Endurance Warranty Services Reviews (%countItem)
Endurance Warranty Services Rating
Address: 400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937
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I received a letter in the mail soliciting a Vehicle Warranty on my vehicle. They had the model and year of my vehicle, of which I have no idea how they got that, in the letter. I have no interest in a warranty from them and the letter is deceptive and makes one think they need to renew their warranty, which I have never had a warranty with them. All I want is for them to not send me a solicitation at my place of work (*** E Ross, Clearwater, KS 67026) or my personal address at *** S 2nd Street, Clearwater, KS 67026. Furthermore, I do not want them contacting me via phone, text, email, letter, or by any other means.
We are sorry for the frustration that Endurance's mail piece caused the consumer, and as a result of the consumer's complaint, our company placed the consumer on our internal "Do Not Mail" database to ensure that they do not receive any future direct mail advertisements from our company. Please allow up to 10 business days to process this request. The consumer may still receive additional mail pieces sent during the processing time.
Purchased a warranty from Endurance (contract #***), for my 2007 Mercedes sl550. Engine mount covered Nader the contract. Had engine mount failure five months later, took car to dealer for repair and Endurance will not pay rudely addressing the dealer stating that the car probably had to many miles and the damage was due to wear and tear. Just over 50,000 miles at start of contract. They knew the miles and the year prior to taking my money. This is a warranty scam. They could effectively use the “wear and tear” argument to decline payment for any repair for which they are contractually obligated. They are in violation of warranty agreement. The public should be protected from predators like this.
On 6/17/19, the consumer contacted Endurance and purchased the Select Premier vehicle service contract. A digital copy of the consumer's contract was sent for his review. The consumer was provided a 30 day period to review the terms of the contract, during which he could receive a full refund if the terms were not acceptable. A copy of the contract is attached to this response.
On 10/10, a representative from Mercedes-Benz of Easton contacted the Endurance claims department to file a claim for repairs. The repair facility reported that the transmission and engine mounts had collapsed due to age and the oil filter housing was leaking. As the transmission mounts and oil filter housing are not listed for coverage on the consumer's stated-component contract, the repair for these items was declined. While the engine mounts are eligible for coverage, the cause of failure was due to age per the repair facility. Per the consumer's contract, pg. 2"Breakdown refers to the Breakdown of a defective part or faulty workmanship as supplied by the Manufacturer or Dealer, but does not include gradual reduction in operating performance due to wear or tear or damage resulting from BREAKDOWN of non-covered parts."
As the consumer's contract covers electrical and mechanical components failures but does not cover wear and tear failures, the claim was declined. Please be advised, not every cause of failure is due to wear and tear. Endurance bases its claim decisions on evidence as reported by the repair facility and will cover any failure as specified in each consumer's contract. Unfortunately, this particular cause of failure for this particular consumer could not be covered.
In the interest of customer service, Endurance has agreed to issue a full refund to the consumer instead of the contractual pro-rata (partial refund), pending receipt of the consumer's authorization to do so. The consumer has been notified by voicemail of this offer and Endurance awaits his response.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
They made all these promises on an extended warranty; even sent me a booklet on coverage since I had the supreme coverage. They are rude, hang up the phone and can't get anywhere and whatever they promise I found out a year and a half later after my car has been in the shop for 6 months that they are just sub-contractors. They have recorded lines I would like to subpoena because at this point it's fraud and breech of contract. They gave me no rental car like promised or nothing and it's really affecting me due to not have a ride to work,school, the store etc. They are nice only when they are trying to lure you in but then when you call on a claim they don't hesitate to hang up. They are denying claims as simple as a gasket which my dad called acting as a customer and they said they covered it under a cheaper contract this is a huge scam the government is letting them get away with on all this complaints in not even 12 months.
Please be advised, Endurance is simply the selling agent for this contract. The administrator/obligor as listed on page 1 of the consumer's contract (attached) is Interstate National Dealer Services, now D/B/A ***, Inc. This means that ***/Interstate is responsible for all claims administration (approval or denial) and Endurance plays no role in this process. At the initial purchase on 1/29/18, and again on 10/18/18 at her request, the consumer was provided a copy of the contract with Interstate/*** listed on page 1 as the administrator.
