We are in receipt of your request for information regarding the above referenced fileIn her complaintto the Revdex.com Ms*** states that when she applied for a policy for her dog,Bernie that she selected the Major Medical Plan with the Pet Wellness RiderHowever, when
shesubmitted claims for wellness services her claims were denied because the Pet Wellness Rider wasnot added to her Major Medical PlanMs*** is asking that the wellness rider be added to herpolicy and that her claims be reimbursed.On January 15, through the Nationwide Pet web site Ms*** applied for the MajorMedical Plan with a $annual deductible for her dog, BernieThe policy was approved with aneffective date of January 29, 2017.The policy information and declarations page were sent to her onJanuary 16, which outlined the coverage purchased for BernieThe base premium of $378.69listed on the declarations page was for the Major Medical Plan only.On August 6, we received five claims for BernieFour of the claims submitted included fees thatare only eligible under a Pet Wellness Rider therefore those claims were denied under the MajorMedical PlanHowever, claim 2***for the date of April 27, was temporarily deniedbecause it did not include a diagnosis for Bernie’s exam and antibioticsThis claim can bereprocessed upon receipt of a medical diagnosis.We have retrieved a copy of Ms*** application however there is no indication that a PetWellness Rider was selected at the time that she applied for the Major Medical PlanOnce the policycame into effect on January 29, Ms*** had days to review her policy and add a PetWellness RiderUnfortunately, we are unable to add the Pet Wellness Rider to her current policytermMs***’s policy will renew on January 29, and a Pet Wellness Rider can be addedto Bernie’s policy during the 60-day renewal period to assist with reimbursement for wellness servicesincurred during the January 29, to January 29, policy term.If you require further assistance, please contact Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Cathy D***, at###-###-#### or by email at ***.Sincerely,Christopher M***Claims Director***###-###-####Enclosures
This letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on July 23, 2015. We understand that Mr*** is concerned about the timeframe of his vehicle repair. We were concerned about the repair timeframe as well. We also understand that his vehicle may be out
of alignment. Regarding the wheel alignment, our field associate estimated and paid *** *** for a wheel alignment on his original estimate. I reviewed this with Mr***. Mr*** indicated that he had not addressed this issue with *** ***. As the alignment was estimated and paid for, this would be a quality of work issue with *** ***. Mr*** reports that his check engine light came on. I reviewed this issue with him by phone on July 23, 2015. I explained that the cause of the engine light coming on needed to be identified and if found to be accident related, it would be covered under the claim. He explained that he would take his vehicle to a Volkswagen dealership to have the issue diagnosed and call me to review. If there is any additional accident related damage that we are not aware of, we are happy to address it with Mr***. Mr*** requested that he be paid for lost income while his vehicle was in the shop being repaired. Mr*** drives for *** *** *** which is why he would lose income. Carrying persons or property for a fee is specifically excluded in the policy. Therefore, we would not pay Mr*** for any lost income while the vehicle was being repaired
Regarding the delay of repairs, we believe that *** *** is responsible for the delay. On April 14, 2015, Mr*** reported his claim to Nationwide Affinity Insurance Company regarding damage to his Toyota Prius. He reported that the accident occurred on April 1, 2015. On April 14, 2015, Mr*** was involved in a second occurrence which caused additional damage to the Toyota Prius. The vehicle was towed from the scene of the accident to Mr***’s shop of choice, *** *** in *** *** *** Both claims were assigned to the field associate on April 14, 2015. On April 15, 2015, the field associate contacted the customer by email and voicemail. The initial inspection occurred on April 20, 2015. The field associate wrote two separate estimates and issued payment on both claims to Mr*** and *** ***. The customer was provided a copy of both estimates by email. The field associate left a message for Mr*** on April 20, as well. The field associate reinspected the vehicle on May 14, 2015. He found that the only work *** *** had completed on the vehicle was to remove several of the damaged parts; no repairs had been started. The field associate did not observe any additional damage to the vehicle that would require a supplement. Upon observing that *** *** had not begun repairs, the field associate alerted Mr*** to the issue. Both the field associate and Mr*** had difficulty in reaching *** *** to receive updates on the repairs of the vehicle. The field associate stopped by *** *** on multiple occasions to inspect the vehicle and the shop was either closed or was told the vehicle was not at the shop. Mr*** had to go to the extraordinary measure of having Toyota track his vehicle’s location by GPS. This occurred over the span of a couple of weeks. On June 11, 2015, *** *** alerted the field associate that the repairs to the vehicle were complete. The field associate made several attempts to reach *** *** to obtain a copy of the supplement but was unsuccessful. The field associate was able to reconcile the supplement on July 8, and make final payment. While we can appreciate Mr***’s concern regarding the length of time it took to repair his vehicle, the delays were caused by *** ***, not Nationwide Affinity Insurance Company
If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Gerrie H*** toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext*** or by email at ***
Brad S***
*** ***
Nationwide Insurance Company of America
Phone: #########Email Address: ***
There was no new damages to the Toyota Prius, This was poor workmanship from *** Auto BodyThere hasn't been any sufficient proof to this claim, the Nationwide Claims manager showed up to *** Auto after the car was taking apart and didn't witness any new damagesThe Nationwide manager does not have proof of the claims made to this being new damagesI've requested several times for a representative of Nationwide to be present during the taking off of the bumper however they always show up afterwards the next day after the body shop has had the vehicle in their possession for hours to hide evidence of their poor work and make it appear to be new damagesI've notified Nationwide several times that *** Auto Body continues to try to repair the car and I receive it in poor workmanshipThe damages from the auto accident should have totaled the car out yet *** Auto Body tried to repair it and the car can't be repaired properly because of the severe impact.*** Auto repaired the bumper and trunk lining which Nationwide agreed that the trunk lining was repaired in poor workman ship but failed to make note of thisThe bumper is still not repaired in factory qualityOscar at Nationwide was notified and no one from Nationwide has come out to see the final repairsI was told by Oscar to turn the car into Toyota and let Toyota contact Nationwide with any concernsI am not satisfied with the dishonesty from *** Auto Body and the non-factual statements from NationwideI was spoken to very poorly by the body shop with an aggressive manner until I filed and Revdex.com reportEveryone has been nice to me since filing an complaint through the Revdex.com however the truth has not been told and the bumper remains to be not repaired properly*** Auto Body has repaired the bumper times already they claim this was an new accident a
The claim required additional investigation support and is now completeMs*** was informed by claims manager, Curtis D*** of the claim update on 5/16/and has been provided the contact information of the total loss adjuster who will issue payment
Our records indicate the Nationwide Mutual Auto policy cancelled for nonpayment of premium on October 14, 2012. At the time of the cancellation a balance of $was due for coverage provided. A payment of $was received and paid the balance due and left a credit of
$which was refunded back to the member. The credit was not enough to reactive the policy. On October 27, 2012, a payment of $was received which reactived the Auto policy with a lapse in coverage
A bill was sent for $due November 27, 2012. There was no payment received and a Notice of Cancellation was sent for $(included a $late fee) due December 20, or the policy would cancel effective December 21, 2012. A balance of $remained for coverage provided up to the cancellation date. A Balance Due bill was sent on December 27, 2012, to the member which indicated a balance was due on the cancelled policy. There was no payment made to reactive the policy. There was a more than day lapse when the member called in to inquire on the Auto policy
On April 1, 2013, Ms*** purchased a six month Victoria Fire & Casualty Auto policy from the *** * *** Agency, with a bill plan of 16.5% down and installments. Ms***’s policy last renewed into the term beginning October 1, when the renewal offer was accepted with the renewal down payment in the amount of $paid on October 1, 2014.
The Auto policy initially cancelled on December 19,for nonpayment as the installment due on December 1, was not paidThere was an outstanding balance of $
On March 3, 2015, Ms*** provided proof of duplicate coverage as well as a signed cancellation request for an effective cancellation date of November 12, The cancellation date was corrected and a refund in the amount of $was mailed on March 26, The credit collections agency was notified that Ms*** did not owe any money on this policy and the balance was cleared
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you and if you have any questions regarding the information I have provided you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. *** or my email address is***
If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Charity W*** ########or by email at ***
Erica D***
*** ***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Revdex.com regarding policy number *** for Ms*** *** and to address her concerns about the policy
On 08/06/2015, Ms*** purchased a six month insurance policy from Nationwide Sales Solutions Inc
with a bill plan of 20% down and installments with an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) auto withdrawal.
