A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has made multiple attempts to contact our customer by telephone however our customer has not returned any of correspondence requestsIf the customer has any questions or concern they may contact us at ###-###-####At this time we consider this matter closed
I am still waiting for my creditThey keep sending me RA's for a different computer that hasn't even been delivered yetWhen I have the credit, that is the only time I will trust what these people are saying
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved Regards, [redacted] ***
Revdex.com:I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I Understand that Toshiba limited warranty doesn't cover accidental or physical damage(I was informed of that) the problem is that the TV DOES NOT HAVE ANY PHYSICAL OR ACCIDENTAL DAMAGEthe problem is that the pixel are burning out inside how can I damage the Screen pixels in the inside without even scratching the outsidethey are burning out because is a defective product.Regards, [redacted] ***
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research our customer’s unit has been sent to our corporate to evaluate the issue of the unit and now this case has been forwarded to our order desk department to provide a replacement to our customerAt this time we consider this matter closed
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear This is not an acceptable responseToshiba's warranty is worthless, the machine was defective and needed a new motherboardCanceling the warranty after fixing a defective machine is not acceptable Regards, [redacted]
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research our customer was sent an email regarding to this informationThey were advised that the order attempted to utilize a coupon code cannot be combined with other discounts or used on special promotions or clearance items pursuant to Toshiba’s published Terms and ConditionsThe item(s) ordered were already subject to a special promotion and therefore the usage of his coupon cannot be honoredOur customer was informed that the order has been canceled due to this information Toshiba reserves the right to review all orders before they are acceptedAcceptance of an order is at the sole discretion of Toshiba and an order is not accepted until the order shipsWhen the order was reviewed, it was determined that the order contained a coupon that was not valid with the current website promotion for that productThe coupon code used, APRSAVINGS, states in the Terms and Conditions that it is valid on regularly priced Toshiba branded productsThe item purchased was heavily discounted and therefore, the coupon code could not be combined with website promotion Once this was determined to be the case, the customer was notified that the order was cancelled and the order could be placed as the current web price, but the coupon could not be appliedWe apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your interest in ToshibaHowever, we will not offer the product at the reduced price plus coupon discount Please see the attached document of the promotion that clearly states the terms do not allow this to be combined with other coupons or promotionsAt this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintTAIS has informed our customer that the warranty states that "TOSHIBA IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO, LOSS OR COMPROMISE OF ANY PROGRAMS OR DATA." Our customer can file a claim to the website acclaim.toshiba.com to have a replacement of the external hard driveAlso, our customer is responsible for the cost of retrieving the files from the non-working external hard driveAt this time we consider this matter closed
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be the only answer I will recive therefore I will just take my business elsewhere in the future Regards, [redacted]
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me Toshiba responded based on the BB compliant and fixed the problemThis matter is now resolvedThank you so very much for your assistance in this matter [redacted]
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has made multiple attempts to contact our customer by telephone on the following dates 11/10/14, 11/11/14, and 11/12/however, our customer has not returned any of correspondence requestsIf the customer has any questions and concern they may contact us at 949-461-At this time we consider this matter closed
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below You're reading off the script againCan't y'all say anything but "it's out of warranty." I already know thatI'm quite capable of reading and making decisions My case broke because you used flimsy plastic with a heavy hingeThis is not user damage I don't think it's asking for special treatment for someone at Toshiba to look at repair requests, etc, to see if I might have a valid point I barely scrape by working multiple jobsI use this laptop to complete some of those jobsI buy Toshibas because they're reliableThis computer is only years old and is damaged by something out of my controlAnd y'all are treating me like the village it and the gum on the bottom of your shoe Regards, [redacted]
