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Endurance Warranty Services

400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937

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Endurance Warranty Services Reviews (%countItem)

I am not a customer with this company, yet they repeatedly contact me to update a warranty I have not purchased. I have requested numerous times to be removed from their calling and mailing list to no avail. The number of phone calls and letters I have recieved borders harassment. Absolutely the worst business I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jan 25, 2019

Please be advised, Endurance does not make outbound sales calls ("cold calls") unless specifically requested by the consumer via our online portal. Although Endurance did send a mailed advertisement to the consumer, Endurance has no record of any calls to the phone number listed on the complaint, nor any calls inbound from that number. With many companies in the industry offering vehicle service contracts, Endurance understands the consumer's confusion. Endurance recommends that the consumer determine from where the phone calls are coming, and contact the originating company to ask them to stop.

Endurance is sorry for the frustration that its mail piece caused the consumer. As a result of the consumer's complaint, Endurance has placed the consumer in our internal "Do Not Mail" database to ensure that they do not receive any future mailed advertisements from Endurance. Please be advised, this may take up to 10 business days to process. The consumer may still receive additional mail pieces during the processing time.

Max in claims is the man!!!!!!!! Went above and beyond to get my repairs approved!!!!!

My experience with Alvin was a blessing! He was very pleasant, professional, understanding and helped me in my time of need! Thanks a million Alvin!

Back on October 5, 2017 I purchased an extended warranty from this company. On January 8, 2019 my car started to over heat so I immediately pulled over and turned my car off. I called my mother to pick me up and went straight to my mechanics shop. He told me to get it to them that night and he will look at it the next day. My husband got home and we got my car to the mechanic. The next day which was the 9th, the mechanic called me informing me that it was my water pump. He said it was leaking out of the sweep hole because the bearings are bad. I said okay and told him where my warranty stuff was because I had already looked and seen it was a covered part. They tried to call endurance that whole day but the systems were down. One person they talked to said he would do it the old fashioned way meaning paper and pencil. He then preceded to tell them it was not covered. The mechanic in turned called me. I tried to call them and was told their systems were down as well and they couldn't pull anything up. On the 10th I finally called and talked to someone and this person said it was showing no record of them calling yesterday and that it is a covered part. This person told me to have the mechanic call the claims again to try to file the claim again. So they were nice enough to call again only for them to say it wasn't a covered part, contradicting what the last person told me. So by this time I just told the mechanic to go a head and do it because I have 3 kids and I need my car. I then talked to a supervisor who yet again said it was a covered part. He told me to have them call again because it is covered so again they denied. At this point I just pay the $412.02 to have my car back. Then on the January 11, 2019 I call to cancel my contract and ask for my money that I have paid back. The guy I talked to said to send them a copy of my mileage so I did to wait a week to find out it needed to be notorized. So I did that to just be told to wait another week.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jan 25, 2019

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance performed an internal investigation of company records into the handling of the consumer’s claim. Our investigation included reviewing the internal notes regarding the claim, as well as interviewing claims agents involved and reviewing call recordings in relation to the claim.

On 1/10/19, a representative from RIP Automotive contacted Endurance’s claims department to file a claim for repairs on the consumer’s vehicle. The repair facility reported a failure to the water pump. On the recorded call, the service advisor reported that the bearing inside the pump had worn out, causing the pump to leak.

Per the consumer’s contract (attached), pg. 2:
Breakdown refers to the Breakdown of a defective part or faulty workmanship as supplied by the Manufacturer or Dealer, but does not include gradual reduction in operating performance due to wear or tear or damage resulting fromBREAKDOWN of non-covered parts.

As the wear and tear is not an eligible failure on the consumer’s contract, the claim was subsequently declined. Please note, although the water pump is an eligible component, the specific cause of this particular failure on the consumer’s vehicle was not eligible.

On 1/11/19, the consumer contacted Endurance and requested cancellation of the contract. The contract was cancelled per the consumer’s request. An Endurance representative requested a notarized mileage statement from the consumer to process the pro-rata refund per the contract terms.

In the interest of customer service, Endurance will agree to waive the requirement for a mileage statement and calculate the pro-rata refund using the known claim mileage. In addition, Endurance will expedite processing of the refund. It will be sent out on 1/28/19 to the consumer’s address on file.

