Geico Corporation Reviews (1925)
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Geico Corporation Rating
Description: Insurance Companies, Insurance Services, Insurance - Auto
Address: 1 Geico Plz, Washington, District of Columbia, United States, 20076
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July 17, Dear *** ***:This will acknowledge receipt of your July 15, follow up inquiry regarding the above referenced private passenger automobile insurance policy.Our records indicate that the complainant contacted GEICO via telephone on June , and requested to cancel the above policy with an effective date of June 18, The policy was cancelled as requested, and the complainant was provided with written confirmationOur company subsequently received a faxed request on June 17, from a representative of *** *** Insurance Company to cancel the policy with an effective date of June 17, As per the written request, the policy cancellation date was then adjusted to June 17, 2014, and the applicable pro rata premium refund of was issued to the insured on June 18, Enclosed is a copy of the faxed request dated June 17, 2014.There is no indication that any error occurred on GEICOs part regarding the above transactionsOur records also show that our company sent the required notification to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles on June 18, in a timely manner as required by lawGEICO has no control over any reporting delays that may have occurred with the complainants new carrierEnclosed are copies of the three proof of coverage letters that were requested by the complainant.Since there appears to be no valid complaint against GEICO, we ask that this be removed from our record.If you require further assistance with this matter, please contact the undersigned at ###-###-####.Very truly yours,
March 17, Dear *** ***:Thank you for your inquiry of March 5, 2014.On January 21, 2014, we learned that a *** *** belonging to our policyholder, *** *** had been damaged by collisionOn January 24, 2014, our Auto Damage Adjuster, *** ***, inspected
***’s vehicle and prepared an estimate of visible damagesUpon retrieving his repaired vehicle, *** contacted us to advise that he was experiencing mechanical issues*** spoke to *** and advised him that the problems he described did not seem to be related to this loss; however, *** suggested that *** take his vehicle to a shop for diagnosis and advised we would pay for any additional, related repairs that were necessaryTo date, *** has not contacted us to advise that he has had the vehicle diagnosed.We sincerely regret any problems ** *** has experienced during our handling of his claimWe are prepared to handle any additional problems that arise due to this accidentShould you have any additional questions about this matter, please contact out Auto Damage Manger, *** *** at ###-###-####.Sincerely,
April 1,
class="MsoNormal"> of Metropolitan Washington DC and Eastern Pennsylvania
K St. NW, 10th floor
Washington, DC 20005-
Attention: *** ***
INSURED: *** ***
DATE OF LOSS: February 2,
COMPANY: Government Employees Insurance Company
Dear *** ***:
Thank you for your letter of February 27,
The complaint listed here was addressed and resolved on March 18, under case #*** received by the Serving Dallas and Northeast TexasThe response is attached for your review
If there are any additional questions, please feel free to contact Claims Manager Renee R*** at ###-###-#### (phone), ###-###-#### (fax), or ***
Dan B***
Assistant Vice President
April 22, We received your correspondence dated April 14, 2014, regarding the above noted complaint.
