We are in receipt of your request for information regarding the above referenced fileMs*** states that she did not give authorization for our agent to start a policy for her petShe is requesting a full refund for premium collected from her paycheck.Ms*** applied for the Major Medical
Plan with a $annual deductible and a Pet Wellness Basic Rider for her dog *** on December 8, The application was approved with an effective date of January 1, 2016.On January 19, Ms*** called our Customer Care department and said she had been enrolled without her consentHer policy was cancelled effective that day and a cancellation letter was sent on January 20, We issued a refund of unearned premium in the amount of $on April 23, Another refund of unearned premium was issued on July 10, in the amount of $18.38.Ms*** stated in her complaint that she never received the refund issued in April for $We issued a refund check on April 23, which was cashed on May 16, We have included a copy of the cashed check in our supporting documents.We have reviewed the enrollment call from December 8, Our agent was transparent on the enrollment process and was granted authorization by Ms*** at multiple points during the callHowever, in order to fully resolve this matter and because Ms*** did not use the policy, we have made the decision to cancel the policy back to the effective date and issue a full premium refundShe will receive a refund of $under a separate cover.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Joey Lopez, at or via email at [email protected],Julia S*Director of Operations
I was not properly informed of the programI was not told my data would be lost and not transferred to another vehicleIf you look at my silveradoit is on the same path as the equinox to receive 40%What I am asking for is compensation for the misinformation and lack of customer serviceFor being a Driver based program, why does it rely on vehiclesWhy couldnt I just put the dongle to MY new car since it is tracking MY driving.
Regards, *** ***
This letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on July 6, 2015. Please note that we resolved MrYates’ claim with him on July 2, in exchange for a Release of All Claims
If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer
Relations Coordinator, *** ***, toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext*** or by email at ***
*** *** ***
Commercial Claims West
Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company
Phone: ###-###-####
Email Address: ***
I cannot thank you enough for all the help given to me during this my trying period I am sure if not for Revdex.com Dispute Resolution Team the company National Casualty Company would not have treated me wellThe lady was so arrogant anytime she speaks with meShe is not very nice/polite at allHowever, I am grateful for your helpI have taken the car for the 2nd opinion, and will take the car in to the shop on the 16th of January as that is the available spaceI will come up with the balance and fix my car as I do not want this to go in to the New Year I thank you greatly for all that you do, and you may pelase close the case now.Thanks a billion.I am indeed very grateful.Sincerely,*** ***
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated January 18, concerning our former policyholder, and the final balance owed on his cancelled property policyI would be happy to respond to the policyholder’s concerns on behalf of the company. On September 8, 2016, a billing
statement generated for a total payment due of $This included an amount due of $for the auto policy, ***This amount due was the final payment of the prior term that was effective April 1, through October 1, The total payment of $was received on September 28, 2016. On October 10, 2016, a billing statement generated for a total payment due of $This included an amount due of $for the auto policyThis amount due was the first payment of the policy renewal term that carried policy effective dates of October 1, through April 1, 2017. Mr*** requested the cancellation of all policies effective October 29, The final balance owed of $is for coverage provided for the auto policy from October 1, through October 29, 2016. This balance is showing owed on the property policy, ***, as this policy was the last active policy on the billing account. If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Joey L***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Tara P***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Ohio Revdex.com regarding policy number ***for *** *** and to address her concerns about the policy.On 5/27/2015, Ms*** purchased a six-month personal auto insurance policy from American HeritageIns Brokers Inc with a
bill plan of 16.7% down and installments with an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) autodraft.On 10/12/2017, Ms*** was mailed, to the address on file, a Notice of Installment Due for $to bedue 10/27/2017.On 10/27/2017, no payment had been received and Cancellation/Notice of Payment was mailed to Ms.***This notice advised if no payment was received prior to 11/9/2017, the policy would cancel for nonpaymentof premium.On 11/9/2017, no payment had been received and Ms***’s policy cancelled per the above mentionednotice.On 1/8/2018, Ms*** contacted the member service center regarding the $collections balance.The member service representative advised the last installment bill was not paid and the balance was forcoverage provided until the 11/9/cancellationMs*** was asked if other insurance was obtainedprior to this date to which she responded her new policy started in December.As of 3/13/2018, a balance of $remains due for days of coverage provided from 5/27/untilcancellation 11/9/Ms*** indicated in her complaint that the last bill was paid, the company hasno record of a payment for the 10/27/billThe following are the payments received on Ms***’spolicy for the 5/27/to 11/27/term: 5/27/2017- $99.63, 6/17/2017- $74.47, 7/24/2017- $180.72,8/28/2017- $180.72, and 9/26/2017-$If Ms*** provides proof of this payment, the company willresearch to determine the best resolution.If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact Barb D*** at ###-###-#### or by email at***@nationwide.com.Sincerely,Dana P***Sales Manager- Non- Standard Auto