Although Endurance plays no role in the claims process, Endurance will occasionally reach out to the administrator on the consumer's behalf to determine the status and details of claims and make the best case for the claim to proceed. Per the ***/Interstate claims notes, a claim was authorized on 6/6/19 in the amount of $1119.87 for repair of the rocker arms, camshaft, and a mechanical failure of the valve lifter. Please note that the repair facility did NOT submit a completed invoice for payment, and although the claim remains authorized, payment has not yet been submitted to the repair facility pending this documentation.
Subsequent to this authorization, the repair facility again contacted the administrator and reported additional failures to the left side lifters. The repair facility reported to ***/Interstate that the left side lifters had collapsed due to wear and tear. As wear and tear is not eligible under the consumer's contract, Interstate/*** denied that portion of the claim. The original failures were still authorized in the amount of $1119.87.
At this time, Endurance recommends that the consumer or the repair facility submit for the authorized amount of $1119.87. The claims administrator, ***, can be contacted at .
After almost a year of being a member I had a life circumstance that forced me to cancel my policy. I spoke with two agents. The first agent vesh was very knowledgeable about the policy, reasons for keeping the policy, and potential deals that they can offer to help make the payment lower. He was very persistent. After a day or two I realize that the discount would not be enough and that the cancellation was the only choice I had. I spoke with Mary *** who was very polite and understanding who also addressed a concern for leaving the policy. She canceled the account and gave me information for when I was ready to return.
I think that all the people I spoke to at my warranty department, and the claims department, were so committed and understanding in helping me through the process in helping me get my truck fixed. But I especially want to thank William *** who told me all the right steps to follow to get my issues solved. So thank you slot William ***. God bless endurance family.
I paid with a personal check to start coverage with the company and they took my check through their payment center. They cashed it but I don’t have any coverage. They can’t even find me in their system yet they managed to cash my check.
Please be advised, no account was ever activated for this consumer. The consumer sent a check to Endurance that was mistakenly cashed into a holding account for Endurance contracts in the belief that it was a monthly payment on an existing account. Endurance apologizes for this error. ***, the payment processor, will be issuing a refund to the consumer in the full amount of $233.28. If the consumer would like to confirm this with ***, they may be contacted at .
Scammed my 92-year old father to get warranty on a LEASED car.
I have a car service warranty with endurance they tell you that when you have a major repair all you have to do is take it to your dealer to get it fixed and that your deductible will be $100 but I recently had to take my car to the shop for a transmission replacement they did not do what they're was supposed to do I end up having to pay 930
Dollars to get my car back be also told me that I could get a rent a car I got the car on Friday the place that was repairing my car was closed Saturday and Sunday and Monday and Tuesday for a holiday Jewish holiday so I couldn't get my car until Wednesday in the contract it doesn't say that we would get you a rental car for 5 days only it says until auto repairs are complete I had to pay $52 to my resolution is I want them to stick to what they said they were going to do and pay me my $930 back 4 / for the repairs and $52 for the rent a car from Hertz Hertz Rental which should have been covered to
To date, Endurance has paid more than $5300 in approved claims on the consumer's contract and will continue to do so as the contract terms specify.
Please be advised, the consumer's repair was approved in full in the amount of $3123.62. The attached invoice from the repair facility and signed by the consumer shows total charges of $3223.62. Less the consumer's $100 deductible, this matches Endurance's approved amount of $3123.62. Endurance is not aware of any other charges from the repair facility as they are not present on the invoice. Endurance recommends that the consumer contact the repair facility and receive an itemized list of charges showing why that amount was charged and compare it to the invoice that he signed, attached to this response.
In regards to the consumer's rental benefit, per the consumer's contract pg. 9, "Additional Benefits of Coverage", "Rental Car Benefit and Substitute Transportation: In the event of a covered Breakdown, We will pay or reimburse You for receipted expenses to rent a replacement vehicle (from a licensed rental agency) or for alternate public transportation while Your Vehicle is at a licensed repair facility. Coverage will be provided to You up to a maximum of thirty dollars ($30) per day and a maximum of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per Breakdown. Rental car reimbursement will not continue beyond the day that repairs are completed and You are notified of the completion."
Endurance authorized the maximum rental payout for this breakdown, $150, and unfortunately no further amount can be authorized per the terms and conditions of the contract.
