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Reviews Push Button Promos

Push Button Promos Reviews (225)

We feel that our response fully addressed the clients concerns. The change in Ms. [redacted]’s premium for the March 28, 2017 renewal is due to a change in the driving history associated with the policy. A March 21, 2016 not-at-fault accident had been added to the driving history associated with the policy. This accident and a prior at-fault accident on March 2, 2015 are being surcharged on this renewal. The at-fault accident from 2015 was being forgiven on the prior renewal because this was the only activity on the driving history. With the addition of the 2016 incident, this policy no longer qualifies under the provisions of our Accident Forgiveness rule.  Thank you, [redacted]

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr.Tyrone [redacted], which we received on October 4, 2016.We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity toaddress his concerns.Ameriprise Auto & Home Insurance Company (IDS Property and Casualty...

Insurance Company) declinedportions of Mr. [redacted]’s claim related to the reported theft loss on September 5th 2015. This lossoccurred at his residence, 1 Victoria Drive Fairburn GA.This matter involved the reported burglary to the loss location described above in which personal itemswere stolen. Mr. [redacted] provided a detailed list of the items stolen which included their estimated value,method of purchase and time of purchase.Records reveal that on June 26, 2014 Mr. [redacted] completed and filed a Voluntary Petition forBankruptcy, Case #14-62381-bem_, which relates to specified items now being claimed to have been lostin the reported burglary that occurred in September of 2015. Mr. [redacted]’s position of ownership of theseitems is inconsistent with the position previously and successfully asserted in the bankruptcy proceeding.Other claimed items could not be supported through receipts or bank statements. Mr. [redacted] indicatedhe paid cash for everything, however, the bank statements that he provided have shown this to beinaccurate and proof of ownership cannot be established. Therefore, the claimed items listed below arebeing denied.Based on this information we declined coverage for specific items, which are listed in the attachmentenclosed, that you reported stolen as a result of your burglary.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-#### Ext. [redacted].

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on November 21, 2016.We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceled. Weappreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.On November 22, 2016, we received an email from Mr....

[redacted] dated November 21, 2016, expressingconcerns about the cancellation of his automobile policy. In the email he requested reinstatement of hispolicy, because on November 20, 2016, he attempted to make an online payment and also sent an email torequest payment from his credit card. Reinstatement was originally denied, but after further review wewere able to locate the email and the online request for payment dated November 20, 2016, and his policywas reinstated without a lapse in coverage.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].

Thank you for sending the follow-up complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received onSeptember 15, 2015. We appreciate the opportunity to address his additional concerns.We are unable to alter our decision regarding the roof repairs, as we have researched any reported andtracked storms using professional, reputable databases ([redacted]).We received the interior estimate from [redacted]. Their estimate was for $2,000. A payment for$1,000 was issued on September 15, 2015, which reflects the deduction of the $1,000 policy deductible.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, it was a someone else who had geico insurance had not at fault accident with his car in Mar 2016. He went to other person's insurance resolved problem. It was nothing to do with me or my driving record and it was not incident through my insurance. Why do you consider it was my fault? Only because he is a second driver of my car? You increased my insurance premium for second time because this is considered my driving history? That is just wrong! Please explain.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
The information provided as the response is already the information I received when I spoke with them.  I did not authorize the renewal of my policy for 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, they charged my credit card without authorization.  I demand they refund my credit for those two terms because I did not authorize the automatic renewal and I did not need a policy for since Aug. 2013th, I moved in with my sister who already has her own policy.  The period they described as covering, I did not live at [redacted].  I vacated that location on Aug. 4th 3013.  Therefore, they were perpetually renewing a policy I did not authorize renewal nor I planned on renewing.  I did not received any paper work for renewal for 2013th even though I had mail forwarding for 3 months after I moved on Aug. 2013th.  There response definitely does not satisfy my complaint.  I reached out to Costco Wholesale last week because I purchased this policy as a Costco member.  They may facilitate this process.  They send me an email with asking for further information. 