Online access to policy documents is not available until the policy has been reviewed by our underwriting departmentThis process can take anywhere from 1-business daysIn reviewing our system, it appears as though Ms*** would have had online access available as of 08/08/I have emailed a copy of Ms***’s policy documents to her email address attached to the complaint *** so that she would have the information she requestedIf Ms*** is still having trouble accessing her account online I would politely request that she contact me so that I can troubleshoot the program alongside her
I trust that I have addressed the issues within Ms***’s complaint. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at ###-###-####
Alexandria C***
*** *** *** *** *** ***
The information in the response from Nationwide in inaccurate I applied for the loan online on November 16, and didn't receive the requested amount until Monday, December 14, (nearly month later) I have attached a copy of two pictures: the first showing acknowledgement from Nationwide on November 24th and the second showing the numerous amount of times the loan needed to be cancelled/resubmitted. The information I received from Nationwide was that the third party administrator (***) was at fault When everything was finalized, it is obviously the burden of responsibility lies with Nationwide It is apparent to me that Nationwide does not have the ability to handle individual issues as they arise They were more interested in bickering with the third party administrator than resolving the issue It is completely unacceptable the way everything was handled I applied for the loan giving myself (what should have been) plenty of time to have it for Christmas shopping I'm a single mother and not knowing when or if I would receive the money was not only frustrating but aggravating Do I expect someone at Nationwide to drop everything and work on my problem? Yes, I do!! As of the end of November, the loan had been approved by my employer, the third party administrator and by Nationwide itselfHowever, it took until December 15th to finally receive the deposit I am now stuck paying additional shipping charges in order to guarantee Christmas delivery and some items are out of stock and now not available I couldn't be more disappointed in the way Nationwide handled the entire transaction
There seems to be a miscommunication from the correspondence between *** *** and myselfThe correspondence ended with an email reply to them and I have heard nothing further backI did not give *** any specific dates of the calls due to the significant amount of time that has passed since both calls where made*** did understand this because in his message to me, he said and I quote "can you clarify, if possible, who you spoke to or how you received the information about the 3-year freeze on cost increases?" I did explain to *** my position in trying to back track that far back and pin point two callsWith that said, there is no documentation to support my statement of course due to the fact that these where both verbal communications to confirm or finalize my choices on a insurance provider, and to speak about a problem that I would consider typical which is processing a paymentHad I been late with a payment or something else that might have made my account stand out, then it would be much easier to pin point the time frame of the callsIn any case, this does not make this claim any less valid due to the fact that I opened this claim based on this information which was initially provided in the first placeMy goal of this correspondence is to move forward and find a resolution, not dwell on what went wrong and how it went wrong because it obviously will not benefit the customer (myself) in any wayI would like to ask, can the monthly administration fee be remove? I have already looked into my contract to cover details on the rate increase so I will accept that since my rate was increased after a year of being enrolledIf the admin fee can at least be removed, that will satisfy myself as a customerPlease advise if this is possibleI am requesting the information here for the purpose of record keeping because calling in requesting information is how we ended up here in the first placeThank you for your time
This claim is currently undergoing an investigation. The investigator has been in contact with our insureds regarding the next steps. When the investigation is completed, we will proceed with the claim accordingly
This letter is in response to your request for information pertaining to the above file.Our records indicate the Auto policy cancelled effective July 11, per Ms***’s requestAbalance of $remained for coverage provided up to the cancellation dateUpon receiving theattached
documentation, the Auto policy cancellation date was adjusted to June 14, Thebalance due was adjusted to $13.60.The balance will not be sent to collections as it is under the threshold of $20.01.If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Dawn H***, at###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Erica C***
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11883915, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me NW had more than ample time to clear the balance as I asked that the credit from the renter policy be applied to the auto, as the rep who processed both cancellations was able to tell me on the spot what was owed, the same day I requested the cancellationsI am not trying to get out of paying them, but I gave them the opportunity to NOT send me the refund (which I was told several times could be arranged), which I requested on separate occasions prior to the refund ever arriving in my POB, to apply it so I wouldn't owe them anything! I don't know what wasn't clear about that! This company is completely inept so I'm not sure why he thinks I would EVER come back!!! I wouldn't! Once you show me you're incompetent the likelihood of you getting my business ever again is extremely unlikelyBelieve me I DO spread the word to other consumers not to go with any company I've had a bad experience with, especially when it's this severe and I've had to go to these lengths to get their attentionThis complaint is one way of doing it, word of mouth is the otherThis company is horribly managed and really needs to take a look at their management style and lack of training from the insideIt needs a major over haulWe are in a new century with a brand new non traditional president about to be sworn inAs MrTrump has repeatedly said on the campaign trail, business as usual is over! Change is inevitable! That means businesses can no longer operate the way they did under Obama and during the Great RecessionYou'd best adjust your attitude, business model and thinking or suffer the consequences that all others who can't adjust from the past will face - utter failure!!! The mere fact that I spoke to separate customer service reps on separate occasions to avoid this dilemma in the first place speaks volumes to the level of denial this company is inThey refuse to be accountable for their incompetence but speak as though they are doing me a favor? Really? The minute I filed a complaint with the CA Insurance Commissioner is when I got the nasty letter from the first person, then the collection letterCCS backed off because they understand the ramifications and the Fair Credit Act lawsThey are smarter than NW thank goodnessNW continues to stand on a principal that doesn't exist but in their own heads! Had they not been so sloppy in their providing of insurance billing and IT services, then I would still be an insured with no past due balance! I wasn't an insured very long and their policy was far too expensive for the crap they call customer serviceIt should've been superior for a nationwide insurance companyI've found that the very large carriers have the worst customer service, dumbest policies, lack experienced employees and the least ability technology wise to do anything in a timely or accurately mannerAs I stated in my complaint to the Revdex.com and Consumer Finance Protection organization; if I see this on my credit, I'll immediately hire council and proceed with a lawsuit that I will not hesitate to publicize against themThat will absolutely bring all of the people that have had bad experiences on this same level with them, out of the woodwork and likely find them being fined by some government agency or sued for their illegal practicesThat will trigger persons such as the one responding to my complaint to be terminated for the very public embarrassment caused to the company's reputation, when it should've been resolved amicably at the lower ranksIf another insurance company reports that they see I owe NW money that too will trigger a lawsuit by me without further warningI caution them to tread very lightly with trying to destroy me over their error and stupidity! This won't end well for them! I believe NW picked the wrong person to mess withI know my rights and I know how to get their attention should I need to do soOnce these type of complaints are filed they are made public! So they can continue to stand on principal rather than do the right thing as much as they wishI repeat: put this on my credit or send another collection agency after me and I'll be suing you for far more than this so called bill you are claiming I oweYou shouldn't have sent me the refundOnce I got it, do you really think I was going to waste anymore of my time trying to give it back????? You had your chance and the error was yours and anyone with any common sense can see where this went wrongIt went wrong on the NW side not mineSo their attempts to make it seem as though I purposely cheated them will not fly! They had their chance and blew itI was very angry when I received that refundI was going to call them and light them up verbally but decided I had no more time to waste on the phone with is such as the ones at this companyThey should be ashamed of themselves, they are very unethicalThey have one more agency to try to justify this complaint withI will remind you if you come after me or put this on my credit in any way, or report it so other insurance companies can see it (they will tell me) it will be my great pleasure to sue you!!! I wouldn't push my luck if I were youThe mere fact that I was willing to spend time writing up complaints should tell you that I am a force to be reckoned with and will keep my word! You were wrong! Own it!!!
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and will accept the response under the condition that the outcome described of the collection item being removed from my credit report occurs as indicated However, it should be noted that this resolution (the item being removed from my credit report by the collection agency) is a result of my discussions with the collection agency directly and their understanding of the issues I've encountered with Nationwide and willingness to assist This solution should have been offered by Nationwide from the beginning and it was not Nationwide has never accepted responsibility for their inappropriate billing and collection practices and lack of customer care, which was the primary cause of the delinquency and collections report occurring in the first place, nor has Nationwide made any attempt to work toward a resolution Therefore, I will never use Nationwide again and will share this horrible experience at every opportunity, so that other's can avoid the same pitfall of doing business with such an unprofessional company that works against it's customer interest Additionally, if the debt is not removed from my credit report in an appropriate amount of time as indicated in Nationwide's last response, I will resubmit my complaint
This letter is in regards to the Property Damage claim for one Toyota Corolla belonging to Ms*** ***. The Toyota Corolla involved in the loss has a salvage branded titleThis loss occurred on August 8, Field Claims Associate Michael B*** was able to
inspect the vehicle on August 11, and deemed the vehicle a total loss on August 12, This was a day time period and within the day time period as allowed by the ** state appraisers actNationwide has an obligation to perform an investigation into the facts of the loss, once this investigation was completed on August 12, 2015, a rental vehicle was authorized for the ***'sIf a rental vehicle was obtained before this date, Nationwide would happily reimburse them for these chargesHowever, we would not authorize a direct bill prior to establishing our liability and coverage for the loss
Based upon our inspection of the vehicle, the estimate amount was $7,The value of the vehicle was determined to be $9,697.88, less the anticipated salvage value of $4,463.23, which equals $5,This amount is less then the estimate amount of $7,980.51, therefore, the vehicle is declared a total loss as per the ** State Appraisers act
Coverage for the loss was verified, and contact was made by the Total Loss representative *** *** on August 14, Subsequent contact attempts were made with no more than days passing before contact was achieved by either the Total Loss Specialist or a member of the Management staff. Discussions began between Ms*** and management staff regarding a dispute in the value of the vehicle on August 24, 2015. Ms*** conveyed that she was upset that they cannot find a replacement vehicle for the amount we have offered Ms*** wanted Nationwide to either purchase a replacement vehicle for her or to give her money to purchase a similar vehicle in the area of $13,that Ms*** has found Nationwide management attempted to convey to Ms***, that Nationwide does not have the capability of purchasing a replacement vehicle and delivering it to her, nor is Nationwide obligated to do soNationwide advised Ms*** that we owe the Actual Cash Value of the vehicle she was driving at the time of the loss, which would be a Toyota Corolla with a salvage branded title, and that the local market comparables she had viewed have a clean titleIt was conveyed Ms*** that there is a difference in value between a vehicle with a clean title and that with a salvage/branded titleNationwide determined the actual cash value of the vehicle using the methodology explained belowThe initial settlement was presented to the claimant on August 19,
Nationwide utilized CCC Valuation to evaluate the vehicle at a fair market value as a branded vehicle.
