you can clearly see the wire marks in the rims from rubbing against the metal wire guard railIf you compare the driver's side tires to the passenger side's tire you will see a remarkable differenceThe passenger side tire does have wear and tear, however the driver's side tire has damages done to it due the accident. We have already come to an understanding that Nationwide is NOT responsible for the rear differentialI was using the payment for the diagnostic as an example to Nationwide to let you know that YOU made the request and I completed the task and paid for the diagnostic which found Nationwide not at fault for the rear end / differential.For the 3rd time my request is for there to be an independent evaluation of the GMC Sierra from an "outside" source to evaluate the accident value that Nationwide has said they will pay to me the customerI disagree with the payment amount offered as I continue to disagree about the tires being due to wear and tear when you can clearly see wire marks through the rim.So in conclusion my request is for an outside estimate evaluation of the GMC Sierra in order to resolve the issue the I have with Nationwide.Thank you,
Regards, *** ***
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from Ms***, unfortunately do to privacy concerns I cannot share the specific details on this claim. As Property Claims Manager, I have reviewed this claim file and have spoken to Ms*** about her concerns.
Additionally, Nationwide has taken additional steps to assist in the evaluation of the damages and to help to address the concerns of Ms*** as we work towards an amicable resolution. Based on my review Nationwide believes the claim was handled in a professional manner. However, I am sorry that the outcome was not satisfactory to Ms*** We strive to meet our customer’s needs, but understand that sometimes we are unable to do so. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attentionWe trust this will resolve all pending concerns. Sincerely, Kenneth W G*** ***
Good afternoon,
Yesterday afternoon at 2:42pm I contacted lexis nexisI spoke to a representative who stated that the accident was reporting inaccurately on my record and was left as "blank" by NationwideInsurance companies view this as "AT FAULT' when reviewing my driving recordThe representative did not have access to tell me when my file was updated to show "NOT AT FAULT" but did disclose that it was updated recentlyDue to Nationwide's error in reporting my information inaccurately I have not been able to get an accurate insurance quote from other companiesI also have yet to receive any information on their end stating that they made an errorIn addition I have been most likely being charged more for my insurance premium every month since last June There was no disclosure that my insurance rate would go up upon my renewal due to my vehicle age, yet that is what they stated in my complaintThe rate increased upon my renewal shortly after my accidentThis increase is clearly due to the way Nationwide reported my accident
February 21, 2017*** ***
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*** ** ***
*** *** ** ***Dear Ms***,This letter is in response to Mr***’s complaint regarding the non payment cancellation of hisNationwide Auto policy, and the service he received when contacting our Service Center regardingthis matter.Mr***’s account was set up on paperless billing statementsHis billing statements are sent tothe email address on file, ***Cancellation notices are sent via US Mail inaccordance with the State Insurance Department.On December 9, 2016, a billing notice was emailed to the insured at *** advising thata payment of $was due by January 16, Payment was not received, therefore a Notice ofCancellation was issued on January 20, stating that a payment of $(includes a $15.00late fee) must be received by February 5, 2017, or the policy will cancel effective February 6, 2017.No payment was received and the policy cancelled effective February 6, due to non payment ofpremiumEnclosed is a copy of the Billing Notice, Notice of Cancellation, and Proof of Mailing foryour review.Mr*** states in his complaint that his last day to pay was February 9, A review of ourrecords show we have no bill or documentation in our system to show February 9th as the last day topay.Mr*** has expressed concerns regarding his service experienceWe have reviewed Mr.***’s call to Nationwide’s Service Department to verify what had occurredWe have found thatMr*** contacted our Service department on February 8, to dispute the cancellation for nonpaymentMr*** stated that the notice he received advised that he had until February 9, tomake the paymentThe Service Associate pulled the bill that was issued, in addition to thecancellation notice, and advised the insured that according to Nationwide’s document file, thecancellation notice advised the premium must be paid by February 5, to maintain coverage.The associate also stated that if the insured could provide a copy of the document he received tosupport his statement, we would honor a misprint and reverse the cancellationFurthermore, theassociate offered to have the insured send it to them directly so that they could handle it for himTheinsured stated he was out of town at the time and would not be able to obtain that statement until alater dateHe was concerned about driving without insurance in the mean timeThe Associateinformed him that Nationwide could rewrite a new policy, but that providing the statement would beOffice of Customer Advocacy | *** *** *** *** * *** ** ***the only way that we could make an exception to reverse the cancelled policyAt this moment, theinsured requested a SupervisorThe associate recommended our Escalation Team, placed theinsured on hold, and called the Escalation Team for their reviewThe Associate was unable to reacha member of that teamAfter reaching their voicemail, the hold continued for approximately two andhalf minutesAfter this, the associate came back on the line to advise that they had their Supervisorreview itThe Supervisor declined a reinstatement unless the insured would provide a copy of thewarning notice the insured states had a later date listed as the last date to pay.Currently, Nationwide has to concur with our original decisionAll documentation in our files showsthat we advised payment must be received by February 5, If Mr*** would provide us acopy of the bill which he states said February 9, as the last date to pay, we would honor it andreverse the cancellationIf that documentation cannot be provided, then the cancellation wouldstand.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, *** ***,at ###-###-#### or by email at ***.Sincerely,*** ** ***
*** ***Nationwide###-###-####***Enclosures: January BillNotice of CancellationProof of Mailing
This letter is in response to your recent inquiry on behalf of the above named complainant, *** ***, which was received by our company February 22, 2016.Ms. ***’s concern was to have her phone number added to our Do Not Call List. We have processed her request effective
February 22, A copy of a letter we have emailed to Ms*** is attached for your review Our phone lists are prepared in advance; we advised her to please allow approximately days for her information to be completely removed from our lists.The federal DNC list is managed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Consumers may register their telephone numbers on the federal DNC list via a toll-free number, ###-###-####, or online at: Thank you for this opportunity to review Ms***’s concerns. If we may offer any further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at *** or via phone at ###-###-####.Sincerely,
This is an additional response to complaint ***To resolve the issue of thesiding, we have asked for documentation from the customer and/or his contractor toconfirm it is discontinuedIf we are unable to find a reasonable match of style/profile,we will re-evaluate our resolution strategy.If you have any additional questions, please contact Susan H*** ***, Office ofCustomer Advocacy, Nationwide Insurance, One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus OH,43215Sincerely,Tricia P***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms*** concerns regarding the cancellation of the above referenced homeowner’s policy Review of the policy indicates Ms*** wrote her policy with Nationwide effective December 16, 2016. Nationwide received a home
inspection from our outside vendor in January. Review of the inspection indicated that hazards were found. The goat barn, and spring house were not structurally sound and would need to be remedied. Nationwide issued a rejection letter on February 2, 2017, with a cancellation date of February 17, 2017. The policy was cancelled within the 90-day review period. Virginia law requires a 10-day notice, and Nationwide also provides an additional days for mailing timeAttached is a copy of the cancellation notice. Upon receipt of the complaint by Ms***, Nationwide reached out to her to advise upon further review, Underwriting will agree to allow Ms*** to provide the remedies (goat house torn down, and interior photos of spring house, to determine structurally sound) by March 15, 2017. If the remedies are not provided by that date, a new cancellation letter will be issued Ms*** was agreeable to this additional time to remedy the hazardsI provided my email address, *** to forward the remedies when they are completed If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Kris C*** at ###-###-#### or email [email protected]
