letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on February 8,
received a letter from the policyholder in
January for a number of issues
he stated had occurred at his home. He
referenced freezing pipes, water damage, vandalism of his property, damage to
an RV and boat. It was explained that
each of the events reported would have to be a separate claim if the member
chose to pursue. The captured claim was
handled for the covered event of the water leaking from the refrigerator. The loss was handled timely and paid per the
terms of the policy contract
asked the policyholder on numerous occasions if he would like us to open a
separate claim for the other occurrences, including his theft claim. We did not have authorization from the member
to open additional claims until December 9, where he did request a claim
be captured for the theft loss.
newly captured theft loss is currently under investigation and is being handled
appropriately to the facts of the claim and the regulatory requirements for the
have continued to move forward with our investigation and assisting the member
in supporting his loss. Once the
investigation has been completed we will assess coverage for the claim. We have requested a certified copy of the
insurance policy for the policyholder on two separate occasions and have
forwarded that information to the address he has provided to us. We remain committed to assisting the member
through the claim process as expeditiously as possible
If you
require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations
Coordinator, *** ***, toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext*** or by email at ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** **
*** ***
*** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** ** *** *** ***
Hi this is the information I received from Nationwide
Bank and I did all the work for them.When I called and spoke to *** last Weds, I gave her the items in green to look up She never got back to me about these issues at all So here is all the info I have for you
This letter is in response to your request for additional information for the complaint filed with your agencyby *** *** *** regarding his automobile policyNationwide is in receipt of the documentationprovided showing the signed cancellation request and alternate insurance obtained effective July 6, 2015.Thank you for the documentationThe cancellation date for the automobile policy has been corrected toJuly 6, 2015, and credit of $is applied to the policy accordingly.The balance due on the policy is adjusted from $to $The third party collection agency wasnotified and the account with their agency is closed with no negative reporting to the credit bureauThebalance due reflects premium owed up until the cancellation date and can be remitted directly toNationwideAttached please find the premium and payment history for this policy with the adjustmentsincluded.If you require further assistance, please contact *** *** ***, Jane G*** at ###-###-####, or by email at ***m between the hours of 8:AM and 4:PM.Sincerely,Colleen F* *** ***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to you regarding your policy number *** and to address your concernsabout the policy.On 9/4/2013, you purchased a six-month personal auto insurance policy from Insurance Answer Center with a billplan of 16.7% down and installments with an Electronic
Funds Transfer (EFT) auto draft.As a part of your application, you agreed that you had disclosed all persons age or older (licensed or not) who livein your household or drive any of the vehiclesOn 10/24/2016, you contacted the member service center andrequested a quote for an additional driver, your nephew *** ***During this call you requested them not to beaddedSince *** was not rated on your policy a follow up letter was sent requesting additional information for him.This letter advised if no response was received with in days your policy may be cancelled or a surcharge may beapplied.On 11/28/2016, no additional information was received for *** and he was rated on your policy per the letter senton 10/24/*** *** *** *** *** were also rated on your policy during this changeThe correctionto remove *** *** *** has since been resolved.On 1/29/2017, your policy cancelled for non-payment of premium and no additional information had been received for*** prior to this date.On 3/22/2017, proof of other insurance was received for *** effective 1/31/Since the proof of other insurancewas dated after your policy cancelled on 1/29/no adjustments were made to your policy.If you require further assistance, please contact me, Lance R***, at ###-###-#### or by email at***Sincerely,Dawn D***Tech Underwriting Screener
I am writing in response to the complaint referenced above, regarding monthly service fees charged to an echeckingaccount with Nationwide Bank.In reviewing Ms***'s stated concerns, and the requirements of the e-checking account, I confirmed that thereare two requirements in place to avoid a
monthly service fee on this account typeOne is that the membermaintains a direct deposit of at least $to the accountMs***'s direct deposit has consistently satisfiedthis requirementHowever, the other requirement to avoid the monthly fee is that the member must complete aminimum of eight point of sale transactions per month, using the debit card tied to the accountFor the statementcycle ending on April 13, 2017, that requirement was not satisfiedAs a courtesy, we waived the fee andprovided Ms*** with information to avoid a similar fee going forwardWe also provided her with informationabout a new checking product now offered by Nationwide Bank that has no monthly service fee.Ms*** respovlded asking to have all fees charged to her account since refundedI researched thehistory of the account and learned that there has been a total of seven fees charged to the account since itopenedIn each case, the fee was assessed for the same reasonWe had waived three of those fees, uponindividual requestPrior to the fee on the April statement, the most recent fee was dated March 13, 2016.At that time, the decision was made to not waive the remainder of the fees retroactivelyMs*** was advisedof that decision, and was provided with an electronic copy of Nationwide Bank Terms and Conditions, detailingthe requirements to avoid a monthly feeMs*** agreed to those Terms and Conditions upon opening theaccount, via electronic signature.Thank you,Anne C*** *** *** *** ***