Nationwide has conducted an appraisal of the Toyota Corolla LE door Sedan located in *** **The appraisal information was then used to conduct research in your market to determine the local market value of the vehicleThis CCC Valuescope Market Report details the results of that search
When Nationwide requests a valuation report, they provide CCC with the configuration of the vehicle in the loss, including model, hours or mileage, optional features, any accessories, the condition of the vehicle as well as the VIN/HIN/PIN (vehicle/hull/product identification number) of the vehicleThat identification number is analyzed to verify basic information provided on the vehicle
Significant differences between the vehicle and any other comparable units are documented and are used to define a verifiable market value for the vehicle in the lossIf no comparable units are located, the valuation expert will conduct a local market survey to gather the expert opinion of knowledgeable retailers in order to determine the local market valueThis was the case for the Toyota Corolla with the salvage branded title.
PaCode 62.3(e) (1)(iii).
“Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Appraisers; Applicable Standards for Appraisal:
(1) Under this subsection, replacement value under the policy provisions covering the total loss of a motor vehicle including an unrecovered motor vehicle shall be determined by one of the following methods:”
“(iii) Dealer quotation methodThe appraiser shall consult with dealers or other persons knowledgeable in the field to secure quotations as to the value of the motor vehicle being appraisedAt least two quotations shall be securedThe figures thus secured shall be averaged.”
Nationwide’s valuation of the salvage branded Toyota Corolla is in accordance with Laws and regulations of the State of Pennsylvania, specifically relating to the vehicle being a total lossPaCode 62.3(e) (1)(iii).
Additional correspondence took place between the Total Loss Specialist and Mr*** *** via email and phone on August 27, and August 28, 2015. During this time the specialist discussed the Unrelated Prior Damage on the roof of the vehicle and determined that this damage would be minimal on a salvage branded vehicle based on the year, make, model and condition of the vehicleThe reduction for Unrelated Prior Damage was removed from the settlement figures
The Actual Cash Value of the Toyota Corolla with a salvage branded title with Nationwide retaining the vehicle is outlined as follows:
Actual Cash Value (ACV) = $9,Subtotal ACV = $9,Unrelated Prior Damage Applied - $Total ACV = $9,Tax + $665.00 Total Settlement = $10,
This information was provided to the customer on August 28, 2015, and was agreed upon by Mr.Nosa ***.
Nationwide provided the customer with a rental vehicle from August 13, through September 1, for a total of days at $per day
If you require further assistance, please contact *** *** ***, Jane G*** at ###-###-####, or by email at ***between the hours of 8:AM and 4:PM.
Craig C***
*** ***
I have reviewed the complaint and coverage for this loss was properly applied, per the policyThecoverage limit was $5,$5,was paid under the water-backup endorsement and thedeductible was absorbed into the gross damages.The member signed a contract with *** *** that stated,
“I authorize *** *** todo emergency or temporary repairs to protect the structure and contents as they deem necessary toprevent further damage from occurringA check was issued on 4/12/to include both *** and Mrand Mrs*** for $This check was voided and reissued on 5/26/to*** *** onlyPer the work authorization payment for the services may be paid directly to*** ***.” Therefore, the payment was issued directly to the vendor for the mitigationportion of the claim.Nationwide has resolved the outstanding invoice with *** *** with checks issued on6/14/for $and $No further monies are owed to the vendor and the member will beprovided with a release of the lien.*** *** has had a good relationship with Nationwide over the yearsWe will continue towork with all of our vendors to ensure that we are delivering the best possible customer service.If you have any additional questions please contact Customer Relations Coordinator Angela S*at ###-###-#### or ***Sincerely,George A***
Nationwide values our customer’s opinion and feedback regarding their claims experience. Ms*** did display the fact that she was not pleased with the way the Casualty Claims Associate explained the liability outcome in relation to her accident on July 27, We
apologized, and appropriate coaching and feedback was provided to the associate
Please be advised that Ms*** ***'s vehicle was repaired at On Your Side Shop, *** *** *** and Nationwide Insurance provides a warranty on the repairs and alternative parts for as long as the customer owns or leases the vehicle
I became aware of the problems Ms*** had with her vehicle on Thursday, August 27, After speaking with Ms***, I learned that she was not happy with the sheet metal alignment, color match, air-conditioning not working, and that the engine turned it self off after running for about ten minutes I have apologized to Ms*** and I have reassured her that I will address and resolve all of her concerns
On Friday, August 28, 2015, I have reinspected Ms***'s vehicle with body shop Manager, *** ***, and went over all of the customer concerns*** reassured me that the vehicle will not leave the shop until the repairs are done correctly*** *** informed me that the body shop will pay for the customer's additional rental expenses while the vehicle is at the body shop for repairsOn September 1, 2015, I have authorized the body shop to replace the aftermarket front bumper cover with an Original Manufacturer Equipment bumper coverDuring the repair process the vehicle also was taken to a Nissan dealer, *** ***, in *** ** for the engine stalling issue. We made sure that they checked the vehicle outAfter the repairs were completed the vehicle was delivered to Ms.*** on Wednesday September 9, *** from the body shop went over all the repairs with Ms*** and she took possession of the vehicle. I have called Ms*** on September 10, 2015. I spoke with Ms***'s husband, *** ***. Mr*** told me that he was happy with the repairs but he found few issues with the vehicle he was not happy withHe found scratches on one of the wheel covers and wanted the wheel cover to be replacedThey have also noticed some kind of rattle noise coming form the front of the vehicleMs*** and Mr.*** already spoke with *** at the body shop and had an appointment with the body shop for September 11, 2015.
