This letter is in response to the complaint received by the Company from your office regarding the cancellation of Auto policy *** ***for Mr***. The Auto policy was written with original effective dates of January 17, to January 17, and a full-term premium of
$463.20. The policy originally included a Mercury as the only insured vehicle and *** *** as the only insured driver. The policy was setup to be billed monthly to Mr*** by mail using the mailing address of *** *** ** ** *** ** *** ** ***. Bills were sent starting on January 25, for an initial due date of February 17, 2016. Monthly payments were received for February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November. A Chevrolet pickup was added as a second vehicle effective September 20, as requested through the local independent Agency, *** *** *** ***. This change added a pro-rated additional premium of $and increased the full-term premium to $787.50. A bill was sent by mail to Mr*** using the address on file on December 5, for an amount due of $and a due date of December 17, 2016. This bill was delayed due to the November payment being received late on December 2, compared to the due date of November 17, 2016. A notice of cancellation was sent to Mr*** by mail on December 21, due to payment not being received A separate notification was sent to the Agency electronically to advise of payment being past due. The notice of cancellation requested a payment of at least $90.64, including a $late fee, and provided last day to accept payment of January 2, to prevent cancellation. The notice advised that the Auto policy would cancel effective at 12:AM on January 3, if the payment was not received. Due to the payment not being received, the Auto policy cancelled as advised on the notice of cancellation. The policy cancellation was not related to any claim, driving history, personal background, or any reason other than non-payment of premium. A remaining balance of $was due after cancellation to pay for coverage provided up to January 3, 2017. No refund or reimbursement can be sent as premium was due for coverage provided up to the effective date of cancellation. If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Barb D***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Joel F*
Please find my response next to nationwide response in brackets:[Our records indicate Mr*** contacted our office on July 6,to apply for insurance coverage for his petCodiBased on the information provided at the time of application, the policy was approved and becameeffective July 20,
2015.]That is correct First of all, thank you for responding to my complaint, as this is the first time you (Nationwide) has given me a response other than 'your claim is under process'[We received a claim on July 30, for the treatment dates of July 21,to July 24,The claimsubmission included medical records from June 12, to July 24, The claim form stated "sclerosingencapsulating peritonitis" as the diagnosisDue to the close proximity of the treatment date to the policy effectivedate it was necessary to request complete medical records in order to determine claim eligibility].So what, accidents happen Along with my claim filed on July 30, 2015, I faxed sheets of detailed medical documents to Nationwide I also included my pets first and last healthy pet exam These documents by themselves have been selfexplanatory and should have been sufficient to process my claim I should not have been asked to clarify simplestatements that are already clear and especially when such clarifications directly impact in the claim to get unreasonably delayed (and realize that all through this, my pet is fighting for its life due to an unfortunate accident).[After contacting our office to determine what was required to process his claim, Mr*** submitted informationdated August 10, clarifying his pet's last physical exam was performed on June 12, The informationwas forwarded to Underwriting for review].Yes, but nothing happened after that I had to call Nationwide times for them to yet to again issue another so-called'clarification'.[Based on our review of the letter and medical records submitted, it was necessary to clarify the surgical findingswith the treating veterinarianA questionnaire was faxed on September 11, to *** *** ***
***, to the attention of Dr*** *** The review completion is pending the questionnaire from Dr.***This is a serious problem Dr*** had provided very detailed information in her clinical notes exactly addressing theconcerns of the so called yet again clarification questionnaire Regardless, I contacted Dr***, and she confirmed that no such fax has been received by her I had to contact Nationwide yet again and the customer servicestated they will try faxing again Please realize, doctors are very important busy professionals (who play a life-saving role in lives of many), and their clinical notes should be treated as an artifact, and here I have to yet again run around various people and making sure my claim does not get stuck in oblivion (all for answering a question that they have already answered)and realize that all through this, I have here a sick dog, and his treatment has taken a back-seat while I struggle with the Nationwide on his very first claim It must be noted that I have to file subsequent claims as well, and more importantly I have to focus on the treatment of my pet who is fighting for its life due to the accident It is sad, that Nationwide has taken away the focus from my pets treatment and instead they have made me run around my insurance claim.