This letter is in response to the complaint filed with your agency by *** *** regarding policy ***. On February 9, a refund was issued to *** *** in the amount of $for unearned premium paid on cancelled policy ***
This refund was issued under check number *** On February 26, the refund check number *** was cashedA copy of the cashed refund check has been included On May 9, a second attempt was made to cash refund check number ***The request was not honored as it had been cashed previously on February 26, A copy of the refund check from the second attempt has also been included Per a conversation I had with *** *** on May 23, 2016, the insured advised that he was able to locate where he deposited the refund check in a *** ** *** checking account in February of As the member was able to locate where he cashed the refund check, no further action was taken If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Phillis H***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Stephen Y***
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated May 16, 2017, regarding the above noted file We have reviewed Ms***’ account and policy, and I will be happy to respond to her concerns. It appears someone informed Ms*** that there was changes to handling of roadside or
a change in our policy in the handling of roadside claims There were no actual policy changes that affected roadside coverage Ms*** had Roadside Assistance Coverage on her policy, up to Miles/$Lockout, endorsement *** *** Ms*** did cancel her policy on March 22, 2017. Regarding the call made by the insured to *** for Roadside Assistance, we need to know which policy number the member called in under for service This will help determine why the member may have been advised they had no coverageMs*** should submit a receipt for towing that was paid out of pocket to [email protected] for reimbursement As long as the towing was performed on a date that the policy was in force, it will be considered for reimbursement. Regarding Ms***’ billing, the policy renewed November 8, 2016, with a twelve month premium of $1,764.12, plus the State Fraud Surcharge of $A change was made November 16, 2016, effective for November 8, renewal to decrease the annual miles for the Jeep and the LincolnThis gave a credit of $155.64; making the new twelve month premium $1,plus the State Fraud Surcharge of $3.52. There were days of coverage provided from November 8, until March 22, 2017; when the policy was request cancelled by Ms***The premium owed for the days of coverage is $591.80; the total payments received were $The collection amount is for all coverages provided up to the March 22, 2017, the cancellation date. On March 30, a final bill for $was sent to Ms*** for premium owedOn April 20, a collection letter for $was sent to the Ms*** advising the amount was owed by May 20, or the amount owed will be sent to the collection agency. We apologize for any confusion this matter may have caused If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K***, direct at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Suzana K***
I was never informed this was a partial paymentThis was what I was told my payments would be every monthThen I got a bill saying my payments were almost twice what I was quotedI dropped the insurance then thy charged me for a extra month
Regards, *** ***
This is in response to the inquiry received on April 21, for the above policyholder and her property policy. Ms*** has expressed concerns on our Company’s calculated replacement cost and that it was increased after the personal property policy was purchasedOur Company’s
application for a personal property policy states that Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company or its affiliate or subsidiary company providing coverage can make adjustments to Coverage A or commonly known as the replacement/reconstruction coverage. It goes on to state changes will be made based on a Home Care review that will be completed on the homeMr*** signed the application agreeing to this process. A copy of the application has been enclosed The Home Care review took place on July 23, with an interior and exterior survey being completedThis review revealed several discrepancy’s compared to what Mr*** provided during the application process on the interior and exterior of the home that contributed to the increase in replacement costThey are: At the time of the application 100% vinyl siding was indicated, during our review the inspector indicated the home was 80% wood shakes and 20% wood sidingSquare footage for the porch, square footage for the greenhouse and square footage for an additional porch were not included on the application.On the application it was stated the home was 100% drywall, during the review it was found to be a 100% plaster.Hardwood floors were entered as 40% during the application, however the inspector found it to be 75% hardwood floors There are several other items that were updated but the above are some of the main differences that increased the replacement cost from $201,to $278,A letter was sent to Mr*** on August 21, stating the Home Care review was completed and that the replacement cost was being adjustedA copy of the notice has been enclosed. Ms*** indicates she has received a much lower replacement cost from our competitorWe cannot speak to how another company calculates replacement cost or their company guidelines. Ms*** also indicates we are not sending the full refund due to the policy cancelling midtermIf the customer request cancels their policy prior to the end of the renewal/midterm, the policy will be pro-ratedPro-rating is spreading the premium, on a daily basis, over the policy periodWhen a policy is cancelled midterm, pro-rating calculates premium earned by the insurance company and the amount the customer is responsible forEvery dollar in excess of the earned premium is considered unearned and it will be refunded to the insuredMs***’s policy is being cancelled effective April 16, per the Policy Cancellation Request form our Company received on April 18, If there is an in excess of the earned premium, it will be refunded to the Mrand Ms*** within to business days. Thank you for the opportunity to review our business handling of the insured’s personal property policy If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Cathy D***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Bridget MD***
I received a Authorization of release of information from your officeI filled out said complaint and signed said document and mailed it to your offices which I believe it must have got misplaced or not delivered because of the holiday seasonWhen I applied for said insuranceI was and my wife were very firm that she was not to be put on said insurance policyI am the sole owner of said vehicles and she doesn’t have a valid license to drive and I doI returned the forms that were mailed to me on several occasions from the insurance company and mailed the back signed and datedI also called the said company on several occasions and was told the insurance would be cancelled because of my wife not being a valid neverThe insurance was supposed to be solely on me and no-one else and this was stated on several occasionsI feel I was mislead in the matter and it is very unethical to treat anyone this wayThis letter also gives you permission to authorization to contact anyone you wish about this matter and also for them to release information to you
Dear Mr***
This letter is in response to your inquiry sent via the
Your son, ***, holds a Class C drivers license. This license allows him to drive any noncommercial single vehicle with a GVWR of less than 26, pounds. Since he
is a resident of your household and has access to your owned vehicles, he will be added to your policy as an occasional operator
Unless proof of insurance elsewhere can be provided, he will remain a listed driver on this policy
Thank you for your letter regarding our member’s concernsI have reviewed the file to determine what transpired during our member’s accident and tow event
An independent, third party tow company was dispatched to move our member’s vehicle from the storage facility to a repair location. An independent third party is not a company owned by Nationwide. It is an optional service that is offered for member use. When a third party is used and alleged damage occurs, a separate claim with applicable deductible would need to be opened
The option of opening a claim with Nationwide would require the member to pay their deductible and Nationwide would then pay any charges in excess of the deductible. Should Nationwide’s claim investigation determine that there is subrogation opportunity, meaning there is sufficient evidence to determine damage was more than likely caused by the third party, Nationwide would pursue subrogation in an attempt to acquire the member’s deductible along with any expenses Nationwide incurred to repair the vehicle.
