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Inter-Tec Reviews (400)
I have received a satisfactory response directly from the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find the matter has been resolved.  Thank you so much for your time, were it not for your pressure I doubt I would've had a resolution.  Please let me...

know what the best way to contribute to is at this email address.
Thanks and Best wishes,

We reviewed the customer’s account data and have confirmed that the customer was appropriately suspended from GTA Online for violating the game terms and license by cheating in the online mode.  The player was temporarily suspended but has been warned that a permanent ban from online play may...

result if these actions are repeated.  This complaint should be resolved in favor of the Company and this is our final comment on the case.

Better Business...

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

I was playing the GTA V online during the vehicle export DLC where you steal cars store them in your warehouse until you are ready to sell them to a seller and receive the money in your account. I had two cars worth 200,000 me and my friend was delivery and when you pull out the garage the game froze neither car would move or let me out., and not I am out of my game money and need that back which the customer service and tech team was no help whatsoever. I would like to have that 200,000 plus interest back into my account since you have terrible servers.
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We are sorry to hear that this customer may have run into cheaters when playing Red Dead Redemption online, who were modifying the game in violation of the EULA. The player should avoid them by going to a different game session or by playing in private sessions with friends. We...

have verified that Multiplayer is not broken, and the complaint should be resolved in favor of the Company.
I have...

reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 I have tryed to with no luck. Two of me frirend has the same thing happen to them one of witch when I was part of his CEO so it is NOT my network connection  
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The customer’s suspension has expired. This complaint should be closed and resolved in favor of the Company. This is our final comment on this matter.

We cannot reproduce the issue the customer is experiencing and the problem most likely lies with the customer's internet connection or network set up.  The customer has been advised on next steps to take in order to troubleshoot their issue. This case should be resolved and closed in favor of the Company.  This is our last comment on this matter. this time, my complaint, ID [redacted] regarding Rockstar Games Inc. has been resolved.
(By clicking "OK", your complaint will be closed as Resolved.)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 The company is providing no proof as to what was done to cheat. I remain firm in my stance I had no cheats or any type of mod menu active at any point. And less proof can be provided of what exactly happened that cause the ban, this case should remain open and not resolved until an appropriate response from the company or compensation is provided. I either want the account unlocked, or $60 refunded to me
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We reviewed the customers account previously and confirmed that his account was appropriately disciplined for cheating. We do not provide exact details as it would make it easier for cheaters to abuse our system. The customer's ban will expire and this "complaint" is essentially a request for information. We will not provide further information and this complaint should be closed and resolved in favor of the Company. This is our last comment on this matter.

This issue has since been resolved via Support channels.  The customer replied thanking us on Sept [redacted], 2017 and we have had no further contact since then.  This complaint should be closed and resolved in favor of the Company.

The customer was having problems downloading the game due to slow connection speeds and contacted our Support team. The customer requested to download the game from a different service and our Support team was able to assist. The user has not responded to support since then so...

we assume the issue is resolved. The complaint should be closed in favor of the Company.

We reviewed the customer’s account and confirmed that his account was appropriately disciplined for cheating. We do not provide exact details as it would make it easier for cheaters to abuse our system.  The customer’s suspension will expire and this “complaint” is essentially a request for...

information. This complaint should be closed and resolved in favor of the Company. This is our final comment on this matter.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 Although my "punishment" time is almost up (3 days) I'm still clueless to what I have done as I have been temp. banned 2 times. The first ban I understand as I had 'Single player' mods in my Grand Theft Auto V game folder but whilst banned, I deleted the folder and started from scratch also RE-installing the whole game again. My second ban was a couple weeks after but having a clean folder FREE of any foreign files so I'm really questioning what I have done to deserve a second offense. 
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I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID# [redacted], and have determined that my complaint has NOT been resolved because:

[Your Answer Here]
 This is disgusting. I have on multiple attempts tried to prove to Rockstar that I am in fact NOT a cheater, I have not exploited their game, I have done nothing wrong, and yet they continue to ignore me. Let me explain why. GTA Online has an auto-banning system in place that monitors two different things. The first thing it monitors is the installation folder of GTA, and decides whether or not you have a mod or exploit installed each and every time you log on. While I HAVE had mods installed in the past, they have been single player mods, and that is deemed OK by Rockstar themselves. Furthermore, to my knowledge, I have never played GTA online with mods installed, I believe that every time I've attempted to the play the game online I have first uninstalled the mods, just incase their bot suspects me of hacking. Second, their bot surveys your online account and statistics, to see whether or not your behavior in game matches up with what they consider 'suspicious behavior'. For example, if a player has suddenly spawned in 14 million dollars for themselves, their bot will see this, know that this is very strange behavior, and flag the account. At the time that I was banned, I cannot imagine that anything I was doing could have possibly been strange enough for their bot to suspect me of illegal activity, but yet I still received a ban.
I'm currently shaking with anger and frustration, because this company is 100% unwilling to listen to me, and they will not allow me to prove to them that I am infact innocent. I need the help of the because if this behavior continues, and my account is wrongfully banned again in the future, I will be banned permanently, as they mentioned. THIS CANNOT HAPPEN, because I spent 60 USD on this game, and I'm completely innocent of any hacking or exploiting. What they're doing is theft, and this needs to be looked into further. I want to speak directly to a higher-up at Rockstar and explain to them that something is wrong with their system, and that they need to do something to fix it before I and other players are locked out of a game that we paid for.
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We reviewed this customer’s case and it was resolved on Friday, 8/*/15 since the time of the complaint. This complaint should be resolved in favor of the Company.

This is the second complaint in a year where this customer filed a complaint without attempting to resolve the matter through Rockstar Support.  This is a Support issue and should be handled through Support channels. We have reached out to this customer for more information, and the...

customer should work with Support on this issue. This complaint should be closed and resolved in favor of the Company.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], after over 2 months an update was released today 9/**/2015 fixing my issue

The case has been assigned to our management team who is in contact with the customer.  The customer should cooperate with our Support management in order to resolve their issues.  This case should be closed and resolved in favor of the Company.

We reviewed the customer’s account previously and confirmed that his account was appropriately disciplined for cheating. We do not provide exact details as it would make it easier for cheaters to abuse our system.  The customer’s suspension has expired and this “complaint” is essentially a request for information. The customer’s Shark Card funds will remain on the account, and they will be able to be spent again in-game. This complaint should be closed and resolved in favor of the Company. This is our final comment on this matter.

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Address: 1435 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa, California, United States, 95404-5400


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