Polaris has spoken to consumer on Case # C-***. The consumers case was reviewed and the denial standsThe Consumer was advised clutch plates are not covered under warranty and are a wear item and not a manufacturer defectNo compensation or further review will be provided
I was able to find an open case from this consumers dealershipThe dealership first made contact on this concern 1/31/and our technical team is in communication with the dealershipPolaris advised consumer to speak to their dealership on this matter and for updates on their technical case
Polaris Case# C-***The consumer has been informed their case is in for engineering review which can take 8-weeksOnce a resolution has been made Polaris will reach out to the consumerNo further communication will be provided to consumer until engineering review is complete
Polaris has reached out to consumer on case # C-***The consumer was advised that the machine warranty expired on 11-19-and no Polaris Protection Plan was purchased and no assistance can be offeredThe consumer was also advised that All of our dealers are independently owned and
operated and it is their discretion who they service as these are privately owned businesses
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 9, 2015/05/27) */
I have spoken with the consumer todayThe issue is not with Polaris, but consumer's extend service contract company AssurantWe are working with the consumer to work with Assurant to come to a resolutionWe will update the consumer's case
with results when a resolution has been determined
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 11, 2015/05/27) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Was told they would contact me today and still have not made any contactThey said it was out of their handsI was told it was an extended warranty not a warranty with a different companyNothing has been solved as of May 27, hoursThank you, *** ***
Final Consumer Response /* (2000, 13, 2015/05/29) */
A Polaris representative named Ky took care of the situation as of right nowThey are waiting on a quote from the dealership to make the repairsI will follow up when I know that the machine is fixed 100%Thank you Revdex.com, I don't know if it would've been taken care of without your helpIts a wonderful thing what you and your staff do for peopleThanks again, *** ***
I am rejecting this response because:Polaris has been in contact with me since December but not because they chose toDecember is when my month factory warranty was going to expire and I decided to contact them because after multiple attempts to repair my atv at the Polaris dealership we had still been unsuccessfulMy atv was still breaking within miles of every riding trip I madeI was concerned I was going to be left paying the tab and that wasn't going to happenPolaris can say they have offered good will in reference to the repairs, but if they have failed during the warranty period and after to repair my unit so that it won't break again the very next trip I fail to see that as good willI see that as the unit has never been fixed during the warranty period so they have to keep repairing it afterThey did offer $toward trading the machine in and getting a new oneJeremy the Polaris rep as well as myself have talked to dealerships(I hate to repeat myself but the two dealerships that have worked on this unit will not even accept it on trade)and it would take $to get me into a new machineI just gave them $last June and am not giving them another $now! That would be a win win for Polaris and an even bigger lose for meIt's only right that they take this atv back and give me a new machine or give me the $to make me wholeI should not be stuck with an atv that several Polaris dealerships can not fix!
am rejecting this response because: the dealer said I needed an entire clutchThey didn't say I needed this component of a clutch or that component of a clutch, which is cheaperI need to replace the whole clutch which is close to $aloneIf it was just the clutch components, it would be a cheaper fixFurthermore, customer service at Polaris is not valid in their assessment of the wear on the clutch componentsThey are design to wear, and they are lubricated to help prevent wearIt is VERY hard to burn out a wet clutch on any motorcycle at 12,miles and is obviously a manufacture defectTo not get close 50,miles on a wet clutch is unacceptable for a motorcycle that cost so much money
All affected models will be inspected and any affected models will be fixed free of chargeWarranty covers the repair of the vehicle; it does not cover down time or transportation costHowever, Mr*** case owner has been working with the dealership to assist with transportation and has not
heard back from the dealership to follow up with Mr***
I am rejecting this response because:
I have all the documents
from the authorized dealer stating the cause of engine fail was due to a spun bearing (burnt) Polaris also has the same documents on hand and it's written in black and white ......all records provided from the authorized dealer indicate that the vehicle was in excellent condition Oil levels where within specs, no contamination on the filter, no contamination in the oil it is a simple case of manufacture defect on the main bearingAgain we obtained all correspondence between Polaris and the authorized dealer "del amo Motorsports" and can prove what caused the engine fail in Dell Amo Motorsports own words
I'm not sure you got my responseThey state they have been shipping parts since the of April and this is not true dealers have been struggling because they had no parts I am rejecting this response because: They need to compensate owners for the time Polaris disabled our machines with their do not ride recall as the machines could burst into flames by extending warranties for the time period they were not usedI don't think Polaris knows the impact that customers are talking about with their not doing warranty extensions
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 9, 2015/06/10) */
Added On: 6/10/12:PM by ***
eu called back concerning eu's uniteu is not happy about the resolution that eu has recievedeu states after 1/weeks unit has failedeu's engine has been dusted and no one has told him how this has
