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Austin Hose

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Reviews Austin Hose

Austin Hose Reviews (2808)

A representative spoke to the customer on October **, 2016. The customer was advised that an order was issued to port telephone number xxx-xxx-[redacted] to Verizon.  The customer’s FiOS Triple Play bundle price of Extreme TV, Internet and telephone is being corrected to bill at the price point...

quoted of $79.99.  The customer was satisfied.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is reasonably satisfactory to me.  I'll equate it to "guilty with an explanation."I very much appreciate your help with this.  This is the first time I have ever felt a need to register a complaint with any branch of the and I can say that I'm much more satisfied with your assistance than I am with the company's response.Thank you for your very prompt assistance.D. [redacted]

Please be advised I spoke to [redacted] upon receipt of the complaint and she confirmed the services were scheduled for installation on September *, 2016.  I followed up, as I agreed, to make sure service at the new home was installed properly.  We also issued credits for all...

charges for the temporary account that was established at the old home.   We trust this provides your office with the information required in this matter.   Thank you,   Ms. M[redacted] Sr. Analyst Verizon Executive Relations

Please be advised, Verizon Online Tech Support spoke with the consumer on 8/*/15 regarding her internet issues. A new modem was shipped to the consumer. A technician was dispatched to the consumer’s home on 8/*/15 and repaired the F1 cable pair ensuring dial tone was okay to the consumer’s home....

Verizon has applied credit to the consumers account according to the trouble history. The adjustment will appear on the following months statement. Verizon apologizes for any inconvenience caused surrounding this matter.

CONFIDENTIAL COMMUNICATION January 17, 2017                                      ... #[redacted] of MinnesotaAttn: [redacted]220 S River Ridge CircleBurnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the further inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Gettington Credit Account.   In Ms. [redacted]’s inquiry she states the promotion code offered free shipping on the first order with an approved Gettington Credit Account and as this was her first order the promotion code should be honored. In our review of Ms. [redacted]’s past contact with our company, the only promotion code she requested to have applied to her order was GTN831, which as previously stated, was not valid on the items she ordered. Upon receiving the additional information Ms. [redacted] provided we have verified that the promotion code she is referring to is FSGTN and not the promotion code she originally provided. As such, we have honored Ms. [redacted]’s request and credit has been issued for the shipping and handling charges of $65.92. This credit will appear on Ms. [redacted]’s statement within 1-2 billing cycles. If Ms. [redacted] has further questions or concerns she may contact Customer Service at ###-###-####, Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM CT. Thank you for allowing us to explain and assist. Sincerely,  Vi [redacted]Executive Care Team VF/bw

On 6/**/16, a Verizon representative discussed the concern with [redacted] and explained the Message Calls are billed in 5 minute increments. The representative explained that the Message Units are billed for each call and for each 5 minute increment of usage (while in use, on the phone line)....

The representative explained if a call goes over 5 minutes, the customer is billed for more than one call and messages going into the voicemail are charged. The representative also reviewed the records and assured the customer we show no errors. The representative has provided her contact information and has agreed to research this matter further.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/12/17) */
December 17, 2015 of Minnesota
Attn: [redacted]
220 S. River Ridge Circle
Burnsville, MN 55337
Re: [redacted]
Case #: [redacted]
Dear Ms. [redacted],
I am...

