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Austin Hose

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Reviews Austin Hose

Austin Hose Reviews (2808)

We have been unable to speak with the customer directly and have sent a letter and email asking the customer to contact us regarding his internet service issues.  Once we speak with the customer, Verizon will be happy to discuss his service issue. Verizon is scheduled to bury the customer’s...

line on 09/**/17.  The set-up fee has also been waived because of all of the problems this customer has experienced with his installation.

The case was sent to the business office for review.Records indicate the original account number was [redacted] and that the new account number is [redacted]-###-###-#### with the correct number ###-###-####. The gift card in question is showing on the profile for the account and it can take up to 90...

days to process.On 5/**/17, a specialist spoke with John, the customer's son, and explained that all billing is correct and that the gift card will be processed in his father's name. The specialist provided her contact information if needed and the customer was satisfied with this resolution.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2016/03/10) */
March 10, 2016 of Minnesota # [redacted]
Attn: [redacted]
220 S River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: Case # [redacted] - [redacted]
Dear Ms....

I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.
Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] contacted Fingerhut on February 29, 2016 to place an order using a catalog that was mailed on January 19, 2016. As stated in the Blue Pages of the catalog under Prices "Prices and rates are good for 30 days from the mail date of a catalog".
We apologize but we are unable to honor the price of the crockpot that was offered in that catalog at this time. If Ms. [redacted] would like to place an order we advise her to call [redacted] or she may place her order online at
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you for allowing us to explain.
Vi [redacted]
Executive Care Team


2017                                      ... of Minnesota                                   �...         # [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337   Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted]   Dear Ms. [redacted],   I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.   In Ms. [redacted]’s inquiry, she states she purchased a Samsung Washing Machine in December of 2016, which later was canceled.  Ms. [redacted] states she never received the merchandise but was still being billed monthly for the washer.  Ms. [redacted] is requesting a credit be issued for the washer that was never received.   Upon review of Ms. [redacted]’s account, we can confirm that we received information regarding the washer not being delivered and has been returned to the vendor.  A credit was issued on February 17, 2017 in the amount of $818.99 to Ms. [redacted]’s account.   In regards to Ms. [redacted]’s statement that the washer was canceled, please note that the order was placed on December 19, 2016, and the request to cancel it was not received by us until December 22, 2107. We are only able to guarantee the cancellation of items within the first 2 hours of the order being placed. Requests received after that time are not guaranteed.   If Ms. [redacted] has any further questions or concerns, she may contact our Customer Service Department at ###-###-####, between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm, Central Time, Monday-Friday.   Thank you for allowing us to explain.   Sincerely,   Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team   VF/rg

We require legal name for billing purposes. In order for the bill name to be changed we explained to the customer we will need the customer to provide a copy of the legal name change documentation.  We consider this case closed until the proper documentation is received from the customer.

Verizon Fiber Solution Center representatives have verified that there is no trouble with the customer's service. The representative spoke with the customer and advised him to send and email to the app developers at Verizon from his tablet. The customer has done this. The Verizon app developers are...

working to resolve the issue with this customer's one tablet. Verizon's investigation could find no evidence that a Verizon employee hacked or tampered with the customer's tablet in any way. Verizon will follow up with the customer on the permanent resolution to this issue.

A Specialist spoke with the customer on September [redacted] to discuss his bill.  The Specialist apologized to the customer for his billing concerns. The customer had several accounts set-up in error due to an ordering issue.  All additional accounts have been terminated. The Specialist issued...

a credit in the amount of $128.82.  The customer has a credit balance of $7.76 which will be transferred to his live account. According to our records, the customer's account shows paid in full and has been pulled back from the collection agency.  The account was not credit reported.

CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION                                August 31, 2016 of...