We have not included any personal identifying information in our response, as you requestedAs we noted in our original response, the consumer was listed as "spouse" on the original automobile insurance policy because it was represented to us by the insured that she was married to our insured. We contend that our inclusion of a party on our policy represented to be a spouse of our insured does not constitute fraudulent or unlawful use of her personal information. If the consumer wishes to pursue recourse regarding the alleged fraudulent or unlawful use of her personal information, we recommend that she contact law enforcement authorities to file a complaint against the party who represented she was married to him at the time the original policy existed
With respect to the consumer's credit, as we noted in our prior discussion with the consumer and our prior letter, we obtain credit in the process of providing a quote only one time per unique quote. We are not certain how many quotes the consumer obtained through different sources or of success in obtaining credit data for each quote, so we recommend she contact *** *** with the contact information we previously provided to ascertain the number and date of any credit inquiries that occurred
We trust this information is sufficient to allow you to close your file. Thank you for allowing us to respond. Please call *** ***, Sales Director, at ###-###-####, if you have further questions
Hi *** ***,
I'm in receipt of Geico's response to my complaint and I'm rejecting it on the grounds that it simply inaccurate and doesn't appropriately follow the timeline of our claim with them
On or about May 10 we contacted Geico to request information on approved Geico body shopsI live in Hawaii and in the state of Hawaii auto repair shops do not work the same as they work in the rest of the USAHere in Hawaii each auto body shop is hard coded to an insurance provider and they only work with that specific insurance companyMeaning they will not accept calls from the insured to make appointments or manage any piece of the processThey require all communications to be managed directly with the insurance providerFurthermore auto repair shops here in Hawaii do not accept "out of pocket" repairsTheir sonly allows repairs with their specific contracted insurance providerIn my conversations with multiple auto repair centers on Oahu, it appears this is how they are contracted with the insurance companies and are required to turn away "out of pocket" repairs or any repair from a competing insurance companySo each auto repair shops works with one or two insurance companies and if you aren't one of those insurance companies they won't accept your vehicle or have any sort of conversation with you as the insuredTherefore Geico's assumption that our vehicle can be repaired at any auto repair center of our choosing is simply false. This is sort of Geico's standard line they give any insured nationwide but here in Hawaii it simple doesn't work this way
The representative we spoke with was unable to provide a list of approved auto repair centers, which fundamentally is not an industry standardEvery other insurance company has a list of auto repair centers they have contracted with, especially if you are in contact with that insurance providers local officeI was in contact with the Hawaii office, therefore that office should be aware of who in Hawaii they have contracted with for auto repairsAt the time of the call the representative was unable to locate a list and directed we start a claim on and during that process a list would be displayed. We had completed finished the claim notification section, include details of the accident before we realized their site did not display approved auto repair centers
Considering the complaint was completed in it's entirety online, with the exception of simply hitting the submit button to finalize the claim, the last step in that processWe were surprised when Geico contacted us the next day to confirm the complaint. Geico had all the information they required to move forward with the claim, they were simply confirming if the complaint should be abandoned or moved forwardInitially we tried to void the claim but this was unsuccessfulGeico claims that when they void a claim that the data no longer exists in the national insurance data baseThis simply isn't true and Geico is well aware of this factWe contacted other insurance providers after Geico supposedly voided our claim and they were able to locate this accident since it was assigned an actual claim number
Since the data was now public knowledge we were forced to return to Geico and move forward with the claim number they assignedWe gave Geico the ok to move forward and they assigned an AdjusterThat Adjuster spoke with the driver, *** ***, and sthe appointment and he was present during the estimate process. Geico then moved our claim from the Adjuster to their Claim Examiner, Dustin A***. Originally Dustin contacted myself regarding the claimI informed Dustin that the claim was as filed online, but he requested to speak with the driver of the vehicleI informed Dustin the driver is Active Duty Military and was unavailable due to military activities outside of his controlI informed Dustin that I have Power of Attorney and could act on his behalfHowever Dustin refused to work with me and continued to insist he speak with the driver, *** ***It's unreasonable for Geico to require Active Duty Personal to request leave of duty simply to interact with them for something that was already completed online.
Since Geico was so insistent they speak with MrV***, a message was sent via military command to have MrV*** made available to speak with DustinMrV*** made multiple attempts, call logs can be provided, to reach Dustin but he was simply unresponsiveWeeks would pass before he would return any call back to MrV*** at which time another formal process with the military was required to make him available to return Dustin's call. Had Dustin returned any of these calls in a timely manner the additional military involvement may have been avoidedHowever since Dustin was 100% inflexible and insensitive with his process and request our claim perpetuated for monthsI then made multiple calls to Dustin's Superviser, which weren't returnedEventual after multiple complaints to Geico's central office, I was able to speak with Steven, Dustin's SupervisorThe claim was originally filed in May and I didn't hear from Steven until July. Steven simply needed a verbal yes or no if the accident occurred as filed onlineShocked that all this time had passed for a simple yes or no was appalling. I am listed on the policyI am a co-owner of this vehicle, plus I have Power of AttorneyAt any time Geico could have accepted my Yes or No, which eventually they did by the wayThere was zero reason why this claim needed to be delayed months with one person, Dustin, for a simple yes or no