The alleged damage the member is stating occurred during the tow would be a separate claim and have a separate deductible since the damage is unrelated to the initial accident for which the vehicle was being towed by the independent third party provider
If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Charity W*** ###########, or by email at ***
Jennifer W***
*** *** ***
I saw numerous lies in the explanationI was not told about me having to register for the paperless billing until I called the first time I noticed the spike in my billI also did not agree with the changed rate of psyI feel like I am being bamboozled into a trick bag with NationwideThere was an agent that admitted it was an error on your end in the beginning of my policy and that error was not due to me it was due to your agent,system, or whoever errorSo I do feel like I should not be penalized due to an error I had no part inY payments started at one rate and then Nationwde decided to spike it upWhich is not exceptableEspecially if the error was atno fault of my ownI have called on numerous occassions due to Nationwide trying to spike up my paymentNot exceptable or fair
Regards, *** ***
This letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on December 30, 2015.Our Policyholders, *** and *** ***, reported a claim with a Date of Loss of September 30,on October 1, for tenant vandalism*** *** Candice M*** contacted Mr.***
on October 1, and arranged to have an Independent Adjuster inspect her home onOctober 6, A payment for the undisputed portion of the loss was issued on October 19, of$9,A payment for Loss of Rent was issued on November 4, of $2,and also onDecember 5, for $totaling $2,341.96.On November 2, Mr*** inquired about settlement for his AC unitOn November 6, 2015we advised him that we would need an inspection and report from an HVAC Technician to determine ofthe unit was in fact vandalized and if it could be repaired or replacedWe received an estimate from Mr.***'s HVAC Technician on November 11, The estimate lacked detail regarding how thedamages were caused and did not specify if the unit could be repairedWe advised Mr*** thatwe would need additional information on November 17, 2015.On December 3, Mr*** sent us an ernail advising us that he had another report thatanswered our questions however we misunderstood the correspondence and were not aware that therewas another report in placeWe continued to communicate with our Policyholder in December andattempted to contact their HVAC Technician a few times to discuss their findings but did not hear backfrom them until January 4, On that date we were able to confirm that the damages to the HVACwas in fact intentional and it did in fact need to be replacedIn light of that information we sent thepayment for the damaged HVAC system on January 5, for $5,600.If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, GerrieH***, toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext*** or by email at ***Sincerely,Pamela L*** ***
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated March 14, regarding *** *** and his rejection to our response provided on March 10, I will be happy to respond to Mr***’s additional correspondence.Nationwide is not able to accommodate Mr***’s expected resolution to apply a 40% verified SmartRide Discount to the Chevrolet Silverado as the vehicle has not completed the data collection period for the SmartRide programNationwide is required to remain compliant with the regulatory filings that that Company files with the Colorado Department of InsuranceThese filings do not allow the Company to provide compensation to Mr*** or add a discount to a vehicle for which the vehicle does not qualifyAdditionally, as stated in our March 10, response, Mr*** was correctly advised of the SmartRide program.If the vehicle remains enrolled in the SmartRide program, a verified SmartRide Discount will be applied on the September 30, renewal term as determined by the data collected during the data collection period.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Jake M***
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me. Will this settlement be sent to *** or me? when can they expect it? If this will be sent to *** I would like to be able to update them and let them know it is coming
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the regarding policy number*** for *** *** and to address *** *** ***’s concerns about his policy.On 01/12/2017, Ms*** *** and Mr*** *** *** received an auto insurance quote from the *** *** ***
Agency, for a Titan Indemnity Company DBA Nationwide Insurance CompanyThisquote listed both *** *** and *** *** *** as rated drivers and included two vehiclesThefollowing notice was printed at the top of the quote: “IMPORTANT NOTE: All Premiums quoted aresubject to verification of information.” (See Attachment titled “Pre-quote 01/12/2017”).On 01/17/2017, Ms*** *** decided to purchase a policy and opted to pay the full premium of$2,as a ‘paid in full’ bill optionThe policy was written and bound with only Ms*** listed as arated driver as Mr*** did not yet have an American drivers’ licenseAfter the policy was bound andduring our new business underwriting review, it was determined the value listed for both vehicles wereoverstatedTherefore, underwriting made appropriate corrections, resulting in a reduction of premium inthe amount of $The result was an adjusted term premium of $2,372.48, as reflected in theinception declarations page(See Attachment titled “Inception Dec”)On 01/19/2017, *** from *** Insurance, contacted our service center to change driver #2; spouse:*** ***, to a rated driver effective 01/19/2017, since Mr*** had obtained his American drivers’licenseThis increased the total term premium in the amount of $1,224.22.Office of Customer Advocacy, One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus Ohio, 43215The reason why the initial quote with both drivers was different than what was the ultimate premium pricefor those same two drivers was the fact that at the time the policy was initially quoted a credit check hadnot been runThe reason for this is that credit is run during the actual application process when thepolicy is purchased, not when a quote is madeThe initial quote provided was a non-credit basedtraditional productHowever, the policy was bound as a general product, which is a credit based product.At the review of this complaint, the total term premium is $3,which includes both *** *** and*** *** *** as rated drivers(See “Revised Dec” attached)When this premium adjustment wasdiscussed with Mr***, he questioned the reason for the difference between the initial quoted premium(with both drivers) and the actual premium (with both drivers)His agent explained that she provided hima quote and when the policy was fully reviewed by underwriting the premium was adjusted based uponadditional informationAs a courtesy for Mr***, an exception was extended to allow cancellation of thepolicy without a mid-term cancellation fee and a return of any unused premiumHowever, Mr***declined the offer.Finally, I want to bring to your attention that on page of the North Carolina Department of InsuranceConsumer Guide to Automobile Insurance, it states the following under “How Rates are Determined,” “Aquote is an estimate of your premiumIt does not offer a firm price or contract.”If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator,Charity W*** or by email at ***.Sincerely,Stephanie F*
there are several points Nationwide
tries to make that are and extraordinarily misleading
Let me outline some
confusing things that Nationwide sets forth in their purposefully confusing
explanation This is clearly an effort to make this issue go away
Since I won't permit them to defraud other consumers, let me take a
moment to highlight some obvious problems with their explanation
Webster's dictionary defines the word 'processed' as "to subject to or handle through an established, usually routine set
of procedures (process insurance
claims) that lead to a result[i]"
By this widely accepted definition from a trusted
source, the "processing of a claim" means that the claim
follows a series of steps or procedures that lead to a result of either
being paid or denied
Nationwide claims that they received and processed the
claim in days How is that possible since the claim was not denied
until July 21? The claim that they processed the claim in three days
is completely FALSE They take a small bit of information and manipulate
it to look how they want it to lookIf the claim was in fact,
"processed" in three days, how is it that the claim was still
active and being worked on right through May, June, and July? And
even after CLAIMING that they processed this claim in three days, they go
on to say that they hadn't actually issued a decision on the claim until
July and outline the dates that things happened They claim they
did the right thing in one breath, and tell you that they did not do the
right thing in the next breath This is an ongoing theme with
Nationwide I have only been a customer since April and I already
know this.