[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  This company is starting to get it done, however I will check the mail for the refund check.[redacted] 

Thank you for sending the
complaint filed by Ms Lea [redacted], which we received on September 14, 2016.
We understand that she would like additional details surrounding a change in
premium. We appreciate the opportunity to address her concerns. The renewal premium increase is
due to a change in...

the Environmental Rating Factor. At each renewal, the
garaging address of each vehicle is used to determine an environmental score.
This score, which is based on the modeled results of a third party vendor,
considers things like traffic patterns in the area, crime rates as well as many
geographic conditions including weather patterns, slopes and low lying areas. Our
rules and rates are filed and approved with the state of Michigan and apply to
both new and renewal business. Any policies sold are subject to the same rate
structure as the renewal business, so the increase she experienced was the
result of timing and not a bait and switch situation.    If you have any questions about this information, you
may contact our Client Service Department at 
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
Jessica [redacted]
I have left a message with no return phone call. I have since read their insured statement and in the statement she says the weather was clear no rain. My son stated it was light drizzle. I find it curious that he would put in his letter to you that is was raining. Ameriprise is just trying to cover up. They have also released all of their insured personal information to me. I am sure they were to redact important information such as social security number date of birth place of business home address and telephone number. Not a very good business practice. This company is trash. laying blame on a kid because they simply can save a few bucks.

Dear Ms. [redacted]:Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. Araceli [redacted], which we received on November 20,2017. We appreciate the opportunity to respond.Mr. [redacted]’s letter to you provided us notice that his cost for recalibrating the windshield after theAugust 2017 repair had not been...

reimbursed. We have since verified the amount to recalibrate thewindshield, $409.05, and have approved payment of this amount to Mr. [redacted].We are confident we have resolved Mr. [redacted] concern, however, if there are remaining questions aboutthis information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on July 18, 2016. We understand that he would like a more detailed explanation of why the policy was canceled. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.• On February 5, 2016, we mailed the March 21, 2016 to...

March 21, 2017, renewal offer to Mr. [redacted]. Included in the renewal package was a Credit/Charge Card Notice informing him we would be charging $894.59 to his Visa card on March 21, 2016.• On March 7, 2016, Ms. [redacted] requested to have their policy updated from the Credit/Charge Card payment plan to a Direct Full Bill payment plan. She stated that she did not want to be on an automatic payment plan while she was looking for another carrier. Per her request we updated the method of payment and mailed a premium notice in the amount of $894.59 with a due date of March 27, 2016. The premium notice states, “Failure to pay the premium by the due date will result in cancellation of your policy.”• On March 8, 2016, we mailed a reminder notice in the amount of $894.59 to Mr. [redacted] with a due date of March 27, 2016. The reminder notice states, “Failure to pay the premium by the due date will result in the cancellation of your policy.”• On April 1, 2016, we mailed a notice of pending cancellation to the address on file, explaining that we would need payment by April 16, 2016, or the policy would cancel for non-payment of premium.• We did not receive payment by April 16, 2016; therefore, the policy canceled for non-payment of premium.• On April 22, 2016, we mailed notice of cancellation to Mr. [redacted] along with an outstanding balance notice in the amount of $63.74 for the coverage provided from March 21, 2016 to April 16, 2016. The outstanding balance notice states “If we do not receive your payment, you will be contacted by a collection agency”.• When we did not receive payment by July 1, 2016, the account was forwarded to a collection agency.We did not receive any verbal or written request to cancel this policy; therefore the policy cancelled for non-payment of premium. If Mr. [redacted] can provide documentation showing he had other insurance on him home located at 620 Maple St, Howe, TX, from March 21, 2016 to April 16, 2016, we would be willing to remove the outstanding balance from collections.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. 5239.Sincerely,
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, we would like to know your view on the matter.]
[redacted] Thank you very much for the response!Unfortunately I have explained why I didn't contact Ameriprise earlier about the unilateral cancellation action by Ameriprise before October in my last response.  I am trying my best to explain this again.  Since the prerequisite conditions didn't meet or satisfy per Ameriprise policy which are 1) the effective of [redacted] house policy doesn't exist; 2) [redacted] house is still the primary residency.Therefore the cancellation of the [redacted] house is completely a mistake by Ameriprise.  Why should we take immediate action or quick response to something that is purely a mistake?? Again, please help correct the mistake and be responsible to reinstate the policy without any changes needed asap without further delay!!!  Thank you very much for your attention!

The issues regarding the damage to the vehicle is in process of being resolved. Ameriprise has agreed to take care of one day's rental in order to fix the remaining damages to the vehicle; however, the damage to the door was negligible to the accident per Amerirprise's investigation. [redacted] has asked me to return next week to drop off the vehicle and [redacted] from [redacted] said he will follow up with me once the parts arrive at the shop. When Ameriprise contacted me regarding the claim I was told [redacted] (my claim representative) would follow up with me in 2-3 business days; I have yet to receive the call.
The issue regarding the vehicle value is still pending.