We have received the complaint submitted through the by *** *** ***Ms*** has stated in the “Customer Experience Information” document provided to us, she has had two cats insured with VPI for the last years. She states both cats have had catastrophic
illnesses this yearAccording to her, VPI reimbursed less than 45% for the first cat and nothing for the secondshe is contesting the second claim. As of the date of this complaint, Ms*** has an active policy for *** *** ***, Policy Numb3er ***, but chose to cancel her policy for *** Policy Number *** as of September 16, 2015. We will address the contested second claims under policy number ***, however we would like to remind Ms*** that the Superior Plan works exclusively with a benefit scheduleWe respectfully refer Ms*** to section “Benefit Provisions-Plan E” of the policy: 4.A “We will pay reasonable and necessary veterinary services expenses for pet’s condition that occurs and is treated during the policy termTo be eligible for payment your pet’s condition must come within a primary diagnostic code listed in the Superior Plan Benefit ScheduleEach condition is eligible for payment under only one primary diagnostic code and any applicable secondary diagnostic code, per incident 4.B “The amount we will pay for any condition covered by this policy is determined by: (1) your veterinary services expenses, (2) the Benefit Schedule, and (3) your deductibleWe will pay 90% of covered veterinary services expenses up to a maximum of 90% of the Benefit Schedule diagnostic code that applies to your pet’s condition, less your deductible.” Review of policy *** for *** *** ***, indicate that three claims (claim #’s ***, *** and ***) were recently temporarily denied until additional information was submitted in order for us to process her claims correctly*** *** *** has several noted pre- existing conditions which are excluded from coverage on her policyDuring this initial review of her claims it was noted that the claims submitted were for the condition of severe chronic rhinitis which is also one of the excluded pre-existing conditions therefore we placed a temporary denial code on the Explanation of Benefits instructing the member to submit medical records to review this exclusion as well as the claimsTo date, this information has not been received Our policies do offer members an attending veterinarians the option to have claims reviewsSection “Review” of the policy states” “You may request a review: (1) if we deny your claim in whole or in part, or (2) to ask that we remove an excluded condition listed on the Declarations Page or Renewal Certificate of your policyYour report must be in writingYou must provide us with all medical records and any other supporting documentation upon our reasonable requestWe will not review request to remove any excluded condition unless the condition has been cured for at least six (6) months before the date of your requestAll review decisions are final.” In order to assist Ms*** with the review process we have attempted to obtain the medical records on her behalfOnce we receive the records we will be able to complete a review of the claims listed aboveThe review outcome will be sent under separate coverShould you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Patty G***, at ###-###-#### or via email at *** Sincerely, Ben W*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
The auto policy increased $at the February 15, renewalThe increase is a result of a territory base rate adjustment, filed before the Maryland Insurance Administration, effective January 1, Rate adjustments are not reflective of anything a member specifically does, but rather a
decision based on the insurance data we receive for the entire territory Territory base rate increases are typically a result of increased claims in the area in addition to the increasing cost of medical treatment and repairsWe certainly understand and share the insured's concerns regarding premium increases We have done our best to control expenses, and be fair and equitable on claim payments Our objective is to provide the best possible products and services at the lowest possible price that we can while maintaining our claims and customer service that is expected from Nationwide The Company cannot adjust the premium as the insured requestedThe Company's rating structure is filed with the state and we are required to apply our rates uniformly and consistentlyHowever, the Company continually develops new programs and discounts which may reduce the insured's premiumI recommend that the insured contact her Nationwide Insurance agent to complete an “On your side” care review to verify she is receiving all the benefits and lowest premium that Nationwide Insurance has to offer Thank you, Shari D*** Compliance Consultant Nationwide Insurance Company
per my employeer- payroll department the money taken out of my paroll check has done been sent to the vendor three weeks agoPerhaps the money was applied to the incorrect account, as I mentioned within my compliant, I had received a slew of e-mails with different pets/pet names and my name was attached to each, it was a concern then and even more so now I am totally aware of the two polices, the first should had been cancelled in November, but was not.
