I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I reject the business response because Ameriprise has not
been able to provide me with any real evidence to support their decisionIn
addition, the business has not been able to offer me with any reasoning that involves
certain business principle to support their determination, based on the same
water leaking incident, not to pay for the damages inside the wall while paying
for the damages inside the ceilingAnother reason I filed this complain is the
way Ameriprise has handled my claimBefore I filed this complain, it took me a
lot of time to send four letters to provide evidences to support my claimThe
reason I had to send those letters because each time I provided the claim
office with an evidence to support my claim, the office came back with a new
and different reason to deny my claim! There has been four or five different
reasons and some of them are unrelated, given to me over the phone as a message
in my phoneI tried to call back and I always got a phone mail boxI then
left a message and I have never received any call back from the messages I left
in the phone mail boxI called the main number and no one was willing to help
because my claim was assigned to a person with an extension I tried to reachI
want everyone who are reading this to understand this is a very small claim and
I have spent a lot of time on this because I believe in principal that separate
a good business from a not so good businessI want to take this opportunity to
thank the for your help and make the consumer aware of
this incident.
*** ***
We are writing in response to the follletter from our insured, Mr*** ***, which we received onJanuary 22, 2016.We regret that Mr*** continues to disagree with our decision on his claimWe have clearly outlinedour findings and the basis for our claim decision in our previous responses, and we maintain that position.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by *** *** **, which we received on November 3,2015.We understand that she would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceledWeappreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.On August 17, 2015, *** ** called to inform us she had
purchased a new home located at *** *** *** *** and verified this would be her new primary residenceWe informedher she would need to obtain a new policy for the residence located at *** *** *** ***,*** ***, because we would not be able to continue the insurance after October 1, 2015, since itwould no longer be owner occupied or her primary residence.On August 18,2015, we issued policy #*** effective September 30,2015, for the residencelocated on *** ***, and we ***.Later that day, we mailed a letter informing *** ** that policy #*** for the residence located on*** *** *** was scheduled to expire at 12:a.mon October 1, 2015, because the property wasnot owner occupied; therefore, it did not qualifY for coverage.October 1, 2015, at 12:a.m., policy #*** expired.We did not have any verbal communication with *** ** between August 18,and October 9,2015,at which time she called and requested the cancellation of policy #*** effective September 30,She said she had obtained coverage with a different company because they were able to provide alower rate.On October 14, 2015, *** ** requested reinstatement of policy #HIWe informed her that dueto the lapse in coverage we would be unable to reinstate the policy, but we would offer a quote for a newpolicy.Later that day, *** *** **, *** **'s daughter, called and requested a quote for the property located on*** *** ***We provided quote #***We informed *** ** that prior to issuing thenew policy we would need:
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on July 17,Weunderstand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claimWe appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.We received the notice ofloss from Ms*** on November 25, 2014, with a date
ofloss of November24,Upon receiving the claim, we assigned ICA Claims to contact Ms*** and discuss the scopeof damage and complete an on-site inspectionICA inspected the home on December 2, 2014, and foundwind damage to the front and right slopes of the roofICA estimated to replace the two slopes due to theobserved damage.ICA completed a re-inspection on March 25, 2015, with Ms***'s contractor, Mr*** *** of ***
*** During that inspection, Mr*** agreed with the scope of damage as a result of the winddamageWe are aware that Mr*** is estimating to replace the roof, but the damage due to wind doesnot warrant a full roof replacementThe policy does not afford coverage to replacement the roof if theoriginal shingle is no longer available.We regret that this is not the decision Ms***s would have liked, but after reviewing her situation asecond time, we respectfully maintain our decisionWe have issued payment to her based on the rCAestimate of$6,less the $1,policy deductible
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by MsKiley ** ***, which we received on February 15,We understand that she would like additional details surrounding a change in premiumWeappreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.The changes to Ms***’s premium are due to a rate
