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Endurance Warranty Services

400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937

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good service

Wish I could give zero stars. I purchased an extended warranty for my wifes vehicle. After the purchase we experienced a engine warning light. Upon bringing the vehicle to the shop we were informed that the turbo needed service. I had the dealership call Endurance. Endurance promptly denied the service stating that the turbo waste gate could be replaced outside of the turbo. I was told that since the part could be purchased on amazon that there is no need for a turbo replacement. I was told that the dealership was being deceptive and just wanted to make money by replacing the entire turbo. I was told to call around and find other repair facilities. the dealership stated to me that the wastegate is integral to the turbo and could not be repaired individually. After calling other facilities I was told that the dealership is correct. I called Endurance and the supervisor confirmed that it is true that it can not be repaired individually. However, now he states that the wastegate is a non covered item because it is not "a lubricated item". Endurance is very deceptive. When you speak with the sales team they state broad coverage yet when you try to use the warranty you get denials and excuses.

Save your time and money and look elsewhere. I have a coverage policy from one of Endurances competitors and have had zero problems or run around.


Kaitlyn *** was very kind when correcting my policy information. She reacted quickly and efficiently to answer my questions. My original contact, Jack, was also extremely helpful and courteous.

I purchased an extended warranty on a 2010 *** my engine light came on I took my car into the shop where they contacted the warranty company letting them know it was engine and it would need repaired the warranty company then sent out a inspector to confirm that was the problem the inspector agreed then they requested a break down of the ENGINE(which is a covered part on my contract) the dealership told them over the phone before the breakdown of my engine that it was a gasket ( non covered part) that failed rather than tell them upfront a gasket was not covered don't break down the engine they will not cover it they sent out a second inspector and demanded the engine be broke down. After the second inspector confirmed the gasket was the cause of engine failure they denied my claim .I understand why! However I'm trying to get to company to cover the cost of the break down of my engine( the covered part) they are now starting because my Claim is denied they cost of the break down to my engine is something I have to pay out of pocket for! Unacceptable my contract does not state that the covered part (engine) breakdown will not be covered if the claim for repair to the coverd part is denied. My engine is a covered part in my contract the repair to my engine will not be covered but my breakdown claim should be .I've asked to speak with a supervisor and a appeals committee or department I've also asked for management to return my emails sent by a employee by the name of maurice and nothing has happened I now have a. Used motor to put in my car and cannot get it from the repair shop because of the breakdown cost. This Is unfair in so many ways when this all could have been avoided by the representative simply saying we do not cover gasket related damages and denied the claim before demanding a breakdown of my car

These people sent my mother a warning that their prices were about to go up and she should reserve the "best rates" now before it was too late. My mother hasn't owned a car since 1993. Hasn't driven since 2005. And died in April of last year.
These people should be ashamed. Trying to scam old people on Social Security with this nonsense.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 09, 2019


We apologize for the frustration. At your earliest convenience, please contact us so that we can remove your mother's information from our mailing list. You can reach us at 866-432-4443.

Endurance Support Team

keep getting offers to purchased extended vehicles for ones I don't even own. Calling does nothing to get off the mailing list. where/how do they get my personal info! They even state their policy is better than what GM offers! crooks Need to have a "0" stars option!

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 09, 2019


We're sorry for the frustration! We've taken you off of our mailing list. Please allow up to 10 business days for this to process. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 866-42-4443.

Endurance Support Team

I have repairs needed for my drive axle shaft and transmission brushings. They do not want to honor the warranty for repairs listing it as normal wear and tear. When I contacted them to they tried to sell me a supreme policy that was higher, that would cover wear and tear. I told her that looking at my contract I should not have to get an additional policy as the one I have now says that these components should be covered. I asked her to tell me how they determine what is wear and tear. She could not explain their determination for not covering my repairs. After trying to sell me the higher policy I asked her would it cover now or would I be out of pocket when I went to get my car. She stated it would be for future . I asked that she cancel the policy since they are not willing to honor the contract.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 05, 2019

On 2/26/19, the consumer contacted Endurance to purchase a vehicle service contract. The consumer was offered two levels of coverage for her vehicle, and opted for the Select Premier due to the lower price. A copy of the Select Premier was sent for the consumer's review, and the consumer was provided a 30 day period during which she could receive a full refund if the terms were not acceptable.

