I am writing in response to the complaint referenced above, for *** ***, regarding the closeout of a checkingaccount with Nationwide Bank.In reviewing *** *** account, I find that on June 15, 2017, Nationwide Bank was notified that Mr*** hadbeen reported to ChexSystems from
another financial institution for ATM fraudIt is our policy that once anindividual has been reported to ChexSystems, they are not eligible to hold accounts with Nationwide Bank for fiveyearsIt is stated in our Terms and Conditions that we may close a member's account at any time uponreasonable notice and tender of the account balance personally or by mail.On June 15, 2017, Nationwide Bank sent Mr*** a letter indicating that his Nationwide Bank MemberChecking account was to be closed due to the recent ChexSystems reportAt this time, the balance in theMember Checking account was $1,On June 21, 2017, the Member Checking account was closed with thetotal balance of $1,sent to Mr*** in the form of an official bank check.The disputed amount of $may have been the available account balance as of June 9, After theoutstanding debits and credits were processed, the final account balance, as of June 21, 2017, totaled $1,107.80.Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I may be of further assistance.Thank you,*** ***Specialist, Member Experience Team
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding the complaint you received from *** ***As SrAnalyst, Customer Resolution & Response Team, I will address to Mr***’s
We were able to review the homeowner policy, ** ** ** ***, and determined that an error occurredMr*** was never notified of our inspection process to finalize the reconstruction cost amount of his homeDue to this error, we will honor Mr***'s original premium amount of $for the first term of his policyThe correct reconstruction cost of $283,will remain on his policy to ensure he is adequately protected, but he will pay the lower premium amountOnce the policy renews, the correct premium will be chargedMr*** would then have the option of continuing his policy or obtaining other insurance
Here is an explanation in regards to Mr***’s concerns on his auto policy billing, ** ** * ***On May 22, the policy was written effective June 15, with the term premium of $Mr*** paid the policy in fullOn June 3, we emailed Mr*** the state mandated Act forms required for his stateThe Waiver of Stacking of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage, as well as Tort Limited option coverageWe never received the forms and resent them again via mail on June 11,
Nationwide attempted to contact the member via phone on June 19, 2015, to address the need to return the formsWe contacted him again via phone on July 13, and were able to speak with himWe advised him that we needed the mandated forms to be returned to us or we were going to default coverage effective inception, June 15, On August 18, we had not received the required signed forms from the member and defaulted coverage to the policy by stacking the Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage, as well as the Full Tort coverage effective June 15, This change caused an increase in premium of $
We billed the member on August 21, in the amount of $due on September 15, 2015. This was the unpaid balance at that time of $divided over three months left to bill, making their installment $plus the $installment fee
The required signed forms were returned to us by Mr*** on August 19, On August 21, we changed the coverage back to un-stacking for Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage and changed the Tort option to Limited effective the date the forms were signed, August 17, This change caused a decrease in premium of $131.30. This credit was divided over the three months left to bill applying $to the bill, making $due on September 15,
Mr*** would owe the additional premium for the coverage defaulting from June 15, until the date he signed the state mandated forms, August 17, in the amount of $plus the $installment fee
The auto and home policies remain active and not cancelledIf Mr*** would like to cancel his policies, he would need to contact our service department at ###-###-#### and sign the required forms to cancel his policies
I hope the information that I have provided has answered your questions in regards to this matterPlease let me know if I can provide additional information
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from *** ***I havereviewed this claim file and would like to address Ms***’s concernIf I do not provide theinformation you need for this matter, please do not hesitate to let me know.Ms*** has a personal auto policy
with *** *** *** Insurance Company.On January 1, Ms*** reported a recovered theft of her BMW 128I with damage toNationwide InsuranceThe claim was assigned to Daniel C*** to handle the investigation for thelossHe was finally able to reach Ms*** on April 5, to discuss the claim.An inspection of the BMW was conducted on April 7, by a local representative, Steve S*He found the damages on the vehicle to be inconsistent for a vandalism loss, but rather to be minor innature as wear and tear on the vehicleThe stitching on the canvas top of the vehicle, wasalso found to be pulling apart, and not rippedA denial letter was drafted and mailed to Ms*** onMay 20, 2016, due to these findings.Based on my review, no errors were made on this claimHowever, I am sorry that the outcome wasnot satisfactory to Ms***We strive to meet our customer’s needs, but understand thatsometimes we are unable to do soIf you should have any questions or wish to discuss the matterfurther, please feel free to call me.If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** *** Claire S*at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Nan Q***
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated April 10, addressed to *** *** regarding *** ***s concern of owing a collection balance and not being notified of the increased monthly installment. I will be happy to respond to Mr***’s concern on her
behalf Policy *** was an annual personal automobile policy which incepted October 13, and was cancelled effective January 25, per Mr***’s request. The policy was issued with an annual premium of $2,135.76; the premium was increased $1,due to trailing documents known as the *** *** * Forms not being signed and returned to *** Auto & Home Insurance or *** Insurance Company. The specific forms which were not returned were the Uninsured Motorist Waiver of Stacking Form, Tort Form, and Auto Minimum Limits Form. Since these forms were not returned medical payments limits were increased, tort coverage was changed to full tort, and uninsured motorist’s coverage stacking option was added effective the October 13, inception date *** Insurance Company issued an amended declarations page on November 21, advising of the increase premium and a billing statement was issued on December 20, advising the monthly installment was $307.03. Both documents were mailed to Mr*** at *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** Insurance Company is not able to accommodate Mr***’s request to issue a refund for $and remove the $collection balance. The $is the additional amount owed for coverage provided to January 25, since the *** *** * Forms were not returned to *** Auto & Home Insurance or *** Insurance Company If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** *** Barb D***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Jake M***
This letter is in response to the concerns filed by *** *** regarding the Smart Ride Discount andadditional discount Mr*** feels is still owed on the policy.In review of the Smart Ride Discount that is being received on policy *** ***, Mr*** iscorrect that the discount is not