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research our customer's warranty for their T.V has already expired since 08/01/ As per the Standard Limited Warranty our customer has a year limited periodSeeing as the customer has exceeded the warranty period they are now responsible for any repairs and or technical assistanceAt this time we consider this matter closed
10/16/ Dear RevDex.com: I, [redacted] have reviewed the response made by Toshiba, in reference to complaint ID [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by Toshiba, in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and determined this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [The proposed action would not resolve my complaint for the following reasons: For a second time in two days, in the messages Toshiba filed with the Revdex.com during this period, Toshiba failed to include the key point their representative, [redacted] the Toshiba’s Revdex.com Coordinator, approved yesterday to resolve my complaint He approved this point during our only conversation, when he called my cell phone yesterday afternoon, Oct15th, at 4:pm EST Twice now in hours in their letters to the Revdex.com on this matter, Toshiba has left out the most essential component coming out of this call with their representative [redacted] stated,” there was no fee to be paid on my part, for any computer repairs/evaluation/replacement” [redacted] also offered free overnight shipping, with resolution complete within to business days, since as he said, “You have been months waiting without your computer and the return didn’t happen because ***, the Toshiba Case Manager previously handling my computer not working, ‘had processed it incorrectly, but he wanted to move on from that”, he said When I asked for his extension or direct line, he said,” he was the only one at their office that could handle it, no one else could approve anything on it.” In my earlier response the evening of 10/15/14, I pointed out the key piece of information, along with several others was missing from Toshiba’s first letter This was why I could not agree to resolve my complaint (please see below) Even after my request to make it clear there would be no charge to me, Toshiba is unable to do this in their first or second letter, making me very uncomfortable with this process and their company, especially based on my earlier experience with it Toshiba only writes in the second letter, “our Toshiba engineer who’s the one working with the Toshiba VIP repair who will evaluate the computer of our customer TAIS has advised our customer that it will also evaluated for replacement however if the issue of the computer is repairable the computer will be sent back to our customer repaired and the process will take 7-business days.” First Message from Toshiba 10/15/ 5:16:PM after phone call with ***, Toshiba’s Revdex.com Coordinator A Toshiba America Information System (TAIS) representative has been in contact with our customer TAIS has apologized for the inconvenience our customer has experienced TAIS has advised our customer that we will send her a free box so her computer will be sent to our Toshiba engineers to diagnose what is the cause of the issue and have it fixed Our customer agreed to that offer If our customer has any questions or concern they may contact us at ###-###-#### At this time we consider this matter closed.] [Because the both issue and my complaint continues, I ask the following the resolve my complaint: Toshiba will use overnight shipping both back and forth to expedite this process, with all steps in the process (repairs, evaluation, replacement with a new computer if needed, being fully resolved by 5:pm on 10/29/ All shipping costs will be at no cost to the customer, [redacted] *** Toshiba will repair any and all issues, if possible, with the current computer These will be complete by 10/29/and the repaired computer will be received by [redacted] by 10/29/by 5:PM EST Any and all repairs, parts, labor, evaluation, shipping, replacement and any and all incidental costs/charges, both anticipated/unanticipated and/or charges not here listed are the complete responsibility of Toshiba [redacted] is not responsible in any manner for any repairs, parts, labor, any evaluations, replacement, shipping, any and all incidental costs/charges, both anticipated and unanticipated and/or costs or and/charges not here listedNo refurbished parts and/or accessories of any kind are allowed to repair the current computer under these terms All repairs, including parts and labor will be submitted to [redacted] and the Revdex.com website before completion, outlined in full in a work repair slip If repairs are not deemed possible or if they are deemed to cost over $in labor and/or parts as outlined in full in a work repair slip, submitted to the Revdex.com website and [redacted] ***, a new replacement computer as outlined will be issued at no cost to [redacted] *** No refurbished computers, parts and/or accessories of any kind are allowed under these terms This new replacement will be received by [redacted] ***, no later than 11/3/at 12:EST This new replacement will be a new computer of [redacted] ***'s choice, including all its parts and accessories, not to exceed a $1, total retail cost plus overnight shipping [redacted] will not be responsible for paying any of the cost of this computer and/or any and all its parts and/or accessories All of these will be shipped to her overnight, with receipt by no later than Monday, 11/3/2014, all at no cost to [redacted] *** This new computer, any and all its parts and accessories will be guaranteed to free of any and all defects, for a period of one year from the date of delivery to [redacted] *** Any and all needed repairs, parts, labor, shipping and other charges or costs during this one year period will be at no cost to [redacted] and paid for by Toshiba with no refurbished parts permitted Toshiba will complete all repairs and all evaluation for replacement by 10/29/by 5:pm Toshiba agrees to complete all repairs at no cost to the customer, [redacted] ***, any and all needed future repairs if needed, to the current computer, for one year from today’s date, 10/16/ If by 5:pm EST on Wednesday, 10/29/2014, [redacted] is not in possession of her fully repaired computer with all its fully repaired parts/accessories and this same repaired computer with all its fully repaired arts/accessories is not fully functioning to [redacted] ***’s satisfaction, and if requested to the satisfaction of a neutral third party, as determined by the Revdex.com, by no later than Monday, 11/3/at 12:pm, Toshiba agrees to replace this current computer and all its parts/accessories, with a new computer of [redacted] ***'s choice, including all its parts and accessories, not to exceed a $1,total retail cost plus overnight shipping No refurbished computers, parts and/or accessories are allowed under these terms All of these will be shipped to her overnight, no later than 11/3/with morning delivery that day, at no cost to her This new computer, any and all its parts and accessories will be guaranteed to free of any and all defects, for a period of one year from the date of delivery to [redacted] *** Any and all needed repairs, parts, labor, shipping and other charges or costs during this one year period will be at no cost to [redacted] and paid for by Toshiba with no refurbished parts permitted.] I have spent a great deal of my time and energy trying to resolve this matter with Toshiba and look forward to its resolution Sincerely, [redacted] ***
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintOur customer set up a repair to Toshiba Repair Services (TRS) for his laptop and paid for $for the diagnostic and shipping feeAccording to Toshiba Repair Services (TRS) website, "After diagnosis, if you elect not to have your unit repaired, there is a nonrefundable $diagnostic and shipping fee"Our customer has discretion if they will continue with the repairIf the customer has any questions or concern they may contact (TRS) at ###-###-#### At this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research TAIS received our customer’s unit on 8/20/in our repair facility and determined that there is a Physical Damaged (dock board, hinge assembly, & LCD cover), which is out of scope of the warranty (out of scope meaning it is not covered under the standard limited warranty)Our customer was advised that we can send it to our VIP/Toshiba Engineer’s repair so we can have a final diagnosis for the unit and set the right expectation that she will be quoted once they determine the damaged is not covered by the warrantyHowever our customer declined that offerAt this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information System (TAIS) representative has contacted our customerTAIS has apologized for the inconvenience our customer has experiencedTAIS has provided option to our customer, she will bring her computer to the Authorized Service provider (ASP) and she will let us know what the result of the diagnostic isTAIS has provided the information of the ASPIf the customer has any questions or concerns they may contact us at ###-###-####At this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has been in contact with our customerTAIS has apologized for the inconvenience that our customer has experiencedTAIS has offered to send the computer to our Toshiba Engineers repair facility for them to check and diagnose the issueTAIS has advised our customer that we will send a free box that she can use sending the unit going to our repair facilityOur customer agreed to that offerOur Toshiba repair facility is currently waiting for the unit for them to diagnose and check it physicallyIf they found out that the unit is unrepairable it will be automatically subjected for replacementIf the customer has any questions or concern they may contact us at ###-###-####At this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research TAIS found out that the customer originally placed order [redacted] , which they had issues with and set up for a return/exchangeAt that time the price of the laptop had dropped and the specifications had increasedSo, rather than before an exchange, our customer placed a new order, [redacted] for the system, with the current specifications and priceOur customer has been contacted by one of the representative of Toshiba Direct on 12/16/by phone, obtained the full credit card number and process the refund under [redacted] At this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information System (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research this case has been forwarded to our order desk depart and TAIS found out that our customer has been contacted by one of our order desk representative to discuss about the replacement of the computerAt this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has made multiple attempts to contact our customer by telephone however our customer has not returned any of correspondence requestsIf the customer has any questions or concern they may contact us at ###-###-####At this time we consider this matter closed