On 6/19/19, the consumer's repair facility reported that the left front axle bushing has excessive play and wore to the point of causing damage to the axle journal. As the Select Premier covers mechanical and electrical breakdown, but does not cover failures due to wear and tear. Per the consumer's contract,

"Breakdown refers to the Breakdown of a defective part or faulty workmanship as supplied by the Manufacturer or Dealer, but does not include gradual reduction in operating performance due to wear or tear or damage resulting from BREAKDOWN of non-covered parts."

On 6/21/19, the consumer contacted Endurance and requested cancellation of her contract. Endurance informed the consumer that the second level of coverage that she initially declined would cover wear and tear failures. The consumer opted instead to cancel the contract. Endurance cancelled the contract per the consumer's request.

In the interest of customer service, Endurance will expedite the consumer's pro-rata refund. The refund will be sent on 7/8 to the consumer's address on file.

Alvin was down to earth he understood my issue and did his best to make a solution. If it wasn't for his knowledge and patience I would of cancel my warranty so thank you

I had a situation arise, and was connected to Tony A. who assisted me, and greatly took care of the situation to my satisfaction. Tony was very calming, comforting, and professional. Every company needs someone likeTony. I'd give him 15 stars,but we'll just have to do with the 5. Thanks, and great job Tony! You deserve an Oscar an Emmy or a Tony??!

I appreciate everything you guys did for me. I will return as a loyal customer. Thanks Ms W

They suck. I paid my warranty consistently for 2 years. In my last 4 months in had to have a new alternator replaced. I realized then that you better read the fine print. The deductible was $100. The work was about $400. They did not want to pay for the covered service. I ended up pay over $300 while they would only pick up $100 of the tab. Secondly I had a break down of my rear differential and they sent an inspector out who denied it as wear and tear. Please find another company. The contract is setup so that they can get away with not covering anything. They just say its wear and tear. They only cover parts that break down. If you are using your vehicle there is gonna be wear and tear. But i'm so sick of these insurance and warranty companies that take your money every month but don't want to pay or make excuses when you need them. The point of a warranty or insurance is for you to be covered in case something happens. They do not honor their claims here. Run and find someone better.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 28, 2019


We're sorry to hear about your experience. We're trying to reach out to come to a resolution. At your earliest convenience, please give your personal resolution specialist a call at 866-432-4443 ext. 4821.

On March 10, 2019, after having 2 breakdown claims denied, I contacted Endurance representative Josh Smith to discuss the reasons, which were quite unsatisfactory. He was the most rude and unprofessional person I’d ever contacted. He ultimately cancelled my policy as I requested, then tried to end the call to avoid discussion of the refund. I had to press him about the amount of money to be refunded as a result of future coverage not provided. He begrudgingly provided his email address and asked for proof of mileage. As I’d just had a claim denied, the current mileage was on the receipt from my mechanic and I provided him with a scan of it. I’ve heard nothing since. I sent a follow up email on June 4, 2019 with no response. I've sent a certified letter to Endurance and they've confirmed receipt on June 14, 2019. I've heard nothing since.

Customer Response • Jul 01, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Thank you very much for your assistance. I received a refund check so this is issue is closed.