[Mr*** indicated in his desired settlement that we stop misleading other consumers with blatantly wrongstatementsWe are sorry Mr*** feels mislead and is dissatisfied with his policyWe do not believe we aremisleading to consumers and at the time of policy issuance mail a copy of the policy contract to the policyholderto allow them time to review the terms and conditions Mr*** requested his policy be canceled after the claim is processedWe have accepted this complaint as hiswritten request to cancel and have canceled as of the date we received this complaint, September 11,Thecancellation of his policy will not impact any review of the claim submitted]This is wrong "First" my claim has not been processed and fully re-imbursed (in fact it has not been re-imbursed at all).Further, I have to file subsequent claims as well And importantly if my premuim that I payed Nationwide is not re-imbursed (which it hasn't)then my insurance should not to be cancelled But first, I want Nationwide to do its first job Nationwide sings over and over: "Nationwide is on your (customers) side" Really? My pet is fighting for its life, and Nationwide is again and againasking for simple (non-sensical) clarifications that are totally unwarranted I am highly disappointed yet again and dont expect anything better from Nationwide I believe Nationwide does not have stomach to pay any claim, and it will continue this game of issuing clarifications after clarifications and endlessly delay processing my claim, till either my pet passes away, or I do, and then there will be no one left to address their clarifications and Nationwide can not only eat away the premium I already paid, while easily claiming that their clarifications were never answered, and thus their master rationale of their not paying any claim I am very disappointed. ***
We are in receipt of Ms***’s rejection of our response regarding the above referenced fileIn her complaint, Ms*** is disputing the processing of the above referenced claims and is requesting additional benefits be applied.As stated in our original response, we have requested records on Ms***’s behalf in order to determine if additional benefits apply to the above referenced claimsWe received the requested records on October 18, Our review was completed on October 20, and found that Murphy was treated primarily for pneumonia on all claims in questionThe claims were reprocessed with a primary diagnosis of Pneumonia (code 1447) and secondary benefits were applied as indicated in the recordsA letter explaining the outcome of the review was sent to Ms*** on October 20, A revised explanation of benefits was sent out for each claim reprocessed.Please note that our review is final unless we receive additional documentation that was previously unsubmitted.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Patty G*** at ###-###-#### or via email at ***.Sincerely,Vincent G***###-###-####
I have received your correspondence regarding the complaint made to the Better Busines Bureau of Columbus Ohio, related to the accident on July 20, with a Nationwide customerI have reviewed the file and would like to update you on the issues in which there were concerns. It seems
the complainant wants her medical bills paidHowever, Kansas state law mandates that the first $in medical bills must be paid by one’s own carrier*** *** Insurance, Ms***’s automobile insurance carrier, is responsible for the first $in billsOnce they pay $2000, she will then qualify for a bodily injury claim through Nationwide InsuranceMs*** may want to contact *** *** Insurance to get these bills paidThe handling adjuster is John F* and can be reached at ###-###-####. In the letter Ms*** also indicated the Nationwide claims associate is never available and has not provided adequate information to herDuring my review of the claim, I noticed the claims associate has left six voicemails for Ms*** to return her calls and none have been returnedWe have also sent two letters, asking Ms*** to contact usWe would like information regarding how Ms*** and her son are feeling and if they have had any treatmentMs*** can reach her bodily injury adjuster, Sheri A***, at ###-###-#### between 7:30am and 4:00pm on Monday through Friday. If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Claire S***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***
***Nationwide has reviewed the concerns filed by Ms*** regarding the Auto policy,*** *gainThe information that was previously provided regarding the billing of thepolicy has been confirmed as accurate.When the policy was requested to be cancelled effective October 3, 2017, there was a remainingbalance of $1,on the billing accountWhen the policy was cancelled, the unearned premiumin the amount of $1,was removed from the billing accountThis unearned premium was forthe period from October 3, through July 16, (since coverage was no longer providedeffective October 3, There was a remaining balance of $87.63.Because the policy’s cancellation (effective October 3, 2017) was not processed until October 11,2017, the automatic withdrawal from the bank account still went through on October 9, Apayment of $was draftedThis brought the remaining balance owed to -$58.53.The total premium owed for the renewal term that began on July 16, 2017, and was then pro-ratecancelled effective October 3, (including fees) was $The total amount that was paid toNationwide for the Insurance provided was $439.48.There was an overpayment of $A refund in the amount of $was sent to the bankaccount from which payment was automatically draftedA refund check in the amount of $wasmailed to Ms*** as reimbursement for the two insufficient funds fees that were incurred due tothe draft from the bank account for the policy’s paymentNo additional refund’s are owed to Ms.***, as the $premium that was charged was valid.If you require further assistance, please contact me, Angela S*** at ###-###-#### or by email at***Sincerely,George K***
Thank you for contacting Nationwide concerning Ms***’s auto policy coverage and recent claimSarah S*** from our Agency Support Unit has investigated the loss and has advised Ms*** of her findingsNotes on the policy, placed there by the agent on December 14, 2015, state that she
wanted to remove comprehensive and collision from the vehicle on that date , and that she would contact the company at her renewal on January 16, if she wanted to add the coverage backA declarations page was also sent to Ms*** on December 16, to confirm her coverage selectionUnfortunately there is no documentation indicating that she made the request to place that coverage back on the Nissan prior to the loss on January 16, As such, all of our documentation indicates that the coverage was removed per her request, and not in errorAs there is no error at this time, we are not able to recommend that the coverage be placed on the Nissan for the underlying lossOn behalf of Nationwide, I apologize if the service she received didn't meet her expectations and for any inconvenience it may have caused
Good day,We respectfully request an extension to reply of Friday, December so that we can ensure we provide a thorough and complete response.Your flexibility and acknowledgement of this request is greatly appreciated.Thank you.[Nationwide is on your side.]