This company is a joke. I had this company for a peace of mind just in case my truck broke down. I'm truck check engine light ended up coming on. So I took it to a ASE certified shop like they require. The shop did their diagnostic and said it had something wrong inside the transmission. So the shop filed a claim. Endurance said they had to send out a Inspector. They said it would take 24 to 48 hrs. Friday morning the inspector came out and took the truck for a test drive (reminder you I never gave endurance permission to drive my truck nor did they ever ask). During the test drive the Inspector let one of center caps for my wheels to come off. ( this is according to the shop after I asked about center cap for my wheel. They also said they had no reason to remove my tire. Witch they did not have any reason to remove my tire). So finally Monday morning 4 days after me taking my truck to the shop in the first place they denied my clam because my transmission is just throwing a code its not broke. ( those are not the exact words that they use) thats just in simpler and shorter wording. Anyone who knows even a little about cars know that a check engine light doesn't come on for no reason. That means something's wrong. I decided to cancel my account after this. While I was trying to cancel my account the endurance employee ask me why and I told him. Then the endurance employee started to try to convince me to keep my account and justify why I was wrong. They guy did not want to cancel my account like I wanted wanted and was basically arguing with me. I got to the point where I told him " Im not going to sit here and argue with you just cancel my account" Then with a hateful attitude said it was cancal because of the way the employee was I did not trust he cancel my account. So I follow up with calling my bank just in case to make sure no more payments are taken out of my account. So if you are thibking about getting endurance I wouldn't but thats just my opinion

I am constantly receiving letters through the mail and phone calls from this company. I contacted them to ask them to remove me from their mailing list and call list. The person I spoke with said that they didn't have any information in their system on me. So I asked, how did you get my address and phone number since I don't have an account with you? The guy said that maybe I had bought a car recently or had sold one before. I told him, sir I don't own a car, haven't purchased a car and have not sold a car. I still could not get an explanation as to how they keep sending mail to my address and calling my phone. If they have my information without my consent, where did they get it from. If I can't get any results from here I will have to take other measures. All I want is for them to stop sending mail and calling me and remove my information from their services. Thank You!

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jan 21, 2019

Endurance is sorry for the frustration that its mail piece caused the consumer. As a result of the consumer's complaint, Endurance has placed the consumer in our internal "Do Not Mail" database to ensure that they do not receive any future mailed advertisements from Endurance. Please be advised, this may take up to 10 business days to process. The consumer may still receive additional mail pieces during the processing time.

Customer Response • Jan 21, 2019

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



I have a corporate leased vehicle, I do not even need coverage. I love the fact that I need to call them back and verify MY make and model. Has SCAM written all over it. My letter also states that I have received multiple notices and have not contacted them, ALL LIES. Threatened me that my coverage will lapse, I do not even have their coverage. Scam, scam, scam.

Continues to bug me via phone and mail despite me not having a car and NEVER having a car. The 5 Star reviews are OBVIOUSLY astroturfing. Not even ONE regular actual customer would come to just to comment on how friendly a specific customer service person was...let alone hundreds of people within a week of each other. In other words, you can't trust the anymore either.

