This is in response to *** *** rejection of the Company’s March 16, resolution.The complainant is rejecting the prior response because we have not provided proof that the ***Motor Vehicle Administration was notified that the accidents were not at faultNationwide Insurance doesnot report accidents to the Motor Vehicle AdministrationThe Motor Vehicle Administration has no record ofthese accidentsThe Company does report accidents to LexisNexisThis is part of MsLewis’ CLUE report.The Company has notified LexisNexis to add a not at fault indicator to the 09/11/and 11/03/accidents.The CLUE reported previously indicated that fault was not reported or unknownLexisNexis will mail Ms.Lewis a notification once they complete the requestMsLewis should have the confirmation within twoweeks.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Dawn H***, at 614-435-or by email at ***Sincerely,Shari D***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the regarding policy numberfor *** *** and to address his concerns about the policy.On 3/16/2015, Mr*** purchased a three month insurance policy from the InsuranceAnswer Center LLC with a paid in full bill plan
After review with Insurance Answer Center itwas discovered that Mr*** had been advised that the policy he was purchasing was for asix month term not a three month term.I apologize for the delay in response to Mr*** prior to his reaching out to the BetterBusiness BureauA coaching opportunity was discovered for one of our associates as this issuewas to be resolved when contact was made to our service center on 7/17/2015.On 9/30/a refund check has been issued to Mr*** in the amount of $and sentto *** *** *** *** Ln, Conroel, TX This amount includes the payment made on6/16/for $231.62, with the remaining $calculated as the policy down payment wasmade for six month term not three month with a pro rate cancellation effective 7/29/I haveattached a billing itemization for review.I trust that I have addressed the issues within Mr***’s complaintIf I can be of furtherassistance, please contact me at ###-###-####
Thank you for your letter regarding our member’s concernsI have reviewed the file to determine what transpired during our member’s accident and tow event
In regards to our member’s concern pertaining to the delay in acquiring a rental. Our Non-Injury Claims Adjuster spoke with
our member regarding loss of use coverage. Our member’s policy does not have loss of use coverage to provide a rental. In order to ensure all options were reviewed, our adjuster also contacted our member’s agent and requested a signed application, which was added to the file, showing rental as declined. A supervisor also advised our member regarding not having loss of use on their policy. No claimant information was provided to us or the police in order for us to review subrogation opportunity
An independent, third party tow company was dispatched to move our member’s vehicle from the storage facility to a repair location. Member advised (Titan) Nationwide that there was damage to their vehicle. Nationwide opened a damage complaint with the third party. Pictures and estimates were provided to them for review. The damage complaint was opened in order to attempt to resolve the matter without a claim being opened on our member’s policy. The company denied the liability of damage based on the damages sustained would not be areas that come in contact with the type of tow truck used to move our member’s vehicle. Nationwide requested a re-review by the third party. A denial of liability was sent to us
Our member was contacted on 9/28/and advised of the denial on both the initial review and the re-review. Our member was then advised of the options available. The option of opening a claim with Nationwide would require the member to pay their deductible and Nationwide would then pay any charges in excess of the deductible. Should Nationwide’s claim investigation determine that there is subrogation opportunity, meaning there is sufficient evidence to determine damage was more than likely caused by the third party, Nationwide would pursue subrogation in an attempt to acquire the member’s deductible along with any expenses Nationwide incurred to repair the vehicle.
My unit advised the adjuster of third party’s denial. Our adjuster attempted to reach our member on 9/29/and left a voicemail requesting a return call at their convenience to review the member’s concerns and to advise on next steps within the claim process. Unfortunately, as of 11/3, the adjuster has not received a return call from our member. Our member’s adjuster has reviewed the photos and determined the vehicle damages are not consistent with the facts of loss relating to tow damage
The alleged damage the member is stating occurred during the tow would be a separate claim and have a separate deductible since the damage is unrelated to the initial accident for which the vehicle was being towed by the independent third party provider
If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Charity W*** #############, or by email at ***
Jennifer W***
*** *** ***
I have been very honest about the cancelling of my policyI remember the exact conversation & never was it mentioned to me that day that something had to be signedI am only a few minutes awaythey asked me to send a picture (Registration) on my cell to Angie's phone, she gave me her call # & I didThen, never heard anymore after I sent the proof they requested.Last week I talked to Charity from main office & she requested the copy of the registration also that was never renewed I did fax that to her, then she said her supervisor said that they would reimburst back to March unless I show proof of me selling the car or it was not in my possession I told her then I would be lying because I told them from the first phone call I made last fall I had open heart surgery & other health issues & was not able to return to workThis meant I did not have the money to repair the car, which hasn't been on the road since spring of I am planning on getting fixed when I have the extra money. Sincerely,