The member’s wife filed a claim on their homeowners insurance policy on 9/30/for water damage from recent rains. Mrs*** *** stated on 09/29/at approx9:pm, that there was a rain storm and she noticed rain leaking through a roof vent onto the second
floor bedroom vent, onto the second floor carpet. *** *** *** was dispatched to begin drying out the structure and removed damaged interior items. Heavy rains continued in this area for several days. *** *** *** was unable to tarp roof due to rain and access to roof. Additional damages occurred to interior due to continued rains. Member refused to have *** *** *** to continue repairs and asked for a field inspection on 10/14/15. A complaint was filed with the on 10/14/15, claiming *** *** *** has not completed repairs. A claims professional met with the member on 10/15/and wrote a repair estimate and dispatched a separate contractor to tarp the roof to prevent further damages.
Claims manager spoke with member, George J***, on 10/16/and verified that the complaint has been resolved with a new contractor involved. The claims manager left his name and number to contact him if there were any additional questions or issues. No further issues, the complaint is resolved
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.
Ken G***
*** *** ***
Good afternoon,I am writing in response to the complaint number referenced above.In researching the accounts, I found that the complainant has had two closed Home Equity lines ofCredit with Nationwide Bank.On today's date, we overnighted the Satisfaction of Mortgage documents to the county in which
theproperty is located for each of the two lines of creditWe also emailed the complainant copies of thesame documents and provided the FedEx tracking number for the package that is being sent to thecounty of residence for the complainant.I have spoken with the complainant multiple times and kept her aware of the progress in the resolutionof her concerns.We consider this matter resolvedPlease feel free to let me know if there are further questions orconcerns.Sincerely,
This letter is in response to the assistance requested from *** *** regarding thecancellation and subsequent request to reinstate her Auto Insurance Policy.In review of the policy, there was a bill generated January 3, for $due January26, 2017.January 31, when no payment was
received, a $late fee was added to the billANotice of Cancellation was mailed to the insured advising $was due by February 15,2017, or the policy would cancel effective February 16, 2017.February 2, a last day to pay text was sent to the insured advising the last day to paywas February 15, 2017.February 21, a collection letter was sent to the insured advising the policy wascancelled and there was an amount due of $for premium owed up until the February16, cancellation date.February 22, the insured called regarding the policy and was advised it was cancelledand not eligible for reinstatementShe was advised the Service Center could take paymentfor the collections amount and forward her to the Agent for a quote on a new policy.I apologize for the frustrations expressed in the complaintOur review indicates there wereno errors in the processing of the billing and cancellationIn accordance with companyguidelines, the policy cannot be reinstated or reversed.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, CathyD***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Jennifer C***
Please accept this letter as a status update to our original response dated September 24, 2015.As previously stated, review of policy *** for *** *** ***, indicated three claims (claim #'s*** *** *** *** *** and ** ***) were recently temporarily denied until additionalinformation was submitted*** *** *** has several noted pre-existing conditions which areexcluded from coverage on her policy.During the initial review of her claims it was noted that the claims submitted were for the condition ofsevere chronic rhinitis which is one of the excluded pre-existing conditions, therefore we placed atemporary denial code on the Explanation of Benefits instructing the member to submit medicalrecords to review this exclusion as well as the claims.Since our initial response we have received the medical records necessary to allow us to complete ourreviewThe review found the claims noted above will remain denied in accordance with terms andconditions of the policy contractAdditionally a new claim submitted after our initial response, claim#*** *** noting a diagnosis of "chronic rhinitis," has also been denied as the condition isexcluded from coverage.Medical records received from *** *** *** *** *** document that *** *** ***has had "chronic waxing and waning rhinitis for nine years" which was also noted at enrollment asbeing treated prior to policy applicationAs this condition is pre-existing and a noted pre-existingcondition on the policy, it is ineligible for coverage.Section "What We Do Not Cover: Exclusions" of the policy states:8.A"This policy will not pay for pre-existing conditionsA condition is not pre-existing if itwas cured before the effective of this insurance policy and there has not been a recurrence ormanifestation of the condition for at least six (6) months."Underwritten by: *** ** *** *** 8.T "This policy will not pay for diagnostic test(~o) r treatment(~)f or conditions excluded orlimited by this policy or tests or treatments for complications of conditions excluded or limitedby this policy."Section defines pre-existing condition as:"Pre-existing condition means any condition that began or was contracted, manifested, orincurred before the effective date of this policy, whether or not the condition was discovered,diagnosed, or treated."Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer RelationsCoordinator, Patty G***, at ###-###-#### or via email at ***Sincerely,Ben W*** *** *** ***
This claim involves our policyholder’s vehicle causing damage to the Complainant’s property.We previously went to the loss location and completed a damage estimateThe Complainant then presented *** *** ***l with an estimate that was significantly higher than our estimateAt that time
*** *** ***l went back out to the property and did a re-inspection*** *** ***l increased our damage assessment and have spoken to the Complainant’s contractor and both are in agreement that all of the work can be done for $2,*** *** ***l then presented the Complainant with a Property Damage Release and have advised that a check would be overnighted to them upon the receipt of the releaseThe Complainant is not satisfied with this and will not sign the release without having the check.*** *** ***l is in the process of scheduling a time for the Complainant and a *** *** ***l representative to meet and exchange the signed release for the settlement draft.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Claire Steiner, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Adam A***Casualty Claims Manage
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from our insured *** ***. We strive to provide quality service while conforming to the expectations of our customer and all regulations.
