Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.We stand by our previous response. Ownership of the account in question and its content remains a dispute between third parties to which GoDaddy cannot become involved.Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Best regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy[redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260###-###-#### Phone###-###-#### Fax
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at June 13, 2017 our customer purchased an 8GB Virtual Private Server for a...
three-year term via online transaction. Prior to applicable discounts being applied, the cost of the server chosen by our customer was $1,374.45. The cost after the discounts was $1,277.39.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.While the advertised price for the 8GB Virtual Private Server does state “As low as 31.99/mo”, our customer added the Advanced Backup and Restore feature which increased the monthly rate to $36.98/mo.It is unclear which renewal our customer is referencing. Prior to the purchase in question our customer had an 8GB Virtual Private Server in their account which was renewing on a monthly cycle for the correct retail rate of $139.99/mo. The most recent renewal of that server took place on June 7, 2017. If our customer were to renew this server for the same duration of time applied to the new server, the cost would be $5,039.64. The purchase of the new server afforded our customer a significant cost savings.If the original server is no longer needed, our customer will need to cancel it prior to the next renewal date of July 7, 2017. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Terri H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at July 20, 2015, our customer purchased cPanel hosting for three years via an online...
transaction. GoDaddy has no record of contact with our support team to discuss our hosting services prior to this purchase.On November 3, 2015, our customer contacted our support team for the first time regarding the concerns they had with the hosting service. While there was no request to cancel the hosting during this interaction, by this date, the service was no longer refundable, per our refund policy.On August 3, 2016, our customer contacted our support team to cancel the hosting service and request a refund. Our customer was advised the hosting service was no longer eligible for a refund. At this time, the hosting remains active and is working as intended.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Per GoDaddy's refund policy, the transaction in question is beyond refund eligibility. From what we understand, our customer may have been using a design application that was not suited for the type of hosting purchased. If our customer intends to purchase hosting that is appropriate for their needs, we will provide a credit for the time remaining on the current plan as a onetime exception to our refund policy and apply it towards the purchase of a GoDaddy hosting plan that provides them the resources they need. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Stephen J[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to shed further light on our customer’s concerns.As previously pointed out, in addition to our Universal Terms of Service, our customer also agreed to the Domain Name Registration Agreement and Domain Name Proxy Agreement.Section 10. Domain Add-Ons of the Domain Name Registration Agreement explains that domain names with Ownership Protection will have automatic renewal enabled. As stated on our Request for Protected Registration Cancellation form ([redacted]), registrant information must be verified to cancel the protection. After the protection has been canceled, customers are then able to disable automatic renewal.Regarding the desire to change payment methods, customers can indeed change them at any time. The following GoDaddy Support article provides instructions for Managing Payment Methods:[redacted]Protected Registration is the perfect service for protecting domain names from expiring, being canceled, or being transferred from a customer’s account. However, it is not intended for customers who only wish to keep domain names temporarily. It is for this reason that we warn customers in Section 10 (mentioned above) to carefully consider the implications accompanying the purchase of the protection service and understand the restrictions the service puts into place. It is clear from this complaint that our customer did not fully understand this when they purchased this service online. However, we are glad that they were able to cancel the service in time to disable automatic renewal prior to the domain name’s expiration date. At this time, the domain name will simply follow the expiration life-cycle and eventually be returned to the registry.Thank you again for the opportunity to bring further clarity to the question presented by our valuable customer.Kindest Regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.We stand by our previous response. Each of these services our customer purchased are do-it-yourself products, and are not guaranteed to increase the number of customers a user may receive. Furthermore, each of these services functioned properly.All of the services our customer had purchased are beyond refund eligibility. GoDaddy had refunded our customer’s Get Found purchase as an exception to our refund policy in effort to amicably resolve this matter. GoDaddy is unable to provide further refunds to our customer. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at September 15, 2009, our customer purchased an Economy Hosting and Business Email...
Plans for a 5 year term via an online transaction. These plans were subsequently renewed for additional 3 year terms on September 15, 2014 and September 15, 2017.GoDaddy sent emails prior to the renewal of the plans in question. These notices informed our customer their expiring items would be renewed in accordance with their account settings unless additional action was taken. An order confirmation email was sent after the most recent renewal. Account management is a customer responsibility.Our customer did not contact our 24/7 Customer Care teams regarding the most recent renewals until February 3, 2018. At that time our customer stated they had spoken with our agent prior to the most recent renewal to request its cancellation. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Regarding the call our customer referenced on August 2, 2017, at that time our agent attempted to contact them to discuss their upcoming renewal and only left a voice message. In accordance with our publicly located Refund Policy, which can be found at, the most recent renewal of the plans in question are not eligible for refund. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,John M[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
[redacted], Attached is an mail message sent to Godaddy with no response.Two Issues 1 Bait and Switch Advertising 2 They violated the privacy policy by putting my name, address and phone on the Internet web page. I paid $10 to stop this.Thank you,[redacted]###-###-####
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.We stand by our previous response. GoDaddy removed the content in violation from our customer’s hosting plan and suspended the service. The ‘write’ permissions on the specific folder within our customer’s hosting plan that contained the content in violation was revoked, to stop the further upload of content in violation.Although our customer’s hosting account has been suspended, their FTP access has remained enabled to allow the ability to upload, download, and modify files. Our customer had been informed when they have fully addressed the matter, to contact our hosting support team with the specific steps they have taken to prevent further recurrence. On November 9, 2017, our customer contacted our hosting support team and the hosting plan in question was reinstated. Our customer’s hosting plan must remain compliant with GoDaddy’s Terms of Service to avoid further suspensions.