*** ***
This letter is in response to the additional concerns filed with your agency by *** *** regarding her automobile policy and balance amount.Copies of the bills mailed by Nationwide to the insured prior to the balance being turned over to collections were provided with our response dated September 12, Nationwide provided two separate bills regarding the balance due prior to turning the account over to a third party for collectionThese notices were sent to *** ***, the named insured, at the address on file with her accountAs no response was received, the account was sent for collection.The balance due reflects premium owed for coverage provided up until March 15, 2016, the date of cancellation requested by the insuredThis balance will not be waived.If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Janice K*** direct at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Colleen F* *** ***
I asked the representative multiple times am I going to have to come out of pocket for anything this includes the $that I had to come up with to make a remaining payment with the $that State Farm sent me They can argue all they want that the situation has been rectified but in fact has notI was told multiple times that I wouldn't have to come out of pocket for anything and it would be taken care of Now either it should've been just that or if the representative didn't know what he was talking about then he should've asked someone else to explain it better He also told me that the mechanic shop would cut me a check and that was in fact wrong So if the $can't be replaced then they can compensate me for not paying my insurance for two months for taking me this ordeal I would've thought that since I have been a loyal customer for almost ten years that Nationwide would take better care of their people and not take them through this stress and pain after an accident and want to resolve the issue best as possibleBut no you wanna point the finger and not own up to your mistakes What a way to be on the customer sideYou should change your slogan because it is indeed incorrect
I'm still apalled at how nationwide was not fully involved with further action I had to on my own reach out to different people and call the claims center to get a hold of the proper managementThey did not work along with me at all only until now in which there is new issues that are going on with my vehicle and is now at a new body shopI'm just not happy what so ever on how this was handled and to top it all my premium is going to go up in NovemberI feel the girl who was assigned to the claim was nasty and did not wanna hear me out this needs to be looked into more deeply thank you
Regards,*** ***
I have reviewed this claim file and would like to address Ms***’s concernsIfadditional information is required, please do not hesitate to let me know.Our insured, Erin *** reported this claim through the internet on the evening ofNovember 1, for the water damage to their home that
occurred earlier that dayTheclaim was subsequently assigned to Nationwide claims adjuster, Sarah C*** on November2, 2016, who attempted to contact Ms***, and left a message for a return callTohelp mitigate the water damages, Nationwide Insurance assigned *** *** *
***, one of Nationwide Insurance’s On Your Side Property Repair Vendors onNovember 2, who started the mitigation of cleaning and drying out Ms***’sresidenceMsC*** spoke with Ms*** on November 3, regarding the claim.At that point, Ms*** requested a hotel and boarding for their pets, as during themitigation process an antimicrobial was sprayed in the homeMsC*** approved thisAnestimate for the repairs to the home was completed by *** *** * *** onNovember 10, At this point, Mrand Ms*** decided that they did not want touse *** *** * *** for the repairs to their homeAs the damages werefairly significant, Ms*** found some additional damages that MsC*** added to theestimateThe check was issued on November 22, for $18,for the repairs to thehomeMs*** also sent in pictures, receipts, and a list of personal property that weredamagedAn estimate for these items was completed on November 16, After the personal property estimate was complete, and the revisions were made to the estimate fordamages, a check was issued to Mrand Ms*** on November 23, for $1982.70.A check was also sent to *** *** * *** for the mitigation process onNovember 23, for $6,520.70.At this time, I have spoken with Ms*** regarding payments issued for mitigation,repairs and the damage to the personal propertyOnce the repairs have been completed,Nationwide Insurance will release the recoverable depreciationMrand Ms*** areaware of the documentation that they need to send in to verify repairs have been completed.If you have any additional questions, please contact *** *** ***Angela S*** at ###-###-#### or ***Sincerely,Jared C***
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a claim that was submitted by Ms***If I do not provide the information you need for this matter, please do not hesitate to let us know.Ms*** reported a claim on November 23, for the mysterious disappearance of a scheduled ring that
occurred on or about March 28,The claim was handled by Claims Adjuster Cory S*The ring that was lost was scheduled on Ms*** policy in the amount of $3,This amount was based on an appraisal that was dated 10/20/We also received an appraisal from Ms*** during the claim investigation dated 9/27/This appraisal was not given to Nationwide prior to the claim being filedWe based our assessment on the appraisal dated on 10/20/12.We agreed to replace the ring and advised that an evaluation would be completed by a third party jeweler (***)*** completed an evaluation based on the description provided on the declarations page in the amount of $2,This amount is based on a Market Value Report plus tax and shipping*** is willing to replace the ring with a sustainably identical ring for the estimated amount of $2,Ms***’s jeweler *** Diamonds quoted a replacement estimate in the amount of $4,We had *** *** from *** contact *** Diamonds and discuss the estimate and pricing structure of the ring*** Diamonds stated that they understood the quote provided by *** but would not be willing to accommodate at ***s’s replacement cost.Ms***’s policy states the following:Conditions[…]Loss settlementCovered property losses are settled as follows:[…]COther property - the value of the property insured is not agreed upon but will be ascertained at the time of loss or damageWe will not pay more than the least of the following amounts:(1) the actual cash