Ms*** had a water loss on March 22, 2015.
The water escaped from a pipe in a chase wall on an exterior bathroom. The water leaked down from the upstairs chase wall down into the living and dining area below requiring repair to the walls, ceiling and floor. A containment area was created to limit dust and disturbance to the other areas of the home during the drying and remediation process. On 4/30/Ms*** called our Customer Advocacy Center and stated she was unhappy that she was not placed in a hotel during her repair process and also that she was unhappy with the restoration company because they had not placed all her belongings back in the proper locations in the home. I notified the restoration company who responded and moved the contents into the areas she requested and we also discussed the considerations for additional living accommodations. I explained that while she does have coverage for ALE it was not initiated because the damages were limited to areas of the home that could be contained to prevent as much disturbance as possibleI spoke with her and explained that ALE (Additional Living Expenses) is cost incurred. In her situation as explained, she did not need nor was required to stay in a hotel and the cost was not incurred. No payment can be made since no cost was incurred
I also apologized for any inconvenience that the loss and repairs caused her and for the issues with the general contractor who needed to return to properly move articles to her desired areas of the home.
Ms*** commented of a fall that was documented in her complaint to have occurred on May 5th. The fall was never reported to Nationwide but rather to the contractor, *** ***, following the completion of the restoration. The work was completed and a final walkthrough was held on 4/21/15. After the completion of the work Ms*** contacted the contractor and said she had tripped on the new carpet. It was determined that there was no installation issues with the new carpet but possibly tripped because the carpet was new.
I will include a copy of the estimate and photos in this response. If there are any additional questions or concerns please feel free to call my office at ###-###-####
Warren Y***
*** ***
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and am happy to report I have finally received the payment for both claims.
Regards, *** ***
I am writing in response to the complaint received today regarding Ms***’ checking account with Nationwide Bank, and funds that have been held in the account.In reviewing Ms***’ account, I find that as of today’s date, we have reached the ten-day required hold time prior to account closure
As Ms***’ payroll direct deposit was posted within that time frame, the deposit became part of the balance that was restrictedWith that a request has been submitted to close all accounts that Ms*** holds with Nationwide Bank, with a check to be mailed to the address we have on fileThat check will be mailed no later than February 14, Ms*** will also receive, in a separate mailing, a letter confirming the account closuresWe ask that our customers allow seven to ten business days to receive any item or items that are mailed.I certainly regret the unfortunate timing that resulted in delaying the availability of Ms***’ payroll deposit.Sincerely,
They are not being truthfulIn that "conversation" with *** *** refunds that the company owes were also discussedI have all the info available and will fax as soon as I get homeWe have the original nexus Lexus report from when I joined on my own policy in may I am not a new person added to nationwideAt this time a nexus lexis report was sent that *** attached in an email which I will forward, that clearly has the may 14th incidentAt the bottom of the attachement you will see noted the print date of that report I am unable to attach the email so I will forward it.