showing a full 40% decrease on the Chevrolet for Bodily Injury,Property Damage, and Collision coverage or the full 26% discount on these coverages for the GMClisted on the Auto policy.Per the Smart Ride emails that are sent weekly to Mr*** and the Smart Ride Website, as well asthe Nationwide email confirming the Smart Ride discount completion that was sent:“Your final discount will be applied at your next policy renewalDiscount amount listed is anapproximation and does not apply to all coverage elementsActual savings will vary based on yourpolicy coverage selections and rating factors.”The discount amount will not translate into a flat percentage off the final premium as it does notapply to all coverages or policy administration feesThe discount is applied to Bodily Injury,Property Damage, Medical Payments, and Collision based on the rating sequence.As an example, if the base premium for a coverage is $1,and a 9% discount for Multi-Policy,40% discount for SmartRide, and a 15% discount for Accident Free is being applied, the premium iscalculated by applying one discount at each step as shown below.If the discounts were applied as a flat percentage, the discounts added together would be 64%; ifthis was applied to the base premium of $1,000; this would make the final premium $not$464.10.Regarding the concern of the premium appearing to be $more that it should be; after theSmartRide Discount is applied in the rating sequence the policy administration fee is applied andthen term adjustment factor is applied.If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Dawn H***, at###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Jennifer C***
This letter is in response to your request for information pertaining to the above file.Our records indicate the claim is showing correctly as not at faultOn February 20, 2018, aLetter of Experience (attached) was sent to the Ms*** indicating no fault for theaccident on June 24, 2017.The
February 2, 2018, renewal premium was impacted by a state-wide rate adjustmentimplemented on January 17, This was a company decision based on data we receivefor the entire stateWhenever a rate revision is filed, some areas and/or coverages maydecrease while others may increaseThe amount of rate change depends on many factors;the density of the population, the coverages being carried, and the rising costs of vehiclerepairs, medical bills, etc.Another factor affecting the renewal premium is the New Vehicle DiscountThis discount isfor vehicles under five years old, and is a diminishing discountThis means that thepercentage of the discount decreases every year and will then be removed completely whenthe vehicle becomes five years oldThe percentage is lessened effective October first ofeach year, and will apply to the policy on the first renewal after October first.If you require further assistance, please contact Barb D***, at ###-###-#### or byemail at ***@nationwide.com.Sincerely,Erica C***Senior AnalystEnclosure:
I apologize that you found my response did not satisfy your concerns.Ms*** contacted Nationwide Personal Lines Services on November 3, Ms.*** has agreed to pay the missing payment for OctoberThis can be accomplished byspreading out the October payment over the remaining months for November/DecemberIf Ms*** chose to pay the payment for October, the remaining bills wouldreflect the correct agreed upon monthly premium."Unfortunately in accordance with the filed rating plan in your state of North Carolina:there is no allowance for premium write-offs due to an error."If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator,Dawn H***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Daniel M***
I am writing in response to the complaint submitted by *** *** *** to the Revdex.com on 10/25/She expressed concerns regarding the delayed transfer of her 403(b) account held at her previous employer to a Nationwide Funds Rollover Ira account and the poor customer
service that she experienceShe requested to be reimbursed for the amount that she could have gained had the IRA rollover been invested in a timely mannerIn addition, she wanted to make sure that other Nationwide customers did not have a similar experience.This matter was forwarded to Nationwide's Office of Compliance for review and handlingOur Compliance Office conducted a through investigation regarding Ms***'s concernsWhile nationwide strives to provide excellent customer service, our investigation showed that we failed to meet our high standards.During conversations with Ms***, I discussed the cause of the service issue that she experienced and explained how Nationwide's Office of Compliance was working with our business partners to address itI also reviewed the calculation used to determine reimbursement for money lost as a result of the delayed 403(b) account transfer to NationwideAfter our conversations, she was satisfied that her complaint was being properly addressed.Sincerely,Michael FCompliance ConsultantAttn: Distribution Compliance One Nationwide PlazaColumbus, OH
We are in receipt of your request for information dated December 30, regarding the above referenced file.Mr*** is disputing the denial of claim ***He states he had a covered service done the same day of cancellation and thought that the policy would terminate at the end of
the day.Our records indicate Mr*** contacted our office twice on November 7, During the first call he inquired as to what wellness benefits he had used for the current termThe representative confirmed he had used the benefits for flea and heartworm prevention medicationMr*** had indicated he wanted to take his pet in for an annual checkupThe representative confirmed he still had benefits available for the term and recommended Mr*** take the pet in before November 23rd (the date of policy renewal).During the second call on November 7, 2015, Mr*** inquired as to the expiration and renewal of the policyHe advised the representative that he decided not to renew and wanted to make sure the cancellation was in processThe representative explained cancellation requests must be in writing and submitted via email, fax, or mail.Based on the recorded call, it appears Mr*** was reading from the screen because he said, “…before submitting a cancellation…I was just seeing you had something online.” The representative explained that he could go to the website, www.petinsurance.com, and click on the “contact us” link located at the top of the page.Mr*** then explained where he was online, it [the online screen] said cancel policy and took him to the policy cancellation page and it was beginning to tell him what to do.The representative asked Mr*** if he was logged into his account(Our policyholders have the option to create an account known as the policyholder portal)The representative explained she wasn’t sure the cancellation tool (on the policyholder portal) would be available since the policy was in its renewal time period (days prior to renewal.)Again, from the recorded call, it appears Mr*** was reading from the screen as he said “you’ll get an email from VPI.” He said it did allow him to cancel and the representative confirmed that the policy now showed cancelled in our policy administration system.At that point Mr*** explained that he had been with us for a long time but due to the rate and other concerns it was not cost effectiveMr*** did mention he had just put in a claim for wellness for the current policyThere was no elaboration on the treatment date.Please note, when a policy is cancelled utilizing the policyholder portal, the policyholder sees several screens prior to receiving a cancellation confirmation emailThe first screen asks the user to confirm the contact information and reason for cancellationThe screen shows a cancellation effective date and the following statement:“Once you have selected a reason for your cancellation request, please confirm the cancellation dateThis is the date the policy will no longer be effective and coverage will no longer be extended for the insured petRemember, any claims submitted on or after the cancellation date will be ineligible for coverage.”The next screen advises the user that a confirmation email will be sent, confirms the policy information, cancellation reason, and cancellation effective dateAdditionally, the screen shows the following:“Please note: Claims for treatment dates on or after the cancellation effective date will not be eligible for coverage.”Our system does not maintain screen shots of each portal transaction; however we were able to process a cancellation in our test environment with a sample policy to show the exact screens Mr*** would have seen when he processed his cancellationWe have included screen shots with this response.Claim *** was submitted on November 7, and does show a treatment date of November 7, The claim was denied appropriately in accordance with the terms of the policy contractMr*** chose to cancel the policy via the policyholder portal on November 7, As indicated above several screens showed that claims for the treatment date on or after the cancellation date would not be eligible.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** *** Patty G*** at ###-###-#### or via email at ***.Sincerely,Vincent G*** *** ***