Therefore Geico is wholly responsible for their lack of service and delaying our claimFurthermore their set-up, customer engagement model, and employees knowledge and skill set could use a complete overhaul in HawaiiI've used Geico in the past in the Washington DC area and when filing an accident there, had a completely different process across their organizationHowever the experience here in Hawaii has been beyond deplorable and I can't even imagine how they are still doing business in Hawaii based on what I've experienced. Even after we made it past the claim process we then once again had issues with getting a rental carInsurance providers typically have one specific rental company they have a direct bill withThis is simply a payment arrangement made between the rental agency and the insurance company for them to forward all charges to the insurance company rather than the insuredHowever due to fluctuations in rental car inventory, i.ea big conference is in town and their direct bill provider is sold out of carsInsurance companies have contracts with other rental agencies to meet their customers needsThey typically don't sdirect bills with these agencies, but they will have an agreement in place. I experienced this with Geico in Washington DC and no this practice exists within their own environmentHowever my experience here in Hawaii as been the complete oppositeThere staff had no knowledge or experience working with any other agency than their direct bill providerThey were unaware of any contingent policies or agreements they may have with other rental agencies
Eventually I was able to work with Geico to work with another rental agency other than their direct bill providerHowever I did so at much effort on my part, plus this was only truly successful because my company had a corporate agreement in place with this rental provider and I was a frequent customer. It had zero to do with any business relationship they have with GeicoEnd-to-End Geico has challenges operating in HawaiiThey assign each individual component of the process to one individual and if that individual doesn't do their job Geico has no process in place to move past that assigned individualTherefore your claim simply stops, as mine didThey don't return customer calls and when they do it's typically not in a timely manner. Throughout this process I spoke with numerous Geico representatives in my search for service and every time I was directed back to Dustin, where the process continually dead-endedEven when attempting to work with Dustin's supervisor did I still get no where until months laterSince I experienced so many challenges with Geico I even attempted to contact their Regional VP in San Diego for assistanceOnce again my calls were never returned, which is simply par for the course so to speak with Geico's service model
There are numerous other concerns and facts to my complaint, but to address them all would take a novelTherefore I'm simply highlighting some of the various components of my experience with Geico. At the end of the day, it's clear, Geico doesn't have a proper infrastructure in Hawaii to service it's customers, nor are they in anyway appropriate to service military personnel in any state. I will insure all military commands are made aware of the challenges we faced engaging with GeicoI will further continue my complaints with the Hawaii state insurance boardSimply put, Geico shouldn't be allowed to service active duty military and they have an inability to work within the rigid constraints of this niche clientele.
*** ***
[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the responseIf no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Geico has surmised my references incorrectly and still fails to understand the complaint as a whole.Their Surmise:
No auto body shop in Hawaii will do work without an insurance company's involvement. Geico claims this clearly isn't the case
I advise Geico to actually contact auto body shops on the island of OahuThey can start with their preferred list starting with Advanced Collision Center in Honolulu. We were told by multiple auto body shops their protocols and their acceptance of workGeico has simply failed to verify this practice and is operating off an assumptionFurthermore it's grossly insulting to blatantly call a customer a liar, which they clearly do in this caseI appreciate their professionalism in their response and I'll be sure to share this with the various military commands throughout the island
An auto insurance company must have a direct bill relationship with multiple rental car
companies when there is not even an obligation for GEICO to direct bill any rentalGeico is failing to read and understand the complaint and further personifies their lack of understanding of their own industry and supplier relationsI in now way claimed Geico is required to have a direct bill with multiple car vendorsI clearly stated Insurance companies typically only have a direct bill with one rental agencyHowever this doesn't negate them from having a business relationship with other rental agenciesThere is a HUGE difference between a direct bill and a corporate agreementThe individual responding on Geico's behalf should do better research and have a better understanding on how these agreements are set up and the definition of each before responding in an erroneous natureA direct bill is a separate agreement, requiring a separate financial agreement, from a corporate contract agreementObviously Geico has little to no understanding on how this works in the rental agency sector, which is pathetic