Kind Regards

Thank you for sending the
complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on March 7, 2016. We
understand that he feels there was a delay processing the claim. We appreciate
the opportunity to address his concerns. Mr. [redacted] filed a claim on
January 25, 2016, under his home policy...

for items stolen from his vehicle on
January 24, 2016. We explained the claim process to Mr. [redacted] on January 26,
2016, including our need for a police report; we also sent this information in
writing the same day.  On February 3, 2016, we reminded
Mr. [redacted] in an email that we were waiting to receive the police report and
would need it prior to considering any payment to him. We advised that while we
had requested the report, if he wanted to expedite the process, he could obtain
a copy and route it to us.  We spoke with Mr. [redacted] on
February 17, 2016, and reiterated this information. Mr. [redacted] obtained the
report and sent it to us on February 18, 2016. 
That same day, we issued a payment to him for $3,429.75 as follows: Replacement Cost Value           $6,113.23 (cost to repair/replace the property  with property of equivalent kind  and quality at the time of loss) Recoverable Depreciation                     ($683.48) • Actual Cash Value 
$5,429.75 • Deductible  ($2,000.00) • Total payment     
          $3,429.75 (decrease or loss in value, relating to  age, wear or market conditions)  The police report and supporting
documents we requested are vital to our claims investigation and they are proof
of recovery if the perpetrator is identified at a future date.  If you have any questions about
this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].  Sincerely,   Scott [redacted] Scott [redacted] IDS Property Casualty Insurance
Company Ameriprise Auto & Home

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on September 22,20 15. We understand that she would like additional details surrounding a change in premium. Weappreciate the opportunity to address her concerns.The changes to Ms. [redacted]'s premium are due to a rate...

revision that was filed with the MichiganDepartment of Insurance and became effective for policy tenms beginning on or after August 4, 2015.Statistical data is collected and analyzed periodically to detenmine if the rates being charged are adequateto cover future losses and operating expenses. Our analysis showed that a rate increase was necessary tosupport our projected claims and operating expenses in Michigan. Our analysis involved an evaluation ofmany important insurance risk factors, such as: driving history, garaging location, number of vehiclesinsured, vehicle usage, and the coverage and coverage limits selected. The rate increase was necessary forus to continue to provide the same high-quality, comprehensive coverage on which our clients have cometo rely. The overall change for our automobile program was 22.5%; however, the realignment of our ratesaffects each policyholder differently based on the individual characteristics of the policy.We understand that in today's tough economic environment that an increase of any amount is a difficultmessage to receive, but we must occasionally make rate adjustments to align the premiums we chargewith the risks we insure.

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], which we received on July 5, 2016. We understand that he would like additional details surrounding a change in premium. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.Per the complaint filed by Mr. [redacted], he disagrees with our...

replacement cost assessment for his home. Mr. [redacted]’s home insurance policy began effective August 1, 2015. We inspected his home on September 30, 2015. The replacement cost of the home was updated to $1,141,100 based on the features noted in the inspection. The change in replacement cost was made effective the August 1, 2016 policy renewal date. On June 17, 2016 we mailed the August 1, 2016 renewal offer to Mr. [redacted], giving him sufficient time to review the change in replacement cost.Mr. [redacted] called our office on June 28, 2016 inquiring about the change in replacement cost at the renewal. He called again on June 30, 2016 and at his request we emailed to him a copy of the inspection and a copy of a replacement cost calculations to review.We insure homes for their replacement cost, not the market value. We are aware that the market value of the home is lower than the replacement cost, but we insure the home for the replacement value of the home to ensure there is sufficient coverage in the event of a total loss. Replacement cost takes into account not only the materials to re-build the home but also debris removal, demolition, changes in building codes, and other items such as extra fees and premium for materials and other contingencies that market value would not account for.We are confident that the replacement cost noted in the inspection of the home is what would be needed to rebuild Mr. [redacted]’s home in the event of a total loss. Additionally Since our receipt of Mr. [redacted]’s complaint, he has provided information contesting the number of bathrooms and the above ground square footage of his home. After another review of the home inspection and public record, we confirmed that the home has 7 bathrooms and an above ground square footage of 6453. If Mr. [redacted] has made any alterations to the home or has documentation to confirm his assertions about the property, we encourage him to provide this information to us for further review.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. 3461.Sincerely,IDS Property Casualty Insurance CompanyAmeriprise Auto & Home Insurance

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Dr. [redacted], which we received on March 11, 2016. We understand that he disagrees with our decision regarding the claim. We appreciate the opportunity to address his concerns.Dr. [redacted] submitted a claim to us for damage to his fence and...

