.20 to Ms. [redacted]...
for her diminished valueclaim on February 3, 2016.We adhere to industry standards for each state when determining the amount owed for diminished value.The amount owed is based on the actual case value of the vehicle at the time of loss, which wedetermined to be $9,670.That amount was reduced by a standard 10% loss of value, which resulted in a base figure of $967. Inaddition, we assigned a factor based on the severity of the damage the vehicle sustained (with 1.00 beingthe highest possible); Ms. [redacted]’s vehicle was assessed .80 due to the damage to the rear panel andvehicle frame. We also consider the mileage on the vehicle at the time of the loss and compare it to100,000 miles, which is the maximum mileage for retail sale. Her vehicle had 46,329 miles; therefore, themodifier used was .537. More specifically, the calculations were as follows: KBB Actual Cash Value: $9,670.00Previous Diminished Value Adjustment: $0.00Previous Loss Adjustment: $0.00Adjusted Actual Cash Value: $9,670.00ACV Modifier 10%: x .10Base Diminished Value: $967.00Damage Severity Modifier: x 0.80Mileage Modifier: x 0.537Calculated Diminished Value: $415.20If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on October 17, 2016. Weunderstand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress his concerns.As to the bankruptcy, whether it was filed or not, it is a document that shows what he was going to file.We have no way of knowing what his intentions were when he submitted the doc, or after. What it doesshow is what he was going to claim as assets.With regard to the manner in which he purchases his items. Mr. [redacted] could not support any otherpurchases as he stated he paid cash. He stated that he pays cash for everything. The cash payments arenot supported by bank statements that show he uses credit/debit cards on a regular basis. Something hestated he does not do.Mr. [redacted] has misrepresented material information in the investigation of his claim, and we havetherefore denied his claim.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on September 22, 2016. Weunderstand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress his concerns.[redacted] was involved in an accident with our insured on June 6, 2016. His 2014...
Nissan Armada sustaineddamage in the amount of $1,275.56 that included repairs to refinish to the left rear door molding, repair tothe wheel opening flare, repair and refinish of the running board and blend to adjoining areas. There wasno damage to the vehicle that was structural or that could not be returned to pre-accident condition.Therefore, using the guidelines in place for determining if diminished value owed, we do not see that anydiminishment occurred and therefore, no payment is owed.[redacted] also wants to be paid $600 for four days of car rental. We are in agreement that four days of rentalwere needed for the repair of his vehicle. [redacted] told our representative on July 18, 2016 that he wanted aquote as to rental allowance and then wants a cash-out regarding his rental. We explained in Georgia weowe reasonable rental and if he is seeking a cash-out, we will allow him $17.50 per day for basic rentalvehicle or a total of $70. If he wants to rent a vehicle, we offered to set up a direct bill with Hertz Rentalwhile his vehicle was being repaired and then we would be able to consider a larger rental vehicle forhim. In an attempt to resolve the rental, we offered [redacted] $25.50 per day, the rate of a standard sizevehicle, as a cash out amount. He also discussed these settlement offers with our claims supervisor and[redacted] advised he would contact us once he scheduled his repair appointment with the repair shop. Weheard nothing further from [redacted] until his letter to you. We are prepared to pay him $25.50 for astandard vehicle for four days or $102. If he is seeking payment on a cash-out basis.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. Hector [redacted], which we received on October 24,2016. We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why coverage was not offered.We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.On September 30, 2016, Mr. [redacted] received a...