Regards, *** ***
This is simple case.On 11-15-at 7:20pm a *** ***Tractor Trailer with TN license plate *** struck my Hundai ‘09’ Accent damaging itBoth the data report and police report demonstrate this. It is not a "he said she said" this is a Massachusetts State Trooper *** *** said and in the enclosed police report he states" the Tractor Trailer truck while traveling in the right travel lane attempted to change lanes striking passanger side of the vehicle while the Hyundai Accent was operating in the left travel lane". He also states Besides damage to my car that "there was black paint transfer on the driver's side bumper of the Tractor Trailer truck".State Trooper also indicates that driver of Tractor Trailer was "INATTENTIVE" in the report.There is nothing subjective or confusing about this report and claiming ignorance does not make event disappearWhat it does demonstrate is an Insurance company attempting to disregard its responsibilities
This is in response to the inquiry of November 15, as it pertains to the case file referenced above.This loss involves an accident where it is one person’s word against anotherOur Insured maintains he had stopped in the road awaiting a vehicle in front of him to exit a parking space when the
other vehicle tried to pull around him and struck his vehicleMr*** maintains he was pulling around the stopped vehicle when it backed up into his vehicleThe police report only indicates that our Insured was backing, and Mr*** was pulling around the truck.Our Insured advised us there was a witness to the loss, Mr*** ***, allegedly a bus driverWe made multiple attempts and upon finally reaching Mr*** he basically advised us he does not know anything of the loss and did not want to get involved.Although our Insured maintains he was not moving at the time of impact, lack of an independent witness to verify same, along with the police report indicating he was backing while Mr *** was pulling forward, we are making a compromise offer of 75% to Mr*** in an attempt to resolve this disputed liability claim.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, *** ***, at ###-###-#### or via email at ***.Sincerely,David ***
I was made aware of this claim file yesterdayI have communicated with both Mrand Mrs*** regarding the settlement amountThey understand the total loss process and the settlement amount presentedThey are not in agreement with the amount at this time and we are working towards
resolutionWe hope to have this verbally settled today
In addition, we have sent the required documentation to them for signaturesThey understand it will need to be mailed back to Nationwide Insurance with the title
We hope we can release settlement monies today, on good faith that the owners will mail the required paperwork to our office today
Typically we must wait until the paperwork is received and is correct prior to 100% release of settlement moneyHowever, given some time delay issues we have made an exception
Sincerely, Sean C***
*** ***
I am writing in response to the above referenced file number. The member’s premiums are deducted from his paycheck and remitted by his employer. The member was also sending in checks for partial paymentsOur records indicate that we spoke with this member on May 2, and advised him
that we would work with his employer and conduct a complete review of his premium payments. An initial overpayment was identified and a refund in the amount of $was issued on April 21, 2016. A subsequent refund was issued in the amount of $on May 20, 2016. The member has been refunded the full amount identified in his correspondence. Our records show that both refund checks have been cashed by the memberIf I can be of any further assistance in resolving this matter you may contact me directly at ###-###-####Sincerely, Tom L***
Per my original request I asked that my driving record be correctedAs of 03/19/this accident is still reporting as AT FAULT.I can NOT get any accurate insurance quotes or qualify at all with this reporting incorrectly on my driving record.The letter does NOT help me as a consumer trying to shop for insurance rates
Per the agent, Jim J***, the request to cancel the homeowner policy was properly handled. For reasons they are unable to determine, the auto policy was not cancelled at the same time. The file documentation shows that, after discussing the original problem with Mr*** they did
attempt to cancel the auto policy but were not allowed to do so by the customer service department and underwriting department without obtaining proof of Mr***'s new auto insurance policy. They explained, in detail, that they had a signed cancel request form and had failed to cancel the policy on a timely basis, but were still not allowed to cancel the policy without proof of other auto insurance. They then sent requests to Mr*** on 5/13, 5/18, and 5/asking for a copy of his new auto policy declarations page. Mr*** called the agency on Monday 6/at 6:pm (office closed) and left a voice mail for me to call him. I was not in my office the entire day Tuesday 6/14. He called again at 2:pm on Tuesday 6/and left a message with Darnell for me to call him (apparently he only wanted to talk to me)I arrived at my office around 11:am on Wednesday 6/and became aware of Mr***'s OCA complaint before I had a chance to call him. We have reviewed our phone logs back to the beginning of March and can find no unanswered calls from Mr*** other than the two calls on 6/at 6:voice mail and the 6/at 2:02, both of which where not answered due to my not being in the office. No emails were unanswered. After research on policy 6132C 377817, there is no longer an amount dueThe Auto policy cancelled for Non-pay on April 9, leaving a collection amount of $Mr*** called the Service Center on June 13, to question the collection amountMr*** was advised of the incorrect cancellation date and was asked to provide proof of coverage elsewhere to adjust the dateNationwide received that proof on June 14, and the cancellation date was adjusted to February 19, With this adjustment, there is a credit of $on the cancelled account, which will be sent out as a refundCCS collections has been contacted and the original collection amount has been removed and was not reported to the Credit BureauThe credit of $has been sent to processing to be mailed to Mr*** within five to seven business days
This letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on April 4, 2018. This claim is for damage to Mr***’s rental property due to bats in the atticMr*** has been unwilling to allow us to inspect the damage and prepare an estimate of repairs. Since receipt of
this complaint, we have been in communication with Mr***’s agent, per his request. Through his agent, we have been advised that Mr*** is will meet with our independent adjuster on April 20, or on April 18, We requested that our independent adjuster contact Mr*** to schedule the inspection on one of these dates and that the independent adjuster coordinate the date and time of the inspection with Mr***’s bat expert. Once the inspection is complete, we will be able to move forward with the resolution of this claim. If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Erikka K*** at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Teresa * M***
We have reviewed the inquiry from *** *** regarding his homeowners policy.Mr*** has inquired about the rate increase on his homeowners policyHomeowner’s policy premiums are calculated using several approved factors including, but not limited to: loss history of the insured,
existence of multiple policies, deductible levels, dwelling amount, insurance score, construction type, fire protection class rating, age of home, additional endorsements/coverages requested, territory in which the home is located, etcThe territory base rate does take into account the loss history of the territory as a wholeThis base rate is then adjusted by the aforementioned rating factors: age of home, protection class, type of construction, losses of the insured, etcThe premium calculation methods/rating structure and our base rates are filed with and approved by the South Carolina Department of Insurance.Home renewal premium2015-premium $5,167.002016-premium $6,(increase of $1,from prior renewal)Mr***’s premium was affected by the following factor changes per our most recent filed rate (SERFF Filing NWPC-***, effective 12/12/for renewals):- Filed base rate change caused an increase in premium- Protection Class factor change caused an increase in premium- Deductible factor change caused an increase in premium- Increase in the Extended Replacement Cost caused an increase in premiumWe understand that insurance cost concerns are important to all consumers and encourage insureds to reach out to their agents to discuss options to manage their insurance premiumsWe appreciate the opportunity to provide information on Mr***’s home policy.If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Debra C*** at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Michael G***
It was never explained that I might have to use the device for months - I was told (by two local agents and one I talked to at their headquarters said - months). I want the discount on the next policy renewal, which I believe is Oct.1. I fully understand that there had not been enough time to collect data for the previous renewal on April 1. Also, I NEVER said in any complaint that I "speed" through yellow lights - just that I go through them when I normally would never go through a yellow light. (I also DO NOT speed up heading toward a stoplight and then slam on my brakes like the SmartRide likes to suggest - I drive like a Grandma) I do not appreciate the arrogance of somebody telling me that what I am experiencing is not happening. I also don't like being misquoted. Right now it seems like Nationwide has gone to the *** *** *** school of business management/customer service.
*** ***
I feel this is not ethical business practice and they are taking advantage of the customer with this prior Insclause It seems a company would be eager to insure a customer that hadn't cost them a penny and always payed in full and on timeI've taken this to my local TV station
Regards, *** ***
This letter is in
response to the concerns filed by Beth Ferdinand regarding the collection
amount due after the policy was request cancelled effective September 24, 2016. Auto policy 6132P
renewed August 16, with a premium of $Payment was made via
recurring bankcard
August 16, in the amount of $$was
applied to the Auto policy and $applied to the monthly installment fee.Nationwide sent the second installment of $to the
bank for payment via recurring bank card on September 16, This payment
was rejected by the bank and returned to Nationwide A $non sufficient funds fee was charged per
our State filed and approved billing plan. A return item
notification was sent advising policy policy *** *** would cancel
effective October 6, if payment of $was not received by October 6,
2016.On September 30, Nationwide processed a request
cancellation effective September 24, which left a balance due of $
Per Nationwide’s guidelines that are found in the policy jacket and mailed when
the policy is incepted, in Section G3, Other Termination Provisions, Number 3: “If the named
insured or a premium finance company cancels this policy, the premium owed or
premium refund due will be calculated according to the short rate provisions
contained in our manuals.” These rating guidelines and have been filed with the
North Carolina Department of Insurance and approved by the State. If the policy had
been prorated, the collection amount would have been approximately $which
includes the $non sufficient funds fee and coverage for days. I apologize but,
we are unable to adjust the collection amount that is due as the amount is
correctIf you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***r, Amy W***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Jennifer C***
letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on February 8,
received a letter from the policyholder in
January for a number of issues
he stated had occurred at his home. He
referenced freezing pipes, water damage, vandalism of his property, damage to
an RV and boat. It was explained that
each of the events reported would have to be a separate claim if the member
chose to pursue. The captured claim was
handled for the covered event of the water leaking from the refrigerator. The loss was handled timely and paid per the
terms of the policy contract
asked the policyholder on numerous occasions if he would like us to open a
separate claim for the other occurrences, including his theft claim. We did not have authorization from the member
to open additional claims until December 9, where he did request a claim
be captured for the theft loss.