value of the property at the time of loss or damage;(2) the amount for which we or you could reasonably be expected to have the property repaired to its condition immediately prior to loss;(3) the amount for which we or you could reasonably be expected to replace the article with one substantially identical to the article lost or damaged; or(4) the amount of insurance.Based on the policy language and the estimate provided by *** we believe that the settlement amount that was offered and paid is reasonable and customary for the ring replacementA copy of the estimates, and settlement letters have been included for your review.I have left a voicemail and a follow up email for Ms*** to discuss the settlement conditions furtherAs of the date of this letter I have not been able to reach Ms***However, a follow up letter was mailed to her on 2/9/expelling the policy conditions.Thank you for bringing this matter to our attentionWe trust this will resolve all pending concernsIf you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator Joey L***, at ###-###-#### or by email at [email protected],
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from Mr***I am familiar with thisclaim and would like to address Mr*** concernsIf I do not provide the information you need for thismatter, please do not hesitate to let me knowAfter reading Mr***’s
letter and based on his conversationswith each adjuster, I believe his intent in contacting the was to end the constant delay ofhandling his claim and simply settle it.The initial adjuster, Heather S*** contacted Mr*** in regards to the claimt that occurred on May 23,At that time, Mr*** initiated his claim for injury and property damagesDue to the complexity ofthe injuries and multiple claimants involved, his file was reassigned to MrStephen W*** on July 11, Mr.W*** made contact with Mr*** and advised him that Stephen would be his adjuster until completion.After discussion of the injuries and process going forward, Mr*** advised that he would like to completemedical treatment before settlingThis was a mutual understanding between the two, Mr*** and Mr.W*** and they spoke a couple of times through August 31, Mr*** completed treatment at the endof AugustMrW*** was called away to handle Hurricane claimsMr*** was not aware that he hadbeen assigned a different claims adjuster, due to the original adjuster being called into CAT duty.I have since contacted him and am currently in the process of settling his claimI apologized to Mr*** forthe delay and assured him that this is not our way of handling businessWe have since assigned all Mr.W***’s claims out to be handled and monitored as he continues to work the Hurricane Catastrophe claims.Going forward we will continue to follow up with Mr*** until he has a check in hand as well as our othercustomers.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Brandon C***, at *** or by email at ***Sincerely,Carolyn MG***Claims ManagerNationwide Mutual Insurance Company
Business response: Ms*** called in on 10/3/and spoke with Joleen in our office to request the cancellation of her policyJoleen mailed her a cancellation form on that day, and explained she would cancel the policy when she received the form back.Consumer comment: Not true she said my policy was canceled and it when I called her.Business Response: When I spoke with Ms*** on 10/11/17, she said she had not received the cancellation form tosignI verified the address, and resent the cancellation formI said I would process the cancellationat that time effective 10/3/17, and wait to get the formal signed cancellation requestAs of 3/9/18, Ihave not received her formal signed cancellation form back.Consumer response: the letter I go canceled my policy on 10-3-17Business Response: I had also spoken with Ms*** on 10/11/at 7:45AM about the funds that were taken from herchecking account, and I told her I would check into seeing about a refund for the funds taken from heraccount and get back to herI then called the *** billing and Customer Service Center, and theysaid they would be putting the funds back in her account within two business daysI called Ms.*** back at 8:55AM to tell her and told her I’ll keep an eye on the billing to see what happens.She seemed to be satisfied at that time.Consumer response: Not true he gave me # to call and when I called they did not talk to meThey put a recording onBusiness Response:On 10/13/at 12:44PM, I called *** billing because it seemed that the refund that was supposedto be returned was less than it should beI spoke to *** and she said when Ms*** hadcalled in directly back in October to request that her withdrawal date be changed to the 6th of themonth, it really makes it as though she is paying for the prior month and that is why she is not gettingher full refund back.Customer Response: It is iligal to pay back for InsYou cant pay for last month this month etc.If this isn’t fraud I don’t know what is. When they did the auto payment I was actually paying ahead of time.What *** is saying that I was paying for my InsFor last month not the month aheadWitch would be fraud. I am being taken advantage of because I am an old woman. Did you ever hear of paying insFor last moNot next moI haven’t.I have talked to other InsCoand they told me no you can’t pay for alst mo, you have to pay ahead for next monthI still think they owe me $plus the two $for each bounced check.*** ** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** ***
My car was not damaged until a nationwide policy holder hit my car"Pre accident condition" is not a repaired door and quarter panel being that prior to the accident I had a BRAND NEW DOOR THAT HAD NOR NEEDED ANY REPAIRS!!!! I don't understand what's the issue with this nationwide is 100% liable in this accidentMy car that I paid for that I OWN was not damaged until the accident and I understand that things happen, but the solution to this issue is to REPLACE THE PARTS OF MY CAR THAT YOUR POLICY HOLDER HIT! REPLACE NOT REPAIR! If you guys can provide me a LAW where it states that you DO NOT need to replace my parts in my vehicle then i'll gladly go get it repaired, but until then the "pre-accident condition" of my car was a BRAND NEW DOOR AND QUARTER PANEL STRAIGHT OUT OF THE DEALERSHIP. P.S There are no new damages on my car you guys are free to come inspect.