I am still waiting for my creditThey keep sending me RA's for a different computer that hasn't even been delivered yetWhen I have the credit, that is the only time I will trust what these people are saying
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved Regards, [redacted] ***
Revdex.com:I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I Understand that Toshiba limited warranty doesn't cover accidental or physical damage(I was informed of that) the problem is that the TV DOES NOT HAVE ANY PHYSICAL OR ACCIDENTAL DAMAGEthe problem is that the pixel are burning out inside how can I damage the Screen pixels in the inside without even scratching the outsidethey are burning out because is a defective product.Regards, [redacted] ***
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research our customer’s unit has been sent to our corporate to evaluate the issue of the unit and now this case has been forwarded to our order desk department to provide a replacement to our customerAt this time we consider this matter closed
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear This is not an acceptable responseToshiba's warranty is worthless, the machine was defective and needed a new motherboardCanceling the warranty after fixing a defective machine is not acceptable Regards, [redacted]
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research our customer was sent an email regarding to this informationThey were advised that the order attempted to utilize a coupon code cannot be combined with other discounts or used on special promotions or clearance items pursuant to Toshiba’s published Terms and ConditionsThe item(s) ordered were already subject to a special promotion and therefore the usage of his coupon cannot be honoredOur customer was informed that the order has been canceled due to this information Toshiba reserves the right to review all orders before they are acceptedAcceptance of an order is at the sole discretion of Toshiba and an order is not accepted until the order shipsWhen the order was reviewed, it was determined that the order contained a coupon that was not valid with the current website promotion for that productThe coupon code used, APRSAVINGS, states in the Terms and Conditions that it is valid on regularly priced Toshiba branded productsThe item purchased was heavily discounted and therefore, the coupon code could not be combined with website promotion Once this was determined to be the case, the customer was notified that the order was cancelled and the order could be placed as the current web price, but the coupon could not be appliedWe apologize for any inconvenience this has caused and appreciate your interest in ToshibaHowever, we will not offer the product at the reduced price plus coupon discount Please see the attached document of the promotion that clearly states the terms do not allow this to be combined with other coupons or promotionsAt this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintTAIS has informed our customer that the warranty states that "TOSHIBA IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO, LOSS OR COMPROMISE OF ANY PROGRAMS OR DATA." Our customer can file a claim to the website acclaim.toshiba.com to have a replacement of the external hard driveAlso, our customer is responsible for the cost of retrieving the files from the non-working external hard driveAt this time we consider this matter closed
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be the only answer I will recive therefore I will just take my business elsewhere in the future Regards, [redacted]
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me Toshiba responded based on the BB compliant and fixed the problemThis matter is now resolvedThank you so very much for your assistance in this matter [redacted]
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has made multiple attempts to contact our customer by telephone on the following dates 11/10/14, 11/11/14, and 11/12/however, our customer has not returned any of correspondence requestsIf the customer has any questions and concern they may contact us at 949-461-At this time we consider this matter closed
Revdex.com: I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below You're reading off the script againCan't y'all say anything but "it's out of warranty." I already know thatI'm quite capable of reading and making decisions My case broke because you used flimsy plastic with a heavy hingeThis is not user damage I don't think it's asking for special treatment for someone at Toshiba to look at repair requests, etc, to see if I might have a valid point I barely scrape by working multiple jobsI use this laptop to complete some of those jobsI buy Toshibas because they're reliableThis computer is only years old and is damaged by something out of my controlAnd y'all are treating me like the village i
t and the gum on the bottom of your shoe Regards, [redacted]
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research our customer's warranty for their T.V has already expired since 08/01/ As per the Standard Limited Warranty our customer has a year limited periodSeeing as the customer has exceeded the warranty period they are now responsible for any repairs and or technical assistanceAt this time we consider this matter closed