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Dear Sir/MadamPlease find herein a complete reply to GODADDY answer.Regards[redacted]---------------------------- I hereinafter referred to Godaddy as “THE COMPANY” and myself as the CUSTOMER in reply to the GODADDY’s response. As expected, the company quick to drawn attention to the grossly unreasonable and unfair one-sided so-called service agreement filled with clauses that would not stand up to close scrutiny in a court of law. No wonder like most of its customers, I didn’t bother to read it because it is designed to rip-off customers and the domain name authority industry have been turning a blind eye to grossly unfair treatment of customers using most of these so-called domain name and webhosting providers.I have not read the terms to which the company is referring because the industry works solely in the interest of the Company and their comrades in business. But does this means that because the company created a one-sided grossly unfair agreement, it acts as a shield against customer rights to consumers’ protection? Does it give the company the right to act in a way amounting to fraud coupled with false accounting against its customers? Is the self created rules embedded in the so-called written agreement superior to legislations put in place for consumers rights and protection, legislations provided by state and federal laws? In responding directly to the Company reply, I underlined its wording throughout hereunder as follows: Regarding “special” FTP accounts on our customer’s cPanel shared hosting, these FTP accounts are created by default for the primary user, used to access visitor logs, and cannot be removed.The claim by the company that the so-called “special FTP accounts” on my webhosting account was created for myself (the primary user) for the purpose of accessing visitors logs, is not only a clear example of dishonesty by the company but also laughable. Why else the company would setup special FTP accounts on my account but blocked me from being able to access or being able to delete said so-called special FTP accounts? Isn’t it obvious that the company setup those special FTP accounts within my account for the sole purpose of stealing and or abusing the domain names I purchased from the company knowing that the domain name authority have been turning a blind eye to the dishonest conducts taking place against customers allowing the company to get away with it, total corruption.There is also a dishonesty being conducted by the company and many in the wider domain name industry where they are actively seeking buyers from day one for the domain names which they have collected payments for. This sort of dishonesty is being facilitated by the lack of strong policy by the authority to protect consumers.GoDaddy typically provides promotional pricing for new products in an effort to help customers with a discount in their first year, when they are likely to be starting out in their business. After that, we ask customers to pay fair market value for a service that gives them 24/7 customer support and helps their business be successful. IT IS MY OBSERVATION THAT PRESSURED IS BEING PLACED ON CONSUMERS TO BUY EXCESSIVELY DESIGNED TO RIP-OFF CUSTOMERS. This is another clear failure by the domain name authority to make it a legal duty of the company to provide customers with proper written proof of domain ownership, allowing thief and deception by the company against customers cannot be in the interest of national security and against organised crime include the out of control internet fraud; a crime by the domain names authority; a criminal act that would not be able to stand against a properly organised class action and private prosecution. Indeed, many of these one-sided service agreement being used by many of these domain names and webhosting companies don’t worth the paper the so-called “service agreements” written on if inspected closely by good legally trained minds. Indeed, the rules laid down in laws made by state or federal parliaments are superior to any terms set out in these so-called service agreements. Accordingly, on the question of accountability alone and anti-false accounting rules, I am entitled to a sealed and signed certification of ownership for each of the domain name purchased from the company which am still waiting for.Approximately few weeks ago I went to buy one single domain name from the company but the experience of dishonesty dealing with domain name/website hosting providers had left me extremely afraid and feeling insecure. In consequence, I ended up buying over 12 domain names, most of the same name with different extensions for the sole purpose of trying to shield myself from the fraud and dishonesty taking place in the industry particularly against less knowledgeable consumers.I choose month to month webhosting plan at signed up date because I did not want to put myself in the position where I may come to dissatisfied with the company service but locked into a long term contract. However, having discovered the so-called special FTP accounts in the webhosting panel on the account I purchased from the company, among other observations, I called the company customer services on a number of occasions but on each time the call ended without my main concern for my phoning left unresolved. On the last time of calling, instead of addressing my concerns, I was pressured into paying a further 12 months of webhosting at £143+ at the highest hosting plan. The same plan the company called “shared hosting”; not to mention the fact that I was not allow the opportunity to decide whether I really wanted a “12 months shared hosting plan”. Was the ulterior motive being that by forcing me to keep the webhosting plan with the company, it allows the company to continue using the so-called special FTP accounts embedded within my account to allow the company to abuse my domain names purchased from the company without me being any wiser, while at the same time have me paying for the webhosting space to facilitate the company’s fraud against me?GoDaddy typically provides promotional pricing for new products in an effort to help customers with a discount in their first year, when they are likely to be starting out in their business.The company talk about helping people with discount but on the physical evidence this claim is totally patronising as the company has a reputation of milking customers for every penny it can get. Some business community referred to that sort of selling as “hard sell”. Furthermore, and from a legal point of view, the so-called discount merely served as a valid consideration from the company to the naïve consumer without a direct acceptance by the customer, (taking that one cannot genuinely accept an offer without knowing that it is an offer intends to bind he/she having been made by the company) designed to tie customers into long term contract. For example, the company would offer the domain name for, say for example, $2.00 in the first year but attempt to tie the customer into a minimum two years commitment with the cost of the domain name in the second year far exceeded and something as much as three times the cost the name being sold for elsewhere. Together with the hard sell practice, the company in any event, make up any shortfall from the first year so-called discounted domain name sale by pressuring the customer to buying many other products, some usually unnecessary.In relation to the ultimate shared hosting plan sold to me, it was not suitable because it comes with the single IP address. Since I will not use all the allotted gigs for one single website (assuming the company isn’t cheating in gigs space like the mobile internet companies). For me to use my other domain names even for a one page website, I will have to buy SSL certificate, site lock and importantly, IP address. It would have therefore better I had purchased a VPS hosting, for example, to accommodate all my domain names.On the question of billing, the company agent pressured me in paying for a further 12 months for one shared hosting plan (shared hosting plan means “shared with a server” NOT share account with the company where the company are hosting its own FTP accounts within the account I paid the company for. That’s fraud on the part of the company. Indeed, contrary to the company lies about the special FTP account that it is to allow me to check activity logs, the sole purpose of the FTP account is to manage the website traffic and mainly to connect the domain to the world in the similar way the electricity is use to connect the domestic appliances to the infrastructure. The company is taking the total piss and solidities its dishonesty by making so laughable claim about what the special FTP account is being used for.Furthermore instead of providing me with a receipt to account for the 12 months webhosting, the company provided a receipt accounting for only one month hosting but in the same receipt, the company tied me into a 12 months contract. For example, the receipt is showing quantity of webhosting = 1 month and the terms = 12 months. An honest company would have rectified the false receipt and reissue a correct receipt.After that, we ask customers to pay fair market value for a service that gives them 24/7 customer support and helps their business be successful. GoDaddy discontinued email support after serious consideration; adding live chat as a support option due to high demand, in hopes of giving a timelier and more personal response to customer concerns.Turning to the company so-called phone support, only dishonest company takes steps to avoid the customer from having any written evidence of their dissatisfaction or proof that customer complained to the company. Indeed, it is a serious breach of consumers’ protection law for the company not to have in placed a satisfactory complaint procedure and to make customers fully aware of such procedures. Any satisfactory complaint procedure must include the facility to allow customer to put such complaint to the company in writing and a time frame in which the company is duty bound to reply in writing. This requirement explains why the court and other body that deal with dispute resolution required the complainant to show that