Please note, Endurance is simply the claims administrator for this contract. The selling agent is Auto Repair Network. Auto Repair Network can be reached at 877-225-0152.
The claim was authorized per the contract terms and conditions, and paid with a valid invoice from the repair facility and signed by the consumer. Any amount that the repair facility chose to charge the consumer beyond the authorized $3123.62 cannot be paid by Endurance. As there is no itemized listing of these charges, Endurance is unable to assist in determining what they are for. Endurance recommends that the consumer contact his repair facility and receive a complete itemized listing of charges.
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I will tell the complete story I took my car Masterworks Auto Repair because of the transmission
was jerking so I filed a claim with endurance and doing send an inspector out and the inspector Road in the car and decided that the transmission needs to be repaired instead of telling the repair shop to fix it they had the repair shop to call me and get permission to break down the transmission I'm wondering why they just didn't tell the Ra Shop to repair my transmission I found out later after the mechanic it tore down the transmission he told them what it cost to repair but they wanted to send their own transmission Out but the shop does not accept those type of parts such as rebuilt Transmissions so he told them what it would cost to repair it then endurance told repair shop how much they were willing to pay if he did not accept their transmission here comes the part of why they told me to tell him to break down the transmission it was because I had broke down the transmission I had no choice but to pay the extra $900 or have him to put my transmission back together still unrepaired or accept their transmission so I was going to cln a rock and a hard place once the repair shop told me they would pay all but $93 vent left me where I had to pay the $938 or tell them to put my car back together on repaired they advertise that if you have Auto breakdown you can take your car to the dealer or to any qualified mechanic shop and all you have to pay is $100 they did not say that they will pay a certain amount if they think that's what they want to do what they did was unfair they knew the full price of repairing my auto but they refuse to pay that amount so I was stuck with the bill thank you I hope I've cleared up some things except there rebuilt transmission oror put the transmission back together or they was not going to pay it now that would have cost me $1,000 just to put it back together on repaired so I was stuck they were wrong please let me know if there's something more I can do
*** Stubbs
This authorize a towing company to my vehicle to the repair shop. After explaining that the water pump was leaking they said it was covered and later denied both claims.
I purchased a used car warranty plan 3//9/2018. I paid the full purchase price on a Visa credit card. On 8/21/2019 I was denied a claim request. I was told my account was never funded. I have made numerous attempts to contact *** with no success.
We don't have a record of this customer.
Endurance Delaer Services LLC
*** Skokie Blvd, Suite 105
Northbrook IL, 60062 Ph
I resent the first two pages of my warranty booklet.
Endurance believes this complaint was filed with the wrong company.
Please be advised, Endurance is solely the claims administrator for this contract. Endurance did not market or sell this contract. The selling agent for this contract was ***. *** was responsible for the purchase and payment terms of the contract application. Endurance has not received any funding for the contract application, and as such the contract was never activated. A payment plan was set up through a third party payment processor, ***. As Endurance did not receive any contract application funding and the consumer did not participate in the monthly payment plan with *** to provide funding, no contract was activated and the application was rejected.
Endurance has the following contact information on file for *** and ***:
[email protected]
I purchased a policy through Endurance and paid for it for 2 years. My transmission recently started having issues and now they refuse to cover it, due to a *** and *** sticker being in the window. They recently processed claims with the same stickers being in the window. I spoke to Scott and told him I had not driven for the companies in a while and was unaware about this. He asked me to provide documentation showing the last time I drove and told me to deactivate both accounts and to send proof that the accounts has been deactivated. I have done what they asked. I was told yesterday that because I made a Revdex.com complaint it was holding up the claim process and that maybe if I responded and closed it the claim would be processed. I called back in today after doing everything they asked and the said they would not cover my vehicle. I paid for two years and they did not have a problem taking my money. My vehicle has been at the shop for a week and they have been giving me the run around. Not to mention A man named Leonard was very rude and nasty to me when I 1st called. I want my vehicle covered or I want a full refund of what I paid this company. It's very convenient that my policy ends next month anf now I am having all of these problems.
Endurance believes this complaint to be a duplicate of complaint ID.