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from *** *** regarding the above noted fileAs Senior Analyst, Customer Resolution & Response Team, I have reviewed this file and would like to address Mr***’s concerns.Mr*** called Nationwide Sales Solutions
(NSS) on November 17, to get a commercial policy for his nail salonAt the time, the sales agent advised Mr*** that Nationwide would be able to cover his nail salonThe sales agent then bound a commercial policy with Mr***’s consent.On November 30, 2016, Nationwide mailed a cancellation notice to Mr*** stating that his policy was ineligible for coverage and would be effective until January 10, Additionally, on this date the sales agent emailed Mr*** to advise him his commercial policy would be cancelledThe sales agent apologized, explained he mistakenly referenced the incorrect forms at the time the policy was set up and stated Nationwide no longer offers insurance for nail salons.I verified with our underwriters that Nationwide has not offered insurance for nail salons for several years now and feedback has been sent to the leadership of the sales agent.On December 29, 2016, Nationwide issued a refund for $Mr***’s down payment would have covered him until January 17, The policy was cancelled effective January 10, which resulted in a refund of $Since Mr*** contacted his bank and disputed the November 17, down payment for $117.00, the refund was stop paid and applied to the billing accountThe collection amount for $is valid for the coverage that was provided from November 17, to January 10, 2017.On April 4, Mr*** responded to the sales agent’s email from November 30, and stated he received a letter from a collection agency in the amount of $Mr*** then stated he did not understand why he was receiving a bill for a policy that was never covered by NationwideMr*** asked the sales agent to take care of it as soon as possible and asked why he never received a refund for his two month down payment of $117.00.On April 4, the sales agent replied to Mr*** and explained the $collection amountwas due to the fact Mr*** contacted his bank after the original transaction to decline the original$down paymentThe sales agent referenced Mr***’s cancellation notice and explainedthe notice states Mr*** had coverage through January 10, The sales agent thenexplained since Nationwide offered coverage through January 10, 2017, we are requiring the originaldown payment that was taken, hence the collection amount of $102.00.If Mr*** completes the attached Policy Cancellation Form and includes the cancellationeffective date as November 17, then we can adjust the cancellation date of the policy and clearthe collection amount that is owedMr*** can fax the completed form to ###-###-#### forprocessing.We sincerely apologize to Mr*** for the inconvenienceI hope the information that I haveprovided has answered any questions in regards to this matterIf you require further assistance,please contact our *** *** ***, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or by emailat ***Sincerely,Stacy LT***
We are in receipt of your request for information regarding the above referenced fileMs*** is requesting a refund in the amount of $representing premium deducted from her payroll check.According to a review of our files, on December 22, Ms*** contacted our office to cancel her
policy as she had given the pet awayDuring the discussion it was discovered Ms*** actually had two policies for the same pet.- Policy *** applied for by speaking with an agent on November 4, 2015.- Policy *** applied for via our online enrollment center on October 22, 2015For both enrollments Ms*** opted to pay for the policy premium through payroll deductionsThis means her premium deductions would be taken from her paycheck by her employer and transferred to Nationwide through a Third Party AdministratorBoth polices were set to become effective January 1, 2016.During the call on December 22, Ms*** requested her policy be cancelledThe cancellation transaction for both policies was completed in our system on December 23, and the information forwarded to the Third Party AdministratorPlease note at the time of cancellation and as of the date of this letter, no premium has been received from the Third Party Administrator.We have reached out to the Third Party Administrator and confirmed the cancellation requests (stop premium deductions) have been processed and that two billings of $are outstandingAlthough Ms***’s company deducted the premium from her check, the money has not been received by the Third Party Administrator and has not been sent to Nationwide Pet Insurance (formerly VPI).Once Nationwide receives the premium from the Third Party Administrator we will refund the money to Ms*** within twenty-four hoursPlease note, as explained to Ms*** during a call on January 7, 2016, it may take one or two pay periods before premium payment is received by our companyAdditionally, we are not sure if we will receive both installments of $together or separately, however as soon as we receive the funds we will send a check to Ms***.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or via email at *** Sincerely,Lynne CH*** *** *** ***
I had put in a complaint last about Nationwide and my insurance billWhen I started my own policy with nationwide I had paid When I received the bill for the following month it went up to I called Nationwide to explain as to why the increase no one could tell me whyAt this rate I had sent in a complaint with the Revdex.comAfter it was disputed, my bill ended up being for the remaining policyThe start of my new policy my bill was I called Nationwide to explain to me as to where did the increase come fromThe representatives Michelle stated that there was a increase because of the area I am inShe went on to state everyone has seen this increaseMy mother also has been with Nationwide and has a policy with them, we live in the same householdShe has not had an increase in her insuranceI asked her to send me in writing or where I can find this increaseI have not received itIt looks as if I have roadside assistance on my policy in which I never asked forI have it through my dealershipBy the end of the call I was quoted When I received the email it stated I would like to know in writing of the area in crease and why my mother has not seen itIs this going to be an ongoing thing with my policy of a increase? I wanted to know how it can increase so much from 134.00? I would also like documentation of that as well as, where the extra is coming from for next month.Thank you*** ***