newly captured theft loss is currently under investigation and is being handled
appropriately to the facts of the claim and the regulatory requirements for the
have continued to move forward with our investigation and assisting the member
in supporting his loss. Once the
investigation has been completed we will assess coverage for the claim. We have requested a certified copy of the
insurance policy for the policyholder on two separate occasions and have
forwarded that information to the address he has provided to us. We remain committed to assisting the member
through the claim process as expeditiously as possible
If you
require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations
Coordinator, *** ***, toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext*** or by email at ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** **
*** ***
*** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** ** *** *** ***
Hi this is the information I received from Nationwide
Bank and I did all the work for them.When I called and spoke to *** last Weds, I gave her the items in green to look up She never got back to me about these issues at all So here is all the info I have for you
This letter is in response to your request for additional information for the complaint filed with your agencyby *** *** *** regarding his automobile policyNationwide is in receipt of the documentationprovided showing the signed cancellation request and alternate insurance obtained effective July 6, 2015.Thank you for the documentationThe cancellation date for the automobile policy has been corrected toJuly 6, 2015, and credit of $is applied to the policy accordingly.The balance due on the policy is adjusted from $to $The third party collection agency wasnotified and the account with their agency is closed with no negative reporting to the credit bureauThebalance due reflects premium owed up until the cancellation date and can be remitted directly toNationwideAttached please find the premium and payment history for this policy with the adjustmentsincluded.If you require further assistance, please contact *** *** ***, Jane G*** at ###-###-####, or by email at ***m between the hours of 8:AM and 4:PM.Sincerely,Colleen F
* *** ***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to you regarding your policy number *** and to address your concernsabout the policy.On 9/4/2013, you purchased a six-month personal auto insurance policy from Insurance Answer Center with a billplan of 16.7% down and installments with an Electronic
Funds Transfer (EFT) auto draft.As a part of your application, you agreed that you had disclosed all persons age or older (licensed or not) who livein your household or drive any of the vehiclesOn 10/24/2016, you contacted the member service center andrequested a quote for an additional driver, your nephew *** ***During this call you requested them not to beaddedSince *** was not rated on your policy a follow up letter was sent requesting additional information for him.This letter advised if no response was received with in days your policy may be cancelled or a surcharge may beapplied.On 11/28/2016, no additional information was received for *** and he was rated on your policy per the letter senton 10/24/*** *** *** *** *** were also rated on your policy during this changeThe correctionto remove *** *** *** has since been resolved.On 1/29/2017, your policy cancelled for non-payment of premium and no additional information had been received for*** prior to this date.On 3/22/2017, proof of other insurance was received for *** effective 1/31/Since the proof of other insurancewas dated after your policy cancelled on 1/29/no adjustments were made to your policy.If you require further assistance, please contact me, Lance R***, at ###-###-#### or by email at***Sincerely,Dawn D***Tech Underwriting Screener
I am writing in response to the complaint referenced above, regarding monthly service fees charged to an echeckingaccount with Nationwide Bank.In reviewing Ms***'s stated concerns, and the requirements of the e-checking account, I confirmed that thereare two requirements in place to avoid a
monthly service fee on this account typeOne is that the membermaintains a direct deposit of at least $to the accountMs***'s direct deposit has consistently satisfiedthis requirementHowever, the other requirement to avoid the monthly fee is that the member must complete aminimum of eight point of sale transactions per month, using the debit card tied to the accountFor the statementcycle ending on April 13, 2017, that requirement was not satisfiedAs a courtesy, we waived the fee andprovided Ms*** with information to avoid a similar fee going forwardWe also provided her with informationabout a new checking product now offered by Nationwide Bank that has no monthly service fee.Ms*** respovlded asking to have all fees charged to her account since refundedI researched thehistory of the account and learned that there has been a total of seven fees charged to the account since itopenedIn each case, the fee was assessed for the same reasonWe had waived three of those fees, uponindividual requestPrior to the fee on the April statement, the most recent fee was dated March 13, 2016.At that time, the decision was made to not waive the remainder of the fees retroactivelyMs*** was advisedof that decision, and was provided with an electronic copy of Nationwide Bank Terms and Conditions, detailingthe requirements to avoid a monthly feeMs*** agreed to those Terms and Conditions upon opening theaccount, via electronic signature.Thank you,Anne C*** *** *** *** ***
