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Push Button Promos

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Reviews Push Button Promos

Push Button Promos Reviews (225) I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.] This response is not true ALE have assisted me with one apartment and the month lease [redacted] of ALE had me turn the light on only to tell me we do not give six month lease when he was given permisson to do so As of today's date I have been threaten to find an apartment with month to month lease because I only have two months maybe of rentThe apartment ALE first had for me to review was West Charlotte, not a area I would liveThe second apartment I found and it only did 6-lease, the third was month and I accepted it but ALex said I did not have enough money left to complete the three month leasePlease I have been with progressive, Ameriprise for ten + years and this a horrible, horrible way to treat someoneThis insurance company did not get started on my case until a few weeks agoAdam [redacted] the adjuster went on vacation from the fire date 11/29/until mid DecemberWhen I did speak to (12/28/) him I was told he was sending a check only to never receive any money as of dateThis insurance has placed me into a hotel for the past four month and I can't complain but if I knew it was at the expense of me living on the street until my house is completed I would have called ALE often for an apartmentAs of today ALE is calling me to find an apartment, this is their job and they have not done a good jobMoreover, The construction people just got the ok to repair my home and it's been few weeks waiting period Regards, [redacted] ***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr [redacted] which we received on April 11, We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claimWe appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.We reviewed Mr***’s letter in detail and while he provides extensive information, there is no new information for us to consider regarding our claim decisionWe are unable to pay his claim under his home policyIf Mr [redacted] has new, additional information with documented support, we encourage him to share that with us and we will gladly review our claim decision.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr [redacted] , which we received on July 18, We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceledWe appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.• On February 5, 2016, we mailed the March 21, to March 21, 2017, renewal offer to Mr [redacted] Included in the renewal package was a Credit/Charge Card Notice informing him we would be charging $to his Visa card on March 21, 2016.• On March 7, 2016, Ms [redacted] requested to have their policy updated from the Credit/Charge Card payment plan to a Direct Full Bill payment planShe stated that she did not want to be on an automatic payment plan while she was looking for another carrierPer her request we updated the method of payment and mailed a premium notice in the amount of $with a due date of March 27, The premium notice states, “Failure to pay the premium by the due date will result in cancellation of your policy.”• On March 8, 2016, we mailed a reminder notice in the amount of $to Mr [redacted] with a due date of March 27, The reminder notice states, “Failure to pay the premium by the due date will result in the cancellation of your policy.”• On April 1, 2016, we mailed a notice of pending cancellation to the address on file, explaining that we would need payment by April 16, 2016, or the policy would cancel for non-payment of premium.• We did not receive payment by April 16, 2016; therefore, the policy canceled for non-payment of premium.• On April 22, 2016, we mailed notice of cancellation to Mr [redacted] along with an outstanding balance notice in the amount of $for the coverage provided from March 21, to April 16, The outstanding balance notice states “If we do not receive your payment, you will be contacted by a collection agency”.• When we did not receive payment by July 1, 2016, the account was forwarded to a collection agency.We did not receive any verbal or written request to cancel this policy; therefore the policy cancelled for non-payment of premiumIf Mr [redacted] can provide documentation showing he had other insurance on him home located at Maple St, Howe, TX, from March 21, to April 16, 2016, we would be willing to remove the outstanding balance from collections.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext5239.Sincerely,