Dear Ms***:This is in response to the complaint received from Ms*** regarding her auto policy.The policy was written with an inception date of July 16, and a full-term premium of $2,The policy effective dates were from July 16, to July 16, The billing account
was setup for the bills to be sent by e-mail electronically per Ms***’s request, using the e-mail address of [email protected], instead of being sent by mail.Nationwide Personal Lines Services (Service) was contacted by Ms*** on August 15, due to a bill not being receivedNo bill was sent for an August due dateThe first bill was sent via e-mail, to the address provided, on August 23, for the September 16, due date with a minimum due of $Service was contacted again on September 15, 2016, and Ms*** had advised that she had not received the billThe Customer Service Representative verified the e-mail address on file was correct, and Ms*** advised that she did not have anything in her spam/junk e-mail folderA payment was received for $on September 17, to pay that invoice.On September 22, 2016, Ms*** spoke to a representative from Nationwide’s Escalations departmentMs*** had again advised that no bills had been received via e-mailThe Escalations representative again verified that the e-mail on file was correct and submitted a request to Nationwide’s Information Technology (IT) department to investigate the issue and an e-mail was sent to confirm this was doneAn e-mail was received from Ms*** by the Escalations representative later on September 22, 2016, stating that she did receive the October bill via e-mailThe response from IT was that the bills were sent to the e-mail on file for September and October as designed, but they could not determine why Ms*** may not have received the bill for September.On October 8, 2016, Ms*** called Service and requested to cancel the auto policy and homeowner policy HNC ***The Customer Service Representative provided the cancellation requirements and sent cancellation forms to Ms*** via e-mailBoth policies were cancelled effective October 7, per the signed written requests receivedWhen the cancellations were processed on October (auto) and October (homeowner), this resulted in a credit of $for the homeowner policy and a balance owed of $for the auto policy, based upon the prior payments received compared to the balance owed for coverage provided on each policy.The request to have the credit for the homeowner policy applied to cover the balance owed on the auto policy was not completed prior to the refund being mailed for the homeowner policyThis resulted in a final bill and subsequent payment collection notice being sent for the auto policy for $143.55, since a payment was not received to pay the balance owedThe company acknowledges that the homeowner credit was not applied as requested, and due to the refund of $for the homeowner policy being cashed as of October 24, 2016, the refund could no longer be stopped and applied to cover the balance owed for the auto policySince this was premium owed for actual coverage provided for the auto policy, the remaining balance could not be waivedThe balance for the auto policy remained due for $for coverage provided from July 16, to October 7, 2016, which was a total balance owed of $611.48, including installment fees, compared to total payments received for $This needed to be paid by December 4, to prevent the balance from being referred to Credit Collection Services (CCS).On December 6, 2016, since payment was not received, the balance of $was referred to CCS for additional collection activityOn December 22, 2016, CCS contacted the company to advise that Ms*** disputed the collection owed and advised the company that it had closed the collection account for the auto policyBased upon the information received from CCS, the amount has been removed from collection statusIf Ms*** does decide come back to Nationwide in the future, the amount would need to be paid, but there will be no further collection attempts.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice Kleinhans, at ###-###-#### or by email at [email protected],Joel F*SrAnalystCustomer Response and Resolution###-###-####***@nationwide.com
That is what I was told when I called about my damagesI was told by nationwide that no other claim needed to be open and that they would take care of it when the damages were fixed from the hit and runI gave no authorization to open a new claimI did not call the tow companyNationwide didthis is a comp at nationwide used and trustedI had no say on which company came to tow my car. Regards,
*** ***
I have read Mr.G***'s response, I wonder if all information is being relayed between all nationwide reps There is no mention of the appraisal I received from my third party of $2,diminished value or any mention of verbal communication with repMonica F* of further negotiation Her offer was $1,diminished value, plus $for loss of use of vehicle during transmission repairs We also discussed a rental fee for a car at $99.90, during D&D evaluation of transmission issue dating back to 11/17/( it has taken that long to get resolution on damage!) In which she stated would be covered, as the car was needed for medical appointments resulting from the wreck As in the fax I sent to B.B.B & Monica F*, I would settle at the middle of both third party appraisals of between $1,and $2,at a total of $1,plus the $loss of use compand reimbursement of rental car expense Monica stated she would take this to the table and get back to me That was 11/19/ I had not heard from any nationwide repuntil this e-mail There was NO mention of final offer as stated by Mr.G***! I will fax you a copy of rental car receipt for your records.Thank You,