On Friday, September 11, 2015, Ms.*** and Mr*** stopped at the body shop and met with ***The body shop replaced the wheel cover and diagnosed the rattle noiseI have called *** on September 11, 2015. He told me that the wheel cover was replaced and also that he located the rattle noise which was the hood stopThe hood stop was too low and needed to be adjusted. Ms*** left after the wheel cover and the adjustment to the hood were correctedAfter Ms*** left,
*** at the body shop received a call from her. He was informed that the rattle noise is still thereMs*** will be bringing the vehicle back on Monday September 14, to have the noise diagnosed. I have instructed *** at the body shop to send the vehicle to Nissan dealer, *** ***, if they cannot locate the source of the rattle
If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Cathy D***, at ###-###-#### or by email at***
Krzysztof K***
*** *** *** ***
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated November 14, 2017, addressed to *** ***, regarding the above noted file and MrP*** request to make adjustments to his *** *** *** *** policy coverages.Upon receipt of your inquiry we contacted the vendor we use to
service our *** policyholder accountsA representative, Bethany, made a call out to MrP*** today and left a voice message explaining that in order to make changes to Earthquake policy coverages they will need something in writing from himShe provided a mailing address as well as the email in her message, along with giving him the phone number to call back if he would like to quote out any changes.For assistance with questions or changes to his Earthquake policy at any time, MrP*** should contact the *** Service Center at ###-###-#### or email ***.Thank you for bringing our member’s concerns to our attentionIf you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice Kleinhans, direct at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Shauna T***Nationwide *** Account Manager
I am following up with you in regards to the above mentioned customer complaintI receivednotification of this customers concerns on 6/6/after I had already made contact andscheduled an appointment with Ms*** ***, who is our policyholder Judy ***s’daughterI met Ms*** and her
fiancé at *** Auto body on Tues 6/7/around 11:30am and reviewed some concerns in which Ms*** was presenting relative to repair quality asa result of her collision loss that occurred on 08/18/2015Ms*** pointed out some areas of concern on her mothers leased Toyota PriusIoffered to contact *** Rent a Car and provide a rental vehicle to Ms***, in an effort tohave *** Auto body remove the rear bumper cover from the Toyota Prius to repair it.I then called the local Avon branch of Enterprise, and was advised that there were no availablevehicles at that location nor at any of the local branches, until other customers returned some oftheir fleet vehicles that were out in serviceMs*** agreed to allow *** Rental todeliver an alternative vehicle to her place of employment the next morning, at which time I hadarranged for *** Auto body to pick up the Toyota Prius and bring to their shop for athorough inspection.Ms*** left with a clear understanding of the next steps in this processMs*** returnedwithin several minutes to advise me that she just called the Lakewood *** branch andwas advised that they in fact have rental vehicles availableI then asked for the phone numberthat Ms*** called and I dialed the number and put my phone on speaker in an effort to allowMs*** to witness the conversation with EnterpriseI spoke with Josh at the Lakewood*** branch who stated they did not have any vehicles to rent until the following dayMs.*** witnessed that conversation and agreed to follow our agreed upon original plan.I followed up with phone calls to *** Auto body and *** all afternoon until around5:pm, at which time I was advised a customer returned a rental and that vehicle could beoffered to Ms***I followed up with Ms*** and advised her that she can drop off hermothers Toyota Prius at *** Auto body and pick up the rentalMs*** dropped offher mother’s vehicle and secured a rental vehicle on the evening of June 7, Ms***followed up with a call to me advising she secured a rental and dropped off the ToyotaPrius at *** Auto bodyI drove to *** Auto body on the morning of June 8, 2016,unannounced, and requested to see the Toyota Prius, along with all parts invoices fromthe completed repairs from the loss date of 08/18/During my inspection of the 2013Toyota Prius, I observed collision type damages that appeared to be caused after the initialrepairs were completed in October I called Ms*** and explained in detail my on-siteinspection findings and advised her that the damages of poor quality workmanship that she isconcerned of and claiming appear to be unrelated to the 08/18/loosThe damages appearto be a result of a more recent impact to the rear of her mothers Toyota PriusThedamages to the cover where it mounts to the left and right quarter panels as well as spider typecracks in the facia area, suggests some type of impact occurredMs*** disagreed andstressed again how much she felt that *** Auto body was not being honest with her.I further explained to Ms*** that *** Auto body has agreed to perform all necessarycollision related repairs to the rear of her mothers Toyota Prius, at no additional expenseto the *** familyI offered to follow up with Ms*** after I return from vacation on June 20,2016, and address any concerns she may have, prior to turning in the lease vehicleMs***seemed ok with my resolution and thanked me for providing such thorough explanationsIt ismy understanding that Ms*** is ok with the resolution to this complaint and will follow upwith me directly in the event she has any further questions or concernsIf you have anyadditional questions please contact Customer Relations Coordinator Angela Shingary at *** or ***@nationwide.com
This letter is in response to your inquiry dated November 14, 2016.Mr*** has expressed concerns regarding his auto policy premiumThe policy was bound with theexpectation that the August 01, to February 01, term premium would be $629.80.However, the policy processed with a term
premium of $which was $higher than thequoted premiumMr*** did attempt to resolve this issue with Nationwide before filing thiscomplaint.There are procedures in place to help resolve premium issuesOur review of the policy hasdetermined the current premium of $is correctThere were no defects or missing informationthat contributed to the higher premiumAs Mr*** was quoted $when the policy wasbound, this premium will be honored for this term.A $credit was placed on the policy on November 07, to honor the quoted premium of$for one termMr*** has been informed the term premium is being honored and thatremaining bills would be loweredThere are two bills left in the policy term which have been adjustedto $each, barring any premium bearing changes.Mr*** also states that Nationwide did not make contact to resolve this issueNationwide is abusiness whose future depends upon the satisfaction of our customersWe strive to provide ourcustomers with the highest quality of serviceWe apologize if the level of service Mr*** hasreceived did not meet his expectationsWe continually work to improve our ability to avoid issues likethis in the future.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Cathy D***,at ###-###-#### or by email at ***@nationwide.com.Sincerely,Gregory AG***SrAnalyst###-###-####***@nationwide.com
Thank you for your inquiry regarding a complaint you received from Ms*** ***If I do not provide the information you need for this matter, please do not hesitate to let me know.Mrs***’s concerns are regarding the damages from an auto accident, which occurred on March 9, in which her vehicle was struck in the rear by a Nationwide insuredMrs*** is also a Nationwide policyholder, but in relation to this accident we addressed her damages from a third party perspective.Shortly after the loss, a property damage estimate was established and Mrs*** was compensated based on that estimateThe damages which were isolated to the rear of her vehicle totaled $Several weeks afterward, she contacted the material damage specialist, Chris S***, and advised him that her vehicle now had engine damage, which she felt was related to the lossMrS*** met with the claimant and her mechanic to reinspect the vehicle on April 14, At that time, she was advised that in order to determine if the damages were related to the loss, she would have to authorize, at her expense, a tear down of the vehicle to determine the actual cause of the damageShe was also advised that if it was determined the damages were the result of the impact Nationwide would address the additional damages.On May 8,2015, Mrs*** contacted us to advise that she had spoken to her mechanic and that he said there was no way to determine what the nature of the damages was and that the engine needed to be replacedAt that point we advised Mrs*** again that in order to address the issue, she would need to authorize the tear down to determine the cause and allow us to reinspect the vehicleShe refused to do so stating that there was "no question that it was related and we should pay for the damage".In subsequent conversations with Mrs***, we have reiterated our position, however to date she has not authorized a tear down of the vehicle or provided any additional or new information to substantiate her claim.I contacted Mrs*** again July 7, to inquire if she has taken any additional steps to diagnose the damage to her vehicle and she advised that she has notShe still feels that the additional damages, although the cause or severity is not documented, are related to the rear end impact and, as such, the responsibility of NationwideAt that time, I again reiterated our previous position and invited her to provide documentation to substantiate her lossUnfortunately, she still refuses to do soShe ended the phone call by stating that she would not let the issue drop and that she would consider pursuing legal action against Nationwide.We have advised Mrs*** that there is no indication that our insured would be legally liable for the damages to her vehicle’s engineWe have compensated her in the amount of $586.85, for the property damage to the rear of her vehicle, but have also advised her that if/when she chooses to allow a qualified mechanic to tear down and assess the cause of the damage to her engine, we will be willing to reinspect the vehicle and address any additional accident related damagesHowever, at this point we can not honor her request to consider her vehicle a total loss or to pay her an additional sum of $4000.00.I attempted to contact Mrs*** again July 15, but she was unavailableI left her a detailed voicemail advising her that we would not be able to compensate her for the $charge she sustained from the mechanical shop that inspected her vehicleI confirmed in the message that the charge represents the initial cost for her to substantiate the alleged additional damage to her vehicle and is not directly related to her lossI reiterated that any costs incurred in an attempt to substantiate the alleged additional damage were her responsibility and again advised that we would appropriately consider any additional information she could provide to substantiate the additional portion of her claimI left my contact information and invited Mrs*** to contact me with any additional questions.We hope this will resolve all pending concernsHowever, if you should have any questions or wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to call me.Sincerely,Timothy B*** *** ***###-###-####***
This letter is in regards to the request for information on the collection balance remaining for Ms***’ personal auto policy.The policy in question was a six-month policy that last renewed on December 10, with a premium amount of $1,On June 10, 2016, which would have been the next