GEICO’s claims staff doesn’t return calls; the claim log disproves thatOnce again Geico has failed to do it's research or clearly read the complaintI clearly stated Geico did not return calls in a timely manner as one of my claimsGeico needs to look at incoming and outbound call and voice mails before making such a brazen claim that they haveLogs will show that weeks and sometimes months passed between our message to Geico and their call back. Furthemore another claim was Geico does not properly return callsOnce again if Geico simply did their research they'd see Supervisors promised they themselves would contact us back and they didn'tThey sent someone under them, which we specifically requested not to speak with on mulitple occasionsIt's inappropriate to escalate a claim due to lack of proper service and file formal complaints about a specific individual to have it escalated to that individuals supervisorThen after speaking with that supervisor and he himself promises a personal call back but we receive an actual return call from the original individual we complained about and escalated from is an inappropriate response to a customerIt's like filing a rape charge with the police and the police say they'll look into it and then have the person who raped you call you back and ask what's wrong?? It's ridiculous GEICO’s operation in Hawaii is a miserable failure when the facts clearly contradict his contentionAmong other things these facts include GEICO being the by far the largest
auto insurer in Hawaii and being selected as the best auto insurer in the state in a recent
reader poll conducted by the daily newspaperClearly Geico's facts make no contradiction to our contentionFurthermore, being the largest doesn't mean the bestGeico is simply the cheapest insurer on the island, i.eorganically will increase their customer baseHowever this is zero reflection on their service model. It's also comical to cite a reader poll as evidence to their 'stellar' service modelThe paper in question has very little to no penetration in Hawaii, therefore the responses to any reader poll would barely represent even an eight of the population in HawaiiIf Geico want's to cite data, how about they conduct their own customer service survey across their subscribers in a more scientific mannerAs it stands now their provided reference is no better than any company simply stating they are number one in whatever, it's simply holds no value or weight
It's clear Geico prefers to spend it's time defending an operation it itself has failed to fully research and understand. We did fully comply with Geico's request and the evidence and call logs are evidence to thisSimply put it's Geico who failed us and quite frankly every active duty member it services in HawaiiGeico's engagement model for active duty military requires vast improvements. Evidently anything we experienced would be experienced by every active duty service member Geico services in Hawaii since Geico claims their model works and is being applied to all customers in HawaiiGeico has defended a broken model and claims it requires zero adjustmentI can attest they are in no way operationally prepared to engage with military personnel and what they may feel works on paper has definitely proven the opposite when put into practiceMy claim against Geico stands
*** ***
May 5, Dear ***:We received correspondence from the ( requesting assistance on your behalfI am happy to provide the following response.I would first like to thank you for choosing to insure your vehicles with the GEICO familyWe know you have
many options when selecting an insurance company, so we truly value you as a policyholder.I would next like to apologize for any misunderstanding or miscommunication of the coverages included on your *** at the time this vehicle replaced your ***While we believe our Mechanical Breakdown Insurance is a coverage that should be included on all qualifying vehicles, it is certainly not our desire to add this coverage to a vehicle without the knowledge and approval of the policyholderWe take quality of service seriously, so this will be addressed with our management team. Because you stated that the addition of this coverage was not clearly explained åt the time the *** was added to the policy, Mechanical Breakdown Insurance has been deleted from your policy effective 11/29/13, the date it was added to the policy, resulting in a credit in the amount of ***, I am sorry for the inconvenience this causedIf you have additional questions, please call our Compliance Analyst, *** ** ***, at *** ***, extension ***. Sincerely,
August 14, 2014Dear *** ***:Thank you for your recent letter regarding *** ***’s policyMrNicely asked that I respond on his behalf, and I welcome the opportunity.I apologize for any confusion that *** *** has had regarding the Defensive Driver Course Discount on his
policyThe discount is for up to 15% from the Bodily injury, Property Damage, and Personal Injury Protection coverages that are on his policy*** ***’s Uninsured Motorist coverage would be excluded in the calculation of the amount of the discountAdditionally, when the policy premium is determined, there are a number of different factors that impact the rateIn this calculation, there may be other things that impact the cost of these coverages that are considered after this particular discount; it is not a flat 15% off of the top.We have, also, received a complaint from the Delaware Department of Insurance regarding the Defensive Driver Course Discount on *** ***’s policyBecause they will not publish our proprietary information, we will submit our rate filings to them showing that we are appropriately rating *** ***’s policy.Again I apologize for any confusion that *** *** has experienced regarding the application of his Defensive Driver Course DiscountIf he has any questions, he can contact our hour customer service department at ###-###-####Sincerely,Carole C
Underwriting Supervisor GEICO Casualty Company
December 2,
*** ***
RE: ID Number: ***
Complainant: *** ***
Claim Number: ***
Dear Ms***:
Thank you for your November 28, inquiry
We reviewed Ms***’s concerns and regret she experienced difficulty with the claim processWe found the initial evaluation of the value did not account for a package that added value to the vehicleDue to our delay, we contacted Ms*** and issued payment for the additional interest
If you have any additional questions, please contact our field manager, Mark T**, at ###-###-####
Carl AT***
Assistant Vice President
May 23,
*** ***
Regarding: *** * ***
Policy No: 4***
ID No: ***
Dear Ms***:
We received your letter regarding Mr***’ loss on July 26,
Mr*** obtained a policy to be effective October 17, 2013. Since the policy was ceded, Mr*** was required to sign and return a Consent to Rate (CTR) form. The CTR, along with an instructional letter, was mailed on October 17, 2013. When the CTR was not returned, a second letter, was mailed explaining that the Other than Collision and Collision coverage would be removed as of his April 17, renewal date. Please note that Mr***’ premium was reduced from $to $215.62.