concrete damage to his driveway, both of which he reported were caused by rain water. During our initial conversation, we explained that there is no coverage under his policy for surface water (rain water) damage.Our appraiser inspected the premise and determined the fence damage was the result of rain water drainage and repeated accumulation of that water, which resulted in the ground shifting under the fence.The damage to the concrete driveway occurred in increments over a long period of time from surface water and cold weather. It should be noted that the driveway shows signs of old crack filler in this area.We sent a denial letter on March 9, 2016 explaining our decision and outlining the applicable policy language as follows:Section I Property ProtectionExclusions3. Water damage, meaning:a) Flood, surface water, waves, tidal water, overflow of a body of water or spray from any of these, whether or not driven by wind;b) Water or water-borne material which backs up through sewers or drains or which overflows or is discharged from a sump, sump pump or related equipment.c) Water or water-borne material below the surface of the ground, including water which exerts pressure on or seeps or leaks through a building, sidewalk, driveway, foundation, swimming pool or other structure; ord) Release of water held by a dam, levee or dike or by a water or flood control device; caused by or resulting from human or animal forces or any act of nature.Direct loss by fire, explosion or theft resulting from water damage is covered.[redacted]We do not cover loss caused directly or indirectly by any of the following, whether or not any other cause or happening contributes concurrently or in any sequence to the loss:Under Dwelling and Other Structures Coverages, we do not cover loss resulting directly or indirectly from:3. Faulty, inadequate or defective:a) construction, reconstruction, repair, remodeling or renovation;b) materials used on construction, reconstruction, repair, remodeling or renovation;c) design, workmanship, specifications;d) siting, surveying, zoning, planning, development, grading or compaction; ore) maintenance of a part or all of the residence premises or any other property;4. Wear and tear; marring or scratching; deterioration; damage which occurs over a period of time, or from lack of normal maintenance; defective materials and workmanship; inherent vice; latent defect; mechanical breakdown; fungus; rust; mold; wet or dry rot; discharge, dispersal or release of pollutants or contaminants; smog; smoke from agricultural smudging or industrial operations; settling, cracking, shrinkage, bulging or expansion of pavement, patios, foundations, walls, floors, roofs or ceilings; birds, vermin, rodents, insects or domestic animals.If any of these cause water damage not otherwise excluded, from a plumbing, heating, air conditioning or automatic fire protective sprinkler system or household appliance, we cover loss caused by the water including the cost of tearing out and replacing any part of a building necessary to repair the system or appliance. We do not cover loss to the system or appliance from which this water escaped.If you have any questions about this information, you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. [redacted].

Thank you for sending the complaint filed by Ms. [redacted], which we received on September 22,2015. We understand that she would like her non-sufficient fund fees refunded. We appreciate theopportunity to address her concerns.On July 30, 2015, Ms. [redacted] requested a homeowner's quote for her...

property located at [redacted]
[redacted], [redacted]. We verified Ms. [redacted] wanted the policy to be effective for September13,2015, and on preauthorized withdrawal for billing. Ms. [redacted] agreed. Since receiving hercomplaint, we have reviewed the initial phone call, and Ms. [redacted] did agree to purchase the policy.On July 31, 2015, we mailed Ms. [redacted] her information regarding the new policy along with apreauthorized withdrawal notice informing her we would be withdrawing $64.45 from her checkingaccount on September 13, 2015.We did not hear from Ms. [redacted] between July 31,2015 and September 16, 2015. Ms. [redacted] contactedus on September 16, 2015, to inform us she did not want our policy and requested the cancellation of it.Ms. [redacted] requested reimbursement of her nonsufficient fund fees.We provided the appropriate documentation informing Ms. [redacted] we would be withdrawing the paymentfrom her checking account on September 13, 2015; therefore, we will not be reimbursing hernonsufficient fund fees.

Attached.Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.
As of 7/17/2015  Ameriprise has reinstated my home insurance policy beginning 6/22/2015. But I still had to pay for the month (6/22/2015-7/17/2015) I was NOT covered for. I was explained that I couldn't have lapse of coverage. I understand it, but I was received a call from Ameriprise few weeks ago informing that no matter how much I try, they'd not reinstate my insurance and advised me get coverage from elsewhere. SO, out of desperation I found a company online with 7 times as much deductible and 3 times as much premium which I couldn't afford. I was forced to be in this situation. I am asking Ameriprise to consider giving me 1 month premium break due to the above explanation without any lapse of coverage. It's been a very stressful month for me! I would appreciate their earliest respond. 

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