Minnesota                                   �... Attn: [redacted] 220 S. River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN  55337     Re: [redacted] Case #: [redacted]   Dear Ms. [redacted],   We are writing in response to an inquiry received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut credit account.   Mr. [redacted] states he has been receiving phone calls, at his number ###-###-####, from Fingerhut regarding an account and an individual he does not know.  Mr. [redacted]’s desired resolution is to have the telephone number, ###-###-####, removed from Fingerhut’s contact list.   Our records indicate that Fingerhut may have been calling phone number ###-###-#### in an attempt to reach one of our customers.   Based on our research, on August 23, 2016, Fingerhut received a third party email regarding telephone number ###-###-#### and on that same day phone number ###-###-#### was removed from a customer’s account and placed on Fingerhut’s do not call list.   We are unable to locate any previous requests to remove ###-###-#### from our records.   If Mr. [redacted] has any further concerns, he may contact the Executive Care Team at ###-###-####. Their hours are Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm Central Standard Time.   We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused Mr. [redacted].   Thank you for allowing us to explain.       Sincerely,         Kari [redacted] Executive Care Team KD/sa

I am rejecting this response because:
Consumer stated they have not received a call from the business. Consumer stated they have left multiple voicemails on the phone number provided and have not received a call back. issue has been resolved. It was resovled this AM after speaking with a supervisor, who did a terrific job listening and reviewing the case. I do wish however this would not have taken calling in talking to a new representative attempting to fix the issue as many times as...

it had; I have spent over 6 hours on the phone trying to resolve this issue. But luckly this most recent time we were able to get a hold of a very helpful supervisor.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

Upon receipt of this complaint we spoke with [redacted] who advised she was upset bill isnt $121.61 as she was quoted on 02/**/2016 when she rebundled for two more years.  [redacted]'s service order confirmation shows 121.61.  The service order confirmation was...

sent carrying over two bundle discounts in error.  We apologized she had to call multiple times totry and have the issue resolved.  We set up a recurring adjustment of $32.91 to match the $121.61 price quote. We adjusted the previous bills feb march april and may the total of adjustments was $164.55.  We advised her daughter [redacted], she was satisfied with the resolution. [redacted] will call back directly if she has any concerns in the future
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I understand that Verizon's goal is to make as much money as possible.  Thus they have constructed a system to achieve that end.  That is understandable up to the point where they are abusing their customers.  In my case, they encouraged me to switch from the traditional phone service to digital voice without informing me of the consequences.  The reason for switching, to eliminate robo calls, did not work and the Verizon tech person admitted that she was also unsuccessful when she tried this.  Unfortunately that information was only shared with me after I had switched the service.  Now I cannot reverse the change, without a major financial penalty, because of Verizon's rules of which I was not made aware.   In addition they will not let me out of the contract without further financial penalties.  These are all predatory practices designed to maximize profits at the expense of the customer.   After long phone conversations it was clear that the Verizon representative would not make any exceptions to their rigid rules.  I am trapped until October 2018.  The company talks about good customer service but it is just talk.  I realize that in face of their legal entrapment, I am quite impotent. I'll have to live with it.  However I hope that can do something to warn others of Verizon's predatory practices. They do not deserve to have's seal of approval. 
In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.


2016                                      ... of Minnesota                                   �... [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337   Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted], [redacted]   Dear Ms. [redacted],   I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.   Mr. [redacted] states he was told a $37.00 late fee would be removed from his account. He states he was told as a courtesy Fingerhut would waive a late fee every 12 months being he has never had a late fee. Mr. [redacted] states a late fee of $6.99 was waived. His desired resolution is to have his balance adjusted and be credited for two months due to poor customer service.   We were able to locate the chat transcript Mr. [redacted] had with a representative on July 17, 2016. During this conversation the representative correctly advised Ms. [redacted] we would waive the $6.99 late fee assessed on June 20, 2016 as a one-time exception. We have no record of Mr. [redacted] being told we would waive more than the $6.99 late fee.   Upon opening an account with Fingerhut, Mr. [redacted] agreed to the terms and conditions. Within these terms and conditions it states, “Late fees will be equal to your minimum payment due with a maximum amount of up to $27.00. The maximum amount will increase to $37.00 if you did not make your minimum payment on time in any one of the 6 prior billing cycles.”   We received a payment in the amount of $6.99 from Mr. [redacted] on July 18, 2016. This did not meet the minimum amount due of $86.99. On July 20, 2016 Mr. [redacted] was charged a late fee in the amount of $27.00. Please note that when the full monthly payment is not received by the due date, the minimum monthly payment amount due the next month will be higher and will continue to be higher until the correct minimum amount due is received.    We have not received a payment from Mr. [redacted] since July 18, 2016. This resulted in an additional late fee of $37.00 applied to his account on August 20, 2016.   At this time Mr. [redacted]’s account has a past due amount of $86.00, and a total minimum due of $133.98 due by September 20, 2016. To make payment arrangements we ask that Mr. [redacted] contacts our Payment Department at ###-###-#### Monday through Friday 7:00AM-9:00PM Central Standard Time.   Thank you for allowing us to explain.   Sincerely,     Vi [redacted] Executive Care Team VF/KS