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms[redacted] , which we received on December 10, We understand that she feels there was a delay processing the claimWe appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.We understand that the process of resolving the claim surrounding the fire at Ms [redacted] ’s home seems to be lengthyHowever, our investigation into the loss revealed information that requires additional, extensive researchWe have recently conducted examinations under oath of Ms [redacted] and her brother, Justin [redacted] , who is a resident of her homeWe are also waiting to receive the reports of the investigations conducted by the local fire marshal and law enforcement agencies.We have kept Ms [redacted] and/or her attorney regularly apprised of all developmentsIn the interim, we have paid Ms [redacted] for damaged personal possessions as well as additional living expenses.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext*** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below As of 7/17/ Ameriprise has reinstated my home insurance policy beginning 6/22/But I still had to pay for the month (6/22/2015-7/17/2015) I was NOT covered forI was explained that I couldn't have lapse of coverageI understand it, but I was received a call from Ameriprise few weeks ago informing that no matter how much I try, they'd not reinstate my insurance and advised me get coverage from elsewhereSO, out of desperation I found a company online with times as much deductible and times as much premium which I couldn't affordI was forced to be in this situationI am asking Ameriprise to consider giving me month premium break due to the above explanation without any lapse of coverageIt's been a very stressful month for me! I would appreciate their earliest respond Regards, [redacted] ***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by MrMark [redacted] , which we received on December 8, 2016.We understand that he would like an explanation regarding why we turned his account over to collectionswithout sending him a bill firstWe appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.On November 30, 2016, we sent Mr [redacted] ’s account to collections in error before issuing him a bill forthe $outstanding balance.On December 9, 2016, we spoke with Mr [redacted] and apologized for the errorWe assured Mr [redacted] thecollection notice would not affect his financial credit scoreHe authorized us to charge the outstandingbalance of $to a Visa cardWe are very sorry for any frustration this error caused Mr [redacted] .If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext*** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below Problem: This is the latest concern relating to our Complaint ID # [redacted] , which was closed due to inactivityOur home had mold damage and we started a claim with Ameriprise on July and have yet to resolve the claimThe latest steps in this process was on September 13, when we sent Ameriprise an estimate from our contractorAmeriprise has not provided an updated estimate after our contactor sent in their estimate of the work requiredAmeriprise left us a message on Monday, September 26, stating they had contacted the contractor with questionsThis was our first contract after sending them the estimate, almost two weeks after we sent them the estimateOur contractor responded to their questions the next morning, Tuesday, September After that, we've had no contact from AmeripriseWe called our claim adjuster on Thursday, September 29, in the morning, left a messageThen, Thursday night, I called and left a message with our adjuster's managerWe haven't received a call back from eitherFor the last two weeks, our house has been unable to keep a cool temperature and is usually around degrees during the day while we are home, ever though it's set to either or We didn't have this problem until the water damage to the house and the need to remove parts of the walls and ceiling, exposing a bedroom to the attic, causing heat to enter the house from the atticThis is the latest concernPrior concerns can be referenced in Complaint ID # [redacted] Translate Desired Resolution / Outcome Desired Resolution: Finish the Job select Desired Outcome: Settle on a price with the contractor, so the contractor can start workingPay hotel costs due to inhospitable conditions, which resulted from the claim Regards, Amy & Becca [redacted]

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. Eric [redacted] , which we received on January 15, 2016.We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceled. Weappreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.We are unable to continue to offer Mr. [redacted] a... policy because his vehicle is not garaged at a permanentaddress. Because we are unable to adequately rate for and underwrite this exposure, we cannot continuecoverage.We acknowledge that this must be frustrating for Mr. [redacted] , and we are truly sorry we are unable tooffer him coverage. Regrettably, we are unable to change our decision after reviewing this situation asecond time.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####.

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on August 17,2015.We understand that she disagrees with our decision regarding the claimWe appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.On August 10, 2015, Ms*** contacted us regarding this matterOn August
11,2015, we contactedher and explained that we had approved the flooring replacement estimate from her contractor, ***
*** ***We told Ms*** and her contractor that they may proceed with repairs based onthe estimated replacement cost of$16,462.00.We understand that Ms*** is frustrated with the length of time it has taken to resolve this claimIt isalways our intention to resolve all claims as quickly as possible, but we need time to investigate the loss,to obtain paperwork and to coordinate inspectionsHowever, we genuinely regret that this claimsexperience has not met Ms***'s expectationsThe chain of events leading to her feedback has beenreviewed, and we will use what we have learned as an opportunity to improve our processes goingforward