happenedeu has spent over 25,for this unit and expects it to run better than this and last longeri told eu I have reviewed his case and it does look like dust has entered through his air filtereu says that is not possible because the inside of his air filter is spotlessi told eu of course it would be clean because there is a vacuum created inside of the intake to draw in air, and if the air filter has been compromised all the dust will go right thougheu does not believe me and states its not the air filteri told eu that I can only work with the information that has been given to me from his dealer and techs from hereeu told me that my information is bullsti told eu I am sorry he feels that way, but the facts are they areeu told me he has performed his own maintenancei asked eu if he changed his air filter? eu said no it looks finei told eu its recommended he replace his filter after hours or earlier if need beeu says no his filter is finei asked the eu how come he first agreed to the proposal of polaris goodwilling him parts and he pay for labor, and now he doesn't agree no more? eu told me he has been talking with a lot of owners and they have told him that once a engine has been dusted the cylinder walls are compromisedhe will not agree with a rebuilt engine as a resolutioni asked the eu how does he know the cylinder walls are compromised? eu said how do I know they aren't? I have told him that oil in the cylinder protects the engineeu did not like answeri told eu if that is how he truly feels, I will make him a offer out of polaris brand loyalty to replace eu's engine, but he has to pay for the laborsince the engine has been dusted warranty will never cover engine, but since we have agreed to parts in the past I will compromise eu with a new engine for peace of mindeu will have to be responsible for paying labor on his uniteu has agreed to my terms saying if that's the best he will get then he accepts as he won't feel he will get stuck out in the middle of no where with a new engine
The consumer and Polaris has come to a resolutionWe will offer a one-time brand loyalty gesture of a new engine for the consumerThe consumer will be responsible for the installation process of the engineThis is the final agreement and Polaris will not will not proceed to any further actions
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 11, 2015/06/11) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
the resolution proposed by Polaris is satisfactoryi accept and appreciate the Revdex.com and the Polaris recognition of brand loyaltyI am still at a loss for "true" cause and will consider it a fluke of some kindWhile I still feel labor should be paid , I understand the grey area and accept the resolution***(polaris rep) was very polite and treated me as a valued customeronce again, thanks, and I look forward to getting my machine back very soon, ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 8, 2015/07/14) */
Polaris(c) has offered a goodwill gesture to cover the parts requested by dealership technician to service consumer's unitThe consumer has the right to deny our offerThis is the resolution Polaris is standing behindConsumer's warranty on
unit has expired over a year ago and Polaris will not be able to particpate in labor cost for service
I am rejecting this response because:The product
has a known faulty part & they need to recall this productThis is a manufacturer problem and the weld failed numerous times to the point that they made a new and improved part that doesn't have the rod that bends and breaks. This is not a warranty issue, but a manufacturer defect that Polaris is aware of, but is neglecting to take responsibility for the faulty partThese parts broke times in day on me
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 8, 2016/01/19) */
Polaris has informed and spoke with Mr *** numerous times that we do not have a buyback or rental platform; we offer warranty coverage on his unitPolaris provides warranty coverage for repairs when a manufacture defect is presentIn Mr
***'s situation we did just thatWe diagnosed and fixed his unit as defects were identifiedWe acknowledged and apologized that Mr *** experienced this failure so early in ownership and therefore offered him a $coupon that could be used toward Polaris parts, accessories and/or apparel for the inconvenience he experienced
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 10, 2016/01/20) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Again, I would like a formal apology as well as the cost to return the vehicle to the dealer in the form of mileage as well as two payments made by plPolaris for the time that my BRAND NEW machine was in the shop forFor a machine with less than an hour of riding on it, I would expect Polaris to do more for me since they sold a faulty machineYou buy brand new to avoid problems like this and it was not resolved timely, or to my satisfactionWithout Polaris resolving this issue, unfortunately I will never buy another Polaris machine, nor will I recommend their products to anyoneStand by your product and fix your mistakes$worth of accessories is pennies compared to cost of the machine
Final Business Response /* (4000, 12, 2016/01/26) */
Polaris apologizes that the Mr *** experienced this failure so early in ownershipPolaris fixed the machine under warranty on December 2, Polaris offered an additional $of goodwillNo further contact will be made with the customer in regards to this case
Initial Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/08/26) */
The consumer and Victory Motorcycles(c) has come to a resolutionVictory has offered the consumer $to be used at a authorized Victory Motorcycles dealer for parts, accesories, and apparelConsumer has agreed to resolution offered by
VictoryBoth parties are content with resolution and no further contact will be required
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 11, 2015/08/26) */
I am rejecting this response because:
The dealership says that they have not received the parts needed to do the repairs and have contacted Polaris a number of times over the past few monthsI can see a couple weeks but months.!