Per Endurance's previous response,"In the interest of customer service, Endurance has agreed to continue the claims process for the consumer's current claim pending the submission of documentation from *** and *** that the consumer has not driven for those services during the contract period. Please be advised, this is not an explicit authorization of the claim, but simply that Endurance will agree to continue the normal claims process after receiving the documentation."
The consumer's contract does not allow for any commercial usage, including ride-share services. During the initial activation of the contract in 2017, the consumer was asked by an Endurance verification representative if she used the vehicle "for any business or commercial purposes, including ride-share such as *** or lyft". The consumer answered that she did not. Please be advised, the documentation submitted by the consumer confirmed that she operated for *** as recently as July 2019. As the vehicle was used for commercial purposes during the contract period, regardless of whether the consumer has since stopped, no claim payment is eligible. Please note, Endurance previously paid 2 claims in the amount of $720.35 and $2337.50, respectively. No ride-share signage was noted at that time and the claims were paid in error. If Endurance had known at any time, including when the customer was asked specifically, that the consumer operated for ride-share, Endurance would not have paid any claim at all.
Please note, the fact that the customer had previously filed this duplicate complaint under ID did not affect Endurance's decision or the result of the claim. The result of the claim review was based solely on claim and contractual evidence, as well as the documentation submitted by the consumer demonstrating the unauthorized commercial usage. Endurance advised the consumer that the entire account was under review, but did not suggest that marking any complaint resolved would result in any specific outcome.
Endurance believes this to be a duplicate complaint of complaint ID ID.Upon receipt of the initial complaint, an internal investigation was performed, including a review of all recorded phone calls with the consumer.
Per Endurance's previous response, during the recorded initial activation phone call of the contract in 2017, the consumer was asked by an Endurance verification representative if she used the vehicle "for any business or commercial purposes, including ride-share such as *** or lyft". The consumer answered on a recorded line that she did not. Please be advised, the documentation submitted by the consumer confirmed that she operated for *** as recently as July 2019, as does her previous response confirming that she operated for them "just once" in that period. Please note that any operation for rideshare, even "just once" is not allowable under this contract. As the vehicle was used for commercial purposes during the contract period, regardless of whether the consumer has since stopped, no claim payment is eligible. Please note, Endurance previously paid 2 claims in the amount of $720.35 and $2337.50, respectively. No ride-share signage was noted at that time and the claims were paid in error. If Endurance had known at any time, including when the customer was asked specifically, that the consumer operated for ride-share, Endurance would not have paid any claim at all.
I am rejecting this response. Per my previous response I would like a full refund for everything I paid this company if my vehicle is not repaired. I was told in other words to delete my previous Revdex.com complaint to speed up the process if my claim and after I deleted it I was told my claim was denied. Per the repaid shop and myself there were a total of 4 stickers on my vehicle in plain sight when the inspector looked at my vehicle. There were stickers in the front and rear of vehicle. It would be a lie if they say the stickers were not on the vehicle. I was also told to delete both *** and *** accounts, and to provide proof of the deletions. Also to provide proof of the last time I have driven which was several monthd ago. I want a full refund of everything I paid Endurance Warranty Services and will not stop fighting my case. I am absolutely appalled at the service I have recieved from this company.
I was ready stop my Service but the representative pumped me up to keep it how it will Benefit me one day
Juan was amazing. I initially called with the intent to cancel my contract due to currently being unemployed. However he offered to take care of next month payment and even threw in a gas card to give me time to look for work without worrying about one of my smaller payments. Thank you again for helping me.
I spent several weeks trying to get authorization for a repair that is covered by my extended warranty. Endurance would say it is a problem with the dealership that is to repair the car; the dealership would say it was a problem with Endurance. The problem with my car involved the air conditioner. The average daily temperature where I live is the upper 90s. I spoke with numerous people at Endurance over the weeks of trying to get this settled. I couldn't understand what was the problem and no one I spoke with at Endurance had the time or patience to help. After eleven weeks and heat exhaustion , I called to cancel my contract with Endurance and find another company. For the first time in eleven weeks, an angel answered the telephone at Endurance. Her name is Lorel ***. Not only did she throughly explain what the problem was but she went above and WAY BEYOND the call of duty to resolve this issue. She attempted to reach the dealership's manager to no avail. She stayed on the phone with me while I drove ( 3 miles) to the dealership and spoke directly to them from my phone! WHO RENDERS THAT TYPE OF SERVICE?!!!! SHE DOES!!! My car is being repaired and I am in a rental with a working air conditioner. Yes, The temperature is still in the 90s. If Mrs *** hadn't answered the phone October 1, 2019, I would have cancelled my contract, struggle to pay for the repair or had a heat stroke in the process. So........THANK YOU MRS. FOR YOUR CARING CONCERN FOR CUSTOMERS!!! I thought that level of service disappeared long ago. By the way Mrs., can you help the people answering the phones in customer service to realize that we (customers) are human and insurance may not be our area of expertise. We may need some patience and understanding. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Mrs.!!