Regards, *** ***
Dear Ms.***I am writing in response to your concerns regarding your closed auto loan with Nationwide Bank.I am very sorry to hear that you have had so much difficulty in attempting to payoff and close yourNationwide Bank auto loan.I am in the process of working with a supervisor in our Bank
Operations area to ensure that this loan isreflecting paid in fullI also want to be able to confirm that this is not going to have a negative impact onyour credit.Again, I apologize for the frustration you have experiencedI hope that we can come to a resolution foryou in the coming days, I will provide a follow up with a final resolution once this matter has beencompletely resolvedIf there are any questions in the interim, please feel free to give me a call.Sincerely,Sara H*** ** *** ***Nationwide Bank###-###-####
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me They have resolved my complaint at this time
This letter is in response to the complaint received by the Company from your office regarding the cancellation of Auto policy *** ***for Mr***. The Auto policy was written with original effective dates of January 17, to January 17, and a full-term premium of
$463.20. The policy originally included a Mercury as the only insured vehicle and *** *** as the only insured driver. The policy was setup to be billed monthly to Mr*** by mail using the mailing address of *** *** ** ** *** ** *** ** ***. Bills were sent starting on January 25, for an initial due date of February 17, 2016. Monthly payments were received for February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and November. A Chevrolet pickup was added as a second vehicle effective September 20, as requested through the local independent Agency, *** *** *** ***. This change added a pro-rated additional premium of $and increased the full-term premium to $787.50. A bill was sent by mail to Mr*** using the address on file on December 5, for an amount due of $and a due date of December 17, 2016. This bill was delayed due to the November payment being received late on December 2, compared to the due date of November 17, 2016. A notice of cancellation was sent to Mr*** by mail on December 21, due to payment not being received A separate notification was sent to the Agency electronically to advise of payment being past due. The notice of cancellation requested a payment of at least $90.64, including a $late fee, and provided last day to accept payment of January 2, to prevent cancellation. The notice advised that the Auto policy would cancel effective at 12:AM on January 3, if the payment was not received. Due to the payment not being received, the Auto policy cancelled as advised on the notice of cancellation. The policy cancellation was not related to any claim, driving history, personal background, or any reason other than non-payment of premium. A remaining balance of $was due after cancellation to pay for coverage provided up to January 3, 2017. No refund or reimbursement can be sent as premium was due for coverage provided up to the effective date of cancellation. If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Barb D***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Joel F
Please find my response next to nationwide response in brackets:[Our records indicate Mr*** contacted our office on July 6,to apply for insurance coverage for his petCodiBased on the information provided at the time of application, the policy was approved and becameeffective July 20,
2015.]That is correct First of all, thank you for responding to my complaint, as this is the first time you (Nationwide) has given me a response other than 'your claim is under process'[We received a claim on July 30, for the treatment dates of July 21,to July 24,The claimsubmission included medical records from June 12, to July 24, The claim form stated "sclerosingencapsulating peritonitis" as the diagnosisDue to the close proximity of the treatment date to the policy effectivedate it was necessary to request complete medical records in order to determine claim eligibility].So what, accidents happen Along with my claim filed on July 30, 2015, I faxed sheets of detailed medical documents to Nationwide I also included my pets first and last healthy pet exam These documents by themselves have been selfexplanatory and should have been sufficient to process my claim I should not have been asked to clarify simplestatements that are already clear and especially when such clarifications directly impact in the claim to get unreasonably delayed (and realize that all through this, my pet is fighting for its life due to an unfortunate accident).[After contacting our office to determine what was required to process his claim, Mr*** submitted informationdated August 10, clarifying his pet's last physical exam was performed on June 12, The informationwas forwarded to Underwriting for review].Yes, but nothing happened after that I had to call Nationwide times for them to yet to again issue another so-called'clarification'.[Based on our review of the letter and medical records submitted, it was necessary to clarify the surgical findingswith the treating veterinarianA questionnaire was faxed on September 11, to *** *** ***
***, to the attention of Dr*** *** The review completion is pending the questionnaire from Dr.***This is a serious problem Dr*** had provided very detailed information in her clinical notes exactly addressing theconcerns of the so called yet again clarification questionnaire Regardless, I contacted Dr***, and she confirmed that no such fax has been received by her I had to contact Nationwide yet again and the customer servicestated they will try faxing again Please realize, doctors are very important busy professionals (who play a life-saving role in lives of many), and their clinical notes should be treated as an artifact, and here I have to yet again run around various people and making sure my claim does not get stuck in oblivion (all for answering a question that they have already answered)and realize that all through this, I have here a sick dog, and his treatment has taken a back-seat while I struggle with the Nationwide on his very first claim It must be noted that I have to file subsequent claims as well, and more importantly I have to focus on the treatment of my pet who is fighting for its life due to the accident It is sad, that Nationwide has taken away the focus from my pets treatment and instead they have made me run around my insurance claim.