In reference to case C-*** consumer has been informed that there is no compensation for downtimeParts have been shipping since April 19th, and his best point of contact is his dealership
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 8, 2016/03/14) */
Polaris spoke with Mr *** on February 19, and advised that we would resubmit his warranty request for reconsiderationPolaris then contacted the EU on February 24, and advised the reconsideration was declinedPolaris is offering
no goodwill assistance on this caseNo further contact will be made with the customer in regards to this case
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 10, 2016/03/14) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Even though the warranty claim was denied as technically outside the warranty period, I believe that the very low mileage warrants some consideration if the company believes in the quality of their productIt seems that they no longer make this engine anymore which leads me to believe there are known issues with their reliabilityTo offer absolutely zero goodwill is a black mark on their customer service
Final Business Response /* (4000, 12, 2016/03/18) */
Polaris spoke with Mr *** on February 19, and advised that we would resubmit his warranty request for reconsiderationPolaris then contacted the EU on February 24, and advised the reconsideration was declinedPolaris is offering no goodwill assistance on this caseNo further contact will be made with the customer in regards to this case
Polaris has spoken to consumer on Case # C-***. The consumers case was reviewed and the denial standsThe Consumer was advised clutch plates are not covered under warranty and are a wear item and not a manufacturer defectNo compensation or further review will be provided
I was able to find an open case from this consumers dealershipThe dealership first made contact on this concern 1/31/and our technical team is in communication with the dealershipPolaris advised consumer to speak to their dealership on this matter and for updates on their technical case
Polaris Case# C-***The consumer has been informed their case is in for engineering review which can take 8-weeksOnce a resolution has been made Polaris will reach out to the consumerNo further communication will be provided to consumer until engineering review is complete
Polaris has reached out to consumer on case # C-***The consumer was advised that the machine warranty expired on 11-19-and no Polaris Protection Plan was purchased and no assistance can be offeredThe consumer was also advised that All of our dealers are independently owned and
operated and it is their discretion who they service as these are privately owned businesses
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 9, 2015/05/27) */
I have spoken with the consumer todayThe issue is not with Polaris, but consumer's extend service contract company AssurantWe are working with the consumer to work with Assurant to come to a resolutionWe will update the consumer's case
with results when a resolution has been determined
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 11, 2015/05/27) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Was told they would contact me today and still have not made any contactThey said it was out of their handsI was told it was an extended warranty not a warranty with a different companyNothing has been solved as of May 27, hoursThank you, *** ***
Final Consumer Response /* (2000, 13, 2015/05/29) */
A Polaris representative named Ky took care of the situation as of right nowThey are waiting on a quote from the dealership to make the repairsI will follow up when I know that the machine is fixed 100%Thank you Revdex.com, I don't know if it would've been taken care of without your helpIts a wonderful thing what you and your staff do for peopleThanks again, *** ***
Polaris is working with the dealership to provide transportation assistance no other form of compensation will be provided
I am rejecting this response because:Polaris has been in contact with me since December but not because they chose toDecember is when my month factory warranty was going to expire and I decided to contact them because after multiple attempts to repair my atv at the Polaris dealership we had still been unsuccessfulMy atv was still breaking within miles of every riding trip I madeI was concerned I was going to be left paying the tab and that wasn't going to happenPolaris can say they have offered good will in reference to the repairs, but if they have failed during the warranty period and after to repair my unit so that it won't break again the very next trip I fail to see that as good willI see that as the unit has never been fixed during the warranty period so they have to keep repairing it afterThey did offer $toward trading the machine in and getting a new oneJeremy the Polaris rep as well as myself have talked to dealerships(I hate to repeat myself but the two dealerships that have worked on this unit will not even accept it on trade)and it would take $to get me into a new machineI just gave them $last June and am not giving them another $now! That would be a win win for Polaris and an even bigger lose for meIt's only right that they take this atv back and give me a new machine or give me the $to make me wholeI should not be stuck with an atv that several Polaris dealerships can not fix!