What is this May date they speak of? I was
never told anything about an additional waiting period for DENTAL
No one ever mentioned that DENTAL and MEDICAL were separated and
never referred to the two separately There is no separation in the
policy for dental and the premiums I paid were for MEDICAL This was
inclusive of DENTAL and there was no additional waiting period So
how is the date of May even significant? The rep I spoke to on
the phone on July did not know what the date of May meant or why it
was mentioned She had to put me on hold and ask a supervisor
She had no explanation for the May date or what it meant
Where did it come from? What does it mean?
They claim that "Because a dental cleaning
had been done, future claims may be eligible after May 24, 2016."
I again ask, why May 24? What does that mean? And anyone
can tell you that they will DENY any claim relating to her teeth now that
they termed her periodontitis as preexisting What they really mean
to say here is, "Future claims can be sumitted after May 24, but will
be DENIED and NEVER PAID, because we said she has preexisting disease
The claim that Nationwide never delayed a claim is
FALSE Clearly, as I outlined in my initial complaint, the claim was
left to sit until I made contact and started asking questions as to why it
was still pending The only actions that took place came after I either
called in or made email contact asking about the status of the claim
How many coincidences should be believed? Every time I asked
about the claim, the very next day, some action was taken on it And
then it was left to sit longer
The fact is that the claim was submitted on May 10,
and was not finalized as denied for payment until July
There is no defense for the timeline The claim was not
processed in days, it was PENDED for decision in days and Nationwide
proceeded to delay making a decision made to pay or not pay for a total of
days with a series of delaying tactics that are total nonsense
When I called in on June to as(k why no decision had been made
after the medical records had been in the hands of Nationwide for three
weeks, I was told that the department was "backed up and has not been
able to review the records as quickly as usual." Really?
There were four doctor visits in my pet's voluminous records
It takes five minutes to look the few pages over and figure out
whats going onOf course, when you are trying to delay payments and are
looking for reasons to deny claims, I understand completely why it would
take longer Amazingly, as usual, the day after my phone call, a
letter stating an additional days would be needed to review the claim
So I am surprised that Nationwide would LIE and say that they
processed the claim in days, after they issued a letter, days into
the claim process (May to June 15=days), saying that ANOTHER days
would be needed So much for the day claim of Nationwide's
Further, the Vet did not diagnose her with
gastroenteritis (a viral stomach disorder that causes vomiting) or an
upper respiratory DISEASE Nationwide DIAGNOSED my animal with these
illnesses for purposes of intentional exclusion if I were ever to bring my
animal in for treatment of these, or ANY OTHER illnesses My cat did
NOT have GREEN DISCHARGE requiring medical treatment, did not have
VOMITING requiring medical treatment Nationwide is taking ANY WORDS
in the medical record and making them exclusions- whether or not they
actually exist or were a problem But then according to them, they
can confabulate, invent, or claim ANY ILLNESS was preexisting within the
UNETHICAL and IMMORAL wording of their policy They state that
"a preexisting condition means ANY condition that began, was
contracted, manifested, or incurred within TWELVE MONTHS of the effective
date of this policy or during any waiting period, WHETHER OR NOT THE
definition, ANY ILLNESS will be excluded by Nationwide as preexistingThe
only things Nationwide will pay are injuries that occur to a part of the
body that has never had anything wrong with it, because otherwise they
will claim it was part of a preexisting weakness or injury that occurred
and is PREEXISTING This type of policy is FRAUDULENT and MISLEADING
to the consumer Anything to not pay a claim Anything,
whether immoral, already outlawed in treatment to humans, or misleading to
the customer Along these same lines, Nationwide would say that
words in the medical record such as "the feline was breathing
heavy" would mean that she has a respiratory disease Or
"feline was fearful of staff" would mean that the cat has some
kind of preexisting psychiatric problem or organic brain disorder or
disease Or "feline sneezed" (once) would mean that the cat now has a preexisting allergy or preexisting respiratory disease- from a single sneeze .Nationwide looks to take words in medical records out of
context and turn the into any kind of possible diagnosis that they can
count as a preexisting condition that they can exclude.In the 1980's and 1990's, in the infancy of human HMO's, insurance companies tried the same thing that Nationwide is doing with its pet insurance Finding any sneeze and calling it preexisting respiratory disease A day where a child vomited twice and calling it preexisting gastroenteritis A doctor who asks "how is the baby doing overall," and when the mother says, "sometimes she has a stuffy nose," the insurance company says there is preexisting respiratory disease This is exactly what Nationwide has done with pet insurance Take note that the HMO's attempts to make anything outside of breathing preexisting was met with legislation that outlawed the practice Obviously, we need tighter laws surrounding the pet insurance industry, because Nationwide is doing the same thing Shame on you Nationwide I will make sure that I pass along my experience with Nationwide to all pet owners I know
Take some free marketing advice, Nationwide should change their catch phrase to: Any preexisting condition Any word, anywhere, about anythingWe can and will find itAnything to not pay a claimThat's our Nationwide promise. Truth in advertising, right?
continues to lie and deny
*** ***
you can clearly see the wire marks in the rims from rubbing against the metal wire guard railIf you compare the driver's side tires to the passenger side's tire you will see a remarkable differenceThe passenger side tire does have wear and tear, however the driver's side tire has damages done to it due the accident. We have already come to an understanding that Nationwide is NOT responsible for the rear differentialI was using the payment for the diagnostic as an example to Nationwide to let you know that YOU made the request and I completed the task and paid for the diagnostic which found Nationwide not at fault for the rear end / differential.For the 3rd time my request is for there to be an independent evaluation of the GMC Sierra from an "outside" source to evaluate the accident value that Nationwide has said they will pay to me the customerI disagree with the payment amount offered as I continue to disagree about the tires being due to wear and tear when you can clearly see wire marks through the rim.So in conclusion my request is for an outside estimate evaluation of the GMC Sierra in order to resolve the issue the I have with Nationwide.Thank you,
Regards, *** ***
Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding a complaint you received from Ms***, unfortunately do to privacy concerns I cannot share the specific details on this claim. As Property Claims Manager, I have reviewed this claim file and have spoken to Ms*** about her concerns.