renewal date, the policy was request cancelled by Ms***The $1,had been paid in full as of the last due date of May 10, However, on April 19, 2016, a Chevrolet Silverado was added to the policy, with an added prorated premium amount of $from the date of the addition through the next renewal in JuneThe bill due May 10, had already been issued prior to this changeNationwide will never ask an insured to pay a monthly amount greater than the billed amount that has already been sentFor that reason, the amount of $was being added to the bill due June 10, When the policy was request cancelled effective the June renewal date, it still left the balance for the addition of the Silverado from April 19, through June 10, 2016.The Agent originally cancelled the policy effective June 28, 2016, which left a balance of $On June 16, 2016, a final bill was issued to the insured for that amount (attached)The policy cancellation date was adjusted back to the June 10, renewal, which reduced the final balance down to $On July 21, 2016, an adjusted final bill was issued for the new amount (attached)This bill included a $late feeService waived the fee on December 6, when the member called, leaving $for the balance on the Chevrolet from the add date of April 19, through the cancel date of June 10, If the insured can provide evidence that the Silverado was covered elsewhere prior to June 10, 2016, we would be able to make a further adjustmentIf not, then the balance would be correct for coverage that was provided.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or by email at [email protected]
We are in receipt of your request for information regarding the above referenced fileIn her complaintto the Revdex.com Ms*** states that when she applied for a policy for her dog,Bernie that she selected the Major Medical Plan with the Pet Wellness RiderHowever, when
shesubmitted claims for wellness services her claims were denied because the Pet Wellness Rider wasnot added to her Major Medical PlanMs*** is asking that the wellness rider be added to herpolicy and that her claims be reimbursed.On January 15, through the Nationwide Pet web site Ms*** applied for the MajorMedical Plan with a $annual deductible for her dog, BernieThe policy was approved with aneffective date of January 29, 2017.The policy information and declarations page were sent to her onJanuary 16, which outlined the coverage purchased for BernieThe base premium of $378.69listed on the declarations page was for the Major Medical Plan only.On August 6, we received five claims for BernieFour of the claims submitted included fees thatare only eligible under a Pet Wellness Rider therefore those claims were denied under the MajorMedical PlanHowever, claim 2***for the date of April 27, was temporarily deniedbecause it did not include a diagnosis for Bernie’s exam and antibioticsThis claim can bereprocessed upon receipt of a medical diagnosis.We have retrieved a copy of Ms*** application however there is no indication that a PetWellness Rider was selected at the time that she applied for the Major Medical PlanOnce the policycame into effect on January 29, Ms*** had days to review her policy and add a PetWellness RiderUnfortunately, we are unable to add the Pet Wellness Rider to her current policytermMs***’s policy will renew on January 29, and a Pet Wellness Rider can be addedto Bernie’s policy during the 60-day renewal period to assist with reimbursement for wellness servicesincurred during the January 29, to January 29, policy term.If you require further assistance, please contact Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Cathy D***, at###-###-#### or by email at ***.Sincerely,Christopher M***Claims Director***###-###-####Enclosures
This letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on July 23, 2015. We understand that Mr*** is concerned about the timeframe of his vehicle repair. We were concerned about the repair timeframe as well. We also understand that his vehicle may be out
of alignment. Regarding the wheel alignment, our field associate estimated and paid *** *** for a wheel alignment on his original estimate. I reviewed this with Mr***. Mr*** indicated that he had not addressed this issue with *** ***. As the alignment was estimated and paid for, this would be a quality of work issue with *** ***. Mr*** reports that his check engine light came on. I reviewed this issue with him by phone on July 23, 2015. I explained that the cause of the engine light coming on needed to be identified and if found to be accident related, it would be covered under the claim. He explained that he would take his vehicle to a Volkswagen dealership to have the issue diagnosed and call me to review. If there is any additional accident related damage that we are not aware of, we are happy to address it with Mr***. Mr*** requested that he be paid for lost income while his vehicle was in the shop being repaired. Mr*** drives for *** *** *** which is why he would lose income. Carrying persons or property for a fee is specifically excluded in the policy. Therefore, we would not pay Mr*** for any lost income while the vehicle was being repaired
Regarding the delay of repairs, we believe that *** *** is responsible for the delay. On April 14, 2015, Mr*** reported his claim to Nationwide Affinity Insurance Company regarding damage to his Toyota Prius. He reported that the accident occurred on April 1, 2015. On April 14, 2015, Mr*** was involved in a second occurrence which caused additional damage to the Toyota Prius. The vehicle was towed from the scene of the accident to Mr***’s shop of choice, *** *** in *** *** *** Both claims were assigned to the field associate on April 14, 2015. On April 15, 2015, the field associate contacted the customer by email and voicemail. The initial inspection occurred on April 20, 2015. The field associate wrote two separate estimates and issued payment on both claims to Mr*** and *** ***. The customer was provided a copy of both estimates by email. The field associate left a message for Mr*** on April 20, as well. The field associate reinspected the vehicle on May 14, 2015. He found that the only work *** *** had completed on the vehicle was to remove several of the damaged parts; no repairs had been started. The field associate did not observe any additional damage to the vehicle that would require a supplement. Upon observing that *** *** had not begun repairs, the field associate alerted Mr*** to the issue. Both the field associate and Mr*** had difficulty in reaching *** *** to receive updates on the repairs of the vehicle. The field associate stopped by *** *** on multiple occasions to inspect the vehicle and the shop was either closed or was told the vehicle was not at the shop. Mr*** had to go to the extraordinary measure of having Toyota track his vehicle’s location by GPS. This occurred over the span of a couple of weeks. On June 11, 2015, *** *** alerted the field associate that the repairs to the vehicle were complete. The field associate made several attempts to reach *** *** to obtain a copy of the supplement but was unsuccessful. The field associate was able to reconcile the supplement on July 8, and make final payment. While we can appreciate Mr***’s concern regarding the length of time it took to repair his vehicle, the delays were caused by *** ***, not Nationwide Affinity Insurance Company
If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Gerrie H*** toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext*** or by email at ***
Brad S***
*** ***
Nationwide Insurance Company of America
Phone: #########Email Address: ***
There was no new damages to the Toyota Prius, This was poor workmanship from *** Auto BodyThere hasn't been any sufficient proof to this claim, the Nationwide Claims manager showed up to *** Auto after the car was taking apart and didn't witness any new damagesThe Nationwide manager does not have proof of the claims made to this being new damagesI've requested several times for a representative of Nationwide to be present during the taking off of the bumper however they always show up afterwards the next day after the body shop has had the vehicle in their possession for hours to hide evidence of their poor work and make it appear to be new damagesI've notified Nationwide several times that *** Auto Body continues to try to repair the car and I receive it in poor workmanshipThe damages from the auto accident should have totaled the car out yet *** Auto Body tried to repair it and the car can't be repaired properly because of the severe impact.*** Auto repaired the bumper and trunk lining which Nationwide agreed that the trunk lining was repaired in poor workman ship but failed to make note of thisThe bumper is still not repaired in factory qualityOscar at Nationwide was notified and no one from Nationwide has come out to see the final repairsI was told by Oscar to turn the car into Toyota and let Toyota contact Nationwide with any concernsI am not satisfied with the dishonesty from *** Auto Body and the non-factual statements from NationwideI was spoken to very poorly by the body shop with an aggressive manner until I filed and Revdex.com reportEveryone has been nice to me since filing an complaint through the Revdex.com however the truth has not been told and the bumper remains to be not repaired properly*** Auto Body has repaired the bumper times already they claim this was an new accident a
The claim required additional investigation support and is now completeMs*** was informed by claims manager, Curtis D*** of the claim update on 5/16/and has been provided the contact information of the total loss adjuster who will issue payment
Our records indicate the Nationwide Mutual Auto policy cancelled for nonpayment of premium on October 14, 2012. At the time of the cancellation a balance of $was due for coverage provided. A payment of $was received and paid the balance due and left a credit of
$which was refunded back to the member. The credit was not enough to reactive the policy. On October 27, 2012, a payment of $was received which reactived the Auto policy with a lapse in coverage
A bill was sent for $due November 27, 2012. There was no payment received and a Notice of Cancellation was sent for $(included a $late fee) due December 20, or the policy would cancel effective December 21, 2012. A balance of $remained for coverage provided up to the cancellation date. A Balance Due bill was sent on December 27, 2012, to the member which indicated a balance was due on the cancelled policy. There was no payment made to reactive the policy. There was a more than day lapse when the member called in to inquire on the Auto policy
On April 1, 2013, Ms*** purchased a six month Victoria Fire & Casualty Auto policy from the *** * *** Agency, with a bill plan of 16.5% down and installments. Ms***’s policy last renewed into the term beginning October 1, when the renewal offer was accepted with the renewal down payment in the amount of $paid on October 1, 2014.
The Auto policy initially cancelled on December 19,for nonpayment as the installment due on December 1, was not paidThere was an outstanding balance of $
On March 3, 2015, Ms*** provided proof of duplicate coverage as well as a signed cancellation request for an effective cancellation date of November 12, The cancellation date was corrected and a refund in the amount of $was mailed on March 26, The credit collections agency was notified that Ms*** did not owe any money on this policy and the balance was cleared
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you and if you have any questions regarding the information I have provided you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. *** or my email address is***
If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Charity W*** ########or by email at ***
Erica D***
*** ***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Revdex.com regarding policy number *** for Ms*** *** and to address her concerns about the policy
On 08/06/2015, Ms*** purchased a six month insurance policy from Nationwide Sales Solutions Inc
with a bill plan of 20% down and installments with an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) auto withdrawal.