10/16/ Dear RevDex.com: I, [redacted] have reviewed the response made by Toshiba, in reference to complaint ID [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by Toshiba, in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and determined this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [The proposed action would not resolve my complaint for the following reasons: For a second time in two days, in the messages Toshiba filed with the Revdex.com during this period, Toshiba failed to include the key point their representative, [redacted] the Toshiba’s Revdex.com Coordinator, approved yesterday to resolve my complaint He approved this point during our only conversation, when he called my cell phone yesterday afternoon, Oct15th, at 4:pm EST Twice now in hours in their letters to the Revdex.com on this matter, Toshiba has left out the most essential component coming out of this call with their representative [redacted] stated,” there was no fee to be paid on my part, for any computer repairs/evaluation/replacement” [redacted] also offered free overnight shipping, with resolution complete within to business days, since as he said, “You have been months waiting without your computer and the return didn’t happen because ***, the Toshiba Case Manager previously handling my computer not working, ‘had processed it incorrectly, but he wanted to move on from that”, he said When I asked for his extension or direct line, he said,” he was the only one at their office that could handle it, no one else could approve anything on it.” In my earlier response the evening of 10/15/14, I pointed out the key piece of information, along with several others was missing from Toshiba’s first letter This was why I could not agree to resolve my complaint (please see below) Even after my request to make it clear there would be no charge to me, Toshiba is unable to do this in their first or second letter, making me very uncomfortable with this process and their company, especially based on my earlier experience with it Toshiba only writes in the second letter, “our Toshiba engineer who’s the one working with the Toshiba VIP repair who will evaluate the computer of our customer TAIS has advised our customer that it will also evaluated for replacement however if the issue of the computer is repairable the computer will be sent back to our customer repaired and the process will take 7-business days.” First Message from Toshiba 10/15/ 5:16:PM after phone call with ***, Toshiba’s Revdex.com Coordinator A Toshiba America Information System (TAIS) representative has been in contact with our customer TAIS has apologized for the inconvenience our customer has experienced TAIS has advised our customer that we will send her a free box so her computer will be sent to our Toshiba engineers to diagnose what is the cause of the issue and have it fixed Our customer agreed to that offer If our customer has any questions or concern they may contact us at ###-###-#### At this time we consider this matter closed.] [Because the both issue and my complaint continues, I ask the following the resolve my complaint: Toshiba will use overnight shipping both back and forth to expedite this process, with all steps in the process (repairs, evaluation, replacement with a new computer if needed, being fully resolved by 5:pm on 10/29/ All shipping costs will be at no cost to the customer, [redacted] *** Toshiba will repair any and all issues, if possible, with the current computer These will be complete by 10/29/and the repaired computer will be received by [redacted] by 10/29/by 5:PM EST Any and all repairs, parts, labor, evaluation, shipping, replacement and any and all incidental costs/charges, both anticipated/unanticipated and/or charges not here listed are the complete responsibility of Toshiba [redacted] is not responsible in any manner for any repairs, parts, labor, any evaluations, replacement, shipping, any and all incidental costs/charges, both anticipated and unanticipated and/or costs or and/charges not here listedNo refurbished parts and/or accessories of any kind are allowed to repair the current computer under these terms All repairs, including parts and labor will be submitted to [redacted] and the Revdex.com website before completion, outlined in full in a work repair slip If repairs are not deemed possible or if they are deemed to cost over $in labor and/or parts as outlined in full in a work repair slip, submitted to the Revdex.com website and [redacted] ***, a new replacement computer as outlined will be issued at no cost to [redacted] *** No refurbished computers, parts and/or accessories of any kind are allowed under these terms This new replacement will be received by [redacted] ***, no later than 11/3/at 12:EST This new replacement will be a new computer of [redacted] ***'s choice, including all its parts and accessories, not to exceed a $1, total retail cost plus overnight shipping [redacted] will not be responsible for paying any of the cost of this computer and/or any and all its parts and/or accessories All of these will be shipped to her overnight, with receipt by no later than Monday, 11/3/2014, all at no cost to [redacted] *** This new computer, any and all its parts