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Austin Hose

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Austin Hose Reviews (2808)

*** [redacted] was advised that a manual adjustment for months for $will be done, also advised that when it goes to the full $49.99, then [redacted] will get credit for that amount for the remainder of the year (months)

Tell us why hereOur investigation found the early termination fee to be applicableThe email confirmation sent to the customer on prior to the services being installed clearly stated that the bundle must be maintained for a minimum of months or an early termination fee of up to $ applies if services are canceled earlyThe intention of the email is to allow the customer to cancel the request prior to installation if there is any disagreement with the termsA billing specialist contacted the customer to acknowledge receipt of this complaintThe early termination fee was sustainedThe customer was informed that if they establish new service within the next days we would adjust the fee as a courtesy

Verizon was unable toreach this customer who failed to return all callsA review of her recordsindicates that service was terminated on and that her finalbill correctly reflects that date I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because There was no indication from Verizon that I am to be refunded the $for early termination fees which I incurred for terminating my service with them due to their very poor customer service, mistakes and misleading service salesI feel very strongly that I should be compensated for the stress Verizon has caused not only me, but my child as well As of this date, April **, 2016, there is still an owed balance on my credit reports, nothing was done on March **, (the date they claim this matter was taken care of) In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above Sincerely, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: 1. The business response does not represent any new developments. To this day, Verizon assured me that the account will be closed at least 5 times. Every time, it failed to close it. I keep getting billed for services. I asked Verizon representative to make sure that I am not billed for the services that I don't receive. Verizon representative did not reply to this request. According to them, I will be billed for up to 100 days since my initial request to cancel service, and then they promise to refund some of my money. This is not acceptable, because I don't use the service anymore, and I don't want to pay $400 and beg them to refund money for the service that I don't receive. Verizon did not respond to my request to stop billing me. My suggestion is to have 0 balance on my account until they close it.2. The equipment return order contained "unknown" device. I was informed that I will be charged $100 for not returning their equipment. When I asked them what that "unknown" device was, and how is it possible for me to return something that they don't know what it is, I did not receive any responses. As of now, I returned all the equipment I had in my possession to Verizon, but I don't know what this "unknown" device is. I look forward to stopping this service and resolving this situation, however, from my point of view, this will be resolved only when:1. The billing stops.2.I receive the final bill from Verizon indicating the services were stopped, all the equipment was returned to them, and the bill does not have any charges/fees added after May 2015.It is a very simple transaction, and I hope we will finalize everything promptly, without waiting for months for this to get resolved.Thank you! [redacted] In order for the BBB to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above. Sincerely, [redacted]

Upon receipt of the complaint, I spoke with the customer on February *, and apologized for the inconvenience Their concerns were referred to the appropriate department to review and investigateThis is a final accountThe customer was enrolled in AutoPayThe customer's November bill reflected a zero balanceOn December **, 2017, the Auto Payment for October was returnedThe customer made a partial payment on January **, 2018, leaving a balanceOn January **, there was a returned payment, leaving a balanceThe account was recalled from the Outside Collection Agency and placed in dispute pending the investigationThe account is not reflected as to being credit reportedCredit reporting is done electronically and is reported when accounts are 30-days past dueA cease and desist was placed temporarily on the robo callsAn email was sent to the address provided on the complaint of the outcome of the investigation on February ***

On Verizon Appeals Representative Heidi S called and reached [redacted] and advised him she would be willing to waive $of Early Termination Fees to make changes to his serviceHeidi went over the customers options to change to Data only, Double Play with Data and Video and Data and VoiceAll the rates were more than [redacted] wanted to pay but he chose Data only at $with no contract [redacted] said he intends to most likely switch to OptimumHeidi issued order [redacted] with a commitment date of and has a follow up to credit $of Early Termination Fees when it is billed

[redacted] lives in a location where Verizon has upgraded its facilities from copper to fiber optics. In many cases involving repeated failure of copper cables where fiber facilities are available, it is Verizon’s policy to repair the service by migrating the customers from copper to fiber. This is done to reduce the likelihood of future service problems, since it is widely recognized that fiber outside plant is more reliable than copper simply because copper is metallic and fiber is not. The use of an optical signal (light) with fiber facilities avoids the combination of water and metal that can lead in some cases to static, cross talk, noise, and other potential service disruptions. Fiber facilities also allow customers access to a larger range of services if they would like those services. Migrating customers may choose to keep their existing voice service, at the same price as they paid previously. There is no charge for the migration from copper facilities to fiber. In addition, our expert technicians carry out the transition and ensure that the service is working properly. SebrenaTucker requested repair of her internet service on March **, 2017. On April 1*, 2017, Verizon spoke with [redacted] to explain the proposed migration of her service to our fiber-optic network. We explained that [redacted] would not be charged for the installation or the equipment required for migration. [redacted] was offered Voice and Data service for one year at the same price she was paying for the services on copper and she declined.