quote for auto insurance with 50/100 bodily injury limitswith a premium of $1048.48. Due to the driver-to-vehicle ratio (2 drivers with 4 vehicles), we asked Mr.[redacted] to complete an application so our Underwriting department could review it. We received theapplication back on October 10, 2016.On October 11, 2016, our Underwriting department requested missing information and inquired abouttwo additional household members, April [redacted] and Crystal [redacted]. Mr. [redacted] stated that Apriland Crystal are his daughters, who live in the household but have their own vehicles and insurance. Ourunderwriting guidelines require proof of insurance with matching liabilities for both daughters. The proofof insurance we received from Mr. [redacted] shows both daughters have the minimum 15/30 bodily injuryliability coverage, which doesn’t match his requested 50/100 coverage.On October 20, 2016, we contacted Mr. [redacted] by email, giving him two options: to add his daughtersas active drivers to his policy or have his policy match their 15/30 liability. Mr. [redacted] requested bothquotes: one adding both daughters and their vehicles and another with matching coverage of 15/30.Adding both daughters with six vehicles on the policy would increase the premium from $1048 to$2356.22. If he lowered his coverage to 15/30, the premium would be $852.48. He said that he would gowith the option with the $852.48 premium. Then, we re-verified driver assignments on the currentvehicles with Mr. [redacted], after which Mr. [redacted] ended the email conversation. We weren’t able toexplain that his premium would increase to $1,047.48 because of the clarification of the driverassignments; and, therefore, we were unable to bind the policy. On October 28, 2016, we tried again tocontact him to advise him of the change in premium, but did not receive a response.On October 29, 2016, we contacted Mr. [redacted] again, and he declined the insurance.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on November 14, 2016.We understand that he has additional concerns regarding his claim.We have concluded our investigation of the loss that [redacted] reported to us on June 24, 2016. Ourcorrespondence to [redacted] informing him of our decision is being finalized and will be sent to him withinthe upcoming week.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on July 13, 2016. We understand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.Ms. ** was involved in an auto accident on May 14, 2015. She advised us she was injured in the loss, but did not receive any medical treatment following the accident and travelled internationally for a period of time post-accident. After a gap of 42 days, Ms. ** sought medical treatment. She is asking that we consider all medical costs she incurred as well as reimbursement for her lost time. We extended offers to Ms. **, but explained we cannot consider all the medical charges she incurred due to the gap between the accident date and her treatment dates. She is currently considering our most recent offer of July 11, 2016.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. 5183.Sincerely,
Thank you for sending the third follow-up to Mr. [redacted]’s complaint, which we received on January 5,2016.As we have said before, if Mr. [redacted] does not submit proof of insurance to show his daughter, [redacted], hasmatching Bodily Injury limits to his, we are unable to remove her from the policy.We understand that on January 6, 2016, Mr. [redacted] reduced his coverage with our company; however, weare still without proof of insurance in the form of a declarations page from [redacted]’s insurance company.If Mr. [redacted] does not submit the appropriate proof of insurance for [redacted], it may result in the non-renewalof his automobile policy.This response, in addition to our two previous responses, addresses Mr. [redacted]’s complaint in its entirety,and we have no additional information to provide. This matter has been reviewed thoroughly, and werespectfully maintain our decision.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].Sincerely,Mathew [redacted]Mathew [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on November 24, 2015. We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.We made a $4,477.60 settlement offer to Mr. [redacted] for the total loss...
damages to his 2002 Volvo on November 5, 2015; that same day we sent payment of $3,809.48 to his lienholder, [redacted]. The remaining $668.12 was withheld until we received some completed paperwork from Mr. [redacted]. We sent those documents on November 12, 2015, via overnight mail.We did not receive the completed paperwork, so we called Mr. [redacted] on November 20, 2015. He explained he has issues receiving his mail due to his location. During this conversation, he did not mention any other unpaid amounts.On December 1, 2015, the paperwork we had sent was returned marked undeliverable. The next day, we sent it to a post office box number that Mr. [redacted] had provided. We are still awaiting the signed documents.We are willing to discuss the $250 towing charge and $800 vehicle balance that Mr. [redacted] describes in his complaint. However, it is possible that Mr. [redacted] simply stated the incorrect amount regarding the vehicle balance, and the $800 to which he refers is actually the $668.12 payment. If so, as we previously explained, we will pay this amount once we receive the signed documents. Regardless, we will contact Mr. [redacted] to discuss both issues – but, in the meantime, Mr. [redacted] should send us receipts or documents to verify any additional charges.Regarding Mr. [redacted]’ refund, Mr. [redacted] requested the cancellation of his automobile policy on November 19, 2015, and the next day we issued a credit for $87.24 to his Visa card ending in 6096. We have documentation, including a transaction number, that this credit was applied to his card.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on November 4,2015. We understand that she would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was not renewed .We appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.Ms. [redacted]'s policy was not renewed on...