Thank you for contacting us on this matter and providing us with an opportunity to respondWe have researched the inquiry and we have no record of Ms*** payment.Notwithstanding her complaint, we are further investigating this matter to ensure that we have addressed all of Ms***
concerns.If you need further assistance, please contact Sharon W*** at *** or via phone at ###-###-####.Regards,Laura AH*** ***
I don't see how I can have an active account when I was deceived into signing up.I was lied to so I would accept your service.This should be illegal, I know if I mis represented my services to get them to purchase something it would be illegal.I will reach out to NAIC to see if I can get help
*** ***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Revdex.com regarding policy number *** for *** *** and to address his concerns about the policy On 01/12/2017, Mr*** started a six-month, 25% down payment personal auto policy through the Lawrence Agency
IncorporatedThe policy cancelled on 02/26/for non-payment of the first installment bill, due on 02/12/ On 01/14/2017, the system erroneously sent a memo to both Mr*** and the Lawrence Agency Incadvising that a Mississippi driver’s license was requiredThe error has since been addressed and corrected in the system, and on 01/31/underwriting logged off the memo so no follow up actions would be taken on Mr***’ policy On 02/10/2017, underwriting received an error notification from the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles in regards to the VIN number provided on Mr***’ policyThe memo that was sent to Mr*** on 02/11/requested the VIN be verified with the member service centerIt also advised that the error may indicate the vehicle is not registered with the stateAt no point in this memo or at any point moving forward was Mr***’ policy set up for cancellation due to the vehicle registration or his driver’s license On 04/03/2017, the agency contacted the member service center to advise that Mr*** was unable to get his vehicle registered with the state of Rhode Island, and requested to have the policy cancelled back to inceptionThe Member Care Representative advised that we would need a signed cancellation request from Mr*** to complete the requestThe agent was also advised that any funds owed back to Mr*** would be mailed to him in the form of a checkAt no point during this conversation is the amount of the refund discussed On 04/03/the signed cancellation request was received by the member service centerAs per our underwriting guidelines, processing sent a memo to both Mr*** and the Lawrence Agency Incadvising that additional proof was required to complete the cancellation due to the requested date being more than days in the pastHowever, because Mr***’ agent was advised a signed cancellation request was needed with nothing further to cancel, we have gone ahead and re-cancelled Mr***’ policy to his requested date of 01/12/He will be receiving a check in the mail for $ Mr*** mentions in his statement that he tried contacting Nationwide directly in January in regards to the memos he had received and that no one ever returned his callThe member service center does not have an after-hours message system in place, and there is no record of Mr*** calling the member service center I trust that I have addressed the issues within Mr***’ complaintIf you require further assistance, please contact me, Charity W***, at ###-###-#### or by email at [email protected] Sincerely, Jillian J*** Analyst, Process Management
Dear Ms***We are in receipt of your correspondence regarding Mr*** ***'s concern of thecollection impacting his credit; I am happy to respond his concerns.The motorcycle policy was an annual policy which originated May 22, 2013, and cancelled fornon-payment of premium effective
July 21,The policy issued with an annual premium of$The annual premium increased to $919.54, because the rejection forms for UninsuredMotorcycle Coverage were not receivedThe poticy provided coverage for a KawasakiVulcan 1500.When the policy cancelled effective July 21, 2013, a balance of $153.43, was owed forcoverage provided up to July 21, An outstanding balance notice was issued on July 29,As payment was not received, the balance was turned over to Credit Collection Services(CCS) on February 3, 2014.A payment for $was received by Nationwide on February 25, 2016, which paid thebalance in fullCCS has confirmed that they received notification on March 1, 2016, that theaccount has been paid in fullThey advised that it takes up to sixty (60) days from the datenotification is received for credit reports to reflect that the collection amount has been removed.If the motorcycle was sold prior to July 21, 3, and proof of sale can be provided thecancellation date is able to be adjusted to provide a credit for the time the motorcycle was notowned by Mr***Thank you for the opportunity to address Mr***'s concernIf we may offer any furtherassistance in this matter, please don't hesitate to contact me.Sincerely,Jake M***
October 7, 2015*** *** *** ** *** ***
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*** ** ***
*** ***Dear *** ***:This letter is sent in response to the inquiry received on October 1, 2015, from *** *** ***Ihave spoken with both *** *** and our claims representative, Rob C***In myconversation with CA C***, he indicated he had several conversations with *** ***and in those discussions did agree that the damages were not *** ***’s fault, but advised thatwe would have to wait until the cause and origin investigation was completed prior to reaching acoverage decision.Once we received our Cause and Origin report, which listed the cause of the fire as undetermined,*** *** was informed his damages would not be coveredFollowing this decision and the denialletter which was sent, we have reviewed the facts of loss once againBased on that review, we haveagreed to pay *** ***’s damages to his home*** *** has been contacted and a check hasbeen issued to him for $4,on 10/01/to cover the damages to his dwelling from the fire.Sincerely,Ron V***Claims ManagerAllied Property & Casualty I** ** **Phone: ###-###-####Fax: ###-###-####Email Address: ***Office of Customer Advocacy | *** *** *** *** * *** ** ***
Please accept this letter as a formal response to the follow up questions regarding the Work TrainingCenter, Inc403(b) Plan (Plan), administered by *** Administrative Services, Inc (TPA) andserviced by Nationwide Financial (Nationwide)I appreciate the opportunity to address any concerns.I apologize for any confusion as far as who was at fault for the lengthy processing time for this loanIspoke with Ms*** initially on December 9, and relayed to her the information we had at thattimeUpon further review of the situation and conversations with the TPA, new information came to lightregarding the reasons for the delay in loan processingOn December 10, 2015, another representativereached out to Ms*** to provide the updated informationHe was unable to reach Ms*** andhis call was never returned.According to our records, the first loan initiated in the system by the TPA was on November 24, 2015.Prior to that, our system does not reflect a requested loanThis was the beginning of a string of issues thathave been outlined to Ms***, including the system issue that was discoveredwhich was preventingthe loan funds from being issued once the loan was approvedThis string of issues is the reason the loanhad to be cancelled and resubmitted so many timesEach was an effort to get the loan processed.Please be assured that this issue was worked diligently from the time of receipt until the funds weresuccessfully issued on December 11, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this situation hascaused, and I hope to have the opportunity to restore your faith in Nationwide in the futureShould youhave any additional questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me directly at###-###-####, weekdays between 8:a.mand p.mEastern time.Sincerely,