revision that was filed with the ***Department of Insurance and became effective for policy terms beginning on or after May 5, Theoverall change for our homeowners program was 9.7%; however, the realignment of our rates affects eachpolicyholder differently based on the individual characteristics of the policy.Ms*** indicated in her letter that her premium increased from $to $1,425.35, which isaccurateThe overall increase from the previous policy term is $860.38, or 152.3%The policy renewalwas mailed on July 30, and a billing reminder notice was sent on August 26, She has sincedecided to cancel the policy, effective January 12, 2016.Statistical data is collected and analyzed periodically to determine if the rates being charged are adequateto cover future losses and operating expensesOur analysis showed that a rate increase was necessary tosupport our projected claims and operating expenses in ***, and the impact of our filed changesimpacted each policyholder differently; unfortunately, in Ms***’s case it was a significant increase.The analysis involved an evaluation of many important insurance risk factors, such as: the exposure to allof the various perils covered by the homeowner’s policy, the geographic location of each risk, and thespecific characteristics of the insured dwelling and homeownerThe rate increase was necessary for us tocontinue to provide the same high-quality, comprehensive coverage on which our clients have come torely.We understand that an increase of any amount is a difficult message to receive, but we must occasionallymake rate adjustments to align the premiums we charge with the risks we insureWe regret that Ms.*** is unsatisfied with our explanation, but we are unable to provide a refund of any kind for thecoverage we provided.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####
Thank you for your July 13, 2015, follletter regarding the complaint filed by Mr*** ***.We appreciate the opportunity to provide additional information.We reviewed Mr***'s policy and confirmed that we sent all the appropriate notices to him regardingthe automatic credit card withdrawal and pending cancellation of his policyWhen we subsequently didnot receive payment, the policy cancelled on June 15, 2015, for non-payment of premium and we mailedthe appropriate cancellation notice to him.We understand that this is not the outcome Mr*** would like; however, after reviewing the facts ofthe matter a second time, we respectfully maintain our decision not to reinstate the policy.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at * *** *** * *** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
The letter in response to my complaint repeatedly addresses a "Ms***." Given that I am Dr***, this indicates any one of three things: 1- Ameriprise has clearly billed the wrong customer, and I would like to be reimbursed for the payment I made to them, which I made solely to protect my credit from this slanderous accusation of nonpayment- Ameriprise has inadvertently forgotten to check their spellingSuch sloppiness could perhaps be why I did not receive any letters from them until letters dated in December, which I received on January 9thI would like to be reimbursed for the payment I made since the delay in notification was clearly their error and had they properly checked the spelling on their mailings, I would have cancelled the policy before any charges had been dueOr, - Ameriprise is being intentionally rude, in which case I still would like to be reimbursed for the payment I made since they failed to contact me properly before billing me for a policy they had no right to bill me for. With regard to the specific allegations in the response: Bullets and states that a new renters policy packet was mailedNo such packet arrived at my address*** ***'s mail was forwarded to her address, thus any correspondence with her never arrived at my homeAmeriprise FAILED to mail any such packet to meBullet indicates a time at which Ameriprise could have asked Ms*** for my contact information, but failed to do soAt this time they also FAILED to notify me by mail of the change. Bullets and indicate a time at which Ameriprise failed to obtain my contact information from Ms***, and unfortunately Ms*** was deceitful as my contact information has not changed in fifteen yearsHowever, these are also times at which Ameriprise FAILED to notify me by mail (contact information which they ultimately successfully used)Bullet indicates a notification by mail which also failed to arrive, perhaps due to the sloppy spelling noted above. Bullets and indicate letters sent, which were actually received by me, notifying me for the very first time of this policyFinally, I reiterate that Ameriprise FAILED to notify me of this changeThe change was made by Ms*** when she had no authorization to change any policy on my behalfAfter failing to contact me by phone, email or otherwise to renew the policy, Ameriprise should have cancelled this policy rather than renewing it, then subsequently charging me for the interim payment. Ameriprise FAILED to uphold its duty to notify its (in this case, unwilling) customer of a policy change in time for any action to be taken to prevent unnecessary chargesI am therefore not satisfied with their ongoing justification of my debt.
*** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on October 27, 2015.We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceledWeappreciate the opportunity to address his concerns, and feel the following timeline will help
provideclarification.• On July 25,2015, we mailed Mr***'s renewal bill, indicating we would automatically charge thecredit card that had been provided $each month on the sixth day of each month, starting inSeptember.• On September 6, 2015, we collected the payment of $440.20.• On October 6, 2015, we attempted payment on the same credit card for $440.20, but the charge wasdeclined.• On October 7,2015, we mailed a pending cancellation letter to Mr***, indicating that the policywould cancel for nonpayment of premium on October 22,at 12:a.m.• On October 22, 2015, the policy cancelled at 12:a.mfor nonpayment of premium.• On October 26, 2015, we mailed a cancellation letter to Mr***, indicating that the policy hadcancelled effective October 22, We also indicated that there was an outstanding balance of$on the policy.That same day, Ms*** *** contacted us to review reinstating her policy, and she spoke to asupervisorWe declined the request because there was a lapse in coverage and break in the contractwhen the policy cancelled for nonpayment of premiumLater, Mr*** contacted us to requestreinstatementWe declined for the reasons previously explained.• On October 30, IS, Mr*** spoke to another supervisor, and we declined the request forreinstatement againMr*** then requested to speak to a senior supervisor.On October 31,2015, a senior supervisor contacted Mr*** to discuss the policyMr*** wasunavailable, so we left a voicemail message advising that the policy has been reviewed and we wouldnot be able to offer reinstatementWe also advised of the outstanding balance of $.09.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***
Dear Mr***:Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***,
which we received on November 12, We understand that
would like additional details surrounding a change in premiumWe
appreciate the opportunity to address
concerns and believe the following timeline will help provide
clarification.On June 26, 2015, we mailed Ms*** a Preauthorized Withdrawal Notice informing her that starting on July 15, 2015, we would be withdrawing $monthly from her checking account, regarding her Texas auto policy AI02605087.On September 12, 2015, Ms*** called to notify us that she moved to ArizonaPer Ms***’s request, we cancelled her Texas auto policy and started her Arizona auto policy effective September 15, That same day, we mailed Ms*** a Preauthorized
Withdrawal Notice informing her that we would be withdrawing $monthly
from her checking account starting on September 15, 2015, for her first
installment for her Arizona auto policyOn September 15, 2015, Ms*** was charged $for her September 15, monthly installment on her Texas auto policy. After the installment was charged, we then cancelled the Texas auto policy and credited her account $408.20, which was the prorated amount dueOn November 4, 2015, Ms***’s Arizona auto policy was cancelled in error, and she was credited $270.89. On November 10, 2015, Ms*** called and requested to have her policy reinstated. The policy was reinstated effective November 4, 2015. We explained that the $would have to be billed along with the monthly payment of $433.50. On November 11, 2015, Ms*** called and requested the $be waived. We said we would be willing to make payment arrangements to help pay off the balance due in installments, but we were not able to waive itMs*** called a second time that day to request
the policy be cancelled, which resulted in a total amount due of $We regret that Ms
***’s policy was canceled in error, and that the charges and refunds were
not explained to her satisfaction.If you have any questions about this
information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***Sincerely, *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
IDS Property Casualty Insurance CompanyAmeriprise Auto & Home Insurance
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by MsKristina ***, which we received on January 4, 2016.We understand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claimWe appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.Ms*** sustained interior damage to her condominium, on November 7,
2015, resulting from rainwaterMs*** carries a policy that covers named perils (i.e., named causes of loss)Therefore, in orderto cover any damage to the property, the damage must result from one of the perils named in the policy.Rain water or a rainstorm is not a named peril; therefore, we denied Ms***’s claim.As we explained to Ms***, if wind or hail associated with the rain creates an opening through whichwater or rain enters and damage results, it would be covered under the policyFor reference, the policystates:Perils we insure againstWe cover risk of direct physical loss to property insured under the Dwelling and Personal Property Coveragescaused by any of the following perils unless the loss is excluded elsewhere under this policy:Fire or lightningWindstorm or hail.This does not include loss:a) to property within the interior of a building or to the interior of a building caused by rain, snow, sand, sleetor dust unless the building is first damaged by the direct force of wind or hail, creating an openingthrough which the rain, snow, sand, sleet or dust enters;We are truly sorry Ms*** had to experience this unfortunate event, and we understand that this is notthe outcome she would have likedRegrettably, in the absence of any new evidence, we are unable tochange our decision based on the facts of this loss and the policy language.We also regret that Ms*** feels her calls were not returned in a timely mannerWe will review thisfeedback and provide additional training to the representative involved to improve future interactions