and accessories will be guaranteed to free of any and all defects, for a period of one year from the date of delivery to [redacted] *** Any and all needed repairs, parts, labor, shipping and other charges or costs during this one year period will be at no cost to [redacted] and paid for by Toshiba with no refurbished parts permitted Toshiba will complete all repairs and all evaluation for replacement by 10/29/by 5:pm Toshiba agrees to complete all repairs at no cost to the customer, [redacted] ***, any and all needed future repairs if needed, to the current computer, for one year from today’s date, 10/16/ If by 5:pm EST on Wednesday, 10/29/2014, [redacted] is not in possession of her fully repaired computer with all its fully repaired parts/accessories and this same repaired computer with all its fully repaired arts/accessories is not fully functioning to [redacted] ***’s satisfaction, and if requested to the satisfaction of a neutral third party, as determined by the Revdex.com, by no later than Monday, 11/3/at 12:pm, Toshiba agrees to replace this current computer and all its parts/accessories, with a new computer of [redacted] ***'s choice, including all its parts and accessories, not to exceed a $1,total retail cost plus overnight shipping No refurbished computers, parts and/or accessories are allowed under these terms All of these will be shipped to her overnight, no later than 11/3/with morning delivery that day, at no cost to her This new computer, any and all its parts and accessories will be guaranteed to free of any and all defects, for a period of one year from the date of delivery to [redacted] *** Any and all needed repairs, parts, labor, shipping and other charges or costs during this one year period will be at no cost to [redacted] and paid for by Toshiba with no refurbished parts permitted.] I have spent a great deal of my time and energy trying to resolve this matter with Toshiba and look forward to its resolution Sincerely, [redacted] ***
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintOur customer set up a repair to Toshiba Repair Services (TRS) for his laptop and paid for $for the diagnostic and shipping feeAccording to Toshiba Repair Services (TRS) website, "After diagnosis, if you elect not to have your unit repaired, there is a nonrefundable $diagnostic and shipping fee"Our customer has discretion if they will continue with the repairIf the customer has any questions or concern they may contact (TRS) at ###-###-#### At this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research TAIS received our customer’s unit on 8/20/in our repair facility and determined that there is a Physical Damaged (dock board, hinge assembly, & LCD cover), which is out of scope of the warranty (out of scope meaning it is not covered under the standard limited warranty)Our customer was advised that we can send it to our VIP/Toshiba Engineer’s repair so we can have a final diagnosis for the unit and set the right expectation that she will be quoted once they determine the damaged is not covered by the warrantyHowever our customer declined that offerAt this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information System (TAIS) representative has contacted our customerTAIS has apologized for the inconvenience our customer has experiencedTAIS has provided option to our customer, she will bring her computer to the Authorized Service provider (ASP) and she will let us know what the result of the diagnostic isTAIS has provided the information of the ASPIf the customer has any questions or concerns they may contact us at ###-###-####At this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has been in contact with our customerTAIS has apologized for the inconvenience that our customer has experiencedTAIS has offered to send the computer to our Toshiba Engineers repair facility for them to check and diagnose the issueTAIS has advised our customer that we will send a free box that she can use sending the unit going to our repair facilityOur customer agreed to that offerOur Toshiba repair facility is currently waiting for the unit for them to diagnose and check it physicallyIf they found out that the unit is unrepairable it will be automatically subjected for replacementIf the customer has any questions or concern they may contact us at ###-###-####At this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information Systems (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research TAIS found out that the customer originally placed order [redacted] , which they had issues with and set up for a return/exchangeAt that time the price of the laptop had dropped and the specifications had increasedSo, rather than before an exchange, our customer placed a new order, [redacted] for the system, with the current specifications and priceOur customer has been contacted by one of the representative of Toshiba Direct on 12/16/by phone, obtained the full credit card number and process the refund under [redacted] At this time we consider this matter closed
A Toshiba America Information System (TAIS) representative has reviewed our customer complaintAfter doing a research this case has been forwarded to our order desk depart and TAIS found out that our customer has been contacted by one of our order desk representative to discuss about the replacement of the computerAt this time we consider this matter closed