am rejecting this response because: the dealer said I needed an entire clutchThey didn't say I needed this component of a clutch or that component of a clutch, which is cheaperI need to replace the whole clutch which is close to $aloneIf it was just the clutch components, it would be a cheaper fixFurthermore, customer service at Polaris is not valid in their assessment of the wear on the clutch componentsThey are design to wear, and they are lubricated to help prevent wearIt is VERY hard to burn out a wet clutch on any motorcycle at 12,miles and is obviously a manufacture defectTo not get close 50,miles on a wet clutch is unacceptable for a motorcycle that cost so much money
All affected models will be inspected and any affected models will be fixed free of chargeWarranty covers the repair of the vehicle; it does not cover down time or transportation costHowever, Mr*** case owner has been working with the dealership to assist with transportation and has not
heard back from the dealership to follow up with Mr***
I am rejecting this response because:
I have all the documents
from the authorized dealer stating the cause of engine fail was due to a spun bearing (burnt) Polaris also has the same documents on hand and it's written in black and white ......all records provided from the authorized dealer indicate that the vehicle was in excellent condition Oil levels where within specs, no contamination on the filter, no contamination in the oil it is a simple case of manufacture defect on the main bearingAgain we obtained all correspondence between Polaris and the authorized dealer "del amo Motorsports" and can prove what caused the engine fail in Dell Amo Motorsports own words
I'm not sure you got my responseThey state they have been shipping parts since the of April and this is not true dealers have been struggling because they had no parts I am rejecting this response because: They need to compensate owners for the time Polaris disabled our machines with their do not ride recall as the machines could burst into flames by extending warranties for the time period they were not usedI don't think Polaris knows the impact that customers are talking about with their not doing warranty extensions
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 9, 2015/06/10) */
ti told eu I am sorry he feels that way, but the facts are they areeu told me he has performed his own maintenancei asked eu if he changed his air filter? eu said no it looks finei told eu its recommended he replace his filter after hours or earlier if need beeu says no his filter is finei asked the eu how come he first agreed to the proposal of polaris goodwilling him parts and he pay for labor, and now he doesn't agree no more? eu told me he has been talking with a lot of owners and they have told him that once a engine has been dusted the cylinder walls are compromisedhe will not agree with a rebuilt engine as a resolutioni asked the eu how does he know the cylinder walls are compromised? eu said how do I know they aren't? I have told him that oil in the cylinder protects the engineeu did not like answeri told eu if that is how he truly feels, I will make him a offer out of polaris brand loyalty to replace eu's engine, but he has to pay for the laborsince the engine has been dusted warranty will never cover engine, but since we have agreed to parts in the past I will compromise eu with a new engine for peace of mindeu will have to be responsible for paying labor on his uniteu has agreed to my terms saying if that's the best he will get then he accepts as he won't feel he will get stuck out in the middle of no where with a new engine
Added On: 6/10/12:PM by ***
eu called back concerning eu's uniteu is not happy about the resolution that eu has recievedeu states after 1/weeks unit has failedeu's engine has been dusted and no one has told him how this has
happenedeu has spent over 25,for this unit and expects it to run better than this and last longeri told eu I have reviewed his case and it does look like dust has entered through his air filtereu says that is not possible because the inside of his air filter is spotlessi told eu of course it would be clean because there is a vacuum created inside of the intake to draw in air, and if the air filter has been compromised all the dust will go right thougheu does not believe me and states its not the air filteri told eu that I can only work with the information that has been given to me from his dealer and techs from hereeu told me that my information is bulls
The consumer and Polaris has come to a resolutionWe will offer a one-time brand loyalty gesture of a new engine for the consumerThe consumer will be responsible for the installation process of the engineThis is the final agreement and Polaris will not will not proceed to any further actions
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 11, 2015/06/11) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