Online access to policy documents is not available until the policy has been reviewed by our underwriting departmentThis process can take anywhere from 1-business daysIn reviewing our system, it appears as though Ms*** would have had online access available as of 08/08/I have emailed a copy of Ms***’s policy documents to her email address attached to the complaint *** so that she would have the information she requestedIf Ms*** is still having trouble accessing her account online I would politely request that she contact me so that I can troubleshoot the program alongside her
I trust that I have addressed the issues within Ms***’s complaint. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at ###-###-####
Alexandria C***
*** *** *** *** *** ***
The information in the response from Nationwide in inaccurate I applied for the loan online on November 16, and didn't receive the requested amount until Monday, December 14, (nearly month later) I have attached a copy of two pictures: the first showing acknowledgement from Nationwide on November 24th and the second showing the numerous amount of times the loan needed to be cancelled/resubmitted. The information I received from Nationwide was that the third party administrator (***) was at fault When everything was finalized, it is obviously the burden of responsibility lies with Nationwide It is apparent to me that Nationwide does not have the ability to handle individual issues as they arise They were more interested in bickering with the third party administrator than resolving the issue It is completely unacceptable the way everything was handled I applied for the loan giving myself (what should have been) plenty of time to have it for Christmas shopping I'm a single mother and not knowing when or if I would receive the money was not only frustrating but aggravating Do I expect someone at Nationwide to drop everything and work on my problem? Yes, I do!! As of the end of November, the loan had been approved by my employer, the third party administrator and by Nationwide itselfHowever, it took until December 15th to finally receive the deposit I am now stuck paying additional shipping charges in order to guarantee Christmas delivery and some items are out of stock and now not available I couldn't be more disappointed in the way Nationwide handled the entire transaction
There seems to be a miscommunication from the correspondence between *** *** and myselfThe correspondence ended with an email reply to them and I have heard nothing further backI did not give *** any specific dates of the calls due to the significant amount of time that has passed since both calls where made*** did understand this because in his message to me, he said and I quote "can you clarify, if possible, who you spoke to or how you received the information about the 3-year freeze on cost increases?" I did explain to *** my position in trying to back track that far back and pin point two callsWith that said, there is no documentation to support my statement of course due to the fact that these where both verbal communications to confirm or finalize my choices on a insurance provider, and to speak about a problem that I would consider typical which is processing a paymentHad I been late with a payment or something else that might have made my account stand out, then it would be much easier to pin point the time frame of the callsIn any case, this does not make this claim any less valid due to the fact that I opened this claim based on this information which was initially provided in the first placeMy goal of this correspondence is to move forward and find a resolution, not dwell on what went wrong and how it went wrong because it obviously will not benefit the customer (myself) in any wayI would like to ask, can the monthly administration fee be remove? I have already looked into my contract to cover details on the rate increase so I will accept that since my rate was increased after a year of being enrolledIf the admin fee can at least be removed, that will satisfy myself as a customerPlease advise if this is possibleI am requesting the information here for the purpose of record keeping because calling in requesting information is how we ended up here in the first placeThank you for your time
This claim is currently undergoing an investigation. The investigator has been in contact with our insureds regarding the next steps. When the investigation is completed, we will proceed with the claim accordingly
This letter is in response to your request for information pertaining to the above file.Our records indicate the Auto policy cancelled effective July 11, per Ms***’s requestAbalance of $remained for coverage provided up to the cancellation dateUpon receiving theattached
documentation, the Auto policy cancellation date was adjusted to June 14, Thebalance due was adjusted to $13.60.The balance will not be sent to collections as it is under the threshold of $20.01.If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Dawn H***, at###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Erica C***
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11883915, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me NW had more than ample time to clear the balance as I asked that the credit from the renter policy be applied to the auto, as the rep who processed both cancellations was able to tell me on the spot what was owed, the same day I requested the cancellationsI am not trying to get out of paying them, but I gave them the opportunity to NOT send me the refund (which I was told several times could be arranged), which I requested on separate occasions prior to the refund ever arriving in my POB, to apply it so I wouldn't owe them anything! I don't know what wasn't clear about that! This company is completely inept so I'm not sure why he thinks I would EVER come back!!! I wouldn't! Once you show me you're incompetent the likelihood of you getting my business ever again is extremely unlikelyBelieve me I DO spread the word to other consumers not to go with any company I've had a bad experience with, especially when it's this severe and I've had to go to these lengths to get their attentionThis complaint is one way of doing it, word of mouth is the otherThis company is horribly managed and really needs to take a look at their management style and lack of training from the insideIt needs a major over haulWe are in a new century with a brand new non traditional president about to be sworn inAs MrTrump has repeatedly said on the campaign trail, business as usual is over! Change is inevitable! That means businesses can no longer operate the way they did under Obama and during the Great RecessionYou'd best adjust your attitude, business model and thinking or suffer the consequences that all others who can't adjust from the past will face - utter failure!!! The mere fact that I spoke to separate customer service reps on separate occasions to avoid this dilemma in the first place speaks volumes to the level of denial this company is inThey refuse to be accountable for their incompetence but speak as though they are doing me a favor? Really? The minute I filed a complaint with the CA Insurance Commissioner is when I got the nasty letter from the first person, then the collection letterCCS backed off because they understand the ramifications and the Fair Credit Act lawsThey are smarter than NW thank goodnessNW continues to stand on a principal that doesn't exist but in their own heads! Had they not been so sloppy in their providing of insurance billing and IT services, then I would still be an insured with no past due balance! I wasn't an insured very long and their policy was far too expensive for the crap they call customer serviceIt should've been superior for a nationwide insurance companyI've found that the very large carriers have the worst customer service, dumbest policies, lack experienced employees and the least ability technology wise to do anything in a timely or accurately mannerAs I stated in my complaint to the Revdex.com and Consumer Finance Protection organization; if I see this on my credit, I'll immediately hire council and proceed with a lawsuit that I will not hesitate to publicize against themThat will absolutely bring all of the people that have had bad experiences on this same level with them, out of the woodwork and likely find them being fined by some government agency or sued for their illegal practicesThat will trigger persons such as the one responding to my complaint to be terminated for the very public embarrassment caused to the company's reputation, when it should've been resolved amicably at the lower ranksIf another insurance company reports that they see I owe NW money that too will trigger a lawsuit by me without further warningI caution them to tread very lightly with trying to destroy me over their error and stupidity! This won't end well for them! I believe NW picked the wrong person to mess withI know my rights and I know how to get their attention should I need to do soOnce these type of complaints are filed they are made public! So they can continue to stand on principal rather than do the right thing as much as they wishI repeat: put this on my credit or send another collection agency after me and I'll be suing you for far more than this so called bill you are claiming I oweYou shouldn't have sent me the refundOnce I got it, do you really think I was going to waste anymore of my time trying to give it back????? You had your chance and the error was yours and anyone with any common sense can see where this went wrongIt went wrong on the NW side not mineSo their attempts to make it seem as though I purposely cheated them will not fly! They had their chance and blew itI was very angry when I received that refundI was going to call them and light them up verbally but decided I had no more time to waste on the phone with i
s such as the ones at this companyThey should be ashamed of themselves, they are very unethicalThey have one more agency to try to justify this complaint withI will remind you if you come after me or put this on my credit in any way, or report it so other insurance companies can see it (they will tell me) it will be my great pleasure to sue you!!! I wouldn't push my luck if I were youThe mere fact that I was willing to spend time writing up complaints should tell you that I am a force to be reckoned with and will keep my word! You were wrong! Own it!!!
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and will accept the response under the condition that the outcome described of the collection item being removed from my credit report occurs as indicated However, it should be noted that this resolution (the item being removed from my credit report by the collection agency) is a result of my discussions with the collection agency directly and their understanding of the issues I've encountered with Nationwide and willingness to assist This solution should have been offered by Nationwide from the beginning and it was not Nationwide has never accepted responsibility for their inappropriate billing and collection practices and lack of customer care, which was the primary cause of the delinquency and collections report occurring in the first place, nor has Nationwide made any attempt to work toward a resolution Therefore, I will never use Nationwide again and will share this horrible experience at every opportunity, so that other's can avoid the same pitfall of doing business with such an unprofessional company that works against it's customer interest Additionally, if the debt is not removed from my credit report in an appropriate amount of time as indicated in Nationwide's last response, I will resubmit my complaint
This letter is in regards to the Property Damage claim for one Toyota Corolla belonging to Ms*** ***. The Toyota Corolla involved in the loss has a salvage branded titleThis loss occurred on August 8, Field Claims Associate Michael B*** was able to
inspect the vehicle on August 11, and deemed the vehicle a total loss on August 12, This was a day time period and within the day time period as allowed by the ** state appraisers actNationwide has an obligation to perform an investigation into the facts of the loss, once this investigation was completed on August 12, 2015, a rental vehicle was authorized for the ***'sIf a rental vehicle was obtained before this date, Nationwide would happily reimburse them for these chargesHowever, we would not authorize a direct bill prior to establishing our liability and coverage for the loss
Based upon our inspection of the vehicle, the estimate amount was $7,The value of the vehicle was determined to be $9,697.88, less the anticipated salvage value of $4,463.23, which equals $5,This amount is less then the estimate amount of $7,980.51, therefore, the vehicle is declared a total loss as per the ** State Appraisers act
Coverage for the loss was verified, and contact was made by the Total Loss representative *** *** on August 14, Subsequent contact attempts were made with no more than days passing before contact was achieved by either the Total Loss Specialist or a member of the Management staff. Discussions began between Ms*** and management staff regarding a dispute in the value of the vehicle on August 24, 2015. Ms*** conveyed that she was upset that they cannot find a replacement vehicle for the amount we have offered Ms*** wanted Nationwide to either purchase a replacement vehicle for her or to give her money to purchase a similar vehicle in the area of $13,that Ms*** has found Nationwide management attempted to convey to Ms***, that Nationwide does not have the capability of purchasing a replacement vehicle and delivering it to her, nor is Nationwide obligated to do soNationwide advised Ms*** that we owe the Actual Cash Value of the vehicle she was driving at the time of the loss, which would be a Toyota Corolla with a salvage branded title, and that the local market comparables she had viewed have a clean titleIt was conveyed Ms*** that there is a difference in value between a vehicle with a clean title and that with a salvage/branded titleNationwide determined the actual cash value of the vehicle using the methodology explained belowThe initial settlement was presented to the claimant on August 19,
Nationwide utilized CCC Valuation to evaluate the vehicle at a fair market value as a branded vehicle.