Tell us why here... Our investigation found the early termination fee to be applicable. The email confirmation sent to the customer on 6/**/15 prior to the services being installed clearly stated that the bundle must be maintained for a minimum of 24 months or an early termination fee of up to $230...

applies if services are canceled early. The intention of the email is to allow the customer to cancel the request prior to installation if there is any disagreement with the terms. A billing specialist contacted the customer to acknowledge receipt of this complaint. The early termination fee was sustained. The customer was informed that if they establish new service within the next 90 days we would adjust the fee as a courtesy.

We had forwarded all documentation previously provided to [redacted]for review and update of their data base. The application was reviewed and processed back on 5/*/15 with the discountreinstated effective 3/**/15. The customer’s May [redacted] bill reflectsthe discounted rate and re-rate of the charges back to 3/**/15 for a credit of$53.44. The customer changed service providers on 5/**/15 and is nolonger a Verizon customer. A final bill has yet to be rendered.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

In order for the to appropriately process your response, you MUST answer the question above.

Verizon has declined waiving the Early Termination Fee.  The change was shown on [redacted] invoice, and he also sent an email confirming the addition of the new term.


2016                                      ... of Minnesota                                   �... [redacted] Attn: [redacted] 220 S River Ridge Circle Burnsville, MN 55337   Re: Case #[redacted]   Dear Ms. [redacted],   I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account.   Ms. [redacted] states that she has been attempting to purchase couples rings for herself and her fiancé, and that on multiple occasions she received the incorrect size for her fiancé’s ring.    Our records indicate Ms. [redacted] first ordered the Stainless Steel Personalized Spinner Band on May 30, 2016. In our system, the size for the ring is an 8. We reviewed the phone call between Ms. [redacted] and our representative, and can confirm that when the agent asked what size she wanted this ring in, Ms. [redacted] responded with ‘size 8’.   The return of that item was received on June 17, 2016. Credit was not initially issued because the item was personalized, and under our return policy, personalized items can only be returned for an exchange. An exception was made to credit this ring by one of our supervisors on August 3, 2016.   On June 22, 2016, Ms. [redacted] spoke with a representative and another ring was ordered on Ms. [redacted]’s account, this time in a size 10. Records on the account indicated that during this call Ms. [redacted] told the representative that she had requested a size 10 when she originally placed the order, but the original representative incorrectly placed the order for a size 8. This item was returned on July 21, 2016. On August 3, 2016, a new order was set up for the ring in a size 11, and sent at no charge.    We have emailed Ms. [redacted] to find out if she has indeed received the correct size ring, but have not yet heard back from her. If she has not received the correct ring, we would appreciate her emailing us back at [email protected] and letting us know.    If Ms. [redacted] has any questions she may contact Fingerhut Customer Service at ###-###-#### Monday-Friday 8:00AM-8:00PM Central Standard Time.   Thank you for allowing us to explain.   Sincerely,     Vi [redacted] Executive Care Tea

A customer service representative spoke with the customer and found the December order that renewed the contract but didn’t renew the promotions. The representative credited the customer’s account and applied $30.00 to the account for the next 10 months.

A credit was issued for the returned equipment in the amount of $587.40.  We have notified the credit reporting agencies of our error and asked that they remove any negative reporting that resulted from this error.  The customer has been advised to allow 1 - 2 billing cycles for the credit...

to post and up to 30 days for the credit reporting agencies to update their records.

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