*** ***
I read you finding from your investigation of my concerns as
a customer I should have been made aware of the status of my claim without me
having to call anyone. As a courtesy to
your customers a letter, email or simple phone call could have easily been done
which would have avoided me from contacting your claims representative
If your representative called repeatedly needing information
from me, left voice messages but I ignored them and never responded…They would
not like it one bit…and neither do I
I do not accept your response letter; it stands to reason
that you are covering up for your employee instead of addressing the issue
It seems to me that customer service should be the life line
of any business…without the customer you don’t have a business I demand any apology for no response from your
claim representative for ignoring and not responding to any of my phone
inquiries concerning the status of my claim
Regards, *** ***
Your inquiry on behalf of the customer associated with the complaint ID noted above was referred to me for response.My review indicated that our Customer Service Representative did not provide correct information regarding the change in the billing system when speaking to the insured late last year
In conjunction with this change, the new billing program would not function in the same manner as the previous one hadThe insured was making monthly payments on a program that required payment in full only at the beginning of the new policy termWhile the prior billing program allowed the monthly payments, the new one would not.I spoke to Ms*** and explained what had occurredShe indicated they had obtained other insurance but needed correction to their policy cancellation date to avoid forced placed insurance by their lienholderThis change has been made and the collection process halted as there is no longer an outstanding balance owedWe regret the confusion created by the inaccurate information provided by our representative during our transitioning to the new billing program.Thank you for this opportunity to review our handlingI hope the additional information provided serves to further explain our actionsIf you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K*** direct at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Mary K*** *** *** *** ***
the dates are still not correct on the policyThe Chevy Impala change date suppose to have be November 28, not January 27, Also like I stated in my complaint as the outcome I will not be paying for coverage that my car didn't haveI rode around for months without insurance and weeks without a tagI was finally able to get me tag on January 25, so that's the date the Nissan Altima is considered registered with insurance by the state of GeorgiaNationwide will not get a dollar out of me until the dates match what I just sent back as my reason for rejecting Nationwide effort thus far
Regards, *** ***
(1) A response from nationwideWe spoke with the insured and she agreed to allow us to send out a vendorto evaluate the couch for repair/replacement.(2) A check for the cost to replace the couches and dispose of the oldcouchesOnce the evaluation is complete we will review for repair or
replacement.(3) The $1,deductible refunded/subrogation process initiatedSubrogation was referred and is working with the liable carrier to pursuesubrogation. If subrogation is successful the subrogation department willhandle reimbursement.(4) Check for the depreciation withheldThe depreciation check was issued prior to this complaint
Insurance does not work with us We like you to understand, all the painting was not pay, all the rugs and linoleum were not pay, the total amount of this insurance was very strange, the girl Emily also call every one that gives us estimatesif the (illegible word) were in one or two walls, is not need to paint the room, the rugs were "vandalise" with paint with grease also torn a part was not need to change it, this was the way she told us -- Now the bats, they will send some one to check, with a new adjuster, meanwile times goes by and no rent for us, we are disable and old, with pains but we believed this insurance how us months of rent, are the one that blocked everything and we are not able to go on with our life and rentWe feel is a elderly abuse and it is the insurance is to slowThay did not say to get prices, they call the co - we did not have time to get and paid of the jobs to dueDue the job: you must get paidSo you can paid the workAs I say the insurance cothe co - must responseWith the consumer and work, with the consumer is a long time consumeryou shud trust to work withI have a good agent*** ***, owner of *** Insurance Agency, *** *** *** Boss *** *** *** *** is not so good. Sincerely yours *** ***
the company's response is falseI had never canceled my policyI am a new mother of three! and have no time for canceling or researching new companies, nor signing up with anyoneInstead, I had received a letter from the company stating they will no longer continue my policy at the same rateThen they proceeded to send me packets and packets of papers to sign for a more expensive policy, which is obscene on more than one levelAfter I paid my last bill online (and the website showed zero remaining balance when I did so), I was forced to buy new policy from a new company, at a cheaper rateTherefore, I do NOT owe any money to anyone
it is not our place to cover the evaluation of our vehicle Mary L*** plainly stated the day I filed the claim if any more damage occurred after thr initial evaluation that it would be took care of this vehicle had no prior problems as this until it was hitI will agreevto take it to my mechanic and nationwide pay everything as they should have to begin with Also I contacted the agent about my refund and he refuses to give us May refund when they were contacted in April the vehicle was totaledI do not feel like anyone has professionally handled this entire claim and that I stand my ground that my vehicle was hit and the other insured was at fault therefore they should pay the claim and *** *** *** needs to reimburse a full premium