Initial Business Response / [redacted] (1000, 8, 2015/05/26) */ CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION May 22, # [redacted] of Minnesota Attn: [redacted] S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted] , [redacted] Dear Ms [redacted] , I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account Ms [redacted] is a valued customer, and we regret any difficulty she experienced as a result of the changes made to her credit lineAs a reminder, there is a section of the credit account Agreement covering this issue, found under the title "Available Credit." It states, in part, "We may increase or reduce your credit limit, or suspend or terminate your Account, at any time with or without causeWe will provide notice to you to the extent required by applicable law." Any reduction, increase or other change to a line of credit is the result of ongoing, systematic monitoring of account activity dataThis information can pertain to the Fingerhut Account but also the customer's credit history as a whole Strong performing accounts may be issued a credit line increase, either temporary or permanentIf purchases are made to the account while a temporary increase is in effect, the regular limit receives a permanent increase equal to the combined total of the purchasesIf no purchases are made, the temporary increase expires and the regular limit is restored We are aware of Ms [redacted] 's concern of the potential impact this process could have on her credit ratingUnfortunately, credit reporting agencies do not reveal how, specifically, their scoring systems functionWhile we feel our processes associated with credit line changes do not have a long-term or unreasonable impact on credit ratings, we will accommodate requests to opt out of them If Ms [redacted] chooses to opt out of receiving temporary credit line increases, it will also disqualify her from being issued permanent increasesWe apologize, but at this time we do not have the option to allow one but not the other To opt out, Ms [redacted] may contact our Customer Service Department at [redacted] , Monday through Friday, a.mto p.mCentral TimeThank you for allowing us to explain Sincerely, [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/ah Initial Consumer Rebuttal / [redacted] (2000, 10, 2015/05/27) */ (The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.) I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: [Your Answer Here] I have explained that I have signed contract for FIOS service and not any other service and Verizon was supposed to waive the fee if they do not provide that serviceI have spoken to a representative and ask to provide me with the signed copy of contract that says I would keep Verizon service even if it is not the same as what I have asked for or signed contract withThe agent said they will get back to me, but, never responded again as of In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above Sincerely, [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: [Your Answer Here] They did not try to contact or speak with me and resolve the issue at allI have not heard from them at allI will try to contact them again to resolve the issue at hand In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above Sincerely, [redacted]

Verizon does not issue credits on account for missed appointments Verizon is a tariffed company and can only issue credits for loss of service

Upon receipt of the complaint filed Verizon reviewed the consumer's account The consumer expressed concern regarding upgrading their account to the FiOS Giga Bit Internet Service Verizon’s technical support team worked on the technical issues that caused the delay in the ability to upgrade the consumer’s internet service to the Giga Bit Internet Service On Verizon placed an order to upgrade the consumer’s internet service which completed on The consumer is now upgraded to the FiOS Giga Bit Internet Service

[redacted] agreed to a year contract with FDV+ 75/Data for $plus tax and surchargesVerizon also agreed to give time $credit to the accountBen wanted to remove FIOS TV and IWMP stating he can do inside work himself Order to change from triple to double play is [redacted] I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: [Business is making a STATEMENT in their responseI am attaching a copy of a section of my credit report I obtained from [redacted] as part of my free annual disclosure which clearly shows that on Verizon performed a soft credit check and obtained my credit file This was NOTt authorized as part of the FIOS service order process and is a violation of FCRA] In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above Sincerely, [redacted]

Our previous resolution remains unchanged and is final I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: I am fed up with Verizon's response on insisting that repair was chargeable since it was done inside my premises, even though it was not I can only maintain that work was done in the basement and not in my office since the repairman came up from the basement and told me the repair was completed As consumers, when a large utility company wants to impose an unjustified charge down our throats there's really not much we can do about it since it is our words against theirs I believe this is Verizon's way of forcing consumers to purchase their wire maintenance plan Since this complaint is not getting anywhere, I will file a complaint with the Department of Public, thank you for your help In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above Sincerely, [redacted] *** I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted] , and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because: [Your Answer Here] Although verizon again tried to rectify the situation which was most appreciated they seem to have come to the same conclusion as I and [redacted] which is there is not sufficient for lack of technical terms power and or range due to the limitation verizon faces in this,area. By signing with them to provide my telephone and Internet services along with [redacted] the lack of pwer/range is not enough to provide functioning Internet for the tv or computer.I had to take a 2 year contract with [redacted] which the early termination fee is a $440.00 I don't feel as I should have to pay that amount of money to obtain services else where when it is verizon that contracted with me to provide the triple play package. It should have been known to them this package would not work yet they still installed and for many weeks assumed me the power/range was sufficient. My request for resolution was for verizon to pay [redacted] the $440 early termination fee or find me harmless for that fee as its not my fault it can not be provided.I have partisapated in all requests for testing which were a minimum of 15 times and since the inception of the contract. This has caused much havoc to my life not being able to access the Internet for work and bills as well as not being able to enjoy the tv. I have paid my bills hoping this could all be it can stated by Verizon I would like to pursue a working Internet and tv situation but unable to due to the contact early termination fee s with [redacted] **. The claim is not satisfactory as they did not reply as to weather or not they would take car of this fee.just acknowledged there was no more they could do and that it indeed as I had stated does not work.And I was put into a situation where I was told it was. I request verizon make arrangements with [redacted] to allow my contact with them to end with no termination fee or take care of the payment. In order for the BBB to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above. Sincerely, [redacted] ***

Verizon investigation located only one account for [redacted] which was for account ***###-###-#### which was disconnected 916, via order [redacted] . The account reflected an address of [redacted] ***. A bill was generated 1016, which cleared the balance. The equipment return order associated with the disconnection of service was cancelled 1016, 1016 and 1116. Messages have been left providing contact information for [redacted] to call back to provide information to investigate further if necessary. A please call letter was sent on 1116, and we will address further when the customer responds. Joyce D***Verizon Executive Relations Sr. Analyst I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved My service was restored on [redacted] and I have received an appropriate adjustment to my bill Sincerely, [redacted] ***

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