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on October 4,
We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why coverage was not offered
We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns
We spoke with *** *** on
October 4, 2016, and he advised us that Enterprise rent a car
will reimburse him the $in regards to the damage windshield on his rental vehicleI advised the
insured that we will reimburse him the remainder of the $
We explained to *** *** that the reason why we had not reimbursed him initially was
because we had not received the signed rental agreement from Enterprise rent a carEnterprise later
confirmed to that they do not provide or require signed agreements after rental is closedReimbursement
payment in the amount of $to Mr*** *** was made on October 11,
If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on June 25,We understand that she would like a refund for the addition of the and Retired discount on herJuly 27,2014, to July 27, 2015, policy term.On June 24, 2015, we issued a credit of $to Ms
***'s checking account.We apologize for the inadvertent delay in issuing the credit and any frustration we may have caused Ms.***We are pleased the matter was brought to amenable resolution.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by MrEric ***, which we received on February 17, 2016.We believe our previous responses have explained our positionWe have no new information to provideat this time.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]The settlement amount though lower than the original estimate is acceptable as agreed to by our contractorAt this point, I'd like to note Ameriprise has not explained why or apologized for this process taking so longAlso I would like to note Ameriprise had to issue three payments because they kept changing the "agreed upon" amount after verbal conversationsFinally, the vague communications with our Ameriprise representative Jessie Uliana left us believing it was Ameriprise's goal to pay nothing or as little as possibleI do not believe this service deserves an A+ ratingI am confident we would still be struggling with this claim if not for the involvement; my contractor and I both intend to limit our future business with Ameriprise Insurance
Thank you,
*** ***
It is unfortunate that Matthew and the Ameriprise team feel they above reproach and don't need to practice good customer serviceas I have stated previously they would need to contact *** *** for her insurance informationTo date I am unaware of any attempts to contact *** *** regarding her insuranceregardless, I lowered my insurance policy coverage to the state minimumAs Ameriprise is aware *** *** has auto insurance since they have talked to her insurance company, they would also know that it would be impossible for her insurance to be less than mine given I lowered my coverage to the minimumyet they are unwilling to remove her from my policyalso, to date I have never received anything from them stating I have to provide them with that coverage informationI just have somebody saying thatAs I previously stated this is unacceptable therefore my complaint will standI expect this complaint will be reflected on their permanent accreditation rating.Thank You*** ***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.What happened was my original insurer "out-sourced" my policy to ameriprise (it's a separate issue, i'll start another case addressing that), and upon the expiration date of my policy, Ameriprise automatically renewed it without my consensus (i have not received any email or mailing notice about this), that's the whole processI've contacted an agent and the policy has been canceled immediately with the refund.I've done some research and it seems that policy-automatic-renew by insurer is still a grey areaA huge amount of consumer complaint against insurance company is about automatic renew and so far there's been no legal case yet, so "legally" your insurer can still charge you the premium without you knowing itAnd this is really not cool and not how a business should be likeI've had home insurance with many other companies and for every single one of them, the policy is always "if you don't renew, it terminates automatically".That's it
*** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I reject the business response because Ameriprise has not
been able to provide me with any real evidence to support their decisionIn
addition, the business has not been able to offer me with any reasoning that involves
certain business principle to support their determination, based on the same
water leaking incident, not to pay for the damages inside the wall while paying
for the damages inside the ceilingAnother reason I filed this complain is the
way Ameriprise has handled my claimBefore I filed this complain, it took me a
lot of time to send four letters to provide evidences to support my claimThe
reason I had to send those letters because each time I provided the claim
office with an evidence to support my claim, the office came back with a new
and different reason to deny my claim! There has been four or five different
reasons and some of them are unrelated, given to me over the phone as a message
in my phoneI tried to call back and I always got a phone mail boxI then
left a message and I have never received any call back from the messages I left
in the phone mail boxI called the main number and no one was willing to help
because my claim was assigned to a person with an extension I tried to reachI
want everyone who are reading this to understand this is a very small claim and
I have spent a lot of time on this because I believe in principal that separate
a good business from a not so good businessI want to take this opportunity to
thank the for your help and make the consumer aware of
this incident.