Additionally, Nationwide has taken additional steps to assist in the evaluation of the damages and to help to address the concerns of Ms*** as we work towards an amicable resolution. Based on my review Nationwide believes the claim was handled in a professional manner. However, I am sorry that the outcome was not satisfactory to Ms*** We strive to meet our customer’s needs, but understand that sometimes we are unable to do so. Thank you for bringing this matter to our attentionWe trust this will resolve all pending concerns. Sincerely, Kenneth W G*** ***
Good afternoon,
Yesterday afternoon at 2:42pm I contacted lexis nexisI spoke to a representative who stated that the accident was reporting inaccurately on my record and was left as "blank" by NationwideInsurance companies view this as "AT FAULT' when reviewing my driving recordThe representative did not have access to tell me when my file was updated to show "NOT AT FAULT" but did disclose that it was updated recentlyDue to Nationwide's error in reporting my information inaccurately I have not been able to get an accurate insurance quote from other companiesI also have yet to receive any information on their end stating that they made an errorIn addition I have been most likely being charged more for my insurance premium every month since last June There was no disclosure that my insurance rate would go up upon my renewal due to my vehicle age, yet that is what they stated in my complaintThe rate increased upon my renewal shortly after my accidentThis increase is clearly due to the way Nationwide reported my accident
February 21, 2017*** ***
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*** *** *** ** ***
*** ** ***
*** *** ** ***Dear Ms***,This letter is in response to Mr***’s complaint regarding the non payment cancellation of hisNationwide Auto policy, and the service he received when contacting our Service Center regardingthis matter.Mr***’s account was set up on paperless billing statementsHis billing statements are sent tothe email address on file, ***Cancellation notices are sent via US Mail inaccordance with the State Insurance Department.On December 9, 2016, a billing notice was emailed to the insured at *** advising thata payment of $was due by January 16, Payment was not received, therefore a Notice ofCancellation was issued on January 20, stating that a payment of $(includes a $15.00late fee) must be received by February 5, 2017, or the policy will cancel effective February 6, 2017.No payment was received and the policy cancelled effective February 6, due to non payment ofpremiumEnclosed is a copy of the Billing Notice, Notice of Cancellation, and Proof of Mailing foryour review.Mr*** states in his complaint that his last day to pay was February 9, A review of ourrecords show we have no bill or documentation in our system to show February 9th as the last day topay.Mr*** has expressed concerns regarding his service experienceWe have reviewed Mr.***’s call to Nationwide’s Service Department to verify what had occurredWe have found thatMr*** contacted our Service department on February 8, to dispute the cancellation for nonpaymentMr*** stated that the notice he received advised that he had until February 9, tomake the paymentThe Service Associate pulled the bill that was issued, in addition to thecancellation notice, and advised the insured that according to Nationwide’s document file, thecancellation notice advised the premium must be paid by February 5, to maintain coverage.The associate also stated that if the insured could provide a copy of the document he received tosupport his statement, we would honor a misprint and reverse the cancellationFurthermore, theassociate offered to have the insured send it to them directly so that they could handle it for himTheinsured stated he was out of town at the time and would not be able to obtain that statement until alater dateHe was concerned about driving without insurance in the mean timeThe Associateinformed him that Nationwide could rewrite a new policy, but that providing the statement would beOffice of Customer Advocacy | *** *** *** *** * *** ** ***the only way that we could make an exception to reverse the cancelled policyAt this moment, theinsured requested a SupervisorThe associate recommended our Escalation Team, placed theinsured on hold, and called the Escalation Team for their reviewThe Associate was unable to reacha member of that teamAfter reaching their voicemail, the hold continued for approximately two andhalf minutesAfter this, the associate came back on the line to advise that they had their Supervisorreview itThe Supervisor declined a reinstatement unless the insured would provide a copy of thewarning notice the insured states had a later date listed as the last date to pay.Currently, Nationwide has to concur with our original decisionAll documentation in our files showsthat we advised payment must be received by February 5, If Mr*** would provide us acopy of the bill which he states said February 9, as the last date to pay, we would honor it andreverse the cancellationIf that documentation cannot be provided, then the cancellation wouldstand.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, *** ***,at ###-###-#### or by email at ***.Sincerely,*** ** ***
*** ***Nationwide###-###-####***Enclosures: January BillNotice of CancellationProof of Mailing
This letter is in response to your recent inquiry on behalf of the above named complainant, *** ***, which was received by our company February 22, 2016.Ms. ***’s concern was to have her phone number added to our Do Not Call List. We have processed her request effective
February 22, A copy of a letter we have emailed to Ms*** is attached for your review Our phone lists are prepared in advance; we advised her to please allow approximately days for her information to be completely removed from our lists.The federal DNC list is managed by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Consumers may register their telephone numbers on the federal DNC list via a toll-free number, ###-###-####, or online at: Thank you for this opportunity to review Ms***’s concerns. If we may offer any further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at *** or via phone at ###-###-####.Sincerely,
This is an additional response to complaint ***To resolve the issue of thesiding, we have asked for documentation from the customer and/or his contractor toconfirm it is discontinuedIf we are unable to find a reasonable match of style/profile,we will re-evaluate our resolution strategy.If you have any additional questions, please contact Susan H*** ***, Office ofCustomer Advocacy, Nationwide Insurance, One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus OH,43215Sincerely,Tricia P***
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to Ms*** concerns regarding the cancellation of the above referenced homeowner’s policy Review of the policy indicates Ms*** wrote her policy with Nationwide effective December 16, 2016. Nationwide received a home
inspection from our outside vendor in January. Review of the inspection indicated that hazards were found. The goat barn, and spring house were not structurally sound and would need to be remedied. Nationwide issued a rejection letter on February 2, 2017, with a cancellation date of February 17, 2017. The policy was cancelled within the 90-day review period. Virginia law requires a 10-day notice, and Nationwide also provides an additional days for mailing timeAttached is a copy of the cancellation notice. Upon receipt of the complaint by Ms***, Nationwide reached out to her to advise upon further review, Underwriting will agree to allow Ms*** to provide the remedies (goat house torn down, and interior photos of spring house, to determine structurally sound) by March 15, 2017. If the remedies are not provided by that date, a new cancellation letter will be issued Ms*** was agreeable to this additional time to remedy the hazardsI provided my email address, *** to forward the remedies when they are completed If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact our Customer Relations Coordinator, Kris C*** at ###-###-#### or email [email protected]
This letter is in response to the complaint filed with your agency by *** *** regarding policy ***. On February 9, a refund was issued to *** *** in the amount of $for unearned premium paid on cancelled policy ***