*** ***
We are in receipt of your request for information regarding the above referenced fileMs*** states that she did not give authorization for our agent to start a policy for her petShe is requesting a full refund for premium collected from her paycheck.Ms*** applied for the Major Medical
*Director of Operations
Plan with a $annual deductible and a Pet Wellness Basic Rider for her dog *** on December 8, The application was approved with an effective date of January 1, 2016.On January 19, Ms*** called our Customer Care department and said she had been enrolled without her consentHer policy was cancelled effective that day and a cancellation letter was sent on January 20, We issued a refund of unearned premium in the amount of $on April 23, Another refund of unearned premium was issued on July 10, in the amount of $18.38.Ms*** stated in her complaint that she never received the refund issued in April for $We issued a refund check on April 23, which was cashed on May 16, We have included a copy of the cashed check in our supporting documents.We have reviewed the enrollment call from December 8, Our agent was transparent on the enrollment process and was granted authorization by Ms*** at multiple points during the callHowever, in order to fully resolve this matter and because Ms*** did not use the policy, we have made the decision to cancel the policy back to the effective date and issue a full premium refundShe will receive a refund of $under a separate cover.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Joey Lopez, at or via email at [email protected],Julia S
I was not properly informed of the programI was not told my data would be lost and not transferred to another vehicleIf you look at my silveradoit is on the same path as the equinox to receive 40%What I am asking for is compensation for the misinformation and lack of customer serviceFor being a Driver based program, why does it rely on vehiclesWhy couldnt I just put the dongle to MY new car since it is tracking MY driving.
Regards, *** ***
This letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on July 6, 2015. Please note that we resolved MrYates’ claim with him on July 2, in exchange for a Release of All Claims
If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer
Relations Coordinator, *** ***, toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext*** or by email at ***
*** *** ***
Commercial Claims West
Nationwide Agribusiness Insurance Company
Phone: ###-###-####
Email Address: ***
I cannot thank you enough for all the help given to me during this my trying period I am sure if not for Revdex.com Dispute Resolution Team the company National Casualty Company would not have treated me wellThe lady was so arrogant anytime she speaks with meShe is not very nice/polite at allHowever, I am grateful for your helpI have taken the car for the 2nd opinion, and will take the car in to the shop on the 16th of January as that is the available spaceI will come up with the balance and fix my car as I do not want this to go in to the New Year I thank you greatly for all that you do, and you may pelase close the case now.Thanks a billion.I am indeed very grateful.Sincerely,*** ***
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated January 18, concerning our former policyholder, and the final balance owed on his cancelled property policyI would be happy to respond to the policyholder’s concerns on behalf of the company. On September 8, 2016, a billing
statement generated for a total payment due of $This included an amount due of $for the auto policy, ***This amount due was the final payment of the prior term that was effective April 1, through October 1, The total payment of $was received on September 28, 2016. On October 10, 2016, a billing statement generated for a total payment due of $This included an amount due of $for the auto policyThis amount due was the first payment of the policy renewal term that carried policy effective dates of October 1, through April 1, 2017. Mr*** requested the cancellation of all policies effective October 29, The final balance owed of $is for coverage provided for the auto policy from October 1, through October 29, 2016. This balance is showing owed on the property policy, ***, as this policy was the last active policy on the billing account. If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Joey L***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Tara P***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the Ohio Revdex.com regarding policy number ***for *** *** and to address her concerns about the policy.On 5/27/2015, Ms*** purchased a six-month personal auto insurance policy from American HeritageIns Brokers Inc with a
bill plan of 16.7% down and installments with an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) autodraft.On 10/12/2017, Ms*** was mailed, to the address on file, a Notice of Installment Due for $to bedue 10/27/2017.On 10/27/2017, no payment had been received and Cancellation/Notice of Payment was mailed to Ms.***This notice advised if no payment was received prior to 11/9/2017, the policy would cancel for nonpaymentof premium.On 11/9/2017, no payment had been received and Ms***’s policy cancelled per the above mentionednotice.On 1/8/2018, Ms*** contacted the member service center regarding the $collections balance.The member service representative advised the last installment bill was not paid and the balance was forcoverage provided until the 11/9/cancellationMs*** was asked if other insurance was obtainedprior to this date to which she responded her new policy started in December.As of 3/13/2018, a balance of $remains due for days of coverage provided from 5/27/untilcancellation 11/9/Ms*** indicated in her complaint that the last bill was paid, the company hasno record of a payment for the 10/27/billThe following are the payments received on Ms***’spolicy for the 5/27/to 11/27/term: 5/27/2017- $99.63, 6/17/2017- $74.47, 7/24/2017- $180.72,8/28/2017- $180.72, and 9/26/2017-$If Ms*** provides proof of this payment, the company willresearch to determine the best resolution.If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact Barb D*** at ###-###-#### or by email at***@nationwide.com.Sincerely,Dana P***Sales Manager- Non- Standard Auto