[Mr*** indicated in his desired settlement that we stop misleading other consumers with blatantly wrongstatementsWe are sorry Mr*** feels mislead and is dissatisfied with his policyWe do not believe we aremisleading to consumers and at the time of policy issuance mail a copy of the policy contract to the policyholderto allow them time to review the terms and conditions Mr*** requested his policy be canceled after the claim is processedWe have accepted this complaint as hiswritten request to cancel and have canceled as of the date we received this complaint, September 11,Thecancellation of his policy will not impact any review of the claim submitted]This is wrong "First" my claim has not been processed and fully re-imbursed (in fact it has not been re-imbursed at all).Further, I have to file subsequent claims as well And importantly if my premuim that I payed Nationwide is not re-imbursed (which it hasn't)then my insurance should not to be cancelled But first, I want Nationwide to do its first job Nationwide sings over and over: "Nationwide is on your (customers) side" Really? My pet is fighting for its life, and Nationwide is again and againasking for simple (non-sensical) clarifications that are totally unwarranted I am highly disappointed yet again and dont expect anything better from Nationwide I believe Nationwide does not have stomach to pay any claim, and it will continue this game of issuing clarifications after clarifications and endlessly delay processing my claim, till either my pet passes away, or I do, and then there will be no one left to address their clarifications and Nationwide can not only eat away the premium I already paid, while easily claiming that their clarifications were never answered, and thus their master rationale of their not paying any claim I am very disappointed. ***
We are in receipt of Ms***’s rejection of our response regarding the above referenced fileIn her complaint, Ms*** is disputing the processing of the above referenced claims and is requesting additional benefits be applied.As stated in our original response, we have requested records on Ms***’s behalf in order to determine if additional benefits apply to the above referenced claimsWe received the requested records on October 18, Our review was completed on October 20, and found that Murphy was treated primarily for pneumonia on all claims in questionThe claims were reprocessed with a primary diagnosis of Pneumonia (code 1447) and secondary benefits were applied as indicated in the recordsA letter explaining the outcome of the review was sent to Ms*** on October 20, A revised explanation of benefits was sent out for each claim reprocessed.Please note that our review is final unless we receive additional documentation that was previously unsubmitted.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Patty G*** at ###-###-#### or via email at ***.Sincerely,Vincent G***###-###-####
I have received your correspondence regarding the complaint made to the Better Busines Bureau of Columbus Ohio, related to the accident on July 20, with a Nationwide customerI have reviewed the file and would like to update you on the issues in which there were concerns. It seems
* and can be reached at ###-###-####. In the letter Ms*** also indicated the Nationwide claims associate is never available and has not provided adequate information to herDuring my review of the claim, I noticed the claims associate has left six voicemails for Ms*** to return her calls and none have been returnedWe have also sent two letters, asking Ms*** to contact usWe would like information regarding how Ms*** and her son are feeling and if they have had any treatmentMs*** can reach her bodily injury adjuster, Sheri A***, at ###-###-#### between 7:30am and 4:00pm on Monday through Friday. If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Claire S***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***
the complainant wants her medical bills paidHowever, Kansas state law mandates that the first $in medical bills must be paid by one’s own carrier*** *** Insurance, Ms***’s automobile insurance carrier, is responsible for the first $in billsOnce they pay $2000, she will then qualify for a bodily injury claim through Nationwide InsuranceMs*** may want to contact *** *** Insurance to get these bills paidThe handling adjuster is John F
***Nationwide has reviewed the concerns filed by Ms*** regarding the Auto policy,*** *gainThe information that was previously provided regarding the billing of thepolicy has been confirmed as accurate.When the policy was requested to be cancelled effective October 3, 2017, there was a remainingbalance of $1,on the billing accountWhen the policy was cancelled, the unearned premiumin the amount of $1,was removed from the billing accountThis unearned premium was forthe period from October 3, through July 16, (since coverage was no longer providedeffective October 3, There was a remaining balance of $87.63.Because the policy’s cancellation (effective October 3, 2017) was not processed until October 11,2017, the automatic withdrawal from the bank account still went through on October 9, Apayment of $was draftedThis brought the remaining balance owed to -$58.53.The total premium owed for the renewal term that began on July 16, 2017, and was then pro-ratecancelled effective October 3, (including fees) was $The total amount that was paid toNationwide for the Insurance provided was $439.48.There was an overpayment of $A refund in the amount of $was sent to the bankaccount from which payment was automatically draftedA refund check in the amount of $wasmailed to Ms*** as reimbursement for the two insufficient funds fees that were incurred due tothe draft from the bank account for the policy’s paymentNo additional refund’s are owed to Ms.***, as the $premium that was charged was valid.If you require further assistance, please contact me, Angela S*** at ###-###-#### or by email at***Sincerely,George K***
Thank you for contacting Nationwide concerning Ms***’s auto policy coverage and recent claimSarah S*** from our Agency Support Unit has investigated the loss and has advised Ms*** of her findingsNotes on the policy, placed there by the agent on December 14, 2015, state that she
wanted to remove comprehensive and collision from the vehicle on that date , and that she would contact the company at her renewal on January 16, if she wanted to add the coverage backA declarations page was also sent to Ms*** on December 16, to confirm her coverage selectionUnfortunately there is no documentation indicating that she made the request to place that coverage back on the Nissan prior to the loss on January 16, As such, all of our documentation indicates that the coverage was removed per her request, and not in errorAs there is no error at this time, we are not able to recommend that the coverage be placed on the Nissan for the underlying lossOn behalf of Nationwide, I apologize if the service she received didn't meet her expectations and for any inconvenience it may have caused
Good day,We respectfully request an extension to reply of Friday, December so that we can ensure we provide a thorough and complete response.Your flexibility and acknowledgement of this request is greatly appreciated.Thank you.[Nationwide is on your side.]