Regards, *** ***
This letter is in response to your request for information pertaining to the above file
As stated in my previous response the policy coverage dates were from April 4, to April 28, 2015. The policy was cancelled per the request of Ms***. The Auto policy is not a month to month coverage. We allow the member to make a monthly payment but that doesn’t mean the coverage is month to month
The total charged for coverage from April 4, to April 28, was $80.30. A payment of $was received on April 1, 2015. There were two $service fees charged. The total charged of $plus $charged in service fees minus $total payment equals $charged for coverage provided up to the cancellation date of April 28,
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you and if you have any questions regarding the information I have provided you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. *** or my email address is ***
Erica D***
*** ***
This letter is in response to the concerns filed by Tanya W*** regarding the policy’s final balance A review of this policy's history confirms the accuracy of the amount of $as coverage provided from September 7, through November 25, This balance is for unpaid
coverage provided after multiple policy changes, described below On August 14, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the September 7, term renewalThis renewed at a premium of $which covered a *** & ***The renewal bill was issued for the amount of $to be due by September 7, Payment was received September 22, On August 27, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the addition of the ***This change brought the updated premium to $1,On September 8, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the addition of the ‘***This brought the updated term premium to $1,The next bill issued was for $due October 7, This bill included the increases for the addition of the *** and the ***This bill was paid October 27, On October 2, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the Comprehensive and Collision coverage being removed from the *** and the ***This change reduced the term premium to $1,On October 27, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the addition of *** *** This brought the term premium to $2, On October 26, 2014, it is documented MsW*** reached out to Nationwide, online, using our Contact Us team via email to explain Mr*** is listed as a driver on her insurance and shouldn’t beShe explains they are divorced but he was with her on an errand when the accident occurredMsW*** states Mr*** should not have been permanently placed on her insuranceMsW*** was informed Mr*** was added due to being a known household member and documents would be required to show he is not in the household On October 27, 2014, it is documented that MsW*** states she has had no contact with Mr*** since the accident due to the divorce and that she has "no idea how to obtain any of his information" On November 18, 2014, it is documented that MsW*** reached out to our Contact Us team again to remove the *** as well as Mr***The vehicle was removed, the driver was not as proof of residency had not been received as requestedOn November 20, 2014, MsW*** responded to the Internet Servicing representative that she cannot obtain the proof of residence from Mr*** since they are divorced On November 20, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the removal of the ***This put the term premium at $2,On November 24, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the addition of the *** & removal of Roadside Assistance (RSA) coverage from the ***, ***, & ***These changes put the updated term premium to $2, On November 25, 2014, due to no payment receive for the November bill, the policy cancelled for non-paymentUpon cancellation the account was account was credited as needed and a remaining balance of $was left over for coverage provided On December 2, 2014, a Final Payment Notice was issued showing the final balance of $due by December 21, The Notice states the bill is for coverage provided through November 25, and payments received did not completely cover the entire time the policy was insuredThe notice states "you are responsible for paying for the coverage we provided"The notice also states if payment is not made there is the possibility the amount may be reported to a collections agency and this can have a negative effect on a credit reportSince the notice was issued, there has not been any documented communications to the Service Center In review of the policy premium, it is being rated based on the rates on file with the Department of Insurance and is validDue to this, the premium will not be adjusted nor will a refund be sent as the premium is correct based on Nationwide’s rates If you require further assistance, please contact *** ***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Anthony C*** SrAnalyst
I want to paid out for the amount that is listed on my insurance under the declaration pageI have reached out and spoken to Joe about this on Friday, he promised a call back on Monday that did not happen
Upon receipt of the document submitted from
the Georgia Motor Vehicle Division dated October 9, 2015, showing that the tags
for the Ford were cancelled due to the vehicle being inoperable, the
cancellation date of the member’s policy has been adjusted from November 1,
to October 9, 2015. This adjustment
resulted in a credit of $which has cleared the $collection, and has
resulted in a refund of $20.07. The
refund check will be mailed to the member within three to five business days
Also with the adjustment of the
cancellation date, Credit Collection Services has been notified who now show
Ms***’ account to be closed as of March 3, 2016, with a zero balance. No negative activity has been reported to the
Credit Bureaus by either Nationwide or Credit Collection Services regarding the
prior $balance
Nationwide's response is totally bull After going back and forth with Sharon and sending her an email after she did not respond back to voice messages I sent to her she sent out a letter stating that she was trying to get ahold of me I left her several voice messages before being able to talk to her one on one In the first contact that we made after failed attempts I told her to contact me after work hours She was supposed to call that evening and did not do that Once I received a letter from her and she provided her email I began to contact her via email After the first email of me breaking down how I felt she was being unprofessional for not returning my phone calls she contacted me on my lunch break She stated that the medical bill could be handled by her and went over a settlement amount and said that she would be providing me with settlement papers for pain and suffering which I still have not received After emailing her several times and her not reaching back to me I decided to reach her through another email address for myself and she responded and said that I needed to send medical bills to my insurance company which I have since