I purchased my warranty from this company back in August of 2016 (Contract # ***8 just to let you know that this is not a fake post). Every time a repair was needed for my vehicle it was like pulling teeth attempting to get this company to pay for the repairs even though this companies claim to fame is worry free repairs. The repair facility would always call me stating that they were having issues with this company in getting a claim approved or paying for a claim that they already approved. I have spent hours on the phone attempting to contact Endurance in order to assist with the process of getting my vehicle repaired even-though in my contract all repairs were covered. The most latest unethical issues had occurred in August of 2018. I took my vehicle to a repair facility for overheating issues. I claim was sent to Endurance by the facility and what was causing the overheating issue, but Endurance declined to repair half of the components that the service center had recommended to replace. When I called Endurance to verify why they declined to repair the parts that were causing the overheating issue (which was the water pump that would have been a 500 repair), after waiting on hold for about 40 mins before I could speak with someone they just gave me the run around stating that their inspector they sent out didn't think that the water pump was the issue. The repair facility had told Endurance that if the water pump wasn't replaced it could end up causing engine damage. So as a result I was not only stuck with paying for my deductible for an incomplete repair but also they stuck me with the diagnostic fee for the repairs that Endurance declined which costed me about 400 dollars. So after I picked up my vehicle in August it drove fine for about 2 months then it overheated again causing me break down on the side of the highway with my family in the car. As a father you depend on a reliable vehicle to make sure your family has safe passage from point A to point B. I contacted roadside assistance (which is part of my Endurance contract) to have my vehicle towed but they stated that they didn't have my information in the system and I needed to call customer service. So I called Endurance which was about 30 mins before they closed, stayed on hold for around 30 minutes before someone picked up the phone. The representative asked to place me on a quick hold and then disconnected the line. I called right back and they were closed. So I had to pay to have my vehicle towed to the closest repair facility since they charge by the mile. This repair facility even stated that the water pump was faulty, so this time Endurance approved the claim for the water pump (500 dollar repair) but by that time the damage had already been done. After I picked up my truck, after the repair the very next day it overheated again, so I took it back to the dealership for diagnostics and they informed my that my engine was blown due to overheating issues and directly because the water pump was not replaced back in August when advised that Endurance declined to repair. So another claim was sent out to Endurance and the repair facility contacted me to authorized a 1770 dollar tear down of my engine. I SHOULD HAVE NEVER AUTHORIZED THAT TEAR DOWN. So they performed the tear down and Endurance sent an inspector out to the repair facility and declined the repair due to the engine being warped because of consistent driving of my vehicle when it was overheating. I told them that the engine was damaged due to them declining to replace the water pump back in August which caused the engine damage because it WAS NOT DAMAGED back in August when the facility for the block test. The Endurance rep told me that I should have gotten it replaced back then on my own so that it was my fault. Even though you take care of your vehicle to the best of your ability, failures happen so you depend on these after market warranty companies to take care of those failures, help keep you and your family safe and look out for your best interest. They failed me as a customer, I was stuck with a 1770 bill for the tear down that Endurance requested, so I could pick up my vehicle that is no longer running and put another engine inside the vehicle myself which is going to cost me another 5 to 8 thousand dollars. These people will do everything to get out of repairing your vehicle but still take your money. They knew that the engine was blown and the tear down wasn't even needed. When I asked to cancel my policy and how much money I will get back because I still have 2 years / 30 thousand miles left on my warranty with them, the rep said that he refused to provide me with that information until I send them a notarized letter of cancellation with my mileage on the letter. I then proceeded to tell the agent that you guys already have that information from the inspector you just sent out to look at an engine that they requested to have torn down and declined to repair. At this point I was just done, I spent hours of the phone attempting to get in touch and talk to these individuals. Every time I would request to speak to a manager, they were always in a meeting and would have to call me back. To this day I've never received a call back and would have to call in myself to speak to someone. They have cost me more money than I would have ever imagined. I will never get an aftermarket warranty again and I'm in the process of speaking with legal counsel to seek litigation against this company. I'm not telling anyone to leave this company, just be careful and never authorized a tear down for any major components that need to be repaired because Endurance will find a loop hole to stick you with the bill.

Terrible extended warranty... took my vehicle in to a dealership they misdia it, towed it to another company to which they found a problem called Endurance Warranty to which they sent an inspector out to look at the vehicle... 2 days later got denied on the claim because the tires were t the size marked on the door... read the fine print of the contract and it is in the contract about alterations to the vehicle but when I called about getting the coverage I told them the vehicle had a lift on it and over sized tires they said it wasnt a problem... Immediately canceled this warranty..

Worst company ever, such a scam if you want to give your money away these people will definitely take it. I was sold on a bumper to bumper plan that would cover any and all problems for the next 2 years of this almost $3,000.00 insurance plan. Since then I’ve had electrical and engine issues that I am now hearing is NOT covered and needs to be paid for by myself. WHAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING A INSURANCE POLICY!!!!


Endurance will sell you a lie and leave you to endure a costly experience.

Late December 2018 my started not accelerating normally out of first gear,
I call Endurance for a warranty coverage, which I was told would be covered.

The auto repair shop my car was taking to, stated the bearings had issues,
Endurance was contacted by the repair shop, and an inspector was dispatched.

The inspector inspected the car, left without returning my car keys and remote.
After I found out I reported it to Endurance and Endurance contacted the inspector, which claims he turned the key in.

A breakdown was insisted by the inspector, without me knowing details and having the option to not endure breakdown expense if a denial of repair for wear and tear.

Knowing the year and mileage of my car, why was a I sold a policy that does not cover wear and tear, and not told prior to purchasing this warranty that is is worthless for my car. Just about everything on this old car failure will be due to wear and tear.

Now January 18, 2019 I am stuck with a $3000 dollar bill, due to Endurance insisting on a transmission breakdown.