Dear *** ***
Nationwide strives to provide great customer service to all of our customers. I have examined the issues stated by our member and the following response was received from independent contractor agent, *** ***, in regards to the complaint filed by *** ***. Please note that Mr*** is not an employee of Nationwide, but an independent contractor responsible for the time, place and manner in which he services Nationwide’s policyholders. The agent’s statement below is his alone, and it does not reflect Nationwide’s policies or procedures. Nationwide will be independently investigating Ms***’s complaint against Mr***
Our office spoke to this policyholder on December 1, She informed us she was the owner of the vehicle on policy # *** We wrote a spinoff policy December 2, with *** *** as the named insured and the two drivers on the policy were *** and her mother ***. The Application is in DocuVault but it is unsignedThe application was sent to her by email in December of and again in May of The policy was written correctly but sometimes when we write a spinoff policy, the named insured while in processing at Nationwide switches back to the named insured on the prior policy. While in Nationwide processing the new policy was placed back in her mother’s name. We are able to correct this but would need the signed applicationMs*** has still not signed the application to correct the named insured errorOur system reflects that on December 1, the policy was bound in *** ***’s name. I have already mentioned this to Nationwide because we have seen this error beforeNationwide is aware that this can happen when a spinoff policy is written (a spinoff policy is when a driver on a current policy is transferred to their own policy)The address on both of these policies is the same. All Declaration Pages have been sent to the *** *** addressI feel Ms*** is holding off signing the application because she wants Nationwide to pay the rental reimbursement for a rental car she had after her accident. We only need the signed application returned to us in order to place *** *** as the named Insured on the policy
Ms*** has spoken to Nationwide directly several times, the original vehicle on the prior policy and spinoff was a CadillacShe replaced that vehicle with an Audi and spoke to Nationwide directly to make that the replacement vehicleShe never had rental coverage on the prior policy *** and it was not put on the new spinoff policy ***There were never any notes or questions about rental coverage. Ms*** has received all Declaration Pages and no rental coverage is listedNo communication was made with our office after the conversation on December 1, 2014, when her spinoff policy was made effectiveMs*** has no documentation where she requested this coverage that I am aware of
If you have any additional questions, please contact me at ###-###-#### or ***
Best Regards,
*** ***
*** ***
Centralized Sales Operation and Support
This letter is in response to your request for information pertaining to the above file
Our records indicate the Auto policy renewed effective April 4, as $334.80. We received notice to cancel on May 1, effective April 28, 2015. The Auto policy was cancelled
effective April 28, and a balance of $remains for coverage
The total charged for coverage from April 4, to April 28, was $80.30. A payment of $was received on April 1, 2015. There were two $service fees charged. The total charged of $plus $charged in service fees minus $total payment equals $charged for coverage provided up to the cancellation date of April 28,
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you and if you have any questions regarding the information I have provided you may contact me at #########*, Ext. *** or my email
This letter is in response to your request for information pertaining to the above file number.Per our previous response the change referenced by Ms*** from July 9, 2015, was not made effective the renewal dateAs stated in our last two responses, “The premium on the Policy Declaration pages does not indicate the amount of charge for the change as it only reflects what the premium would have been had the change been made at the renewal date.” A Policy Declaration page is issued to show the coverage breakdown and effective date of those coverage’s.As indicated in the breakdown previously sent, the refunds were issued based on the effective date of the changeThe total premium amount charged from October 23, to the cancellation date of October 23, was $3,A total of $4,was received in paymentsAfter all changes are processed a total of $was issued in refundsThere is no further refund to be issued on the policy.We would like to respectfully ask Ms*** to contact the Department of Insurance should she choose to continue to reject our responsesThe *** Department of Insurance can be reached at ###-###-#### or she may email her concerns to ***.Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you and if you have any questions regarding the information I have provided you may contact Sharon W*** at *** or via phone at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Erica D*** ***
This letter is in response to the concerns filed by *** *** regarding the transfer of the policy and billing concerns
In regards to policy *** ***, the policy renewed October 3, with a premium of $The policy cancelled as a transfer to another state, effective December
17, which processed in our systems on December 31,
Nationwide charged $for coverage on this policy from October 3, renewal to December 17, cancellation datePayments were received on October 5, for $36.19, November 3, for $39.19, and December 3, for $totaling $The January automatic payment was stopped due to the cancellation and transfer of this policy to another state
Premium due for coverage of $minus $payments plus $fees assessed on the account totals a credit of $remaining on the accountThe $credit was applied to the new South Carolina policy
In regards to policy *** ***, on January 6, this policy started in South Carolina effective December 17, with premium at $143.10, maintaining the October 3rd and April 3rd renewal datesThe $premium is for coverage on this policy from December 17, to the April 3, renewal dateThe $credit applied to the policy balance
A bill generated January 12, for $due February 3, 2016, which included $plus $installment feeDue to the processing time of writing this policy, the billing account was not able to generate a bill due January 3, As the renewal dates remained the same on this policy, there are only two months left to bill the balance over in this renewal term, February and March, prior to the policy renewing in AprilThe policy balance reflects $based on the pro rated premium of $minus $The $balance divided by two months is $
We apologize for the confusion caused by the transfer of the policy from one state to anotherThe billing is correct and premium will begin billing evenly over 1/6th of the renewal premium once the policy renews in April