This refund was issued under check number *** On February 26, the refund check number *** was cashedA copy of the cashed refund check has been included On May 9, a second attempt was made to cash refund check number ***The request was not honored as it had been cashed previously on February 26, A copy of the refund check from the second attempt has also been included Per a conversation I had with *** *** on May 23, 2016, the insured advised that he was able to locate where he deposited the refund check in a *** ** *** checking account in February of As the member was able to locate where he cashed the refund check, no further action was taken If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Phillis H***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Stephen Y***
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated May 16, 2017, regarding the above noted file We have reviewed Ms***’ account and policy, and I will be happy to respond to her concerns. It appears someone informed Ms*** that there was changes to handling of roadside or
a change in our policy in the handling of roadside claims There were no actual policy changes that affected roadside coverage Ms*** had Roadside Assistance Coverage on her policy, up to Miles/$Lockout, endorsement *** *** Ms*** did cancel her policy on March 22, 2017. Regarding the call made by the insured to *** for Roadside Assistance, we need to know which policy number the member called in under for service This will help determine why the member may have been advised they had no coverageMs*** should submit a receipt for towing that was paid out of pocket to [email protected] for reimbursement As long as the towing was performed on a date that the policy was in force, it will be considered for reimbursement. Regarding Ms***’ billing, the policy renewed November 8, 2016, with a twelve month premium of $1,764.12, plus the State Fraud Surcharge of $A change was made November 16, 2016, effective for November 8, renewal to decrease the annual miles for the Jeep and the LincolnThis gave a credit of $155.64; making the new twelve month premium $1,plus the State Fraud Surcharge of $3.52. There were days of coverage provided from November 8, until March 22, 2017; when the policy was request cancelled by Ms***The premium owed for the days of coverage is $591.80; the total payments received were $The collection amount is for all coverages provided up to the March 22, 2017, the cancellation date. On March 30, a final bill for $was sent to Ms*** for premium owedOn April 20, a collection letter for $was sent to the Ms*** advising the amount was owed by May 20, or the amount owed will be sent to the collection agency. We apologize for any confusion this matter may have caused If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K***, direct at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Suzana K***
I was never informed this was a partial paymentThis was what I was told my payments would be every monthThen I got a bill saying my payments were almost twice what I was quotedI dropped the insurance then thy charged me for a extra month
Regards, *** ***
This is in response to the inquiry received on April 21, for the above policyholder and her property policy. Ms*** has expressed concerns on our Company’s calculated replacement cost and that it was increased after the personal property policy was purchasedOur Company’s
application for a personal property policy states that Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company or its affiliate or subsidiary company providing coverage can make adjustments to Coverage A or commonly known as the replacement/reconstruction coverage. It goes on to state changes will be made based on a Home Care review that will be completed on the homeMr*** signed the application agreeing to this process. A copy of the application has been enclosed The Home Care review took place on July 23, with an interior and exterior survey being completedThis review revealed several discrepancy’s compared to what Mr*** provided during the application process on the interior and exterior of the home that contributed to the increase in replacement costThey are: At the time of the application 100% vinyl siding was indicated, during our review the inspector indicated the home was 80% wood shakes and 20% wood sidingSquare footage for the porch, square footage for the greenhouse and square footage for an additional porch were not included on the application.On the application it was stated the home was 100% drywall, during the review it was found to be a 100% plaster.Hardwood floors were entered as 40% during the application, however the inspector found it to be 75% hardwood floors There are several other items that were updated but the above are some of the main differences that increased the replacement cost from $201,to $278,A letter was sent to Mr*** on August 21, stating the Home Care review was completed and that the replacement cost was being adjustedA copy of the notice has been enclosed. Ms*** indicates she has received a much lower replacement cost from our competitorWe cannot speak to how another company calculates replacement cost or their company guidelines. Ms*** also indicates we are not sending the full refund due to the policy cancelling midtermIf the customer request cancels their policy prior to the end of the renewal/midterm, the policy will be pro-ratedPro-rating is spreading the premium, on a daily basis, over the policy periodWhen a policy is cancelled midterm, pro-rating calculates premium earned by the insurance company and the amount the customer is responsible forEvery dollar in excess of the earned premium is considered unearned and it will be refunded to the insuredMs***’s policy is being cancelled effective April 16, per the Policy Cancellation Request form our Company received on April 18, If there is an in excess of the earned premium, it will be refunded to the Mrand Ms*** within to business days. Thank you for the opportunity to review our business handling of the insured’s personal property policy If you require further assistance, please contact our *** *** ***, Cathy D***, at ###-###-#### or by email at *** Sincerely, Bridget MD***
I received a Authorization of release of information from your officeI filled out said complaint and signed said document and mailed it to your offices which I believe it must have got misplaced or not delivered because of the holiday seasonWhen I applied for said insuranceI was and my wife were very firm that she was not to be put on said insurance policyI am the sole owner of said vehicles and she doesn’t have a valid license to drive and I doI returned the forms that were mailed to me on several occasions from the insurance company and mailed the back signed and datedI also called the said company on several occasions and was told the insurance would be cancelled because of my wife not being a valid neverThe insurance was supposed to be solely on me and no-one else and this was stated on several occasionsI feel I was mislead in the matter and it is very unethical to treat anyone this wayThis letter also gives you permission to authorization to contact anyone you wish about this matter and also for them to release information to you
Dear Mr***
This letter is in response to your inquiry sent via the
Your son, ***, holds a Class C drivers license. This license allows him to drive any noncommercial single vehicle with a GVWR of less than 26, pounds. Since he
is a resident of your household and has access to your owned vehicles, he will be added to your policy as an occasional operator
Unless proof of insurance elsewhere can be provided, he will remain a listed driver on this policy
Thank you for your letter regarding our member’s concernsI have reviewed the file to determine what transpired during our member’s accident and tow event
An independent, third party tow company was dispatched to move our member’s vehicle from the storage facility to a repair location. An independent third party is not a company owned by Nationwide. It is an optional service that is offered for member use. When a third party is used and alleged damage occurs, a separate claim with applicable deductible would need to be opened
The option of opening a claim with Nationwide would require the member to pay their deductible and Nationwide would then pay any charges in excess of the deductible. Should Nationwide’s claim investigation determine that there is subrogation opportunity, meaning there is sufficient evidence to determine damage was more than likely caused by the third party, Nationwide would pursue subrogation in an attempt to acquire the member’s deductible along with any expenses Nationwide incurred to repair the vehicle.