Thank you tor sending the complaint filed by Mr*** ***, which we received on August 19,We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.Mr*** reported his loss on April 27, 2015, and we promptly assigned Ms*** *** toinspect the damages and prepare an estimate
for the damageMs*** provided a report to indicate aportion of the damage to the deck was the result of water damageThe damage was estimated at a total of$4,A denial letter was subsequently sent to Mr*** explaining that the estimate was lessthan his $4,deductible.On June 29, 2015, Mr*** advised us he has selected a contractor to complete repairs at his homewho found more damage than was identified by Ms***, and the cost estimate is significantly morethan previously estimatedAfter discussing the potential additional damages with Mr***, itbecame clear that further inspection would be neededWe asked Ms*** to inspect the propertyagainHer second inspection identified additional damages that appear related to structural movementand unrelated to water damagesMr*** proposed that the damages may be the result of lightning;however, the structure is absent of any evidence of lightning damage.Because of the potential additional damages, we asked a structural engineer to evaluate the entire claim toconclusively determine the cause of the damage and repairs needed to remedy the problemWe retained*** *** for this purpose, and we are waiting for their assessmentOnce we have their report,we will make a coverage determinationWe anticipate receiving the report within the next days, andwe will make a determination and inform Mr*** within five days of receiving the report.We understand that Mr*** is frustrated with the length of time it is taking to resolve this claimItis always our intention to resolve all claims as rapidly as we can, but we need time to investigate the loss,to obtain paperwork from outside providers, and to coordinate inspectionsHowever, we genuinely regretthat this claims experience has not met Mr***'s expectations, and we look forward to resolvingthis matter as quickly as possible
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
Their response doesn't address that they never updated my call info even though I had given them updated info in September of Furthermore, it doesn't address the fact that I never received a letter from them regarding the issue with the autopsy credit card Finally, it doesn't address that they essentially have me weeks to rectify an issue I was not made aware of until it was too late
*** ***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on January 13, 2016.We understand that she would like a detailed explanation of her remaining balanceWe appreciate theopportunity to address her concerns.• On June 5, 2015, we mailed our renewal offer for policy
*** to Ms***, along with anescrow withdrawal notice to Primelending informing them a payment of $was due by July 21,2015.• On July 2, 2015, and again on July 27, 2015, we mailed a payment reminder notice to Ms*** andto Primelending.• On August 21, 2015, we mailed a notice of pending cancellation explaining that we would needpayment by September 10, 2015, or the policy would cancel for non-payment of premium.• We did not receive payment by September 10, 2015; therefore, the policy cancelled for non-paymentof premiumWe mailed notification of the cancellation to Ms***, along with notification of theoutstanding balance due of $for the coverage we provided through the September 10, 2015cancel date.• On September 21, 2015, Ms*** called and confirmed she understood the policy was cancelledShesaid she did not have a way to pay the outstanding balance at the time, but would call back once shehad the funds.• On October 16, 2015, and again on November 10, 2015, we mailed a payment reminder notice to Ms.*** for the remaining balance of $52.31.• On November 16, 2015, Ms*** called to ask if we could reinstate her policyWe agreed to rewritethe policy with the same effective dates to the new policy number HIMs*** requesteda direct full payment of $to be paid using her credit card.• On November 17, 2015, the credit card payment of $declinedWe mailed a notice of pendingcancellation explaining that we would need payment by December 2, 2015, or the policy wouldcancel for non-payment of premium.• We did not receive payment by December 2, 2015; therefore, the policy cancelled for non-payment ofpremiumWe mailed notification of the cancellation to Ms***, along with notification of theoutstanding balance due of $for the coverage we provided through the December 2, 2015cancel date.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by our client, which we received on August 11,Weunderstand that she would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceled.We contacted our client to discuss her concernsWe offered policy reinstatement, which our clientacceptedHer
policy is currently active
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
below is attached a copy of your
last message to me Do what you will I stated to you in an earlier message that I would notify you when there was a satisfactory resolution As of this date, there hasn’t beenObviously, your intent is to close the case and reflect that Ameriprise has acted above board Fact is, they didn’t and haven’tWhat I’m waiting to see is what actual money has been credited to my Visa card Last time I checked with the bank I didn’t see the latest postings Hopefully, when others are experiencing similar treatment by a company, will actually review all the facts before blindly taking the side of the business If I were to review, my review wouldn’t be very goodI sure was enlightened to what the actually really is and no longer will take what the states about a company as an actual reflection of what the business really is Hope you have a blessed day and Merry Christmas.John A***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr***, which we received on September 22, 2016.We understand that he would like additional details surrounding a change in premiumWe appreciate theopportunity to address his concerns.The increase in Mr***’s premium was not due to the
classification of his HyundaiThemodel listed on the declaration page was that which was returned based on the VIN providedHowever,the vehicle information does not affect the premium in question because this vehicle currently does nothave comprehensive or collision coverageThe increase in premium was the result of a rate and class planrevision implemented by our company in the state of California effective for policy terms beginning on orafter July 1, Our filing was submitted to the California Department of Insurance via SERFF onOctober 30, The SERFF number was ***The filing was approved by thedepartment on April 28, The overall change for our auto program was 6.8%; however, therealignment of our rates affects each policyholder differently based on the individual characteristics oftheir policy.Statistical data is collected and analyzed periodically to determine if the rates being charged are adequateto cover future losses and operating expensesOur analysis showed that a rate increase was necessary tosupport our projected claims and operating expenses in CaliforniaOur analysis involved an evaluation ofmany important insurance risk factors, such as: driving history, annual mileage, years licensed, garaginglocation, number of vehicles and drivers insured, vehicle usage, and the coverage and coverage limitsselectedThe rate increase was necessary for us to continue to provide the same high-quality,comprehensive coverage on which our clients have come to rely.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact our Client Service Department at###-###-####