writing in response to an inquiry received from your office on behalf of Mr. [redacted] regarding his WebBank/Fingerhut Credit Account.
Mr. [redacted] states that Fingerhut is reporting a thirty day late on his credit report, which resulted from an unauthorized order placed on his account. Mr. [redacted] is requesting that the delinquent remark for August 2013 be removed and his account closed.
According to our records, an order was placed on Mr. [redacted]'s WebBank/Fingerhut credit account on April 24, 2013 and shipped to an address in Alabama.
Fingerhut attempted to make contact with Mr. [redacted] when the account became delinquent, but were unable to reach him. Fingerhut also sent monthly statements beginning in May 2013 to Mr. [redacted]'s address in Bakersfield California. A dispute from Trans Union was received in July 2013, to which Fingerhut replied with a letter and itemized statement.
Mr. [redacted] contacted Fingerhut by phone in August 2013 stating there was an unauthorized order on his account. After receiving a police report and signed unauthorized merchandise affidavit, Mr. [redacted]'s account received full credit for the merchandise.
Per Mr. [redacted]'s request, his account was closed on December 10, 2015.
A dispute received from Trans Union was updated to "Closed at Customer's Request" and the thirty day delinquency reporting for August 2013 was removed. (Control # [redacted])
According to an account review on December 14, 2015, Equifax, Trans Union and Experian are reporting Mr. [redacted]'s account as "Closed at Customer's Request" and the delinquency reporting for August 2013 has been updated to current.
Thank you for allowing us to assist and explain.
Kari [redacted]
Executive Care Team
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 7, 2015/12/21) */
(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Matter has been resolved. Thank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I want my account deleted and 0 balance, I am done messing with this company, I was told before I placed the order I would be getting a $20 charge on top of my Phone bill charge which would be around $40 max well I got my bill for $100. This is not going to happen, also I was told plus I have an email stating I would be getting the install on a tht Friday which turned into Sat I took off a day of work for nothing then sat cam said they would be here between 8-5 then between 11;45-12;45 then 2;35-;335 and so forth till he came close to 4pm. I HAVE NOT HAD NOTHING BUT A BAD TIME WITH THIS COMPANY! I only wanted it for a landline for 911 in case of an emergency I already have a phone voip with unlimited everything for 3 years now. I have told verizon 2 time I wanted my line disconnected and its still on so go figure.
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Please be advised that [redacted] established voice and internet services with Verizon on January *, 2018.   The customer has had service issues since the date of installation.  The current trouble ticket, [redacted], was opened January **, 2018.   A Verizon repair...

representative spoke to [redacted] January **, 2018 and reiterated the estimated completion date (“ECD”) of February **, 2018.  There is a major cable outage and the matter has been escalated to Verizon’s cable group.  Please also be advised that the representative offered Voice Link to the customer; however, the customer refused stating he does not need the phone; rather, he needs internet service.  In any event, I already issued a three-week credit totaling $41.32 to the account.  Additional credit will be issued subsequent to restoral of the services.   Verizon apologizes and understands the customer is not content with the extended delay in service restoral due to the cable outage; however, Verizon will continue to monitor the progress.

I am rejecting this response because:They claim they are willing to help but refuse to accept any payment arrangements. I will definitely recommend that nobody ever open an account with them.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.  Thank you so much for this is the only way I would have ever gotten this situation rectified!  
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.

Verizon contacted the customer and explained that the $69.99activation fee is valid and will not be credited. There was an increase of$5.00 for DATA and $10.00 for Voice and that's why his old bundle at $59.99 wasless at his old address and $74.99 at his new address. A monthly discount of $15.00for...

12 months was added to the account. And a $15.00 credit was issued for thecurrent bill.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
I DID speak with Verizon, but their account of the discussion is INCORRECT.  I DID NOT state that I do "not wish to make any changes to the account," as they indicate.  ON THE CONTRARY, I WANT THEM TO CHANGE THE ACCOUNT back to the originally contracted services.  I WANT THEM TO HONOR THEIR ORIGINAL COMMITMENT to provide those services at the agreed upon price of $64.99.  The original order confirmation information that I received, both in the form of an Email from Verizon, and in the form of a letter from Verizon, BOTH confirm that they would provide the requested services at a monthly rate of $64.99 (Triple Play TV, Telephone and 100MB/s Internet).  I offered to send the documentation to the representative directly in the form of a fax or Email, but he declined to provide a phone number or Email address to which I could send the information. Changes that have occurred to my account since the date I signed up for service are directly the result of Verizon personnel actions only, in an attempt to appease my dissatisfaction with their incorrect billing and their inability to correct their billing problems. I WANT THE ORIGINALLY AGREED-TO SERVICES FOR THE ORIGINALLY AGREED PRICE, anything less is completely unacceptable and constitutes fraud.Sincerely,[redacted]
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[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's offer.  If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution would be satisfactory to me. I will wait for the business to perform this action and, if it does, will consider this complaint resolved. If the company does not perform as promised I can get back to you at: [redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me and the matter has been resolved.