done I asked her about settlement papers once more which she ignored and then I began emailing her again in which she has not responded They have only mailed out one letter to me and that was before we had phone contact for the first time which I explained earlier in this response She had her out of office reply on for a Oct date although it was November At this point I have passed on the bill to *** *** and am asking Nationwide to keep their word with settlement papers in which I am ready to sign, be paid and get this over with After going through this with them I looked up complaints for customer service to see if it was just the service I was being provided or if this is a company wide issue which it proved to be I have only talked to Sharon a couple of times over the phone, the first being me telling her to contact me after work hours and the 2nd when she was going over the amount for pain and suffering settlement While they want to point out how many times they have tried to reach out and was unsuccessful pull up all of the emails that I have sent to her over this past month and the several voice messages I have sent to her If I need to provide those communications I will be glad to do so If their adjuster has too many cases on her desk then they need to provide me with somebody that has time to do their job diligently At this point, the bills have been sent to my insurance and I am waiting on Nationwide to handle their business and provide me and my son with a pain and suffering payout for the negligence of their customer
Please be advised I am in possession of the funds issued by *** *** Insurance Company/Nationwide Insurance in order to make necessary repairs to my home. I remain sorely disappointed in the insurance claim process, the unresponsiveness of the claim adjuster, and how my claim was handledHowever, my complaint with the has been resolved. Regards,*** ***
This is in response to *** *** rejection of the Company’s March 16, resolution.The complainant is rejecting the prior response because we have not provided proof that the ***Motor Vehicle Administration was notified that the accidents were not at faultNationwide Insurance doesnot report accidents to the Motor Vehicle AdministrationThe Motor Vehicle Administration has no record ofthese accidentsThe Company does report accidents to LexisNexisThis is part of MsLewis’ CLUE report.The Company has notified LexisNexis to add a not at fault indicator to the 09/11/and 11/03/accidents.The CLUE reported previously indicated that fault was not reported or unknownLexisNexis will mail Ms.Lewis a notification once they complete the requestMsLewis should have the confirmation within twoweeks.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Dawn H***, at 614-435-or by email at ***Sincerely,Shari D***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the regarding policy numberfor *** *** and to address his concerns about the policy.On 3/16/2015, Mr*** purchased a three month insurance policy from the InsuranceAnswer Center LLC with a paid in full bill plan
After review with Insurance Answer Center itwas discovered that Mr*** had been advised that the policy he was purchasing was for asix month term not a three month term.I apologize for the delay in response to Mr*** prior to his reaching out to the BetterBusiness BureauA coaching opportunity was discovered for one of our associates as this issuewas to be resolved when contact was made to our service center on 7/17/2015.On 9/30/a refund check has been issued to Mr*** in the amount of $and sentto *** *** *** *** Ln, Conroel, TX This amount includes the payment made on6/16/for $231.62, with the remaining $calculated as the policy down payment wasmade for six month term not three month with a pro rate cancellation effective 7/29/I haveattached a billing itemization for review.I trust that I have addressed the issues within Mr***’s complaintIf I can be of furtherassistance, please contact me at ###-###-####
Thank you for your letter regarding our member’s concernsI have reviewed the file to determine what transpired during our member’s accident and tow event
In regards to our member’s concern pertaining to the delay in acquiring a rental. Our Non-Injury Claims Adjuster spoke with
our member regarding loss of use coverage. Our member’s policy does not have loss of use coverage to provide a rental. In order to ensure all options were reviewed, our adjuster also contacted our member’s agent and requested a signed application, which was added to the file, showing rental as declined. A supervisor also advised our member regarding not having loss of use on their policy. No claimant information was provided to us or the police in order for us to review subrogation opportunity
An independent, third party tow company was dispatched to move our member’s vehicle from the storage facility to a repair location. Member advised (Titan) Nationwide that there was damage to their vehicle. Nationwide opened a damage complaint with the third party. Pictures and estimates were provided to them for review. The damage complaint was opened in order to attempt to resolve the matter without a claim being opened on our member’s policy. The company denied the liability of damage based on the damages sustained would not be areas that come in contact with the type of tow truck used to move our member’s vehicle. Nationwide requested a re-review by the third party. A denial of liability was sent to us
Our member was contacted on 9/28/and advised of the denial on both the initial review and the re-review. Our member was then advised of the options available. The option of opening a claim with Nationwide would require the member to pay their deductible and Nationwide would then pay any charges in excess of the deductible. Should Nationwide’s claim investigation determine that there is subrogation opportunity, meaning there is sufficient evidence to determine damage was more than likely caused by the third party, Nationwide would pursue subrogation in an attempt to acquire the member’s deductible along with any expenses Nationwide incurred to repair the vehicle.
My unit advised the adjuster of third party’s denial. Our adjuster attempted to reach our member on 9/29/and left a voicemail requesting a return call at their convenience to review the member’s concerns and to advise on next steps within the claim process. Unfortunately, as of 11/3, the adjuster has not received a return call from our member. Our member’s adjuster has reviewed the photos and determined the vehicle damages are not consistent with the facts of loss relating to tow damage
The alleged damage the member is stating occurred during the tow would be a separate claim and have a separate deductible since the damage is unrelated to the initial accident for which the vehicle was being towed by the independent third party provider
If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Charity W*** #############, or by email at ***
Jennifer W***