Nationwide has conducted an appraisal of the Toyota Corolla LE door Sedan located in *** **The appraisal information was then used to conduct research in your market to determine the local market value of the vehicleThis CCC Valuescope Market Report details the results of that search
When Nationwide requests a valuation report, they provide CCC with the configuration of the vehicle in the loss, including model, hours or mileage, optional features, any accessories, the condition of the vehicle as well as the VIN/HIN/PIN (vehicle/hull/product identification number) of the vehicleThat identification number is analyzed to verify basic information provided on the vehicle
Significant differences between the vehicle and any other comparable units are documented and are used to define a verifiable market value for the vehicle in the lossIf no comparable units are located, the valuation expert will conduct a local market survey to gather the expert opinion of knowledgeable retailers in order to determine the local market valueThis was the case for the Toyota Corolla with the salvage branded title.
PaCode 62.3(e) (1)(iii).
“Motor Vehicle Physical Damage Appraisers; Applicable Standards for Appraisal:
(1) Under this subsection, replacement value under the policy provisions covering the total loss of a motor vehicle including an unrecovered motor vehicle shall be determined by one of the following methods:”
“(iii) Dealer quotation methodThe appraiser shall consult with dealers or other persons knowledgeable in the field to secure quotations as to the value of the motor vehicle being appraisedAt least two quotations shall be securedThe figures thus secured shall be averaged.”
Nationwide’s valuation of the salvage branded Toyota Corolla is in accordance with Laws and regulations of the State of Pennsylvania, specifically relating to the vehicle being a total lossPaCode 62.3(e) (1)(iii).
Additional correspondence took place between the Total Loss Specialist and Mr*** *** via email and phone on August 27, and August 28, 2015. During this time the specialist discussed the Unrelated Prior Damage on the roof of the vehicle and determined that this damage would be minimal on a salvage branded vehicle based on the year, make, model and condition of the vehicleThe reduction for Unrelated Prior Damage was removed from the settlement figures
The Actual Cash Value of the Toyota Corolla with a salvage branded title with Nationwide retaining the vehicle is outlined as follows:
Actual Cash Value (ACV) = $9,Subtotal ACV = $9,Unrelated Prior Damage Applied - $Total ACV = $9,Tax + $665.00 Total Settlement = $10,
This information was provided to the customer on August 28, 2015, and was agreed upon by Mr.Nosa ***.
Nationwide provided the customer with a rental vehicle from August 13, through September 1, for a total of days at $per day
If you require further assistance, please contact *** *** ***, Jane G*** at ###-###-####, or by email at ***between the hours of 8:AM and 4:PM.
Craig C***
*** ***
I have reviewed the complaint and coverage for this loss was properly applied, per the policyThecoverage limit was $5,$5,was paid under the water-backup endorsement and thedeductible was absorbed into the gross damages.The member signed a contract with *** *** that stated,
*at ###-###-#### or ***Sincerely,George A***
“I authorize *** *** todo emergency or temporary repairs to protect the structure and contents as they deem necessary toprevent further damage from occurringA check was issued on 4/12/to include both *** and Mrand Mrs*** for $This check was voided and reissued on 5/26/to*** *** onlyPer the work authorization payment for the services may be paid directly to*** ***.” Therefore, the payment was issued directly to the vendor for the mitigationportion of the claim.Nationwide has resolved the outstanding invoice with *** *** with checks issued on6/14/for $and $No further monies are owed to the vendor and the member will beprovided with a release of the lien.*** *** has had a good relationship with Nationwide over the yearsWe will continue towork with all of our vendors to ensure that we are delivering the best possible customer service.If you have any additional questions please contact Customer Relations Coordinator Angela S
Nationwide values our customer’s opinion and feedback regarding their claims experience. Ms*** did display the fact that she was not pleased with the way the Casualty Claims Associate explained the liability outcome in relation to her accident on July 27, We
apologized, and appropriate coaching and feedback was provided to the associate
Please be advised that Ms*** ***'s vehicle was repaired at On Your Side Shop, *** *** *** and Nationwide Insurance provides a warranty on the repairs and alternative parts for as long as the customer owns or leases the vehicle
I became aware of the problems Ms*** had with her vehicle on Thursday, August 27, After speaking with Ms***, I learned that she was not happy with the sheet metal alignment, color match, air-conditioning not working, and that the engine turned it self off after running for about ten minutes I have apologized to Ms*** and I have reassured her that I will address and resolve all of her concerns
On Friday, August 28, 2015, I have reinspected Ms***'s vehicle with body shop Manager, *** ***, and went over all of the customer concerns*** reassured me that the vehicle will not leave the shop until the repairs are done correctly*** *** informed me that the body shop will pay for the customer's additional rental expenses while the vehicle is at the body shop for repairsOn September 1, 2015, I have authorized the body shop to replace the aftermarket front bumper cover with an Original Manufacturer Equipment bumper coverDuring the repair process the vehicle also was taken to a Nissan dealer, *** ***, in *** ** for the engine stalling issue. We made sure that they checked the vehicle outAfter the repairs were completed the vehicle was delivered to Ms.*** on Wednesday September 9, *** from the body shop went over all the repairs with Ms*** and she took possession of the vehicle. I have called Ms*** on September 10, 2015. I spoke with Ms***'s husband, *** ***. Mr*** told me that he was happy with the repairs but he found few issues with the vehicle he was not happy withHe found scratches on one of the wheel covers and wanted the wheel cover to be replacedThey have also noticed some kind of rattle noise coming form the front of the vehicleMs*** and Mr.*** already spoke with *** at the body shop and had an appointment with the body shop for September 11, 2015.