*** ***
We are writing in response to the follletter from our insured, Mr*** ***, which we received onJanuary 22, 2016.We regret that Mr*** continues to disagree with our decision on his claimWe have clearly outlinedour findings and the basis for our claim decision in our previous responses, and we maintain that position.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***
Thank you
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by *** *** **, which we received on November 3,2015.We understand that she would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceledWeappreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.On August 17, 2015, *** ** called to inform us she had
purchased a new home located at *** *** *** *** and verified this would be her new primary residenceWe informedher she would need to obtain a new policy for the residence located at *** *** *** ***,*** ***, because we would not be able to continue the insurance after October 1, 2015, since itwould no longer be owner occupied or her primary residence.On August 18,2015, we issued policy #*** effective September 30,2015, for the residencelocated on *** ***, and we ***.Later that day, we mailed a letter informing *** ** that policy #*** for the residence located on*** *** *** was scheduled to expire at 12:a.mon October 1, 2015, because the property wasnot owner occupied; therefore, it did not qualifY for coverage.October 1, 2015, at 12:a.m., policy #*** expired.We did not have any verbal communication with *** ** between August 18,and October 9,2015,at which time she called and requested the cancellation of policy #*** effective September 30,She said she had obtained coverage with a different company because they were able to provide alower rate.On October 14, 2015, *** ** requested reinstatement of policy #HIWe informed her that dueto the lapse in coverage we would be unable to reinstate the policy, but we would offer a quote for a newpolicy.Later that day, *** *** **, *** **'s daughter, called and requested a quote for the property located on*** *** ***We provided quote #***We informed *** ** that prior to issuing thenew policy we would need:
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on July 17,Weunderstand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claimWe appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.We received the notice ofloss from Ms*** on November 25, 2014, with a date
ofloss of November24,Upon receiving the claim, we assigned ICA Claims to contact Ms*** and discuss the scopeof damage and complete an on-site inspectionICA inspected the home on December 2, 2014, and foundwind damage to the front and right slopes of the roofICA estimated to replace the two slopes due to theobserved damage.ICA completed a re-inspection on March 25, 2015, with Ms***'s contractor, Mr*** *** of ***
*** During that inspection, Mr*** agreed with the scope of damage as a result of the winddamageWe are aware that Mr*** is estimating to replace the roof, but the damage due to wind doesnot warrant a full roof replacementThe policy does not afford coverage to replacement the roof if theoriginal shingle is no longer available.We regret that this is not the decision Ms***s would have liked, but after reviewing her situation asecond time, we respectfully maintain our decisionWe have issued payment to her based on the rCAestimate of$6,less the $1,policy deductible
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by MsKiley ** ***, which we received on February 15,We understand that she would like additional details surrounding a change in premiumWeappreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.The changes to Ms***’s premium are due to a rate
revision that was filed with the ***Department of Insurance and became effective for policy terms beginning on or after May 5, Theoverall change for our homeowners program was 9.7%; however, the realignment of our rates affects eachpolicyholder differently based on the individual characteristics of the policy.Ms*** indicated in her letter that her premium increased from $to $1,425.35, which isaccurateThe overall increase from the previous policy term is $860.38, or 152.3%The policy renewalwas mailed on July 30, and a billing reminder notice was sent on August 26, She has sincedecided to cancel the policy, effective January 12, 2016.Statistical data is collected and analyzed periodically to determine if the rates being charged are adequateto cover future losses and operating expensesOur analysis