Mr*** contacted our claims department on July 26, and reported that he fell asleep while driving and struck a guard rail. Mr*** was informed that since the policy was no longer insured with Collision coverage, we would not afford coverage for his vehicle in this loss.
If we can provide any additional assistance, please contact Kim G***, at ###-###-####, extension
Andrea B***
Virginia Beach Regional Office
GEICO Indemnity Insurance Company
Re: Policy Number: ***
ID Number: ***
Re: *** ***
Dear ***:
This is a follow up to ***’s rejection of our original response to his complaint.
As stated in our prior response, when the cost to replace a windshield is less than the deductible, as a courtesy, we will provide the customer with the approximate cost of the windshield replacement. We do not secure the exact cost since the customer is free to use the shop of his choice and the exact cost to replace the windshield can vary from shop to shop.
We did not schedule the appointment with ***This was a private transaction between *** and ***. We agree that the mobile fee should have been disclosed by *** prior to installation, thereby allowing *** to either accept the fee and allow *** to do the installation, or to choose another glass shop to replace the windshield.
If *** wishes to dispute the mobile fee, he will need to address his concerns directly with ***.
We deeply regret that *** did not have a full understanding of his options, and trust that this information is sufficient to allow you to close out this complaint. If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding this issue, please feel free to give me a call at ###-###-####, ext***
*** ***
Customer Advocate
Centralized Services
I have had car insurance with Geico for around years now, but have no had any accidents until recently I was ran off the road on the interstate and filing the police report it was "not my fault." Geico not only did not care to a
s that on an individual basis, but they actually charged me for towing having a representative say, "Unfortunately you are only covered up to miles (I was miles from my home) and we have to take the longest route option available to us She actually told me this Expressingly my dissatisfaction, they said they would reimburse me the nearly $I spent on the tow and then went back on that claim as well On top of this I had renters insurance and they refused to pay anything on a $rental fee for an accident that was not my fault This company is horrible to work with and they never pay for anything they claim to I would highly recommend never using them to insure anything you owe if you care about it
We have received your letter requesting assistance on behalf of Denise ***I welcome the opportunity to respond to her concerns. I am
sorry to hear about the difficulty Ms*** is experiencing in relation to her policy billingMs. *** has been insured with us under policy number *** August 28, When she started her policy, she elected to enroll in our automatic payment program which allowed us to automatically deduct her monthly paymentsAs of May 13, 2016, Ms***’s automatic payments were processed on the 14th of each month. On June 8, 2016, Ms*** contacted our Customer Service Department to postpone her July 14, payment to July 23, Upon postponing the payment, we sent Ms*** an email confirmation that advised that the future payments would resume according to her current billing schedule. On August 4, 2016, we sent Ms*** an email reminder that we would automatically debit $109.13 from her checking account ending in on August 14, Ms*** then logged into her account online and scheduled an additional payment for $to be processed on August 20, from the same accountPlease note that since Ms***’s policy is enrolled in automatic payments and she scheduled an additional payment, the following message was displayed prior to her finalizing the transaction: “Selecting this will set up an additional payment as your current automatic payment will be processed on 08/14/Please view your Payment Options to change your automatic payment.” Had Ms*** clicked on the Payment Options link, this would have displayed the option for her to postpone her August 14, payment to August 20, In the future, Ms*** has the option to postpone her monthly automatic payments up to nine additional daysThis can be done between the 3rd and 11th day of each month, since we do require at least a three day notice to postpone payments debited from a checking account. To postpone a payment online, Ms*** can use the following steps: ? Log into her policy online ? Hover over the ‘Payments tab’ on the top left of the page ? Select ‘Automatic Payments’ ? Select the new payment date ? Finalize the transaction If Ms*** would like to permanently change her payment due date, she can contact our Customer Service Department 24/at ###-###-####. While I understand that Ms*** is going through a financially difficult time, we are unable to reimburse her for the overdraft fees she