October 28,2015, due to a material increase in liability risk aswe were unable to complete the interior electrical, heating and plumbing inspection of the home. Thisinspection was ordered to confirm that all major systems in the home were free of defects and in safeoperating condition since the home is 95 years old.Over the course of a year, a total of three different inspections were ordered. Each inspector made threeattempts to make an appointment with Ms. [redacted]. All nine of the attempts to reach her to schedule theinspection were unsuccessful.In compliance with the non-renewal notification timeframe, notice of the policy's non-renewal wasmailed to Ms. [redacted] on August 25, 2015 . This notice advised we would continue the policy if theinterior inspection of the home was completed prior to the policy expiration date.In effort to try and resolve the complaint directly with Ms. [redacted], we placed two additional calls. Wehave exchanged messages and are working with her to confirm ifthere have been any updates to theinterior electrical, heating or plumbing systems, and the year those updates were completed. Providedthat these systems meet our guidelines and there have been no losses, Ms. [redacted]'s policy will bereinstated without a lapse in coverage.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at I ###-###-#### , Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. Guruprasad [redacted], which we received onNovember 27, 2017. We understand that he would like additional details surrounding a change inpremium. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.On July 27, 2017, Mr. [redacted] questioned the rate...
increase on his policy, and we explained that theincrease was due to a surcharge for an at-fault accident. We transferred him to Claims to dispute the atfaultaccident.On August 4, 2017, we updated the at-fault accident to a not-at-fault accident, which decreased thepremium from $815 to $660. We credited $155 to the credit card on file.On September 9, 2017, Mr. [redacted] called to question the rate increase for his September 25, 2017,renewal. He asked if the increase was due to the accident being rated as an at-fault versus a not-at-faultaccident. We verified that the accident was still erroneously listed as at-fault and updated it to be rated asnot-at-fault; the premium decreased from $812 to $659.On September 26, 2017, Mr. [redacted] called to question why we took the payment of $812 from hiscredit card when the amount owed was $659. We explained that since the payment was already set up for$812 prior to the change, the system took the payment of $812 and a credit of $153 was being issued thatsame day. Mr. [redacted] stated that was fine. We also reviewed his policy and added a garaging and sideairbag discount, which decreased his premium to $650. A separate credit of $9 was issued to his creditcard.On October 10, 2017, we received a charge of $162 from Mr. [redacted]’s credit card company becauseMr. [redacted] had disputed this amount with his credit card. Since we had already refunded the amountof $162 ($153 for accident update and $9 for discounts added), and were now charged another $162, Mr.[redacted] now owed the $162 back to us. We mailed a legal notice proof of mail stating the amount of$162 was due by October 25, 2017 or his policy would cancel due to nonpayment.On October 31, 2017, Mr. [redacted]’s policy canceled due to nonpayment, effective October 25, 2017. Acancellation notice was mailed to Mr. [redacted].On November 21, 2017, Mr. [redacted] questioned why his policy canceled. We explained theoutstanding amount due of $162 was not received. He stated he did not receive a legal notice; he onlyreceived the cancel notice. We reviewed the policy and advised Mr. [redacted] that he did not qualify forreinstatement due to the lapse in coverage. We transferred Mr. [redacted] to our in-house agency for anew policy. Mr. [redacted] called back requesting to reinstate the policy since he was not notified of thepending cancellation. We explained that we did attempt to make a courtesy call and mailed the notice onOctober 10, 2017. Mr. [redacted] stated that if we are unable to reach him by phone, we should haveemailed him. We explained that we do not email pending cancel notices; they need to be mailed.On November 22, 2017, Mr. [redacted] called to request his policy be reinstated since he paid thepremium in full of $812. We explained that the charge for $162 was given back to him by his credit cardcompany (from us) after we had already credited his credit card for this amount, (meaning he was creditedthe $162 twice). He said that he was advised by us to call his credit card company to reverse the charges.We checked back on our records for September 26, 2017, and we did not advise him to contact his creditcard company to reverse the overpayment; we had explained that the credit was being applied to his creditcard that day.When reviewing the policy further, we realize the premium was actually being accurately rated for the$812. Mr. [redacted] is eligible for accident forgiveness, as he was not being surcharged for the at-faultaccident. However, the premium increase of $162 was due to the loss of the premier safety discountwhich is also applicable for not-at-fault accidents. As a goodwill gesture, we reached out to Mr.[redacted] to offer to reinstate the policy without a lapse in coverage. We will honor the premium of $650and explained that at his next renewal, his premium will most likely increase due to the loss of thepremier safety discount.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
On October 11, 2016, we received a copy of the complaint you filed with the Weunderstand that you feel there was a delay processing your claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress your concerns.An assignment for your repair estimate and photos was sent to [redacted]...