2016                                      ... #[redacted]                                  �... of Minnesota                                   �... Attn: [redacted]220 S River Ridge CircleBurnsville, MN 55337 Re: Case # [redacted] – [redacted] Dear Ms. [redacted], I am writing in response to the inquiry we received from your office on behalf of Ms. [redacted] regarding a WebBank/Fingerhut Advantage Credit Account. Ms. [redacted] has stated she ordered an outdoor planter, but when she received the package she never opened it. When Ms. [redacted] called Fingerhut to request return instructions, she was given incorrect directions and therefore she called us again. During Ms. [redacted]’s second call, she was told she would not be charged for the return. However, Ms. [redacted] states she is now responsible for $7.95 in return shipping and a total of $32.97 in late fees. Ms. [redacted] claims because of this mistake, she has been negatively reported to the credit bureaus. Additionally, she has tried several times to dispute this charge, but feels that she has only gotten the “run around”. Our records indicate a CobraCo Tricycle Flower Planter was ordered on April 30, 2016 for a total of $54.98. It was returned to us on June 6, 2016 with a return credit issued of $32.04. We would like to apologize that Ms. [redacted] was given the incorrect return instructions and also told she would owe nothing. Our records indicate on May 10, 2016 a representative advised the customer that we would request full credit for the returned item. Upon this request, we made a one-time exception and credited all shipping and handling charges, due to the fact that Ms. [redacted] returned the only item she ever purchased with us. On July 5, 2016 the shipping and handling fees of $14.99 and return shipping fee of $7.95 were credited to Ms. [redacted]’s account.  Also on July 5, 2016, a refund for late fees was issued of $7.99. The account has a zero balance as of July 14, 2016. Ms. [redacted]’s account is now closed and has a zero balance. Additionally, we have requested the information to be updated on her account to the credit reporting agencies. Our records indicate the account never reported delinquent, however, on July 20, 2016 we have updated the balance. This will update the balance as zero to the credit bureaus on July 24, 2016. We would like to remind Ms. [redacted] that if she needs further assistance, Customer service representatives are available at ###-###-#### Monday-Friday from 8AM-9PM Central Standard Time. Thank you for allowing us to assist and explain. Sincerely,    Vi [redacted]Executive Care TeamVF/JM
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

My issue is that [redacted] is removing $4.95 from my rewards card because the card has reached 13 months of age, not because of 12 months of inactivity. The inactivity fee still should not apply to me because I made a purchase with the card in April 2017. Verizon should rectify with misinterpretation of the guidelines of the rewards card with [redacted]. Further, Verizon contacted me between 1 to 3 days ago and informed me that I will soon receive a new rewards card with the money replaced to resolve the issue. That resolution doesn't match the response I read from the I will consider this issue resolved when I receive my new rewards card. Hopefully Verizon clarifies things with [redacted] so this same scenario doesn't repeat itself in a year.
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[redacted] was given a one-time courtesy adjustment on the 1st installation charge.

Verizon's records show this concern was received from the MD PSC on 6/**/15. According to our records, a [redacted] in the Usage Verification Center (UVC) discussed Verizon’s requirements for removing the restriction.   [redacted] was advised that once the account balance is...

completely current in cash, she may contact the UVC to remove the block.  The representative also advised that should [redacted] use a different form of payment, there will be a 10 day hold to allow the funds to clear the bank.   Verizon’s records reflect an ongoing history of returned checks.

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