received from her bank, since she was notified online that she was initiating an additional payment with usWe also respectfully decline her request to discount her renewal policy premium by 5-percentIt is important to note that Ms*** is receiving a preferred rate with us due to her driving record, over $in discounts, and the benefit of accident forgivenessWith this, we will not increase her rates as a result of her first at-fault accidentIn review of her policy for additional savings, I noticed that she is currently taking advantage of all available discounts. I hope this information is helpful in resolving Ms***’s concernsIf you have any additional questions please contact my associate, Phillip K***, at ###-###-####, extension 7321. Sincerely, Maria S*** Assistant Vice President GEICO Casualty Company NAIC: 41491 MS / pk/sd/el
Beware!! I was in a car accident back in January Not our fault since we were stopped on our side of the road The Geico agents did absolutely nothing to assist us with our claim Tell how if my car was worth $and I owed $on it how I only received $500? We were left hanging out to dry And then when everything was settled (ha ha), I was sent a customer satisfaction survey asking me to tell them what a great job they did which was nothing Well I complained on the site and was sent a check for $and a bill for $ Don't listen to the commercials They don't care about their customers
August 6, Dear *** ***:We have received *** ***’s request for additional assistance regarding the damage to his *** ***.Per our previous letter to the Bureau, *** *** did have some concerns regarding the repairs to his vehicle and it was agreed that the vehicle would be taken to *** *** to inspect and repair any additional loss related itemsIt was determined the fuel tank, as well as Sender and pump needed replacedSubsequently, the windshield was also replaced due to the numerous rock chips which *** *** explained were not there prior to the lossThese additional repairs totaled $4023.76, bringing the total cost of repairs to $ and GEICO will stand behind these repairs and guarantee them for as long as *** *** own this vehicle.We would like to apologize for the confusion in regards to having the vehicle repaired at *** Collision CenterThe vehicle was moved to that facility after it was recovered and our adjuster, Lisa A***, was under the impression *** *** gave verbal authorization to have the vehicle repaired at *** should it be determined to be repairable, which it wasAt no time were we made aware that **or *** *** may have wanted to have their vehicle repaired at a repair facility other than ***.With regards to *** ***’s question “is it ethical an ethical practice to spend almost as much as the vehicles worth to repair it”, our policy to either pay the actual cash value of the vehicle at the time of the loss or repair the vehicle should it be determined to be repairable, which it was in this caseWith no obvious damage to the vehicle other than the discolored engine oil, it did make it difficult to determine the full extent of the damageThe vehicle was extremely clean and showed no signs of any other apparent damage.Auto Damage supervisor Randy Hominda received an email from *** *** over the weekend and in his email *** *** stated when starting his vehicle the engine makes a noise that his old engine did not make*** *** was told by *** *** *** that this is a known issue for these *** engines and *** has a repair kit for this particular problemMrH*** spoke with *** *** on August 4, and agreed to have *** *** *** complete this repair and we would pay for this repair.Lastly, we wish to assure *** *** it is our goal to provide exceptional service to all of our customersWe recognize we did not fulfill this goal and would like to apologize for his experience during his conversations with *** *** and MsA***.I hope this information addresses the additional concern raised by *** ***Should either you or *** *** have any further questions or concerns please contact my associate, Troy P*** at ###-###-####, extension ***.Sincerely,Joe N*** Assistant Vice President Government Employees insurance Company
This company is the absolute WORST experience I have ever had with an Insurance Provider It is unbelievable the way they treat their customers! I had recently added drivers on my policy and was told that one of the three drivers had a suspended license so I did not put them on my policy However they did not tell me about another driver who had EIGHT major and minor violations and that if I were to add them to my policy GIECO would drop my insurance without the possibility of ever removing this driver from my policy OR ever being able to reinstate with them again Absolute FRAUDS! Obviously with this information I would not have added them to my policy in the first place! Needless to say they are one the cheapest provider's out there, and well, you get what you pay for! Watch out for this company!!! Especially Commercial Costumers!