they had made reasonable attempts to resolve the dispute with the company before taking the matter further. The question is how is the customer gather proof that he/she made attempt to get a resolution with the company if the customer has no means of putting a written record of dispute to the company? GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.CUSTOMER: The Company is totally dishonest and the contents of its response speak for itself. GoDaddy does not provide “certificates” for domain registrations. Our customer can confirm they or their company are a domain’s registrant via any public WHOIS lookup.CUSTOMER: This practice of not being provided with proof of ownership amount to fraud by the company and show evidence of corruption by the domain authority to allow this scandalous rip-off of registrants to be taking place. It is grossly insulting to say that if I want to know who own the domain name I should go check WHOIS. The company is so dishonest that the first thing it did when I purchased the names was to bury them in the rip-off privacy service without first asking me if I wanted the service. This is what is happening to unsuspecting customers when many purchased a domain name, dishonest companies in the business quickly hide it under privacy so that the company can either sell the name or abuse it and by so doing, abuse the registrant’s identity. There must be changed and the world need to know about this gross dishonesty taking place by the company and its comrades. CUSTOMER: I wish to have a refund for the further 12 months webhosting I was pressured to buy and not given a proper receipt accounting for my payment. To label 12 months of fully paid up webhosting as QUANITY “1 month” TERM “12 MONTHS” is not only dishonest. It is also the criminal offence of false accounting.CUSTOMER: the company don’t reissue receipt because it is totally dishonest and no wonder it is using the phone to substitute the rights of consumers to put their dissatisfaction to the company in writing to prevent the customer being able to retain a copy of communication. Indeed, for the avoidance of doubt, the phone service is appreciated, has my full support and most of the agent I speak by phone came across as friendly and helpful. Should this act as a replacement to a secure company support email address, for example? Absolutely not. America is about democracy, rights and freedom and such privilege can only live on if the customer’s rights are enhanced. Not scale back or tampered with.Per our refund policy, our customer’s hosting is refund eligible if canceled within 30 days of purchase. GoDaddy does not reissue receipts after transactions complete; our customer can review them in their account at any time.CUSTOMER: The customer should not have to go into his or her account in order to see if the company acted with honesty. Besides, going into my account on the customer’s platform would not have made any difference because I only discovered the dishonesty when I checked the email and find the receipt with the irregularity. I then phoned the company customer service twice and each time the company agents whom I speak with bushed the matter under the carpet.Additionally, per our terms of service, there must be at least one valid payment method on file if there are active products in an account. Our customer can update these payment details at any time.CUSTOMER: I have no problem of keeping a payment card on the account. But I haven’t applied to the company for credited in anyway and the company is fully entitled to delete the service when payment is not made on time. On the other hand, regardless of what ever unfair terms it included in the lengthy dodgy service agreement, it does not give the company the right to stop me from moving my credit/debit card at anytime should I do wish. The company only entitlement would be is refuse to continue hosting my account and leave me to decide whether to challenge the company’s action using discriminatory laws on the grounds that the law does not force the customer to keep the debit/credit card on the company platform.We appreciate our customer's candid feedback about our service levels. Their concerns will be fully reviewed by our customer care managers in an effort to identify improvement opportunities. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.CUSTOMER: Totally dissatisfied with the company’s response particularly because it came across as dishonest, uncaring and appears to treat me just as a number. It is therefore no wonder over 90% of those answering feedback from this forum rated the company unsatisfactory.
January 30, 2017Arizona Revdex.comMs. Garcia,Godaddy’s response is unsatisfactorily because it is simply not true. GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service. I never received any written agreement of any sort. I held up by end by paying them, unknowing that they did, in good faith, plan not to execute. It’s a form letter from the office with no one’s name. Another example of a disconnect between a company and a customer….a bad business practice.GoDaddy does not provide customers with dedicated account representatives. This is a lie. Their salesman, Josh P[redacted] guaranteed me that I would have a dedicated individual to handle my account. That was the selling point. In hindsight, Josh was overly aggressive in stating that fact. Godaddy should train their people to be honest in their sales and not use a bait and switch tactic. GoDaddy's SEO Services team is experienced with regard to what it takes to make a website successful. So, because of their experience they claim they are right? They are experienced in cheating their customers. I can use the same argument… I am a 64 old, a former Chief Information Officer of multi-million dollar company. I was the CEO and President of two previous very successful computer business. So, I have lots of experience in what is a good company/business and what is a deceptive one… like taking advantage of their customers. They are of the latter, deceptive. They have learned from years of experience that written documents provides a paper trail. They learned through years of experience that saying they are right, in the face of a total lie, works because customers don’t want to waste their time responding and following up.During an interaction with an SEO Services manager on November 9, 2016 our customer was properly informed this service was not eligible for refund. So, saying that their customer is not eligible is all it takes? I never got a written response. Besides, that was on Nov 9, 2016. What about my 10/24/2016 email?...which they never replied. If you exam the attached credit card invoice you’ll see that on 10/23/2016 Godaddy charged me $255. Yet the very next day, 10/24/2016, I emailed them canceling my account and requesting a refund. They never responded to that request. Seems to me they should refund my account since I cancelled it within a day and never got the service that it was meant for.In summary, I never received any documentation to that agreement. All communications from Godaddy was verbal. My concerns and complaints were never replied in a written format because Godaddy doesn’t want to leave a paper trail.There are many complaints against them on the internet and now mine will be added to that. Their response to me is a “form” letter response acknowledging no wrong doing. They are not in the business of offering Better Business; they are offer disreputable business practices. Of course, I will file a complaint with the Arizona’s Attorney General’s office. At some point, with so many registered complaints, they will be forced to answer to their customers.Thank you for your consideration.[redacted], DMD
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns. Our customer’s account was unlocked on August 8, 2016, and the domain in question was transferred away from GoDaddy on August 9, 2016. There are no applicable refunds for this customer account. If our customer is inquiring about other domains or customer account, they will need to connect directly with our customer care center, via the options provided at you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Mike L[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.We stand by our previous response. Our customer is utilizing GoDaddy’s Website Builder to display their website, which contains an email contact form. Our customer is also using GoDaddy’s Workspace Email services. Both of these services are functioning properly and as intended. GoDaddy simply has no control over what happens to an email notice after it leaves our system or how our customer's ISP or email client chooses to handle the email once they receive it.Our office has been unsuccessful in connecting with our customer to discuss their concerns. As our customer has not done so, if they require assistance with a GoDaddy product or service, including email, they may connect with our Customer Care team for assistance. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.After a careful review of the business's response, I see that they still evade dealing with, or even understanding, my serious concerns. This problem began this around the beginning of June of this year. On June 18, when I realized that GoDaddy was making the process difficult, I began to keep their correspondence. I also kept track of the statements made by them during numerous telephone calls in which I tried to get someone to sort out this problem. First, they asked for copies of the messages. When I sent those, they told me that the messages had to be sent in eml format. When I sent them in eml format, they told me that the message could not have the word "test" in it. When I was able to send a message in eml format without the word "test," they wrote to say that they no longer supported their own email service (please see attachment July31-2.pdf). Telephone conversations have generally proved frustrating. [redacted] clearly had no idea of what to do about this issue; several times, me on extended holds and then came back each time with a different story. [redacted] proved much more helpful; after talking with him, I felt sure the problem would be cleared up, but unfortunately GoDaddy dropped the ball again. After my conversation with Mr. [redacted], I received a message form "[redacted]" on the "Advanced Technical Support Team" indicating that the problem would be solved in a matter of hours (please see attachment Aug03.pdf).For several days, I thought that the problem had been taken care of, but then my wife tried to reply to an email I sent and she received the same old spam bounce back. In this case, I was able to immediately put the original message and the bounced back message into an eml format and send them to GoDaddy. Instead of looking into the problem, they came up with yet another excuse, telling me that the message had "expired" from their logs (please see attachment Aug24.pdf). Perhaps this was the so-called response to my complaint; I have received no other response from them. If this is the response to me complaint, it doesn't help much; they are claiming that the message I sent immediately after it bounced back is too old (has, in fact, "expired") and have also provided no way for me to respond to them.To go back to the concern that began this, recipients of my emails are getting their replies to me bounced back as suspected spam. If someone literate and reasonably concerned looked into this problem, they could probably clear it up in moments - far less time, I suspect, than they have already spent stalling me. After running a google search on GoDaddy bounce backs, I have found that the business has many customers confronting this problem so they must know what it is and how to deal with it. I hope that they stop sending formulaic responses to the and instead take care of us.Please keep in mind:1. Getting messages to send to GoDaddy was difficult as I had to go to friends, family members, and colleagues who had had their mail to me bounced back and get them to send me copies. This entailed a great deal of work.2. Clearly, there is some flaw in the GoDaddy spam detection process as the bounce backs come from people I know trying to respond to simple messages. Even as they cannot get through to me with messages that obviously have no spam content, I get out-and-out spam in my inbox every single day.Thank you for your consideration of my request to have these concerns dealt with properly.Regards,[redacted]
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at March 26, 2017, our customer contacted GoDaddy to renew a domain. During this...
interaction, our customer was given the option to synchronize the billing dates for the products within their account which they intended to keep. Our customer was advised of the cost to do so. They asked if monthly billing was an option and was advised it was not. Our customer then authorized the payment for the amount they were quoted.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.While the hosting service in question is no longer eligible for a refund, GoDaddy will make an exception to our Refund Policy and issue a refund to our customer for the time remaining on their hosting plan, provided they cancel the hosting service by May 23, 2017. Our customer may reach us at [email protected] to let us know they have canceled the hosting service. The article referenced below includes instructions they may find helpful.Delete products in my GoDaddy account⇄ you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Stephen J[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.On January 3, 2018, GoDaddy emailed our customer to advise them their domain was in an account under their name and email address. We have received recent correspondence from our customer via the email address associated with the account in question. As our customer was able to send us an email from that email address, they should be able to regain access to the account via the online account recovery process referenced in our original response.In working with our support staff to access the account, our customer acknowledged they had associated an invalid address with their account. While we understand they may have had reasons for knowingly using a false address, doing so creates complications with the processes we have in place where identity verification is required, and is also a violation of GoDaddy’s Terms of Service.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Stephen J[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.We stand by our original response. The Managed WordPress hosting service our customer purchased worked as intended. To clarify, this service provides a hosting environment designed exclusively to host websites created with Wordpress. GoDaddy support for this service extends to making sure the hosting server is accessible and the core Wordpress application is installed and updated when new versions are released by Wordpress. Custom website content management is a customer responsibility. As mentioned in our original response, our customer was advised GoDaddy offers a paid solution for customers seeking help with their website content. This offering is separate from the hosting service purchased by our customer.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Stephen J[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer. We would like to present the following:Our customer acknowledged and agreed to GoDaddy's agreements upon conducting business with GoDaddy. The latest version of these agreements can be found at:... Between February 10, 2016 and February 17, 2016 our customer contacted our customer support teams regarding their concern that GoDaddy was arbitrarily making changes to their website they built in GoDaddy’s Website Builder program, and did so without the customer’s knowledge. Our customer was informed that no one at GoDaddy was logged into their Website Builder plan. GoDaddy will not make changes to a customer’s Website Builder plan without their approval. Per the user agreements, customers agree that they are solely responsible for the activity that occurs within their account, whether authorized by them or not. Customers must keep their account information secure; including without limitation, their cr/Username and password. Account management, including security of customer accounts, is the responsibility of our customers. RESOLUTION: GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with our customer and honored its terms of service. Account management, including the protection of login credentials, is a customer responsibility. Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. Kindest regards, Ken C[redacted]Office of the CEO
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by our customer. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.We stand by our previous response. Account management is a customer responsibility. GoDaddy upheld its agreements in good faith with our customer and honored its terms of service. Specifically, GoDaddy renewed the service in accordance with our customer's account preferences. Automatic renewals are discussed in detail within our Universal Terms of Service Agreement and Domain Name Registration Agreement, both acknowledged and agreed to by our customer. On September 11, 2015, the funds for the August 27, 2015 renewal transaction were withdrawn from GoDaddy and returned to the associated payment method as the result of a chargeback/payment dispute GoDaddy received from our customer's financial institution. Subsequently, the product has been removed from our customer's account. As such, we believe this matter is resolved.Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO[redacted][redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by the complainant. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.We stand by our previous response. Ownership of the account in question and its content remains a dispute between third parties to which GoDaddy cannot become involved.Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant.Best regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy[redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260###-###-#### Phone###-###-#### Fax
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at June 13, 2017 our customer purchased an 8GB Virtual Private Server for a...