The member’s wife filed a claim on their homeowners insurance policy on 9/30/for water damage from recent rains. Mrs*** *** stated on 09/29/at approx9:pm, that there was a rain storm and she noticed rain leaking through a roof vent onto the second
floor bedroom vent, onto the second floor carpet. *** *** *** was dispatched to begin drying out the structure and removed damaged interior items. Heavy rains continued in this area for several days. *** *** *** was unable to tarp roof due to rain and access to roof. Additional damages occurred to interior due to continued rains. Member refused to have *** *** *** to continue repairs and asked for a field inspection on 10/14/15. A complaint was filed with the on 10/14/15, claiming *** *** *** has not completed repairs. A claims professional met with the member on 10/15/and wrote a repair estimate and dispatched a separate contractor to tarp the roof to prevent further damages.
Claims manager spoke with member, George J***, on 10/16/and verified that the complaint has been resolved with a new contractor involved. The claims manager left his name and number to contact him if there were any additional questions or issues. No further issues, the complaint is resolved
If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me.
Ken G***
*** *** ***
Good afternoon,I am writing in response to the complaint number referenced above.In researching the accounts, I found that the complainant has had two closed Home Equity lines ofCredit with Nationwide Bank.On today's date, we overnighted the Satisfaction of Mortgage documents to the county in which
theproperty is located for each of the two lines of creditWe also emailed the complainant copies of thesame documents and provided the FedEx tracking number for the package that is being sent to thecounty of residence for the complainant.I have spoken with the complainant multiple times and kept her aware of the progress in the resolutionof her concerns.We consider this matter resolvedPlease feel free to let me know if there are further questions orconcerns.Sincerely,
This letter is in response to the assistance requested from *** *** regarding thecancellation and subsequent request to reinstate her Auto Insurance Policy.In review of the policy, there was a bill generated January 3, for $due January26, 2017.January 31, when no payment was
received, a $late fee was added to the billANotice of Cancellation was mailed to the insured advising $was due by February 15,2017, or the policy would cancel effective February 16, 2017.February 2, a last day to pay text was sent to the insured advising the last day to paywas February 15, 2017.February 21, a collection letter was sent to the insured advising the policy wascancelled and there was an amount due of $for premium owed up until the February16, cancellation date.February 22, the insured called regarding the policy and was advised it was cancelledand not eligible for reinstatementShe was advised the Service Center could take paymentfor the collections amount and forward her to the Agent for a quote on a new policy.I apologize for the frustrations expressed in the complaintOur review indicates there wereno errors in the processing of the billing and cancellationIn accordance with companyguidelines, the policy cannot be reinstated or reversed.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, CathyD***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Jennifer C***
Please accept this letter as a status update to our original response dated September 24, 2015.As previously stated, review of policy *** for *** *** ***, indicated three claims (claim #'s*** *** *** *** *** and ** ***) were recently temporarily denied until additionalinformation was submitted*** *** *** has several noted pre-existing conditions which areexcluded from coverage on her policy.During the initial review of her claims it was noted that the claims submitted were for the condition ofsevere chronic rhinitis which is one of the excluded pre-existing conditions, therefore we placed atemporary denial code on the Explanation of Benefits instructing the member to submit medicalrecords to review this exclusion as well as the claims.Since our initial response we have received the medical records necessary to allow us to complete ourreviewThe review found the claims noted above will remain denied in accordance with terms andconditions of the policy contractAdditionally a new claim submitted after our initial response, claim#*** *** noting a diagnosis of "chronic rhinitis," has also been denied as the condition isexcluded from coverage.Medical records received from *** *** *** *** *** document that *** *** ***has had "chronic waxing and waning rhinitis for nine years" which was also noted at enrollment asbeing treated prior to policy applicationAs this condition is pre-existing and a noted pre-existingcondition on the policy, it is ineligible for coverage.Section "What We Do Not Cover: Exclusions" of the policy states:8.A"This policy will not pay for pre-existing conditionsA condition is not pre-existing if itwas cured before the effective of this insurance policy and there has not been a recurrence ormanifestation of the condition for at least six (6) months."Underwritten by: *** ** *** *** 8.T "This policy will not pay for diagnostic test(~o) r treatment(~)f or conditions excluded orlimited by this policy or tests or treatments for complications of conditions excluded or limitedby this policy."Section defines pre-existing condition as:"Pre-existing condition means any condition that began or was contracted, manifested, orincurred before the effective date of this policy, whether or not the condition was discovered,diagnosed, or treated."Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer RelationsCoordinator, Patty G***, at ###-###-#### or via email at ***Sincerely,Ben W*** *** *** ***
If Nationwide did not put all the legalese in your communications I probably would have seen the rate increase. Nothing further need be said. *** ***
This claim involves our policyholder’s vehicle causing damage to the Complainant’s property.We previously went to the loss location and completed a damage estimateThe Complainant then presented *** *** ***l with an estimate that was significantly higher than our estimateAt that time
*** *** ***l went back out to the property and did a re-inspection*** *** ***l increased our damage assessment and have spoken to the Complainant’s contractor and both are in agreement that all of the work can be done for $2,*** *** ***l then presented the Complainant with a Property Damage Release and have advised that a check would be overnighted to them upon the receipt of the releaseThe Complainant is not satisfied with this and will not sign the release without having the check.*** *** ***l is in the process of scheduling a time for the Complainant and a *** *** ***l representative to meet and exchange the signed release for the settlement draft.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Claire Steiner, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Adam A***Casualty Claims Manage
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from our insured *** ***. We strive to provide quality service while conforming to the expectations of our customer and all regulations.