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from *** *** regarding the above noted fileAs Senior Analyst, Customer Resolution & Response Team, I have reviewed this file and would like to address Mr***’s concerns.Mr*** called Nationwide Sales Solutions
(NSS) on November 17, to get a commercial policy for his nail salonAt the time, the sales agent advised Mr*** that Nationwide would be able to cover his nail salonThe sales agent then bound a commercial policy with Mr***’s consent.On November 30, 2016, Nationwide mailed a cancellation notice to Mr*** stating that his policy was ineligible for coverage and would be effective until January 10, Additionally, on this date the sales agent emailed Mr*** to advise him his commercial policy would be cancelledThe sales agent apologized, explained he mistakenly referenced the incorrect forms at the time the policy was set up and stated Nationwide no longer offers insurance for nail salons.I verified with our underwriters that Nationwide has not offered insurance for nail salons for several years now and feedback has been sent to the leadership of the sales agent.On December 29, 2016, Nationwide issued a refund for $Mr***’s down payment would have covered him until January 17, The policy was cancelled effective January 10, which resulted in a refund of $Since Mr*** contacted his bank and disputed the November 17, down payment for $117.00, the refund was stop paid and applied to the billing accountThe collection amount for $is valid for the coverage that was provided from November 17, to January 10, 2017.On April 4, Mr*** responded to the sales agent’s email from November 30, and stated he received a letter from a collection agency in the amount of $Mr*** then stated he did not understand why he was receiving a bill for a policy that was never covered by NationwideMr*** asked the sales agent to take care of it as soon as possible and asked why he never received a refund for his two month down payment of $117.00.On April 4, the sales agent replied to Mr*** and explained the $collection amountwas due to the fact Mr*** contacted his bank after the original transaction to decline the original$down paymentThe sales agent referenced Mr***’s cancellation notice and explainedthe notice states Mr*** had coverage through January 10, The sales agent thenexplained since Nationwide offered coverage through January 10, 2017, we are requiring the originaldown payment that was taken, hence the collection amount of $102.00.If Mr*** completes the attached Policy Cancellation Form and includes the cancellationeffective date as November 17, then we can adjust the cancellation date of the policy and clearthe collection amount that is owedMr*** can fax the completed form to ###-###-#### forprocessing.We sincerely apologize to Mr*** for the inconvenienceI hope the information that I haveprovided has answered any questions in regards to this matterIf you require further assistance,please contact our *** *** ***, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or by emailat ***Sincerely,Stacy LT***
We are in receipt of your request for information regarding the above referenced fileMs*** is requesting a refund in the amount of $representing premium deducted from her payroll check.According to a review of our files, on December 22, Ms*** contacted our office to cancel her
policy as she had given the pet awayDuring the discussion it was discovered Ms*** actually had two policies for the same pet.- Policy *** applied for by speaking with an agent on November 4, 2015.- Policy *** applied for via our online enrollment center on October 22, 2015For both enrollments Ms*** opted to pay for the policy premium through payroll deductionsThis means her premium deductions would be taken from her paycheck by her employer and transferred to Nationwide through a Third Party AdministratorBoth polices were set to become effective January 1, 2016.During the call on December 22, Ms*** requested her policy be cancelledThe cancellation transaction for both policies was completed in our system on December 23, and the information forwarded to the Third Party AdministratorPlease note at the time of cancellation and as of the date of this letter, no premium has been received from the Third Party Administrator.We have reached out to the Third Party Administrator and confirmed the cancellation requests (stop premium deductions) have been processed and that two billings of $are outstandingAlthough Ms***’s company deducted the premium from her check, the money has not been received by the Third Party Administrator and has not been sent to Nationwide Pet Insurance (formerly VPI).Once Nationwide receives the premium from the Third Party Administrator we will refund the money to Ms*** within twenty-four hoursPlease note, as explained to Ms*** during a call on January 7, 2016, it may take one or two pay periods before premium payment is received by our companyAdditionally, we are not sure if we will receive both installments of $together or separately, however as soon as we receive the funds we will send a check to Ms***.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or via email at *** Sincerely,Lynne CH*** *** *** ***
I had put in a complaint last about Nationwide and my insurance billWhen I started my own policy with nationwide I had paid When I received the bill for the following month it went up to I called Nationwide to explain as to why the increase no one could tell me whyAt this rate I had sent in a complaint with the Revdex.comAfter it was disputed, my bill ended up being for the remaining policyThe start of my new policy my bill was I called Nationwide to explain to me as to where did the increase come fromThe representatives Michelle stated that there was a increase because of the area I am inShe went on to state everyone has seen this increaseMy mother also has been with Nationwide and has a policy with them, we live in the same householdShe has not had an increase in her insuranceI asked her to send me in writing or where I can find this increaseI have not received itIt looks as if I have roadside assistance on my policy in which I never asked forI have it through my dealershipBy the end of the call I was quoted When I received the email it stated I would like to know in writing of the area in crease and why my mother has not seen itIs this going to be an ongoing thing with my policy of a increase? I wanted to know how it can increase so much from 134.00? I would also like documentation of that as well as, where the extra is coming from for next month.Thank you*** ***