On Friday, September 11, 2015, Ms.*** and Mr*** stopped at the body shop and met with ***The body shop replaced the wheel cover and diagnosed the rattle noiseI have called *** on September 11, 2015. He told me that the wheel cover was replaced and also that he located the rattle noise which was the hood stopThe hood stop was too low and needed to be adjusted. Ms*** left after the wheel cover and the adjustment to the hood were correctedAfter Ms*** left,
*** at the body shop received a call from her. He was informed that the rattle noise is still thereMs*** will be bringing the vehicle back on Monday September 14, to have the noise diagnosed. I have instructed *** at the body shop to send the vehicle to Nissan dealer, *** ***, if they cannot locate the source of the rattle
If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Cathy D***, at ###-###-#### or by email at***
Krzysztof K***
*** *** *** ***
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated November 14, 2017, addressed to *** ***, regarding the above noted file and MrP*** request to make adjustments to his *** *** *** *** policy coverages.Upon receipt of your inquiry we contacted the vendor we use to
service our *** policyholder accountsA representative, Bethany, made a call out to MrP*** today and left a voice message explaining that in order to make changes to Earthquake policy coverages they will need something in writing from himShe provided a mailing address as well as the email in her message, along with giving him the phone number to call back if he would like to quote out any changes.For assistance with questions or changes to his Earthquake policy at any time, MrP*** should contact the *** Service Center at ###-###-#### or email ***.Thank you for bringing our member’s concerns to our attentionIf you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice Kleinhans, direct at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Shauna T***Nationwide *** Account Manager
I am following up with you in regards to the above mentioned customer complaintI receivednotification of this customers concerns on 6/6/after I had already made contact andscheduled an appointment with Ms*** ***, who is our policyholder Judy ***s’daughterI met Ms*** and her
fiancé at *** Auto body on Tues 6/7/around 11:30am and reviewed some concerns in which Ms*** was presenting relative to repair quality asa result of her collision loss that occurred on 08/18/2015Ms*** pointed out some areas of concern on her mothers leased Toyota PriusIoffered to contact *** Rent a Car and provide a rental vehicle to Ms***, in an effort tohave *** Auto body remove the rear bumper cover from the Toyota Prius to repair it.I then called the local Avon branch of Enterprise, and was advised that there were no availablevehicles at that location nor at any of the local branches, until other customers returned some oftheir fleet vehicles that were out in serviceMs*** agreed to allow *** Rental todeliver an alternative vehicle to her place of employment the next morning, at which time I hadarranged for *** Auto body to pick up the Toyota Prius and bring to their shop for athorough inspection.Ms*** left with a clear understanding of the next steps in this processMs*** returnedwithin several minutes to advise me that she just called the Lakewood *** branch andwas advised that they in fact have rental vehicles availableI then asked for the phone numberthat Ms*** called and I dialed the number and put my phone on speaker in an effort to allowMs*** to witness the conversation with EnterpriseI spoke with Josh at the Lakewood*** branch who stated they did not have any vehicles to rent until the following dayMs.*** witnessed that conversation and agreed to follow our agreed upon original plan.I followed up with phone calls to *** Auto body and *** all afternoon until around5:pm, at which time I was advised a customer returned a rental and that vehicle could beoffered to Ms***I followed up with Ms*** and advised her that she can drop off hermothers Toyota Prius at *** Auto body and pick up the rentalMs*** dropped offher mother’s vehicle and secured a rental vehicle on the evening of June 7, Ms***followed up with a call to me advising she secured a rental and dropped off the ToyotaPrius at *** Auto bodyI drove to *** Auto body on the morning of June 8, 2016,unannounced, and requested to see the Toyota Prius, along with all parts invoices fromthe completed repairs from the loss date of 08/18/During my inspection of the 2013Toyota Prius, I observed collision type damages that appeared to be caused after the initialrepairs were completed in October I called Ms*** and explained in detail my on-siteinspection findings and advised her that the damages of poor quality workmanship that she isconcerned of and claiming appear to be unrelated to the 08/18/loosThe damages appearto be a result of a more recent impact to the rear of her mothers Toyota PriusThedamages to the cover where it mounts to the left and right quarter panels as well as spider typecracks in the facia area, suggests some type of impact occurredMs*** disagreed andstressed again how much she felt that *** Auto body was not being honest with her.I further explained to Ms*** that *** Auto body has agreed to perform all necessarycollision related repairs to the rear of her mothers Toyota Prius, at no additional expenseto the *** familyI offered to follow up with Ms*** after I return from vacation on June 20,2016, and address any concerns she may have, prior to turning in the lease vehicleMs***seemed ok with my resolution and thanked me for providing such thorough explanationsIt ismy understanding that Ms*** is ok with the resolution to this complaint and will follow upwith me directly in the event she has any further questions or concernsIf you have anyadditional questions please contact Customer Relations Coordinator Angela Shingary at *** or ***@nationwide.com
This letter is in response to your inquiry dated November 14, 2016.Mr*** has expressed concerns regarding his auto policy premiumThe policy was bound with theexpectation that the August 01, to February 01, term premium would be $629.80.However, the policy processed with a term
premium of $which was $higher than thequoted premiumMr*** did attempt to resolve this issue with Nationwide before filing thiscomplaint.There are procedures in place to help resolve premium issuesOur review of the policy hasdetermined the current premium of $is correctThere were no defects or missing informationthat contributed to the higher premiumAs Mr*** was quoted $when the policy wasbound, this premium will be honored for this term.A $credit was placed on the policy on November 07, to honor the quoted premium of$for one termMr*** has been informed the term premium is being honored and thatremaining bills would be loweredThere are two bills left in the policy term which have been adjustedto $each, barring any premium bearing changes.Mr*** also states that Nationwide did not make contact to resolve this issueNationwide is abusiness whose future depends upon the satisfaction of our customersWe strive to provide ourcustomers with the highest quality of serviceWe apologize if the level of service Mr*** hasreceived did not meet his expectationsWe continually work to improve our ability to avoid issues likethis in the future.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Cathy D***,at ###-###-#### or by email at ***@nationwide.com.Sincerely,Gregory AG***SrAnalyst###-###-####***@nationwide.com
Thank you for your inquiry regarding a complaint you received from Ms*** ***If I do not provide the information you need for this matter, please do not hesitate to let me know.Mrs***’s concerns are regarding the damages from an auto accident, which occurred on March 9, in which her vehicle was struck in the rear by a Nationwide insuredMrs*** is also a Nationwide policyholder, but in relation to this accident we addressed her damages from a third party perspective.Shortly after the loss, a property damage estimate was established and Mrs*** was compensated based on that estimateThe damages which were isolated to the rear of her vehicle totaled $Several weeks afterward, she contacted the material damage specialist, Chris S***, and advised him that her vehicle now had engine damage, which she felt was related to the lossMrS*** met with the claimant and her mechanic to reinspect the vehicle on April 14, At that time, she was advised that in order to determine if the damages were related to the loss, she would have to authorize, at her expense, a tear down of the vehicle to determine the actual cause of the damageShe was also advised that if it was determined the damages were the result of the impact Nationwide would address the additional damages.On May 8,2015, Mrs*** contacted us to advise that she had spoken to her mechanic and that he said there was no way to determine what the nature of the damages was and that the engine needed to be replacedAt that point we advised Mrs*** again that in order to address the issue, she would need to authorize the tear down to determine the cause and allow us to reinspect the vehicleShe refused to do so stating that there was "no question that it was related and we should pay for the damage".In subsequent conversations with Mrs***, we have reiterated our position, however to date she has not authorized a tear down of the vehicle or provided any additional or new information to substantiate her claim.I contacted Mrs*** again July 7, to inquire if she has taken any additional steps to diagnose the damage to her vehicle and she advised that she has notShe still feels that the additional damages, although the cause or severity is not documented, are related to the rear end impact and, as such, the responsibility of NationwideAt that time, I again reiterated our previous position and invited her to provide documentation to substantiate her lossUnfortunately, she still refuses to do soShe ended the phone call by stating that she would not let the issue drop and that she would consider pursuing legal action against Nationwide.We have advised Mrs*** that there is no indication that our insured would be legally liable for the damages to her vehicle’s engineWe have compensated her in the amount of $586.85, for the property damage to the rear of her vehicle, but have also advised her that if/when she chooses to allow a qualified mechanic to tear down and assess the cause of the damage to her engine, we will be willing to reinspect the vehicle and address any additional accident related damagesHowever, at this point we can not honor her request to consider her vehicle a total loss or to pay her an additional sum of $4000.00.I attempted to contact Mrs*** again July 15, but she was unavailableI left her a detailed voicemail advising her that we would not be able to compensate her for the $charge she sustained from the mechanical shop that inspected her vehicleI confirmed in the message that the charge represents the initial cost for her to substantiate the alleged additional damage to her vehicle and is not directly related to her lossI reiterated that any costs incurred in an attempt to substantiate the alleged additional damage were her responsibility and again advised that we would appropriately consider any additional information she could provide to substantiate the additional portion of her claimI left my contact information and invited Mrs*** to contact me with any additional questions.We hope this will resolve all pending concernsHowever, if you should have any questions or wish to discuss the matter further, please feel free to call me.Sincerely,Timothy B*** *** ***###-###-####***
This letter is in regards to the request for information on the collection balance remaining for Ms***’ personal auto policy.The policy in question was a six-month policy that last renewed on December 10, with a premium amount of $1,On June 10, 2016, which would have been the next
renewal date, the policy was request cancelled by Ms***The $1,had been paid in full as of the last due date of May 10, However, on April 19, 2016, a Chevrolet Silverado was added to the policy, with an added prorated premium amount of $from the date of the addition through the next renewal in JuneThe bill due May 10, had already been issued prior to this changeNationwide will never ask an insured to pay a monthly amount greater than the billed amount that has already been sentFor that reason, the amount of $was being added to the bill due June 10, When the policy was request cancelled effective the June renewal date, it still left the balance for the addition of the Silverado from April 19, through June 10, 2016.The Agent originally cancelled the policy effective June 28, 2016, which left a balance of $On June 16, 2016, a final bill was issued to the insured for that amount (attached)The policy cancellation date was adjusted back to the June 10, renewal, which reduced the final balance down to $On July 21, 2016, an adjusted final bill was issued for the new amount (attached)This bill included a $late feeService waived the fee on December 6, when the member called, leaving $for the balance on the Chevrolet from the add date of April 19, through the cancel date of June 10, If the insured can provide evidence that the Silverado was covered elsewhere prior to June 10, 2016, we would be able to make a further adjustmentIf not, then the balance would be correct for coverage that was provided.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or by email at [email protected]