Ms*** had a water loss on March 22, 2015.
The water escaped from a pipe in a chase wall on an exterior bathroom. The water leaked down from the upstairs chase wall down into the living and dining area below requiring repair to the walls, ceiling and floor. A containment area was created to limit dust and disturbance to the other areas of the home during the drying and remediation process. On 4/30/Ms*** called our Customer Advocacy Center and stated she was unhappy that she was not placed in a hotel during her repair process and also that she was unhappy with the restoration company because they had not placed all her belongings back in the proper locations in the home. I notified the restoration company who responded and moved the contents into the areas she requested and we also discussed the considerations for additional living accommodations. I explained that while she does have coverage for ALE it was not initiated because the damages were limited to areas of the home that could be contained to prevent as much disturbance as possibleI spoke with her and explained that ALE (Additional Living Expenses) is cost incurred. In her situation as explained, she did not need nor was required to stay in a hotel and the cost was not incurred. No payment can be made since no cost was incurred
I also apologized for any inconvenience that the loss and repairs caused her and for the issues with the general contractor who needed to return to properly move articles to her desired areas of the home.
Ms*** commented of a fall that was documented in her complaint to have occurred on May 5th. The fall was never reported to Nationwide but rather to the contractor, *** ***, following the completion of the restoration. The work was completed and a final walkthrough was held on 4/21/15. After the completion of the work Ms*** contacted the contractor and said she had tripped on the new carpet. It was determined that there was no installation issues with the new carpet but possibly tripped because the carpet was new.
I will include a copy of the estimate and photos in this response. If there are any additional questions or concerns please feel free to call my office at ###-###-####
Warren Y***
*** ***
all I ask that they call my agent and get her view of this unethical act
Regards* *** ***
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and am happy to report I have finally received the payment for both claims.
Regards, *** ***
I am writing in response to the complaint received today regarding Ms***’ checking account with Nationwide Bank, and funds that have been held in the account.In reviewing Ms***’ account, I find that as of today’s date, we have reached the ten-day required hold time prior to account closure
As Ms***’ payroll direct deposit was posted within that time frame, the deposit became part of the balance that was restrictedWith that a request has been submitted to close all accounts that Ms*** holds with Nationwide Bank, with a check to be mailed to the address we have on fileThat check will be mailed no later than February 14, Ms*** will also receive, in a separate mailing, a letter confirming the account closuresWe ask that our customers allow seven to ten business days to receive any item or items that are mailed.I certainly regret the unfortunate timing that resulted in delaying the availability of Ms***’ payroll deposit.Sincerely,
They are not being truthfulIn that "conversation" with *** *** refunds that the company owes were also discussedI have all the info available and will fax as soon as I get homeWe have the original nexus Lexus report from when I joined on my own policy in may I am not a new person added to nationwideAt this time a nexus lexis report was sent that *** attached in an email which I will forward, that clearly has the may 14th incidentAt the bottom of the attachement you will see noted the print date of that report I am unable to attach the email so I will forward it.
Regards, *** ***
Dear Ms.***I am writing in response to your concerns regarding your closed auto loan with Nationwide Bank.I am very sorry to hear that you have had so much difficulty in attempting to payoff and close yourNationwide Bank auto loan.I am in the process of working with a supervisor in our Bank
Operations area to ensure that this loan isreflecting paid in fullI also want to be able to confirm that this is not going to have a negative impact onyour credit.Again, I apologize for the frustration you have experiencedI hope that we can come to a resolution foryou in the coming days, I will provide a follow up with a final resolution once this matter has beencompletely resolvedIf there are any questions in the interim, please feel free to give me a call.Sincerely,Sara H*** ** *** ***Nationwide Bank###-###-####
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me They have resolved my complaint at this time