Dear Ms***:This is in response to the complaint received from Ms*** regarding her auto policy.The policy was written with an inception date of July 16, and a full-term premium of $2,The policy effective dates were from July 16, to July 16, The billing account
*SrAnalystCustomer Response and Resolution###-###-####***@nationwide.com
was setup for the bills to be sent by e-mail electronically per Ms***’s request, using the e-mail address of [email protected], instead of being sent by mail.Nationwide Personal Lines Services (Service) was contacted by Ms*** on August 15, due to a bill not being receivedNo bill was sent for an August due dateThe first bill was sent via e-mail, to the address provided, on August 23, for the September 16, due date with a minimum due of $Service was contacted again on September 15, 2016, and Ms*** had advised that she had not received the billThe Customer Service Representative verified the e-mail address on file was correct, and Ms*** advised that she did not have anything in her spam/junk e-mail folderA payment was received for $on September 17, to pay that invoice.On September 22, 2016, Ms*** spoke to a representative from Nationwide’s Escalations departmentMs*** had again advised that no bills had been received via e-mailThe Escalations representative again verified that the e-mail on file was correct and submitted a request to Nationwide’s Information Technology (IT) department to investigate the issue and an e-mail was sent to confirm this was doneAn e-mail was received from Ms*** by the Escalations representative later on September 22, 2016, stating that she did receive the October bill via e-mailThe response from IT was that the bills were sent to the e-mail on file for September and October as designed, but they could not determine why Ms*** may not have received the bill for September.On October 8, 2016, Ms*** called Service and requested to cancel the auto policy and homeowner policy HNC ***The Customer Service Representative provided the cancellation requirements and sent cancellation forms to Ms*** via e-mailBoth policies were cancelled effective October 7, per the signed written requests receivedWhen the cancellations were processed on October (auto) and October (homeowner), this resulted in a credit of $for the homeowner policy and a balance owed of $for the auto policy, based upon the prior payments received compared to the balance owed for coverage provided on each policy.The request to have the credit for the homeowner policy applied to cover the balance owed on the auto policy was not completed prior to the refund being mailed for the homeowner policyThis resulted in a final bill and subsequent payment collection notice being sent for the auto policy for $143.55, since a payment was not received to pay the balance owedThe company acknowledges that the homeowner credit was not applied as requested, and due to the refund of $for the homeowner policy being cashed as of October 24, 2016, the refund could no longer be stopped and applied to cover the balance owed for the auto policySince this was premium owed for actual coverage provided for the auto policy, the remaining balance could not be waivedThe balance for the auto policy remained due for $for coverage provided from July 16, to October 7, 2016, which was a total balance owed of $611.48, including installment fees, compared to total payments received for $This needed to be paid by December 4, to prevent the balance from being referred to Credit Collection Services (CCS).On December 6, 2016, since payment was not received, the balance of $was referred to CCS for additional collection activityOn December 22, 2016, CCS contacted the company to advise that Ms*** disputed the collection owed and advised the company that it had closed the collection account for the auto policyBased upon the information received from CCS, the amount has been removed from collection statusIf Ms*** does decide come back to Nationwide in the future, the amount would need to be paid, but there will be no further collection attempts.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice Kleinhans, at ###-###-#### or by email at [email protected],Joel F
That is what I was told when I called about my damagesI was told by nationwide that no other claim needed to be open and that they would take care of it when the damages were fixed from the hit and runI gave no authorization to open a new claimI did not call the tow companyNationwide didthis is a comp at nationwide used and trustedI had no say on which company came to tow my car. Regards,
*** ***
I have read Mr.G***'s response, I wonder if all information is being relayed between all nationwide reps There is no mention of the appraisal I received from my third party of $2,diminished value or any mention of verbal communication with repMonica F
* of further negotiation Her offer was $1,diminished value, plus $for loss of use of vehicle during transmission repairs We also discussed a rental fee for a car at $99.90, during D&D evaluation of transmission issue dating back to 11/17/( it has taken that long to get resolution on damage!) In which she stated would be covered, as the car was needed for medical appointments resulting from the wreck As in the fax I sent to B.B.B & Monica F
*, I would settle at the middle of both third party appraisals of between $1,and $2,at a total of $1,plus the $loss of use compand reimbursement of rental car expense Monica stated she would take this to the table and get back to me That was 11/19/ I had not heard from any nationwide repuntil this e-mail There was NO mention of final offer as stated by Mr.G***! I will fax you a copy of rental car receipt for your records.Thank You,