I am writing in response to the complaint referenced above, for *** ***, regarding the closeout of a checkingaccount with Nationwide Bank.In reviewing *** *** account, I find that on June 15, 2017, Nationwide Bank was notified that Mr*** hadbeen reported to ChexSystems from
another financial institution for ATM fraudIt is our policy that once anindividual has been reported to ChexSystems, they are not eligible to hold accounts with Nationwide Bank for fiveyearsIt is stated in our Terms and Conditions that we may close a member's account at any time uponreasonable notice and tender of the account balance personally or by mail.On June 15, 2017, Nationwide Bank sent Mr*** a letter indicating that his Nationwide Bank MemberChecking account was to be closed due to the recent ChexSystems reportAt this time, the balance in theMember Checking account was $1,On June 21, 2017, the Member Checking account was closed with thetotal balance of $1,sent to Mr*** in the form of an official bank check.The disputed amount of $may have been the available account balance as of June 9, After theoutstanding debits and credits were processed, the final account balance, as of June 21, 2017, totaled $1,107.80.Please feel free to reach out to me directly if I may be of further assistance.Thank you,*** ***Specialist, Member Experience Team
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding the complaint you received from *** ***As SrAnalyst, Customer Resolution & Response Team, I will address to Mr***’s
We were able to review the homeowner policy, ** ** ** ***, and determined that an error occurredMr*** was never notified of our inspection process to finalize the reconstruction cost amount of his homeDue to this error, we will honor Mr***'s original premium amount of $for the first term of his policyThe correct reconstruction cost of $283,will remain on his policy to ensure he is adequately protected, but he will pay the lower premium amountOnce the policy renews, the correct premium will be chargedMr*** would then have the option of continuing his policy or obtaining other insurance
Here is an explanation in regards to Mr***’s concerns on his auto policy billing, ** ** * ***On May 22, the policy was written effective June 15, with the term premium of $Mr*** paid the policy in fullOn June 3, we emailed Mr*** the state mandated Act forms required for his stateThe Waiver of Stacking of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage, as well as Tort Limited option coverageWe never received the forms and resent them again via mail on June 11,
Nationwide attempted to contact the member via phone on June 19, 2015, to address the need to return the formsWe contacted him again via phone on July 13, and were able to speak with himWe advised him that we needed the mandated forms to be returned to us or we were going to default coverage effective inception, June 15, On August 18, we had not received the required signed forms from the member and defaulted coverage to the policy by stacking the Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage, as well as the Full Tort coverage effective June 15, This change caused an increase in premium of $
We billed the member on August 21, in the amount of $due on September 15, 2015. This was the unpaid balance at that time of $divided over three months left to bill, making their installment $plus the $installment fee
The required signed forms were returned to us by Mr*** on August 19, On August 21, we changed the coverage back to un-stacking for Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury coverage and changed the Tort option to Limited effective the date the forms were signed, August 17, This change caused a decrease in premium of $131.30. This credit was divided over the three months left to bill applying $to the bill, making $due on September 15,
Mr*** would owe the additional premium for the coverage defaulting from June 15, until the date he signed the state mandated forms, August 17, in the amount of $plus the $installment fee
The auto and home policies remain active and not cancelledIf Mr*** would like to cancel his policies, he would need to contact our service department at ###-###-#### and sign the required forms to cancel his policies
I hope the information that I have provided has answered your questions in regards to this matterPlease let me know if I can provide additional information
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from *** ***I havereviewed this claim file and would like to address Ms***’s concernIf I do not provide theinformation you need for this matter, please do not hesitate to let me know.Ms*** has a personal auto policy
*He found the damages on the vehicle to be inconsistent for a vandalism loss, but rather to be minor innature as wear and tear on the vehicleThe stitching on the canvas top of the vehicle, wasalso found to be pulling apart, and not rippedA denial letter was drafted and mailed to Ms*** onMay 20, 2016, due to these findings.Based on my review, no errors were made on this claimHowever, I am sorry that the outcome wasnot satisfactory to Ms***We strive to meet our customer’s needs, but understand thatsometimes we are unable to do soIf you should have any questions or wish to discuss the matterfurther, please feel free to call me.If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** *** Claire S
*at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Nan Q***
with *** *** *** Insurance Company.On January 1, Ms*** reported a recovered theft of her BMW 128I with damage toNationwide InsuranceThe claim was assigned to Daniel C*** to handle the investigation for thelossHe was finally able to reach Ms*** on April 5, to discuss the claim.An inspection of the BMW was conducted on April 7, by a local representative, Steve S
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated April 10, addressed to *** *** regarding *** ***s concern of owing a collection balance and not being notified of the increased monthly installment. I will be happy to respond to Mr***’s concern on her
behalf Policy *** was an annual personal automobile policy which incepted October 13, and was cancelled effective January 25, per Mr***’s request. The policy was issued with an annual premium of $2,135.76; the premium was increased $1,due to trailing documents known as the *** *** * Forms not being signed and returned to *** Auto & Home Insurance or *** Insurance Company. The specific forms which were not returned were the Uninsured Motorist Waiver of Stacking Form, Tort Form, and Auto Minimum Limits Form. Since these forms were not returned medical payments limits were increased, tort coverage was changed to full tort, and uninsured motorist’s coverage stacking option was added effective the October 13, inception date *** Insurance Company issued an amended declarations page on November 21, advising of the increase premium and a billing statement was issued on December 20, advising the monthly installment was $307.03. Both documents were mailed to Mr*** at *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** Insurance Company is not able to accommodate Mr***’s request to issue a refund for $and remove the $collection balance. The $is the additional amount owed for coverage provided to January 25, since the *** *** * Forms were not returned to *** Auto & Home Insurance or *** Insurance Company If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** *** Barb D***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Jake M***
This letter is in response to the concerns filed by *** *** regarding the Smart Ride Discount andadditional discount Mr*** feels is still owed on the policy.In review of the Smart Ride Discount that is being received on policy *** ***, Mr*** iscorrect that the discount is not