Dan ***



THIS ORGANIZATION WILL OBVIOUSLY DO ANYTHING TO TRY AND GET OUT OF PAYING FOR EXTENSIVE REPAIRS. Since we found out we had engine troubles, all reps and managers have done nothing but LIE to us in any and all ways. DO NOT PURCHASE ANY SERVICE AGREEMENT FROM THIS COMPANY.
We took our car in due to engine ticking noise and we were told that our engine needed to be completely rebuilt at significant expense.
Endurance first told us that an inspector would need to look at the engine to ascertain if the difficulty was in fact a mechanical issue and not an electronic issue - meaning that a mechanical issue would be covered. The inspector that Endurance sent confirmed exactly what the shop said ... that our engine need extensive rebuilding or would need to be replaced. Endurance wanted a second shop to look at our engine - the second shop came back with the same feedback. Then Endurance wanted to take our *** to as they would know this engine better than anyone. The *** dealership confirmed the same feedback and stated the engine would need even more work.
Endurance then started their inappropriate internal process: the regular reps started blocking our calls and delaying phone transfers to managers for 90 minutes or more. And even though the shops and *** dealer said this had nothing to do with oil (although oil was maintained as required and was clean and at a good level) Endurance said that we DID NOT ADHERE TO PAGE 3 OF THE CONTRACT WHICH SAID THAT WE HAD TO SHOW A NON-HANDWRITTEN OIL CHG RECEIPT. We know we were never informed of such on any phone call nor signed any declaration that such a policy existed, but their only resolution was to give our money back - they said they would honor as long as the recorded calls verified but would no longer discuss. Now they will not return our calls or communicate in any way. Imagine if Endurance was your life ins. carrier - they would not to pay but for death but would just return premiums = un-AMERICAN & WRONG!

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 05, 2019

On 11/8/2018, the consumer purchased the Select Premier vehicle service contract. A copy of the contract was sent via USPS Critical Mail for the consumer’s review, and she was provided a 30 day period during which she could receive a full refund if the terms were not acceptable.

On 5/28/19, the consumer’s repair facility contacted Endurance’s Claims department and reported failures to the cam phasers and the A/C compressor. The repair facility stated that the consumer did not want to repair the cam phasers at that time. Endurance authorized the repair of the A/C compressor and payment was submitted to the repair facility in the amount of $953.53.

On 6/3/19, Endurance received a call from another repair facility in regards to a ticking noise coming from under the hood of the consumer’s vehicle. The repair facility was unsure what was causing the noise. Per the repair facility, and confirmed by an inspector, the engine “ran fine” but had a ticking noise. Endurance requested maintenance documentation from the consumer to verify engine maintenance. The consumer was unable to submit any verifiable maintenance documents, and Endurance was not able to progress the claim forward. Per the consumer’s contract,

“All verifiable receipts must be retained for any service work and may be requested. The Administrator may request receipts to verify Vehicle maintenance. Receipts must be on licensed repair facility letterhead and include the date and mileage at the time of service. Hand written receipts will not be accepted.”

Endurance reached out to the consumer and advised that the claim could not progress without maintenance documentation. Endurance also advised the consumer of a technical service bulletin (TSB # LSB002809) released by the vehicle’s manufacturer stating that the vehicle may develop a ticking noise, but if there is no noted failure, no warning lights, and the engine is running normally, that it may not be necessary to correct the noise. Endurance confirmed that this was not the reason that the claim was declined, but merely important information for the consumer. Endurance advised that, if the consumer wanted to have the TSB information evaluated, a dealership would be able to do so, but this would not change the lack of maintenance documentation.

At this time, the claim cannot progress unless the consumer can produce verifiable maintenance documentation for the vehicle. Endurance has advised the consumer that they are able to take advantage of their Endurance Elite Membership to seek financing of the repair if the maintenance cannot be produced.

Customer Response • Jul 11, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because the company will NOT answer my calls or return my voicemails or answer my emails I have sent so they are NOT upholding the service I was guaranteed from Darren when initially communicating about the purchase of my policy, Carl *** and Jan *** upon purchasing the policy. Once I started communicating with Endurance regarding the warranty and our vehicle issue, Daniel *** had stated on our final communication that he would be our "go to" person and gave us his email and direct extension. He lied to us and has NOT answered his phone extension, returned our calls or answered our emails. This is unacceptable and there must be consequences when a "company" can continue to sell warranties and yet treat their costumers disgracefully. We have read through all of the BNB complaints and they are consistent and yet nothing is being done by BNB to get them to stop lying about their rating with BNB! I/We demand an answer and resolution to this complaint.



Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 31, 2019

Endurance has made every attempt to assist the consumer within the boundaries of the contract. Endurance notified the consumer of a relevant Technical Service Bulletin that may affect the failure, assisted in verifying the failure in the vehicle, and encouraged the consumer to take advantage of their Elite Membership repair financing for this failure. Endurance is still willing to re-assess the claim if the consumer can provide verifiable maintenance per the terms and conditions of the contract.

This company has some does everything in it's power to deny big ticket warranty items. I purchased the best warranty they offer for my *** and now every time there is a claim they deny it as pre existing. I would make sure you choose wisely.

Thank you Vernetta for all your help. She was very helpful n was able to help me to stay with company even after I was thinking of cancelling. Thank you again Vernetta!

My car has recently been denied for a claim due to “wear and tear” on the timing chain. I contacted the warranty company to understand why this was denied and was advised I must trust their word that this was inspected by a 3rd party “stating the timing chain was stretched” resulting from wear and tear because they WOULD NOT provide me documentation stating this reason. The claims manager even asked was there someone (not to insult my intellect) who could understand what he was saying on my behalf. I asked to speak to his superiors and was advised to call back later. Something was not adding up so I contacted the repair shop who had my car and the manager stated the inspector did not properly inspect the “timing chain” as he did not have the right equipment. The repair manager advised us that he sees this all the time with this company..inspector will tell them “this looks like it should be covered” and within the hour the warranty company denies the claim. The repair manager also stated we should get an attorney and fight this. A few minutes later the claims manager called my husband and stated “I spoke with my director and he is willing to reopen the claim, it appears the inspector did not have the right socket to inspect.”

Now the repair shop Had already rebuilt the breakdown after the warranty company denied the claim..this leaves me to cover that cost and now the additional breakdown cost for the second..over $2,000!!!!!!!

I called today after work to speak with someone in headquarters. I got another manager on the phone only to be advised I need to work with the other claims manager because she could not help me and he is on his way out the door as it is past their business hours. I told her why would I want to speak with someone who lied and insulted me..she stated it was my best bet. I asked her to how compassion as a person this is difficult. Later in the call she stated “you are not worth me losing my job over.” I can not believe this company!

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jul 03, 2019

Please be advised, the consumer purchased the Select Premier vehicle service contract from National Vehicle Protection Services, a selling agent. Endurance is the claims administrator for this contract.

On 6/5/19, a representative from *** contacted Endurance's claims department and reported a failure to the consumer's vehicle. The repair facility determined that the timing chain was stretched, and that this was the cause of the failure. As the Select Premier only provides coverage for mechanical and electrical breakdown and does not provide coverage for wear and tear failures. The timing chain, as reported by ***, was stretched, but was not mechanically failed. As such, Endurance declined the claim.

Subsequently, Endurance was notified that there was additional information in regards to the claim and that ***' diagnosis of stretched timing chains may not be accurate. The consumer authorized additional diagnosis and Endurance dispatched an independent, third-party inspector. The inspection report confirmed that ***' original diagnosis of stretched timing chains was in fact correct, and the claim remained declined.

As administrator, Endurance merely adjudicates the contract as written and is not involved in any financing of the contract. At this time, the consumer's contract is active and Endurance has not received any notification from National Vehicle Protection Services to indicate that it should be otherwise.

The consumer can reach her selling agent at .

Customer Response • Jul 03, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:

Information above is not valid, the third party “inspector” stated the timing chain was stretched not ***. *** stated the third party inspector did not have the proper tools to truly inspect the timing chain. when I contacted the warranty company they then agreed to “re-open” the case for another inspector to review.