September 4,
*** ***
K StNW, 10th FLOORWashington, DC 20005-
Claim Number: ***
Insured: *** ***
Date of Loss: 07/27/2014
Complainant: *** ***
Complaint Case: ***
Dear *** ***:
We are in receipt of your follow up letter received August 27, with regard to *** ***’s specific questions on GEICO’s response to the original correspondence
Our supervisor, Matthew W***, is an ASE Certified Automobile and Collision Technician
As originally stated, the OBDII scan of the vehicle showed that there was a fault with the fuel level sensor circuit, which had been registered on the vehicle miles prior to the current claimThere was no damage to the exterior of the fuel tankWithout any fresh damage to the fuel tank at the back of the truck, we are unable to relate the issue in the fuel tank to the collision damage in the front of the vehicle
If you need any further assistance with this matter, please contact Auto Damage Manager, Stuart R***, at ###-###-#### or email ***
Joseph *T***
Virginia Beach Regional Office
GEICO Casualty Insurance Company
NAIC # ***
[A default letter is provided here which indicates your acceptance of the business's response. If you wish, you may update it before sending it.]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meThe only reason I am accepting it is because *** *** contacted me to settle itGeico was sent several pics of our unsatisfaction,not just with the pin stripping!
*** ***
This will acknowledge receipt of your February 24, follow up inquiry regarding the above referenced private passenger automobile insurance policyPlease be advised that GEICO’s position on the matter remains unchangedAs stated in our company’s previous response, it was discovered on January 19, that neither Mr*** nor his wife are listed as the named insured on the homeowner insurance policy that he referenced on November 19, Consequently, they were not eligible to receive the multi-line discountSince there appears to be no valid complaint against GEICO, we ask that this be removed from our recordIf you require further assistance with this matter, please contact the undersigned at ###-###-####
Very truly yours,
Brian O*** Executive Office
Thank you for your inquiry of July 29th, On May 21st, 2015, our insured used the mobile website to add comprehensive coverage with a $1,deductible, collision coverage with a $deductible, and rental coverage with a limit of $day/$maximum We have confirmed within
our system these were the coverages selected by our insured Our insured called at 8:am to verify the changes with a Service Representative All changes were effective May 21, A policy Declarations was emailed to our insured within hours, outlining the changes To date, we have no record of a request to make additional changes On June 2nd, 2015, we were made aware that our insured had been involved in a loss with his *** *** The loss was reported via our website and was again shown that his deductible was $The same day, our insured spoke with a representative in our claims office who again confirmed that a $deductible would apply to this lossOn this same call, he confirmed that he had received an email stating his new coverages when he made the change in May of 2015; however, he stated he did not review the emailOn August 4th, 2015, we received notice that our insured wanted additional investigation into his policy changes and the deductible amount that would applyWe immediately transferred the file to an examiner for additional reviewOn August 5th, 2015, we spoke to our insured regarding the issue, at which time we advised of the pending investigation, and hoped to conclude our review shortlyAdditionally, we received a rental invoice for this loss from Hertz in the amount of $which has now been paid
We sincerely regret that our insured feels the deductible is not correct We believe we have handled this appropriately and in accordance with his policy contract
We acknowledge our insured’s concerns about the accident which occurred in March of We were made aware of the incident on March 12th, 2014, and at that time the policy did not carry collision coverageWe advised him of this fact on March 13th, At this time, we recommend he resolve any issues regarding outstanding fees due with *** Rent-a-Car, the owner of the vehicle that was damaged in the March lossShould you have any further questions, please contact our Claims Manager, Melissa S***, at ###-###-####Sincerely,Frank P***Assistant Vice President