*** ***
I read you finding from your investigation of my concerns as
a customer I should have been made aware of the status of my claim without me
having to call anyone. As a courtesy to
your customers a letter, email or simple phone call could have easily been done
which would have avoided me from contacting your claims representative
If your representative called repeatedly needing information
from me, left voice messages but I ignored them and never responded…They would
not like it one bit…and neither do I
I do not accept your response letter; it stands to reason
that you are covering up for your employee instead of addressing the issue
It seems to me that customer service should be the life line
of any business…without the customer you don’t have a business I demand any apology for no response from your
claim representative for ignoring and not responding to any of my phone
inquiries concerning the status of my claim
Regards, *** ***
Your inquiry on behalf of the customer associated with the complaint ID noted above was referred to me for response.My review indicated that our Customer Service Representative did not provide correct information regarding the change in the billing system when speaking to the insured late last year
In conjunction with this change, the new billing program would not function in the same manner as the previous one hadThe insured was making monthly payments on a program that required payment in full only at the beginning of the new policy termWhile the prior billing program allowed the monthly payments, the new one would not.I spoke to Ms*** and explained what had occurredShe indicated they had obtained other insurance but needed correction to their policy cancellation date to avoid forced placed insurance by their lienholderThis change has been made and the collection process halted as there is no longer an outstanding balance owedWe regret the confusion created by the inaccurate information provided by our representative during our transitioning to the new billing program.Thank you for this opportunity to review our handlingI hope the additional information provided serves to further explain our actionsIf you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K*** direct at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Mary K*** *** *** *** ***
the dates are still not correct on the policyThe Chevy Impala change date suppose to have be November 28, not January 27, Also like I stated in my complaint as the outcome I will not be paying for coverage that my car didn't haveI rode around for months without insurance and weeks without a tagI was finally able to get me tag on January 25, so that's the date the Nissan Altima is considered registered with insurance by the state of GeorgiaNationwide will not get a dollar out of me until the dates match what I just sent back as my reason for rejecting Nationwide effort thus far
Regards, *** ***
(1) A response from nationwideWe spoke with the insured and she agreed to allow us to send out a vendorto evaluate the couch for repair/replacement.(2) A check for the cost to replace the couches and dispose of the oldcouchesOnce the evaluation is complete we will review for repair or
replacement.(3) The $1,deductible refunded/subrogation process initiatedSubrogation was referred and is working with the liable carrier to pursuesubrogation. If subrogation is successful the subrogation department willhandle reimbursement.(4) Check for the depreciation withheldThe depreciation check was issued prior to this complaint
Insurance does not work with us We like you to understand, all the painting was not pay, all the rugs and linoleum were not pay, the total amount of this insurance was very strange, the girl Emily also call every one that gives us estimatesif the (illegible word) were in one or two walls, is not need to paint the room, the rugs were "vandalise" with paint with grease also torn a part was not need to change it, this was the way she told us -- Now the bats, they will send some one to check, with a new adjuster, meanwile times goes by and no rent for us, we are disable and old, with pains but we believed this insurance how us months of rent, are the one that blocked everything and we are not able to go on with our life and rentWe feel is a elderly abuse and it is the insurance is to slowThay did not say to get prices, they call the co - we did not have time to get and paid of the jobs to dueDue the job: you must get paidSo you can paid the workAs I say the insurance cothe co - must responseWith the consumer and work, with the consumer is a long time consumeryou shud trust to work withI have a good agent*** ***, owner of *** Insurance Agency, *** *** *** Boss *** *** *** *** is not so good. Sincerely yours *** ***
Regards, *** ***
the company's response is falseI had never canceled my policyI am a new mother of three! and have no time for canceling or researching new companies, nor signing up with anyoneInstead, I had received a letter from the company stating they will no longer continue my policy at the same rateThen they proceeded to send me packets and packets of papers to sign for a more expensive policy, which is obscene on more than one levelAfter I paid my last bill online (and the website showed zero remaining balance when I did so), I was forced to buy new policy from a new company, at a cheaper rateTherefore, I do NOT owe any money to anyone
it is not our place to cover the evaluation of our vehicle Mary L*** plainly stated the day I filed the claim if any more damage occurred after thr initial evaluation that it would be took care of this vehicle had no prior problems as this until it was hitI will agreevto take it to my mechanic and nationwide pay everything as they should have to begin with Also I contacted the agent about my refund and he refuses to give us May refund when they were contacted in April the vehicle was totaledI do not feel like anyone has professionally handled this entire claim and that I stand my ground that my vehicle was hit and the other insured was at fault therefore they should pay the claim and *** *** *** needs to reimburse a full premium
*** ***