Signed: One grateful customer.
I am filing this complaint on behalf of my father who is elderly, suffering from end stage renal failure. He had quadruple bypass surgery and must go through dialysis three times a week. In addition, he has several doctors' appointments on a weekly basis. My father's mental capacity has diminished and I now have Power of Attorney to handle his affairs. On or about January 22, 2018, my father purchased a Vehicle Service Contract from Endurance for his 2007 ***-*** C 230 vehicle. The premiums of $5,317.74 have all been paid. My father never received a copy of his contract. He did not remember signing a contract. I obtained a copy of the contract from Endurance and it states that the mileage at the time of the contract purchase was 80,000 miles exactly. My father never provided this number to Endurance. The vehicle was purchased in 2008 and had 25,005 miles at the time. My father does not drive much. On August 27, 2019 the vehicle was towed from my father's house to a nearby ***-*** dealer. The car would not shift into gear. I have had several conversations with Endurance to have them pay for the repair ($2,850). Endurance refuses to pay for the repairs because the current mileage on the vehicle as reported by the dealership is 43,394 miles. I explained to Endurance that I have no idea where that number came from. I explained that vehicle mileage is never exactly a number such as 80,000. They thought it was odd also. They are refusing to pay for this covered repair simply because of the mileage discrepancy. This went on for weeks even though I explained to them that my father needed the car to make his many doctors' visits. Ultimately, my father had to pay for the repairs himself. My father is retired and on a fixed income. It is unconscionable that he had to pay for a covered expense when he has fully paid for his policy. I am requesting a full refund of his premiums. Endurance refuses to reply or do the right thing.
The consumer's start mileage could not be verified. As the contract is time and mileage based, the proper terms of the contract could not be assessed and claims could not be paid. In the interest of customer service, Endurance has agreed to provide a full refund the the consumer. Endurance is committed to the highest level of consumer satisfaction and appreciates the consumer's son and POA cooperating in the best interest of the consumer.
On August 1, 2017 I purchased the following extended warranty for my 2012 *** E350.
Unfortunately, I was dissatisfied for the following reason(s): I’m totally dissatisfied with Endurance warranty roadside service I called to have my vehicle towed to a repair facility. Roadside service telephone number provided in my warranty booklet did not have no record of my policy after I provided all information. Keep in mind I had this policy since 8/1/2017 this the first time using it. Now I used my insurance tow coverage to get my car towed to the repair facility. The repair facility (Jason) tells me that he could not get thru to the claims department they keep hanging up on him. I called Endurance trying get my car fixed and find out why Endurance warranty is hanging up on customers. I called several times and sure enough it happens to me. Jason from *** Service call back and said your claim was denied because the wheel sensor is not covered on plan you have you just have a powertrain warranty. My booklet has my coverage with the Select Premier 60/10000 48 or 60000 $3157.00. At this point I wanted to cancel my warranty due to this mishap but when I called to complain about service. The rep insults my intelligent by saying I didn’t read the policy instead trying to resolved the issue at hand. The bill was $525.00 so I said I pay the bill for now and raise issue later with Endurance warranty. The repair facility says it my rear axels that cause the sensor to go out and it will cost $2400.00 to repair. I would think the axel is covered under the so call powertrain warranty, right? Guess again, it not covered because the rear sensor is not covered part. Therefore the claim denied, I was stuck with a bill of $2400.00 which I did not have.
Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance's Customer Service Manager reached out to the consumer and offered several options for financial assistance. Endurance is currently working with the consumer to reach a final mutually beneficial resolution and appreciates the consumer's cooperation.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
Juan was an absolutely awesome person not only was he so helpful and took care of my cancellation with no worries but he was a truly caring person. More people in customer service should be like him. Thank you.