showing a full 40% decrease on the Chevrolet for Bodily Injury,Property Damage, and Collision coverage or the full 26% discount on these coverages for the GMClisted on the Auto policy.Per the Smart Ride emails that are sent weekly to Mr*** and the Smart Ride Website, as well asthe Nationwide email confirming the Smart Ride discount completion that was sent:“Your final discount will be applied at your next policy renewalDiscount amount listed is anapproximation and does not apply to all coverage elementsActual savings will vary based on yourpolicy coverage selections and rating factors.”The discount amount will not translate into a flat percentage off the final premium as it does notapply to all coverages or policy administration feesThe discount is applied to Bodily Injury,Property Damage, Medical Payments, and Collision based on the rating sequence.As an example, if the base premium for a coverage is $1,and a 9% discount for Multi-Policy,40% discount for SmartRide, and a 15% discount for Accident Free is being applied, the premium iscalculated by applying one discount at each step as shown below.If the discounts were applied as a flat percentage, the discounts added together would be 64%; ifthis was applied to the base premium of $1,000; this would make the final premium $not$464.10.Regarding the concern of the premium appearing to be $more that it should be; after theSmartRide Discount is applied in the rating sequence the policy administration fee is applied andthen term adjustment factor is applied.If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Dawn H***, at###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Jennifer C***
This letter is in response to your request for information pertaining to the above file.Our records indicate the claim is showing correctly as not at faultOn February 20, 2018, aLetter of Experience (attached) was sent to the Ms*** indicating no fault for theaccident on June 24, 2017.The
February 2, 2018, renewal premium was impacted by a state-wide rate adjustmentimplemented on January 17, This was a company decision based on data we receivefor the entire stateWhenever a rate revision is filed, some areas and/or coverages maydecrease while others may increaseThe amount of rate change depends on many factors;the density of the population, the coverages being carried, and the rising costs of vehiclerepairs, medical bills, etc.Another factor affecting the renewal premium is the New Vehicle DiscountThis discount isfor vehicles under five years old, and is a diminishing discountThis means that thepercentage of the discount decreases every year and will then be removed completely whenthe vehicle becomes five years oldThe percentage is lessened effective October first ofeach year, and will apply to the policy on the first renewal after October first.If you require further assistance, please contact Barb D***, at ###-###-#### or byemail at ***@nationwide.com.Sincerely,Erica C***Senior AnalystEnclosure:
I apologize that you found my response did not satisfy your concerns.Ms*** contacted Nationwide Personal Lines Services on November 3, Ms.*** has agreed to pay the missing payment for OctoberThis can be accomplished byspreading out the October payment over the remaining months for November/DecemberIf Ms*** chose to pay the payment for October, the remaining bills wouldreflect the correct agreed upon monthly premium."Unfortunately in accordance with the filed rating plan in your state of North Carolina:there is no allowance for premium write-offs due to an error."If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator,Dawn H***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Daniel M***
I am writing in response to the complaint submitted by *** *** *** to the Revdex.com on 10/25/She expressed concerns regarding the delayed transfer of her 403(b) account held at her previous employer to a Nationwide Funds Rollover Ira account and the poor customer
Compliance ConsultantAttn: Distribution Compliance One Nationwide PlazaColumbus, OH
service that she experienceShe requested to be reimbursed for the amount that she could have gained had the IRA rollover been invested in a timely mannerIn addition, she wanted to make sure that other Nationwide customers did not have a similar experience.This matter was forwarded to Nationwide's Office of Compliance for review and handlingOur Compliance Office conducted a through investigation regarding Ms***'s concernsWhile nationwide strives to provide excellent customer service, our investigation showed that we failed to meet our high standards.During conversations with Ms***, I discussed the cause of the service issue that she experienced and explained how Nationwide's Office of Compliance was working with our business partners to address itI also reviewed the calculation used to determine reimbursement for money lost as a result of the delayed 403(b) account transfer to NationwideAfter our conversations, she was satisfied that her complaint was being properly addressed.Sincerely,Michael F
We are in receipt of your request for information dated December 30, regarding the above referenced file.Mr*** is disputing the denial of claim ***He states he had a covered service done the same day of cancellation and thought that the policy would terminate at the end of
the day.Our records indicate Mr*** contacted our office twice on November 7, During the first call he inquired as to what wellness benefits he had used for the current termThe representative confirmed he had used the benefits for flea and heartworm prevention medicationMr*** had indicated he wanted to take his pet in for an annual checkupThe representative confirmed he still had benefits available for the term and recommended Mr*** take the pet in before November 23rd (the date of policy renewal).During the second call on November 7, 2015, Mr*** inquired as to the expiration and renewal of the policyHe advised the representative that he decided not to renew and wanted to make sure the cancellation was in processThe representative explained cancellation requests must be in writing and submitted via email, fax, or mail.Based on the recorded call, it appears Mr*** was reading from the screen because he said, “…before submitting a cancellation…I was just seeing you had something online.” The representative explained that he could go to the website, www.petinsurance.com, and click on the “contact us” link located at the top of the page.Mr*** then explained where he was online, it [the online screen] said cancel policy and took him to the policy cancellation page and it was beginning to tell him what to do.The representative asked Mr*** if he was logged into his account(Our policyholders have the option to create an account known as the policyholder portal)The representative explained she wasn’t sure the cancellation tool (on the policyholder portal) would be available since the policy was in its renewal time period (days prior to renewal.)Again, from the recorded call, it appears Mr*** was reading from the screen as he said “you’ll get an email from VPI.” He said it did allow him to cancel and the representative confirmed that the policy now showed cancelled in our policy administration system.At that point Mr*** explained that he had been with us for a long time but due to the rate and other concerns it was not cost effectiveMr*** did mention he had just put in a claim for wellness for the current policyThere was no elaboration on the treatment date.Please note, when a policy is cancelled utilizing the policyholder portal, the policyholder sees several screens prior to receiving a cancellation confirmation emailThe first screen asks the user to confirm the contact information and reason for cancellationThe screen shows a cancellation effective date and the following statement:“Once you have selected a reason for your cancellation request, please confirm the cancellation dateThis is the date the policy will no longer be effective and coverage will no longer be extended for the insured petRemember, any claims submitted on or after the cancellation date will be ineligible for coverage.”The next screen advises the user that a confirmation email will be sent, confirms the policy information, cancellation reason, and cancellation effective dateAdditionally, the screen shows the following:“Please note: Claims for treatment dates on or after the cancellation effective date will not be eligible for coverage.”Our system does not maintain screen shots of each portal transaction; however we were able to process a cancellation in our test environment with a sample policy to show the exact screens Mr*** would have seen when he processed his cancellationWe have included screen shots with this response.Claim *** was submitted on November 7, and does show a treatment date of November 7, The claim was denied appropriately in accordance with the terms of the policy contractMr*** chose to cancel the policy via the policyholder portal on November 7, As indicated above several screens showed that claims for the treatment date on or after the cancellation date would not be eligible.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** *** Patty G*** at ###-###-#### or via email at ***.Sincerely,Vincent G*** *** ***