three-year term via online transaction. Prior to applicable discounts being applied, the cost of the server chosen by our customer was $1,374.45. The cost after the discounts was $1,277.39.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.While the advertised price for the 8GB Virtual Private Server does state “As low as 31.99/mo”, our customer added the Advanced Backup and Restore feature which increased the monthly rate to $36.98/mo.It is unclear which renewal our customer is referencing. Prior to the purchase in question our customer had an 8GB Virtual Private Server in their account which was renewing on a monthly cycle for the correct retail rate of $139.99/mo. The most recent renewal of that server took place on June 7, 2017. If our customer were to renew this server for the same duration of time applied to the new server, the cost would be $5,039.64. The purchase of the new server afforded our customer a significant cost savings.If the original server is no longer needed, our customer will need to cancel it prior to the next renewal date of July 7, 2017. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Terri H[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at July 20, 2015, our customer purchased cPanel hosting for three years via an online...
transaction. GoDaddy has no record of contact with our support team to discuss our hosting services prior to this purchase.On November 3, 2015, our customer contacted our support team for the first time regarding the concerns they had with the hosting service. While there was no request to cancel the hosting during this interaction, by this date, the service was no longer refundable, per our refund policy.On August 3, 2016, our customer contacted our support team to cancel the hosting service and request a refund. Our customer was advised the hosting service was no longer eligible for a refund. At this time, the hosting remains active and is working as intended.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Per GoDaddy's refund policy, the transaction in question is beyond refund eligibility. From what we understand, our customer may have been using a design application that was not suited for the type of hosting purchased. If our customer intends to purchase hosting that is appropriate for their needs, we will provide a credit for the time remaining on the current plan as a onetime exception to our refund policy and apply it towards the purchase of a GoDaddy hosting plan that provides them the resources they need. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Stephen J[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to shed further light on our customer’s concerns.As previously pointed out, in addition to our Universal Terms of Service, our customer also agreed to the Domain Name Registration Agreement and Domain Name Proxy Agreement.Section 10. Domain Add-Ons of the Domain Name Registration Agreement explains that domain names with Ownership Protection will have automatic renewal enabled. As stated on our Request for Protected Registration Cancellation form ([redacted]), registrant information must be verified to cancel the protection. After the protection has been canceled, customers are then able to disable automatic renewal.Regarding the desire to change payment methods, customers can indeed change them at any time. The following GoDaddy Support article provides instructions for Managing Payment Methods:[redacted]Protected Registration is the perfect service for protecting domain names from expiring, being canceled, or being transferred from a customer’s account. However, it is not intended for customers who only wish to keep domain names temporarily. It is for this reason that we warn customers in Section 10 (mentioned above) to carefully consider the implications accompanying the purchase of the protection service and understand the restrictions the service puts into place. It is clear from this complaint that our customer did not fully understand this when they purchased this service online. However, we are glad that they were able to cancel the service in time to disable automatic renewal prior to the domain name’s expiration date. At this time, the domain name will simply follow the expiration life-cycle and eventually be returned to the registry.Thank you again for the opportunity to bring further clarity to the question presented by our valuable customer.Kindest Regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.We stand by our previous response. Each of these services our customer purchased are do-it-yourself products, and are not guaranteed to increase the number of customers a user may receive. Furthermore, each of these services functioned properly.All of the services our customer had purchased are beyond refund eligibility. GoDaddy had refunded our customer’s Get Found purchase as an exception to our refund policy in effort to amicably resolve this matter. GoDaddy is unable to provide further refunds to our customer. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns.Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at September 15, 2009, our customer purchased an Economy Hosting and Business Email...
Plans for a 5 year term via an online transaction. These plans were subsequently renewed for additional 3 year terms on September 15, 2014 and September 15, 2017.GoDaddy sent emails prior to the renewal of the plans in question. These notices informed our customer their expiring items would be renewed in accordance with their account settings unless additional action was taken. An order confirmation email was sent after the most recent renewal. Account management is a customer responsibility.Our customer did not contact our 24/7 Customer Care teams regarding the most recent renewals until February 3, 2018. At that time our customer stated they had spoken with our agent prior to the most recent renewal to request its cancellation. RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.Regarding the call our customer referenced on August 2, 2017, at that time our agent attempted to contact them to discuss their upcoming renewal and only left a voice message. In accordance with our publicly located Refund Policy, which can be found at, the most recent renewal of the plans in question are not eligible for refund. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,John M[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Please see attached Additional Explanation of Issue with GoDaddy.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait until for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved.
[redacted], Attached is an mail message sent to Godaddy with no response.Two Issues 1 Bait and Switch Advertising 2 They violated the privacy policy by putting my name, address and phone on the Internet web page. I paid $10 to stop this.Thank you,[redacted]###-###-####
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.We stand by our previous response. GoDaddy removed the content in violation from our customer’s hosting plan and suspended the service. The ‘write’ permissions on the specific folder within our customer’s hosting plan that contained the content in violation was revoked, to stop the further upload of content in violation.Although our customer’s hosting account has been suspended, their FTP access has remained enabled to allow the ability to upload, download, and modify files. Our customer had been informed when they have fully addressed the matter, to contact our hosting support team with the specific steps they have taken to prevent further recurrence. On November 9, 2017, our customer contacted our hosting support team and the hosting plan in question was reinstated. Our customer’s hosting plan must remain compliant with GoDaddy’s Terms of Service to avoid further suspensions.