The alleged damage the member is stating occurred during the tow would be a separate claim and have a separate deductible since the damage is unrelated to the initial accident for which the vehicle was being towed by the independent third party provider
If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, Charity W*** ###########, or by email at ***
Jennifer W***
*** *** ***
I saw numerous lies in the explanationI was not told about me having to register for the paperless billing until I called the first time I noticed the spike in my billI also did not agree with the changed rate of psyI feel like I am being bamboozled into a trick bag with NationwideThere was an agent that admitted it was an error on your end in the beginning of my policy and that error was not due to me it was due to your agent,system, or whoever errorSo I do feel like I should not be penalized due to an error I had no part inY payments started at one rate and then Nationwde decided to spike it upWhich is not exceptableEspecially if the error was atno fault of my ownI have called on numerous occassions due to Nationwide trying to spike up my paymentNot exceptable or fair
Regards, *** ***
This letter is in response to the inquiry received from your office on December 30, 2015.Our Policyholders, *** and *** ***, reported a claim with a Date of Loss of September 30,on October 1, for tenant vandalism*** *** Candice M*** contacted Mr.***
on October 1, and arranged to have an Independent Adjuster inspect her home onOctober 6, A payment for the undisputed portion of the loss was issued on October 19, of$9,A payment for Loss of Rent was issued on November 4, of $2,and also onDecember 5, for $totaling $2,341.96.On November 2, Mr*** inquired about settlement for his AC unitOn November 6, 2015we advised him that we would need an inspection and report from an HVAC Technician to determine ofthe unit was in fact vandalized and if it could be repaired or replacedWe received an estimate from Mr.***'s HVAC Technician on November 11, The estimate lacked detail regarding how thedamages were caused and did not specify if the unit could be repairedWe advised Mr*** thatwe would need additional information on November 17, 2015.On December 3, Mr*** sent us an ernail advising us that he had another report thatanswered our questions however we misunderstood the correspondence and were not aware that therewas another report in placeWe continued to communicate with our Policyholder in December andattempted to contact their HVAC Technician a few times to discuss their findings but did not hear backfrom them until January 4, On that date we were able to confirm that the damages to the HVACwas in fact intentional and it did in fact need to be replacedIn light of that information we sent thepayment for the damaged HVAC system on January 5, for $5,600.If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our *** *** ***, GerrieH***, toll-free at ###-###-####, Ext*** or by email at ***Sincerely,Pamela L*** ***
We are in receipt of your correspondence dated March 14, regarding *** *** and his rejection to our response provided on March 10, I will be happy to respond to Mr***’s additional correspondence.Nationwide is not able to accommodate Mr***’s expected resolution to apply a 40% verified SmartRide Discount to the Chevrolet Silverado as the vehicle has not completed the data collection period for the SmartRide programNationwide is required to remain compliant with the regulatory filings that that Company files with the Colorado Department of InsuranceThese filings do not allow the Company to provide compensation to Mr*** or add a discount to a vehicle for which the vehicle does not qualifyAdditionally, as stated in our March 10, response, Mr*** was correctly advised of the SmartRide program.If the vehicle remains enrolled in the SmartRide program, a verified SmartRide Discount will be applied on the September 30, renewal term as determined by the data collected during the data collection period.If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator, Janice K***, at ###-###-#### or by email at ***Sincerely,Jake M***
I reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find the resolution is satisfactory to me. Will this settlement be sent to *** or me? when can they expect it? If this will be sent to *** I would like to be able to update them and let them know it is coming
Thank you for the opportunity to respond to the regarding policy number*** for *** *** and to address *** *** ***’s concerns about his policy.On 01/12/2017, Ms*** *** and Mr*** *** *** received an auto insurance quote from the *** *** ***
Agency, for a Titan Indemnity Company DBA Nationwide Insurance CompanyThisquote listed both *** *** and *** *** *** as rated drivers and included two vehiclesThefollowing notice was printed at the top of the quote: “IMPORTANT NOTE: All Premiums quoted aresubject to verification of information.” (See Attachment titled “Pre-quote 01/12/2017”).On 01/17/2017, Ms*** *** decided to purchase a policy and opted to pay the full premium of$2,as a ‘paid in full’ bill optionThe policy was written and bound with only Ms*** listed as arated driver as Mr*** did not yet have an American drivers’ licenseAfter the policy was bound andduring our new business underwriting review, it was determined the value listed for both vehicles wereoverstatedTherefore, underwriting made appropriate corrections, resulting in a reduction of premium inthe amount of $The result was an adjusted term premium of $2,372.48, as reflected in theinception declarations page(See Attachment titled “Inception Dec”)On 01/19/2017, *** from *** Insurance, contacted our service center to change driver #2; spouse:*** ***, to a rated driver effective 01/19/2017, since Mr*** had obtained his American drivers’licenseThis increased the total term premium in the amount of $1,224.22.Office of Customer Advocacy, One Nationwide Plaza, Columbus Ohio, 43215The reason why the initial quote with both drivers was different than what was the ultimate premium pricefor those same two drivers was the fact that at the time the policy was initially quoted a credit check hadnot been runThe reason for this is that credit is run during the actual application process when thepolicy is purchased, not when a quote is madeThe initial quote provided was a non-credit basedtraditional productHowever, the policy was bound as a general product, which is a credit based product.At the review of this complaint, the total term premium is $3,which includes both *** *** and*** *** *** as rated drivers(See “Revised Dec” attached)When this premium adjustment wasdiscussed with Mr***, he questioned the reason for the difference between the initial quoted premium(with both drivers) and the actual premium (with both drivers)His agent explained that she provided hima quote and when the policy was fully reviewed by underwriting the premium was adjusted based uponadditional informationAs a courtesy for Mr***, an exception was extended to allow cancellation of thepolicy without a mid-term cancellation fee and a return of any unused premiumHowever, Mr***declined the offer.Finally, I want to bring to your attention that on page of the North Carolina Department of InsuranceConsumer Guide to Automobile Insurance, it states the following under “How Rates are Determined,” “Aquote is an estimate of your premiumIt does not offer a firm price or contract.”If you require further assistance in this matter, please contact our Customer Advocacy Coordinator,Charity W*** or by email at ***.Sincerely,Stephanie F
there are several points Nationwide
tries to make that are and extraordinarily misleading
Let me outline some
confusing things that Nationwide sets forth in their purposefully confusing
explanation This is clearly an effort to make this issue go away
Since I won't permit them to defraud other consumers, let me take a
moment to highlight some obvious problems with their explanation
Webster's dictionary defines the word 'processed' as "to subject to or handle through an established, usually routine set
of procedures (process insurance
claims) that lead to a result[i]"
By this widely accepted definition from a trusted
source, the "processing of a claim" means that the claim
follows a series of steps or procedures that lead to a result of either
being paid or denied
Nationwide claims that they received and processed the
claim in days How is that possible since the claim was not denied
until July 21? The claim that they processed the claim in three days
is completely FALSE They take a small bit of information and manipulate
it to look how they want it to lookIf the claim was in fact,
"processed" in three days, how is it that the claim was still
active and being worked on right through May, June, and July? And
even after CLAIMING that they processed this claim in three days, they go
on to say that they hadn't actually issued a decision on the claim until
July and outline the dates that things happened They claim they
did the right thing in one breath, and tell you that they did not do the
right thing in the next breath This is an ongoing theme with
Nationwide I have only been a customer since April and I already
know this.