1. Endurance has failed to uphold the contract by refusing me service without reasoning after I upheld my end of the contract.


These people are scammers! I got a letter from them stating I needed to contact them to extend my warranty on my vehicle. I do not HAVE a vehicle!

I was contacted by this company and pitch to sale about my warranty and I asked a lot of questions mind you my phone is recording also they told me all my electrical everything bumper-to-bumper was covered except gaskets and seals so I've been paying on this and my AC and heat controls quit working I called them they said go to a dealer and get an estimate and then declined it so I was out $600 just for the part plus the diagnostic when they told me everything was covered except gaskets and seals now they keep pressuring me for the money when I said I'm not going to pay for this and I think you should give me my money back on what I have paid because you told me it was going to cover this and now you're not covering it very disappointed I'll probably end up in court with this

We purchased a extended warranty contract with the said Company, with the expectations that they would cover the costs of any type of engine failure or issues with the drive train on our 2011 ***. Well the time came in the last part of Dec 2018 when we had a error code come on.. The contract booklet said to take it to a authorized repair facility of our choice for a diagnosis and estimate. After receiving the diagnosis that the error code *** was a stretched timing chain we contacted Endurance to file a claim, they sent out a 3rd party inspector (Scott) to confirm the vehicles problem and that it was at a authorized repair shop. After a brief discussion with my mechanic the inspector agree'd it was a stretched timing chain error code. ( Timing chains and tensioners are specifically listed in our warranty contract as COVERED items) But yet 2 days later after having to call Endurance because we had not heard back from them they told us our claim was denied because the chain had not gone to catastrophic failure??!! I argued with the service reps on several attempts to get them to reverse there decision telling them that my mechanic stated the engine in our 2011 *** is a Zero Interference Engine, meaning if the chain completely fails it causes the valves to impact the pistons thus totally destroying the engine! We thought we were being smart to at least catch the problem in the early stages of timing chain failure.. We finally gave up arguing with Endurance. we just wanted our *** fixed.. our Mechanic went ahead with the Timing Chain replacement only find out the damage was already done to the engine from metal shavings from the original chain.. now we are looking at having to replace the engine.. at the cost of $5200 +... we are afraid to even try contacting Endurance anymore knowing we will get nothing but the run around.. We refuse to make anymore payments for a service that is nothing but a scam..
The Contract ID :

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jan 25, 2019

On 11/29/18, a representative from *** contacted Endurance’s claims department to file a claim for repairs on the consumer’s vehicle. The repair facility reported failures to the timing chain and the mode door actuator. As the mode door actuator is not listed for coverage, the repair to that component was subsequently declined. As part of the claims process, an independent third-party inspector was dispatched to confirm the timing chain failure reported by the repair facility.

On 11/30/18, the inspector arrived at the repair facility and performed his inspection. He noted that the mode door actuator had already been replaced, and that the repair facility was unable to demonstrate any failure to it. Please note that, although the mode door actuator is not listed for coverage and was declined as such, at no time did the repair facility actually demonstrate a failure to it that would require replacement. During the inspection, the inspector requested that the repair facility start the vehicle’s engine and demonstrate the failure to the timing chain. The engine started quickly, and ran smoothly and quietly. No failure was demonstrated or verified to the timing chain. The claim was subsequently declined as no failure was verified.

On 12/5/18, the repair facility contacted Endurance’s claims department in regards to the denial. The repair facility was advised that, although the claim was declined as no failure was verified, the claim would be reopened if the reported failure could be duplicated. The repair facility advised that they were unwilling at that time to attempt to duplicate the failure. Endurance notified the consumer on 12/5 that no failure was verified and that, if the failure could be duplicated and the cause of failure determined, that Endurance would continue the claims process.

On 12/7/18, the repair facility again contacted Endurance’s claims department in regards to the denied claim. The repair facility advised that they did not have any additional diagnosis or the cause of failure. Endurance requested that the repair facility get the consumer’s authorization to perform additional diagnosis and call back with a cause of failure if a failure was able to be duplicated, as this is necessary to determine the proper repair.

To date, Endurance has yet to be presented with an actual failure to the timing chain, or the cause of this failure. At this time, if the repair facility is able to duplicate an actual failure and provide the cause of failure, Endurance can continue the claims process.

Please be advised, the consumer’s contract payments have lapsed and the contract is due to cancel for non-payment of the contract charge. Endurance has attempted to contact the consumer in regards to this, as Endurance will not be able to continue the claims process if the contract cancels due to non-payment.