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Dear Sir/MadamPlease find herein a complete reply to GODADDY answer.Regards[redacted]---------------------------- I hereinafter referred to Godaddy as “THE COMPANY” and myself as the CUSTOMER in reply to the GODADDY’s response. As expected, the company quick to drawn attention to the grossly unreasonable and unfair one-sided so-called service agreement filled with clauses that would not stand up to close scrutiny in a court of law. No wonder like most of its customers, I didn’t bother to read it because it is designed to rip-off customers and the domain name authority industry have been turning a blind eye to grossly unfair treatment of customers using most of these so-called domain name and webhosting providers.I have not read the terms to which the company is referring because the industry works solely in the interest of the Company and their comrades in business. But does this means that because the company created a one-sided grossly unfair agreement, it acts as a shield against customer rights to consumers’ protection? Does it give the company the right to act in a way amounting to fraud coupled with false accounting against its customers? Is the self created rules embedded in the so-called written agreement superior to legislations put in place for consumers rights and protection, legislations provided by state and federal laws? In responding directly to the Company reply, I underlined its wording throughout hereunder as follows: Regarding “special” FTP accounts on our customer’s cPanel shared hosting, these FTP accounts are created by default for the primary user, used to access visitor logs, and cannot be removed.The claim by the company that the so-called “special FTP accounts” on my webhosting account was created for myself (the primary user) for the purpose of accessing visitors logs, is not only a clear example of dishonesty by the company but also laughable. Why else the company would setup special FTP accounts on my account but blocked me from being able to access or being able to delete said so-called special FTP accounts? Isn’t it obvious that the company setup those special FTP accounts within my account for the sole purpose of stealing and or abusing the domain names I purchased from the company knowing that the domain name authority have been turning a blind eye to the dishonest conducts taking place against customers allowing the company to get away with it, total corruption.There is also a dishonesty being conducted by the company and many in the wider domain name industry where they are actively seeking buyers from day one for the domain names which they have collected payments for. This sort of dishonesty is being facilitated by the lack of strong policy by the authority to protect consumers.GoDaddy typically provides promotional pricing for new products in an effort to help customers with a discount in their first year, when they are likely to be starting out in their business. After that, we ask customers to pay fair market value for a service that gives them 24/7 customer support and helps their business be successful. IT IS MY OBSERVATION THAT PRESSURED IS BEING PLACED ON CONSUMERS TO BUY EXCESSIVELY DESIGNED TO RIP-OFF CUSTOMERS. This is another clear failure by the domain name authority to make it a legal duty of the company to provide customers with proper written proof of domain ownership, allowing thief and deception by the company against customers cannot be in the interest of national security and against organised crime include the out of control internet fraud; a crime by the domain names authority; a criminal act that would not be able to stand against a properly organised class action and private prosecution. Indeed, many of these one-sided service agreement being used by many of these domain names and webhosting companies don’t worth the paper the so-called “service agreements” written on if inspected closely by good legally trained minds. Indeed, the rules laid down in laws made by state or federal parliaments are superior to any terms set out in these so-called service agreements. Accordingly, on the question of accountability alone and anti-false accounting rules, I am entitled to a sealed and signed certification of ownership for each of the domain name purchased from the company which am still waiting for.Approximately few weeks ago I went to buy one single domain name from the company but the experience of dishonesty dealing with domain name/website hosting providers had left me extremely afraid and feeling insecure. In consequence, I ended up buying over 12 domain names, most of the same name with different extensions for the sole purpose of trying to shield myself from the fraud and dishonesty taking place in the industry particularly against less knowledgeable consumers.I choose month to month webhosting plan at signed up date because I did not want to put myself in the position where I may come to dissatisfied with the company service but locked into a long term contract. However, having discovered the so-called special FTP accounts in the webhosting panel on the account I purchased from the company, among other observations, I called the company customer services on a number of occasions but on each time the call ended without my main concern for my phoning left unresolved. On the last time of calling, instead of addressing my concerns, I was pressured into paying a further 12 months of webhosting at £143+ at the highest hosting plan. The same plan the company called “shared hosting”; not to mention the fact that I was not allow the opportunity to decide whether I really wanted a “12 months shared hosting plan”. Was the ulterior motive being that by forcing me to keep the webhosting plan with the company, it allows the company to continue using the so-called special FTP accounts embedded within my account to allow the company to abuse my domain names purchased from the company without me being any wiser, while at the same time have me paying for the webhosting space to facilitate the company’s fraud against me?GoDaddy typically provides promotional pricing for new products in an effort to help customers with a discount in their first year, when they are likely to be starting out in their business.The company talk about helping people with discount but on the physical evidence this claim is totally patronising as the company has a reputation of milking customers for every penny it can get. Some business community referred to that sort of selling as “hard sell”. Furthermore, and from a legal point of view, the so-called discount merely served as a valid consideration from the company to the naïve consumer without a direct acceptance by the customer, (taking that one cannot genuinely accept an offer without knowing that it is an offer intends to bind he/she having been made by the company) designed to tie customers into long term contract. For example, the company would offer the domain name for, say for example, $2.00 in the first year but attempt to tie the customer into a minimum two years commitment with the cost of the domain name in the second year far exceeded and something as much as three times the cost the name being sold for elsewhere. Together with the hard sell practice, the company in any event, make up any shortfall from the first year so-called discounted domain name sale by pressuring the customer to buying many other products, some usually unnecessary.In relation to the ultimate shared hosting plan sold to me, it was not suitable because it comes with the single IP address. Since I will not use all the allotted gigs for one single website (assuming the company isn’t cheating in gigs space like the mobile internet companies). For me to use my other domain names even for a one page website, I will have to buy SSL certificate, site lock and importantly, IP address. It would have therefore better I had purchased a VPS hosting, for example, to accommodate all my domain names.On the question of billing, the company agent pressured me in paying for a further 12 months for one shared hosting plan (shared hosting plan means “shared with a server” NOT share account with the company where the company are hosting its own FTP accounts within the account I paid the company for. That’s fraud on the part of the company. Indeed, contrary to the company lies about the special FTP account that it is to allow me to check activity logs, the sole purpose of the FTP account is to manage the website traffic and mainly to connect the domain to the world in the similar way the electricity is use to connect the domestic appliances to the infrastructure. The company is taking the total piss and solidities its dishonesty by making so laughable claim about what the special FTP account is being used for.Furthermore instead of providing me with a receipt to account for the 12 months webhosting, the company provided a receipt accounting for only one month hosting but in the same receipt, the company tied me into a 12 months contract. For example, the receipt is showing quantity of webhosting = 1 month and the terms = 12 months. An honest company would have rectified the false receipt and reissue a correct receipt.After that, we ask customers to pay fair market value for a service that gives them 24/7 customer support and helps their business be successful. GoDaddy discontinued email support after serious consideration; adding live chat as a support option due to high demand, in hopes of giving a timelier and more personal response to customer concerns.Turning to the company so-called phone support, only dishonest company takes steps to avoid the customer from having any written evidence of their dissatisfaction or proof that customer complained to the company. Indeed, it is a serious breach of consumers’ protection law for the company not to have in placed a satisfactory complaint procedure and to make customers fully aware of such procedures. Any satisfactory complaint procedure must include the facility to allow customer to put such complaint to the company in writing and a time frame in which the company is duty bound to reply in writing. This requirement explains why the court and other body that deal with dispute resolution required the complainant to show that they had made reasonable attempts to resolve the dispute with the company before taking the matter further. The question is how is the customer gather proof that he/she made