What is this May date they speak of? I was
never told anything about an additional waiting period for DENTAL
No one ever mentioned that DENTAL and MEDICAL were separated and
never referred to the two separately There is no separation in the
policy for dental and the premiums I paid were for MEDICAL This was
inclusive of DENTAL and there was no additional waiting period So
how is the date of May even significant? The rep I spoke to on
the phone on July did not know what the date of May meant or why it
was mentioned She had to put me on hold and ask a supervisor
She had no explanation for the May date or what it meant
Where did it come from? What does it mean?
They claim that "Because a dental cleaning
had been done, future claims may be eligible after May 24, 2016."
I again ask, why May 24? What does that mean? And anyone
can tell you that they will DENY any claim relating to her teeth now that
they termed her periodontitis as preexisting What they really mean
to say here is, "Future claims can be sumitted after May 24, but will
be DENIED and NEVER PAID, because we said she has preexisting disease
The claim that Nationwide never delayed a claim is
FALSE Clearly, as I outlined in my initial complaint, the claim was
left to sit until I made contact and started asking questions as to why it
was still pending The only actions that took place came after I either
called in or made email contact asking about the status of the claim
How many coincidences should be believed? Every time I asked
about the claim, the very next day, some action was taken on it And
then it was left to sit longer
The fact is that the claim was submitted on May 10,
and was not finalized as denied for payment until July
There is no defense for the timeline The claim was not
processed in days, it was PENDED for decision in days and Nationwide
proceeded to delay making a decision made to pay or not pay for a total of
days with a series of delaying tactics that are total nonsense
When I called in on June to as(k why no decision had been made
after the medical records had been in the hands of Nationwide for three
weeks, I was told that the department was "backed up and has not been
able to review the records as quickly as usual." Really?
There were four doctor visits in my pet's voluminous records
It takes five minutes to look the few pages over and figure out
whats going onOf course, when you are trying to delay payments and are
looking for reasons to deny claims, I understand completely why it would
take longer Amazingly, as usual, the day after my phone call, a
letter stating an additional days would be needed to review the claim
So I am surprised that Nationwide would LIE and say that they
processed the claim in days, after they issued a letter, days into
the claim process (May to June 15=days), saying that ANOTHER days
would be needed So much for the day claim of Nationwide's
Further, the Vet did not diagnose her with
gastroenteritis (a viral stomach disorder that causes vomiting) or an
upper respiratory DISEASE Nationwide DIAGNOSED my animal with these
illnesses for purposes of intentional exclusion if I were ever to bring my
animal in for treatment of these, or ANY OTHER illnesses My cat did
NOT have GREEN DISCHARGE requiring medical treatment, did not have
VOMITING requiring medical treatment Nationwide is taking ANY WORDS
in the medical record and making them exclusions- whether or not they
actually exist or were a problem But then according to them, they
can confabulate, invent, or claim ANY ILLNESS was preexisting within the
UNETHICAL and IMMORAL wording of their policy They state that
"a preexisting condition means ANY condition that began, was
contracted, manifested, or incurred within TWELVE MONTHS of the effective
date of this policy or during any waiting period, WHETHER OR NOT THE
definition, ANY ILLNESS will be excluded by Nationwide as preexistingThe
only things Nationwide will pay are injuries that occur to a part of the
body that has never had anything wrong with it, because otherwise they
will claim it was part of a preexisting weakness or injury that occurred
and is PREEXISTING This type of policy is FRAUDULENT and MISLEADING
to the consumer Anything to not pay a claim Anything,
whether immoral, already outlawed in treatment to humans, or misleading to
the customer Along these same lines, Nationwide would say that
words in the medical record such as "the feline was breathing
heavy" would mean that she has a respiratory disease Or
"feline was fearful of staff" would mean that the cat has some
kind of preexisting psychiatric problem or organic brain disorder or
disease Or "feline sneezed" (once) would mean that the cat now has a preexisting allergy or preexisting respiratory disease- from a single sneeze .Nationwide looks to take words in medical records out of
context and turn the into any kind of possible diagnosis that they can
count as a preexisting condition that they can exclude.In the 1980's and 1990's, in the infancy of human HMO's, insurance companies tried the same thing that Nationwide is doing with its pet insurance Finding any sneeze and calling it preexisting respiratory disease A day where a child vomited twice and calling it preexisting gastroenteritis A doctor who asks "how is the baby doing overall," and when the mother says, "sometimes she has a stuffy nose," the insurance company says there is preexisting respiratory disease This is exactly what Nationwide has done with pet insurance Take note that the HMO's attempts to make anything outside of breathing preexisting was met with legislation that outlawed the practice Obviously, we need tighter laws surrounding the pet insurance industry, because Nationwide is doing the same thing Shame on you Nationwide I will make sure that I pass along my experience with Nationwide to all pet owners I know
Take some free marketing advice, Nationwide should change their catch phrase to: Any preexisting condition Any word, anywhere, about anythingWe can and will find itAnything to not pay a claimThat's our Nationwide promise. Truth in advertising, right?
continues to lie and deny
*** ***