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms*** ***, which we received on August 28, 2015.We understand that she would like a detailed explanation surrounding the removal of her daughter fromthe policyWe appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.On June 3, 2015, Ms*** called
and added her daughter, ***, to the policy as a driverWe havereviewed our records and do not show that *** has been listed as a driver on this policy prior to June 3,2015.On August 27, 2015, Ms*** requested the removal of Tier a from the policy because she was attendingschool more than miles away from homeWe explained that since *** is a minor licensed driverwho is not insured with another company, she would be covered under our policyAt that time, we alsoupdated Ms***'s policy to include the Student Miles Away discountMs*** asked to have asupervisor call her; that same day, a supervisor called the home number on file and left a messageincluding her direct number for the return call.We consider the parents' home address as the permanent address of students who are away at school andresiding on campusTherefore, we need to list students on their parents' automobile policy because weare liable for any accident in which students might become involved, and we need to collect theappropriate premium for that riskStudents are not required to be listed on their parents' policy only ifthey are truly and completely moved out of the home, have a permanent residence, and do not returnhome except to visit.For your reference, our Insured Person guideline *** the following:We will pay damages for which an insured person is legally liable because of bodily injury or propertydamage resulting from the ownership, maintenance or use of a car or utility trailerAn insured personmeans: you or a relative; a person using your insured carA relative is defined as a person living in yourhousehold and related to you by blood, marriage or adoption, including a ward or foster child.On several occasions, we offered Ms*** the option of completing a driver exclusion form that wouldexclude *** from coverage under the policy - in fact we emailed the form to her on August 27, 2015.If Ms*** can provide documentation that *** either permanently resides at a different residence orhas other auto insurance with Bodily Injury limits equal to Ms***'s, we will consider removing herfrom the policy
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below
This does not address the issue related to
the time-value associated with the complaint The insurance company willfully and negligently mislead me along the process, full-well knowing their long-term intention The fact that Ameriprise issues an order to clear the vehicle history, does not absolve them of the financial damages associated with their neglect Further, despite their assurance that "it won't appear" on any vehicle reports, just today I pulled *another* vehicle history report, at my expense, which again still shows that the vehicle is in a Junk Yard and Salvaged as of 8/15/2015.This is terribly unacceptable By Ameriprise's continued neglect as well as on-going indifference to me as a customer, I feel I have no other choice than to escalate this to the next level, starting with a written compliant to the State of Texas Insurance commissioners office and formal civil suit.At this point, the only way to resolve this complaint will be to admit liability, issue a check for the value of the vehicle - that they already had appraised - and close the case
Joshua ***

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by MsMary ***, which we received on January 11, 2016.We understand that she feels there was a delay processing the claimWe appreciate the opportunity toaddress her concerns.This loss occurred on February 7, 2014, and we had successful telephone and
mail contact with Ms.***She initiated email contact with us, and we continued to contact her using phone and emailInAugust 2014, two of the three phone numbers for the ***s were disconnected, and we relied on emailand the remaining phone number for contactIn March 2015, Ms*** requested we send her themedical authorization for her husband via the mail serviceThis was the first time she made this request,and we honored it.The medical authorization we have requested from Ms*** for her husband covers medical recordsfor the period starting with the date of the accident, February 7, 2014, and it is valid through the currentdate of treatmentWe have not, on any occasion, requested a medical authorization for medical recordsprior to the loss dateWe explained we need the authorization and the records to confirm the relationshipof the injuries to the loss before we can consider claim settlement.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext***

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***

Just wondering if the remaining balance can be waived if we decide to move our current home insurance to them, if they do not agree, we'll just pay the balance requiredIf they agree please let them provide contact info with agent that knows this case as well as the settlement, thanks,
*** ***

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