Endurance advises that the consumer bring the contract payments current, and that the repair facility demonstrate an actual failure and the cause of failure so that the claims process can continue.

Asked to be put on their do not call list that I didnt need their services. Lady kept asking for my new vehicle and said well I'll put this down and what about this vehicle. Second vehicle she named wasnt mine but a family members car. Never had ownership of that told her I wanted to be off their contact list which she replied with well well what's your new vehicle I'll put this with this many miles. It's none of her business what I drive now and I want to be off their list.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jan 17, 2019

Please be advised, Endurance does not generally make outbound calls unless specifically requested by the consumer. The consumer contacted Endurance on 1/15 in regards to a mail piece they received. Due to a clerical error, the consumer was mistakenly added to a list of quoted customers instead of the "Do Not Contact" database. Endurance is sorry for this error, and as a result of the consumer's complaint, we have added them to our "Do Not Contact" database to ensure that they will not receive any future phone contact or mailed advertisements from Endurance.

Customer Response • Jan 17, 2019

I accept their response how ever I think they should talk to their employee about attitude and professional behavior. As soon as I said I want off the list she should have said not a problem let me do that for you instead of saying well what do you drive now? And then when told I dont need a new warranty her answer should have been have a good day not well I need to know. Or bringing up a family members car. That's a breach of privacy and my family member has been told and is deciding what their nexts steps are. Complete breach of privacy and just being plan rude

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



Hello I'm Steven *** this is regarding my vehicle warranty I have a active contract with endurance warranty on a2003 *** se license plate #*** NM my vehicle has a clean title when I took out the registration and changed everything over from Texas to New Mexico it came back a clean title not this was way before I purchased this warranty Wich I was asked by an administrator curtrel is the supervisor spoke to my contract number is *** I have the silver plan that covers roadside assistance rentals and certain components on the vehicle if it where to break down transmission is one Wich is what's needing to be serviced in the contract book on the terms and condition one of the first things that says is important notice administrator authorization for contract claims and additional benefits is always required prior to any service being performed the administrator can be reached at so-and-so number which I contacted prior to the vehicle getting towed and I the diagnostic on it so they already started approving services on the car to the contract but when it came down that the car is B service on the transmission didn't want to prove it I am still being charged money is still being taken out of my checking account for this contract so they need to proceed with the claim

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Jan 12, 2019

Please be advised, Endurance is the selling agent of this contract. The administrator/obligor is *** (***). This means that *** is responsible for the administration (approval or denial) of claims, and Endurance does not participate in this decision.

On 12/8/18, the consumer contacted Endurance to purchase a vehicle service contract on his 2003 ***, VIN ending in ***. As part of the purchase process, the consumer was asked if the vehicle had ever had a branded or salvaged title. The consumer answered that it did not, and the purchase was completed.

On 1/9/19, the consumer's repair facility contacted the *** claims department to file a claim for auto repairs. As part of the claims process, *** acquired a *** vehicle history report (attached). The *** indicated that the vehicle had a salvaged title. Per the consumer's contract (attached), page 9, no coverage can be provided if the vehicle has a title indication of salvage. The repair was subsequently declined.

On 1/10/19, the consumer contacted Endurance in regards to the declined claim. The consumer indicated on a recorded line that he knew that the vehicle had a salvaged title, and had the title altered, commonly referred to as "title washing" or "title cleaning". Please note that this is conflict with the consumer's original statement on 12/8 the the title had never been designated salvaged or branded.

On 1/11/19, the consumer contacted *** in regards to the declined claim. The consumer again stated on a recorded line that he was aware that the vehicle had a salvaged title and that he had the title "cleaned".

Please be advised, title washing is an illegal process (please refer to the consumer's state of residence: and although the title as held by the consumer may not show a designation of salvage through means of title washing, the vehicle is still had a designation of salvage or rebuilt and cannot be covered. The consumer was notified on 1/10 and again on 1/11 of this, and advised that a refund will be issued.

Per the consumer's contract, pg 12, "Cancellation":

"C. WE may cancel this CONTRACT under any of the following circumstances:

1. for non-payment of the CONTRACT purchase price;

2. for misrepresentation in obtaining this CONTRACT or in the submission of a claim;

3. if YOUR VEHICLE is found to be modified in a manner not recommended by the VEHICLE manufacturer.