Thank you for contacting us on this matter and providing us with an opportunity to respondWe have researched the inquiry and we have no record of Ms*** payment.Notwithstanding her complaint, we are further investigating this matter to ensure that we have addressed all of Ms***
concerns.If you need further assistance, please contact Sharon W*** at *** or via phone at ###-###-####.Regards,Laura AH*** ***
I don't see how I can have an active account when I was deceived into signing up.I was lied to so I would accept your service.This should be illegal, I know if I mis represented my services to get them to purchase something it would be illegal.I will reach out to NAIC to see if I can get help
*** ***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Revdex.com regarding policy number *** for *** *** and to address his concerns about the policy On 01/12/2017, Mr*** started a six-month, 25% down payment personal auto policy through the Lawrence Agency
IncorporatedThe policy cancelled on 02/26/for non-payment of the first installment bill, due on 02/12/ On 01/14/2017, the system erroneously sent a memo to both Mr*** and the Lawrence Agency Incadvising that a Mississippi driver’s license was requiredThe error has since been addressed and corrected in the system, and on 01/31/underwriting logged off the memo so no follow up actions would be taken on Mr***’ policy On 02/10/2017, underwriting received an error notification from the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles in regards to the VIN number provided on Mr***’ policyThe memo that was sent to Mr*** on 02/11/requested the VIN be verified with the member service centerIt also advised that the error may indicate the vehicle is not registered with the stateAt no point in this memo or at any point moving forward was Mr***’ policy set up for cancellation due to the vehicle registration or his driver’s license On 04/03/2017, the agency contacted the member service center to advise that Mr*** was unable to get his vehicle registered with the state of Rhode Island, and requested to have the policy cancelled back to inceptionThe Member Care Representative advised that we would need a signed cancellation request from Mr*** to complete the requestThe agent was also advised that any funds owed back to Mr*** would be mailed to him in the form of a checkAt no point during this conversation is the amount of the refund discussed On 04/03/the signed cancellation request was received by the member service centerAs per our underwriting guidelines, processing sent a memo to both Mr*** and the Lawrence Agency Incadvising that additional proof was required to complete the cancellation due to the requested date being more than days in the pastHowever, because Mr***’ agent was advised a signed cancellation request was needed with nothing further to cancel, we have gone ahead and re-cancelled Mr***’ policy to his requested date of 01/12/He will be receiving a check in the mail for $ Mr*** mentions in his statement that he tried contacting Nationwide directly in January in regards to the memos he had received and that no one ever returned his callThe member service center does not have an after-hours message system in place, and there is no record of Mr*** calling the member service center I trust that I have addressed the issues within Mr***’ complaintIf you require further assistance, please contact me, Charity W***, at ###-###-#### or by email at [email protected] Sincerely, Jillian J*** Analyst, Process Management
Dear Ms***We are in receipt of your correspondence regarding Mr*** ***'s concern of thecollection impacting his credit; I am happy to respond his concerns.The motorcycle policy was an annual policy which originated May 22, 2013, and cancelled fornon-payment of premium effective
July 21,The policy issued with an annual premium of$The annual premium increased to $919.54, because the rejection forms for UninsuredMotorcycle Coverage were not receivedThe poticy provided coverage for a KawasakiVulcan 1500.When the policy cancelled effective July 21, 2013, a balance of $153.43, was owed forcoverage provided up to July 21, An outstanding balance notice was issued on July 29,As payment was not received, the balance was turned over to Credit Collection Services(CCS) on February 3, 2014.A payment for $was received by Nationwide on February 25, 2016, which paid thebalance in fullCCS has confirmed that they received notification on March 1, 2016, that theaccount has been paid in fullThey advised that it takes up to sixty (60) days from the datenotification is received for credit reports to reflect that the collection amount has been removed.If the motorcycle was sold prior to July 21, 3, and proof of sale can be provided thecancellation date is able to be adjusted to provide a credit for the time the motorcycle was notowned by Mr***Thank you for the opportunity to address Mr***'s concernIf we may offer any furtherassistance in this matter, please don't hesitate to contact me.Sincerely,Jake M***
October 7, 2015*** *** *** ** *** ***
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*** ***Dear *** ***:This letter is sent in response to the inquiry received on October 1, 2015, from *** *** ***Ihave spoken with both *** *** and our claims representative, Rob C***In myconversation with CA C***, he indicated he had several conversations with *** ***and in those discussions did agree that the damages were not *** ***’s fault, but advised thatwe would have to wait until the cause and origin investigation was completed prior to reaching acoverage decision.Once we received our Cause and Origin report, which listed the cause of the fire as undetermined,*** *** was informed his damages would not be coveredFollowing this decision and the denialletter which was sent, we have reviewed the facts of loss once againBased on that review, we haveagreed to pay *** ***’s damages to his home*** *** has been contacted and a check hasbeen issued to him for $4,on 10/01/to cover the damages to his dwelling from the fire.Sincerely,Ron V***Claims ManagerAllied Property & Casualty I** ** **Phone: ###-###-####Fax: ###-###-####Email Address: ***Office of Customer Advocacy | *** *** *** *** * *** ** ***
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me