the resolution proposed by Polaris is satisfactoryi accept and appreciate the Revdex.com and the Polaris recognition of brand loyaltyI am still at a loss for "true" cause and will consider it a fluke of some kindWhile I still feel labor should be paid , I understand the grey area and accept the resolution***(polaris rep) was very polite and treated me as a valued customeronce again, thanks, and I look forward to getting my machine back very soon, ***
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 8, 2015/07/14) */
Polaris(c) has offered a goodwill gesture to cover the parts requested by dealership technician to service consumer's unitThe consumer has the right to deny our offerThis is the resolution Polaris is standing behindConsumer's warranty on
unit has expired over a year ago and Polaris will not be able to particpate in labor cost for service
Polaris has responded to this matter and advised the consumer needs to work with his dealership on this matterNo further response will be made
I am rejecting this response because:The product
has a known faulty part & they need to recall this productThis is a manufacturer problem and the weld failed numerous times to the point that they made a new and improved part that doesn't have the rod that bends and breaks. This is not a warranty issue, but a manufacturer defect that Polaris is aware of, but is neglecting to take responsibility for the faulty partThese parts broke times in day on me
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 8, 2016/01/19) */
Polaris has informed and spoke with Mr *** numerous times that we do not have a buyback or rental platform; we offer warranty coverage on his unitPolaris provides warranty coverage for repairs when a manufacture defect is presentIn Mr
***'s situation we did just thatWe diagnosed and fixed his unit as defects were identifiedWe acknowledged and apologized that Mr *** experienced this failure so early in ownership and therefore offered him a $coupon that could be used toward Polaris parts, accessories and/or apparel for the inconvenience he experienced
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 10, 2016/01/20) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Again, I would like a formal apology as well as the cost to return the vehicle to the dealer in the form of mileage as well as two payments made by plPolaris for the time that my BRAND NEW machine was in the shop forFor a machine with less than an hour of riding on it, I would expect Polaris to do more for me since they sold a faulty machineYou buy brand new to avoid problems like this and it was not resolved timely, or to my satisfactionWithout Polaris resolving this issue, unfortunately I will never buy another Polaris machine, nor will I recommend their products to anyoneStand by your product and fix your mistakes$worth of accessories is pennies compared to cost of the machine
Final Business Response /* (4000, 12, 2016/01/26) */
Polaris apologizes that the Mr *** experienced this failure so early in ownershipPolaris fixed the machine under warranty on December 2, Polaris offered an additional $of goodwillNo further contact will be made with the customer in regards to this case
Initial Business Response /* (4000, 9, 2015/08/26) */
The consumer and Victory Motorcycles(c) has come to a resolutionVictory has offered the consumer $to be used at a authorized Victory Motorcycles dealer for parts, accesories, and apparelConsumer has agreed to resolution offered by
VictoryBoth parties are content with resolution and no further contact will be required
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 11, 2015/08/26) */
I am rejecting this response because:
The dealership says that they have not received the parts needed to do the repairs and have contacted Polaris a number of times over the past few monthsI can see a couple weeks but months.!
In reference to case C-*** consumer has been informed that there is no compensation for downtimeParts have been shipping since April 19th, and his best point of contact is his dealership
Initial Business Response /* (1000, 8, 2016/03/14) */
Polaris spoke with Mr *** on February 19, and advised that we would resubmit his warranty request for reconsiderationPolaris then contacted the EU on February 24, and advised the reconsideration was declinedPolaris is offering
no goodwill assistance on this caseNo further contact will be made with the customer in regards to this case
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 10, 2016/03/14) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Even though the warranty claim was denied as technically outside the warranty period, I believe that the very low mileage warrants some consideration if the company believes in the quality of their productIt seems that they no longer make this engine anymore which leads me to believe there are known issues with their reliabilityTo offer absolutely zero goodwill is a black mark on their customer service
Final Business Response /* (4000, 12, 2016/03/18) */
Polaris spoke with Mr *** on February 19, and advised that we would resubmit his warranty request for reconsiderationPolaris then contacted the EU on February 24, and advised the reconsideration was declinedPolaris is offering no goodwill assistance on this caseNo further contact will be made with the customer in regards to this case