4. If the aggregate limit of liability under this CONTRACT (see Section H.4) has been paid, this contract will be expended and have no cancellation value. Additionally, your VEHICLE will be ineligible for any of OUR contracts in the future.

In the event YOUR CONTRACT is cancelled for non-payment, no refund will be due. Cancellation for misrepresentation or VEHICLE modification shall be based on 100% of the unearned pro-rata CONTRACT purchase price."

As the consumer intentionally and knowingly misrepresented the status of his vehicle's title, the contract has subsequently been cancelled. A pro-rata refund will be sent out within 30 days.

Customer Response • Jan 14, 2019

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:



Where to begin. I will start by warning the "CONSUMER BEWARE". Endurance warranty llc is not the business they claim. I believe the highest reviews. 5 ?? to be paid. They are to cut and dry. Almost scripted. An honest review is given by a consumer who has had an honest experience. In this case it's negative experience that tells the truth about this business and it's practises. Upon research and inspection of this co. I have found several missleading and false advertising claims. LIES. This is a direct quote from Endurance.
"What problem is Endurance trying to solve?
It has always been Endurance's #1 priority to protect consumers from the increasing cost of automotive repairs that plague drivers across the nation. The fact is that no matter how well a vehicle is built, it will eventually break down. With Endurance, when your vehicle breaks down, we've got you covered. It is the motto of our company to "Empower Confidence for the Road Ahead," which we do on a daily basis."
Endurance claims to be rated A+ by the This is a false and misleading claim. They also claim to be accredited by This also is a false and misleading claim.
Direct quote from Endurance.
"What sets Endurance apart from the competition?
Endurance is the only company that is both A+ rated by the and Gold-Certified by the Vehicle Protection Association -"
This again is a false and misleading advertisment. Endurance is not the company they claim to be. Still skeptical. There's more. And the numbers don't lie.
Direct quote from Endurance.
"How does Endurance measure success?
At Endurance, success is measured by customer satisfaction. Endurance has helped hundreds of thousands of drivers protect their vehicles, and has on average saved each customer $1,823*."
Direct quote from Endurance.
" What is something you wish every consumer knew about Endurance?
One thing that Endurance wishes that every consumer knew about is its excellent record of reliability. For example, paying out claims – Endurance has paid out over $25 million in claims and that number continues to climb each and every day."
I'm not sure what you policy entails but my limit of liability is $12,500. for 4 years / 66,000.mi. With a total amount of $7,968. I pay over the next 4 years. $1,823. is about 1/4 of my total plan payed to Endurance.
Now. 100,000. customers with an average of $1,823. paid in claims over 1 year totals $182,300,000. Those numbers don't add up. LIES. My payment was reduced and I will be paying $4,995. over the next 4 years. $5,000."after rounding up." × 100,000. = $500,000,000. "In 4 years" ÷ 4 = $125,000,000.
Endurance has been in business since 2005. In the past 10 years Endurance and it's insurance provider have pocketed. $1,250,000,000. Do the math yourself. The numbers don't lie. But endurace certainly does. They have one objective. To get your money by whatever means necessary. With that kind of money they can pay for any type or advertising they need in order to reel us in. The consumer. By making false claims and paying for false advertising. By using the internet and TV with celebrities in major advertising campaigns designed to draw us in.

my experience has not been good at all. I purchase this warranty because I was told it was the best and cover everything from bumper to bumper. I brought in my *** to dealer because the heat was not blowing. I was told from the dealership that the control heads needed to be replace. The control heads is what tells the blower to go on and to go off. The dealership called endurance warranty to put in the claim and was told it was denied which didn't make any sense since the control heads control the blower. I then called warranty company spoke to customer service rep and was just told their was nothing they can do it not covered. I tired to talk to them to ask why it didn't make sense and no body wanted to listen. Again I was just told it not covered. I ended up just picking up my *** from the dealership because I didn't have money to fix it. It was expensive. I still do not have heat in winter when it is 20 degrees outside. I am driving around with two small kids with no heat. I just don't understand why people sell this product and say it covers everything from bumper to bumper which is false. please do not waste your time or money on endurance warranty.

This is a scam! We followed all of the rules, had our car regularly serviced by an approved mechanic, as the conditions say. What happens when our transmission goes out unexpectedly? They refuse to cover it! They claim that we kept driving after the transmission went out. We called Endurance the minute it happened from the car. We had the car towed to a mechanic. We did EVERYTHING we were supposed to do. Don’t waste your money!

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Address: 400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937


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