Please accept this letter as a formal response to the follow up questions regarding the Work TrainingCenter, Inc403(b) Plan (Plan), administered by *** Administrative Services, Inc (TPA) andserviced by Nationwide Financial (Nationwide)I appreciate the opportunity to address any concerns.I apologize for any confusion as far as who was at fault for the lengthy processing time for this loanIspoke with Ms*** initially on December 9, and relayed to her the information we had at thattimeUpon further review of the situation and conversations with the TPA, new information came to lightregarding the reasons for the delay in loan processingOn December 10, 2015, another representativereached out to Ms*** to provide the updated informationHe was unable to reach Ms*** andhis call was never returned.According to our records, the first loan initiated in the system by the TPA was on November 24, 2015.Prior to that, our system does not reflect a requested loanThis was the beginning of a string of issues thathave been outlined to Ms***, including the system issue that was discoveredwhich was preventingthe loan funds from being issued once the loan was approvedThis string of issues is the reason the loanhad to be cancelled and resubmitted so many timesEach was an effort to get the loan processed.Please be assured that this issue was worked diligently from the time of receipt until the funds weresuccessfully issued on December 11, I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this situation hascaused, and I hope to have the opportunity to restore your faith in Nationwide in the futureShould youhave any additional questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me directly at###-###-####, weekdays between 8:a.mand p.mEastern time.Sincerely,
Dear *** ***
Nationwide strives to provide great customer service to all of our customers. I have examined the issues stated by our member and the following response was received from independent contractor agent, *** ***, in regards to the complaint filed by *** ***. Please note that Mr*** is not an employee of Nationwide, but an independent contractor responsible for the time, place and manner in which he services Nationwide’s policyholders. The agent’s statement below is his alone, and it does not reflect Nationwide’s policies or procedures. Nationwide will be independently investigating Ms***’s complaint against Mr***
Our office spoke to this policyholder on December 1, She informed us she was the owner of the vehicle on policy # *** We wrote a spinoff policy December 2, with *** *** as the named insured and the two drivers on the policy were *** and her mother ***. The Application is in DocuVault but it is unsignedThe application was sent to her by email in December of and again in May of The policy was written correctly but sometimes when we write a spinoff policy, the named insured while in processing at Nationwide switches back to the named insured on the prior policy. While in Nationwide processing the new policy was placed back in her mother’s name. We are able to correct this but would need the signed applicationMs*** has still not signed the application to correct the named insured errorOur system reflects that on December 1, the policy was bound in *** ***’s name. I have already mentioned this to Nationwide because we have seen this error beforeNationwide is aware that this can happen when a spinoff policy is written (a spinoff policy is when a driver on a current policy is transferred to their own policy)The address on both of these policies is the same. All Declaration Pages have been sent to the *** *** addressI feel Ms*** is holding off signing the application because she wants Nationwide to pay the rental reimbursement for a rental car she had after her accident. We only need the signed application returned to us in order to place *** *** as the named Insured on the policy
Ms*** has spoken to Nationwide directly several times, the original vehicle on the prior policy and spinoff was a CadillacShe replaced that vehicle with an Audi and spoke to Nationwide directly to make that the replacement vehicleShe never had rental coverage on the prior policy *** and it was not put on the new spinoff policy ***There were never any notes or questions about rental coverage. Ms*** has received all Declaration Pages and no rental coverage is listedNo communication was made with our office after the conversation on December 1, 2014, when her spinoff policy was made effectiveMs*** has no documentation where she requested this coverage that I am aware of
If you have any additional questions, please contact me at ###-###-#### or ***
Best Regards,
*** ***
*** ***
Centralized Sales Operation and Support
This letter is in response to your request for information pertaining to the above file
Our records indicate the Auto policy renewed effective April 4, as $334.80. We received notice to cancel on May 1, effective April 28, 2015. The Auto policy was cancelled
effective April 28, and a balance of $remains for coverage
The total charged for coverage from April 4, to April 28, was $80.30. A payment of $was received on April 1, 2015. There were two $service fees charged. The total charged of $plus $charged in service fees minus $total payment equals $charged for coverage provided up to the cancellation date of April 28,
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you and if you have any questions regarding the information I have provided you may contact me at #########*, Ext. *** or my email
This letter is in response to your request for information pertaining to the above file number.Per our previous response the change referenced by Ms*** from July 9, 2015, was not made effective the renewal dateAs stated in our last two responses, “The premium on the Policy Declaration pages does not indicate the amount of charge for the change as it only reflects what the premium would have been had the change been made at the renewal date.” A Policy Declaration page is issued to show the coverage breakdown and effective date of those coverage’s.As indicated in the breakdown previously sent, the refunds were issued based on the effective date of the changeThe total premium amount charged from October 23, to the cancellation date of October 23, was $3,A total of $4,was received in paymentsAfter all changes are processed a total of $was issued in refundsThere is no further refund to be issued on the policy.We would like to respectfully ask Ms*** to contact the Department of Insurance should she choose to continue to reject our responsesThe *** Department of Insurance can be reached at ###-###-#### or she may email her concerns to ***.Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to assist you and if you have any questions regarding the information I have provided you may contact Sharon W*** at *** or via phone at ###-###-####.Sincerely,Erica D*** ***
This letter is in response to the concerns filed by *** *** regarding the transfer of the policy and billing concerns
In regards to policy *** ***, the policy renewed October 3, with a premium of $The policy cancelled as a transfer to another state, effective December
17, which processed in our systems on December 31,
Nationwide charged $for coverage on this policy from October 3, renewal to December 17, cancellation datePayments were received on October 5, for $36.19, November 3, for $39.19, and December 3, for $totaling $The January automatic payment was stopped due to the cancellation and transfer of this policy to another state
Premium due for coverage of $minus $payments plus $fees assessed on the account totals a credit of $remaining on the accountThe $credit was applied to the new South Carolina policy
In regards to policy *** ***, on January 6, this policy started in South Carolina effective December 17, with premium at $143.10, maintaining the October 3rd and April 3rd renewal datesThe $premium is for coverage on this policy from December 17, to the April 3, renewal dateThe $credit applied to the policy balance
A bill generated January 12, for $due February 3, 2016, which included $plus $installment feeDue to the processing time of writing this policy, the billing account was not able to generate a bill due January 3, As the renewal dates remained the same on this policy, there are only two months left to bill the balance over in this renewal term, February and March, prior to the policy renewing in AprilThe policy balance reflects $based on the pro rated premium of $minus $The $balance divided by two months is $
We apologize for the confusion caused by the transfer of the policy from one state to anotherThe billing is correct and premium will begin billing evenly over 1/6th of the renewal premium once the policy renews in April