[redacted] on August 23, 2016. Wecalled [redacted] on September 23rd, September 29th, and October 10th requesting they provide usthe estimate and photos for your vehicle. To date, we have not received the requested documents. Avoicemail was left for you today, October 11, 2016, inquiring if you would like us to continue to requestthe documents from [redacted] or have another shop process the estimate and photos. Please adviseus on how you would like to proceed.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Amy & Becca [redacted], which we received on August19, 2016. We understand that they have concerns about their claim handling. We appreciate theopportunity to address their concerns.We regret that the insureds feel their attempts to communicate with...
us were unsuccessful. We have sharedtheir concerns on this matter with the appropriate leaders and we thank them for bringing this to ourattention.We spoke with our insured, Ms. Amy [redacted], on August 22, 2016 and clarified that choosing acontractor is her decision as the homeowner and that we do not repair the damage or choose thecontractor. If their contractor has questions or concerns, they should contact us to discuss and resolve. Wealso explained that the mitigation company would have cleared all mold, however, if they have concernsthey should definitely contact them to revisit the home.We are confident we have addressed the insured’s concerns, however if you have any remaining questionsabout this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on July 6, 2015. Weunderstand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.Ms. [redacted] filed a home claim on June 9, 2015, with a loss description of...
"black dust all over goods,beds, walls and cabinets." We advised the insured that we would assign an independent appraiser toinspect the damage prior to our coverage determination. We also reviewed the policy langnage, includingthe 17 named perils and amendments, with Ms. [redacted] and emailed a copy of the policy booklet to her.The inspection report and photographs revealed mold growth throughout the home, likely due to a longterm toilet leak and long term siding leak at the deck above the living room. Unfortunately the damage isnot a named peril and, therefore, we were unable to extend coverage for Ms. [redacted] ' loss. We discussedthe results with Ms. [redacted] and followed up with a written explanation outlining the policy language.We are truly sorry that Ms. [redacted] experienced this unfortunate event, and we understand that this is notthe outcome she would like. Regrettably, after reviewing the facts of the loss and our investigation resultsa second time, we respectfully maintain our denial of the claim.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by our insured, Ms. [redacted], which we received on July 2,2015. We understand that she feels there was a delay processing the claim. We appreciate the opportunityto address her concerns.On January 8, 2015, Ms. [redacted] reported an accident in the parking lot at...