showed that a rate increase was necessary tosupport our projected claims and operating expenses in ***, and the impact of our filed changesimpacted each policyholder differently; unfortunately, in Ms***’s case it was a significant increase.The analysis involved an evaluation of many important insurance risk factors, such as: the exposure to allof the various perils covered by the homeowner’s policy, the geographic location of each risk, and thespecific characteristics of the insured dwelling and homeownerThe rate increase was necessary for us tocontinue to provide the same high-quality, comprehensive coverage on which our clients have come torely.We understand that an increase of any amount is a difficult message to receive, but we must occasionallymake rate adjustments to align the premiums we charge with the risks we insureWe regret that Ms.*** is unsatisfied with our explanation, but we are unable to provide a refund of any kind for thecoverage we provided.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####
Thank you for your July 13, 2015, follletter regarding the complaint filed by Mr*** ***.We appreciate the opportunity to provide additional information.We reviewed Mr***'s policy and confirmed that we sent all the appropriate notices to him regardingthe automatic credit card withdrawal and pending cancellation of his policyWhen we subsequently didnot receive payment, the policy cancelled on June 15, 2015, for non-payment of premium and we mailedthe appropriate cancellation notice to him.We understand that this is not the outcome Mr*** would like; however, after reviewing the facts ofthe matter a second time, we respectfully maintain our decision not to reinstate the policy.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at * *** *** * *** ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
The letter in response to my complaint repeatedly addresses a "Ms***." Given that I am Dr***, this indicates any one of three things: 1- Ameriprise has clearly billed the wrong customer, and I would like to be reimbursed for the payment I made to them, which I made solely to protect my credit from this slanderous accusation of nonpayment- Ameriprise has inadvertently forgotten to check their spellingSuch sloppiness could perhaps be why I did not receive any letters from them until letters dated in December, which I received on January 9thI would like to be reimbursed for the payment I made since the delay in notification was clearly their error and had they properly checked the spelling on their mailings, I would have cancelled the policy before any charges had been dueOr, - Ameriprise is being intentionally rude, in which case I still would like to be reimbursed for the payment I made since they failed to contact me properly before billing me for a policy they had no right to bill me for. With regard to the specific allegations in the response: Bullets and states that a new renters policy packet was mailedNo such packet arrived at my address*** ***'s mail was forwarded to her address, thus any correspondence with her never arrived at my homeAmeriprise FAILED to mail any such packet to meBullet indicates a time at which Ameriprise could have asked Ms*** for my contact information, but failed to do soAt this time they also FAILED to notify me by mail of the change. Bullets and indicate a time at which Ameriprise failed to obtain my contact information from Ms***, and unfortunately Ms*** was deceitful as my contact information has not changed in fifteen yearsHowever, these are also times at which Ameriprise FAILED to notify me by mail (contact information which they ultimately successfully used)Bullet indicates a notification by mail which also failed to arrive, perhaps due to the sloppy spelling noted above. Bullets and indicate letters sent, which were actually received by me, notifying me for the very first time of this policyFinally, I reiterate that Ameriprise FAILED to notify me of this changeThe change was made by Ms*** when she had no authorization to change any policy on my behalfAfter failing to contact me by phone, email or otherwise to renew the policy, Ameriprise should have cancelled this policy rather than renewing it, then subsequently charging me for the interim payment. Ameriprise FAILED to uphold its duty to notify its (in this case, unwilling) customer of a policy change in time for any action to be taken to prevent unnecessary chargesI am therefore not satisfied with their ongoing justification of my debt.
*** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on October 27, 2015.We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceledWeappreciate the opportunity to address his concerns, and feel the following timeline will help
provideclarification.• On July 25,2015, we mailed Mr***'s renewal bill, indicating we would automatically charge thecredit card that had been provided $each month on the sixth day of each month, starting inSeptember.• On September 6, 2015, we collected the payment of $440.20.• On October 6, 2015, we attempted payment on the same credit card for $440.20, but the charge wasdeclined.• On October 7,2015, we mailed a pending cancellation letter to Mr***, indicating that the policywould cancel for nonpayment of premium on October 22,at 12:a.m.• On October 22, 2015, the policy cancelled at 12:a.mfor nonpayment of premium.• On October 26, 2015, we mailed a cancellation letter to Mr***, indicating that the policy hadcancelled effective October 22, We also indicated that there was an outstanding balance of$on the policy.That same day, Ms*** *** contacted us to review reinstating her policy, and she spoke to asupervisorWe declined the request because there was a lapse in coverage and break in the contractwhen the policy cancelled for nonpayment of premiumLater, Mr*** contacted us to requestreinstatementWe declined for the reasons previously explained.• On October 30, IS, Mr*** spoke to another supervisor, and we declined the request forreinstatement againMr*** then requested to speak to a senior supervisor.On October 31,2015, a senior supervisor contacted Mr*** to discuss the policyMr*** wasunavailable, so we left a voicemail message advising that the policy has been reviewed and we wouldnot be able to offer reinstatementWe also advised of the outstanding balance of $.09.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***
Dear Mr***:Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***,
which we received on November 12, We understand that
would like additional details surrounding a change in premiumWe
appreciate the opportunity to address
concerns and believe the following timeline will help provide
clarification.On June 26, 2015, we mailed Ms*** a Preauthorized Withdrawal Notice informing her that starting on July 15, 2015, we would be withdrawing $monthly from her checking account, regarding her Texas auto policy AI02605087.On September 12, 2015, Ms*** called to notify us that she moved to ArizonaPer Ms***’s request, we cancelled her Texas auto policy and started her Arizona auto policy effective September 15, That same day, we mailed Ms*** a Preauthorized
Withdrawal Notice informing her that we would be withdrawing $monthly
from her checking account starting on September 15, 2015, for her first
installment for her Arizona auto policyOn September 15, 2015, Ms*** was charged $for her September 15, monthly installment on her Texas auto policy. After the installment was charged, we then cancelled the Texas auto policy and credited her account $408.20, which was the prorated amount dueOn November 4, 2015, Ms***’s Arizona auto policy was cancelled in error, and she was credited $270.89. On November 10, 2015, Ms*** called and requested to have her policy reinstated. The policy was reinstated effective November 4, 2015. We explained that the $would have to be billed along with the monthly payment of $433.50. On November 11, 2015, Ms*** called and requested the $be waived. We said we would be willing to make payment arrangements to help pay off the balance due in installments, but we were not able to waive itMs*** called a second time that day to request
the policy be cancelled, which resulted in a total amount due of $We regret that Ms
***’s policy was canceled in error, and that the charges and refunds were
not explained to her satisfaction.If you have any questions about this
information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***Sincerely, *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
IDS Property Casualty Insurance CompanyAmeriprise Auto & Home Insurance
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by MsKristina ***, which we received on January 4, 2016.We understand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claimWe appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.Ms*** sustained interior damage to her condominium, on November 7,