*** *** ***
Thank you for reaching out to us to advise of your concerns We have provided you with specific contact information to further assist with this matter
Enclosed please find our response to your inquiry dated August 24, as it relates to your file #*** - *** *** Thank oyou
I have been very honest about the cancelling of my policyI remember the exact conversation & never was it mentioned to me that day that something had to be signedI am only a few minutes awaythey asked me to send a picture (Registration) on my cell to Angie's phone, she gave me her call # & I didThen, never heard anymore after I sent the proof they requested.Last week I talked to Charity from main office & she requested the copy of the registration also that was never renewed I did fax that to her, then she said her supervisor said that they would reimburst back to March unless I show proof of me selling the car or it was not in my possession I told her then I would be lying because I told them from the first phone call I made last fall I had open heart surgery & other health issues & was not able to return to workThis meant I did not have the money to repair the car, which hasn't been on the road since spring of I am planning on getting fixed when I have the extra money. Sincerely,
*** ***
This letter is in response to the additional concerns filed with your agency by *** *** regarding her automobile policy and balance amount.Copies of the bills mailed by Nationwide to the insured prior to the balance being turned over to collections were provided with our response dated September 12, Nationwide provided two separate bills regarding the balance due prior to turning the account over to a third party for collectionThese notices were sent to *** ***, the named insured, at the address on file with her accountAs no response was received, the account was sent for collection.The balance due reflects premium owed for coverage provided up until March 15, 2016, the date of cancellation requested by the insuredThis balance will not be waived.If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Janice K*** direct at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Colleen F
* *** ***
I asked the representative multiple times am I going to have to come out of pocket for anything this includes the $that I had to come up with to make a remaining payment with the $that State Farm sent me They can argue all they want that the situation has been rectified but in fact has notI was told multiple times that I wouldn't have to come out of pocket for anything and it would be taken care of Now either it should've been just that or if the representative didn't know what he was talking about then he should've asked someone else to explain it better He also told me that the mechanic shop would cut me a check and that was in fact wrong So if the $can't be replaced then they can compensate me for not paying my insurance for two months for taking me this ordeal I would've thought that since I have been a loyal customer for almost ten years that Nationwide would take better care of their people and not take them through this stress and pain after an accident and want to resolve the issue best as possibleBut no you wanna point the finger and not own up to your mistakes What a way to be on the customer sideYou should change your slogan because it is indeed incorrect
I'm still apalled at how nationwide was not fully involved with further action I had to on my own reach out to different people and call the claims center to get a hold of the proper managementThey did not work along with me at all only until now in which there is new issues that are going on with my vehicle and is now at a new body shopI'm just not happy what so ever on how this was handled and to top it all my premium is going to go up in NovemberI feel the girl who was assigned to the claim was nasty and did not wanna hear me out this needs to be looked into more deeply thank you
Regards,*** ***
I have reviewed this claim file and would like to address Ms***’s concernsIfadditional information is required, please do not hesitate to let me know.Our insured, Erin *** reported this claim through the internet on the evening ofNovember 1, for the water damage to their home that
occurred earlier that dayTheclaim was subsequently assigned to Nationwide claims adjuster, Sarah C*** on November2, 2016, who attempted to contact Ms***, and left a message for a return callTohelp mitigate the water damages, Nationwide Insurance assigned *** *** *
***, one of Nationwide Insurance’s On Your Side Property Repair Vendors onNovember 2, who started the mitigation of cleaning and drying out Ms***’sresidenceMsC*** spoke with Ms*** on November 3, regarding the claim.At that point, Ms*** requested a hotel and boarding for their pets, as during themitigation process an antimicrobial was sprayed in the homeMsC*** approved thisAnestimate for the repairs to the home was completed by *** *** * *** onNovember 10, At this point, Mrand Ms*** decided that they did not want touse *** *** * *** for the repairs to their homeAs the damages werefairly significant, Ms*** found some additional damages that MsC*** added to theestimateThe check was issued on November 22, for $18,for the repairs to thehomeMs*** also sent in pictures, receipts, and a list of personal property that weredamagedAn estimate for these items was completed on November 16, After the personal property estimate was complete, and the revisions were made to the estimate fordamages, a check was issued to Mrand Ms*** on November 23, for $1982.70.A check was also sent to *** *** * *** for the mitigation process onNovember 23, for $6,520.70.At this time, I have spoken with Ms*** regarding payments issued for mitigation,repairs and the damage to the personal propertyOnce the repairs have been completed,Nationwide Insurance will release the recoverable depreciationMrand Ms*** areaware of the documentation that they need to send in to verify repairs have been completed.If you have any additional questions, please contact *** *** ***Angela S*** at ###-###-#### or ***Sincerely,Jared C***
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a claim that was submitted by Ms***If I do not provide the information you need for this matter, please do not hesitate to let us know.Ms*** reported a claim on November 23, for the mysterious disappearance of a scheduled ring that