We have received the complaint submitted through the by *** *** ***Ms*** has stated in the “Customer Experience Information” document provided to us, she has had two cats insured with VPI for the last years. She states both cats have had catastrophic
illnesses this yearAccording to her, VPI reimbursed less than 45% for the first cat and nothing for the secondshe is contesting the second claim. As of the date of this complaint, Ms*** has an active policy for *** *** ***, Policy Numb3er ***, but chose to cancel her policy for *** Policy Number *** as of September 16, 2015. We will address the contested second claims under policy number ***, however we would like to remind Ms*** that the Superior Plan works exclusively with a benefit scheduleWe respectfully refer Ms*** to section “Benefit Provisions-Plan E” of the policy: 4.A “We will pay reasonable and necessary veterinary services expenses for pet’s condition that occurs and is treated during the policy termTo be eligible for payment your pet’s condition must come within a primary diagnostic code listed in the Superior Plan Benefit ScheduleEach condition is eligible for payment under only one primary diagnostic code and any applicable secondary diagnostic code, per incident 4.B “The amount we will pay for any condition covered by this policy is determined by: (1) your veterinary services expenses, (2) the Benefit Schedule, and (3) your deductibleWe will pay 90% of covered veterinary services expenses up to a maximum of 90% of the Benefit Schedule diagnostic code that applies to your pet’s condition, less your deductible.” Review of policy *** for *** *** ***, indicate that three claims (claim #’s ***, *** and ***) were recently temporarily denied until additional information was submitted in order for us to process her claims correctly*** *** *** has several noted pre- existing conditions which are excluded from coverage on her policyDuring this initial review of her claims it was noted that the claims submitted were for the condition of severe chronic rhinitis which is also one of the excluded pre-existing conditions therefore we placed a temporary denial code on the Explanation of Benefits instructing the member to submit medical records to review this exclusion as well as the claimsTo date, this information has not been received Our policies do offer members an attending veterinarians the option to have claims reviewsSection “Review” of the policy states” “You may request a review: (1) if we deny your claim in whole or in part, or (2) to ask that we remove an excluded condition listed on the Declarations Page or Renewal Certificate of your policyYour report must be in writingYou must provide us with all medical records and any other supporting documentation upon our reasonable requestWe will not review request to remove any excluded condition unless the condition has been cured for at least six (6) months before the date of your requestAll review decisions are final.” In order to assist Ms*** with the review process we have attempted to obtain the medical records on her behalfOnce we receive the records we will be able to complete a review of the claims listed aboveThe review outcome will be sent under separate coverShould you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Patty G***, at ###-###-#### or via email at *** Sincerely, Ben W*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
The auto policy increased $at the February 15, renewalThe increase is a result of a territory base rate adjustment, filed before the Maryland Insurance Administration, effective January 1, Rate adjustments are not reflective of anything a member specifically does, but rather a
decision based on the insurance data we receive for the entire territory Territory base rate increases are typically a result of increased claims in the area in addition to the increasing cost of medical treatment and repairsWe certainly understand and share the insured's concerns regarding premium increases We have done our best to control expenses, and be fair and equitable on claim payments Our objective is to provide the best possible products and services at the lowest possible price that we can while maintaining our claims and customer service that is expected from Nationwide The Company cannot adjust the premium as the insured requestedThe Company's rating structure is filed with the state and we are required to apply our rates uniformly and consistentlyHowever, the Company continually develops new programs and discounts which may reduce the insured's premiumI recommend that the insured contact her Nationwide Insurance agent to complete an “On your side” care review to verify she is receiving all the benefits and lowest premium that Nationwide Insurance has to offer Thank you, Shari D*** Compliance Consultant Nationwide Insurance Company
per my employeer- payroll department the money taken out of my paroll check has done been sent to the vendor three weeks agoPerhaps the money was applied to the incorrect account, as I mentioned within my compliant, I had received a slew of e-mails with different pets/pet names and my name was attached to each, it was a concern then and even more so now I am totally aware of the two polices, the first should had been cancelled in November, but was not.