attempt to get a resolution with the company if the customer has no means of putting a written record of dispute to the company? GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.CUSTOMER: The Company is totally dishonest and the contents of its response speak for itself. GoDaddy does not provide “certificates” for domain registrations. Our customer can confirm they or their company are a domain’s registrant via any public WHOIS lookup.CUSTOMER: This practice of not being provided with proof of ownership amount to fraud by the company and show evidence of corruption by the domain authority to allow this scandalous rip-off of registrants to be taking place. It is grossly insulting to say that if I want to know who own the domain name I should go check WHOIS. The company is so dishonest that the first thing it did when I purchased the names was to bury them in the rip-off privacy service without first asking me if I wanted the service. This is what is happening to unsuspecting customers when many purchased a domain name, dishonest companies in the business quickly hide it under privacy so that the company can either sell the name or abuse it and by so doing, abuse the registrant’s identity. There must be changed and the world need to know about this gross dishonesty taking place by the company and its comrades. CUSTOMER: I wish to have a refund for the further 12 months webhosting I was pressured to buy and not given a proper receipt accounting for my payment. To label 12 months of fully paid up webhosting as QUANITY “1 month” TERM “12 MONTHS” is not only dishonest. It is also the criminal offence of false accounting.CUSTOMER: the company don’t reissue receipt because it is totally dishonest and no wonder it is using the phone to substitute the rights of consumers to put their dissatisfaction to the company in writing to prevent the customer being able to retain a copy of communication. Indeed, for the avoidance of doubt, the phone service is appreciated, has my full support and most of the agent I speak by phone came across as friendly and helpful. Should this act as a replacement to a secure company support email address, for example? Absolutely not. America is about democracy, rights and freedom and such privilege can only live on if the customer’s rights are enhanced. Not scale back or tampered with.Per our refund policy, our customer’s hosting is refund eligible if canceled within 30 days of purchase. GoDaddy does not reissue receipts after transactions complete; our customer can review them in their account at any time.CUSTOMER: The customer should not have to go into his or her account in order to see if the company acted with honesty. Besides, going into my account on the customer’s platform would not have made any difference because I only discovered the dishonesty when I checked the email and find the receipt with the irregularity. I then phoned the company customer service twice and each time the company agents whom I speak with bushed the matter under the carpet.Additionally, per our terms of service, there must be at least one valid payment method on file if there are active products in an account. Our customer can update these payment details at any time.CUSTOMER: I have no problem of keeping a payment card on the account. But I haven’t applied to the company for credited in anyway and the company is fully entitled to delete the service when payment is not made on time. On the other hand, regardless of what ever unfair terms it included in the lengthy dodgy service agreement, it does not give the company the right to stop me from moving my credit/debit card at anytime should I do wish. The company only entitlement would be is refuse to continue hosting my account and leave me to decide whether to challenge the company’s action using discriminatory laws on the grounds that the law does not force the customer to keep the debit/credit card on the company platform.We appreciate our customer's candid feedback about our service levels. Their concerns will be fully reviewed by our customer care managers in an effort to identify improvement opportunities. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.CUSTOMER: Totally dissatisfied with the company’s response particularly because it came across as dishonest, uncaring and appears to treat me just as a number. It is therefore no wonder over 90% of those answering feedback from this forum rated the company unsatisfactory.
January 30, 2017Arizona Revdex.comMs. Garcia,Godaddy’s response is unsatisfactorily because it is simply not true. GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service. I never received any written agreement of any sort. I held up by end by paying them, unknowing that they did, in good faith, plan not to execute. It’s a form letter from the office with no one’s name. Another example of a disconnect between a company and a customer….a bad business practice.GoDaddy does not provide customers with dedicated account representatives. This is a lie. Their salesman, Josh P[redacted] guaranteed me that I would have a dedicated individual to handle my account. That was the selling point. In hindsight, Josh was overly aggressive in stating that fact. Godaddy should train their people to be honest in their sales and not use a bait and switch tactic. GoDaddy's SEO Services team is experienced with regard to what it takes to make a website successful. So, because of their experience they claim they are right? They are experienced in cheating their customers. I can use the same argument… I am a 64 old, a former Chief Information Officer of multi-million dollar company. I was the CEO and President of two previous very successful computer business. So, I have lots of experience in what is a good company/business and what is a deceptive one… like taking advantage of their customers. They are of the latter, deceptive. They have learned from years of experience that written documents provides a paper trail. They learned through years of experience that saying they are right, in the face of a total lie, works because customers don’t want to waste their time responding and following up.During an interaction with an SEO Services manager on November 9, 2016 our customer was properly informed this service was not eligible for refund. So, saying that their customer is not eligible is all it takes? I never got a written response. Besides, that was on Nov 9, 2016. What about my 10/24/2016 email?...which they never replied. If you exam the attached credit card invoice you’ll see that on 10/23/2016 Godaddy charged me $255. Yet the very next day, 10/24/2016, I emailed them canceling my account and requesting a refund. They never responded to that request. Seems to me they should refund my account since I cancelled it within a day and never got the service that it was meant for.In summary, I never received any documentation to that agreement. All communications from Godaddy was verbal. My concerns and complaints were never replied in a written format because Godaddy doesn’t want to leave a paper trail.There are many complaints against them on the internet and now mine will be added to that. Their response to me is a “form” letter response acknowledging no wrong doing. They are not in the business of offering Better Business; they are offer disreputable business practices. Of course, I will file a complaint with the Arizona’s Attorney General’s office. At some point, with so many registered complaints, they will be forced to answer to their customers.Thank you for your consideration.[redacted], DMD
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns. Our customer’s account was unlocked on August 8, 2016, and the domain in question was transferred away from GoDaddy on August 9, 2016. There are no applicable refunds for this customer account. If our customer is inquiring about other domains or customer account, they will need to connect directly with our customer care center, via the options provided at you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Mike L[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.We stand by our previous response. Our customer is utilizing GoDaddy’s Website Builder to display their website, which contains an email contact form. Our customer is also using GoDaddy’s Workspace Email services. Both of these services are functioning properly and as intended. GoDaddy simply has no control over what happens to an email notice after it leaves our system or how our customer's ISP or email client chooses to handle the email once they receive it.Our office has been unsuccessful in connecting with our customer to discuss their concerns. As our customer has not done so, if they require assistance with a GoDaddy product or service, including email, they may connect with our Customer Care team for assistance. Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Gary H[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.After a careful review of the business's response, I see that they still evade dealing with, or even understanding, my serious concerns. This problem began this around the beginning of June of this year. On June 18, when I realized that GoDaddy was making the process difficult, I began to keep their correspondence. I also kept track of the statements made by them during numerous telephone calls in which I tried to get someone to sort out this problem. First, they asked for copies of the messages. When I sent those, they told me that the messages had to be sent in eml format. When I sent them in eml format, they told me that the message could not have the word "test" in it. When I was able to send a message in eml format without the word "test," they wrote to say that they no longer supported their own email service (please see attachment July31-2.pdf). Telephone conversations have generally proved frustrating. [redacted] clearly had no idea of what to do about this issue; several times, me on extended holds and then came back each time with a different story. [redacted] proved much more helpful; after talking with him, I felt sure the problem would be cleared up, but unfortunately GoDaddy dropped the ball again. After my conversation with Mr. [redacted], I received a message form "[redacted]" on the "Advanced Technical Support Team" indicating that the problem would be solved in a matter of hours (please see attachment Aug03.pdf).For several days, I thought that the problem had been taken care of, but then my wife tried to reply to an email I sent and she received the same old spam bounce back. In this case, I was able to immediately put the original message and the bounced back message into an eml format and send them to GoDaddy. Instead of looking into the problem, they came up with yet another excuse, telling me that the message had "expired" from their logs (please see attachment Aug24.pdf). Perhaps this was the so-called response to my complaint; I have received no other response from them. If this is the response to me complaint, it doesn't help much; they are claiming that the message I sent immediately after it bounced back is too old (has, in fact, "expired") and have also provided no way for me to respond to them.To go back to the concern that began this, recipients of my emails are getting their replies to me bounced back as suspected spam. If someone literate and reasonably concerned looked into this problem, they could probably clear it up in moments - far less time, I suspect, than they have already spent stalling me. After running a google search on GoDaddy bounce backs, I have found that the business has many customers confronting this problem so they must know what it is and how to deal with it. I hope that they stop sending formulaic responses to the and instead take care of us.Please keep in mind:1. Getting messages to send to GoDaddy was difficult as I had to go to friends, family members, and colleagues who had had their mail to me bounced back and get them to send me copies. This entailed a great deal of work.2. Clearly, there is some flaw in the GoDaddy spam detection process as the bounce backs come from people I know trying to respond to simple messages. Even as they cannot get through to me with messages that obviously have no spam content, I get out-and-out spam in my inbox every single day.Thank you for your consideration of my request to have these concerns dealt with properly.Regards,[redacted]
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer's concerns. Upon conducting business with GoDaddy, our customer acknowledged and accepted our agreements, found at March 26, 2017, our customer contacted GoDaddy to renew a domain. During this...
interaction, our customer was given the option to synchronize the billing dates for the products within their account which they intended to keep. Our customer was advised of the cost to do so. They asked if monthly billing was an option and was advised it was not. Our customer then authorized the payment for the amount they were quoted.RESOLUTION:GoDaddy upheld its agreements with our customer in good faith and honored its terms of service.While the hosting service in question is no longer eligible for a refund, GoDaddy will make an exception to our Refund Policy and issue a refund to our customer for the time remaining on their hosting plan, provided they cancel the hosting service by May 23, 2017. Our customer may reach us at [email protected] to let us know they have canceled the hosting service. The article referenced below includes instructions they may find helpful.Delete products in my GoDaddy account⇄ you again for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Stephen J[redacted]Office of the CEO - GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.On January 3, 2018, GoDaddy emailed our customer to advise them their domain was in an account under their name and email address. We have received recent correspondence from our customer via the email address associated with the account in question. As our customer was able to send us an email from that email address, they should be able to regain access to the account via the online account recovery process referenced in our original response.In working with our support staff to access the account, our customer acknowledged they had associated an invalid address with their account. While we understand they may have had reasons for knowingly using a false address, doing so creates complications with the processes we have in place where identity verification is required, and is also a violation of GoDaddy’s Terms of Service.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Stephen J[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address our customer’s additional concerns.We stand by our original response. The Managed WordPress hosting service our customer purchased worked as intended. To clarify, this service provides a hosting environment designed exclusively to host websites created with Wordpress. GoDaddy support for this service extends to making sure the hosting server is accessible and the core Wordpress application is installed and updated when new versions are released by Wordpress. Custom website content management is a customer responsibility. As mentioned in our original response, our customer was advised GoDaddy offers a paid solution for customers seeking help with their website content. This offering is separate from the hosting service purchased by our customer.Thank you again for the opportunity to address the additional concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,Stephen J[redacted]Office of the CEO – GoDaddy
Thank you for the opportunity to address the concerns presented by our customer. We would like to present the following:Our customer acknowledged and agreed to GoDaddy's agreements upon conducting business with GoDaddy. The latest version of these agreements can be found at:...
r/Username and password. Account management, including security of customer accounts, is the responsibility of our customers. RESOLUTION: GoDaddy has upheld its agreements in good faith with our customer and honored its terms of service. Account management, including the protection of login credentials, is a customer responsibility. Thank you again for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by the complainant. Kindest regards, Ken C[redacted]Office of the CEO Between February 10, 2016 and February 17, 2016 our customer contacted our customer support teams regarding their concern that GoDaddy was arbitrarily making changes to their website they built in GoDaddy’s Website Builder program, and did so without the customer’s knowledge. Our customer was informed that no one at GoDaddy was logged into their Website Builder plan. GoDaddy will not make changes to a customer’s Website Builder plan without their approval. Per the user agreements, customers agree that they are solely responsible for the activity that occurs within their account, whether authorized by them or not. Customers must keep their account information secure; including without limitation, their c
Dear Dispute Resolution Consultant,Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the additional concerns presented by our customer. We have reviewed this matter and would like to present the following.We stand by our previous response. Account management is a customer responsibility. GoDaddy upheld its agreements in good faith with our customer and honored its terms of service. Specifically, GoDaddy renewed the service in accordance with our customer's account preferences. Automatic renewals are discussed in detail within our Universal Terms of Service Agreement and Domain Name Registration Agreement, both acknowledged and agreed to by our customer. On September 11, 2015, the funds for the August 27, 2015 renewal transaction were withdrawn from GoDaddy and returned to the associated payment method as the result of a chargeback/payment dispute GoDaddy received from our customer's financial institution. Subsequently, the product has been removed from our customer's account. As such, we believe this matter is resolved.Thank you for the opportunity to address and bring clarity to the concerns presented by our customer.Kindest regards,[redacted]Office of the CEO[redacted][redacted]Scottsdale, AZ 85260