*The ring that was lost was scheduled on Ms*** policy in the amount of $3,This amount was based on an appraisal that was dated 10/20/We also received an appraisal from Ms*** during the claim investigation dated 9/27/This appraisal was not given to Nationwide prior to the claim being filedWe based our assessment on the appraisal dated on 10/20/12.We agreed to replace the ring and advised that an evaluation would be completed by a third party jeweler (***)*** completed an evaluation based on the description provided on the declarations page in the amount of $2,This amount is based on a Market Value Report plus tax and shipping*** is willing to replace the ring with a sustainably identical ring for the estimated amount of $2,Ms***’s jeweler *** Diamonds quoted a replacement estimate in the amount of $4,We had *** *** from *** contact *** Diamonds and discuss the estimate and pricing structure of the ring*** Diamonds stated that they understood the quote provided by *** but would not be willing to accommodate at ***s’s replacement cost.Ms***’s policy states the following:Conditions[…]Loss settlementCovered property losses are settled as follows:[…]COther property - the value of the property insured is not agreed upon but will be ascertained at the time of loss or damageWe will not pay more than the least of the following amounts:(1) the actual cash value of the property at the time of loss or damage;(2) the amount for which we or you could reasonably be expected to have the property repaired to its condition immediately prior to loss;(3) the amount for which we or you could reasonably be expected to replace the article with one substantially identical to the article lost or damaged; or(4) the amount of insurance.Based on the policy language and the estimate provided by *** we believe that the settlement amount that was offered and paid is reasonable and customary for the ring replacementA copy of the estimates, and settlement letters have been included for your review.I have left a voicemail and a follow up email for Ms*** to discuss the settlement conditions furtherAs of the date of this letter I have not been able to reach Ms***However, a follow up letter was mailed to her on 2/9/expelling the policy conditions.Thank you for bringing this matter to our attentionWe trust this will resolve all pending concernsIf you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator Joey L***, at ###-###-#### or by email at [email protected],
occurred on or about March 28,The claim was handled by Claims Adjuster Cory S
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from Mr***I am familiar with thisclaim and would like to address Mr*** concernsIf I do not provide the information you need for thismatter, please do not hesitate to let me knowAfter reading Mr***’s
letter and based on his conversationswith each adjuster, I believe his intent in contacting the was to end the constant delay ofhandling his claim and simply settle it.The initial adjuster, Heather S*** contacted Mr*** in regards to the claimt that occurred on May 23,At that time, Mr*** initiated his claim for injury and property damagesDue to the complexity ofthe injuries and multiple claimants involved, his file was reassigned to MrStephen W*** on July 11, Mr.W*** made contact with Mr*** and advised him that Stephen would be his adjuster until completion.After discussion of the injuries and process going forward, Mr*** advised that he would like to completemedical treatment before settlingThis was a mutual understanding between the two, Mr*** and Mr.W*** and they spoke a couple of times through August 31, Mr*** completed treatment at the endof AugustMrW*** was called away to handle Hurricane claimsMr*** was not aware that he hadbeen assigned a different claims adjuster, due to the original adjuster being called into CAT duty.I have since contacted him and am currently in the process of settling his claimI apologized to Mr*** forthe delay and assured him that this is not our way of handling businessWe have since assigned all Mr.W***’s claims out to be handled and monitored as he continues to work the Hurricane Catastrophe claims.Going forward we will continue to follow up with Mr*** until he has a check in hand as well as our othercustomers.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Brandon C***, at *** or by email at ***Sincerely,Carolyn MG***Claims ManagerNationwide Mutual Insurance Company
Business response: Ms*** called in on 10/3/and spoke with Joleen in our office to request the cancellation of her policyJoleen mailed her a cancellation form on that day, and explained she would cancel the policy when she received the form back.Consumer comment: Not true she said my policy was canceled and it when I called her.Business Response: When I spoke with Ms*** on 10/11/17, she said she had not received the cancellation form tosignI verified the address, and resent the cancellation formI said I would process the cancellationat that time effective 10/3/17, and wait to get the formal signed cancellation requestAs of 3/9/18, Ihave not received her formal signed cancellation form back.Consumer response: the letter I go canceled my policy on 10-3-17Business Response: I had also spoken with Ms*** on 10/11/at 7:45AM about the funds that were taken from herchecking account, and I told her I would check into seeing about a refund for the funds taken from heraccount and get back to herI then called the *** billing and Customer Service Center, and theysaid they would be putting the funds back in her account within two business daysI called Ms.*** back at 8:55AM to tell her and told her I’ll keep an eye on the billing to see what happens.She seemed to be satisfied at that time.Consumer response: Not true he gave me # to call and when I called they did not talk to meThey put a recording onBusiness Response:On 10/13/at 12:44PM, I called *** billing because it seemed that the refund that was supposedto be returned was less than it should beI spoke to *** and she said when Ms*** hadcalled in directly back in October to request that her withdrawal date be changed to the 6th of themonth, it really makes it as though she is paying for the prior month and that is why she is not gettingher full refund back.Customer Response: It is iligal to pay back for InsYou cant pay for last month this month etc.If this isn’t fraud I don’t know what is. When they did the auto payment I was actually paying ahead of time.What *** is saying that I was paying for my InsFor last month not the month aheadWitch would be fraud. I am being taken advantage of because I am an old woman. Did you ever hear of paying insFor last moNot next moI haven’t.I have talked to other InsCoand they told me no you can’t pay for alst mo, you have to pay ahead for next monthI still think they owe me $plus the two $for each bounced check.*** ** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** ***
My car was not damaged until a nationwide policy holder hit my car"Pre accident condition" is not a repaired door and quarter panel being that prior to the accident I had a BRAND NEW DOOR THAT HAD NOR NEEDED ANY REPAIRS!!!! I don't understand what's the issue with this nationwide is 100% liable in this accidentMy car that I paid for that I OWN was not damaged until the accident and I understand that things happen, but the solution to this issue is to REPLACE THE PARTS OF MY CAR THAT YOUR POLICY HOLDER HIT! REPLACE NOT REPAIR! If you guys can provide me a LAW where it states that you DO NOT need to replace my parts in my vehicle then i'll gladly go get it repaired, but until then the "pre-accident condition" of my car was a BRAND NEW DOOR AND QUARTER PANEL STRAIGHT OUT OF THE DEALERSHIP. P.S There are no new damages on my car you guys are free to come inspect.