Regards, *** ***
This is simple case.On 11-15-at 7:20pm a *** ***Tractor Trailer with TN license plate *** struck my Hundai ‘09’ Accent damaging itBoth the data report and police report demonstrate this. It is not a "he said she said" this is a Massachusetts State Trooper *** *** said and in the enclosed police report he states" the Tractor Trailer truck while traveling in the right travel lane attempted to change lanes striking passanger side of the vehicle while the Hyundai Accent was operating in the left travel lane". He also states Besides damage to my car that "there was black paint transfer on the driver's side bumper of the Tractor Trailer truck".State Trooper also indicates that driver of Tractor Trailer was "INATTENTIVE" in the report.There is nothing subjective or confusing about this report and claiming ignorance does not make event disappearWhat it does demonstrate is an Insurance company attempting to disregard its responsibilities
This is in response to the inquiry of November 15, as it pertains to the case file referenced above.This loss involves an accident where it is one person’s word against anotherOur Insured maintains he had stopped in the road awaiting a vehicle in front of him to exit a parking space when the
other vehicle tried to pull around him and struck his vehicleMr*** maintains he was pulling around the stopped vehicle when it backed up into his vehicleThe police report only indicates that our Insured was backing, and Mr*** was pulling around the truck.Our Insured advised us there was a witness to the loss, Mr*** ***, allegedly a bus driverWe made multiple attempts and upon finally reaching Mr*** he basically advised us he does not know anything of the loss and did not want to get involved.Although our Insured maintains he was not moving at the time of impact, lack of an independent witness to verify same, along with the police report indicating he was backing while Mr *** was pulling forward, we are making a compromise offer of 75% to Mr*** in an attempt to resolve this disputed liability claim.Should you require any further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, *** ***, at ###-###-#### or via email at ***.Sincerely,David ***
I was made aware of this claim file yesterdayI have communicated with both Mrand Mrs*** regarding the settlement amountThey understand the total loss process and the settlement amount presentedThey are not in agreement with the amount at this time and we are working towards
resolutionWe hope to have this verbally settled today
In addition, we have sent the required documentation to them for signaturesThey understand it will need to be mailed back to Nationwide Insurance with the title
We hope we can release settlement monies today, on good faith that the owners will mail the required paperwork to our office today
Typically we must wait until the paperwork is received and is correct prior to 100% release of settlement moneyHowever, given some time delay issues we have made an exception
Sincerely, Sean C***
*** ***
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***
I am writing in response to the above referenced file number. The member’s premiums are deducted from his paycheck and remitted by his employer. The member was also sending in checks for partial paymentsOur records indicate that we spoke with this member on May 2, and advised him
that we would work with his employer and conduct a complete review of his premium payments. An initial overpayment was identified and a refund in the amount of $was issued on April 21, 2016. A subsequent refund was issued in the amount of $on May 20, 2016. The member has been refunded the full amount identified in his correspondence. Our records show that both refund checks have been cashed by the memberIf I can be of any further assistance in resolving this matter you may contact me directly at ###-###-####Sincerely, Tom L***
Per my original request I asked that my driving record be correctedAs of 03/19/this accident is still reporting as AT FAULT.I can NOT get any accurate insurance quotes or qualify at all with this reporting incorrectly on my driving record.The letter does NOT help me as a consumer trying to shop for insurance rates
Per the agent, Jim J***, the request to cancel the homeowner policy was properly handled. For reasons they are unable to determine, the auto policy was not cancelled at the same time. The file documentation shows that, after discussing the original problem with Mr*** they did
attempt to cancel the auto policy but were not allowed to do so by the customer service department and underwriting department without obtaining proof of Mr***'s new auto insurance policy. They explained, in detail, that they had a signed cancel request form and had failed to cancel the policy on a timely basis, but were still not allowed to cancel the policy without proof of other auto insurance. They then sent requests to Mr*** on 5/13, 5/18, and 5/asking for a copy of his new auto policy declarations page. Mr*** called the agency on Monday 6/at 6:pm (office closed) and left a voice mail for me to call him. I was not in my office the entire day Tuesday 6/14. He called again at 2:pm on Tuesday 6/and left a message with Darnell for me to call him (apparently he only wanted to talk to me)I arrived at my office around 11:am on Wednesday 6/and became aware of Mr***'s OCA complaint before I had a chance to call him. We have reviewed our phone logs back to the beginning of March and can find no unanswered calls from Mr*** other than the two calls on 6/at 6:voice mail and the 6/at 2:02, both of which where not answered due to my not being in the office. No emails were unanswered. After research on policy 6132C 377817, there is no longer an amount dueThe Auto policy cancelled for Non-pay on April 9, leaving a collection amount of $Mr*** called the Service Center on June 13, to question the collection amountMr*** was advised of the incorrect cancellation date and was asked to provide proof of coverage elsewhere to adjust the dateNationwide received that proof on June 14, and the cancellation date was adjusted to February 19, With this adjustment, there is a credit of $on the cancelled account, which will be sent out as a refundCCS collections has been contacted and the original collection amount has been removed and was not reported to the Credit BureauThe credit of $has been sent to processing to be mailed to Mr*** within five to seven business days
This letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on April 4, 2018. This claim is for damage to Mr***’s rental property due to bats in the atticMr*** has been unwilling to allow us to inspect the damage and prepare an estimate of repairs. Since receipt of
this complaint, we have been in communication with Mr***’s agent, per his request. Through his agent, we have been advised that Mr*** is will meet with our independent adjuster on April 20, or on April 18, We requested that our independent adjuster contact Mr*** to schedule the inspection on one of these dates and that the independent adjuster coordinate the date and time of the inspection with Mr***’s bat expert. Once the inspection is complete, we will be able to move forward with the resolution of this claim. If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Erikka K*** at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Teresa * M***
We have reviewed the inquiry from *** *** regarding his homeowners policy.Mr*** has inquired about the rate increase on his homeowners policyHomeowner’s policy premiums are calculated using several approved factors including, but not limited to: loss history of the insured,
existence of multiple policies, deductible levels, dwelling amount, insurance score, construction type, fire protection class rating, age of home, additional endorsements/coverages requested, territory in which the home is located, etcThe territory base rate does take into account the loss history of the territory as a wholeThis base rate is then adjusted by the aforementioned rating factors: age of home, protection class, type of construction, losses of the insured, etcThe premium calculation methods/rating structure and our base rates are filed with and approved by the South Carolina Department of Insurance.Home renewal premium2015-premium $5,167.002016-premium $6,(increase of $1,from prior renewal)Mr***’s premium was affected by the following factor changes per our most recent filed rate (SERFF Filing NWPC-***, effective 12/12/for renewals):- Filed base rate change caused an increase in premium- Protection Class factor change caused an increase in premium- Deductible factor change caused an increase in premium- Increase in the Extended Replacement Cost caused an increase in premiumWe understand that insurance cost concerns are important to all consumers and encourage insureds to reach out to their agents to discuss options to manage their insurance premiumsWe appreciate the opportunity to provide information on Mr***’s home policy.If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Debra C*** at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Michael G***
It was never explained that I might have to use the device for months - I was told (by two local agents and one I talked to at their headquarters said - months). I want the discount on the next policy renewal, which I believe is Oct.1. I fully understand that there had not been enough time to collect data for the previous renewal on April 1. Also, I NEVER said in any complaint that I "speed" through yellow lights - just that I go through them when I normally would never go through a yellow light. (I also DO NOT speed up heading toward a stoplight and then slam on my brakes like the SmartRide likes to suggest - I drive like a Grandma) I do not appreciate the arrogance of somebody telling me that what I am experiencing is not happening. I also don't like being misquoted. Right now it seems like Nationwide has gone to the *** *** *** school of business management/customer service.
*** ***
I feel this is not ethical business practice and they are taking advantage of the customer with this prior Insclause It seems a company would be eager to insure a customer that hadn't cost them a penny and always payed in full and on timeI've taken this to my local TV station
Regards, *** ***
This letter is in
response to the concerns filed by Beth Ferdinand regarding the collection
amount due after the policy was request cancelled effective September 24, 2016. Auto policy 6132P
renewed August 16, with a premium of $Payment was made via
recurring bankcard
August 16, in the amount of $$was
applied to the Auto policy and $applied to the monthly installment fee.Nationwide sent the second installment of $to the
bank for payment via recurring bank card on September 16, This payment
was rejected by the bank and returned to Nationwide A $non sufficient funds fee was charged per
our State filed and approved billing plan. A return item
notification was sent advising policy policy *** *** would cancel
effective October 6, if payment of $was not received by October 6,
2016.On September 30, Nationwide processed a request
cancellation effective September 24, which left a balance due of $
Per Nationwide’s guidelines that are found in the policy jacket and mailed when
the policy is incepted, in Section G3, Other Termination Provisions, Number 3: “If the named
insured or a premium finance company cancels this policy, the premium owed or
premium refund due will be calculated according to the short rate provisions
contained in our manuals.” These rating guidelines and have been filed with the
North Carolina Department of Insurance and approved by the State. If the policy had
been prorated, the collection amount would have been approximately $which
includes the $non sufficient funds fee and coverage for days. I apologize but,
we are unable to adjust the collection amount that is due as the amount is
correctIf you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***r, Amy W***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Jennifer C***