[redacted] Medical Center inChula Vista, California. We obtained statements from both drivers who confmned they were both backingout of parking spaces when their vehicles collided. Ms. [redacted] has maintained she had more control of theaisle when the claimant backed into her vehicle.Unfortunately, the claimant's insurance company, AAA Insurance, disagreed with our assessment ofliability and found Ms. [redacted] 100% responsible for backing into their insured's stopped vehicle. We couldnot reach an agreement with AAA as to who was at fault for this accident; therefore, we are sending thecase to Intercompany Arbitration where an independent arbitrator will determine if there is sufficientevidence to recover both Ms. [redacted]'s $500 deductible as well as our payment.On January 27,2015, we explained to Ms. [redacted] that she would be responsible for paying the $500Collision deductible while we paid the remaining $1,766.08 to repair the damage to her vehicle. We saidwe would attempt to recover her deductible from AAA, but we could not guarantee that we would besuccessful.Regardless of who is responsible for the accident, the deductible is owed once repairs are completed. Weimmediately attempt to recover the deductible when our insured is not responsible and the other insurancecompany agrees. However, in the event of a parking lot accident, it is often difficult to place one party atfault rather than the other, particularly when the parties disagree as to how the accident happened.Ms. [redacted] does have the option of pursuing her $500 deductible directly from AAA. Their contactinformation is:[redacted]
[redacted]We understand that Ms. [redacted] is frustrated with the length of lime is taking to recover her deductible. It isalways our intention to resolve all claims quickly, but when a case goes to arbitration, it does requiremore time. We regret that Ms. [redacted] feels there is a delay, but we assure you that it is not in any wayintentional.If you have any questions about this infoffi1ation, you may contact me at ###-###-####5, Ext. ####.Sincerely,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
Problem: This is the latest concern relating to our Complaint ID #[redacted], which was closed due to inactivity. Our home had mold damage and we started a claim with Ameriprise on July 5 and have yet to resolve the claim. The latest steps in this process was on September 13, when we sent Ameriprise an estimate from our contractor. Ameriprise has not provided an updated estimate after our contactor sent in their estimate of the work required. Ameriprise left us a message on Monday, September 26, stating they had contacted the contractor with questions. This was our first contract after sending them the estimate, almost two weeks after we sent them the estimate. Our contractor responded to their questions the next morning, Tuesday, September 27. After that, we've had no contact from Ameriprise. We called our claim adjuster on Thursday, September 29, in the morning, left a message. Then, Thursday night, I called and left a message with our adjuster's manager. We haven't received a call back from either. For the last two weeks, our house has been unable to keep a cool temperature and is usually around 85 degrees during the day while we are home, ever though it's set to either 79 or 80. We didn't have this problem until the water damage to the house and the need to remove parts of the walls and ceiling, exposing a bedroom to the attic, causing heat to enter the house from the attic. This is the latest concern. Prior concerns can be referenced in Complaint ID #[redacted] Translate Desired Resolution / Outcome Desired Resolution: Finish the Job select Desired Outcome: Settle on a price with the contractor, so the contractor can start working. Pay hotel costs due to inhospitable conditions, which resulted from the claim.
Amy & Becca [redacted]
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business...
in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. Eric [redacted], which we received on January 15, 2016.We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceled. Weappreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.We are unable to continue to offer Mr. [redacted] a...
policy because his vehicle is not garaged at a permanentaddress. Because we are unable to adequately rate for and underwrite this exposure, we cannot continuecoverage.We acknowledge that this must be frustrating for Mr. [redacted], and we are truly sorry we are unable tooffer him coverage. Regrettably, we are unable to change our decision after reviewing this situation asecond time.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####.
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. Eric [redacted], which we received on December 29, 2015.We understand that he would like a detailed explanation regarding this billing. We appreciate theopportunity to address his concerns.It is our procedure that when a policy is placed in a pending...
cancel status due to a payment reversal, thepolicy must remain on full payment for the remainder of the policy term.Mr. [redacted] has paid the balance owed on his November 1, 2015 to May 1, 2016, policy term. If Mr. [redacted]would like to update his policy to one of our monthly payment plans, effective for his May 1, 2016renewal term, he just needs to contact our Client Service department prior to May 1, 2016 to update hispolicy.
Thank you for sending the follow
up response to Mr. [redacted]’s complaint which we received on December 3,
2015. We believe our four
previous responses have addressed Mr. [redacted]’s concerns, and we have nothing
further to add.