Regards, *** ***
This letter is in response to your request for information pertaining to the above file
As stated in my previous response the policy coverage dates were from April 4, to April 28, 2015. The policy was cancelled per the request of Ms***. The Auto policy is not a month to month coverage. We allow the member to make a monthly payment but that doesn’t mean the coverage is month to month
The total charged for coverage from April 4, to April 28, was $80.30. A payment of $was received on April 1, 2015. There were two $service fees charged. The total charged of $plus $charged in service fees minus $total payment equals $charged for coverage provided up to the cancellation date of April 28,
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you and if you have any questions regarding the information I have provided you may contact me at ###-###-####, Ext. *** or my email address is ***
Erica D***
*** ***
This letter is in response to the concerns filed by Tanya W*** regarding the policy’s final balance A review of this policy's history confirms the accuracy of the amount of $as coverage provided from September 7, through November 25, This balance is for unpaid
coverage provided after multiple policy changes, described below On August 14, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the September 7, term renewalThis renewed at a premium of $which covered a *** & ***The renewal bill was issued for the amount of $to be due by September 7, Payment was received September 22, On August 27, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the addition of the ***This change brought the updated premium to $1,On September 8, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the addition of the ‘***This brought the updated term premium to $1,The next bill issued was for $due October 7, This bill included the increases for the addition of the *** and the ***This bill was paid October 27, On October 2, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the Comprehensive and Collision coverage being removed from the *** and the ***This change reduced the term premium to $1,On October 27, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the addition of *** *** This brought the term premium to $2, On October 26, 2014, it is documented MsW*** reached out to Nationwide, online, using our Contact Us team via email to explain Mr*** is listed as a driver on her insurance and shouldn’t beShe explains they are divorced but he was with her on an errand when the accident occurredMsW*** states Mr*** should not have been permanently placed on her insuranceMsW*** was informed Mr*** was added due to being a known household member and documents would be required to show he is not in the household On October 27, 2014, it is documented that MsW*** states she has had no contact with Mr*** since the accident due to the divorce and that she has "no idea how to obtain any of his information" On November 18, 2014, it is documented that MsW*** reached out to our Contact Us team again to remove the *** as well as Mr***The vehicle was removed, the driver was not as proof of residency had not been received as requestedOn November 20, 2014, MsW*** responded to the Internet Servicing representative that she cannot obtain the proof of residence from Mr*** since they are divorced On November 20, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the removal of the ***This put the term premium at $2,On November 24, 2014, a Declarations Page was issued for the addition of the *** & removal of Roadside Assistance (RSA) coverage from the ***, ***, & ***These changes put the updated term premium to $2, On November 25, 2014, due to no payment receive for the November bill, the policy cancelled for non-paymentUpon cancellation the account was account was credited as needed and a remaining balance of $was left over for coverage provided On December 2, 2014, a Final Payment Notice was issued showing the final balance of $due by December 21, The Notice states the bill is for coverage provided through November 25, and payments received did not completely cover the entire time the policy was insuredThe notice states "you are responsible for paying for the coverage we provided"The notice also states if payment is not made there is the possibility the amount may be reported to a collections agency and this can have a negative effect on a credit reportSince the notice was issued, there has not been any documented communications to the Service Center In review of the policy premium, it is being rated based on the rates on file with the Department of Insurance and is validDue to this, the premium will not be adjusted nor will a refund be sent as the premium is correct based on Nationwide’s rates If you require further assistance, please contact *** ***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Anthony C*** SrAnalyst
I want to paid out for the amount that is listed on my insurance under the declaration pageI have reached out and spoken to Joe about this on Friday, he promised a call back on Monday that did not happen
Upon receipt of the document submitted from
the Georgia Motor Vehicle Division dated October 9, 2015, showing that the tags
for the Ford were cancelled due to the vehicle being inoperable, the
cancellation date of the member’s policy has been adjusted from November 1,
to October 9, 2015. This adjustment
resulted in a credit of $which has cleared the $collection, and has
resulted in a refund of $20.07. The
refund check will be mailed to the member within three to five business days
Also with the adjustment of the
cancellation date, Credit Collection Services has been notified who now show
Ms***’ account to be closed as of March 3, 2016, with a zero balance. No negative activity has been reported to the
Credit Bureaus by either Nationwide or Credit Collection Services regarding the
prior $balance
Nationwide's response is totally bull After going back and forth with Sharon and sending her an email after she did not respond back to voice messages I sent to her she sent out a letter stating that she was trying to get ahold of me I left her several voice messages before being able to talk to her one on one In the first contact that we made after failed attempts I told her to contact me after work hours She was supposed to call that evening and did not do that Once I received a letter from her and she provided her email I began to contact her via email After the first email of me breaking down how I felt she was being unprofessional for not returning my phone calls she contacted me on my lunch break She stated that the medical bill could be handled by her and went over a settlement amount and said that she would be providing me with settlement papers for pain and suffering which I still have not received After emailing her several times and her not reaching back to me I decided to reach her through another email address for myself and she responded and said that I needed to send medical bills to my insurance company which I have since done I asked her about settlement papers once more which she ignored and then I began emailing her again in which she has not responded They have only mailed out one letter to me and that was before we had phone contact for the first time which I explained earlier in this response She had her out of office reply on for a Oct date although it was November At this point I have passed on the bill to *** *** and am asking Nationwide to keep their word with settlement papers in which I am ready to sign, be paid and get this over with After going through this with them I looked up complaints for customer service to see if it was just the service I was being provided or if this is a company wide issue which it proved to be I have only talked to Sharon a couple of times over the phone, the first being me telling her to contact me after work hours and the 2nd when she was going over the amount for pain and suffering settlement While they want to point out how many times they have tried to reach out and was unsuccessful pull up all of the emails that I have sent to her over this past month and the several voice messages I have sent to her If I need to provide those communications I will be glad to do so If their adjuster has too many cases on her desk then they need to provide me with somebody that has time to do their job diligently At this point, the bills have been sent to my insurance and I am waiting on Nationwide to handle their business and provide me and my son with a pain and suffering payout for the negligence of their customer
Please be advised I am in possession of the funds issued by *** *** Insurance Company/Nationwide Insurance in order to make necessary repairs to my home. I remain sorely disappointed in the insurance claim process, the unresponsiveness of the claim adjuster, and how my claim was handledHowever, my complaint with the has been resolved. Regards,*** ***