2015, resulting from rainwaterMs*** carries a policy that covers named perils (i.e., named causes of loss)Therefore, in orderto cover any damage to the property, the damage must result from one of the perils named in the policy.Rain water or a rainstorm is not a named peril; therefore, we denied Ms***’s claim.As we explained to Ms***, if wind or hail associated with the rain creates an opening through whichwater or rain enters and damage results, it would be covered under the policyFor reference, the policystates:Perils we insure againstWe cover risk of direct physical loss to property insured under the Dwelling and Personal Property Coveragescaused by any of the following perils unless the loss is excluded elsewhere under this policy:Fire or lightningWindstorm or hail.This does not include loss:a) to property within the interior of a building or to the interior of a building caused by rain, snow, sand, sleetor dust unless the building is first damaged by the direct force of wind or hail, creating an openingthrough which the rain, snow, sand, sleet or dust enters;We are truly sorry Ms*** had to experience this unfortunate event, and we understand that this is notthe outcome she would have likedRegrettably, in the absence of any new evidence, we are unable tochange our decision based on the facts of this loss and the policy language.We also regret that Ms*** feels her calls were not returned in a timely mannerWe will review thisfeedback and provide additional training to the representative involved to improve future interactions
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on October 4,
We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why coverage was not offered
We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns
We spoke with *** *** on
October 4, 2016, and he advised us that Enterprise rent a car
will reimburse him the $in regards to the damage windshield on his rental vehicleI advised the
insured that we will reimburse him the remainder of the $
We explained to *** *** that the reason why we had not reimbursed him initially was
because we had not received the signed rental agreement from Enterprise rent a carEnterprise later
confirmed to that they do not provide or require signed agreements after rental is closedReimbursement
payment in the amount of $to Mr*** *** was made on October 11,
If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on June 25,We understand that she would like a refund for the addition of the and Retired discount on herJuly 27,2014, to July 27, 2015, policy term.On June 24, 2015, we issued a credit of $to Ms
***'s checking account.We apologize for the inadvertent delay in issuing the credit and any frustration we may have caused Ms.***We are pleased the matter was brought to amenable resolution.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***
Thank you for sending the complaint filed by MrEric ***, which we received on February 17, 2016.We believe our previous responses have explained our positionWe have no new information to provideat this time.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]The settlement amount though lower than the original estimate is acceptable as agreed to by our contractorAt this point, I'd like to note Ameriprise has not explained why or apologized for this process taking so longAlso I would like to note Ameriprise had to issue three payments because they kept changing the "agreed upon" amount after verbal conversationsFinally, the vague communications with our Ameriprise representative Jessie Uliana left us believing it was Ameriprise's goal to pay nothing or as little as possibleI do not believe this service deserves an A+ ratingI am confident we would still be struggling with this claim if not for the involvement; my contractor and I both intend to limit our future business with Ameriprise Insurance
Thank you,
*** ***
It is unfortunate that Matthew and the Ameriprise team feel they above reproach and don't need to practice good customer serviceas I have stated previously they would need to contact *** *** for her insurance informationTo date I am unaware of any attempts to contact *** *** regarding her insuranceregardless, I lowered my insurance policy coverage to the state minimumAs Ameriprise is aware *** *** has auto insurance since they have talked to her insurance company, they would also know that it would be impossible for her insurance to be less than mine given I lowered my coverage to the minimumyet they are unwilling to remove her from my policyalso, to date I have never received anything from them stating I have to provide them with that coverage informationI just have somebody saying thatAs I previously stated this is unacceptable therefore my complaint will standI expect this complaint will be reflected on their permanent accreditation rating.Thank You*** ***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.What happened was my original insurer "out-sourced" my policy to ameriprise (it's a separate issue, i'll start another case addressing that), and upon the expiration date of my policy, Ameriprise automatically renewed it without my consensus (i have not received any email or mailing notice about this), that's the whole processI've contacted an agent and the policy has been canceled immediately with the refund.I've done some research and it seems that policy-automatic-renew by insurer is still a grey areaA huge amount of consumer complaint against insurance company is about automatic renew and so far there's been no legal case yet, so "legally" your insurer can still charge you the premium without you knowing itAnd this is really not cool and not how a business should be likeI've had home insurance with many other companies and for every single one of them, the policy is always "if you don't renew, it terminates automatically".That's it
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