I purchased a warrenty through Endurance. I purchased this the day after I bought my vehicle from a dealership. They gave the dealership the runaround when they tried to file a claim. There part of the contract stated that I needed to put 1000k miles on the vehicle and wait 30 before its valid. Shortly after I put 1000k mile on my truck it started making a funny noise. I brought it in and there was multiple things wrong. They declined my claim stating that these were preexisting problems. They have absolutely zero grounds for that other than they dont want to hold up there end of the warrenty. They had zero problems exepting my money for it but when I have an issue they dont want to pay. They're reasoning of preexisting problems could be used for the extent of the warrenty being it's a used vehicle.
Please be advised, the consumer's repair facility reported long-term wear and tear failures 19 days and 168 miles past the consumer's waiting period. As the failures reported were long-term wear failures and not sudden catastrophic failures, they did not occur inside 19 days and are unfortunately pre-existing to the coverage period.
In the interest of customer service, Endurance has agreed to provide a full refund to the consumer. Endurance contacted the consumer with this offer and the consumer accepted. Endurance is committed to the highest level of customer service and appreciates the consumer's cooperation in reaching a resolution.
I contacted Endurance auto warranty and was told during inquiry that my engine,transmission,driveline & awd system were covered as well as my steering.I was told these parts would be replaced at no more than $100 cost to me.I had the warranty for about 50 days and had some issues arise with my car.I took my car to the dealership as they had suggested.The dealership said I had issues with the AWD to start with it needed the control module replaced before I could have further diagnosis.I was also told my steering angle sensor was bad causing my traction control system and chassis management system to shut down.I also needed a instrument cluster.My service advisor contacted Endurance and they refused to cover any of the parts after charging me $3000+ for the warranty and even know they were part of the steering and AWD systems that they were not covered?I was not expecting them to cover the instrument cluster. So instead of them covering my repairs with a $100 deductible it cost me $330 for diagnosis and nothing was fixed! I purchased the warranty on Aug 10th and was told I had to wait 30 days to use the service and I had 30 days after receiving the contract to cancel for a full refund.I waited for a welcome packet showing my coverages so I could decide if it was for me.About 14 days passed and I called in to see where my packet was they said I will send another right away and you will still have 30 days from when you receive it. Another 10 days passed and I called again and finally somebody sent me a link to see my coverages. After my claims were denied I called to cancel and get my money back and they said it was passed 30 days and I could only receive a prorated refund! *** from the start and they refused to honor the extra time I was promised due to the late delivery of my contracts.They CSR's I spoke with didn't know what was covered and what was not so mislead from the start. Their commercial lied as well they say insurance+Endurance =full coverage for your car.
Please be advised, the consumer has a stated-component contract. This means that the contract covers a specific list of components. Any component not listed is not eligible for coverage. Unfortunately, the components reported by the repair facility were not listed for coverage.
In the interest of customer service, Endurance has agreed to provide a full refund to the consumer. A refund check will be sent out to the consumer's address on file on 10/2/19. Endurance appreciates the consumer's cooperation in reaching a mutual resolution.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Thank you for all you do Revdex.com staf
(this complaint is against Endurance, HQ is *** Skokie Blvd., Ste. ***. Northbrook, IL 60062)
When I purchased this agreement they told me about the coverage. But when my dealer contacted them they denied paying for the services.
They gave me false information.
Please be advised, the consumer's Select Premier level of coverage does not allow for any type of commercial use. At the initial activation of the contract, the consumer was asked if the vehicle was used for business or commercial purposes, to which he indicated it was not. As part of the normal claims process, an independent third-party inspector was dispatched to confirm the vehicle's status and the failures reported by the transmission. Signs of commercial use were noted and the claim was put on hold until the situation could be resolved. The consumer then confirmed that he operates the vehicle commercially, despite his initial recorded statement that he did not. Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance reached out to the consumer and offered to provide a new contract for the consumer in a level of coverage that does allow for commercial usage, with full transfer of monies. The consumer advised that he was going to "think about it" and contact Endurance with a decision. To date, Endurance has yet to hear back from the consumer. Endurance is still willing to provide the correct commercial-use contract for this consumer.