This company is a fraud and full of . Received notification on a vehicle I no longer own. Got rid of vehicle over 14 years ago. Will report and send a copy of letter to *** as well as to the

I am currently in the process of a claim. My vehicle has the supreme policy, and I was told this would be the perfect choice for my type of vehicle (2014 ***) because of the features and costly options. 2 weeks ago the suspension on my car began to lower. I immediately had the vehicle sent to the dealership. The verdict was simple. My hydraulic pump was defective sending too much air pressure to the airbags causing them to leak, which then caused the interior rods to snap. The service manager contacted Endurance and verified that the parts were covered by my policy. I then called Endurance where a representative verified the exact same thing to me just to be sure. At this point he said they would send out an adjuster to finalize the repairs needed. Because the airbags were damaged from the faulty pump the adjuster listed only the airbags as a faulty item because they had physical damage to them. The pump was then disregarded for a reason they could not explain to me other than it "looking fine". The problem is Endurance does not want to send another adjuster out to see that the pump will blow a new set of airbags. They need the dealership to prove the pump is at fault and this is ALL OF THE PROOF they need if only they would get an adjuster out to see this occur. Of course that is too convenient, and I'm stuck in the loophole fighting for them to handle this appropriately.
As a business owner, I know better. I immediately contacted Endurance and the dealership 12 times over the course of 2 days to dispute this and explain that the airbags were caused by the faulty pump and now having the new airbags this can be proven. They are saying that they have finalized the issues reported and do not plan to send another adjuster out. So this means the airbags will blow again the moment the car attempts to self level. So another claim to Endurance only to experience the exact same situation!?!?
This has been a horrible experience for me. I will do every single thing in my power from both my side and business side to have fair treatment and proper care. I have reached out to contact corporate. I have my attorney for this matter to stay engaged with this every step of the way.
Endurance should represent their company and clients better, and this will be the test to see if they do. If they resolve this then my reviews will change and I will keep my policy. Simple as that. The repairs are still less than my premium. This comes down to principles.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 28, 2019

Mr. R,
We're sorry to hear about your experience, but we're glad you gave us the opportunity to make it right! We've put your updated response below:
My issues have been resolved with Endurance Auto Warranty. Initially the process was stressful, but ultimately they resolved my vehicle's damages and fully covered the repairs for both parts and labor. A very kind representative even contacted me to see how my vehicle was operating post repair work. Of course I was skeptical about a third party warranty policy based on some dreadful reviews of others, but I will say I am happy with Endurance. They kept to their word. They fixed my car and that is what matters most. There were complications as expected, but just keep up with it and document everything correctly. If your vehicle falls under the protection policy as listed then you should be fine.

I've repeatedly asked to be removed from their mailing list. On 6/11 I called customer service again. I asked Jocelyn could she explain how I could have received a letter last month worded exactly the as their letter. She asked me the name of that company which is *** Protection Services. She said she had never heard of them. The only difference in these letters is the effective date of a price increase. I have no idea how they have my name and address and so far their customer service has no answer. I believe this is a scam. Neither one of these companies have good reputations. I also find it highly unlikely that these two companies would send the same worded letter.They are connected somehow. I want these letters to cease and desist. This certainly not the way I would do business.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jun 12, 2019

Please be advised, Endurance vehicle service contracts are offered in over 2,000 automobile dealerships as well as direct-to-consumers via the internet, television commercials, and direct mail promotions. Endurance is a certified member of the Vehicle Protection Association (VPA). As a certified member, Endurance follows the VPA's Standards of Conduct. The Standards state that any vehicle service contract selling company must identify itself in the mail piece and Endurance abides by this standard.

Endurance can confirm that a mailed advertisement was sent to this consumer from Endurance. As Endurance is the same company as, nor a subsidiary of, *** Protection Services, nor is *** Protection Services a subsidiary of Endurance, Endurance cannot confirm any information in regards to that company. Endurance does not know what, if any, mail pieces have been sent from that company and Endurance does not know the content of any mail piece sent from that company.

We are sorry for the frustration that Endurance's mail piece caused the consumer, and as a result of the consumer's complaint, our company placed the consumer on our internal "Do Not Mail" database to ensure that he does not receive any future direct mail advertisements from our company. Please allow up to 10 business days to process this request. The consumer may still receive additional mail pieces sent during the processing time.

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Address: 400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937


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